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030122 alternative Consent
5-a.1 Approval of Warrants
5-a.1.a Sole Source
5-a.1.d Emergency Checking
5-a.1.f Detail Listing of Vouchers Paid
5-a.2.a Asset Disposal Authorization
DA CU21.22-10 - Molly Crossing Senior Center
DA CU21.22-9 - Life Storage at Branan Field Village
DA GOE-Church of Eleven22
DA GOE-Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. Saratoga Springs WTP
DA GOE-OPMC-Free Standing ER
DA KH21.22-5 - Water Service to 4392 SE 2nd Ave
DA KH21.22-6 - Water Service to 592 SE 41st Street
DA KU21.22-56 - Wastewater Service to 2568 River Place Lane (Septic to Sewer)
DA KU21.22-57 - Wastewater Service to 3013 Doctors Lake Drive (Septic to Sewer)
DA KU21.22-58 - Wastewater Service to 2474 River Place Lane (Septic to Sewer)
DA KU21.22-59 - Wastewater Service to 2503 Windwood Lane (Septic to Sewer)
DA KU21.22-60 - Wastewater Service to 3391 Inlet Lane (Septic to Sewer)
DA KU21.22-61 - Wastewater Service to 2611 Eagle Bay Drive (Septic to Sewer)
DA KU21.22-62 - Wastewater to 3015 Doctors Lake Drive (Septic to Sewer)
DA KU21.22-63 - Water and Wastewater to 4723 Pine Avenue
DA KU21.22-64 - Fire Protection to Total Salon
DA MU21.22-8 - Water Service to 153 Branscomb Road
DA RU21.22-2 - OPMC Free Standing Emergency Room
EDB 2022-01 Board Financial Package
EDB 2022-01 W.WW Treatment Costs
EDB 2022-01 Water Demand and Rate Structure
EDB Clay Day Highlights Presentation
EDB Jacobs SA No. 10 Oakleaf WTP Well No. 2 Evaluation
EDB Quarterly Construction Project Progress
EDB Request for advance approval to use a govt contract
FYI Construction Crew Projects as 1.31.2022
FYI Memo Clay County BCC Utility Tax Final