HomeMy WebLinkAboutDA GOE. Julie Newsome & John Ganion Prepared under the direction of, Record and return to: Grady H.Williams,Jr.,Esq. do Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg,Florida 32068-3907 GRANT OF EASEMENT (Individual) Parcel No.: 37-04-25-008401-001-00 Project Name: 3209 Doctors Lake Drive THIS INDENTURE, made this day of , A.D. 2022, BETWEEN JULIE KAY NEWSOME, an unmarried woman and JOHN ERVC GANION, an unmarried man as joint tenants with right of ownership, whose mailing address is 3209 Doctors Lake Drive, Orange Park, Florida 32073, hereinafter called GRANTORS, and CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY, an independent special district and political subdivision of the State of Florida, existing and created under Chapter 94-491, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1994, whose business address is 3176 Old Jennings co Road, Middleburg, Florida 32068-3907, hereinafter called GRANTEE. WITNESSETH: That GRANTORS, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and conveyed to the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns forever a non-exclusive right-of-way and easement with the right, privilege and authority to said GRANTEE,its successors and assigns,to construct, remove,operate, lay,maintain, improve and/or repair associated equipment for existing and future water, wastewater, and/or reclaimed water utilities, any or all,on,along,over,through,across or under the following described land,situate in Clay County,Florida, to-wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. TOGETHER, with the right of said GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, of ingress and egress, to and over said above-described premises, and for doing anything necessary or useful or convenient or removing at any time any and all of said improvements upon, over, under or in said lands, together also with the right and easements, privileges and appurtenances in and to said land which may be required for the enjoyment of the rights herein granted. GRANTORS do hereby fully warrant the title to the Grant of Easement described herein and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said GRANTORS have hereto set hand and seal the day and year first above written. [Signatures Begin Next Page] x\Semi=AvuLhd0yLmmen•a Rd Fib/d[wns of FiamOWermmRdiamou1100401.00100 do. Signed and sealed in our presence: GRANTORS: Witness: �- By: t (Seal) Print Name: JULIE KA SOME �, S w l� e...,,,. T.,(A.VM-C Witness: .. _.g;217-hivt.....-- Print Name: usa h4 Cr STATE OF FLORIDAD COUNTY OF CI o,l The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of c4 physical presence or ❑ online notarization this ytk-day of '7-0..hqo.d y , 2022, by JULIE KAY NEWSOME, who is personally known to me or has produced c L\)V ,as identification. ,„, („„ Print Name:/, k rTh SARAH CRAVEN 0. MY COMMISSION#HHO55195 Notary Public in and for the �,^ EXPIRES OCT 20.2024 County and State Aforesaid gentled through ist State Insurarce My Commission Expires: to/m-0%off ' to Witness: By: V `—)dc2nu v--, (Seal) Print Name: i JOHN ERIC GANION Witness: Print Name: v ys spa Croku_vpsif.ti STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF CAc y The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of® physical presence or 0 online notarization this H;`" day of -a.h ve..°y , 2022, by JOHN ERIC GANION, who is personally known to me or has produced C L.0 L. ,as identification. ..r._....../7....... Pnnt Name: So►ro..l... .t_ut CI SARAH CRAVEN Notary Public in and for the ZCOMMISSION#HHO55195 County and State Aforesaid my EXPIRE olocNT 0,202a MyCommission Expires:�o Z o Banded through t st State Insurance P l �i aZ 1.