HomeMy WebLinkAboutRegular Minutes - 12/20/2022 Reviewed for Redaction
December 20, 2022
The Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) met in Regular Session in the Board
meeting room at the Administrative Office of the Clay County Utility Authority, 3176 Old Jennings Road,
Middleburg, Florida, on the above-stated date.
Item No. 1 —Call to Order
Chairman Davis called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M.
Item No. 2— Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Hodges offered the Invocation and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item No. 3—Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with Chairman Davis, Vice-Chairman Roark, Mr. Hodges, Ms. Lebesch, Mr. McNees, and
Mr. Starnieri in attendance.
Also present at the meeting were Executive Director Jeremy Johnston, Chief Operations Officer Darryl Muse,
Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman, Chief Human Resource Officer Kim Richardson, Chief Engineer Paul
Steinbrecher, Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti, Water Superintendent Ross Bland, Wastewater
Superintendent Phil Hendrix, Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson, Service Availability Manager Melisa
Blaney, Compliance Manager Heather Webber, Contract and Procurement Specialist Darrin Parker,
Administrative Assistant Operations Alicia Baker, Administrative Assistant Engineering Lori Stewart, and
Grady H. Williams, Jr., legal counsel to the CCUA.
Item No. 4— Proclamation naming the Clay County Utility Authority administrative complex the Ray O. Avery
Administration Complex
Mr. Johnston read a Proclamation naming the Clay County Utility Authority administrative office the Ray O.
Avery Administration Complex. After discussion, Mr. Starnieri moved, seconded by Mr. Hodges, and carried 6-
0, to authorize execution of the Proclamation.
Item No. 5—Employee Recognition
a. Bradley Morgan—5 years of Service
b. James Byrnes—5 years of Service
Mr. Johnston introduced and presented a certificate to Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Bradley
Morgan and Water Treatment Plant Operator James Byrnes who have been employed by CCUA for five
years. lie also acknowledged Brian Peeples, Marvin Short, and Corbin Bohanan who participated in the
recent FSAWWA meter and hydrant assembly competitions. He also shared Ms. Richardson has been
elected Sargent-at-Arms of the Rotary Club of Orange Park Sunrise.
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Item No. 6—Approval of Minutes
a. Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, December 6, 2022
After discussion, Ms. Lebesch moved, seconded by Mr. Hodges, and carried 6-0, to approve the minutes
of the Regular Meeting held on December 6, 2022.
Item No. 7—Approval of Consent Agenda
After discussion, Mr. McNees moved, seconded by Ms. Lebesch, and carried 6-0, to approve the
Consent Agenda as follows;
a. Approval of Financial and Operational Activities
Approval of Payment of Warrants
Warrants totaling$4,393,372.58
a. Schedule of payments to Sole Sources
b. Schedule of Emergency Repairs/Purchases -None
c. Schedule of items initiated under Emergency Contract-None
d. Schedule of payments from the Emergency Account
e. Schedule of claims paid under the Sewage Backup Response Policy -None
f. Detailed Descriptive Warrant Report
g. Statement from Grady H. Williams, Jr. LL.M.
Request for Asset Disposal Authorization -None
b. Approval of Capital Budget Activities
1) Requests for Award of Procurement Contracts and/or Ratification of
Procurement/Construction Contracts
a. Wastewater Residual Disposal Contract Renewal ITB# 12/13-A1
b. HealthSource Solutions Professional Service Agreement Renewal
2) Approval of Supplemental Agreements and Change Orders
a. Supplemental Agreement No. 8 with CDM Smith, Inc. for the Spencer's Crossing
Water Treatment Plant Electrical Upgrades
c. Approval of Financing Requests-None
d. Approval of Contract Usage-None
e. Approval of Developer Agreements, Warranty Deeds & Easements
1) Developer Agreement KH22/23-3 — Water Service to 7504 Lonesome Dove Place (EN1,
LLC)— 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC debt service - $6,693.00
2) Grant of Easement—2893 Henley Road—Grantor- (Yuge Deals, LLLP)
Item No. 8—Customer Account Adjustments—None
Item No. 9—Business discussed at Committee Meetings -None
Item No. 10—Executive Director's Business
a. October 2022 Financial Package
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Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman presented the Financial Statements for October and reported
operating income is $57,167 over budget due to a favorable revenue and unfavorable expense variance.
