HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB Jacobs SA No. 10 Oakleaf WTP Well No. 2 Evaluation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Request approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 10 to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3 with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. (Jacobs) for Oakleaf Water Treatment Plant(WTP)Well No. 2 Evaluation CCUA Project No. 1124-0015 Date: February 24, 2022 BACKGROUND: On January 18, 2022, a WTP Operator noticed Oakleaf WTP Well No. 2 vibrating and showing signs of potential failure. The WTP Department Chiefs and Superintendent assessed the situation and took the well offline to avoid potential damage. Staff requested Jacobs provide a scope and fee to evaluate the well condition and recommend improvements. Jacobs submitted the attached scope and fee proposal.Task 1 of the proposed scope includes pump removal and inspection, video surveying, and casing evaluation. Based on the results of Task 1, and with Clay County Utility Authority's (CCUA) authorization, Jacobs could then perform well performance testing, hydraulic modeling, and pump selection (Task 2) and geophysical logging (Task 3). Jacobs is using -`a Complete Well Drilling Services as a subcontractor to assist with this effort. c o caa' BUDGET: 0 Staff reviewed Jacobs' proposal and determined the fee of$38,175.66 for Task 1 to be reasonable for the scope of services proposed. If needed, CCUA would authorize Task 2 and Task 3 for an additional 0 $55,560.22. The current Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)includes sufficient funding to cover this project. cc CCNA: Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), Florida Statute 287.055, applies to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement for the professional services at a compensation which is fair,competitive,and reasonable.The estimated cost for this evaluation does not exceed$400,000 and complies with Florida Statute 287.055. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests the Board of Supervisors approve the attached Supplemental Agreement No. 10 with Jacobs for the Oakleaf WTP Well No. 2 Evaluation. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 10 Jacobs' Proposal dated February 22,2022 Photo of Well No. 2 //TLS(Author) //AB(Review) //TLS(Final) Supplemental Agreement No. 10 to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3 with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., for Oakleaf WTP Well No. 2 Evaluation CCUA Project No. 1124-0015 Consultant: Michael Dykes, P.E. Owner: Clay County Utility Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. Authority 245 Riverside Ave, Suite 300 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Date: March 1,2022 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional services as requested and identified in the attached scope and fee proposal. Total Lump Sum Fee Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $93,735.88 The Supplemental Agreement time shall commence on the needed date. This document, along with the scope and fee proposal, shall become an amendment to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3 Agreement (Agreement) and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. 0 Accepted by: Date: Consultant: Michael Dykes, P.E. Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy Johnston, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority SCOPE OF WORK JACOBS 2/22/2022 Supplemental Agreement No. 10 — Oakleaf WTP Well No. 2 Evaluation The scope of work presented herein will be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3 Agreement executed on May 28, 2019.This scope gives no rights or benefits to anyone other than Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) and Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (Jacobs)'and has no third-party beneficiaries. Purpose and Scope of Services Jacobs has prepared this scope of work to provide CCUA with professional engineering services to perform well and pump inspection and evaluation services of Oakleaf Water Treatment