HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB Proposed SA No 8 with Jacobs for development of Reclaimed Water Operating Protocols EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 8 with Jacobs Engineering to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Consulting Services for development of Reclaimed Water Operating Protocols. Date: April 5, 2022 BACKGROUND: The Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) staff requests support in evaluating the reclaimed water system operations and performance due to the growth and size of the system. CCUA possesses a large and robust reclaimed water system the serves over 16,000 customers. For over 20 years,CCUA continued to expand and modify the system.Due to that growth and modification, we reached a point where an evaluation of the system performance and update to operational protocols is necessary. To address this need, staff reached out to Jacobs Engineering to develop a es scope and fee for this effort. c m RRa' Jacobs maintains professional with the expertise to complete this evaluation and update the ° operational protocols. The Jacobs and CCUA teams will evaluate the plant configurations, zdrawings, and models. The two teams will also evaluate existing operational processes and ce procedures. Staff considers the efficient operation of the reclaimed water system central to CCUA's strategy to eliminate surface water discharges by 2032. Efficient operation of the system is also essential to the effective use of the reclaimed water resource. Currently, CCUA customers use roughly 65% of reclaimed water for beneficial irrigation uses. We forecast that all reclaimed water will be beneficially used by CCUA customers by the end of the decade. To deliver reclaimed water services effectively and efficiently to our customers, we must have the capabilities to shift reclaimed water supplies from one service area to another. The forecast of CCUA customers beneficially using all reclaimed water in the decade makes the efficient and effective operation of the reclaimed water system very important. Staff requested Jacobs develop a recommended set of operational procedures and protocols as part of the deliverables for this scope of work. In addition to the requested protocols, the Jacobs team will advance and validate CCUA's hydraulic model for the reclaimed water system. Both the CCUA and Jacobs teams expect this work to take seven(7)months to complete. BUDGET: Staff budgeted for this expense in the operating budget for FY2022. Operations budget will be provided in the FY2023 budget to complete the project as it will occur over two fiscal years. The work will be performed on a time and materials basis and includes a 9% contingency. //DJD(Author) //LMD(Review) //PS(Final) CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The estimated cost of this study does not exceed $500,000. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiated the scope and fee, based on established contract rates, for the professional services at a compensation which CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 8 to Jacobs Engineering, for$223,000.23 to develop Reclaimed Water Operating Protocols. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 8 Scope &Fee Proposal //DJD(Author) //LMD(Review) //PS(Final) Supplemental Agreement No. 8 with Jacobs Engineering to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Protocols CCUA Project No. 5021-002 Engineer: Michael Dykes, P.E. Owner: Clay County Utility Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. Authority 245 Riverside Ave. Suite 300 Jacksonville, FL 32203 Date: April 5, 2022 Item: Description of Services: Labor Cost Expense Cost Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Task 1 Update the Innovyze InfoWater Pro model $43,273.20 $57.00 Task 2 Evaluate the reclaimed water system $59,185.33 $0 operational protocols Task 3 Assess the SCADA system for control $42,603.81 $234.00 automation Task 4 Summary Report $57,586.89 $60.00 Task 5 Contingency Project Allowance $19,958.79 $41.21 Labor Total $222,608.02 Expenses Total $392.21 Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior $223,000.23 Authorization The Contract time shall commence on April 6, 2022. This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Michael Dykes, P.E. Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority Supplemental Agreement No. 8 — Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Protocols The scope of work presented herein will be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3 Agreement executed on May 28, 2019.This scope gives no rights or benefits to anyone other than Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) and Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (Jacobs)and has no third-party beneficiaries. Purpose and Scope of Services CCUA seeks to establish operational protocols to maximize reclaimed water use. The reclaimed water infrastructure includes storage tanks, pumping systems,transmission mains, distribution pipelines, augmentation wells, and rapid infiltration basins (RIBSs). Five (5)Water Reclamation Facilities (WRFs) produce reclaimed water, which is pumped to eight(8)storage & pumping facilities (see Table 1). CCUA's existing(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)SCADA system is VTSCADA by Trihedral. The SCADA system collects data at all the reclaimed facilities as low as every 6 minutes. Although a SCADA system monitors the systems and records data, operators set the equipment to local control. Facility operators do not have protocols for operations under different conditions (e.g., seasonal variations), guidelines to operate with other parts of the system, nor metrics/goals to evaluate overall system performance. CCUA has a reclaimed water system model recently upgraded to Innovyze InfoWater Pro. This existing model contains information on tanks (level and volume), pumps (pump curves, pressure, flow, on/off switches, and runtime), and valves (position)that can be a valuable tool to understand existing and future system performance and operations. to Table 1—Reclaimed Water Treatment Plant(WRF) List Facility Number of Tanks Oakleaf WRF 2 Miller Street WRF 1 Spencers WRF 3 Tynes WRF 2 Mid-Clay WRF 2 Old Jennings Road WRF 2 Ridaught Landing WRF 1 Fleming Island WRF 2 CCUA has requested Jacobs' assistance to update/validate the InfoWater Pro model using meter data, SCADA information, operator input, plant layout drawings, and inspections and to use the model to better understand reclaimed water system operations, evaluate the system for potential bottlenecks, and develop specific WRF operational protocols. The evaluation process includes reconciling the model with meter data, identifying data gaps, and generating performance metrics.To maximize the transfer of reclaimed water supply between WRFs, the model will identify water transfer bottlenecks, establish operational protocols under various scenarios (e.g., seasons and future land use), and highlight SCADA system automation capability. The scope of services includes: • Task 1—Update the Innovyze InfoWater Pro model • Task 2—Evaluate the reclaimed water system operational protocols • Task 3—Assess the SCADA system for control automation 1 • Task 4—Summary report • Task 5—Contingency Project Allowance Task 1: Update the Innovyze InfoWater Pro model Jacobs will use CCUA's current Innovyze InfoWater Pro model and add system elements (e.g., augmentation wells)to reflect the existing system. Although the model will not be field calibrated, we will use meter data and SCADA outputs, incident reports, operator feedback, and anecdotal information to reasonably validate the model. Jacobs will provide the following services as part of Task 1: 1. Kickoff meeting:Jacobs will facilitate a 2-hour kickoff meeting with the CCUA project team at CCUA's office to review project goals, scope, deliverables checklist, project contacts, and milestone schedule. Key components of the data collection responsibilities for CCUA and Jacobs will also be discussed. Key staff will be invited to illustrate how each department would be involved in the project. Jacobs will rely on CCUA to coordinate with each department to schedule and facilitate the meeting. 2. Data collection: Following the kickoff meeting,Jacobs will collect data from CCUA o Existing Model: latest Innovyze InfoWater Pro model. o Digital data: new infrastructure elements and reclaimed water and supplemental water irrigation demands, wastewater diurnal flow curves, as low as 6-minute SCADA data for three years, and future demand to be specified by CCUA. o Plans: P&ID or instrumentation and control schematics of facilities and valve boxes. o Plans:As noted in Task 3. to o Other information as needed to update and validate the model. 3. Field visits: One (1)Jacobs hydraulic modeler will visit the eight(8) reclaimed facilities with CCUA staff to determine common operator practices/protocols for water transfer and distribution, operational limitations, and desired system automation. Each visit is expected to take a one half- day with one half-day follow-up. The visits will take place after Jacobs has collected information about each facility. SCADA visits are described under Task 3. 4. Model updates:Jacobs will update the model with collected data to simulate the existing system. The goals are to develop an understanding of how the system functions, which will require the following strategies o Statistically evaluate billing records and flow meter data. o Perform a mass balance to reconcile flow meter data, billing records, and other water accounting in the model. o Develop system metrics to define performance and level of service. 