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6-a.1 Appoval of Warrants
6-a.1.a Sole Source
6-a.1.f Detail Listing of Vouchers Paid
6-a.1.g Grady Invoice
CA 1. Sole Source EchoSmart Interface Level Analyzers FINAL
CA 2. Sole Source McCrometer Municipal Water Flow Meters FINAL
CA 3. ES SA No 14 N Campus Driveway Jones Edmunds
CA 4. Jacobs N. Middleburg WM SA Amend 1
CA 5. Jacobs Swimming Penn WM SA Amend 1
CA 6. Governors Park Pipeline Access Agreement FINAL1
DA KH22.23-15 - Keystone Heights RV Resort Phase 4A
DA MU22.23-25 - Granary Park Subdivision - Phase III
EDB 1. ES Lampa Policy1
EDB 2. ES Interlocal and Cost Recovery Agreement1
FYI CO2 with PSCC_Executive Summary
FYI ERC Summary for Board
FYI New Meter Installation Report
FYI Non-Revenue Producing Accts
GOE - 2805 Ravines Road
GOE - 7422 Hallman Road
GOE - FCE Storage
minutes (2)