HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB Proposed Agreement with Ardurra for Detailed Design and Construc for Peters Creek WRF EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Proposed Agreement with Ardurra Group, Inc. (Ardurra) for Detailed Design and Construction Services
for the Peters Creek Water Reclamation Facility Expansion
RFQ No. 2020/2021-A14
Date: February 1,2022
CCUA installed the Peters Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) as an initial 0.2 million gallons per
day(mgd)facility in 2008. The population served by the Peters Creek WRF began growing at a rapid pace
in recent years and expansion is now necessary. On July 2,2021, CCUA approved the results of RFQ No.
2020/2021-A14, directing staff to begin negotiations with the highest ranked consulting firm,Ardurra, for
design of a new and expanded Peters Creek WRF with associated improvements.CCUA approved Phase 1
of a proposed two (2)phase scope of work.
CCUA staff and the Ardurra team have completed Phase 1 of the project consisting of master planning for
the regional service territory through buildout and concept design for the first 1.5 mgd phase. CCUA staff
as determined that a four(4)phase expansion from 1.5-mgd to 10-mgd in the final phase (beyond 25 years)
c would ensure that CCUA remains prepared for future growth in this service area.
o The master plan evolved over several workshops with senior staff and Ardurra into a larger regional plan
E that represents the best value alternative for long-term implementation at both the Peters Creek and
Governor's Park areas. Under a separate Continuing Services Agreement with CCUA (Supplemental
ce Agreement No. 6, BOS Meeting 6/15/2021), Ardurra was tasked with evaluating the options available for
phased implementation of a new WRF within the Governor's Park development to serve Governor's Park,
Ayrshire, and the surrounding area. While developing these master plans in parallel, Ardurra explored,
analyzed, and presented to CCUA staff a concept which included replacing the proposed Governor's Park
WRF with a pump station and pipeline directing the flow from the Governor's Park area to the Peters Creek
WRF. The result is a master planned regional facility that can be built in phases and that will grow to serve
all anticipated future growth in CCUA's southeastern service territory (Lake Asbury Master Plan
Area/Reinhold Development and Governor's Park/Ayrshire). A general location diagram is attached
showing these facilities in the two regional developments.
Staff recommends moving forward with the detailed design of this facility. CCUA's Chief Engineer and
Ardurra's Project Manager will present to the Board of Supervisors the master plan and information on
value creation by combining the Governor's Park and Peters Creek facilities and will answer questions
related to that planning or the Detailed Design scope for the first 1.5-mgd facility.
The best value alternative includes the design and construction of the following elements for startup by
December 2024:
• New 1.5-mgd Peters Creek WRF(Phase 1)
• Reclaimed water storage in a large tank, as well as longer term storage in the ground via ponds/Rapid
Infiltration Basins (RIBs) to which any excess reclaimed water will be directed for groundwater
• Supplemental reclaimed water wells adjacent to the RIBs/Ponds to recover groundwater for use as
reclaimed augmentation water to ensure adequate reclaimed water supply in dry/high reclaimed water
demand months.
• A master pump station at the Governor's Park site to convey raw sewage from the regional development
to the Peters Creek WRF.
• Force main and reclaimed water mains to convey, respectively, sewage and reclaimed water between
Peters Creek and Governor's Park developments.
• Booster pumping at Governor's Park to ensure adequate reclaimed pressure after transmission to that
development region.
The Ardurra team developed an opinion of cost of $39.5 million. Due to price volatility that we are
currently observing in the marketplace,we will develop more refined costs before the project is bid to best
implement our selected alternative.
We provided in the summary table below the negotiated fee for design and construction administration and
inspection services for this project:
Peters Creek WRF—Design $1,446,581.33
Governors Park Lift Station—Design $179,760.00
Pipelines and Reclaimed Water Wells—Design $793,346.67
Engineering Services During Construction $658,520.00
Construction Administration Services including Resident Inspection $486,400.00
The scope of services provided by the Ardurra Group includes 8 tasks as follows:
• Task 1 —Project Management and Coordination(Lump Sum)
• Task 2—Topographic Survey(Time and Materials)
• Task 3—Geotechnical Investigation(Time and Materials)
• Task 4—Environmental and Permitting Services (Time and Materials)
• Task 5—Final Design Phase Services (Lump Sum)
• Task 6—Bid Phase Services(Lump Sum)
• Task 7—Engineering Services During Construction(Lump Sum)
• Task 8—Construction Administration Services (Time and Materials)
The schedule for this Project is anticipated to be as follows:
• Design Completion by 10/1/22
• Accelerated Bidding and Contract Award by 12/31/22
• Construction, startup, and commissioning of the Facilities from 1/1/22 through 12/31/24
Staff respectfully requests the Board of Supervisors' approve the negotiated scope of services to proceed
with design and construction phase services by the Ardurra Group for the Peters Creek Water Reclamation
Facility and the Governor's Park pump station,pipelines, and associated improvements.
Scope and Fee Proposal
General Location Diagram
-2185;FAX:888-215-3835WW WWW.ARDURRA.COM
Scope of Services
for Professional Engineering Services for the
Peters Creek Water Reclamation Facility Expansion and Effluent
Management Project
The purpose of this Exhibit is to authorize and direct Ardurra Group, Inc. (CONSULTANT) to
provide Project Management, Final Design, Bid, and Construction Phase services for the Peters
Creek Water Reclamation Facility (PC WRF) Expansion and Effluent Management Project
(PROJECT) for the Clay County Utility Authority (OWNER). CONSULTANT was selected by the
OWNER based upon the proposals submitted in response to Request for Qualification (RFQ)
#2020/2021-A14. This scope of services is consistent with the intent of the RFQ and the
CONSULTANT's proposal.
