HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes MINUTES CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY August 15, 2023 The Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) met in Regular Session in the Board meeting room at the Administrative Office of the Clay County Utility Authority, 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, Florida, on the above-stated date. Item No. 1 —Call to Order Chairman Davis called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. Item No. 2—Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance Vice-Chairman Hodges offered the Invocation and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Item No. 3—Roll Call Roll Call was taken with Chairman Davis, Vice-Chairman Hodges, Ms. Lebesch, and Mr. Starnieri in ° attendance. Also present at the meeting were Executive Director Jeremy Johnston, Chief Operations Officer Darryl Muse, ° Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman, Chief Engineer Paul Steinbrecher, Assistant Chief Engineer Joe r Paterniti, Service Availability Manager Melisa Blaney, Senior Service Availability Engineer Darrell Damrow, +41 Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson, Compliance Manager Heather Webber, Customer Service & Billing ce Manager Diana Strickland, SCADA Manager John McCleary, Public & Governmental Affairs Liaison Dennis Ragosta, Senior GIS Analyst Rita Matti-Coles, Contract and Procurement Specialist Darrin Parker, Billing Clerk Amy Levita, Administrative Assistant Operations Alicia Baker, Administrative Assistant Engineering Anneica Asberry, and Grady H. Williams, Jr., legal counsel to the CCUA. Item No. 4—Employee Recognition a. Amy Levita—5 years Executive Director Jeremy Johnston introduced and presented a certificate to Billing Clerk Amy Levita acknowledging her five years of service. Item No. 5 —Approval of Minutes a. Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, August 1, 2023 After discussion, Mr. Starneri moved, seconded by Vice-Chairman Hodges, and carried 4-0, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on August 1, 2023. Item No. 6—Approval of Consent Agenda After discussion, Vice-Chairman Hodges moved, seconded by Ms. Lebesch, and carried 4-0, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows; August 15, 2023 a. Approval of Payment of Warrants 1) Warrants totaling $6,080,224.60 a. Schedule of payments to Sole Sources b. Schedule of Emergency Repairs/Purchases -None c. Schedule of items initiated under Emergency Contract-None d. Schedule of payments from the Emergency Account -None e. Schedule of claims paid under the Sewage Backup Response Policy-None f. Detailed Descriptive Warrant Report g. Statement from Grady H. Williams, Jr. LL.M. 2) Request for Asset Disposal Authorization—None 3) Sole Source Designation a. Gilson Engineering Sales, Inc. for the purchase of the EchoSmart Interface Level Analyzers b. Avanti Company for the purchase of McCrometer Municipal Water Meter Products b. Approval of Capital Budget Activities 1) Requests for Award of Procurement Contracts and/or Ratification of Procurement/Construction Contracts -None 2) Approval of Supplemental Agreements and Change Orders a. Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 14 with Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. to the Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 to prepare construction documents, permitting and bidding assistance, and services during construction for implementation of the Clay County Utility Authority Ray Avery Administrative Complex North Campus Driveway b. Amendment No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 6 with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 to provide Professional Services for the North Middleburg 12- inch Water Main Extension c. Amendment No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 11 with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 to provide Professional Services for the Swimming Penn Water Main Interconnect d. Access Approval Agreement Between Governors Park Holdings and CCUA: Peters Creek Water Reclamation Facility Pipeline — Gopher Tortoise Mitigation, Land Clearing and Temporary Storage c. Approval of Financing Requests—None d. Approval of Contract Usage—None e. Approval of Developer Agreements, Warranty Deeds &Easements 1) Developer Agreement KH22/23-15 — Keystone Heights RV Resort, Phase 4A — Additional 150 RV Lots— 1177 SE Keystone Ave (Keystone Heights RV Resort, LLC) — 30 ERC's water, 30 ERC's wastewater, 30 ERC's AWS, 30 ERC's environmental impact, 30 ERC's debt service, 30 ERC's SJRWMD - $139,076.90 2) Developer Agreement MU22/23-25 — Granary Park Subdivision, Phase III — 254 Single Family Lots (Sandridge Land Developers, LLC) — 254 ERC's water, 254 ERC's wastewater, 254 ERC's reclaimed, 254 ERC's AWS, 254 ERC's debt service - $1,297,452.05 (deferred amount $1,103,751.92) 3) Grant of Easement—2805 Ravines Road—Grantor—Karen Soria 4) Grant of Easement— 7422 Hallman Road— Grantor—Dale Curtis Frazier and Judith Ann Frazier 5) Grant of Easement — FCE Storage — 1661 Blanding Blvd — Grantor — Middleburg SS, LLC Item No. 7—Customer Account Adjustments—None August 15, 2023 2 Item No. 8—Executive Director's