Plant(WTP) Well No. 2.The purpose of this effort is to visually inspect the well for borehole obstructions, evaluate the well's production casing condition, and conduct an inspection of the Well No. 2 pump. If needed and authorized by CCUA, this scope also includes well performance testing, hydraulic modeling, a pump selection, and geophysical logging services. The scope of services to be provided by Jacobs includes the following task: • Task 1:Well Video Survey, Pump Removal and Inspection, and Casing Evaluation • Task 2:Well Performance Testing, Hydraulic Modeling and Pump Selection (if needed and authorized by CCUA) to • Task 3: Geophysical Logging (if needed and authorized by CCUA) Task 1:Well Video Survey, Pump Removal and Inspection, and Casing Evaluation Jacobs will provide the following services at Well No. 2 as part of Task 1: 1. Jacobs will facilitate a kickoff meeting and a site visit with CCUA staff,Jacobs, and Jacobs well support services subcontractor to plan and coordinate the inspection and evaluation services. 2. Remove Well No. 2 pump and inspect the Well No. 2 pump assembly for wear and deterioration and determine whether it appears to be in suitable condition to be reinstalled and operated long term. 3. Perform a video survey on the well to visually inspect the condition of the well casing, casing seat, and open borehole to identify potential casing breaches and well obstructions.The total depth of the well will also be confirmed. 4. If the existing pump appears to be in acceptable condition for reinstallation and long-term operation, reinstall the pump. Task 2:Well Performance Testing, Hydraulic Modeling, and Pump Selection (if needed and authorized by CCUA) If the pump condition is deemed unacceptable for long-term use based on the findings of the pump inspection performed in Task 1 and if approved by CCUA, hydraulic modeling and pump selection services will be provided. As part of Task 2,Jacobs will provide the following well performance testing, hydraulic modeling, and pump selection services: 1 On December 15,2017,JACOBS HILL Engineers,Inc.,became a wholly owned subsidiary of Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. 1. Prepare a data needs request for CCUA to obtain available information on the wellfield and WTP system. 2. Conduct a site visit with CCUA staff to observe the conditions and operations of existing wellfield and WTP infrastructure. 3. Install a test pump, discharge piping, and well testing appurtenances. 4. Perform a step-drawdown test on the well to estimate the current well yield, specific capacity, efficiency, and drawdown responses at various pumping rates.Jacobs will provide the field equipment necessary to collect water level data and flow rate during testing. 5. Compile, evaluate, and interpret the well performance testing data including production well flow rates and water levels.The test data will be used to calculate the specific capacity and drawdown response of the well, which will be compared to baseline well performance data 6. Develop a hydraulic model of the wellfield and WTP system to support sizing and selection of the new well pump. The hydraulic model will represent the existing system from the well to the WTP pressure control point. The well performance data will be incorporated into the hydraulic model to estimate well drawdown. The hydraulic model will be utilized to estimate the initial low head and future high head conditions for the new well pump. 7. Based on the results of the hydraulic modeling,Jacobs will assess the pumping requirement for the new well pump and will prepare a pump selection based on CCUA's preferred vertical turbine pump manufacturer. A pump selection summary will be prepared that will include the following design recommendations, as appropriate: • Pump design point(Flow and total dynamic head) to • Pump manufacturer and model including impeller diameter, pump curve, and duty point • Motor horsepower and efficiency • Pump level setting • Estimated pumping water levels • Column and bowl diameter • Discharge head diameter • Pump assembly budgetary estimate (furnish only) Task 3: Geophysical Logging (if needed and authorized by CCUA) The geophysical logging services will be provided if needed and will be based on the findings of the well video survey performed in Task 1. CCUA understands that there is limited available information on this well, geophysical would provide additional insight into how the well was constructed. If authorized by CCUA,Jacobs will provide the following geophysical logging services as part of Task 3: 1. Perform up to two days of geophysical logging services. 