CCUA operates and maintains the existing PC WRF that serves the area in the vicinity of County
Road 315 and State Road 16. This area is experiencing rapid growth,in part due to the proximity to
the First Coast Expressway. The existing facility consists of a 0.25 million gallon per day (MGD)
capacity steel ring package plant.Treated effluent is directed to onsite rapid infiltration basins(RIBs)
and meets annual average permit standard limits of 20/20 milligrams per liter(mg/L)carbonaceous
biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD)/total suspended solids (TSS), and less than 10 mg/L nitrate
nitrogen (NO3-N) in the groundwater monitoring wells. The first portion of engineering services
for this project provided a phased master plan for the site and conceptual design,detailing a scalable
expansion to full buildout in CCUA's south central service area. This work resulted in combining
the wastewater/reclaimed service areas for both Governor's Park and Peters Creek into one
consolidated area,with treatment/production facilities centered on the Peters Creek site because of
its more central location, proximity to higher reclaimed service density, and superior pond
storage/RIB characteristics relative to the Governor's Park area. This will be accomplished by not
building a WRF at Governors Park, but rather by building a pump station to convey sewage flows
from that area to Peters Creek and returning Public Access Reuse in a pipeline to Governor's Park
using the same easement corridor. The OWNER has selected the PC WRF to act as a regional
treatment facility with an ultimate buildout capacity of 10 mgd AADF in the future. This project
will include all survey necessary to assist the OWNER with land acquisition from the current
property owner.
In this portion of the work, detailed design and construction services will be provided to:
(1) replace the existing facility with a new 1.5 MGD AADF Advanced Nutrient Removal WRF
producing public access quality reclaimed water,
(2) 1.5 MGD wet weather storage ponds,
(3) approximately 0.8 MGD onsite reclaimed augmentation,
(4) 0.5 MGD RIBs for alternate discharge,
(5) construction of a reuse water pipeline from the PC WRF to Governors Park,
(6) construction of a new Governors Park Lift Station (GP LS) to pump wastewater to the PC
(7) construction of an in-line booster pump station to boost reclaimed water from PC WRF to the
Governors Park service area,and
(8) construction of a new force main from the GP LS to the PC WRF.
Major process components for the PC WRF site are included in Attachment A. Construction of the
PROJECT will be executed with two (2)construction contracts. One construction contract for the PC
WRF expansion and a separate construction contract for the GP LS and pipelines.
Scope of Services:
CONSULTANT will perform the necessary tasks to complete Final Design Phase, Bid Phase and
Construction Phase Services for the PROJECT as defined in this Scope of Services. The work
associated with these engineering services is separated into the following tasks:
• Task 1 -Project Management and Coordination (Lump Sum)
• Task 2-Topographic Survey (Time and Materials)
• Task 3-Geotechnical Investigation(Time and Materials)
• Task 4-Environmental and Permitting Services (Time and Materials)
• Task 5-Final Design Phase Services (Lump Sum)
• Task 6-Bid Phase Services (Lump Sum)
• Task 7-Engineering Services During Construction (Lump Sum)
• Task 8- Construction Administration Services (Time and Materials)
Task 1: Project Management and Coordination
CONSULTANT shall provide project management services for the duration of the work described
herein. The work under this task includes:
Task 1.1 Project Management
CONSULTANT will manage staff, subconsultants, and cross discipline coordination and
communication - task includes identifying key personnel who best fit this project, assigning work
tasks, monitoring progress of engineers in multiple disciplines and sub-consultants when needed.
CONSULTANT will perform miscellaneous project management and coordination duties
throughout the project including tracking budget, maintaining the project schedule, preparing
monthly invoices and monthly status reports
Task 1.2 Design Milestone Review Meetings
CONSULTANT will coordinate milestone review meetings in accordance with OWNER's
procedures. Reviews are anticipated at 30 percent,60 percent,and 90 percent design completion.
CONSULTANT will review, consolidate and prepare written responses to OWNER's review
committee comments.
Task 1.3 Quality Control(QC)
Activities performed under this task consist of those general functions required to maintain the
project schedule and budget and to control the quality of the work products defined within this
scope to be consistent with CONSULTANT's standards and OWNER's expectations.QC procedures
will include a technical review of the 30 percent and 60 percent design deliverables with a detailed
inter-disciplinary cross check prior to submittal of the 90 percent design deliverable.
ITask 2: Topographic Survey
CONSULTANT will perform all topographical surveying required for the entire project which
includes the PC WRF site and reclaimed water pipeline to GP/Ayrshire,GP LS site and wastewater
pipeline to PC WRF. Permanent control points based on available existing benchmarks to USGS
NAVD 88 datum will be established. The following items will be included in the Survey scope:
Task 2.1:PC WRF Survey
1. Identification of the adjacent property for the purposes of establishing the existing property
corners as necessary.
2. Location of all structures and above ground improvements for the purposes of establishing
a base file for use in preparation of design documents.
3. Topographical survey of site within known boundaries and provide digital terrain model of
the site.
4. Perform boundary survey for acquisition of 70 acres from Reinhold for future facilities.
5. Remobilization and location of Geotechnical borings upon completion of drilling.
Task 2.2: GP LS Site and Pipeline Survey
1. Perform topographic survey and mapping including:
a. 1-foot contour intervals,and horizontal locations of the corridor centerline(as defined
by the Final CDD and associated technical memorandum), creek crossings, existing
structures,trees 5-inch and greater,toe of slopes,and all surface structures including
manholes, pedestals/control boxes and valves, poles, signs, and indicators of
underground utilities.
b. Determine site elevations at grade breaks,at changes in direction on curbing/paving
along cross sections spaced at 100-foot intervals and intermediate locations within the
survey limits.
2. Concurrent with topographic surveying, survey the staked/flagged, and FDEP verified
wetland jurisdictional line points.
3. Locate geotechnical test borings and collect ground surface elevations.
4. Designate (SUE Level B)the horizontal position of known utilities with paint and/or flags in
half of the right of way along the proposed pipeline route.
5. Utility Coordination - Coordinate with other utilities along the pipeline route to determine
locations of existing facilities, potential conflicts, and relocation requirements. Plans of the
proposed pipeline alignment will be sent to utility companies identified via Sunshine One
Call of Florida. Utilities will be requested to locate and draw their facilities on the plans or
note"no conflicts" and return a copy to CONSULTANT. This information will be combined
with above ground visible data and SUE information to determine the locations of existing
facilities and potential conflicts.