+ Accepted on behalf of the ounty Utility Authority Oh By: ! \► `, 4- y r :it sto P.E., M.B.A. ' S tive r>tr- or X Servos AndablistyWasements A Rd Emaef om of Easement Weinuen&+C o.00S401 COI.00.ducn Exhibit A to Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Lll Middleburg, FL 32068 904-272-5999 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION FOR: 10.00' WIDE C.C.U.A. EASEMENT, ID. #2106 (SITUATED WITHIN SECTION 37, TOWNSHIP 04 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA) LEGAL DESCRIPTION CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY EASEMENT NUMBER 2106: A STRIP OF LAND 10.00 FEET WIDE, BEING A PORTION OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2021045826 AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4486, PAGES 1128-1129 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA; SAID DESCRIBED LANDS BEING COMPOSED OF A PORTION OF LOT 27 AND A PORTION OF LOT 28 OF LAKE VILLAS,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 52 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID CLAY COUNTY;SAID LANDS LYING IN SECTION 37, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST WITHIN SAID COUNTY; THE HEREIN DESCRIBED 10.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND BEING SITUATED CONTIGUOUS TO THE NORTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2021045826 AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 27 WITH THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF COUNTY ROAD C-224-A (AKA: DOCTORS LAKE DRIVE), SAID POINT BEING THE MOST-WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 27, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE MOST- WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2021045826; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF, PROCEED NORTH 64° 16' 21" EAST FOR 111.57 FEET (SAID BOUNDARY ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED COUNTY ROAD C-224-A); THENCE, DEPARTING SAID NORTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY AND RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, PROCEED SOUTH 35°00'03" EAST FOR 10.13 FEET ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LANDS,TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE BEGINNING OF A LINE PARALLEL TO AND 10.00 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE AFORESAID NORTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2021045826; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, PROCEED SOUTH 64° 16' 21" WEST FOR 111.56 FEET to TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2021045826;THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY, PROCEED NORTH 35°03' 19" WEST FOR 10.13 FEET TO THE AFOREMENTIONED MOST-WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2021045826 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE TOWN OF ORANGE PARK, CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1,116 SQUARE FEET OR 0.026 ACRES. THE BEARING SYSTEM USED HEREIN IS BASED ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF COUNTY ROAD C-224-4, WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 64° 16' 21" EAST,AS USED IN THE AFOREMENTIONED SUBJECT DEED RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4486, PAGES 1128-1129. ADDITIONAL NOTES BY SURVEYOR & MAPPER: LEGEND (OF LINETYPES 8 UNCOMMON ABREVIATIONS THAT MAY BE 1 THE PURPOSE OF THIS INSTRUMENT IS TO PROVIDE A SKETCH AND USED HEREIN): LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A NEW CCUA EASEMENT