5. Refine and validate the model against existing data using the performance metrics. This task will be done against a typical year of operation (bookend performance). Progress meeting/workshop: Jacobs will hold one (1) progress meeting at the completion of the data collection effort to discuss the data collected, technical issues, and any data gaps that need to be addressed with either additional information or assumptions. Two (2)workshops to convey key findings, summarize conclusions, and refine recommendations will follow up this meeting. The workshop will present critical tables and figures that illustrate the core of results for feedback from CCUA staff 2 Task 1 Deliverables • One electronic copy(PDF) of kickoff meeting minutes • One electronic copy of draft modeling results • Updated Innovyze InfoWater Pro model • Mass balance diagram of existing system with comparisons to collected data • Recommendation for flow meter locations Task 1 Meetings The following meetings are included as part of this task: • Project kickoff meeting will be attended by up to three (3)Jacobs staff(Project Manager, project hydraulic modeler, and SCADA Engineer) and CCUA staff for up to a 1-hour meeting. • Sixteen (16)site visits after the completion of the project kickoff meeting by one (1)Jacobs staff (project hydraulic modeler) and CCUA staff. • One (1) progress meeting attended by two Jacobs staff(Project Manager and hydraulic modeler)for up to one hour. • Two (2)workshops attended by two Jacobs staff(Project Manager and hydraulic modeler)for up to four hours. Task 2: Evaluation of the reclaimed water system and establishment of operational protocols Based on the model validated in Task 2,Jacobs will coordinate with CCUA to determine system objectives and understand distribution constraints. The model will be used to understand how the system works under different seasons, for the existing and one future scenario, and one extreme to condition. In general,Jacobs will evaluate system performance for three seasons against existing and future demands (as provided by CCUA) and determine maximum usage and potential bottlenecks for water distribution. The following evaluation scenarios are part of Task 2: 1. Existing model: Run the existing model under a statically developed average day for three (3) seasonal conditions: spring, summer, and fall/winter. 2. Extreme drought: Run the existing model for a worst-case day.The conditions and criteria that will be used to establish the "worst-case day" will be discussed and confirmed with CCUA in Task 1 kickoff meeting and progress meeting. 3. Future condition: Run the model to determine the impact of one (1)future demand as defined by CCUA. The future development will be modeled under the three seasonal conditions. 4. Bottle necks: Using the result of items 1 to 3 above, determine the infrastructure that could be the cause of underperforming conditions. 5. Maximize: Run the model using automation protocols to maximize the performance of the system for three (3) operating conditions. The goal is to maximize distribution under existing and future demand for three seasons with a worst-case scenario. Based on the scenarios,Jacobs will make recommendations on how to enhance operator control of the reclaimed water system and establish protocols/justification for operator control under specific conditions. Jacobs will hold a workshop at the completion of bottleneck identification and a second workshop for the maximization model scenarios for review and comment. Jacobs will also host a final progress meeting at the end of the study to discuss the results and any recommended next steps. 3 Task 2 Deliverables • One electronic copy(PDF) of meeting minutes for each of the three (3) project status update meetings • Protocols Document for operator control under specific conditions (electronic PDF) • Mass balance diagram of future system Task 2 Meetings The following meetings are included as part of this task: • Three (3) project status update meetings attended by up to two (2)Jacobs staff(Project Manager, hydraulic modeler)for up to one (1) hour. • Two (2)workshops attended by two Jacobs staff(Project Manager and hydraulic modeler)for up to four hours. Task 3: Assess the SCADA system for control automation This task assesses the SCADA system for the potential to enhance the automation capability of the control system to ease the burden on operators and implement operational protocols, as well as collect data to evaluate performance and track water balance. Jacobs will perform the following: 1. Collect