Task 3: Geotechnical Investigation
CONSULTANT will subcontract the preparation of Geotechnical Report including design
recommendations for the project, siting boring locations & depths, tailoring field investigation &
laboratory activities to specific requirements of the project as necessary, customary & in keeping
with best practices for the project type&requirements. The following items will be included in the
Geotechnical Investigation Scope:
Task 3.1:PC WRF Geotechnical Investigation
1. Borings determined to be required for the following structures and processes:
a. New Headworks
b. New Oxidation Ditch
c. New RAS/WAS Splitter Box
d. New Final Clarifiers
e. New Tertiary Filters
f. New Chlorine Contact Basin
g. New Administration Building
h. New Chemical Building
i. New Electrical Building(s) to support proposed improvements
o j. Future reclaimed storage tank and high service pumping
k. Expanded rapid infiltration basins to 0.5 MGD
1. Site stormwater management pond(s)
2. Laboratory tests to determine subsurface conditions and provide recommendations for
foundations and subsurface improvements to accommodate proposed structures and
3. Field exploration, borings, undisturbed tube samples and laboratory analysis at potential
rapid infiltration basin (RIB) sites and potential reclaimed storage basin sites to explore the
general subsurface conditions, to interpret and evaluate the subsurface conditions with
respect to effluent management and to provide a groundwater mounding analysis to
determine the capacity of the RIBs or ponds, and groundwater flow direction and
transmissivity in the shallow aquifer to facilitate storage and recovery for reclaimed
4. Coordination with geotechnical subconsultant and oversight of activities,including selection
and marking of boring locations and determination of necessary depths.
5. Analysis of laboratory results and preparation of detailed geotechnical report including field
data (documenting boring logs and groundwater depths), laboratory data and design
recommendations. Design recommendations shall include foundation recommendations,
yard piping recommendations (pipe bedding, backfill, flexible connections, etc.), pavement
recommendations and general construction recommendations (site preparation, excavation,
subgrade preparation, dewatering, site backfill, etc.).
6. This report data will also be used by the CONSULTANT to perform the necessary
evaluations for the stormwater pond(s), effluent storage ponds, and RIBs. The design intent
will be to maximize the recovery/storage of water in the stormwater pond and effluent
storage ponds to supplement reclaimed water. The report data will also be used to perform
a PONDS software analysis to obtain the ultimate infiltration rate to maximize RIB capacity.
Task 3.2: GP LS Site and Pipeline Geotechnical Investigation
1. Conduct a program of Standard Penetration Test(SPT)borings as follows:
a. Along the pipeline alignment extending to a depth of 15 feet to provide information
below the bottom of the pipe for assessment of excavation shoring and dewatering
requirements, and to better define the potential plan limits of unsuitable material
detected. In general, exploratory borings will be conducted on a spacing not
exceeding 1,000 feet apart.
2. A laboratory testing program will be conducted on core samples secured in the field studies.
Laboratory tests will include grain-size analyses and Atterberg limits determinations
together with organic content tests on selected specimens. Suitability of soil excavated for
use as backfill will be evaluated and standard penetration resistance data will also be
developed to aid in assessing the strength and compressibility characteristics of the
subsurface soils.
3. The results of the field and laboratory studies will be included in a geotechnical report
encompassing a presentation and discussion of the following:logs of the exploratory borings,
results of laboratory tests, discussion of subsurface soil and groundwater conditions,
including an estimate of the normal seasonal high groundwater level, recommendations for
subgrade preparation for pipe support, suitability of excavated soils for use as backfill,
general recommendations for construction control of groundwater, geotechnical
considerations and soil parameters with respect to Horizontal Directional Drilling, and
geotechnical construction considerations.
Task 4: Permitting Services
CONSULTANT shall prepare and provide permit application packages and supporting
documentation or exhibits for the following anticipated permit activities. The OWNER shall pay
directly all permit fees. The following is a list of anticipated permits that will be required for this
work and others may be required and will be prepared and submitted as needed. CONSULTANT
will coordinate pre-permitting application meetings with applicable regulatory permitting
authorities prior to submitting permit applications.
Task 4.1: FDEP Wastewater Facility Permit Modification
A Permit modification for the PC WRF will need to be conducted for the expanded capacity facility.
The expanded new facility will require a complete wastewater facility permit modification that
generally includes the following:
1. Prepare the FDEP application Forms 1 and 2A for construction of a domestic wastewater
facility for the wastewater treatment plant modification and existing land application system.
2. Assemble plans, Basis of Design Engineering Report,Geotechnical Engineering Report, and
other supporting data for FDEP submittal.Submit and process permit application with FDEP
and respond to requests for additional information. (FDEP application fee to be paid by
Task 4.2: Clay County Site Plan
CONSULTANT will submit civil site plans to the Clay County Office of the County Engineer to
obtain Site Plan review and approval (over 9,000 SF impervious). CONSULTANT shall attend a
review committee meeting (anticipated only 1 meeting needed), to address review comments and
final approval. This task does not include preparation of any Land Development Code Waivers, or
preparing a traffic analysis, or environmental/biological survey for the site. This task does not
include filing or processing a Special Use Permit(SUP) for the facility.
Task 4.3: Water Management District Environmental Resource Permit (ERP Application)
Prepare Environmental Resource Permit application package for a General ERP permit per St.Johns
River Water Management District (SJRWMD) rules. Electronically file the application to SJRWMD
(application fee to be paid by OWNER).
Task 4.4:Requests for Additional Information (RAI)
CONSULTANT shall provide all permit coordination,apply for permits as directed by the OWNER,
and respond to all RAIs from the various permitting agencies until final permits are secured.
Task 4.5:Ecological Services-PC WRF, GP LS and Pipelines
1. Preliminary Listed Species Assessment - Conduct pedestrian transects within the PC WRF
and GP LS sites and along the pipeline route to identify the conspicuous occurrence or
potential occurrence of wildlife species considered to be endangered, threatened, or species
of special concern as listed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission(FWC)
and/or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Web-based data searches will be
performed on FWC wildlife observation records,Bald Eagle nesting site locations and Florida
Breeding Bird Atlas. The approximate location of listed species observed in the field and/or
detected in the desktop searches will be noted on an aerial photograph depicting the site.
