HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB 2021-11 Board Financial Package Clay County Utility Authority Working together to 3176 Old Jennings Road protect public health, Middleburg,FL 32068-3907 conserve our natural GJI Telephone(904)272-5999 resources,and create long-term value for ♦ /Ty gUTNOQ' www.Clayutility.org our ratepayers. December 21, 2021 To: Board of Supervisors From: Jeffrey Wesselman Re: November 2021 Financial Package I have enclosed the following financial information: A) Comparative Financial Statements for the two months of fiscal years 2021/2022 and 2020/2021. Comparative Balance Sheet Revenue & Expenditure Report Cash-flow Statement co B) Cash &Cash Equivalents Report at November 30, 2021 C) Budget Reports for the two months of Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Operating and Interest Revenue Detail Budget Report a, CL Operating Expense Detail Budget Report D) Contributions In Aid of Construction (CIAC) Reports: Summary of total CIAC through November 30, 2021 Alternative Water Supply Details E) Capital Projects Reports: Capital Projects Budget Report F) Operating Detail by Month Operating Revenues Detail by Month Revenue Analysis Summary Operating Expense Detail by Month G) Other Reports Construction Department Budget Operating income is$554,105 (23%) over budget due to a favorable revenue and favorable expense variance. Operating revenue is$65,779 (0.7%) over budget and Operating expenses are $488,326 (8%) under budget. Itemized operating expense variances are in Section C. We gained 194 active (Residential 194, General Service, 0)water accounts and 185 active sewer(Residential 188, General Service, -3) accounts for the fiscal year 2021/2022 as compared to an increase of 133 active water accounts and an increase of 124 active sewer accounts for the same time in fiscal year 2020/2021. 1 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS t° FISCAL YEAR 2021 /2022 Section A 12/21/2021 03:51 PM COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 1/1 User: kosborne DB: CCUA Fund 101 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ENDED PERIOD ENDED GL Number Description 11/30/2020 11/30/2021 *** Assets *** Cash 38,572,225.50 38,537,417.53 Investments 46,499,204.01 52,128,453.26 Accounts Receivable 2,909,990.06 3,113,518.99 Fixed Assets 454,627,369.63 482,949,085.06 Accum. Depreciation (161,974,097.74) (174,106,610.31) Other Assets 1,385,146.96 1,166,943.91 Deferred Outflows 2,130,350.35 1,899,863.60 Total Assets 384,150,188.77 405,688,672.04 *** Liabilities *** Liabilities-ST 14,410,297.67 14,926,148.45 Liabilities-LT (over 1 year) 95,317,864.97 88,180,384.96 Total Liabilities 109,728,162.64 103,106,533.41 *** Fund Balance *** Unassigned 50,926,382.11 53,823,792.64 Investment In Capital Assets 223,000,732.03 248,260,896.16 Total Fund Balance 273,927,114.14 302,084,688.80 Beginning Fund Balance 270,357,546.96 293,106,326.89 Net of Revenues VS Expenditures 494,911.99 497,449.83 Fund Balance Adjustments 3,569,567.18 8,978,361.91 Ending Fund Balance 274,422,026.13 302,582,138.63 Total Liabilities And Fund Balance 384,150,188.77 405,688,672.04 t0 12/21/2021 03:51 PM COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 1/3 User: kosborne DB: CCUA Fund 101 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ENDED PERIOD ENDED GL Number Description 11/30/2020 11/30/2021 *** Assets *** Cash 101.401.101.110 Cash-BB&T L.A.H.H. Account 3,593.45 2,137.69 101.401.101.125 '12 BBVA Compass Debt Service 109,354.02 121,981.23 101.401.101.160 Cash-BB&T Operating Account 11,614,278.80 13,543,160.14 101.401.101.161 Cash-BB&T Emergency Account 38,399.67 38,799.59 101.401.101.200 CASH-FSA 41,217.85 35,929.94 101.401.101.329 Debt Stabilization Reserve Unrestricted 551,343.99 998,869.48 101.401.101.331 2015/2019 Bond Sinking Fund 2,276,117.30 2,293,524.80 101.401.101.333 SBA - 2001 DEP Loan Debt Service Acct 16,126.51 16,122.99 101.401.101.335 CUSTOMER DEPOSIT FUND 3,395,696.29 3,485,118.14 101.401.101.336 SURPLUS FUND 10,722,068.57 2,173,812.31 101.401.101.337 SELF INSURANCE FUND 525,000.00 525,000.00 101.401.101.338 RENEWAL & REPLACEMENT FUND 4,080,129.34 4,434,506.64 101.401.101.340 WATER PLANT FUND (76%) 187,048.20 574,762.48 101.401.101.342 WATER LINE FUND (24%) 59,836.03 24.64 101.401.101.343 AWS Cash 1,476,258.75 2,774,796.82 101.401.101.344 SEWER PLANT FUND (53.33%) 2,935,742.11 6,316,540.10 101.401.101.346 SEWER LINE FUND (46.67%) 241,880.90 904,335.52 101.401.101.351 2018 Bond Sinking Fund 296,831.22 296,827.72 101.401.102.100 PETTY CASH FUND 1,302.50 1,167.30 Cash 38,572,225.50 38,537,417.53 Investments 101.401.101.321 Short Term Investments - Restricted 12,005,409.24 0.00 101.401.101.323 Short Term Investments - Surplus 34,493,794.77 52,128,453.26 Investments 46,499,204.01 52,128,453.26 Accounts Receivable 101.401.115.100 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE W&S CUST 907,084.70 825,748.25 101.401.115.110 A/R CIAC & MISC REPAIR INVS. 323,613.11 348,826.04 101.401.115.120 Loans To Customers 35,232.81 42,412.05 101.401.115.121 Loan to Customers Long-term 352,673.65 330,339.77 101.401.115.200 A/R UNBILLED WATER REVENUE 532,106.94 675,702.10 101.401.115.250 A/R Unbilled Reuse Revenue 89,134.99 133,364.26 101.401.115.300 A/R UNBILLED SEWER REVENUE 879,328.93 934,375.96 101.401.115.400 A/R CLEARING ACCOUNT (3,105.85) (920.51) 101.401.117.100 ALLOWANCE FOR DOUBTFULL A/R (206,079.22) (176,328.93) Accounts Receivable 2,909,990.06 3,113,518.99 Fixed Assets 101.401.161.900 LAND 5,268,724.07 5,268,724.07 101.401.162.900 BUILDINGS 5,522,525.66 9,045,538.84 101.401.166.900 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 420,749,691.73 446,108,085.60 101.401.168.900 Intangible Assets 0.00 3,632,438.00 101.401.169.900 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 23,086,428.17 18,894,298.55 Fixed Assets 454,627,369.63 482,949,085.06 Accum. Depreciation 101.401.163.900 ACCUM.DEPRECIATION BUILDINGS (7,803,569.75) (8,435,123.40) 101.401.167.900 ACCUM.DEPR. MACHINERY & EQUIPT (154,170,527.99) (165,671,486.91) Accum. Depreciation (161,974,097.74) (174,106,610.31) Other Assets 101.401.115.150 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 74,250.47 115,079.76 101.401.115.500 PREPAID INSURANCE 511,276.57 348,816.51 101.401.115.550 PREPAID W/C INSURANCE 9,221.37 (3,991.16) 101.401.115.575 PREPAID DEP REGULATORY FEES 13,845.60 