HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes (2) MINUTES CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY March 1, 2022 The Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) met in Regular Session in the Board meeting room at the Administrative Office of the Clay County Utility Authority, 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, Florida, on the above-stated date. Item No. 1 —Call to Order Chairman Davis called the meeting to order at 2:01 P.M. Item No. 2—Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance Ms. Lebesch offered the Invocation and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Item No. 3 —Roll Call Roll Call was taken with Chairman Davis, Vice-Chairman Roark, Mr. Gardella, Mr. Hodges, Ms. Lebesch, Mr. McNees, and Mr. Starnieri in attendance. Also present at the meeting were Executive Director Jeremy Johnston, Chief Operations Officer Teri Shoemaker, Chief Engineer Paul Steinbrecher, Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti, Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman, Assistant Chief Financial Officer Karen Osborne, Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson, CT Service Availability Manager Melisa Blaney, Environmental Compliance Manager Heather Webber, o Construction & Inspection Services Manager Warrick Sams, Customer Service & Billing Manager Diana Strickland, Public & Government Affairs Liaison Dennis Ragosta, Engineer in Training Zachery Loeb, Contract & Procurement Specialist Darrin Parker, Administrative Assistant Operations Alicia Baker, and Administrative re Assistant Engineering Lori Stewart and Grady H. Williams, Jr., legal counsel to the CCUA. Item No. 4—Approval of Minutes a. Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, February 15, 2022 After discussion, Ms. Lebesch moved, seconded by Mr. McNees, and carried 7-0, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on February 15, 2022. Item No. 5 —Approval of Consent Agenda Mr. Johnston and the members reviewed a revised Consent Agenda and the Board WITHOUT OBJECTION determined procurement contract usage approval and financing of Developer Agreements will be added to the Consent Agenda going forward. a. Approval of Financial and Operational Activities After discussion, Mr. Hodges moved, seconded by Mr. Starnieri, and carried 7-0, to approve the Financial and Operational Activities and Developer Agreements, Warranty Deeds & Easements, as follows; 1) Approval of Payment of Warrants Warrants totaling $1,758,191.85 March 1, 2022 1 a. Schedule of payments to Sole Sources b. Schedule of Emergency Repairs/Purchases -None c. Schedule of items initiated under Emergency Contract-None d. Schedule of payments from the Emergency Account e. Schedule of claims paid under the Sewage Backup Response Policy-None f. Detailed Descriptive Warrant Report 2) Request for Asset Disposal Authorization b. Approval of Capital Budget Activities -None c. Approval of Developer Agreements, Warranty Deeds &Easements 1) Developer Agreement CU21/22-09 —Life Storage at Branan Field Village— 3764 Jacobs Crossing (Clay County Town Center Storage, LLC)—2.5 ERC's water, 2.5 ERC's AWS, 2.5 ERC's SJRWMD, 2 ERC's wastewater, 3.5 ERC's reuse, 2 ERC's debt service - $26,108.92 2) Developer Agreement CU21/22-10—Molly Crossing Senior Center— 3338 Old Jennings Road (Molly Crossing, LTD) — 31 ERC's water, 31 ERC's AWS, 31 ERC's SJRWMD, 31 ERC's wastewater, 2.5 ERC's reuse, 31 ERC's debt service - $159,367.58 3) Developer Agreement KH21/22-05 — Water Service to 4392 SE 2nd Ave (Gault Properties, LLC) - 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC debt service - $4,715.01 4) Developer Agreement KH21/22-06 — Water Service to 592 SE 41st Street (Crawford Development Group, LLC) - 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC debt service - $2,519.20 5) Developer Agreement KU21/22-56 — Wastewater Service to 2568 River Place Lane — Doctors Lake Septic to Sewer Project(Ernest Octavius Lindsey II) - 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service — $0.00 ($3,777.00 Credit provided by Contract No. 35200) 6) Developer Agreement KU21/22-57 — Wastewater Service to 3013 Doctors Lake Drive — Doctors Lake Septic to Sewer Project (James & Linda Pace) - 