Onsite habitat types will be characterized and mapped in accordance with the Florida Land
Use Cover and Forms Classification System. The methods and results of the field effort will
be summarized in a letter report format. Population estimates, species-specific surveys,
incidental take or other wildlife conservation permitting are specifically excluded from this
2. State Wetland Jurisdictional Determination(JD) -Field stake/flag the approximate limits of
state jurisdictional wetlands within the PC WRF and GP LS sites and along the pipeline route
prior to agency field visits, schedule a field visit with the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP) and accompany an agency representative to obtain their
concurrence of the established wetland limits. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
will not typically confirm federal wetland jurisdiction in the field prior to permitting. The
state JD will be used to initiate federal permitting and it is assumed that the USACE accept
the FDEP JD lines.
3. Gopher Tortoise Burrow Survey and Population Estimate -Within the PC WRF and GP LS
sites and along the pipeline route, environmental scientists will conduct a series of linear,
pedestrian transects to achieve 100% survey coverage of upland habitat in accordance with
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Gopher Tortoise Survey
Guidelines. The purpose of this field effort will be to identify gopher tortoise burrows within
the proposed pipeline construction areas and within 25-feet of the project limits. To
determine an accurate estimate of the gopher tortoise population, gopher tortoise burrows
encountered during the survey will be classified as active, inactive, or abandoned pursuant
to standard FWC criteria and will be tabulated and horizontally located using a handheld
Global Positioning System device. This field effort may be used as the basis for future gopher
tortoise permit coordination with the FWC. Gopher tortoise burrow surveys are only valid
for 90-days and an additional survey will be required at least 90-days prior to construction.
Deliverables will include a letter report detailing the results of the field effort and a map
denoting the location of potentially occupied gopher tortoise burrows. The results of this
investigation will be used to prepare the necessary permit application to be submitted to the
FWC,if required.
Task 4.7. Permitting Services—PC WRF, GP LS and Pipelines
1. FDEP Collection/Transmission System Permit. This scope includes the preparation and
submittal of the permit application and supporting exhibits and documentation to obtain the
construction permit for the pipelines.
2. FDEP Individual or Standard General State-Wide Environmental Resource Permit(SWERP).
This scope includes the preparation and submittal of the permit application and supporting
exhibits and documentation,the sovereign submerged land use, and the additional wetland
impact narrative including wetland impact characterization,wetland impact avoidance and
minimization discussion and the completion of the environmental aspects/questions in the
ERP application forms.
3. Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permit. Should the
gopher tortoise burrow survey effort document the presence of tortoise burrows within the
construction areas, a permit application will be submitted to the FWC for the removal of
tortoises from the construction area. Includes attendance at a single site visit to verify the
results of the survey as part of this scope of services. Permitting and relocation fees will be
the responsibility of the Authority.
Task 5: Final Design Phase Services
CONSULTANT will provide Final Design Phase Services for the PROJECT as defined in the Final
Conceptual Design Document (CDD) and the associated Technical Memoranda. The PROJECT will
(1) replace the existing facility with a new 1.5 MGD AADF WRF,
(2) construction of a reuse water pipeline from the PC WRF to Governors Park,
(3) construction of a new Governors Park Lift Station (GP LS) to pump wastewater to the PC
WRF, and
(4) construction of a new force main from the GP LS to the PC WRF as documented below in the
detailed description of each process area.
CONSULTANT will prepare complete contract documents (plans and specifications) for bidding of
two(2)construction contracts for the work associated with the PROJECT as defined in the Final CDD
and associated Technical Memoranda. The Final Design Phase includes 30% Design, 60% Design,
90% Design, and 100% Design (Bid Documents) milestones. Specific tasks associated with each
design milestone are defined as follows:
Task 5.1:PC WRF 30%Design Services
1. CONSULTANT to schedule and facilitate an Architectural Programming Workshop to
define space planning required for the Administration Building.
2. CONSULTANT will perform geotechnical and survey investigation.
3. CONSULTANT will communicate with permitting and regulatory agencies as required.
4. CONSULTANT will hold an internal multi-disciplinary design workshop.
5. CONSULTANT will finalize design criteria requirements and develop the Draft Preliminary
Design Report.
6. CONSULTANT will review the OWNER's front-end documents for construction contracts
and procurement and develop a preliminary table of contents for the technical specifications.
7. CONSULTANT will generate and submit 30% design deliverable based on the Final CDD,
including the hydraulic profile, site plan, mass flow diagrams, and other general design
information. Preliminary drawings will be developed for the new unit processes and
equipment,as well as for the modifications to the existing treatment plant to convert it to an
aerobic digester.Future unit processes and major equipment items will also be shown on the
site plans.
8. CONSULTANT will develop the application package required to obtain the new FDEP
operating permit for the expanded PC WRF.
9. CONSULTANT will develop the Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC).
10. CONSULTANT will perform the technical review of the 30% design deliverable.
Task 5.2:PC WRF 60%Design Services
1. CONSULTANT will review and incorporate OWNER's comments on the 30% design
deliverable. CONSULTANT, in conjunction with the OWNER, will identify elements of the
design that will be"frozen" and elements that are still under review by the OWNER.
2. CONSULTANT will hold an internal multi-disciplinary design workshop.
3. CONSULTANT will develop the Final Preliminary Design Report.
4. CONSULTANT will develop preliminary versions of all technical specifications.
5. CONSULTANT will advance the process mechanical design to 80% completion.
6. CONSULTANT will advance other design disciplines (architectural, structural,
instrumentation & control (I&C), electrical, heating ventilation and cooling (HVAC), and
plumbing) to 50-60% completion.
7. CONSULTANT will communicate with permitting and regulatory agencies as required.
CONSULTANT will finalize the permit application package for submittal to FDEP.