14,079.13 101.401.115.600 PREPAID MAINTENANCE & EXPENSES 335,386.33 350,823.13 101.401.141.000 INVENTORY 435,645.10 320,620.67 101.401.141.100 UNUSED POSTAGE 5,521.52 21,515.87 Other Assets 1,385,146.96 1,166,943.91 Deferred Outflows 101.401.158.201 Deferred Outflow of Resources 2,130,350.35 1,899,863.60 4 12/21/2021 03:51 PM COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 2/3 User: kosborne DB: CCUA Fund 101 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ENDED PERIOD ENDED GL Number Description 11/30/2020 11/30/2021 *** Assets *** Deferred Outflows 2,130,350.35 1,899,863.60 Total Assets 384,150,188.77 405,688,672.04 *** Liabilities *** Liabilities-ST 101.401.202.000 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1,659,274.61 1,767,448.11 101.401.202.001 Sales Tax 127.75 0.00 101.401.202.002 Retainage Payable 383,548.69 235,320.17 101.401.215.100 ACCRUED INTEREST 262,088.84 225,306.90 101.401.216.100 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 232,542.31 302,317.03 101.401.216.200 ACCRUED SICK, VACATION PAYABLE 801,508.82 773,903.51 101.401.217.100 EMPLOYEE FIT,FICA,MEDICARE W/H 79,104.93 82,330.88 101.401.217.300 Employee Fund Withheld 2,597.65 2,188.33 101.401.217.500 ACCRUED PENSION DUE 103,405.11 107,622.06 101.401.217.600 ACCRUED W/C INS. DUE 25,541.05 27,614.02 101.401.218.100 MISC W/H 29.86 (70.30) 101.401.218.250 LIFE INSURANCE (121.11) 164.67 101.401.218.700 HEALTH INSURANCE W/H 0.00 560.00 101.401.218.703 HMO/PPO 2,037.24 1,635.44 101.401.218.705 DENTAL 0.00 56.54 101.401.218.706 VISION (29.12) (357.41) 101.401.218.707 ANCILLARY 106.13 876.00 101.401.218.900 ACCRUED ELECTRIC EXPENSE DUE 106,687.98 97,007.93 101.401.220.100 BOND DEPOSITS 83,911.43 85,745.78 101.401.220.150 CLEANING WATER DEPOSITS 104,758.80 115,241.62 101.401.220.175 W&S CUSTOMER DEPOSITS 3,397,596.47 3,495,787.06 101.401.220.180 DUE TO LEND A HELPING HAND 3,585.83 2,137.69 101.401.220.185 Refundable Development Agreements 278.00 3,305.58 101.401.223.100 DEFERRED REVENUES WATER 80,751.13 163,746.51 101.401.223.200 DEFERRED REVENUE SEWER 166,963.43 338,194.59 101.401.223.300 Deferred Reuse Revenue 29,010.18 62,407.89 101.401.229.200 JAX PUBLIC SERV.TAX COLLECTED 0.00 423.32 101.401.229.201 Keystone Public Service Tax 11.78 105.33 101.401.232.700 CURRENT BOND PRINCIPAL DUE 6,884,979.88 7,035,129.20 Liabilities-ST 14,410,297.67 14,926,148.45 Liabilities-LT (over 1 year) 101.401.232.569 2012 BBVA Compass Loan 4,510,637.00 3,293,841.00 101.401.232.570 Financing Lease 27,586.17 0.00 101.401.232.571 SunTrust 2015 Adv Ref 2007 Bonds 36,895,642.00 34,964,955.00 101.401.232.572 2018 Revenue Bonds Payable DEP MIDCLAY 12,317,202.92 11,704,626.36 101.401.232.573 Dell Financing Lease 704,022.66 446,495.33 101.401.232.574 Suntrust 2019 Loan & Refinance 46,880,000.00 44,035,000.00 101.401.232.586 2014 DEP Payable 867,754.10 770,596.47 101.401.232.600 CONTRA CURRENT BOND PRINCIPAL (6,884,979.88) (7,035,129.20) Liabilities-LT (over 1 year) 95,317,864.97 88,180,384.96 Total Liabilities 109,728,162.64 103,106,533.41 *** Fund Balance *** Unassigned 101.401.272.000 RETAINED EARNINGS-UNRESERVED 50,926,382.11 53,823,792.64 Unassigned 50,926,382.11 53,823,792.64 Investment In Capital Assets 101.401.240.000 AWS CIAC 3,736,455.56 6,062,593.32 101.401.240.100 SJRWMD Black Creek CIAC 0.00 112,508.92 101.401.254.350 WATER CAPACITY CHARGES 9,006,343.69 10,717,362.86 101.401.254.351 FIRE CAPACITY CHARGES 1,802,333.97 1,919,533.50 5 12/21/2021 03:51 PM COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 3/3 User: kosborne DB: CCUA Fund 101 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ENDED PERIOD ENDED GL Number Description 11/30/2020 11/30/2021 *** Fund Balance *** 101.401.254.352 WATER TAP IN CHARGE 2,143,382.20 2,239,835.58 101.401.254.353 WATER CONTRIBUTED ASSETS 46,843,615.86 50,326,164.48 101.401.254.354 WATER MAIN EXTENSION CHARGE 2,528,075.91 2,824,546.11 101.401.254.355 DEBT SERVICE CHARGE 563,024.33 1,006,745.23 101.401.254.360 SEWER CAPACITY CHARGES 37,878,879.94 44,404,788.37 101.401.254.361 GRANTS 21,978,066.17 23,151,500.22 101.401.254.362 SEWER TAP IN CHARGE 2,303,137.25 2,440,315.67 101.401.254.363 SEWER CONTRIBUTED ASSETS 90,555,325.43 98,819,389.04 101.401.254.364 SEWER MAIN EXTENSION CHARGE 3,662,091.72 4,235,612.86 Investment In Capital Assets 223,000,732.03 248,260,896.16 Total Fund Balance 273,927,114.14 302,084,688.80 Beginning Fund Balance 270,357,546.96 293,106,326.89 Net of Revenues VS Expenditures 494,911.99 497,449.83 Fund Balance Adjustments 3,569,567.18 8,978,361.91 Ending Fund Balance 274,422,026.13 302,582,138.63 Total Liabilities And Fund Balance 384,150,188.77 405,688,672.04 to 12/21/2021 03:53 PM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 1/1 User: kosborne DB: CCUA PERIOD ENDING 11/30/2021 YTD BALANCE YTD BALANCE GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 11/30/2020 11/30/2021 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND WATER REVENUES 3,222,560.89 3,799,918.55 SEWER REVENUES 4,637,997.32 4,811,649.42 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 245,330.32 360,082.94 INTEREST UNRESTRICTED 89,532.27 97,384.69 INTEREST RESTRICTED 29,911.13 24.08 SALE OF ASSETS 1,733.75 0.00 CONSTRUCTION INCOME 31,188.21 16,105.51 TOTAL REVENUES 8,258,253.89 9,085,165.19 BAD DEBT (273.38) (2,571.67) COMMUNICATION 53,905.53 70,596.56 DUE IN LIEU OF TAXES 353,725.12 387,520.56 ELECTRIC & FUEL EXPENSES 373,618.62 402,078.44 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 27,119.66 25,712.14 PROPERTY & LIABILITY INSURANCE 132,148.46 145,710.34 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 70,931.38 365,186.63 SLUDGE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL 297,715.94 326,728.77 SUBCONTRACTORS 403,861.41 407,671.46 SUPPLIES 872,723.29 885,594.27 TRANSPORTATION 85,078.26 87,316.09 WAGES & RELATED EXPENSES 2,531,277.18 2,869,606.92 DEPRECIATION 2,083,990.75 2,188,861.25 INTEREST EXPENSE 425,746.56 381,672.57 CONSTRUCTION EXPENSE 51,773.12 46,031.03 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,763,341.90 8,587,715.36 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND: TOTAL REVENUES 8,258,253.89 9,085,165.19 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,763,341.90 8,587,715.36 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 494,911.99 497,449.83 TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUNDS 8,258,253.89 9,085,165.19 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 7,763,341.90 8,587,715.36 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 494,911.99 497,449.83 7 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE TWO MONTHS ENDED NOVEMBER 30,2020 AND 2021 November 30,2020 November 30,2021 Cash flows from operating activities $ 1,926,675 $ 3,254,831 Net cash provided by operating activities 1,926,675 3,254,831 Cash flows from capital and related financing activities Proceeds from issuance of bonds and loans - - Principal paid on long-term debt (3,224,473) (3,292,236) Interest paid on long-term debt (1,082,970) (1,014,555) Payments to acquire and construct plant property (1,101,351) (5,838,638) Capital contributions 1,637,726 3,490,210 Grants 222,743 40,649 Net cash used in capital and related financing activities (3,548,325) (6,614,570) Cash flows from investing activities Purchases of investments (6,433,695) (74,844) Sales of investments 6,151,250 - Interest income 119,443 97,409 Net cash provided by investing activities (163,002) 22,565 Net increase(decrease)in cash and cash equivalents (1,784,652) (3,337,175) Cash and cash equivalents,beginning of period 40,356,878 41,874,593 Cash and cash equivalents,end of period $ 38,572,226 $ 38,537,418 Reconciliation of operating income to net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from operating activities Operating income $ 799,481 $ 781,714 Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net t0 cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation expense 2,097,092 2,199,304 Changes in assets and liabilities Decrease(Increase)in accounts receivable (169,795) 412,361 Decrease(Increase)in prepaid items and inventory (389,239) (173,780) Decrease(Increase)in notes/interest receivable 172,363 (18,632) Increase(Decrease)in accounts payable (694,451) (280,132) Increase(Decrease)in accrued expenses 241,128 304,152 Increase(Decrease)in unearned revenue (153,895) 10,964 Increase(Decrease)in customer deposits 23,990 18,879 Total adjustments 1,127,193 2,473,117 Net cash provided by operating activities $ 1,926,675 $ 3,254,831 Supplemental schedule of noncash investing,capital,and financing activities Utility plant property contributed by developers $ 1,709,098 $ 5,447,503 8 Cumulative Cash Flow $100,000,000 $90,000,000 i $80,000,000 I $70,000,000 _ _ I I ,-- - $60,000,000 $50,0°0,000 l $40,000,000 7. $30,000,000 t0 $20,000,000 "/". $10,000,000 7. $0 V- ,) ,10 .10 ,10 ,10 .y0 ,10 �\P �1 ` `�,LO J,10 `,10 1> > t,1>' ,1> �,1> > �\1> �,> 1> G'1>' ,'1> ,,, a) �e., lac v.. 4\ \ \ P° he 0 ao Qe a <,e �a QQ �a >J N Qo se 0 0 •Cash ■Investments CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS REPORT As of November 30, 2021 BB&T Ameris SBA CD/CDARS Total Lend A Helping Hand Fund $2,138 $2,138 Operating Accounts ** $13,543,160 $13,543,160 FSA Account $35,930 $35,930 Emergency Accounts $38,800 $38,800 Petty Cash $1,167 $1,167 Total Operating Funds $13,619,057 $13,619,057 Public Funds Now: Water Plant Connection Fund $574,762 * $574,762 R Water Line Connection Fund $25 * $25 R Sewer Plant Connection Fund $6,316,540 * $6,316,540 R Sewer Lines Connection Fund $904,336 * $904,336 R Alternative Water Supply Fund $2,774,797 * $2,774,797 R Renewal&Replacement Fund $4,434,507 * $4,434,507 R Debt Stabilization and Reserve Account_Unrestricted $998,869 * - - $998,869 Surplus Fund $494,187 $1,472,339 $104,974 $52,128,453 $54,199,953 Available For Construction $16,498,022 $1,472,339 $104,974 $52,128,453 $70,203,789 Debt Service Sinking Funds: 2007A Bond Sinking Fund $2,293,525 * $2,293,525 R DEP Loan Debt Service Sinking Acct $16,123 * $16,123 R BBVA Compass Loan Sinking Funds $121,981 * $121,981 R 2018 Bond Sinking Fund $296,828 * $296,828 R Debt Stabilization and Reserve Account_Restricted Letter of Credit_Financial Responsible Officer $102,313 $102,313 Customer Deposits&Self Insurance Fund Customer Deposits - * $3,485,118 $3,485,118 Self Insurance Fund_Sewage Backups * Health Insurance - * $500,000 $500,000 Unemployment * $25,000 $25,000 TOTAL Funds $2,830,769 $4,010,118 - - $6,840,887 TOTAL CASH&CASH EQUIVALENTS $32,949,986 $5,482,457 $104,974 $52,128,453 $90,665,871 Certificates of Deposit Maturity Date Balance APY Scott&Stringfellow Various $52,128,453 Various $52,128,453 * BB&T Public Funds Money Checking Accounts $18,732,292 0.25% BB&T Public Funds Money Checking Accounts_Eamings Credit waives bank fees $13,543,160 0.25% Ameris Public Funds Money Checking Accounts $5,482,457 0.30% SBA $104,974 0.09% Operating Account has significant Surplus Funds due to Earnings Credit offsetting fees greater than interest Construction Balance $70,203,789 Operating Cash $11,543,160 Available Construction Balance: $81,746,949 "R"indicates fund is Restricted by Bond Resolution,Enabling Legislation or Board Resolution. Printed 12/22/2021 Section B CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY BUDGET REPORTS FISCAL YEAR 2021 /2022 to Section C 12/21/2021 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES PERIOD ENDING 11/30/2021 OPERATING BUDGET REPORT 2021-22 YTD BALANCE AVAILABLE %BDGT GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMENDED BUDGET 11/30/2021 BALANCE USED OPERATING REVENUES Water Revenues Net Water Base Charges 7,870,135.00 1,278,327.23 6,591,807.77 16.24% Net Water Use Charges 9,778,356.00 1,648,020.11 8,130,335.89 16.85% Net Reuse Water Base Charges 2,743,539.00 483,561.46 2,259,977.54 17.63% Net Reuse Water Usage Charges 2,135,303.00 390,009.75 1,745,293.25 18.26% Net Water Revenues 22,527,333.00 3,799,918.55 18,727,414.45 16.87% Sewage Revenues Net Sewer Base Charges 15,923,690.00 2,625,574.11 13,298,115.89 16.49% Net Sewer Use Charges 13,994,637.00 2,186,075.31 11,808,561.69 15.62% Net Sewage Revenues 29,918,327.00 4,811,649.42 25,106,677.58 16.08% Other Revenues Net Miscellaneous 1,587,083.00 360,082.94 1,227,000.06 22.69% Net Other Revenues 1,587,083.00 360,082.94 1,227,000.06 22.69% Net OPERATING REVENUES 54,032,743.00 8,971,650.91 45,061,092.09 16.60% INTEREST INCOME Net Unrestricted 784,689.00 97,384.69 687,304.31 12.41% Net Restricted 2,666.00 24.08 2,641.92 0.90% Net INTEREST INCOME 787,355.00 97,408.77 689,946.23 12.37% OPERATING EXPENSES Net Bad Debt Expenses 5,000.00 (2,571.67) 7,571.67 -51.43% Net Wage Related Expenses 4,829,171.19 849,003.87 3,980,167.32 17.58% Net Communication