Operating revenue is $136,893 over budget and operating expenses are $79,726 over budget. CCUA has
gained 48 active water accounts and 49 active sewer accounts during fiscal year 2022/2023. After
discussion, Mr. Hodges moved, seconded by Mr. McNees, and carried 6-0, to accept the Financial
Statements for October 2022, as presented by Mr. Wesselman.
b. Lake Asbury Master Planning Area(LAMPA)Cost Recovery Policy
Mr. Johnston, Chief Engineer Paul Steinbrecher, and Robert Beltran, Florida Water Segment
Leader/Principal from Dewberry Engineering, Inc. presented a conceptual Lake Asbury Master Planning
Area (LAMPA) Cost Recovery Policy. Clay County continues to experience significant growth in the
Lake Asbury area. The Florida Department of Transportation is advancing construction of the First
Coast Expressway(FCE). Clay County is investing in roadway infrastructure in the area to connect with
the FCE, most significantly in the east/west connector named Cathedral Oak Parkway (COP) within the
LAMPA. Staff anticipates growth of homes and businesses along the COP corridor will occur rapidly
due to access to the FCE. In response, staff recommends consideration to pioneer potable water,
wastewater, and reclaimed water trunk main infrastructure in this initial corridor in advance of this
development. To accomplish this objective in the first roadway corridors, staff is proposing a LAMPA
policy with a mechanism incorporating a capital cost recovery plan. Senior Project Manager Marcy
Cook from Dewberry also addressed the Board regarding the project. Staff plans to advertise and hold a
stakeholder workshop in advance of a Public Rate Hearing prior to enacting this policy. Mr. George Egan
of the Reinhold Corporation and Mr. Brad Weeber, P.E. of ETM both spoke in support of the proposed
policy. After discussion, Mr. Hodges moved, seconded by Vice-Chairman Roark, and carried 6-0, to
approve the concept of the proposed LAMPA Cost Recovery Policy and authorized staff to proceed with
scheduling the workshops and Public Rate Hearing associated with the project.
c. Interlocal Agreement between Clay County and Clay County Utility Authority regarding road work and
utility work for the improvement of Sandridge Road
Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti presented a proposed Interlocal Agreement between Clay County
and CCUA regarding road work and utility work for the improvement of Sandridge Road. As part of the
Bonded Transportation Program, Clay County (County) intends to conduct roadway widening and other
improvements along an approximate three-mile length of Sandridge Rd. in Lake Asbury. The County is
using an alternative procurement method to conduct the project, Construction Management at Risk, and
contracted with a design engineer, GAI Engineering, and a roadway contractor, Kiewit, to complete the
design and construction of the project. CCUA operates and maintains a substantial amount of utility
infrastructure in the right-of-way and within easements in the County's project area. CCUA and County
staff estimate that certain areas of CCUA's infrastructure will conflict with the County's project and must
be relocated for the County's roadway work to proceed. In addition, CCUA staff intends to install a new
12-inch sewer force main in the right-of-way of the project area to alleviate expected flows from future
growth in the area. To minimize disruption to the residents in the Lake Asbury area, reduce the overall
timeframe of the roadway and utility work, and reduce the overall project costs, CCUA staff and the
County agreed that including CCUA's utility work with the roadway project would be beneficial to both
parties. The County plans to amend the contracts with the respective firms to include the engineering
design and construction services for CCUA's utility work in the roadway project. To minimize
disruption to the residents in the Lake Asbury area, reduce the overall timeframe of the roadway and
utility work, and reduce the overall project costs, CCUA staff and the County agreed that including
CCUA's utility work with the roadway project would be beneficial to both parties. The County plans to
amend the contracts with the respective firms to include the engineering design and construction
services for CCUA's utility work in the roadway project. CCUA staff and the County agreed that an
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Interlocal Agreement ("Agreement") between the two parties is the appropriate mechanism to allow for
the contract amendments and conduct the work. The Agreement provides a framework to coordinate
design and construction of the utility relocations using the County's design engineer and general
contractor, and it delegates responsibilities for each respective party. Should CCUA decide to later exit
from the design and construction services, the Agreement includes provision for CCUA to decline the
services and conduct its own utility work. Both CCUA and the County staff and attorneys have
reviewed the requirements and language contained within the Agreement. Both CCUA and County staff
consider this joint construction project to be in the best interests of both the County's residents and
CCUA ratepayers to collaborate in this way on this project. As outlined in the Agreement, CCUA will
pay its share of project costs for the utility work up front to the County. The fees include CCUA's
portion of the design, construction, shared construction costs, and inspection services. The County will
request CCUA's share of the funds for the project which is currently estimated at approximately
$575,000, within thirty (30) days of Notice to Proceed to the contractor. After discussion, Ms. Lebesch
moved, seconded by Mr. Starnieri, and carried 6-0, to approve execution of the Agreement.