data: o Existing Input/Output list for each PLC controller at each site location.This allows for an assessment of the available points for automated data collection through the system and ability provide access to the operations personnel to remotely monitor, control the system to in either a manual or automatic mode. o Communication block diagram.This task allows mapping of the data flow through the system, identifying the ability for consolidation of data for both monitoring the system and coordinated control of the system. o Design documentation from the build of each location (panel wiring diagrams, instrument lists, etc.)This task allows rapid collection of existing data on the system in support of the field system reviews. o Review and document the current Industrial Control System (ICS) hardware and software components. Emphasis is to better understand the brands and models of the PLC, HMI, Historian, and communication system.This task provides assessment of the current installation to identify system capabilities. o Document specific ICS hardware instruments that are connected to the control system at each location.This data will assist in determining extent of available options for system control and automation. 2. Jacobs will meet with staff to document level of remote/manual and remote/automatic of the existing conditions. Objective is to identify current operations and identify operations which may be limited by existing hardware, software and communications infrastructure.Jacobs will meet with staff to prepare a draft narrative as follows: o Initial meeting: Observe operation staff to understand how they currently operate the system, regulatory constraints, and efficiency goals. o Prepare a draft control narrative:A control narrative is the document which describes how the system is operated.The data and observations will be used to make recommendations 4 for enhanced SCADA automation and control, as well as to identify further study. Submit draft document for CCUA review. o Review meeting: Meet with CCUA to review draft control narrative comments and finalize. 3. Finalize control narrative:Jacobs will finalize the control narrative based on comments on the draft control narrative to include in the final summary report. It will incorporate results from the CCUA staff and modelling effort to be utilized as normal operational protocols.The control narrative will provide operational parameters for local control in systems where the SCADA system has no control, remote/manual where the SCADA system does not contain enough system consolidated information for automatic control, and remote/automatic control where the system contains adequate instrumentation and consolidated information for automatic controls. For systems where remote/automatic control is available, the control narrative will provide guidance for a technician to program the SCADA system to achieve the desired results. Task 3 Deliverables • One electronic copy(PDF) of the draft control narratives • One electronic copy(PDF) of finalized control narratives. Task 3 Meetings The following meetings are included as part of this task: • Eight(8)site visits after the completion of the project kickoff meeting by one (1)Jacobs staff(SCADA engineer) and CCUA staff. Each visit is half a day. • Two (2) control narrative meetings attended by up to one (1)Jacobs staff(SCADA engineer)for up to to four(4) hours. Task 4: Summary Report At the completion of the study,Jacobs will prepare a summary report that will include operational protocols based on the model, as well as summarize data collected, observations made, model results and locations of system bottlenecks. The protocols will include a discussion explaining the rational, justification, and purpose for setpoints, valve configurations, and other system setting to meet reclaimed water demand under different seasons with extreme conditions. The report will also include control narratives and recommendations to enhance SCADA automation. In general, the report will contain, at a minimum, the following sections: • Introduction • Data Collection • Model development • Discussion - InfoWater Pro Modeling - SCADA - Historical data collection and reporting infrastructure • Recommendations • Operational protocols • References The overall theme of the report is to develop operational protocols to maximize reclaimed water use for each WRF under various seasonal operating conditions with technical documentation of the modeling effort to support the protocols. Jacobs will provide the following key elements in the summary report: 5 1. Statistical analysis of data sets to document typical performance and trends. 2. Model development with discussion on mass balance and metering 3. Confirmation of sources that lead to known or perceived operational concerns. 