HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB SA No 5 CDM Smith Strategic Planning Ph 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 5 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Professional Engineering Services with CDM Smith,Inc. (CDM Smith)for the Strategic Planning Phase II effort Date: March 31, 2022 BACKGROUND: The Clay County Utility Authority(CCUA)staff request authorization to engage CDM Smith's assistance with the next phase of the Strategic Planning process. CCUA began the strategic planning effort in July 2021. CCUA and the CDM Smith team successfully completed the first phase of the strategic planning effort in February 2022 that identified areas for strategic focus. We continue to make significant progress es with the CDM Smith team on other major components: the Integrated Water Resource Plan (IWRP) and a Rate Study and the Employee Training and Incentive Program. These planning efforts and workplans to co a advance all areas of strategic focus will be combined into one report (the Strategic Plan) through the o Strategic Planning Phase II effort. r c L CCUA staff considers the Strategic Plan important for the long-term view of the utility's customer service, ce infrastructure investments, rates and financing, staffing, technology, and regulatory compliance. We will fashion the Strategic Plan as an actionable plan with defined objectives and performance measures to be implemented over time as the utility grows. Staff requested a Scope of Services and Fees from CDM Smith for the support and subject matter experts needed to assist the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in developing the Strategic Plan. CDM Smith will designate a representative who will participate in workshops to provide information and direction to the SLT in the development of the Strategic Plan. The proposed supplemental agreement provides for compensating the CDM Smith team on a time and materials basis. Staff intends to present the final Strategic Plan to the Board of Supervisors for input, consideration, and adoption. Staff considers the adoption of a Strategic Plan by the Board of Supervisors essential for the development of the utility as well as effective communication with many external stakeholders over time. BUDGET: Staff budgeted for this expense in the operating budget. //JDJ(Author) //JW,KO,and AB(Review) //JDJ(Final) Executive Summary Supplemental Agreement No. 5 CDM Smith Page 1 CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The estimated cost of this study does not exceed$500,000. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiated the scope and fee, based on established contract rates, for the professional services at a compensation which CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 5 with CDM Smith, Inc., for $249,000 to complete this Strategic Planning Phase II effort. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 5 Scope and Fee Proposal //JDJ(Author) //JW,KO,and AB(Review) //JDJ(Final) Executive Summary Supplemental Agreement No. 5 CDM Smith Page 2 Supplemental Agreement No. 5 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Professional Engineering Services with CDM Smith, Inc for the Strategic Planning Phase II Engineer: Shayne Wood, P.E. Owner: Clay County CDM Smith, Inc. Utility Authority 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 420 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Date: April 5, 2022 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Phase 2 Evaluation & Determination Task 1 Kickoff Meeting Task 2 Strategic Planning Workshops Task 3 Task 4 Subject Matter Expert Participation Management Consulting Review and Input Task 5 Strategic Planning Document Task 6 Project and Quality Management Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $249,000 This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Shayne Wood, P.E. CDM Smith, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy Johnston, PE, MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTINUING SERVICES RFQ 18/19 NO.3 March 2022 WORK ORDER NO. 5 This Authorization, when executed, shall be incorporated in and become part of the Agreement for Professional Services between Clay County Utility Authority (Authority), and CDM Smith Inc. (CONSULTANT), dated May 28, 2019 hereafter referred to as the Contract. BACKGROUND The population growth within Clay County continues to accelerate. The Authority anticipates the population growth within Clay County will result in the utility doubling in size over the planning horizon of 20 to 25 years. The Authority also anticipates the growth in the population served by the utility will require new, as well as improvements to existing infrastructure, increased staffing levels, improved processes, and procedures, as well as investments in new technology. The Authority intends to either maintain or improve levels of services to the customers served by the utility systems. The Authority initiated a strategic planning process to evaluate and develop a plan to adapt, improve, or develop internal organizational structures, processes, staffing, processes, and technology investments over the to 20-to-25-year planning horizon. The Authority intends to engage the Consultant in the next phase of the strategic planning process.The Authority defines the objective of the next phase of this strategic planning process as a formal report that will be presented to the Board of Supervisors for consideration and adoption. The Authority and Consultant will build upon the Strategic Planning Phase I completed in February 2022. The Authority and Consultant will incorporate other areas of work currently underway (the Integrated Water Resource Planning, Rate Study, the Employee Training and Incentive Program, etc.) into the strategic planning report. The Authority's Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will lead and direct the development of the strategic planning report. The Consultant will provide support in the writing and development of the strategic planning report. The Consultant will provide an analyst or engineer to attend SLT meetings/workshops to receive information and direction. When needed, the Authority requested access to subject matter experts for development and refinement of subject areas to be addressed in the strategic planning report. SCOPE OF SERVICES The following tasks describe the scope of services to develop a Strategic Plan for the