Expenses 485,154.00 70,596.56 414,557.44 14.55% Net Due in Lieu of Taxes 2,360,055.00 387,520.56 1,972,534.44 16.42% Net Electric&Fuel Expenses 2,482,468.00 402,078.44 2,080,389.56 16.20% Net Miscellaneous Expenses 439,234.00 25,712.14 413,521.86 5.85% Net Property&Liability Insurance 859,395.00 145,710.34 713,684.66 16.95% Net Professional Services 1,896,599.00 388,666.07 1,507,932.93 20.49% Net Sludge Treatment&Disposal 1,924,160.00 326,728.77 1,597,431.23 16.98% Net Subcontractors 3,633,616.00 400,525.82 3,233,090.18 11.02% Net Supplies 5,702,144.00 885,594.27 4,816,549.73 15.53% Net Transportation Expenses 502,451.00 87,316.09 415,134.91 17.38% Net Wage Expense 12,321,959.87 2,004,269.25 10,317,690.62 16.27% Net OPERATING EXPENSES 37,441,407.06 5,971,150.51 31,470,256.55 15.95% NON-OPERATING EXPENSES Net Depreciation Expense 12,504,881.00 2,188,861.25 10,316,019.75 17.50% Net Interest Expense 2,074,592.00 381,672.57 1,692,919.43 18.40% Net Loss(Gain)on Sale of Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00% Net NON-OPERATING EXPENSES 14,579,473.00 2,570,533.82 12,008,939.18 17.63% Net CONSTRUCTION EXPENSES 624,519.85 46,031.03 578,488.82 7.37% Net CONSTRUCTION INCOME 624,519.00 16,105.51 608,413.49 2.58% Net CONTINGENCY 1,186,170.00 0.00 1,186,170.00 0.00% TOTAL REVENUES-ALL FUNDS 55,444,617.00 9,085,165.19 46,359,451.81 16.39% TOTAL EXPENDITURES-ALL FUNDS 53,831,569.91 8,587,715.36 45,243,854.55 15.95% NET OF REVENUES&EXPENDITURES 1,613,047.09 497,449.83 1,115,597.26 30.84% 12 12/21/2021 04:22 PM EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 1/1 User: kosborne DB: CCUA PERIOD ENDING 11/30/2021 OPERATING EXPENSE BUDGET REPORT 2021-22 YTD BALANCE AVAILABLE % BDGT GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMENDED BUDGET 11/30/2021 BALANCE USED Net WAGES & TEMP. LABOR 12,724,148.87 2,028,203.69 10,695,945.18 15.94 Net CAPITALIZED WAGES 241,797.65 5,148.68 236,648.97 2.13 Net HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 2,489,281.92 437,405.54 2,051,876.38 17.57 Net PENSION & BENEFITS 1,298,549.45 230,391.28 1,068,158.17 17.74 Net PAYROLL TAXES 921,385.72 147,062.70 774,323.02 15.96 Net W/C INSURANCE 236,296.30 39,009.11 197,287.19 16.51 Net PROPERTY & LIABILITY INSURANCE 914,250.00 155,011.00 759,239.00 16.95 Net TRANSPORTATION 527,951.00 91,572.57 436,378.43 17.34 Net RENTAL EXPENSE 43,194.00 5,181.90 38,012.10 12.00 Net COMMUNICATION EXPENSES 485,154.00 70,596.56 414,557.44 14.55 Net ELECTRIC & FUEL WATER PLANTS 734,000.00 114,745.24 619,254.76 15.63 Net ELECTRIC & FUEL LIFT STATIONS 400,000.00 61,477.55 338,522.45 15.37 Net ELECTRIC & FUEL SEWAGE PLANTS 1,310,865.00 220,171.64 1,090,693.36 16.80 Net ELECTRIC AT OFFICE 37,603.00 5,684.01 31,918.99 15.12 Net CHEMICALS FOR WATER 185,000.00 31,516.89 153,483.11 17.04 Net CHEMICALS FOR SEWAGE 821,203.00 107,966.80 713,236.20 13.15 Net SUPPLIES FOR WATER 1,775,024.00 206,842.33 1,568,181.67 11.65 Net SUPPLIES FOR SEWAGE 1,258,076.00 205,613.18 1,052,462.82 16.34 Net OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,668,741.00 338,877.55 1,329,863.45 20.31 Net ENGINEERING EXPENSES 926,900.00 296,068.44 630,831.56 31.94 Net LEGAL EXPENSES 545,535.00 55,361.19 490,173.81 10.15 Net AUDIT EXPENSES 33,500.00 15,000.00 18,500.00 44.78 Net SUBCONTRACTORS-WATER 1,295,475.00 137,418.73 1,158,056.27 10.61 Net SUBCONTRACTORS-SEWAGE 717,863.00 89,067.54 628,795.46 12.41 Net SUBCONTRACTORS-GENERAL 1,630,178.00 179,136.61 1,451,041.39 10.99 Net SLUDGE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL 1,924,160.00 326,728.77 1,597,431.23 16.98 Net BAD DEBT EXPENSE 5,000.00 (2,571.67) 7,571.67 (51.43) Net MISCELLANEOUS 396,040.00 20,530.24 375,509.76 5.18 Net DUE IN LIEU OF TAXES 2,360,055.00 387,520.56 1,972,534.44 16.42 Net CONTINGENCY 1,240,485.00 0.00 1,240,485.00 0.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 39,147,711.91 6,006,738.63 33,140,973.28 15.34 13 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CIAC REPORTS t° FISCAL YEAR 2021 /2022 Section D 12/21/2021 04:23 PM TRIAL BALANCE REPORT FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 1/2 User: kosborne DB: CCUA PERIOD ENDING 11/30/2021 ACTIVITY FOR 2021-22 BEG. BALANCE MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE END BALANCE GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMENDED BUDGET 10/01/2021 11/30/2021 THRU 11/30/21 11/30/2021 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Fund Equity WATER CAPACITY 101.401.254.350 WATER CAPACITY CHARGES 10,148,402.33 70,700.00 568,960.53 10,717,362.86 WATER CAPACITY 10,148,402.33 70,700.00 568,960.53 10,717,362.86 SEWER CAPACITY 101.401.254.360 SEWER CAPACITY CHARGES 42,567,255.88 692,535.00 1,837,532.49 44,404,788.37 101.401.254.361 GRANTS 23,110,851.53 0.00 40,648.69 23,151,500.22 SEWER CAPACITY 65,678,107.41 692,535.00 1,878,181.18 67,556,288.59 AWS 101.401.240.000 AWS CIAO 5,389,271.45 125,756.01 673,321.87 6,062,593.32 AWS 5,389,271.45 125,756.01 673,321.87 6,062,593.32 SJRWMD BLACK CREEK 101.401.240.100 SJRWMD Black Creek CIAC 0.00 53,941.86 112,508.92 112,508.92 SJRWMD BLACK CREEK 0.00 53,941.86 112,508.92 112,508.92 WATER MAIN 101.401.254.354 WATER MAIN EXTENSION CHARGE 2,781,061.91 761.00 43,484.20 2,824,546.11 WATER MAIN 2,781,061.91 761.00 43,484.20 2,824,546.11 SEWER MAIN 101.401.254.364 SEWER MAIN EXTENSION CHARGE 4,147,513.64 4,590.03 88,099.22 4,235,612.86 SEWER MAIN 4,147,513.64 4,590.03 88,099.22 4,235,612.86 FIRE 101.401.254.351 FIRE CAPACITY CHARGES 1,903,723.50 0.00 15,810.00 1,919,533.50 FIRE 1,903,723.50 0.00 15,810.00 1,919,533.50 WATER TAP IN 101.401.254.352 WATER TAP IN CHARGE 2,226,386.48 4,512.56 13,449.10 2,239,835.58 WATER TAP IN 2,226,386.48 4,512.56 13,449.10 2,239,835.58 SEWER TAP IN 101.401.254.362 SEWER TAP IN CHARGE 2,414,030.19 2,622.92 26,285.48 2,440,315.67 SEWER TAP IN 2,414,030.19 2,622.92 26,285.48 2,440,315.67 WATER CONT PROP 101.401.254.353 WATER CONTRIBUTED ASSETS 48,671,992.34 0.00 1,654,172.14 50,326,164.48 WATER CONT PROP 48,671,992.34 0.00 1,654,172.14 50,326,164.48 SEWER CONT PROP 101.401.254.363 SEWER CONTRIBUTED ASSETS 95,026,058.13 0.00 3,793,330.91 98,819,389.04 SEWER CONT PROP 95,026,058.13 0.00 3,793,330.91 98,819,389.04 DEBT SERVICE 101.401.254.355 DEBT SERVICE CHARGE 895,986.87 15,113.50 110,758.36 1,006,745.23 15 12/21/2021 04:23 PM TRIAL BALANCE REPORT FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 2/2 