8. CONSULTANT will perform initial reviews of biddability and constructability.
9. CONSULTANT will develop and submit the 60% design deliverable, including updated
10. CONSULTANT will perform the technical review of the 60% design deliverable.
Task 5.3:PC WRF 90%Design Services
1. CONSULTANT will review and incorporate OWNER's comments on the 60% design
deliverable. All elements of the design will be "frozen" following incorporation of the
OWNER's 60% design deliverable comments.
2. CONSULTANT will advance the process mechanical design to 95% completion,and all other
design disciplines to a 90% or higher completion.
3. CONSULTANT will prepare the 90% Project Manual with complete technical specifications,
the Bid Form and completed"front end documents".CONSULTANT will use a combination
of the OWNER's and CONSULTANT's standard specifications modified as necessary to
accommodate local conditions. Specification format will be the CONSULTANT's standard
4. CONSULTANT will perform internal back-checking and cross-checking between design
disciplines and between drawings and specifications.
5. CONSULTANT will perform final biddability and constructability reviews.
6. CONSULTANT will communicate with permitting and regulatory agencies as required.
7. CONSULTANT will develop and submit the 90% design deliverable, including updated
Opinion of Probable Construction Cost.
Task 5.4:PC WRF 100%Design Services (Bid Documents)
1. CONSULTANT will review and incorporate OWNER's comments on the 90% design
2. CONSULTANT will hold final coordination meetings and reviews.
3. CONSULTANT will prepare final Project Manual.
4. CONSULTANT will prepare the final Drawings.
5. CONSULTANT will Sign and Seal the Final Construction Documents for advertisement and
Task 5.5: GP LS 30%Design Services
1. CONSULTANT will perform geotechnical and survey investigation.
2. CONSULTANT will communicate with permitting and regulatory agencies as required.
3. CONSULTANT will hold an internal multi-disciplinary design workshop.
4. CONSULTANT will finalize design criteria requirements and develop the Draft Preliminary
Design Report.
5. CONSULTANT will develop a preliminary table of contents for the technical specifications.
6. CONSULTANT will develop and submit 30% design deliverable,including the site plan,and
other general design information. Preliminary drawings will be developed for the new lift
7. CONSULTANT will develop the Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC).
8. CONSULTANT will perform the technical review of the 30% design deliverable.
Task 5.6: GP LS 60%Design Services
1. CONSULTANT will review and incorporate OWNER's comments on the 30% design
deliverable. CONSULTANT, in conjunction with the OWNER, will identify elements of the
design that will be"frozen" and elements that are still under review by the OWNER.
2. CONSULTANT will hold an internal multi-disciplinary design workshop.
3. CONSULTANT will develop the Final Preliminary Design Report.
4. CONSULTANT will develop preliminary versions of all technical specifications.
5. CONSULTANT will advance the process mechanical design to 80% completion.
6. CONSULTANT will advance other design disciplines (structural,instrumentation&control
(I&C),and electrical),to 50-60% completion.
7. CONSULTANT will develop and submit the 60% design deliverable, including updated
8. CONSULTANT will perform the technical review of the 60% design deliverable.
Task 5.7: GP LS 90%Design Services
1. CONSULTANT will review and incorporate OWNER's comments on the 60% design
deliverable. All elements of the design will be "frozen" following incorporation of the
OWNER's 60% design deliverable comments.
2. CONSULTANT will advance the process mechanical design to 95% completion,and all other
design disciplines to a 90% or higher completion.
3. CONSULTANT will prepare the 90% Project Manual with complete technical specifications,
the Bid Form and completed"front end documents." CONSULTANT will use a combination
of the OWNER's and CONSULTANT's standard specifications modified as necessary to
accommodate local conditions. Specification format will be the CONSULTANT's standard
4. CONSULTANT will perform internal back-checking and cross-checking between design
disciplines and between drawings and specifications.
5. CONSULTANT will perform final biddability and constructability reviews.
6. CONSULTANT will communicate with permitting and regulatory agencies as required.
7. CONSULTANT will develop and submit the 90% design deliverable, including updated
Opinion of Probable Construction Cost.
Task 5.8: GP LS 100%Design Services (Bid Documents)
1. CONSULTANT will review and incorporate OWNER's comments on the 90% design
2. CONSULTANT will hold final coordination meetings and reviews.
3. CONSULTANT will prepare final Project Manual.
4. CONSULTANT will prepare the final Drawings.
5. CONSULTANT will Sign and Seal the Final Construction Documents for advertisement and
Task 5.9:Pipelines Final Design
1. Engineering Evaluations and Design - Consultant will perform the following engineering
a. Perform hydraulic calculations to adequately size the new reuse water line and new
force main.
b. Perform Hydraulic Transient Analysis - Develop a dynamic transient model of the
pipeline using Bentley Hammer software and evaluate various water hammer
scenarios, including pump station power failure and instantaneous valve closure.
Identify alternative solutions to reduce surge pressures to reasonable levels, such as
air and vacuum valves, surge anticipator valves and others, and provide
recommendations in the form of a brief letter report. Incorporate approved surge
control measures into the plans and specifications.
c. Determine Pipe Wall Thickness Design - Finalize pipe design criteria for internal
pressures and external loads and prepare a letter report with recommendations for
wall thickness of ductile iron,PVC,or HDPE pipe.
d. Locate Pipeline Appurtenances - Depict the preferred locations of pipeline
appurtenances,including line valves,ARVs and blow-offs on a scaled vertical profile
of the pipeline.Adjust appurtenance location and pipeline profile based on horizontal
features such as ditches, special crossings, and similar surface features in order to
properly locate the appurtenance.
e. Reclaimed Water Supplemental Supply Evaluation
i. Field data collection:Up to six (6) test wells to 60' depth at three (3) sites (one
site at WRF and two along pipeline corridor. Aquifer performance testing
including up to six (6) in-situ permeameter tests and up to two (2) aquifer
performance tests. Field data collection will be followed by data evaluation
and aquifer characterization.
ii. Model development including model construction, calibration and model
iii. Supplemental wellfield design(up to three (3) conceptual designs)
iv. St.Johns River Water Management District(SJRWMD)Permitting.This scope
includes attending SJRWMD meetings and the preparation and submittal of
the consumptive use permit (CUP) application and supporting exhibits and
documentation to obtain the CUP for reclaimed water supplemental supply.