4. Identification of bottlenecks in the existing system that will impact the delivery of water for future demand. 5. WRF Operational protocols on how to operate the reclaimed system under different seasonal and worst-case conditions. 6. SCADA control narratives. 7. Recommendations to the hardware and software components of the SCADA system. Prior to drafting, a workshop will be held for four(4) hours and attended by no more than three (3) Jacobs staff to present major findings and conclusions and to agree on and focus the outline and expected contents for the draft report. Following this workshop, Jacobs will then prepare a focused, draft summary report(PDF format). The draft report will be submitted to CCUA for review within eight (8) weeks of completion of the modeling evaluation. Jacobs will meet with CCUA to discuss and develop consensus regarding CCUA's review comments on the draft summary report. A workshop will be held for four(4) hours and attended by no more than three (3)Jacobs staff after receiving comments. Jacobs will submit a final report(PDF format only)within two (2)weeks of receipt of all CCUA review comments. Jacobs will make one presentation to the CCUA board. Task 4 Deliverables • One electronic copy(PDF) of operator protocols provided in both Word and PDF formats to • One electronic copy(PDF) of final report Task 4 Meetings The following meetings are included as part of this task: • One (1) draft report review workshop with CCUA attended by up to three (3)Jacobs staff(Project Manager, project hydraulic modeler, and SCADA Engineer)for up to four(4) hours. Task 5: Contingency Project Allowance This project carries some level of uncertainty due to data availability, model complexity, and demand uncertainty. Contingency Project Allowance funds will be established by CCUA to track work CCUA deems is warranted but were not anticipated during project development. Jacobs will review all changes that require use of the Contingency Project Allowance funds and Jacobs will work with CCUA to manage and track these changes. Jacobs will proceed as CCUA authorizes minor variations in the work that do not involve an adjustment beyond the total contract price. Services to be authorized under the Contingency Project Allowance may include, but not limited,to the following: • Additional meetings and general coordination with CCUA beyond what is described in Task 1 through Task 4. • Additional hydraulic evaluations and model scenario development beyond what is described in Task 1to Task 4. • Additional data collection and field inspections beyond what is described in Task 1 through Task 4 • All deliverables and meetings will be coordinated with CCUA. Additional services shall not be undertaken without prior written approval of the CCUA's Project Manager or designee. Contingency is estimated at 9%. 6 Assumptions The scope of services and level of effort presented in this document are based upon the following assumptions: • Jacobs will reasonably rely upon the accuracy and completeness of the information/data provided by CCUA or other third parties. • It is assumed that CCUA hydraulic model has already been converted to InfoWater Pro. • Layout updates include adding augmentation wells, significant development demand, and infrastructure updates. • The base condition in the current model will be updated to have existing and future demands for three seasons (6 scenarios) • One existing and future season demand will be further developed for a worst-case scenario (2 scenarios) • CCUA will provide Jacobs staff access to the InfoWater Pro model and most recent infrastructure additions (excluding augmentation wells) • The InfoWater Pro model provided by CCUA will have existing reclaimed water demands and diurnal curves. • Proposed developments should have detail enough to estimate water demand and location. Plans need to be in electronic format and geospatially located. Proposed developments are limited to only near-term developments scheduled to be built as provided by CCUA. All demands will be provided by CCUA.This scope does not include developing landscape irrigation calculations for new developments. to • Jacobs will not perform water quality evaluations, surge analysis,treatment plant analysis, or other evaluations on systems not associated with reclaimed water distribution. • Data on complaints should be reasonably locatable and quantifiable. • Jacobs will have access to MCC Cabinets and SCADA Software. • Jacobs will address one round of CCUA review comments for the Operational Protocol and Summary Report. • CCUA will provide the following regarding execution of this scope of services: 1. Working hydraulic models, SCADA historical data, average annual and peak day unit irrigation demands by user type (residential, commercial, institutional, etc.) and development plans. 