HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA ES FINAL Dewberry rehab 4 LSs EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement(SA)No. 6 with Dewberry Engineers,Inc. (Dewberry)to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3, to provide Professional Engineering Services for rehabilitation of four (4) CCUA wastewater lift stations (Numbers 11,41, 51 & 69). Date: February 2,2023 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff requests approval of SA No. 6 with Dewberry to provide professional services for the preliminary design services for the rehabilitation of four(4) CCUA wastewater lift stations. CCUA staff conducted an evaluation of all the CCUA wastewater lift stations in 2021. The evaluation provided a ranked listing (based on age, exiting condition, risk & consequence of failure) of lift stations that would require rehabilitation. Based on this ranking, staff placed several lift stations on the approved 03 Capital Improvement Program(CIP) for the needed upgrades. a) At the request of CCUA staff,Dewberry prepared the attached SA No. 6,that includes the services required a ns to provide 30 percent(30%)design level plans and estimates of the construction costs for the rehabilitation . c of four(4)CCUA wastewater lift stations.Results of the evaluation and the 30%design level plans will be w utilized to develop an updated estimate of probable construction costs. cc CCUA will receive the 30% design level plans and construction cost estimates within 4 months from the notice to proceed date. Once staff is equipped with the updated construction costs, provided by this authorization, staff will amend the supplemental agreement to provide final design and construction phase services for the recommended improvements. BUDGET: The budget for this project was approved in the FY 23 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Updated construction cost estimates will be provided at the 30%design level and subsequent design milestones. CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The anticipated cost of development and management of the Master Plan is expected not to exceed $4 million. Staff negotiated the Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiated the scope and fee for the professional services at a compensation which CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors approval of the attached Supplemental Agreement No. 6 with Dewberry Engineers, Inc. for professional services for the development of 30% design level plans and construction cost estimates for the rehabilitation of four (4) CCUA wastewater lift stations (Numbers 11,41, 51 &69)for the lump sum amount of$158,092.80. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 6 Dewberry Engineers, Inc. Scope&Fee Proposal dated January 31,2023 //JP (Author) //AA(Review) //PS (Final) Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Professional Engineering to provide Professional Engineering Services for rehabilitation of four(4) CCUA wastewater lift stations (Numbers 11, 41, 51 & 69). CCUA Project No. 2023-018 Engineer: Robert Beltran, P.E. Owner: Clay County Dewberry Engineers, Inc. Utility Authority 3616 Harden Blvd. #110 Lakeland, FL 33803 Date: February 7, 2023 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Task 1 Project Management $21,441.18 Task 2 Support Services $62,322.96 Task 3 Preliminary Design Documents $.74,328.66 Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $158,092.80 The Contract time shall commence on February 7, 2023. This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Robert Beltran, P.E. Dewberry Engineers, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority ;:Sa± Dewberry Engineers Inc. 863.345.0838 �';'% Dewberry® 1479 Town Center Drive,Suite D214 www.dewberry.com Lakeland,FL 33803-7974 Scope of services Lift Station Rehabilitation — 30% Design January 31, 2023 A. Project Background and Description Dewberry Engineers, Inc. (CONSULTANT) was requested by Clay County Utility Authority (AUTHORITY) to provide design and construction services for the rehabilitation of four (4) existing lift stations in the AUTHORITY's wastewater service areas. The lift stations to be rehabilitated are as follows: 1. Lift Station 11 (Meadowbrook 2): This station is a duplex 7.5-Hp, 3-phase, 230-volt submersible station. The improvements include site improvement to install emergency pump bypass piping; a slab on-grade around the 6-foot diameter wet well; installation of a demarcation box; and upgraded electrical panel and site lighting. The station is located in an easement on a private parking lot at the southwest corner of Blanding Boulevard and Lester Drive, (parcel 011072-000-00). It is anticipated that the AUTHORITY will obtain a permanent access and maintenance easement to allow construction and future access/maintenance of the station. to 2. Lift Station 41: This station is duplex 15-Hp, 3-phase, 240-volt submersible station. The improvements include installation of emergency pump bypass piping; installation of a slab on-grade around the wet well; installation of a demarcation box; and upgraded electrical panel and site lighting. The station is located at the end of Sylvan Glen Run on AUTHORITY-owned parcel 015195-001-37. 