User: kosborne DB: CCUA PERIOD ENDING 11/30/2021 ACTIVITY FOR 2021-22 BEG. BALANCE MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE END BALANCE GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMENDED BUDGET 10/01/2021 11/30/2021 THRU 11/30/21 11/30/2021 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Fund Equity DEBT SERVICE 895,986.87 15,113.50 110,758.36 1,006,745.23 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 239,282,534.25 970,532.88 8,978,361.91 248,260,896.16 Total Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND TOTAL ASSETS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BEG. FUND BALANCE 293,106,326.89 293,106,326.89 + NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES + FUND BALANCE ADJUSTMENTS 9,014,599.61 9,014,599.61 = ENDING FUND BALANCE 239,282,534.25 970,532.88 8,978,361.91 248,260,896.16 + LIABILITIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 239,282,534.25 970,532.88 8,978,361.91 248,260,896.16 OUT OF BALANCE 0.00 (970,532.88) (8,978,361.91) (248,260,896.16) 16 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 2021/2022 Alternative Water Supply Surcharges Beginning October November December January February March April May June July August September Balance Established 10/1/2015 Balance 2021 2021 2021 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 9/30/2022 Expenditures: Job 991 FCOB Stormwater Harvesting Pilot Project 752,127.03 752,127.03 Stormwater Harvesting Study 49,842.66 49,842.66 Job 00119WP Aquifer Storage&Recovery(ASR) 1,554,488.01 0.00 25.593.03 1,580,081.04 Project Development Advisor 212,388.00 212,388.00 Horizontal Well Feasibility Study 38,788.00 38,788.00 Aquifer Recharge Feasibility Study&Siting 138,059.36 138,059.36 Lake Agresti Reservoir Feasibility Study 5,798.00 5,798.00 Job 20022WL Treatability Pilot Project-AWS Development 327,302.47 34,787.31 111,425.02 473,514.80 I New Development: - Total Expenditures 3,078,793.53 34,787.31 137,018.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,250,598.89 Existing Customers: Revenue: Surcharge Fund(Existing Customers) 3,438,711.41 53,863.44 55,443.36 3,548,018.21 Connection Charge Fund(Growth) 1,836,928.17 21,664.31 492,122.50 2,350,714.98 Interest Income 40,259.54 5.84 40,265.38 Total Revenue 5,315,899.12 75,533.59 547,565.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,938,998.57 Balance 2,237,105.59 40,746.28 410,547.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,688,399.68 Cash Balance 2,774,795.82 Done in following Month: Less Construction Costs transferred after month close (86,396.14) J/E-Adjustment True Up for Move-Ins/Move-Outs J/E-Interfund Transfer 2,688,399.68 Page D-la 17 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CAPITAL PROJECT BUDGET to REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2021 /2022 Section E 18 Clay County Utility Authority References Capital Projects Budget Report RENEWAL, REPLACEMENT & BETTERMENT Prior Years Current Fiscal for Transfers Current Fiscal Financial Carry Over Current Fiscal Year Year Combined Transfers and Funds Spent @ Job Cost Balances and Year Job Costs Job Description Job Number Budget Adopted Budget Budgets Amendments 11/30/21 To Fund Amendments 2021 /2022 Departmental Capital 100 1,122,764.59 1,052,400.00 2,175,164.59 2,175,164.59 2,175,164.59 Upgrade Lift station 9-Meadowbrook 755 110,000.00 110,000.00 6,269.39 103,730.61 110,000.00 CCUA Main Office Paving and Stripping Rehab 839 105,000.00 105,000.00 1,500.00 103,500.00 105,000.00 Knight Boxx/Old Jennings Force Main Extension 967 100,000.00 100,000.00 9,114.95 90,885.05 100,000.00 LS 40 Orange Park Country Club Rehab 1052 60,000.00 60,000.00 31,496.60 28,503.40 60,000.00 Lucy Branch Maintenance Building Repairs and Renovations 02018RR 120,000.00 120,000.00 10,739.84 109,260.16 120,000.00 Holly Ridge Dr.Force Main Installation 02119SL 280,000.00 280,000.00 119.20 279,880.80 280,000.00 Woodland Drive Force Main Installation 02219SL 239,000.00 239,000.00 0.00 239,000.00 239,000.00 Rehab SP WW Clarifer#1/under drain 1-2 02519RR 100,000.00 900,000.00 1,000,000.00 63,110.20 936,889.80 1,000,000.00 CL2 Storage Tanks-Multiple WTPS 02619WP 50,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 29,848.11 70,151.89 100,000.00 Task Order No.33-Gravity Rehab in Bellair 20020RR 952,800.54 952,800.54 952,800.54 0.00 952,800.54 Ridgecrest WTP-Replace Softstart&Crossline Starters with VFD's 20021RR 985,000.00 568,016.26 1,553,016.26 95,495.74 1,457,520.52 1,553,016.26 New Lift Station Generators: 172, 165, 151, 142, 163, 124 21002RR 400,000.00 400,000.00 279,498.06 120,501.94 400,000.00 Keystone Club Estates WTP Well No. 1 &@ Well and Pump Evalaution 21008RR 98,263.96 98,263.96 68,838.04 29,425.92 98,263.96 Fleming Island Reg.WWTP-2nd BCR Plant,Two Tanks 21010RR 200,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,200,000.00 1,687,083.20 3,512,916.80 5,200,000.00 Fleming WRF Clarifier No. 1 Upgrade 21014RR 50,000.00 1,158,000.00 1,208,000.00 0.00 1,208,000.00 1,208,000.00 Long Bay Rd.Water and Reclaimed Interconnect(Pine Ridge) 21015RR 60,000.00 60,000.00 59,817.29 182.71 60,000.00 Lift Station#2-Upgrade 21016RR I 700,000.00 21,822.44 678,177.56 5 700,000.00 Wastewater Extension to 1045 Live Ok Ln. 21018RR 27,000.00 27,000.00 25,540.58 1,459.42 27,000.00 Lift Station#3 Foxbay Upgrade 21016RR 750,000.00 8,302.50 741,697.50 6 750,000.00 Coopergate-TO#7 LS 56&MH 1 21024RR 17,023.15 17,023.15 0.00 3 17,023.15 TO#36-Sandalwood,Fireside&Walgreen 21025RR 23,473.94 24,232.41 (758.47) 4 23,473.94 Meadowbrook Well Rehab 21028RR 70,000.00 630,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 Meadowbrook WTP Upgrades-(GST#3 repair,Transfer switch,GST#2 roof repair,Aerator r 21029RR 72,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,072,000.00 1,072,000.00 1,072,000.00 CR 218 widening from Pine Tree Lane to Cosmos Not Started 425,000.00 425,000.00 425,000.00 425,000.00 CR 220 widening Baxley to Henley Rd Not Started 0.00 575,000.00 575,000.00 575,000.00 575,000.00 CR 220 widening from Henley to Knightbox Not Started 0.00 420,000.00 420,000.00 420,000.00 420,000.00 ERP Software Replacement Not Started 0.00 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00 Fleming Oaks WTP Electrical Upgrades&Hydro Tank Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fleming Oaks WTP:Replace roof on the pump,bleach,and generator buildings Not Started 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 Keystone Heights-Brooklyn Bay Road Water Main Rehabilitation Not Started 0.