2. Final Plans and Specifications -Prepare final construction plans and final project manuals
ready for bid.
a. Drawings - Prepare 22" x 34" pipeline plan and profile drawings using a scale of
1"=40' horizontal and 1"=4' vertical. Plans will be developed with Google Earth-
based background images and topographic ground survey data. Drawings will be
prepared in AutoCAD. Based on a pipeline length of±34,300 LF, it is assumed that
68 plan and profile sheets will be prepared.
Final Design Deliverables
1. Three (3) signed and sealed 11"x17" (half-size) copies of the design deliverable Drawings.
2. Three (3) signed and sealed copies of the design deliverable Technical Specifications (Project
3. One electronic signed and sealed copy of the Drawings,Technical Specifications,and OPCC
in PDF format via USB Flash Drive or download link, and coordination with Owners
Procurement Department, helping facilitate advertisement for Bid via Owner's Bonfire
4. Asset table for insurable items.
Task 6: Bid Phase Services
The work under this task will include the following. CONSULTANT assumes the work will be bid
as two (2) projects (PC WRF Expansion and GP LS and Pipelines):
Task 6.1:Bid Phase Services
1. CONSULTANT will attend bid opening and assist CCUA's chair at the pre-bid conference.
2. CONSULTANT will respond in writing to questions from bidders and prepare addenda,
coordinate with OWNER as necessary.
3. CONSULTANT will prepare the Recommendation of Award Letter that includes the
following required content:
a. Check for math errors and reconciliation of any mathematical discrepancies.
b. Review for unbalanced bid items.
c. Certified Bid Tabulation.
d. Review of contractor's qualifications,financial standing and references provided.
e. Recommendation to award.
4. CONSULTANT will attend Board of Supervisors Meeting and present recommendation for
award of Contract for Construction, as required.
5. CONSULTANT will produce and transmit three(3)hard copies of the Conformed Drawings
(11x17), Specifications and Project Manual to the OWNER, ready for execution by the
selected Contractor,with the OWNER's Notice of Intent to Award (NOI).
Task 7: Engineering Services During Construction
The work under this task will include the following:
Task 7.1:Monthly Progress Meetings
CONSULTANT will attend Monthly Progress Meetings to be held during the project with the
OWNER and Contractor to discuss aspects of the project presently underway, project schedule,
project spend and upcoming issues. The scope of work assumes 15 progress meetings that will be
facilitated by the CONSULTANT. These meetings will generally be about four hours in duration to
cover the two projects (PC WRF Expansion and GP LS and Pipelines). The appropriate
CONSULTANT team members shall attend these meetings to discuss pertinent issues, typically by
one or two people.
Task 7.2: Site Visits
CONSULTANT will make visits to the site to observe construction progress at intervals appropriate
to the construction stage. Visits will be conducted when deemed necessary by the CONSULTANT
or Contractor, and at a minimum of once per month in conjunction with the construction progress
meetings to observe construction progress.The purpose of the visits will be to assess the construction
progress, quality of the work, and determine if the work is proceeding in accordance with the
Contract Documents. The scope of work assumes twenty-three (23) total site visits for the project
conducted by one representative from the CONSULTANT's team scheduled to coincide with the
monthly project meetings.Ten(10) additional site visits are included to cover inspections by various
discipline leads that may be required throughout construction.Site visit reports will be provided via
an email summary documenting the details of each site visit. The Site visit reports will be provided
through the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project Management information system.
Task 7.3: Submittal Reviews
CONSULTANT will review and approve,or take other appropriate action,with respect to OWNER
DIRECT PURCHASES, shop drawings, equipment operation manuals, samples, and other data
which the Contractor is required to submit for conformance with the Contract Documents.
CONSULTANT assumes there will be 200 original submittals and 100 resubmittals. The
CONSULTANT will evaluate and determine the acceptability of substitute materials and equipment
proposed by the Contractor and make recommendations to the OWNER as to their acceptance or
rejection. Submittal review responses will be provided through the CONSULTANT's or the
OWNER's Project Management information system.
Task 7.4:Requests for Information and Design Clarifications
The CONSULTANT will address Requests for Information(RFIs) submitted during construction to
provide additional feedback regarding the intent of the Contract Documents.Such clarifications and
interpretations will be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract
Documents. The CONSULTANT will recommend Design Clarifications (DCs) and entitlement, if
any,to the OWNER's staff as appropriate for the OWNER to accept the required changes,if any.The
CONSULTANT will issue the finalized directives. If the Contractor issues a change order, the
CONSULTANT shall not issue or have the authority to accept or approve such DCs until the
OWNER has accepted the Contractor's cost and schedule change proposal to implement such DCs.
RFI responses and DCs will be provided through the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project
Management information system. CONSULTANT assumes there will be 40 RFIs and 10 DCs.
Task 7.5: Start-up, Testing and Commissioning Assistance
CONSULTANT will participate in conference calls and site visits for start-up coordination, as
requested by the OWNER or Contractor. CONSULTANT will review start-up plans prepared by the
Contractor. CONSULTANT shall assist the OWNER in the start-up of the various treatment
components to ensure they are functioning properly and in accordance with the design documents
and to suggest adjustments/improvements to optimize operations. CONSULTANT will also attend
Functional Demonstration Test of the PROJECT SCADA system. Factory Witness Testing of
equipment is not anticipated for the PROJECT.
Task 7.6: Substantial and Final Completion Inspections
Once notified by the Contractor that the construction work is substantially complete, the
CONSULTANT will have a representative from each discipline on site to conduct the necessary
inspection(s), in conjunction with the OWNER and Contractor, to determine if the work is
substantially complete. After considering any objections by the OWNER, the CONSULTANT will
deliver a list of items to be corrected or completed prior to achieving Final Completion. The
Substantial Completion Certificate and Punchlist will be provided through the CONSULTANT's
Project Management information system (Procore). Once notified by the Contractor that the punch
list items are complete, the CONSULTANT will conduct a final inspection to determine if the
completed work is acceptable. The CONSULTANT will give written notice to the OWNER and
Contractor once the work is found to be acceptable and recommend final payment to the Contractor.
