HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout04.a Minutes 12172405.a.01 Approval of Warrants05.a.01.a Sole Source05.a.01.f Grady Williams 2024.2025 Invoice05.b.01.a CA RFQ 22-23-A03 Architectural and Engineering Design 2nd Renewal Final05.b.01.b CA RFQ 22-23-A02 Hydrogeological and Environmental Professional Engineering 2nd Renewal Final05.b.01.c CA RFQ 23-24-A02 Outfall Inspection Maintenance and Repair Services First Renewal Final05.d.01 CA OMNIA IT Solutions and Services Contract Final05.e.01 DA CU24.25-5 - Exalt Health 40 Bed Rehab05.e.02 DA CU24.25-6 - Highland Park Subdivision - 75 lots05.e.03 DA CU24.25-7 - Murray Farms Subdivision05.e.04 DA KU24.25-10 - 2001 Lakeshore Drive North05.e.05 DA KU24.25-11 - 7714 River Avenue05.e.06 GOE. Clay County Animal Shelter. 20 Sleepy Hollow Rd08.a EDB ERP Board Briefing Final08.b EDB Tracmac Professional Service Agreement Final08.c EDB Emergency Repair FI WRF 2024-12-26 Final08.d EDB Project Quench Loan Resolution 24.25-0608.e EDB SA No. 2 Jones Edmunds Augmentation CUP Renewal08.f EDB FDOT Agreements and CIP budget approval08.g EDB 24-25 1st Quarter Social Media Analytics Presentation14.a FYI Response to CCUA Rate Study CDM14.b FYI NFRW Proj Concept Partner