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 Keystone Heights-Lakeside Street/Hilltop Street Water Main Rehabilitation Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Kingsley Cove WTP Well Rehab Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lake Asbury WM Improvements(602 Lake Asbury Road to Aldersgate Drive) Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lift Station SCADA System Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Miller St.WWTP Upgrades(Complete Paving of Loop Road,Refurbish Influent Structure(Ext Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pace Island WTP:Electrical&Hydro Tank Upgrades(Replace Hydrotank Tank#1 and Electric Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ravines Off-Site Mains-Middleburg W&S Extensions Not Started 1,238,000.00 1,238,000.00 1,238,000.00 1,238,000.00 Ridaught WTP-Phase I GST Upgrades Not Started 50,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,150,000.00 1,150,000.00 1,150,000.00 Ridaught WWTP Upgrades(Install Micro-screen,Grit Removal Equipment,and Influent,Reha Not Started 103,936.00 1,663,706.00 1,767,642.00 1,767,642.00 1,767,642.00 Spencers WTP-Ground Storage&High Service Pump Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sandridge Road widening from Henley to CR 209 Not Started 0.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 19 X:\Finance\Controllers Folder\Monthly Financial\Monthly Construction Reports\2021-2022\CIP_2022_November.xlsx Page 1 of 3 Clay County Utility Authority References Capital Projects Budget Report Prior Years Current Fiscal for Transfers Current Fiscal Financial Carry Over Current Fiscal Year Year Combined Transfers and Funds Spent @ Job Cost Balances and Year Job Costs Job Description Job Number Budget Adopted Budget Budgets Amendments 11/30/21 To Fund Amendments 2021 /2022 Rehab PS 4&PS 62. Manifold PS 67 if feasible Not Started 0.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 Server Lifecycle Replacement Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Upgrade Lift Stations 11,41,69,51 Not Started 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 Upgrade Lift Station 98 Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Upgrade Lift Stations 9,43,24,59 Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WRF SCADA System Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Water SCADA System Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wesley RD WM Improvements(Branscomb Road to Arthur Moore Drive) Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WTP Ground Storage Tanks:add Handrails Not Started 0.00 576,000.00 576,000.00 576,000.00 576,000.00 Water Plant Meters Retrofits Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ridaught/Greenwood/Lucy Branch/Orange Park South WTP Consolidation and Upgrades Not Started 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 Insituform R&R Not Started 0.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 SYSTEM EXPANSION Meadow Lake WTP-New Ground Storage Tank and Electrical Service upgrade 00983WP 363,093.00 1,834,953.00 2,198,046.00 345,767.01 1,852,278.99 2,198,046.00 Peters Creek WTP-Land Costs 01118RR 75,000.00 75,000.00 14,425.70 60,574.30 75,000.00 Henley Road 12"WM Loop-Sandridge to Small Lake 01119WL 106,000.00 106,000.00 11,212.18 94,787.82 106,000.00 North Middleburg Water&Sewer Extension and Interconnection(Water Interconnect,Forcems 02419WL 169,191.77 1,700,000.00 1,869,191.77 141,360.17 1,727,831.60 1,869,191.77 Saratoga Springs WTP-Phase I 03018WP 1,211,426.55 1,137,327.00 2,348,753.55 1,534,880.42 813,873.13 2,348,753.55 Saratoga Springs RWP-Phase I 03118RP 1,160,831.00 446,202.00 1,607,033.00 544,039.23 1,062,993.77 1,607,033.00 FCOB Utility Crossings 03218WL 3,900,000.00 3,900,000.00 2,214,898.12 1,685,101.88 3,900,000.00 Middleburg Water and Sewer Relocations 03319WL 602,241.10 602,241.10 607,134.44 (4,893.34) 602,241.10 Saratoga Springs Offsite Main Extensions 03419WL 485,323.00 2,299,677.00 2,785,000.00 267,681.63 2,517,318.37 2,785,000.00 Mid Clay WWTP-Phase II Plant Expansion 20003SP 582,615.00 4,500,000.00 5,082,615.00 351,776.00 4,730,839.00 5,082,615.00 Fleming Island Reg.WWTP-#3 BTU Installation,Design 20004SP 2,149,000.00 4,371,000.00 6,520,000.00 4,759,561.41 1,760,438.59 6,520,000.00 Meadowbrook WTP Chlorine Room Roll-Up Door Addition 20006WP 50,000.00 50,000.00 27,679.08 22,320.92 50,000.00 Fleming Island WWTF Clarifier No.2 Evaluation and Repair 20007SP 140,000.00 140,000.00 110,444.57 29,555.43 140,000.00 2019-054 Doctors Lake Restoration Project 20011SL 236,340.52 175,000.00 411,340.52 322,219.80 89,120.72 411,340.52 Brannen Mill Extension-Challenger Center 20012WL 2,200,000.00 2,200,000.00 1,108,828.57 1,091,171.43 2,200,000.00 Peters Creek WRF-Phase II 20027SP 50,000.00 1,600,000.00 1,650,000.00 160,880.82 1,489,119.18 1,650,000.00 CCUA Storage Building and Site Improvements 21001AD 254,095.00 3,480,750.00 3,734,845.00 229,109.51 3,505,735.49 3,734,845.00 Aquarius Concourse Relocation Utility Relocations 21004WL 2,852,544.14 2,852,544.14 46,252.18 2,806,291.96 2,852,544.14 Cross Creek-315 Cost Share&Easement 21005WL 420,000.00 420,000.00 514,807.55 (94,807.55) 420,000.00 Governor's Park WWTF Design and Build 21012SP 25,000.00 25,000.00 36,780.80 (11,780.80) 25,000.00 Swimming Penn Creek WM Interconnect 21020WL 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 Water and Wastewater Service to 7065 Artis Rd 21021WL 33,000.00 16,114.35 16,885.65 2 33,000.00 Ravines to Henly Road Water Main Extension 21023WL 2,640,000.00 2,640,000.00 0.00 2,640,000.00 2,640,000.00 Governor's Park WTP Design and Build 21026WP 2,400.00 975,000.00 977,400.00 16,815.00 960,585.00 977,400.00 Water Service Extension to 3173 Park Ave 21027WL 0.00 48,000.00 560.79 47,439.21 1 48,000.00 Peters Creek WTP 2nd GST&3rd Well Not Started 100,000.00 875,000.00 975,000.00 0.00 975,000.00 975,000.00 Engineering Cost Allocation 9999999 0.00 64,821.14 (64,821.14) 0.00 Bradley Creek Crossing Cost Share Not Started 129,500.00 129,500.00 129,500.00 129,500.00 20 X:\Finance\Controllers Folder\Monthly Financial\Monthly Construction Reports\2021-2022\CIP_2022_November.xlsx Page 2 of 3 Clay County Utility Authority References Capital Projects Budget Report