3. Lift Station 51: This station is a duplex 20-Hp, 3-phase, 230-volt submersible station. The improvements include installation of emergency pump bypass piping; installation of a slab on-grade around the wet well; installation of a demarcation box; and upgraded electrical panel and site lighting. The station is located on property owned by the School Board of Clay County (Doctors Inlet Elementary School), parcel 008295-000-00. The lift station and force main do not currently have an easement. It is anticipated the work will include obtaining a permanent easement for access and maintenance of the lift station and a temporary construction easement for the construction activity. The station address is 2635 CR 220, 32068. 4. Lift Station 69: The station is a duplex 5 Hp, single phase, 230-volt submersible station. The improvements include installation of emergency pump bypass piping; installation of a slab on-grade around the wet well; installation of a demarcation box; and upgraded electrical panel and site lighting. The station is located on a 25-foot by 25-foot easement adjacent to the right of way on private parcel 020916-001-01. The station address is 1430-1 Pawnee Street, 32065. The intent is to upgrade the stations to meet the AUTHORITY's current pumping station standards for construction. An exception will be LS 11, which will retain a below-grade valve Page 1 of 7 vault due to the limited access and other site constraints. A summary of the rehabilitation required for each lift station is provided in the table below. No additional pumping capacity is required for any of the stations. New submersible pumps will retain the same pumping flow and pressure requirements as the existing pumps. Rehabilitation Requirement LS ii LS 41 LS 51 LS 69 New submersible pumps, motors, discharge piping and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ rail system Lining/coating system of existing wet well ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ New concrete on-grade slab around wet well with ✓ ✓ ✓ access hatch and fall protection New wet well on-grade slab & valve pit with traffic rated ✓ access hatches and fall protection. New above grade piping and valves ✓ ✓ ✓ Connections of new piping to existing force main ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ to New demarcation box and control panel with new ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ electrical and l&C components. New site lighting V ✓ V ✓ New site fencing and gate access V ✓ V ✓ Bypass Pumping ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ CONSULTANT shall prepare a 30% design and construction cost opinion for all lift stations. A subsequent task authorization will complete the design, bidding and construction services. Because the existing stations are being upgraded with no change in capacity, the work is considered a maintenance activity and therefore it is assumed that no Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) permit is required. CONSULTANT shall provide professional engineering services for the 30% design, as outlined in the scope of services. B. Scope of Services Upon authorization to proceed from the AUTHORITY, the CONSULTANT will provide the following identified services. This authorization shall be in full force and effect until the CONSULTANT completes all services as described in the CONSULTANT Supplemental Agreement and any subsequent modifications thereof. is Dewberry. Page 2 of 7 PHASE 100 — PROJECT MANAGEMENT Task 101 — Project Management This task consists of overall management of the Project including contract administration; budget management; invoicing; monthly status reports; project scheduling; and coordination with the AUTHORITY and CONSULTANT's sub-consultants. The project management is based on the schedule provided in Item D of this scope and assumes a total project duration of 4 months for preliminary activities and 30 percent design. Task 102 — Meetings The CONSULTANT will attend meetings as tabulated below with the AUTHORITY. Other specific meetings are included in the tasks described in this scope of services. The CONSULTANT will prepare a meeting agenda and meeting minutes for the kick-off and 30% design review meetings. Meeting minutes shall be distributed within seven working days of the date of the meeting. 1. Kick-off Meeting: The CONSULTANT's project manager and senior design engineer will attend this meeting in-person; the electrical/I&C engineer will attend virtually via to Teams. 2. Monthly Progress Meetings: Following the Kick-off Meeting, there will be four (4) monthly progress meetings. The scope assumes the CONSULTANT's senior design engineer will attend four (4) meetings in-person. The CONSULTANT's project manager will attend all four meetings via Teams. The CONSULTANT's electrical/instrumentation engineer will attend one virtual meeting, as determined by the senior design engineer, via Teams. 3. Site Visits: Two (2) days of site visits to evaluate existing conditions at the four facilities will include CONSULTANT's senior design engineer, designer, and electrical/I&C engineer. 4. Meeting with School Board of Clay County and/or Doctors Inlet Elementary School administration to discuss permanent and temporary construction easement requirements and coordination of construction activities with school schedule. This meeting will be attended in-person by the CONSULTANT's project manager. 5. 