AND WAS CCUA CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY NE'ly NORTHEASTERLY PREPARED FOR DESCRIPTIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT A BOUNDARY CL CENTERLINE SE'ly SOUTHEASTERLY SURVEY CR COUNTY ROAD SWIy SOUTHWESTERLY 2 THE BEARING SYSTEM USED HEREIN IS BASED ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY ID. IDENTIFICATION NWIy NORTHWESTERLY D E RAINAGE EASEMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF COUNTY ROAD C-224-4 WITH A BEARING OF I.E ESMT NGRESDEGRESS EASEMENT Z2ZTZ� NEW CCUA EASEMENT NORTH 64' 16' 21' EAST AS USED IN THE AFOREMENTIONED SUBJECT ESMT EASEMENT DEED RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4486 PAGES 1128-1129 0 R B. OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK EXISTING EASEMENT 3 THIS DRAWING MAY HAVE BEEN ENLARGED OR REDUCED BY OTHER P.B PLAT BOOK ___— RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE PARTIES. FROM THE ORIGINAL DRAWING PRODUCED BY CCUA THE P I POINT OF INTERSECTION _ _ _ _ GRANTOR-PARCEL DRAWING WAS INTENDED TO BE DISPLAYED AT THE SCALE SHOWN ON P O B POINT OF BEGINNING BOUNDARY LINE THE SHEETS CONTAINING MAPS PLEASE UTILIZE THE GRAPHIC SCALE P OC POINT OF COMMENCEMENT WHEN CONSIDERING DISTANCES P.O.T. POINT OF TERMINATION PLAT LOT LINE R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY 4 THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION WERE PREPARED WITHOUT THE N'ly NORTHERLY BENEFIT OF AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE THEREFORE THERE MAY BE Sly SOUTHERLY ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS. COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS OR OTHER Ely EASTERLY MATTERS OF PUBLIC RECORD THAT MAY OR MAY NOT AFFECT THIS Wly WESTERLY PARCEL OF LAND. SUCH ENCUMBRANCES MAY BE FOUND THROUGH A S.R STATE ROAD THOROUGH REVIEW OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CLAY COUNTY. AND U E UTILITY EASEMENT THP STATF r1F Ft r]RIFIA CCUA EASEMENT ID.: 2106 SEE SHEETS: E—FILE: 1 & 2 OF 3. FOR THE ��,�� O/27 22- M:\Surveying & Mapping\1 Sketch & Descriptions\2022 a ///nA DATE: S&D\2106 ESM1_3209 Doctors Lake Dr_01-21-22\2106 SKETCHES PERTAINING TO t^'✓l�� ESMT_3209 Doctors Lake Dr_01—21—22.dwg SI ING FOR THE CLAY OUNTY UTIL AUTHORITY THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION XAVIER FRANKA UIRR P S M HEREIN SHOWN PROFESSIONAL SUR R&MAPPER NO LS6750 — SCALE: N/A SHEET 3 OF 3 . REGISTRATION.STATE OF FLORIDA i.zhihit A ��] Clay County Utility Authority LI l ; 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, FL 32068 904-272-5999 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION FOR: 10.00' WIDE C.C.U-A. EASEMENT, ID. #2106 (SITUATED WITHIN SECTION 37, TOWNSHIP 04 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, CLAY COUNTY. FLORIDAh LINE TABLE LINE # DIRECTION LENGTH L1 N 64'16'21" E 111.57' L2 S 35'00'03" E 10.13' L3 S 64'1 6'21" W 1 1 1.56' L4 N 35'03'1 9" W 10.1 3' P.O.B. i. P.I.OF THE SWLY. LINE OF LOT 27 OF • (LAKE VILLAS, P.B. 1, PG. 52)AND THE SE'LY. RAN LINE OF C.R. P�� MOSTC-2�W LY DR CORNER 4-A(AKA: OF O BEING THE OG NCTORS LAKE L 1 57' ! Q E 1 \ O� ALSO BEING THE MOST-WLY. islimpp.--„,_► LZliti CORNER, LANDS DESCRIBED IN 6b \• INSTRUMENT#2021045826(AS N � �l� ,i_ PER ORB 4486,PGS 1128-1129) 77/A sr 2!' 0 to 621 s L4 #0 O \ �s&6., �9S_ G `. F,Lo6a N � , -1?„,,:-,3 �. a°�!9 0 gP \ O �� ���• �l_45 \oo ,°pso� s C • � e � Z � s s �: °c•,0 0 J\\YPN� \ OG A\ 09 O�o �� \ �m �O�O !9j_ 'p s '/ LO i\,SOFz ,\pGg. \ 4-7 s �. O' F Z lN v A 1 � � \ • ? .( ? N 0255-\ \ 0`'?