Prior Years Current Fiscal for Transfers Current Fiscal Financial Carry Over Current Fiscal Year Year Combined Transfers and Funds Spent @ Job Cost Balances and Year Job Costs Job Description Job Number Budget Adopted Budget Budgets Amendments 11/30/21 To Fund Amendments 2021 /2022 Bradley Creek Crossing-Cost Share Not Started 79,000.00 79,000.00 79,000.00 79,000.00 CCUA Administrative Building Phase I Not Started 0.00 214,907.00 214,907.00 214,907.00 214,907.00 Cost Share-Extension from Mayfield Annex to Blanding Not Started 37,800.00 37,800.00 37,800.00 37,800.00 CR218 Utility Main Extensions Not Started 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 Infill Projects Not Started 1,161,679.98 100,000.00 1,261,679.98 1,261,679.98 1,261,679.98 Keystone-Master Plan WM-Mossy Oaks to Geneva Lake Est. Not Started 900,000.00 900,000.00 900,000.00 900,000.00 Keystone Wastewater Treatment Plant-Phase II Construction Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mid-Clay&Oakleaf Reclaimed WP Upgrades(Install 3rd High Service Pump at each facility) Not Started 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 Old Jennings Rd-Estimated Cost Share on oversizing to Commercial stub Not Started 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 Peters Creek WWTP-Land Acquisition Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Peters Creek Reclaimed Additions Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pier Station E/W WM Extension and Interconnect(State Road 16 and FCOB) Not Started 0.00 750,000.00 750,000.00 750,000.00 750,000.00 Pier Station Force Main Extensions(State Road 16 and FCOB) Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pier Station Master Pump Station(State Road 16 and FCOB) Not Started 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 Pier Station WTP Expansion Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ravines to Henly Road Water Main Extension Not Started 0.00 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00 Ravines WTP 2nd GST Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ridaught RWP-750K Ground Storage Tank Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ridaught RWP-Install 3rd High Service Pump Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Spencer's WWTP:Phase 6 Expansion Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Water System Interconnects-Misc Not Started 0.00 660,000.00 660,000.00 660,000.00 660,000.00 Ridaught/Greenwood/Lucy Branch/Orange Park South WTP Consolidation and Upgrades Not Started 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Longbay Rd.Master Pump Station and Force Main Not Started 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Village Park&Bradley Creek(Developer Agreement MU18/19-1) Not Started 258,078.00 258,078.00 258,078.00 258,078.00 ALTERNATIVE WATER SUPPLY Aquifer Storage&Recovery(ASR)-Hydrogeologic Well Construction and Testing 00119WP 2,321,500.00 2,321,500.00 1,580,081.04 741,418.96 2,321,500.00 Potable Reuse Pilot Project 20022WL 429,261.99 185,000.00 614,261.99 473,514.80 140,747.19 614,261.99 2 MGD Potable Reuse Not Started Other AWS(Stormwater,RIBs,Reclaimed Storage,etc)Subtotals Not Started 38,030,686.14 44,706,938.26 82,737,624.40 1,571,497.09 18,894,298.55 65,414,822.94 84,309,121.49 Contingency 13,719,293.47 13,719,293.47 (1,571,497.09) 1(1-6) 12,147,796.38 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 96,456,917.87 96,456,917.87 Construction In Progress 18,894,298.55 Not Started 20,046,606.98 Completed Jobs 0.00 Started 76,410,310.89 18,894,298.55 96,456,917.87 21 X:\Finance\Controllers Folder\Monthly Financial\Monthly Construction Reports\2021-2022\CIP_2022_November.xlsx Page 3 of 3 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY OPERATING DETAIL BY MONTH to FISCAL YEAR 2021 /2022 Section F 22 12/21/2021 04:24 PM REVENUE REPORT FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 1/1 User: kosborne DB: CCUA PERIOD ENDING 11/30/2021 OPERATING REVENUE BUDGET REPORT ACTIVITY FOR 2021-22 MONTH YTD BALANCE % BDGT GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMENDED BUDGET 11/30/2021 11/30/2021 USED OPERATING REVENUES Water Revenues Water Base Charges 101.401.343.301 RESIDENTIAL WATER BASE CHARGE 6,379,316.00 464,865.87 1,048,068.09 16.43 101.401.343.303 GENERAL SERVICE WATER BASE 1,226,278.00 86,446.48 194,493.85 15.86 101.401.346.303 Commercial Potable Irrigation Base 264,541.00 15,853.53 35,765.29 13.52 Net Water Base Charges 7,870,135.00 567,165.88 1,278,327.23 16.87 Water Use Charges 101.401.344.303 Residential Water Usage Tier 1 3,485,504.00 288,651.15 588,160.63 16.87 101.401.344.304 Residential Water Usage Tier 2 2,060,486.00 161,503.31 354,040.63 17.18 101.401.344.305 Residential Water Usage Tier 3 864,211.00 65,981.72 157,577.96 18.23 101.401.344.306 Residential Water Usage Tier 4 1,007,439.00 68,162.86 179,599.47 17.83 101.401.345.305 Commercial Water Usage 1,787,785.00 133,137.06 276,959.17 15.49 101.401.346.306 Commercial Potable Irrigation Usage T 124,838.00 9,802.40 19,903.56 15.94 101.401.346.307 Commercial Potable Irrigation Usage T 199,467.00 13,469.02 27,770.66 13.92 101.401.346.308 Commercial Potable Irrigation Usage T 155,689.00 10,398.83 21,423.17 13.76 101.401.346.309 Commercial Potable Irrigation Usage T 92,937.00 13,833.90 22,584.86 24.30 Net Water Use Charges 9,778,356.00 764,940.25 1,648,020.11 16.87 Reuse Water Base Charges 101.401.343.601 Reuse Residential Base 2,486,808.00 196,860.47 442,801.18 17.81 101.401.343.602 Reuse Commercial Base 256,731.00 18,154.48 40,760.28 15.88 Net Reuse Water Base Charges 2,743,539.00 215,014.95 483,561.46 16.87 Reuse Water Usage Charges 101.401.347.403 Reuse Residential Usage Tier 1 807,652.00 67,944.01 149,419.06 18.50 101.401.347.404 Reuse Residential Usage Tier 2 220,440.00 16,698.84 39,240.39 17.80 101.401.347.405 Reuse Residential Usage Tier 3 635,232.00 41,325.09 103,950.94 16.36 101.401.347.406 Reuse Commercial Usage Tier 1 95,776.00 7,079.01 14,836.14 15.49 101.401.347.407 Reuse Commercial Usage Tier 2 32,826.00 2,907.95 5,903.58 17.98 101.401.347.408 Reuse Commercial Usage Tier 3 229,727.00 21,516.85 52,472.97 22.84 101.401.349.506 CROSSINGS RECLAIMED WATER CHRG 113,650.00 10,183.49 24,186.67 21.28 Net Reuse Water Usage Charges 2,135,303.00 167,655.24 390,009.75 16.87 Net Water Revenues 22,527,333.00 1,714,776.32 3,799,918.55 16.87 Sewage Revenues Sewer Base