30% Preliminary Design Review: The 30% preliminary review meeting will be held virtually via Teams and include CONSULTANT's project manager, senior design engineer and electrical/I&C engineer. PHASE 200 —SUPPORT SERVICES gi Dewberry- Page 3 of 7 Task 201 — Land Surveying Services 1. Lift Station 11 a. Survey: Provide site survey of existing lift station, including stakeout and marking of existing easement associated with the lift station and existing features within the easement. The topographic survey will include, but not limited to: roads; sidewalks; drainage structures; swales/ditches; above ground indicators of utilities; mail boxes; street signs; trees; etc. The Vertical Datum NAVD88 will be used. Subsurface Utility Engineering (Utility Designation), Level "B" will be performed. The underground utilities within the project limits will be located using 811 Design Ticket information. GPR scans at several locations will be performed to determine if there are any additional underground utilities within the project limits. Designation flags will contain detailed information on utilities such as type of facility, size, material, if known. This information will be included in the information collected during the survey process. Efforts will be performed in accordance with Section 472.027, Florida Statutes Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act, Chapter 556, Florida Statutes. All work shall conform to ASCE C-1 38 -02 utilizing quality level B. b. Easement: Provide legal description and sketch for access and maintenance easement for use by AUTHORITY in negotiating and obtaining easement. to 2. Lift Station 41 a. Survey: Provide site survey of existing lift station and features within the CCUA site property, as described for LS 11. 3. Lift Station 51 a. Survey: Provide site survey of existing lift station and adjacent school property as described for LS 11 (1a), including stakeout and marking of proposed permanent and temporary construction easements to show School Board of Clay County the easements requested. b. Easements: Provide legal description and sketch for permanent and temporary construction easements on school property for use by AUTHORITY in negotiating and obtaining easements. 4. Lift Station 69 a. Survey: Provide site survey of existing lift station and features within the easement on which the lift station is located as described for LS 11 (1a). Stakeout the existing easement associated with the existing 8-inch gravity sewer main that abuts the lift station easement for possible use as a construction staging area or for bypass pumping. This scope provides an allowance of five (5) Vacuum Test Holes (Soft Dig Holes or VVHs), to determine the horizontal and vertical location of any existing underground utility lines at the locations. If needed, a detailed report utilizing a subsurface utility form will be provided l a Dewberry- Page 4 of 7 describing the utilities and detailed information as to the size, type, material, owner (if known) and the depth from an iron pin marking the utility location at the surface. All efforts will be performed in accordance with the Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act, Chapter 556, Florida Statutes. All work shall conform to Cl/ASCE 38 -02 utilizing Quality Level A. Task 202 — Data Collection and Evaluation The CONSULTANT shall request from the AUTHORITY information required for the project that may be available from the AUTHORITY. CONSULTANT shall make a utility locate request through Sunshine State One Call (811) to determine the utilities located in the project area, which may include Clay Electric Coop, AT&T, Verizon, TECO, Clay County or others. Once the utility providers are determined, CONSULTANT shall request as-built information via certified mail, return receipt requested and provide this information on the project plans as required. CONSULTANT shall organize and maintain this project information. PHASE 300 — PRELIMINARY DESIGN DOCUMENTS to Task 301 — 30% Design Drawings and EOPCC CONSULTANT will prepare and submit 30% design documents, consisting of the following: 1. Design drawings scale in PDF format. These drawings shall be prepared as 22-inch by 34-inch full-sized drawings that can be printed on 11-inch by 17-inch paper to scale. 2. Preliminary engineer's opinion of probable construction cost (EOPCC) in electronic PDF format. The anticipated sheets are listed in Attachment A-2. Task 302 — 30% Preliminary Design Report CONSULTANT will prepare and submit a Preliminary Design Report that includes the results of the preliminary activities, the preliminary design documents and EOPCC of Task 301. This report shall be provided in signed and sealed PDF format. C. Deliverables The CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit to the AUTHORITY, including electronic format when applicable, deliverables as identified in the tasks of this scope of services. is Dewberry. Page 5 of 7 D. Schedule The CONSULTANT will proceed with the services identified herein immediately upon receipt of an executed copy of this Consultant Purchase Order and a formal Notice-to-Proceed (NTP) from the AUTHORITY. A preliminary version of the Project schedule in Microsoft Project is included as Attachment A-3. E. Compensation This AGREEMENT establishes a lump sum cost of$158,092.80. Compensation for the services performed under this Agreement shall include all personnel services, any reimbursable expenses, which may include, but are not necessarily limited to, such items as reproduction, travel, communication