2. Evaluate the geophysical logs and develop a condensed summary of observations and recommendations. Deliverables The following deliverables will be submitted to CCUA: Task 1: • Electronic copy of the well video survey(MP4 file) and a log summarizing observations (PDF format). • Letter Summary(electronic format) of the observations from the well video survey and a summary of work completed during the Task 1 activities The summary will include the findings of the Well No. 2 pump assembly inspection. Recommendations will be included regarding the integrity of Well No. 2 as well as recommended improvements to the well and/or pump at Well No. 2. Task 2(if needed and authorized by CCUA): • Pump Selection Summary(email summary) Task 3(if needed and authorized by CCUA): • Geophysical Log Summary(LAS files and PDF copies) Meetings The following meetings are anticipated: Task 1: • Conduct one site visit to plan and coordinate the inspection and testing services for the well. The site visit will be attended by CCUA staff, up to three Jacobs staff, and Jacobs well support services subcontractor. Task 2(if needed and authorized by CCUA): • Conduct one site visit to observe the conditions and operations of existing wellfield and WTP infrastructure. The site visit will be attended by CCUA staff and up to two Jacobs staff. Assumptions This scope of services includes the following assumptions: to • Jacobs will contract with Complete Services for pump removal, pump inspection, and pump reinstallation (if existing pump is in suitable condition to reinstall)for Task 1. • Jacobs will contract with Complete Services for test pump installation and well performance testing for Task 2 if needed and authorized by CCUA. • Jacobs will contract with Complete Services for geophysical logging services for Task 3 if needed and authorized by CCUA. • One Jacobs staff will be on site for pump removal,video surveying, well evaluation services, and pump reinstallation. • Two Jacobs staff will perform field testing services for well performance testing for Task 2. • One Jacobs staff will be on site during geophysical logging for Task 3. • Design and construction of a new well pad is not included in this scope of services. • For Task 2, the step-drawdown test will be limited to four pumping rates with a duration of 30 minutes for each step.The test duration may be shortened or extended depending on testing results. • Jacobs will use Fathom hydraulic modeling software for Task 2. No well interference groundwater modeling is included in this scope. • For Task 3, geophysical logging activities would occur with a test pump (furnished by Complete Services) installed in the well. • The discharge location for Tasks 2& 3 is assumed to be into the wetland to the northwest of the WTP. • Jacobs will reasonably rely upon the accuracy, and completeness of the information/data provided by the Client or other third parties without independent verification. • CCUA will provide access to the production well. • CCUA will provide available historical information for the production well. • CCUA will provide records on the existing wells, raw water piping, and WTP elevations and pressure setpoint as available for Task 2. • CCUA will provide a pump manufacturer to base the pump selection upon for Task 2. • As part of Jacobs's performance of the requested services under this Supplemental Agreement No. 10,the Supplemental Agreement Terms and Conditions detailed below will take precedence, over the terms and conditions in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 