HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB Proposed SA No 9 with Jones Edmunds for CCUA Campus Driveway EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 9 with Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. (Jones Edmunds) to the Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 to evaluate routing options for the addition of a new Clay County Utility Authority(CCUA)North Campus Driveway. Date: April 19, 2022 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff requests approval from the Board of Supervisors to investigate options for alternate means of access to the CCUA Administration Campus.With the implementation of the First Coast Expressway, traffic volume on Old Jennings Road has increased. In addition, the proximity of the entrance to the CCUA Administration Campus at 3176 Old Jennings Road to the high-speed right hand turn from Blanding Boulevard,has made exiting the campus difficult. CCUA staff requested that Jones Edmunds evaluate alternative means in ingress and egress to the CCUA Administration Campus through a new North Campus Driveway. CCUA vehicles and employees exiting the r3 campus to the north will access Old Jennings Road via Brannan Mill Road. The County plans to a install a traffic light at the intersection of Brannan Mill Road and Old Jennings Road which makes ; exiting the CCUA campus by a north driveway the preferred route. 0 L This Supplemental Agreement, if approved engages Jones Edmunds to investigate the feasibility of implementing a new driveway that will connect the Administrative Campus parking area to re Whitebark Plantation Drive or Brannan Mill Road. The investigation will focus on two (2) potential routes shown on the aerial photo below in red. The investigation will evaluate environmental and neighborhood impacts and the ability to obtain the needed permits to construct the driveway. The consultant will recommend a horizontal driveway alignment, pavement design and stormwater management improvements. The scope of work includes the preparation of a conceptual level estimate for the cost of the recommended improvements. BUDGET: Staff reviewed Jones Edmunds proposal and determined the fee of$36,340.73 to be reasonable for the scope of work. The current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes sufficient funding to cover this project. Staff will incorporate the costs to construct this project within next year's Capital Improvement Program. CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The estimated construction cost for the project does not exceed $4 million. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiated the scope and fee, based on established contract rates, for the professional services at a compensation which CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 9 with Jones Edmunds &Associates,Inc. for$36,340.73 to evaluate routing options for the addition of a new Clay County Utility Authority North Campus Driveway. Sketch of Proposed Driveway Options I 1, .... -4„'*".A.I')11:' 0 Di .."71 , it :i.:1• • c• ''' " l'.'. ; . ,.7.. ,- o North Driveway i Routes LAI ' I , I • ti II CCUA Campus • ' Cla~County Utility J . th!itY.uo Myers Pediatric Dentistry 'e F.Orthodontic TAI _'- Future traffic signal "al 1 ati Old Jennings Rd Old Jennings Rd Old Jennings Road Old Jennings Rd • Old Jennings' �a�eR _ _ _ • I. St.Luke Child• •St.Luke Catholic Church A; %Meadow Care Center _ _ } Christian Daycare r _ :;eedv ,a a�cg0\ , nnune afion . �` 0�ac Catholi School• f ' ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 9 Jones Edmunds &Associates Inc. Proposal dated 04-08-2022 Supplemental Agreement No. 9 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Professional Engineering Services to Evaluate Routing Options for the addition of a new Clay County Utility Authority(CCUA) North Campus Driveway. CCUA Project No.4020-002 Brian J. Icerman, P.E Engineer: Jones Edmunds &Associates, Inc. Owner: Clay County 730 NE Waldo Rd. Utility Authority Gainesville, FL 32641 Date: April 19, 2022 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Task 1 Project management and meetings $4,567.63 Task 2 Data Collection $13,194.92 Task 3 Alternative Study and Memo $18,578.18 Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $36,340.73 The Contract time shall commence on April 20, 2022. This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Brian J. Icerman, P.E.,ENV. SP Managing Director/Sr. VP. Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority Jon esEdm un ds, Integrity • Knowledge • Service April 8 2022 Joe Paterniti, PE Assistant Chief Engineer Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, Florida 32068 RE: Project Scope and Fee, CCUA North Campus Driveway Alternatives Study Jones Edmunds Opportunity No. 95696-104-22 Dear Mr. Paterniti: We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and CCUA staff on the CCUA North Campus Driveway Alternatives Study. The attached scope of services is based upon the Project Scoping Statement provided by CCUA and our site visit conducted with CCUA staff on March 18, 2022. In summary the Scope of Services is divided into three tasks: Task 1 - Project Management & Meetings Task 2 - Data Collection to Task 3 - Alternatives Analysis and Memo We propose to complete Tasks 1 through 3 for a total lump sum not-to-exceed project fee of $36,340.73. We anticipate a data collection duration of 2-months and Alternatives Analysis and Recommendations memo duration of 2.5-months. The detailed scope of services, schedule, and project fee estimate by task are attached to this letter. We appreciate this opportunity to serve the CCUA community. If you have any questions or comments, please call us at (904) 708-9254. Sincerely, ,C).4.1.4% 711/i\C"` /14)ti-‘- Brian J. Icerman, PE, ENV SP Bruce Myhre, PE, PhD Managing Director/ Senior Vice President Senior Project Manager Enclosures/Attachments: Scope of Services and Project Fee Estimate by Task XC: Paul Steinbrecher, PE - CCUA 800.237.1053 JONESEDMUNDS.COM CCUA NORTH CAMPUS DRIVEWAY ALTERNATIVES STUDY SCOPE OF SERVICES PROJECT BACKGROUND CCUA North Campus offices are located at 3176 Old Jennings Road, just off State Road 21. Employee parking for the office is located on the east side of the campus, with access only to Old Jennings Road. North and northeast of the campus are maintenance facilities