expenses, and postage and shipping. Attachment A-1 shows the breakdown by task. F. The AUTHORITY's Responsibilities The AUTHORITY will provide the following information for the CONSULTANT and/or perform the following services related to the Project: to • Allow CONSULTANT scheduled access to the project site. • Provide one representative from the AUTHORITY to coordinate, schedule, and receive comments/information related to this project. • The AUTHORITY will furnish the CONSULTANT with readily available data pertinent to the CONSULTANT's services. All documents and data provided by the AUTHORITY shall be provided in digital format (e.g., PDF, database files, spreadsheet, etc.) to the greatest extent feasible and practical. G. Services Not Included Service not specifically described in the tasks above are not included. H. Assumptions The Scope of Services and compensation arrangement outlined in this Consultant Purchase Order are based on the following assumptions: 1. The existing service characteristics (voltage and phase) of the stations will not be changed. 2. The existing generators at the sites will be retained in service. gi Dewberry- Page 6 of 7 3. Radio surveys are not included. Design of security systems, telephone systems, video systems or intercom systems are not included. 4. The existing SCADA system will be retained in service. to Dewberry Page 7 of 7 Attachment A-1 Clay County Utility Authority Lift Station Rehabilitation-30%Design Dewberry Engineers,Inc. January 31,2023 Dewberry Staff Total Subs Total Direct Costs Grand Total Quality Control Deputy Project Senior Technical Senior Technical Senior Technical Graduate Wikeva Eng. Principal Sr Prj Man Officer Manager Professional IV Professional III Professional II Professional I Engineer Des/CADD Mgr. Admin Professional Total Hours Total Dewberry DRMP(Survey) EMI(Electrical/I&C) (Structural) Total Subs Dewberry&Subs Phase/Task Task Description $ 285.04 $ 272.18 $ 223.55 $ 197.90 $ 200.00 $ 135.23 $ 120.00 $ 101.48 $ 98.00 $ 90.00 $ 80.00 Task 100 Project Management - aft EINE = MEM My MI - $ - - $ 20,641.18 $ 800.00 $ 21,441.18 Task 101 Project Management 4 4 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 32 $ 5,563.68 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,563.68 $ - Task 102 Meetings 0 24 0 0 0 50 0 16 0 0 2 92 $ 15,077.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1$ 15,077.50 $ 800.00 p Task 200 Support Services 0 4 0 8 0 24 0 24 0 16 16 92 $ 11,072.96 $ 50,950.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 50,950.00 I $ 62,022.96 $ 300.00 $ 62,322.96 Task 201 Land Surveying Services 0 2 0 8 0 16 0 0 0 0 8 34 $ 4,931.24 $ 47,950.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 47,950.00 $ 52,881.24 $ 200.00 Task 201(SUE) SUE Allowance(5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ 3,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ - Task 202 Data Collection and Evaluation 0 2 0 0 0 8 0 24 0 16 8 58 $ 6,141.72 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,141.72 $ 100.00 Task300 Preliminary.Design Documents 2 42 0 0 0 102 0 197 0 186 0 529 $ 62,526.66 $ - $ 11,702.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 11,702.00 $ 74,228.66 $ 100.00 $ 74,328.66 Task 301 30%Design Drawings and EOPCC 1 26 0 0 0 54 0 117 0 186 0 384 $ 43,277.30 $ - $ 11,702.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 11,702.00 $ 54,979.30 $ - Task 302 Preliminary Design Report 1 16 0 0 0 48 0 80 0 0 0 145 $ 19,249.36 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 19,249.36 $ 100.00 Basic Services 6 74 0 20 0 176 0 237 0 202 30 745 $ 94,240.80 $ 50,950.00 $ 11,702.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 62,652.00 $ 156,892.80 $ 1,200.00 $ 158,092.80 Grand Total $ 158,092.80 to Attachment A-2 LIFT STATION REHABILITATION List of Drawings Description GENERAL DRAWINGS LS Site Plan - I LS Site Plan - II LS Site Plan - III LS Site Plan - IV CIVIL DRAWINGS LS Demolition Plan and Section - I LS Demolition Plan and Section - II LS Demolition Plan and Section - Ill LS Demolition Plan and Section - IV LS Construction Plan - I LS Construction Plan - II LS Construction Plan - Ill LS Construction Plan - IV ELECTRICAL/INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS la Site Plan 1 Site Plan 2 Power Risers Pump Station 11 and 41 Plans Pumps Station 51 & 69 Plans Control Diagrams ATTACHMENT A-3 ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors I4th Quarter 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 0 Mode Oct 1 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 1 It Notice to Proceed 1 day Wed 2/1/23 Wed 2/1/23 II 2 Design, Bidding, 88 days Thu 2/9/23 Mon I �I Construction 6/12/23 3 mr i Kickoff Meeting 1 day Thu 2/9/23 Thu 2/9/23 1FS+5 days 4 mr i Survey 32 days Fri 2/10/23 Mon 3/27/23 3 5 mr i Site Visits 2 days Fri 2/10/23 Mon 2/13/23 3 6 mr i 30% Design 66 days Fri 2/10/23 Fri 5/12/23 3 7 mr i 30% Design 1 day Mon Mon 6FS+10 days Review Mtg. 5/29/23 5/29/23 8 a1" Final 30% Design 10 days Tue 5/30/23 Mon 6/12/237 +ILI to Task Project Summary 0 0 Manual Task I I Start-only C Deadline Project: Lift Station Rehab_30 p Split ................. Inactive Task Duration-only Finish-only ] Progress Date:Tue 1/31/23 Milestone ♦ Inactive Milestone Manual Summary Rollup - External Tasks Manual Progress Summary II Inactive Summary Manual Summary II External Milestone ♦ Page 1