19/19 No. 3 Agreement dated May 28th 2019, between Jacobs Engineering Group Inc, and CCUA. In the event of a conflict, the Supplemental Agreement Terms and Conditions listed below shall govern. Upon execution of this Supplemental Agreement No. 10, the Supplemental Agreement Terms and Conditions are hereby incorporated by reference to the Agreement, between Jacobs and CCUA, and apply specifically to Supplemental Agreement No. 10. Excluding Jacobs' liability for bodily injury or damage to the property of third parties, the total aggregate liability of Jacobs arising out of the performance or breach of this Agreement shall not exceed the compensation paid to Jacobs for this Supplemental Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,Jacobs shall have no liability to CCUA for contingent, consequential, or other indirect damages including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, revenue or profit; operating costs and facility downtime, however the same may be caused. The limitations and exclusions of liability set forth in this provision shall apply regardless of the fault, breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise of Jacobs, its employees, or subconsultants. to Payment for Services Compensation for the scope of services described above will be on a lump sum basis for a fee of $98,735.88 shown in Table 1 and detailed in Attachment A. Table 1.Estimated Lump Sum Fee Oakleaf WTP Well No. 2 Evaluation Task Description Fee Task 1: Jacobs Labor $14,998.86 Task 1: Jacobs Expenses $23,176.80 Task 2: Jacobs Labor(if needed and authorized by CCUA) $8,839.76 Task 2: Jacobs Expenses(if needed and authorized by CCUA) $23,261.20 Task 3: Jacobs Labor(if needed and authorized by CCUA) $5,733.66 Task 3: Jacobs Expenses(if needed and authorized by CCUA) $37,445.60 Labor Total $29,572.28 Expenses Total $83,883.60 Proposed Fee Amount(if Tasks 2&3 are authorized separately) $113,455.88 Well Support Services Subcontractor Expense Discount(if Tasks 2&3 are authorized concurrently) -$19,720.00 Total Proposed Fee Amount(if Tasks 2&3 are authorized concurrently) $93,735.88 Schedule It is assumed that Task 1 will be completed within 4 weeks (approximately 6 days of onsite field work). It is assumed that Task 2 will be complete within 3 weeks of CCUA authorization (approximately 4 days of onsite field work). It is assumed that Task 3 will be complete within 2 weeks of CCUA authorization (approximately 4 days of onsite field work). The scope and engineering fee are based on no delays such as potential well or casing flange modifications needed to complete the work, or other factors causing delays.The project scope and engineering fee are also based on a typical work schedule and assume that no extraordinary efforts will be made to complete the work in an accelerated manner. Extraordinary efforts include working any time other than daylight hours, during weekends, and other activities not normally required. Table 2 includes a schedule showing the approximate duration of services listed in Task 1 for Jacobs and Others. Table 2.Approximate Duration of Tasksa Oakleaf WTP Well No. 2 Evaluation I Service Description Approximate Duration Task 1:Well Video Survey, Pump Removal and Inspection,and Casing Evaluation 4 weeks from NTP Task 2:Well Performance Testing,Hydraulic Modeling,and Pump Selection(if needed and 3 weeks from CCUA authorized by CCUA) authorization Task 3:Geophysical Logging(if needed an authorized by CCUA) 2 weeks from CCUA authorization tO ATTACHMENT A PROJECT LUMP SUM FEE DETAILS to Attachment A-Lump Sum Fee for Oakleaf Well No.2 Well Evaluation Task 1-Well Video Survey,Pump Removal Name Role Billing Rate and Inspection,and Casing Evaluation Hours Fee Larry Gunn Project Manager $185.17 16 $2,962.72 Erik Svenson Lead Hydrogeologist $188.21 10 $1,882.10 Ben Dykes Mechanical Support $89.52 16 $1,432.32 Blake Roberts Hydrogeological Support $109.13 20 $2,182.60 Parker Dykes Field Testing Support $98.57 48 $4,731.36 Mark Gallegos Editor $121.92 2 $243.84 Althea Gryb Contracts $152.63 8 $1,221.04 Sherry Malloy Project Assistant $85.72 