-7Z I- 0t� , Rl1 ° , so A S \P Oe O \ 0,oA.6) �as2 � w oF ` o • \12° `6, �-\ -PT.9 `li"33 V GF` • 1502<9 ' Q O0 Z- Q.3..0 20 d� Q do* O OOG< \ 2 19s • J O�,,,, \ ' `�d ,`�O%2>,,Li \ 0'B \ FG Ts 4 00•, • ,- s \ GRAPHIC SCALE s \ !.2`�°�, • \c., 0 50 75 00 95 \.\ O�'ts��rn �� , • 1'=50' -- ` DRAWING DATE: 01-25-2022 NOTES BY SURVEYOR & MAPPER: THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION MEETS THE STANDARDS OF SEE SHEETS: CCUA EASEMENT ID.: 2106 • PRACTICE SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5J-17,FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE E—FILE: CODE,PURSUANT TO SECTION 472 027,FLORIDA STATUTES.UNLESS 2 OF 3 FOR OVERALL MAP. t.1:\Surveying & Mapping\t Sketch k Descriptions\2022 OTHERWISE SHOWN AND STATED HEREON ESMT_3209 106 Doctors Lake Doctors Lake 22.dwg 21-22\2106 NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED 3 OF 3 FOR LEGEND, Dr_01-21-22.dwg • SEAL OF A FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER SURVEYOR'S NOTES&THE • THIS DRAWING WAS STRICTLY PREPARED FOR THE USE OF C C U A DRAWN BY: XFA ONLY.NO OTHER PARTIES MAY USE THIS DRAWING OR ANY OF ITS DESCRIPTION PERTAINING TO CONTENTS WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM C C U A. THE SKETCH SHOWN ON THIS CHECKED BY: XFA • ALL INSTRUMENTS REFERENCED HEREIN ARE OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CLAY COUNTY,FLORIDA UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE SHEET. — SCALE: 1' = 50' SHEET 1 OF 3 Exhibit A3 A Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road of 3 Middleburg, FL 32068 904-272-5999 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION FOR: 10.00' WIDE C.C.U.A. EASEMENT, ID. #2106 (SITUATED WITHIN SECTION 37,TOWNSHIP 04 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA) NWLY.LINE OF LOT 27, OVERALL MAP 111 57 LAKE VILLAS, P.B. 1, PG.52. o ,, E _- P��Q� N641621 •\ 2�`i_ OAS \ `1, OG o 04, O \#��o ��\ \. s�<v.1. !°ate \ 6 J' 2� ' \ F` \ o o \ (, s 2 \ \ °°LP Q� �P�s 6. 21'�O8E,, �P '( �'6, �Vi- � r \o s \'\Q6*%)\)N\NS 003 A'291 1- Z\ t. .`► � \S�P G���6O1 SQGS 112 l� o\ �_' `�-11 �,p \o 20 BOAS �' I\� O'p� \ A \may, `�' �i"���"'. `Z41 c \ P -A • \ LS S5 < 11 0 \. * \ 8`0o 0 \ \ 'o�� •\.7____„ . . . • \ • \ \ • \ \ '1 • R GRAPHIC SCALE \ /Atio,o G� Q ,c,- 0 100 150 200 g O 1'=10a DRAWING DATE: 01-25-2022 CCUA EASEMENT ID.: 2106 REVISIONS: SEE SHEETS: E-FILE: No. Date: Description: By: 1 OF 3 FOR THE MAIN SKETCH OF kl:\Surveying & Mapping\1 Sketch & Descriptions\2022 S&D\2106 ESSIT_3209 Doctors Lake Dr_01-21-22\2106 THE SUBJECT LANDS. ESM_3209 Doctors Lake Dr_01-21-22.dwg 3 OF 3 FOR LEGEND,SURVEYOR'S DRAWN BY: XFA NOTES&THE DESCRIPTION CHECKED BY: XFA __ PERTAINING TO THE SKETCH — SCALE: 1' = 100' SHEET 2 OF 3 SHOWN ON SHEET 1 OF 3. �• 1 '•4 "ram•. j} _i'� • I a r 10 " " •..'; 1, „ ' 00.1. b ,. ,A $.,,,,,,-,„ii 4. • 000 s , .10 IIP:ir . Art ,,, . . . : '.ikL. • • .41,4. 116,.... • '1.111 . 3 ..., . • . • . , . . , . . ::.., . • ,. sil ., . ,00, ue.,,,, , , 3 • [ 1 .a viir. j • ', t'. ef r wira ' • kagi. . 4 f V • V v IIIM . 4fel'It .ft of' . . .i. _on %. • '., 0 6 , , , ..t. libr› .°4;°' . . t .. log , • ' . S . i for• 4419111rir . . wriAp K 10 CCUA i. r �. r • ' .r r v...)10, 31t t • .+ - Easement _ t it K- to . lo,), „or it , , . ,, ' iPhire. r . 4. * . 104 ‘• •• - ''' 'cil • l 4: D . r • 4, rii IN ' '#•,,. 1 ,6 . ''' ' _ bt• ts 2 , 1. 001.4*• itt, lilba'No000,,.. i 4 . 1 08=101-001-I t -. itir. .. . o .1% . . . 0 . .,,, .„,41 ,.. -i, •i 4 1 •'.1 •'',"S ��11 1 1 • 'fit ' , j 1t � . r ` r M.,� ' • tom`. , IP N • 4111013111\-- '... • i t I`+ 99h I ' •,Mt Z s �• J 1a •1 A f `y, I