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service — $0.00 ($3,777.00 Credit provided by Contract No. 35200) 7) Developer Agreement KU21/22-58 — Wastewater Service to 2474 River Place Lane — Doctors Lake Septic to Sewer Project (Jeffrey & Judy Harrison) - 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service — $0.00 ($3,777.00 Credit provided by Contract No. 35200) 8) Developer Agreement KU21/22-59 — Wastewater Service to 2503 Windwood Lane — Doctors Lake Septic to Sewer Project (Ernest Pittman Jr. & Wanda Pittman) - 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service — $0.00 ($3,777.00 Credit provided by Contract No. 35200) 9) Developer Agreement KU21/22-60 — Wastewater Service to 3391 Inlet Lane — Doctors Lake Septic to Sewer Project (Allyson Jarczyk) - 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service — $0.00 ($3,777.00 Credit provided by Contract No. 35200) 10) Developer Agreement KU21/22-61 — Wastewater Service to 2611 Eagle Bay Drive — Doctors Lake Septic to Sewer Project (Pamela S. Kennett) - 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service — $0.00 ($3,777.00 Credit provided by Contract No. 35200) March 1, 2022 2 11) Developer Agreement KU21/22-62 — Wastewater Service to 3015 Doctors Lake Drive — Doctors Lake Septic to Sewer Project (Ali Lankarani & Neda Sharifi) - 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service — $0.00 ($3,777.00 Credit provided by Contract No. 35200) 12) Developer Agreement KU21/22-63 —Water and Wastewater to 4723 Pine Avenue (David Faehnrich) - 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service - $15,007.41 13) Developer Agreement KU21/22-64 —Fire Protection Service to Total Salon - 4465-1 US Highway 17 (Louis L. Huntley Enterprises, Inc.) - $5,896.96 14) Developer Agreement MU21/22-08 — Water Service to 153 Branscomb Road (Tobi McGuigan) - 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC debt service - $3,618.30 15) Developer Agreement RU21/22-02 — Orange Park Medical Center Free Standing Emergency Room—2560 Blanding Blvd(Orange Park Medical Center, Inc.)— 1.5 ERC's water, 1.5 ERC's AWS, 1.5 ERC's SJRWMD, 1.5 ERC's debt service - $67,265.02 16) Grant of Easement— Clay Electric Distribution Line at CCUA's Saratoga Springs Water Treatment Facility-Feedmill Road Extension 17) Grant of Easement- Church of Eleven22—Grantor- S&H International Investments, LLC Item No. 6—Customer Account Adjustments -None Item No. 7—Business discussed at Committee Meetings -None Item No. 8—Executive Director's Business a. January Financial Package Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman presented the Financial Statements for January and reported that operating income is $1,450,102 over budget due to an unfavorable revenue and favorable expense variance. Operating revenue is $86,077 under budget and operating expenses are $1,536,179 under budget. CCUA has gained 294 active water accounts and 285 active sewer accounts during fiscal year 2021/2022. After discussion, Mr. Gardella moved, seconded by Mr. Starnieri, and carried 7-0, to accept the Financial Statements for January 2022, as presented by Mr. Wesselman. b. Request for advance approval to use a government contract Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson presented a request for advance approval to utilize a government contract for the purchase of a DL200 Letter Opener. Staff has budgeted for the letter opener and seeks approval to add the following additional contract to the approved list: State of Florida, Department of Management Services (DMS) Mail Processing Equipment Contract No. 44102100-17-1. After discussion, Vice-Chairman Roark moved, seconded by Mr. McNees, and carried 7-0, to approve use of the contract as presented by Mrs. Wilson. c. Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 10 with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. for the Oakleaf Water Treatment Plant Well No. 2 Evaluation Chief Operations Officer Teri Shoemaker presented proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 10 with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. for the Oakleaf Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Well No. 2 Evaluation. On January 18, 2022, a WTP Operator noticed Oakleaf WTP Well No. 2 vibrating and showing signs of March 1, 2022 3 potential failure. The WTP Department Chiefs and Superintendent assessed the situation and took the well offline to avoid potential damage. Staff requested Jacobs provide a scope and fee to evaluate the well condition and recommend improvements. Jacobs submitted a scope and fee proposal. Task 1 of the proposed scope includes pump removal and inspection, video surveying, and casing evaluation. Based on the results of Task 1, and with CCUA's authorization, Jacobs could then perform well performance testing, hydraulic modeling, and pump selection (Task 2) and geophysical logging (Task 3). Jacobs is using Complete Well Drilling Services as a subcontractor to assist with this effort. Staff reviewed Jacobs' proposal and determined the fee of $38,175.66 for Task 1 to be reasonable for the scope of services proposed. If needed, CCUA would authorize Task 2 and Task 3 for an additional $55,560.22. The current Capital Improvement Plan includes sufficient funding to cover this project. After discussion, Mr. Hodges moved, seconded by Ms. Lebesch, and carried 7-0, to approve Supplemental Agreement No. 10, in the amount of$93,735.88, which also includes Task 2 and 3 if needed and authorized by staff, as presented by Ms. Shoemaker. d. Customer Water Demand—January 2022 Ms. Shoemaker provided a presentation regarding the Customer Water Demand for January 2022. This report was for the Board's information only; no action was requested or required on this item. e. Water& Reclamation Treatment Costs for January Ms. Shoemaker provided a presentation regarding the Water & Reclamation Treatment Costs for January for January 2021. The Board WITHOUT OBJECTION requested this report be placed in the For Your Information section of the agenda unless there is something the Executive Director feels should be brought before the Board for additional explanation or discussion. f. Quarterly Construction Project Progress Presentation Chief Engineer Paul Steinbrecher and Construction & Inspection Services Manager Warrick Sams provided a Quarterly Construction Project Progress presentation. This report was for the Board's information only; no action was requested or required on this item. g. Clay Day Legislative Highlights Presentation Public & Government Affairs Liaison Dennis Ragosta offered a presentation regarding Clay Day which was held on February 16 and 17, 2022, in Tallahassee. Mr. Johnston thanked GrayRobinson and Mr. Ragosta for their efforts. This report was for the Board's information only; no action was requested or required on this item. h. Other Mr. Johnston informed the Board CCUA's Engineer in Training Zachary Loeb was recently recognized by the Society of Manufacturing Engineering and thanked Compliance Manager Heather Webber for her efforts in submitting applications to FDEP for the Operational Excellence Awards which were recently presented to the Peter's Creek Water Treatment Facility and the Mid-Clay Water Reclamation Facility. March 1, 2022 4 Item No. 9—Legal Business a. Other-None Item No. 10—Old Business/New Business -None Item No. 11 —Public Comment-None Item No. 12— Supervisor Comments Mr. Starnieri shared he enjoyed reading the documents regarding the utility tax which were presented to the Clay County BCC and expressed his appreciation for Mr. Johnston's efforts. Mr. Hodges said the utility tax presentation was excellent and Clay Day appeared to be a success. Mr. Gardella complimented staff on their Clay Day accomplishments and expressed his appreciation for the for the effort it takes to complete and submit award applications. Ms. Lebesch also echoed all the congratulations and shared she would like to see CCUA participate in local career fairs for high schools and colleges as time permits. Mr. McNees expressed his congratulations to staff and said he would be unable to attend the next meeting. Vice-Chairman Roark echoed everyone's comments and thanked everyone for their efforts. Chairman Davis echoed all the comments as well and shared how much he appreciated the effort which was placed into the BCC utility tax presentation. Item No. 13 —Adjournment Chairman Davis adjourned the meeting at 2:59 P.M. Wendell Davis, Chairman Janice Loudermilk, Recording Secretary March 1, 2022 5