and a water treatment plant. CCUA is also planning on expanding their offices including a parking lot north of the existing parking. CCUA would like an additional driveway access for employees and maintenance equipment. Per correspondence from CCUA and our site visit of March 18, 2022, there are two (2) driveway alternatives (see attached figure): (1) The driveway would go north from the east side of the existing parking then turn west behind houses in the Brannan Mill Plantation Subdivision on Longneedle Lane. This driveway would connect to Pineta Cove Drive. (2) The driveway would go north along the existing driveway on the west side of CCUA offices and would go on the north side of the water plant with an access point on Brannan Mill Boulevard. The purpose of the project is to perform a study of the two driveway alternatives and provide CCUA with a preferred alternative. to 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT & MEETINGS PROJECT MANAGEMENT Jones Edmunds, as the prime consultant, will manage the project and subconsultant throughout the project from data collection to final Memo. Work will include routine coordination with the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) Project Manager (PM) including the following: communication — phone calls, emails, texts, virtual and in-person team meetings; monthly invoicing; and project schedule/updates. KICKOFF MEETING, SITE MEETING AND INITIAL DATA REQUEST Following the Notice to Proceed (NTP), Jones Edmunds will set up a project kick-off meeting (Teams) with the CCUA staff. At the meeting, we will submit a Project Plan that includes Contact List, Lines of Communication, Project Schedule with Major Milestones, and CCUA Goals and Critical Success Factors for the Project. We will prepare an initial data needs request and submit to the CCUA PM prior to the meeting to allow staff to determine data availability for discussion at the meeting. MONTHLY PROJECT REVIEW MEETINGS Monthly project review meetings will begin after the kickoff meeting and continue during the Data Collection and Alternatives Study and Memo phase. The meetings will be virtual (Teams) meetings. Jones Edmunds will conduct a parallel internal project team meeting monthly. April 14, 2022 Page 1 CCUA NORTH CAMPUS DRIVEWAY ALTERNATIVES STUDY SCOPE OF SERVICES DELIVERABLES Jones Edmunds will distribute electronic copies (PDF format) of meeting minutes via e-mail within 10 calendar days from the date of the kickoff meeting and monthly project review meetings. 2 DATA COLLECTION Jones Edmunds will collect the following data for the project area: • Existing engineering plans from CCUA • St. Johns River Water Management permits • US Army Corps of Engineers permits. • Wetland delineation and environmental data - Jones Edmunds staff will perform a site visit to flag wetland lines. We will use a hand-held GPS unit to obtain coordinates. • Geotechnical Data - Jones Edmunds will contract with a Florida-licensed geotechnical firm to obtain two (2) borings for each driveway alternative for a total of four (4) borings. • Property ownership and easements - We will review the Clay County Property Appraiser website for property ownership and the St. Johns River Water Management District website for easements. • Utilities - water, sewer, and reuse from CCUA. to 3 ALTERNATIVES STUDY AND RECOMMENDATIONS MEMO ALTERNATIVES STUDY For the two (2) alternatives we will review the following: • Existing permits • Proposed construction permits - determining which regulatory agency will permit the project. • Wetlands - determine preliminary wetland impacts and required wetland mitigation as needed. • Geotechnical data -review the geotechnical data to determine the impact to driveway construction. • Neighborhood Impacts - summarize potential impacts the proposed driveway could have on the Brannan Mill Subdivision. • Access Point - Review the location of the proposed access locations to the existing roadway. We will coordinate with Clay County Engineering to determine potential concerns. • Driveway typical sections (inverted crown or crowned) • Driveway geometric data • Utilities - Impacts to existing utilities and water plant • Project Cost - budgetary estimates for construction, property acquisition, design, permitting, and wetland mitigation. April 14, 2022 Page 2 CCUA NORTH CAMPUS DRIVEWAY ALTERNATIVES STUDY SCOPE OF SERVICES RECOMMENDATIONS MEMO Jones Edmunds will prepare a technical memorandum summarizing the findings of the driveway alternatives study. The memo will include an engineering recommendation based on the study. DELIVERABLES Recommendations Memo in electronic (PDF) format. ASSUMPTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS 1. Design and permittingis not included. 2. Graphics will be prepared using GIS or AutoCAD. 3. No survey work will be performed under this Scope of Services. ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE (IN WEEKS) The final project schedule will be based on a mutual agreement between CCUA and Jones Edmunds at the kickoff meeting. Preliminarily, the project tasks are estimated in the list below based on the kickoff meeting date. We will coordinate with CCUA for each submittals' due date upon receipt of the prior submittals' review comments. Milestone Start Date End Date to Kickoff Meeting with CCUA 5/9/2022 5/14/2022 Data Collection 5/9/2022 7/5/2022 Alternatives Analysis and Memo 6/6/2022 8/19/2022 Review Meeting w/ CCUA 8/22/2022 9/2/2022 Final Memo 9/6/2022 9/16/2022 COMPENSATION Jones Edmunds proposes to provide the services detailed above on a lump-sum basis for Tasks 1 through 3. We will complete these services in accordance with the terms of the "Agreement" between CCUA and Jones Edmunds for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3., for a lump-sum amount of $36,340.73. The table below summarizes the labor effort and subconsultant cost by task. Invoices will be on percent-complete basis. Jones Edmunds will submit invoices to the CCUA monthly in coordination with the CCUA Project Manager. TASK Jones Edmunds Labor Subconsultants TOTAL Effort and ODCs Task 1 - Project Management & Meetings $4,567.63 $0.00 $4,567.63 Task 2 - Data Collection $9,194.32 $4,000.00 $13,194.92 Task 3 - Alternatives Study and Memo $18,578.18 $0.00 $18,578.18 Total Fee $32,340.72 $4,000.00 $36,340.73 April 14, 2022 Page 3