The Final Completion Letter will be provided through the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project
Management information system.
Task 7.7:Record Drawings
The Contractor will provide the CONSULTANT the complete record of As-Built redlines
(Contractor's record of field changes to the work) and the CONSULTANT will develop record
drawings for the PROJECT based on those As-Built redlines. CONSULTANT will provide Record
Drawings in electronic format(CAD and PDF files) along with three(3)half size(11x17)hard copies
and two (2) full size (22x34) hard copies for the OWNER's records.
Task 7.8: Operation and Maintenance Manual
1. CONSULTANT will develop an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual to provide
reliable access to facility process and electrical equipment operation information such as
permits, equipment/vendor O&M manuals, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and
photos. The proposed O&M Manual will be implemented with a PDF-based system to
combine these elements into a single bookmarked PDF file.
2. Develop O&M Manual:CONSULTANT will develop and review a Draft O&M Manual Table
of Contents with the OWNER to develop a Final O&M Manual Table of Contents. Each
section of the O&M Manual will include the following bookmarked information:
a. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): In conjunction with OWNER staff and the
equipment/vendor O&M manuals, the CONSULTANT will develop SOPs for process
equipment. SOPs will include Normal Operation, Alternate Operation, Emergency
Operation, Shutdown Considerations and Restart Considerations, as applicable to the
process unit or equipment.
i. Draft SOPs will be transmitted to the OWNER for review and comment. SOPs
involve safety to personnel and equipment; therefore, all draft SOPs will require
approval from the OWNER prior to being finalized.
ii. Upon approval of each SOP by the OWNER,the CONSULTANT will finalize the
SOP for inclusion in the O&M Manual.
b. Equipment/Vendor O&M Manuals: The equipment/vendor O&M manuals will be
incorporated into the O&M Manual to allow their content to be accessed from the
applicable O&M Manual sections.
c. Photographs: CONSULTANT will capture and process photographs for inclusion in the
O&M Manual.Photographs of select processes and process equipment will be annotated
to identify important features and integrated into relative locations of the documents.
3. Draft O&M Manual:The CONSULTANT will develop a complete Draft O&M Manual,which
will combine SOPs, equipment/vendor O&M manuals, and photographs into a single PDF
document. The CONSULTANT will submit the Draft O&M Manual to the OWNER for
review via upload to Procore and via USB flash drive.
4. Final O&M Manual: CONSULTANT will incorporate OWNER comments from the Draft
O&M Manual into the Final O&M Manual. The Final O&M Manual will be delivered to the
OWNER via upload to Procore and via USB flash drive. The CONSULTANT will also
provide three (3) hard copies of Final O&M Manual. Hard copies will be limited to the
content of each section of the Final O&M Manual consisting of the Process Overview,Process
Control, Equipment Control, Modes of Operations, Maintenance, and Safety subsections.
Equipment/vendor O&M manuals will not be part of the hard copies.
Task 8: Construction Administration Services
The work under this task will include the following:
Task 8.1:Pre-Construction Services
1. Schedule, prepare agenda for, and conduct the pre-construction meeting; record and
disseminate minutes from pre-construction meeting.
2. Utilize the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project Management information system: set
communications protocol and contract administration procedures, establish progress
meeting schedule and submittal schedule.
3. Provide agenda for meetings: Key milestone dates, pay application procedures, schedule,
public notification issues and procedures, utility coordination issues, traffic control,
permitting,property owner notification and coordination,temporary facilities, Contractor's
use of the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project Management information system, etc.
Task 8.2: Construction Administration Services
1. Act as the OWNER's on-site representative administering the contract for construction and
providing overall project oversight,maintain record of decisions and changes made.
2. Meetings: Schedule and conduct construction progress meetings; record minutes from
construction progress meetings and distribute via email and upload to the CONSULTANT's
or the OWNER's Project Management information system throughout the duration of the
project to: OWNER, CONSULTANT, and Contractor.
3. As field problems arise, notify the CONSULTANT and OWNER of proposed solutions to
resolve problems.
4. Review and update as-built documents regularly with Contractor.
5. Monitor adherence to approved project baseline schedule. Review Contractor's schedule
monthly, monitor compliance with OWNER's intended schedule, and provide
recommendations as needed to retain and regain schedule if needed.
6. Record weather conditions on jobsite daily and note if conditions impede the Work (i.e.,
count rain days).
7. Monitor, on an on-going basis, cost impacts (both increase and decrease) and track with
schedule of values. Identify any potential cost impacts related to project delays and/or
potential change orders and notify Owner as appropriate.
8. Coordinate work of Contractor with external agencies and utility companies. Coordinate
Contractor's operations with other OWNER contracts and construction as well as with
property owners for planned service outages, street closures, and access control issues to
properties including notifications.
9. Maintain records of all decisions,actions,and activities related to construction operations via
the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project Management information system (i.e., Daily
Reports, Change Orders, RFIs and responses, Submittals and responses, Request for
Proposals,correspondence,SWPPP inspections.)
Task 8.3: Construction Inspection Services
1. Provide 24-months full-time on-site technical observation of Contractor's activities to verify
all work materials, structures, equipment, and workmanship comply with the Contract
Documents including Addenda,and Change Orders. Verify that Contractor maintains good
construction practices and professional standards.
2. Identify, record, and notify OWNER of any problems or failures to meet performance
requirements in a timely manner to minimize delay in the progress of the project, make
recommendation(s)for appropriate solution to the OWNER and CONSULTANT.
3. Prepare and maintain daily progress log or daily construction reports and quarterly progress
photographs utilizing the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project Management
information system.
4. Ensure Contractor completes their daily and weekly construction progress reports.
5. Verify Contractor has obtained necessary permits and is maintaining any Traffic Control,
public notification, and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, facilities, equipment or
arrangements in accordance with contract documents.
6. Attend and participate in progress meetings.
7. Create contacts for your record for: names, addresses, telephone numbers and email of
Contractor contacts, subcontractors, sub consultants, and major suppliers of material and
8. Immediately notify the OWNER and CONSULTANT in the event of an on-site accident.
Record and note conditions, activities,and witnesses to the event.