Charges 101.401.343.501 RESIDENTIAL SEWER BASE CHARGE 13,725,981.00 990,123.56 2,231,568.57 16.26 101.401.343.504 GENERAL SERVICE SEWER BASE 2,197,709.00 175,183.10 394,005.54 17.93 Net Sewer Base Charges 15,923,690.00 1,165,306.66 2,625,574.11 16.08 Sewer Use Charges 101.401.343.502 RESIDENTIAL SEWER USAGE CHARGE 10,261,010.00 788,568.00 1,627,210.86 15.86 101.401.343.505 GENERAL SERVICE SEWER USAGE 3,524,827.00 255,606.91 528,694.64 15.00 101.401.343.506 PORTALET SEWAGE REVENUE 208,800.00 13,299.46 30,169.81 14.45 Net Sewer Use Charges 13,994,637.00 1,057,474.37 2,186,075.31 16.08 Net Sewage Revenues 29,918,327.00 2,222,781.03 4,811,649.42 16.08 Net OPERATING REVENUES 52,445,660.00 3,937,557.35 8,611,567.97 16.08 TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUNDS 52,445,660.00 3,937,557.35 8,611,567.97 16.42 23 Budgeted vs. Actual - Base & Use Charges, Total 30,000,000 25,000,000 or7 "ram 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 EO / 5,000,000 Mi 0 March April May June July August September October November December January February Actual Base Charges mom Actual Use Charges tBudgeted Base Charges ..♦.Budgeted Use Charges Operating Revenue $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 t0 iniaM $1,000,000 $0 October November December January February March April May June July August September Actual Optg Rev - Prior Year Optg Rev Budgeted Optg Rev Operating Net Income $2,500,000 -Ai $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 N t0 $500,000 $0 October November December January February March April May June July August September Actual Net Income Prior Year Net Income Budgeted Net Income CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY OTHER REPORTS to FISCAL YEAR 2021 /2022 Section G 27 12/21/2021 04:24 PM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 1/2 User: kosborne DB: CCUA PERIOD ENDING 11/30/2021 CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT BUDGET ACTIVITY FOR 2021-22 MONTH YTD BALANCE ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % BDGT GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMENDED BUDGET 11/30/21 11/30/2021 YEAR-TO-DATE BALANCE USED INTERNAL BILLINGS 101.401.349.609 BILLINGS TO CCUA-CAPITAL ASSET 624,519.00 7,636.13 16,105.51 0.00 608,413.49 2.58 Net INTERNAL BILLINGS 624,519.00 7,636.13 16,105.51 0.00 608,413.49 2.58 WAGES 101.401.536.128 C/D JOB PAYROLL 0.00 4,295.01 7,517.85 0.00 (7,517.85) 100.00 101.401.536.129 C/D CONTRA JOB PAYROLL 0.00 (4,295.01) (7,517.85) 0.00 7,517.85 100.00 101.502.536.121 WAGES HOURLY 241,797.65 2,865.34 5,148.68 0.00 236,648.97 2.13 Net WAGES (241,797.65) (2,865.34) (5,148.68) 0.00 (236,648.97) 2.13 HEALTH/LIFE INSURANCE 101.502.536.230 EMPLOYEE HEALTH&LIFE INSURANCE 63,804.38 818.70 1,311.80 0.00 62,492.58 2.06 Net HEALTH/LIFE INSURANCE (63,804.38) (818.70) (1,311.80) 0.00 (62,492.58) 2.06 RETIREMENT & BENEFITS 101.502.536.220 EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT & BENEFITS 25,643.32 314.70 1,050.22 0.00 24,593.10 4.10 Net RETIREMENT & BENEFITS (25,643.32) (314.70) (1,050.22) 0.00 (24,593.10) 4.10 PAYROLL TAXES 101.502.536.210 EMPLOYER FICA PAYROLL TAXES 18,088.12 207.40 377.45 0.00 17,710.67 2.09 Net PAYROLL TAXES (18,088.12) (207.40) (377.45) 0.00 (17,710.67) 2.09 WORKMENS COMPENSATION INS. 101.502.536.240 W/C INSURANCE 8,806.38 88.87 116.70 0.00 8,689.68 1.33 101.508.536.246 CONSTRUCTION W/C INSURANCE 0.00 69.10 189.19 0.00 (189.19) 100.00 101.509.536.246 CONSTRUCTION W/C INSURANCE 0.00 679.66 1,525.51 0.00 (1,525.51) 100.00 101.517.536.246 CONSTRUCTION W/C INSURANCE 0.00 106.65 293.89 0.00 (293.89) 100.00 Net WORKMENS COMPENSATION INS. (8,806.38) (944.28) (2,125.29) 0.00 (6,681.09) 24.13 PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE 101.502.536.451 PROPERTY INSURANCE-CONSTRUCTION 54,855.00 4,650.33 9,300.66 0.00 45,554.34 16.95 Net PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE (54,855.00) (4,650.33) (9,300.66) 0.00 (45,554.34) 16.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.502.536.529 SUPPLIES OFFICE 900.00 0.00 0.00 75.42 824.58 8.38 Net OFFICE SUPPLIES (900.00) 0.00 0.00 (75.42) (824.58) 8.38 TOOLS & SUPPLIES 101.502.536.407 JOB EQUIPMENT CHARGES 0.00 852.00 4,115.00 0.00 (4,115.00) 100.00 101.502.536.527 TOOLS & SUPPLIES 5,000.00 292.92 1,107.48 204.94 3,687.58 26.25 Net TOOLS & SUPPLIES (5,000.00) (1,144.92) (5,222.48) (204.94) 427.42 108.55 FUEL, OIL, & REPAIRS 101.502.536.468 EQUIP REPAIR&MAINTENANCE 15,000.00 4,022.07 6,170.37 6,661.37 2,168.26 85.54 Net FUEL, OIL, & REPAIRS (15,000.00) (4,022.07) (6,170.37) (6,661.37) (2,168.26) 85.54 TRANSPORTATION 101.502.536.401 TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES 25,500.00 2,254.24 4,256.48 0.00 21,243.52 16.69 Net TRANSPORTATION (25,500.00) (2,254.24) (4,256.48) 0.00 (21,243.52) 16.69 28 12/21/2021 04:24 PM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CLAY COUNTY UTILITIES Page: 2/2 User: kosborne DB: CCUA PERIOD ENDING 11/30/2021 CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT BUDGET ACTIVITY FOR 2021-22 MONTH YTD BALANCE ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % BDGT GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMENDED BUDGET 11/30/21 11/30/2021 YEAR-TO-DATE BALANCE USED MISCELLANEOUS 101.502.536.221 EMPLOYEE TRAINING & TRAVEL 4,325.00 0.00 455.00 0.00 3,870.00 10.52 Net MISCELLANEOUS (4,325.00) 0.00 (455.00) 0.00 (3,870.00) 10.52 DEPRECIATION 101.401.536.595 CONSTRUCTION R&R (DEPRECIATION 104,385.00 5,221.46 10,442.91 0.00 93,942.09 10.00 Net DEPRECIATION (104,385.00) (5,221.46) (10,442.91) 0.00 (93,942.09) 10.00 MATERIALS & SUBCONTRACTORS 101.502.536.435 TRASH SERVICE 2,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,100.00 0.00 101.502.536.461 SUBCONTRACTORS 0.00 0.00 169.69 0.00 (169.69) 100.00 Net MATERIALS & SUBCONTRACTORS (2,100.00) 0.00 (169.69) 0.00 (1,930.31) 8.08 CONTINGENCY 101.401.536.990 CONTINGENCY 54,315.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54,315.00 0.00 Net CONTINGENCY (54,315.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (54,315.00) 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUNDS 624,519.00 7,636.13 16,105.51 0.00 608,413.49 2.58 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 624,519.85 22,443.44 46,031.03 6,941.73 571,547.09 8.48 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (0.85) (14,807.31) (29,925.52) (6,941.73) 36,866.40 ;7,323.53 29