HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-e MSA Annual Update 2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Middleburg Service Area Development 2023 Annual Updated Acreage Charge BACKGROUND: The Middleburg Service Area ("MSA") was developed to extend water and wastewater service to existing and future commercial developments at the properties highlighted on the attached boundary map. As part of the 1999 MSA policy,the recovery method of CCUA investment is allocated on an acreage basis; therefore, each parcel that connects to the infrastructure will pay an allocated charge multiplied by the total number of acres in each parcel. This allocated acreage charge is reviewed annually in June/July to reflect inflation and carrying costs for the CCUA's investment. As a result, the acreage charge increases each year. Schedule of Modification to Acreage Charge Fiscal Year Water I Wastewater Total Acreage Charge 2022/2023 $5,637 $10,798 $16,435 2021/2022 $5,582 $10,684 $16,266 2020/2021 $5,528 $10,574 $16,102 • Per Acre/Pro-Rata Share Current MSA distribution and collection infrastructure charges are $5,637 for water and $10,798 for wastewater. With carrying charges of 2.19% added to CCUA's investment, proposed MSA distribution and collection infrastructure charges for the 2023/2024 fiscal year are $5,692 for water and $10,911 for wastewater. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors tentatively approve the Middleburg Area Service charges for CCUA's Fiscal Year 2023/2024 budget for$5,692 for water and$10,911 for wastewater. ATTACHMENTS: MSA Development Policy MSA Boundary Map //MB 07/10/23 C:\Users\nblaney\Desktop\Templates-Examples\Perezdocx ;I A AS Wit. A. 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This policy is necessary due to the significant off-site extension from The Ravines Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants to the MSA and the wastewater pumping stations required to service this area. It is also necessary in order to put the Clay County Utility Authority in the best position to provide extensions as needed. Budget restraints and financial feasibility will remain items that the Clay County Utility Authority will consider on each phase of this development. 1. Intent: It is the intent of the Clay County Utility Authority to extend trunk water and wastewater mains to all developable areas within the MSA, subject to budget restraints -an - iancial feasibility and that a cost recovery program be established to equitably —. � spread the cost of the Distribution and Collection System Infrastructure to all properties receiving the benefit of the service. 2. Applicability: This policy shall apply to all of the properties within the MSA. 3. Cost Recovery System: In order to equitably allocate the costs, it was essential to establish a preliminary trunk main alignment and system design and based on that design, II/ to establish a cost estimate to serve the entire MSA. It is understood that future development obstacles, rights-of-way acquisition problems, site acquisition, and development patterns may alter the final design, location, and routing of these distribution and collection systems, however, we believe that the cost estimate established herein is a fair representation of the infrastructure cost for the MSA. The preliminary design is attached as Exhibit B. The infrastructure cost estimate for the MSA is established in the recap attached as Exhibit C (detail cost estimate supporting Exhibit C are available in Clay County Utility Authority's files). The MSA acreage is estimated at 430 acres. The cost recovery acres are established at 90% of the total acreage in the amount of 387 acres (430 total acres x 90%). Based on the total cost estimate in Exhibit C of $5,032,500.00 and the recoverable acres of 387, the initial distribution and collection system infrastructure charge per acre will be established at $13,004.00 per acre. Modification of the cost per acre will occur annually to reflect inflation and carrying cost (or lost return) for Clay County Utility Authority's investment in the infrastructure and actual vs. estimated cost (when appropriate comparison can be made for the differential between the actual cost vs. the estimated cost) used herein as follows: a. Inflation: A consumer price index will be selected that most closely represents cost increases and inflation influences on capital installations such as water and wastewater distribution and collection system extensions. Once established, the index will be used annually to establish the inflation percentage applicable to the remaining undeveloped portions of the infrastructure. The inflation percentage will be applied to the remaining undeveloped portion of the system and the annual • inflation factor will be added to the remaining cost to be recovered. 1 • • MIDDLEBURG SERVICE AREA DEVELOPMENT POLICY, CONTINUED b. Carrying Cost: The Clay County Utility Authority's average out of pocket investment in the infrastructure will be established annually and the carrying cost will be calculated based on the higher of the Clay County Utility Authority's Florida Department of Environmental Protection State Revolving Fund debt interest rate for the year or the State Board of Administration's average return paid for the immediate prior year on Clay County Utility Authority's investments. This carrying cost will be established and will be added to the balance to be recovered. c. Estimated Cost vs. Actual Cost: From time to time, when actual development phases most nearly coincide with the phasing used in the initial cost estimates, the _- - staff shall analyze the actual infrastructure cost vs.....tP estimated infrastructure cost for development to date and may include this cost adjustment in the annual modification to the acreage allocation. d. Examples: A hypothetical example of the annual modification to this cost allocation is presented in Exhibit D, attached hereto. e. Timing of Annual Adjustment: The inflation, carrying cost, and actual vs. estimated cost adjustments, will be established on July 1 of each year and will be • presented at the Clay County Utility Authority's Annual Budget and Rate Increase Public Hearings for consideration and action by the Clay County Utility Authority's Board of Supervisors. 