Business a. Review of Revisions to the proposed Lake Asbury Master Planning Area (LAMPA) Trunk Main Capital Cost Recovery Policy and associated Engineering Report Senior Project Manager Marcy Cook from Dewberry presented the revised Lake Asbury Master Planning Area (LAMPA) Trunk Main Capital Cost Recovery Policy. The initial proposed policy was presented to the Board by staff on December 16, 2022, and received approval to move forward with a public workshop. Staff conducted this public workshop on February 16, 2023, to engage the interest of public stakeholders for input and comments on the proposed LAMPA Capital Cost Recovery Policy. Staff has revised the LAMPA Trunk Main Capital Cost Recovery Policy incorporating the dialogue and input from the development community. Additionally, CCUA's consulting team, Dewberry, revised the underlying LAMPA Trunk Main Engineering Report on August 8, 2023, to reflect the most recent pipeline bid costs and the benefitting area for the trunk main infrastructure. In December 2022, Dewberry's report reflected a conceptual opinion total was $25.6M for the proposed trunk mains. Based on their revised report and actual bid costs, the revised conceptual opinion of the total cost is $30.88M. The revised policy incorporates those changes, as well as the apportioned (pro rata) cost per ERC. This revised LAMPA Trunk Main Capital Cost Recovery Policy and associated, Revised LAMPA Trunk Main Engineering Report, will be referenced in the public notice advertisement for the September 12, 2023, Public Hearing on this policy. After discussion, Vice-Chairman Hodges moved, seconded by Ms. Lebesch, and carried 4-0, to tentatively approve the proposed LAMPA Cost Recovery Policy, as revised, for publication. A public hearing will be held on September 12, 2023. The formal adoption of this policy will be considered at the September 19, 2023, Board of Supervisors meeting. b. Interlocal Agreement with Shadowlawn CDD and Cathedral Oaks West and CR 218 Water, Sewer, and Reuse Trunk Main Cost Recovery Agreement Service Availability Manager Melisa Blaney presented the proposed Interlocal Agreement with Shadowlawn CDD and Cathedral Oaks West and CR 218 Water, Sewer, and Reuse Trunk Main Cost Recovery Agreement. Staff requests approval to enter an Interlocal Agreement with Shadowlawn CDD and a Cost Recovery Agreement with Reinhold Corporation, the landowner, for the capital cost recovery associated with the utility work within the Cathedral Oaks West and C.R. 218 Corridor(the "Corridor"). The corridor extends from the vicinity of Shadowlawn Elementary to the First Coast Express Interchange, which is approximately 1.8 miles of utility infrastructure. Shadowlawn CDD will be constructing a roadway in this corridor over the next year. Shadowlawn competitively bid the utility work as an alternate. CCUA has reviewed the bid and staff agrees it is in the best interest of both parties that the utilities are installed at the same time as the roadway. Staff has presented options to the development community in this area for several years to fashion a cost recovery agreement to allow these pipelines to be constructed coincident with this roadway construction. This is the culmination of those efforts. These agreements complement the LAMPA Cost Recovery Resolution and Policy currently being considered by CCUA's Board of Supervisors and provide a mechanism for the pipeline work to proceed with a cost recovery mechanism for the directly benefitting areas before the expected effective date of the LAMPA cost recovery policy on or about December 19, 2023. The cost recovery agreement is intended to terminate upon formally adopting the LAMPA Trunk Main Cost Recovery Policy currently being considered by CCUA's Board of Supervisors. After discussion, Ms. Lebesch moved, seconded by Vice-Chairman Hodges, and carried 4-0, to approve execution of the Interlocal agreements as presented by Ms. Blaney. August 15, 2023 3 c. Other Mr. Johnston shared the June Financial Package and the Annual Report will be presented at the next meeting. The recommendation for proposed changes to the retirement plan will be presented in September and provided a brief update on the transition to MissionSquare. He also reminded the members the Public Rate and LAMPA Hearing will be held on September 12, 2023, at 7:00 P.M. Item No. 9—Legal Business a. Other-None Item No. 10—Old Business/New Business -None Item No. 11 Public Comment -None Item No. 12— Supervisor Comments Ms. Lebesch said she appreciated the materials provided in preparation for today's meeting and congratulated Ms. Levita on her years of service. Vice-Chairman Hodges also congratulated Amy and shared he appreciates seeing and hearing about the progress on upcoming projects. Mr. Starnieri congratulated Amy on her service milestone and thanked staff members for their efforts. Chairman Davis shared there was a current weather advisory in effect and cautioned everyone to be safe. He also echoed the comments from the other Supervisors and thanked the staff for all they do on a daily basis. Item No. 13 —Adjournment Chairman Davis adjourned the meeting at 2:16 P.M. Wendell Davis, Chairman Janice Loudermilk, Recording Secretary August 15, 2023 4