4 $342.88 TASK 1 LABOR SUBTOTALS 124 $14,998.86 Jacobs Expenses $676.80 Well Support Services Subcontractor $22,500.00 TASK 1 EXPENSE SUBTOTALS $23,176.80 TASK 1 TOTALS $38,175. Task 2-Well Performance Testing, Name Role Billing Rate Hydraulic Modeling,and Pump Selection (if needed and authorized by CCUA) Hours Fee Larry Gunn Project Manager $185.17 8 $1,481.36 Erik Svenson Lead Hydrogeologist $188.21 4 $752.84 Ben Dykes Mechanical Support $89.52 24 $2,148.48 Blake Roberts Hydrogeological Support $109.13 10 $1,091.30 Parker Dykes Field Testing Support $98.57 22 $2,168.54 Mark Gallegos Editor $121.92 2 $243.84 Althea Gryb Contracts $152.63 4 $610.52 Sherry Malloy Project Assistant $85.72 4 $342.88 TASK 2 LABOR SUBTOTALS 78 $8,839.76 Jacobs Expenses $1,041.20 Well Support Services Subcontractor $22,220.00 TASK 2 EXPENSE SUBTOTALS $23,261.20 TASK 2 TOTALS(if needed and authorized by' $32,100.9. Name Role Billing Rate Task 3-Geophysical Logging (if needed and authorized by CCUA) Hours Fee Larry Gunn Project Manager $185.17 4 $740.68 Erik Svenson Lead Hydrogeologist $188.21 2 $376.42 Blake Roberts Hydrogeological Support $109.13 4 $436.52 Parker Dykes Field Testing Support $98.57 32 $3,154.24 Mark Gallegos Editor $121.92 2 $243.84 Althea Gryb Contracts $152.63 4 $610.52 Sherry Malloy Project Assistant $85.72 2 $171.44 TASK 3 LABOR SUBTOTALS 50 $5,733.66 Jacobs Expenses $225.60 Well Support Services Subcontractor $37,220.00 TASK 3 EXPENSE SUBTOTALS $37,445.60 TASK 3 TOTALS(if needed and authorized by CCUA) $43,179.26 PROPOSED FEE(if Task 2&3 are authorized separately) $113,455.88 WELL SUPPORT SERVICES SUBCONTRACTOR DISCOUNT(if Tasks 2&3 are authorized concurrently) -$19,720.0J PROPOSED FEE(if Tasks 2&3 are authorized concurrently) $93,735.88 ATTACHMENT B UPDATED ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RATE SCHEDULE to Rates of Clay County Utility Authority 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3-Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services Date: 2/3/2022 Billing Rate Fringe and Requested Established Employee (optional) Classification Base Rate* Overhead** Profit*** Billing Rate Multiplier Date 1.000 1.369 0.531 2.900 2.90 Mike Dykes,PE Principal-In-Charge _$ 95.41 $ 130.62 $ 50.66_ $ 276.69 2.90 May 2019 Larry Gunn,PE Lead PM/Mechanical Engineer $ 63.85 $ 87.41 $ 33.90 $ 185.17 2.90 May 2019 Dustin Dykes,PE Project Manager/Hydrogeology _$ 48.51 $ 66.41 $ 25.76_ $ 140.68 2.90 May 2019 Brandon Lawhern,PE,CGC Project Manager/Structural Engineer $ 73.11 $ 100.09 $ 38.82 $ 212.02 2.90 May 2019 Greg Brubaker,PE QC Manager _$ 76.37 $ 104.55 $ 40.55_ $ 221.47 2.90 May 2019 Wayne Alleyne Resident Construction Ins2ector $ 49.52 $ 67.79 $ 26.30 $ 143.61 2.90 May 2019 Clement Anson,PE Structural Engineer/Threshold Inspector _$ 76.34 $ 104.51 $ 40.54_ $ 221.39 2.90 May 2019 Tim Dodge,RA Architect $ 59.19 $ 81.03 $ 31.43 $ 171.65 2.90 May 2019 Ben Dykes Civil/Environmental Engineer _$ 30.87 $ 42.26 $ 16.39_ $ 89.52 2.90 May 2019 Dean Garcia,PE Project Engineer/Design Manager $ 78.46 $ 107.41 $ 41.66 $ 227.53 2.90 May 2019 Tony Inniss,PE QC Manager _$ 82.97 $ 113.59 $ 44.06_ $ 240.61 2.90 May 2019 Chris Jubran,PE Traffic Engineer $ 60.61 $ 82.98 $ 32.18 $ 175.77 2.90 May 2019 Greg Kolb,PE Pipelines .$ 75.39 $ 103.21 $ 40.03_ $ 218.63 2.90 May 2019 Rich Morrison,PE Civil/Environmental Engineer $ 53.91 $ 73.80 $ 28.63 $ 156.34 2.90 May 2019 David Nicholson,PE Electrical Engineer _$ 61.33 $ 83.96 $ 32.57_ $ 177.86 2.90 May 2019 Leisha Pica,PE Planning $ 100.71 $ 137.87 $ 53.48 $ 292.06 2.90 May 2019 Rosanne Prager,PWS Environmental Scientist _$ 59.24 $ 81.10 $ 31.46_ $ 171.80 2.90 May 2019 Tricia Shuler Grants/Public Involvement $ 50.66 $ 69.35 $ 26.90 $ 146.91 2.90 May 2019 Brian Skeens,PE Utility Modeling _$ 80.85 $ 110.68 $ 42.93_ $ 234.47 2.90 May 2019 Erik Svenson,PG Professional Geologist/Hydrogeology $ 64.90 $ 88.85 $ 34.46 $ 188.21 2.90 May 2019 Matt Tennant,PhD,PE Plant Process Engineer _$ 69.97 $ 95.79 $ 37.15_ $ 202.91 2.90 May 2019 Abel Valiente,PE Mechanical Engineer $ 61.24 $ 83.84 $ 32.52 $ 177.60 2.90 May 2019 