2. Timely review of draft submittals, as described elsewhere herein. Payment for Services Compensation for the scope of services described above will be on a time and materials (T&M) basis for a fee of$223,000.23 shown in Table 1 and detailed in Attachment A. Table 1.Estimated T&M Fee Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Protocols Task Description Labor Cost Expense Cost Task 1—Update the Innovyze InfoWater Pro model $43,273.20 $57.00 Task 2—Evaluate the reclaimed water system operational protocols $59,185.33 $0 Task 3—Assess the SCADA system for control automation $42,603.81 $234.00 Task 4—Summary report $57,586.89 $60.00 Task 5 Contingency Project Allowance $19,958.79 $41.21 Labor Total $222,608.02 Expenses Total $392.21 Total T&M Fee Amount $223,000.23 Schedule to The scope and fee for this project are based on completing delivery of the final protocols and report within 7 months from the NTP. The project scopes and cost estimates are based on a typical work schedule and assume that no extraordinary efforts will be made to complete the work in an accelerated manner. 8 Table 2.Approximate Duration of Tasks 1 through 4 Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Protocols Task Approximate Duration Task 1—Update the Innovyze InfoWater Pro model(Total Duration—1 month) -Project Kickoff Meeting and Site Visit Within one(1)week of NTP -Field visits Within one(1)week after kickoff meeting and lasting four(4)days Data collection completed Within two(2)weeks of kickoff meeting or one(1)week after delivery of data from CCUA Task 2—:Evaluation of the reclaimed water system and establishment of operational protocols(Total Duration—3 months) Model update Within five(5)weeks of data collection completion and receipt of converted InfoWater Pro Model from CCUA -Scenarios Within five(5)weeks from the model update Task 3—Assess the SCADA system for control automation(Total Duration—2 month) -Data collection completed Within two(2)weeks of NTP or one(1)week after delivery of data from CCUA -Field visits Within one(1)after kickoff meeting and lasting two(2)days - Control Narrative visits Within three(3)weeks after field visits Task 4—Summary report(Total Duration—3 months) -Draft summary report Within eight(8)weeks after completion of Task 2 -Final summary report Within two(2)weeks after adjudication of CCUA comments on CO Draft Summary Report 9 Attachment A-Supplemental Agreement No.8-Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Protocols 3/30/2022 2021 Billing Rate Task 1-Update the lnnovyze Task 2-Evaluate the reclaimed water Task 3-Assess the SCADA system Task 5-Contingency Project Role 2021 Base Rate ('21 Base Rate x 2.9) InfoWater Pro model system for enhanced operations for control automation Task 4-Summary Report Allowance Totals 2.9 ow Hours Fee 2022 Hours Fee 12021 Hours Fee 2021 Hours Fee 2022 Hours Fee 2022 Hours Fee Larry Gunn" QC/STC $185.17 3 $555.51• 8 $1,481 36 - $0.00 6 $1,111.02 $0.00 17 $3,147.89 Jaynelle Pemberton Project Manager $72.57 $210.45 17 $3,577.70 19 $3,998 61 5 $1,052 27 21 $4,419.51 4 $841.81 66 $13,889 90 Sherry Malloy" Project Assistant " $85.72 8 $685.76 - $0 00 - $0.00 $0.00 - $0.00 8 $685.76 Catie Donisi CADD/GIS Technician-Senior $34.19 $99.15 12 $1,189.81 32 $3,172 83 - $0 00 $0.00 $000 44 $4,362.64 r Marcel Dulay Senior Hydraulic Engineer $87.59 $254.01 76 $19,304.84 1 75 $19,050.83 - $0.00 $24,893.08 58 $14,732.64 307 $77,981 38 Francisco Velez Garcia Lead Hydraulic Engineer $57.46 $166.63 88 $14,663.79 164 $27,327 98 - $0 00 16 $2,666 14- 12 $1,999.61 280 $46,657 52 Nader Abdollahi Jr.Engineer $30.86 $89.49 24 $2,147.86 40 $3,579.76 - $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 64 $5,727.62 Bernie Jacobsen QC/STC SCADA Engineer $102.79 $298.09 - $0.00 - $0.00 108 $32,193.83- $22,058.73 8 $2,384.73 190 $56,637.29 David Watson Lead SCADA Engineer $80.67 $233.94 - $0.00 - $0.00 40 $9,357.72 $0.00 $0.00 40 $9,357.72 Mark Gallegos" Technical Editor " $121.92 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $0.00 20 $2,438.40 - $0.00 20 $2,438.40 Stuart Boles Scheduler/Project Controls-Senior $4g46 $143.49 8 $1,147.94 4 $573.97 - $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12 $1,721.90 LABOR SUBTOTALS 236 $43,273.20 342 $59,185.33 153 $42,603.81 235 $57,586.89 82 $19,958.79 1048 $222,608.02 Jacobs Expenses ' $57.00 $234.00 $60.00 $41.21 $392.21 EXPENSE SUBTOTALS $57.00 $0.00 $234.00 $60.00 $41.21 $392.21 TASK SUBTOTALS 236 $43,330.20 342 $59,185.33 153 $42,837.81 235 $57,646.89 82 $20,000.00 1048 $223,000.23 Billing Rate Established from Previous Supplemental Agreement PROPOSED FEE $223,000.23