Authority. TASK 1—KICKOFF MEETING CONSULTANT will hold an Initial Approach Discussion with the Executive Director to solidify schedule, refine the document development approach, and review the Strategic Planning Outline topics in relation to the Strategic Plan Roadmap Priorities prior to the first SLT meeting. TASK 2—STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOPS CONSULTANT will participate in up to 20 SLT meetings discussing the Authority's approach, implementation plan, and priority for the items listed in the attached Strategic Planning Outline. CONSULTANT will document the outcomes of the discussions during each of the SLT Meetings. These summaries will become the basis for the strategic planning document. Following completion of each SLT meeting, CONSULTANT will develop a written draft deliverable combining the discussions from the SLT Meetings. The draft will be submitted to the SLT for review and comment. TASK 3— SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT(SME) PARTICIPATION During the SLT meetings to develop the strategic plan, CONSULTANT may provide subject matter experts to participate and provide input during the meetings.The SME staff are anticipated to be: • William Adams—Operations & Maintenance • Joseph Ridge—Asset Management and Financials • James Carolan—GIS and Information Systems • Bryan Cully—CIP and Engineering • Karen Counes—Workforce Development and Human Resources TASK 4— MANAGEMENT CONSULTING REVIEW AND INPUT After review of the draft strategic planning document sections by the SLT(Task 2), CONSULTANT will provide Management Consultants to review the content and approach developed. CONSULTANT will provide written comments and discuss recommendations and comments with the Authority's Executive to Director. TASK 5—STRATEGIC PLANNING DOCUMENT Following review of the draft strategic planning document and incorporation of any review comments from Task 4, CONSULTANT will engage technical writers and graphic artists to finalize the individual sections of the Strategic Planning Document. TASK 6—PROJECT MANAGEMENT Activities performed under this task consist of those general functions required to perform required administrative tasks, maintain the project on schedule, within budget, and that the quality of the work products defined within this scope of services is consistent with CONSULTANT's standards and AUTHORITY's requirements. Specific activities include project quality review of deliverables, periodic internal team meetings, project start up and invoicing, and general administration of the Contract. ASSUMPTIONS 1. SLT meetings will occur approximately once every two weeks. Up to 20 SLT meetings are budgeted 2. 48 hours of CONSULTANT time has been budgeted per meeting for preparation, documentation, and review of comments. 3. The SLT meeting topics will typically be structured so that one subject matter expert will be needed for each meeting. 8 hours of SME time have been budgeted for each SLT meeting. 4. After each SLT Meeting, 20 hours have been budgeted for Management Consultant Review of outcomes and summaries. 5. CONSULTANT level of effort is on a time and material basis. The level of participation is limited to the upper limit unless otherwise amended. DELIVERABLES SUMMARY TASK DESCRIPTION FORMAT 1 Meeting Summary of the Initial Approach Discussion *.pdf 2 Up to 20 SLT Meeting Summaries documenting discussions *.docx or *.pdf and outcomes from the meeting for SLR review. 4 Review comments on up to 20 SLT Meeting Summaries. *.docx or *.pdf Review comments will be provided as annotated meeting summaries, and a general write up outlining a general or global comments. 5 Final Strategic Planning Document *.pdf TIME OF COMPLETION/SCHEDULE The CONSULTANT will begin work within 14 calendar days of receiving Notice to Proceed (NTP)from the Authority. The estimated deliverables schedule associated with Tasks 1-5 are outlined below.A more detail schedule will be presented within 30 calendar days after NTP. Note, some tasks will be occurring concurrently. TASK DESCRIPTION SCHEDULE to 1 Meeting Summary of the Initial Approach Discussion Within 5 days 2 Up to 20 SLT Meeting Summaries documenting discussions Within 5 days of each and outcomes from the meeting for SLR review. meeting 4 Review comments on up to 20 SLT Meeting Summaries. Within 2 weeks of SLT Review comments will be provided as annotated meeting approval of draft summaries, and a general write up outlining a general or global comments. 5 Final Strategic Planning Document Within 30 days of final SLT meeting COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT CONSULTANT will complete the work described in Tasks 1 through 5 on a time and materials basis not to exceed $249,000. Invoices will be submitted monthly based on labor hours at the contractual billing rate plus other direct costs.This upper limit will not be exceeded without prior written authorization by the AUTHORITY. Estimated time and materials compensation for the various tasks are estimates only, and the estimated values of the individual tasks can be exceeded, but the total upper limit for the project cannot exceed. EXHIBIT A CONTRACT FEE SUMMARY CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTINUING SERVICES ..................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... Project :Proposal Number CCUA Strategic Plan 2022 RFQ 18/19 NO.3 Name of Consultant iDate of Proposal CDM Smith Inc. i 3/22/2022 PART:is l:X00W RELATtDM'ill$T$ . i.:E:.: Labor Costs Hourly Estimated Billing Rate Hours TOTAL Engineer Grade 10/Expert 255.00 32 $ 8,160.00 Engineer Grade 9/Senior Professional 245.00 114 $ 27,930.00 Engineer Grade 8/Senior PM 215.00 248 $ 53,320.00 Engineer Grade 7/Senior Engineer 184.00 - $ - Engineer Grade 5/6/Professional Engineer 153.00 - $ - Eingineer Grade 3/4/Engineer 138.00 - $ - Engineer Grade 2 123.00 1,240 $ 152,520.00 Engineer Grade 1 92.00 - $ - Senior Tech Support 123.00 - $ - Staff Technician 107.00 - $ - Senior Field Tech 114.00 - $ - Staff Field Tech 83.00 - $ - Contract Administrator 123.00 - $ - Document Control Specialist 101.00 12 $ 1,212.00 Administrative 86.00 40 $ 3,440.00 LABOR SUB-TOTAL • 1,686 i $ 246,582.00 DIRECT COSTS Transportation,Per Diem and Equipment Presentation Boards . Reproduction .• MISCELLANEOUS DIRECT COSTS SUB-TOTAL $ 2,418.00 SUBCONTRACTS • SUB-CONTRACT SUB-TOTAL • TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT $ 249,000.00