Gaibey Zreibi Project Engineer/Design Manager _$ 69.33 $ 94.91 $ 36.81_ $ 201.06 2.90 May 2019 Randall Sprague,PE,CVS Value Engineering $ 96.15 $ 131.63 $ 51.06 $ 278.84 2.90 May 2019 Samantha O'Farrell,PE Project Manager/Project Engineer _$ 40.50 $ 55.44 $ 21.51_ $ 117.45 2.90 Sept 2021 Christine Ellenberger,PE Ppeline Engineer $ 83.81 $ 114.74 $ 44.50 $ 243.05 2.90 Sept 2021 Daniel Hill,PE Project Engineer _$ 34.42 $ 47.12 $ 18.28_ $ 99.82 2.90 Sept 2021 Scott Carter,PE Traffic/MOT Engineer $ 82.17 $ 112.49 $ 43.63 $ 238.29 2.90 Sept 2021 David Landing,PE Trenchless Engineer _$ 57.71 $ 79.00 $ 30.64_ $ 167.36 2.90 Sept 2021 Samantha Hanzel,PE Project Manager/Project Engineer $ 53.48 $ 73.21 $ 28.40 $ 155.09 2.90 Sept 2021 Mike Stickley,PE Pipeline Engineer _$ 79.80 $ 109.25 $ 42.37_ $ 231.42 2.90 Sept 2021 Karen Faulkenberry,PE Traffic/MOT Engineer $ 63.64 $ 87.12 $ 33.79 $ 184.56 2.90 Sept 2021 Andrew Bursey,PE Trenchless Engineer _$ 96.06 $ 131.51 $ 51.01_ $ 278.57 2.90 Sept 2021 Randy Mock,PE Bridge Engineer $ 91.81 $ 125.69 $ 48.75 $ 266.25 2.90 Sept 2021 Bhushan Godbole,PE Bridge Engineer _$ 78.63 $ 107.64 $ 41.75_ $ 228.03 2.90 Sept 2021 David Everson,PE Structural Engineer $ 63.60 $ 87.07 $ 33.77 $ 184.44 2.90 Sept 2021 Christi Gallo Cost Estimator _$ 60.61 $ 82.98 $ 32.18_ $ 175.77 2.90 Sept 2021 Rebecca Birtley GIS Specialist/Graphics $ 46.33 $ 63.43 $ 24.60 $ 134.36 2.90 Sept 2021 Parker Dykes Field Testing Support .$ 33.99 $ 46.53 $ 18.05_ $ 98.57 2.90 Nov 2021 Blake Roberts Hydrogeolooist $ 37.63 $ 51.52 $ 19.98 $ 109.13 2.90 Nov 2021 Mark Gallegos Editor _$ 42.04 $ 57.55 $ 22.32_ $ 121.92 2.90 Nov 2021 Sherry Malloy Project Assistant $ 29.56 $ 40.47 $ 15.70 $ 85.72 2.90 Nov 2021 Althea Gryb Contracts $ 52.63 $ 72.05 $ 27.95 $ 152.63 2.90 Feb 2022 *Base rate is the actual hourly wage rate,exclusive of fringe,overhead and profit. **Fringe and overhead percentage=136.9% ***Profit percentage=22.41% Estimate Complete Services Well Drilling, INC. 9785 WELL WATER ROAD JACKSONVILLE, FL 32220 US (904) 693-8635 cecil@jaxwelldrilling.com www.jaxwelldrilling.com ADDRESS ESTIMATE# 1947 Clay County Utility Authority DATE 01/24/2022 3176 Old Jennings Road EXPIRATION DATE 01/31/2022 Middleburg, FL 32068 DATE ACTIVITY QTY RATE AMOUNT Mobilization 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 Mob and set up at Oakleaf Well #2 Pump Removal 1 7,500.00 7,500.00 Provide equipment and labor to remove the pump at Oakleaf Well #2, break down, inspect and provide recommended repair to or replacement parts. Video Survey 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 Provide equipment and labor to perform a video survey of the well to full depth and then video during cementing operation Pump Installation 1 8,500.00 8,500.00 Provide equipment and labor to install the pump, install transducer tube, and test to ensure proper operation. TOTAL $22,5500.00 Accepted By Accepted Date Estimate Complete Services Well Drilling, INC. 9785 WELL WATER ROAD JACKSONVILLE, FL 32220 US (904) 693-8635 cecil@jaxwelldrilling.com www.jaxwelldrilling.com ADDRESS ESTIMATE# 1956 Jacobs Engineering DATE 02/02/2022 9191 South Jamaica Street Englewood, CO 80112 ,AT, ACTIVITY QTY RATE AMOUNT Services 13,000.00 Job: CCUA Oakleaf Well 2-Testing and Logging Assumptions: Pump is pulled from grouting of casing. Installation of Test Pump to Services 6,000.00 Installation of approximately 60-feet of 8- inch discharge pipe and flow meters. Discharge Point is determined by CCUA or others. Additional Length is determined at $12 per foot. Services 2,500.00 Site support for capacity test Services 17,500.00 Perform Geophysical Logging static and Dynamic-Assumption: test pump/discharge installed. Price listed is for static and dynamic (pumping) geophysical logging with video of record. Price for performing static logging and video of record is $8,750 TOTAL $39,000.00 Accepted By Accepted Date !� /. t ♦. ‘ . ! ,,‘. , . . , A . .go V1i . . . ., • • • ..) , ', (... 1 aft cam` " - �� ) /, : s jr ..I-i , -'A4 •t ► ,r, Ist\i‘ • • k ..'1 • , , . i., , f:1„:„ _...,.;i.;.,:,..1...: -.-� i 1 0