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6-a.1 Approval of Warrants
6-a.1.a Sole Source
6-a.1.d Emergency Checking
6-a.1.f Detail Listing of Vouchers Paid
6-a.1.g Grady 20212022.Invoice
CA Gov Contract Usage
CA RFP 21 22-A05 Ground Storage Tank
DA CU21.22-13 - Nathan Ridge Apartments
DA KH21.22-9 - Water Service to 523 SE 28th Way
DA KU21.22-77 - Water and Wastewater to Emalyn Place
DA KU21.22-80 - Wastewater Service to 2540 Windwood Lane (Septic to Sewer)
DA MU21.22-12 - Shadow Crest at Rolling Hills Infrastructure
DA MU21.22-13 - Shadow Crest at Rolling Hills
DA QCD DR Horton, Inc-Jacksonville
DA SS21.22-7 - Cheswick South Subdivision
EDB 1Clay County Utility Authority 2022 Session Wrap-up Presentation (Dawson)
EDB 5-17 BOS Meeting CIP Presentation
EDB Board Package Proposed June 1
EDB ORIG 5-17 BOS Meeting CIP Presentation
EDB Quarterly Construction Progress Presentation
FYI 22-05-05 - NFUCG Ltr to FDEP Re. LSFIR Conservation
FYI Argos USA LLC Price Increase
FYI BOS Email Bryant Chris 04.28.22
FYI Change Order No. 3 New Warehouse and Site Improvements
FYI DR Lake Project Response to Mr. Sandefer
FYI ERC Summary for Board
FYI New Meter Installation Report.
FYI Non Revenue Producing Accounts
FYI USP Sampling Results
minutes (2)