4. Rights-of-Way — The Clay County Utility Authority has made it a policy that where utility extensions occur adjacent to major highways, it will use its best effort to secure easements to accommodate such extensions. This is considered prudent due to the likelihood that future road projects will displace or require very expensive relocation of utilities placed within the rights-of-ways. In keeping with this standard, the Clay County Utility Authority will require developments covered by this policy, which fronts on County Road 218 and State Road 21 to provide easements to the Clay County Utility Authority to accommodate its utility extensions. In the event Clay County Utility Authority has to compensate a particular property owner (who may not need service at that time) in order to acquire an easement, then the amount of such compensation plus carrying cost on the investment will be added to the service availability charges assessed when that property develops in the future. 5. Other Charges—This policy is designed to create an equitable allocation of the cost of the extension of the Clay County Utility Authority's water and wastewater distribution and collection system through the MSA and is not intended to replace any of the other charges covered by the Clay County Utility Authority's current Service Availability Policy. Therefore, all other service availability charges, including connection charges, • 2 • MIDDLEBURG SERVICE AREA DEVELOPMENT POLICY, CONTINUED meter installation charges, inspection fees, plan review fees, fire flow connection fees, etc. shall remain applicable to projects within the MSA. 6. Special Provisions: a. Existing Residential Houses — Where property owners live in existing residences within the MSA, the Clay County Utility Authority will not require their connection to the Clay County Utility Authority's system when service becomes available. However, optional connection is available at that time, and as an incentive for the owner to disconnect and discontinue its use of any existing package plants, drain fields, septic tanks and the like, if the property owner elects to connect to the Clay County Utility Authority's water and wastewater service when available to the property, the service availability charges, including acreage allocation, will be determined, assessed and financed by the Clay County Utility Authority over a ten (10) year period, plus financing costs, as provided in Paragraph 6.d., below, adjusted annually on each July 1st. A periodic payment (monthly or quarterly) equivalent to the payment required to retire the indebtedness will be added to each utility bill for the following ten (10) year period. Should the existing residence not connect to the Clay County Utility Authority's water and wastewater systems, then any new improvements • constructed on the subject parcel for commercial use then shall be subject to the provisions of Paragraph 6.b., below, and any converted residential structure put to commercial use then shall be subject to the applicable provisions of Paragraph 6.c., below. b. Existing Commercial Developments—The Clay County Utility Authority will not require existing commercial developments to connect to the Clay County Utility Authority's system when service becomes available. However, optional connection is available at that time, and as an incentive for the owner to disconnect and discontinue its use of any existing package plants, drain fields, • septic tanks and the like, if the property owner elects to connect to the Clay County Utility Authority's water and wastewater service when available to the property, the service availability charges, including acreage allocation, will be determined, assessed and financed by the Clay County Utility Authority over a ten (10) year period of time, plus financing costs, as provided in Paragraph 6.d., below, adjusted annually on each July 1st. A periodic payment (monthly or quarterly) equivalent to the payment required to retire the indebtedness will be added to each utility bill for the following ten(10) year period. c. Undeveloped Property— Service availability charges will not be assessed until the property develops. As no existing package plants, drain fields, septic tanks or the like would be in service at the time of connection to the Clay County Utility 111 Authority's system, the Clay County Utility Authority will not offer financing of 3 • MIDDLEB URG SERVICE AREA DEVELOPMENT POLICY, CONTINUED service availability charges, including acreage allocation, as an incentive for connection to the Clay County Utility Authority's system. The acreage, subject to this Policy, shall include all acreage which is a part of the development and which is used by the development, including retention ponds, paved driveways, parking areas, building areas, landscaped areas, storage areas, etc. Any property left in its natural state or which is not used as part of the development will not be assessed the acreage charge until such time as it becomes part of a future expansion or a separate future development. Areas which are located in the flood plain or which are classified as wetlands will not be assessed an acreage charge. Any wetland area which mitigated and is converted to developable acreage would be included in the acreage assessment under this Policy. d. -Financing Costs—The financing cost (Interest Rate) is to be established based on the following priority as applicable to the specific situation from time to time. The rate shall be: 1. 1-1/2% above the True Interest Cost (TIC) of the transaction which financed the project, or 2. 1-1/2% above the TIC of the most recent capital financing transaction of the Clay County Utility Authority, or 1111 3. 1-1/2% above the variable rate of the Bond Market Association Municipal Swap Index (formerly PSA) at the web site www.bondmarkets.com/research/psaswap.shtml 7. Pump Station Sites - Clay County Utility Authority will negotiate for and acquire all necessary pump station sites to fulfill the Master Plan since these facilities will benefit all users. 8. Limitations—Service will be extended within close proximity of all portions of the MSA, but will not necessarily be extended to each lot. The developer shall bear the cost of all on-site installations and off-site extensions to the nearest connection point. For certain situations where future developments are likely, and there is sufficient demand for service, the Clay County Utility Authority may elect to invest in infrastructure extensions on a cost sharing basis. Gravity sewer service will be available to most areas but will not be guaranteed. There are several isolated areas that would not justify the installation of a major pump station at this time, therefore, should they develop, they will require the installation of a small private pump station to pump the wastewater to the nearest connection point. • C:My Documents MICHELLE\Cons0uctiooUfiddlebwg Master PlanUfiddlebmg Service Area Development Policy 052S99.doc 4