9. Maintain Resolution Log and respond to citizen complaints in the CONSULTANT's or the
OWNER's Project Management information system.
10. Consult with OWNER and CONSULTANT in advance of scheduled major work operations,
tests,inspections or start of important phases of project.
Task 8.4:Pay Applications
1. Pay applications will be generated by the Contractor. OWNER and CONSULTANT will
review and verify that the quantities provided by Contractor are correct for all work and that
all work complies with the contract documents.
2. Review work conducted daily on daily inspection reports and material installed
measurements submitted by Contractor; verify work conducted and bid item quantities via
the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project Management information system; meet
monthly to review pay estimate and quantities with Contractor.
3. Review progress pay application with CONSULTANT for approval or revision prior to
submittal to OWNER.
4. Provide an independent quantity forecast bid items to identify potential quantity over-runs
as part of pay estimate review. Upon completion of the work, prepare a final progress
payment including a balancing change order zeroing out all unused quantities utilizing the
CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project Management information system. Identify and
add additional quantities and make any approved changes to the Contract Time.
Task 8.5:Document Control
1. Utilize the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project Management information system to:
receive, route, track, and log all Submittals, Change Orders, RFIs, Pay Applications and the
Citizen Complaint/Resolution Log. Communicate with the Contractor on the status of
submittal reviews and review the submittal and RFI log in the CONSULTANT's or the
OWNER's Project Management information system to ensure timely responses. Notify
OWNER, Contractor and CONSULTANT of time critical issues.
Task 8.6: Change Orders
1. Prepare and issue request for proposals in a timely manner via the CONSULTANT's or the
OWNER's Project Management information system. Review Change Order and Contractor
proposal for additional work with OWNER and CONSULTANT for approval. Ensure the
status of Change Order and Responses from Contractor, OWNER and CONSULTANT are
uploaded/logged and tracked in the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project
Management information system.
2. Provide recommendation on technical matters as an advocate for the OWNER. Evaluate
Contractor's response/proposal for entitlement, merit, cost, time, accuracy, and price
practicality. Negotiate with Contractor on OWNER's behalf if required.
3. Prepare Change Order and documentation including signatures of Contractor,
CONSULTANT and Construction Manager for OWNER review in the CONSULTANT's or
the OWNER's Project Management information system.
Task 8.7: Testing Laboratory and Results
1. Review test reports for compliance with Contract Documents. Log, track and retain test
reports in the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project Management information system.
Review results with Contractor.Monitor any corrective action and re-testing for compliance.
Maintain compliance with OWNER's specifications
2. Review Invoicing from Laboratory for alignment to daily activities.
Task 8.8:Project Completion and Closeout
1. Provide list of deliverables for substantial completion walk through/inspection. Schedule
and conduct project walk through upon receipt of Contractor's notification of substantial
completion. Include OWNER, CONSULTANT,and others as directed. Prepare a list of non-
conforming work based on visual inspections via the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's
Project Management information system. Record and monitor Contractor's corrective efforts
and schedule. Schedule final completion inspection for any remaining corrections.
2. Coordinate and obtain CONSULTANT's signature and seal on Substantial Completion
certificate and Final Completion and Acceptance certificate via the CONSULTANT's or the
OWNER's Project Management information system.
3. Ensure that Contractor submits all Operation and Maintenance, training, warranties, and
maintenance bond documents to the CONSULTANT as required by the Contract
Documents. Ensure Contractor's closeout documents are uploaded to the CONSULTANT's
or the OWNER's Project Management information system. Review for completeness and
accuracy,including affidavits of final payment,final pay estimates,as built records,redlines,
and drawings.Once received,notify the CONSULTANT and OWNER when completed,and
upload to the CONSULTANT's or the OWNER's Project Management information system.
4. Conduct Project Close-Out Meeting.
5. Prepare and recommend final payment application. (Prepare job record logs transmittals,
and correspondence reports in an organized file for delivery to OWNER.)
The following assumptions were used in the development of this task order assignment:
• OWNER to coordinate all land purchase agreements and easement acquisition.
• Additional RIB sites for Phase I will be as identified in TM-4. It is assumed that the
landowner will allow access for the geotechnical investigation.
• Effluent management options will be developed based on the previous work and on
current FDEP allowed approaches.
• Pipeline routing is based on the figure included as Attachment B.
• OWNER to pay all permitting fees.
• Construction of the PROJECT will be executed with two (2) construction contracts.
Compensation Provisions:
For performing the engineering services of this Task Order,OWNER agrees to pay CONSULTANT
an estimated fee of$3,564,608.00 with the following breakdown for the basis of billing:
• Task 1 -Project Management and Coordination (Lump Sum)
• Task 2-Topographic Survey (Time and Materials)
• Task 3-Geotechnical Investigation(Time and Materials)
• Task 4-Environmental and Permitting Services (Time and Materials)
• Task 5-Final Design Phase Services (Lump Sum)
• Task 6-Bid Phase Services (Lump Sum)
• Task 7-Engineering Services During Construction (Lump Sum)
• Task 8- Construction Administration Services (Time and Materials)
See Attachment C for the labor hours' estimate for the lump sum contract. The lump sum fee shall
include compensation for all labor and other direct costs for the scope of services specified herein.
Period of Service:
Final Design Phase Services are anticipated to be complete within eight (8) months following the
Notice to Proceed with the work identified in this Scope of Services. Engineering Services During
Construction and Construction Administration Services are anticipated to be complete with twenty-
four (24) months following the Construction Notice to Proceed.
Authorized Representativs:
The Authorized Representatives designated below are authorized to act with respect to
this Task Order. Communications between the parties shall be through the Authorized
Name: Paul Steinbrecher, P.E. Name: David Rasmussen, P.E.
Chief Engineer Project Manager
Address: 3176 Old Jennings Road Address: 100 Center Creek Road
Middleburg, FL 32068 Suite 108
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Telephone: Office: 904-213-2408 Telephone: 904-562-2185
Mobile: 904-219-4127
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