d. Recommended Selection of the Hydrogeological and Environmental Professional Engineering Services
RFQ No. 2022-2023-A02
Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson presented a request for approval of the ranking of the firms that
submitted proposals to provide continuing professional Hydrogeological and Environmental
Professional Engineering services. The contracts will allow the consultant to provide CCUA with
specialty services related to groundwater and water supply planning, studies, modeling, hydrogeology
investigation, design, permitting, bidding, construction, and post-construction phase services or related
services on an as needed basis. The term of the existing Hydrogeological and Environmental
Professional continuing contracts is due to expire on February 6, 2023. CCUA staff requires services as
outlined in the request for proposal from time to time as our utility continues to grow. Staff advertised
the project on CCUA's Bonfire Procurement Platform Florida Times Union on October 14, 2022, for
consultants interested in providing hydrogeological and environmental professional services. On
November 30, 2022, staff received two (2) responses to the RFQ, which were subsequently evaluated
and scored by the project evaluation committee. The ranked shortlist of the overall proposals is as
follows Dewberry Engineers, Inc. 89.2, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 91.5. Reviewers noted that
both firms are well qualified to support CCUA in the subject professional services area. After
discussion, Mr. McNees moved, seconded by Vice-Chairman Roark, and carried 6-0, to approve the
ranked list and authorize the negotiation and execution of a contract with Dewberry Engineers, Inc and
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.This will be an exclusive contract for a period of one (1)year with the
option to renew for four(4) additional one year renewal options upon mutual agreement by both Parties.
e. Other
Mr. Johnston reported he addressed the Legislative delegation yesterday and shared he will provide a
copy of his remarks as a part of the FYI section in the next agenda package. CCUA and CDM Smith
teams has had an abstract regarding CCUA's Strategic Planning Efforts accepted for the national Utility
Management Conference in March of 2023.
He also shared he will be on vacation this Wednesday and Thursday and wished everyone a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Item No. 11 —Legal Business
a. Other-None
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Item No. 12—Old Business/New Business -None
Item No. 13 —Public Comment—None
Item No. 14—Supervisor Comments
Mr. Starnieri said he enjoyed the ribbon cutting and appreciated the Proclamation and staff recognition. He also
wished everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Mr. Hodges shared he also enjoyed ribbon cutting and the staff recognitions. He also informed staff he
appreciated the detail provided on the proposed LAMPA Cost Recovery Policy. He also wished everyone a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Ms. Lebesch echoed the prior comments and shared she was proud to be part of this organization. She also
wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Mr. McNees also echoed everyone's comments, shared Mr. Avery was indeed a great leader, and wished
everyone a Merry Christmas.
Vice-Chairman Roark thanked everyone for their efforts.
Chairman Davis also echoed the comments about Mr. Avery and wished everyone a safe holiday season.
Item No. 15—Adjournment
Chairman Davis adjourned the meeting at 3:00 P.M.
endel avis, Chairman
ice Loimillerm Recording Secretary
December 20, 2022 5