HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA Change Order No 2 to Fleming Island WRF BTU No 3 with Wharton Smith EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Change Order No. 2 to Fleming Island Water Reclamation Facility BTU No. 3 Expansion with Wharton-Smith Construction Group (WSCG) Job File No. 2203-132 Date: June 7, 2022 BACKGROUND: Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) staff requests approval from the Board of Supervisors to execute Change Order Number 2 to the above-referenced contract. WSCG provided construction services for the expansion of the Fleming Island Water Reclamation Facility (FIWRF). The project achieved substantial completion ahead of schedule and below budget. The plant has been placed into service. During the final phase of construction, WSCG encountered changed site conditions during a complex bypass pumping operation that could not have reasonably been anticipated at the bid phase. The bypass pumping operation was needed to -0 complete construction within the headworks facility, and these types of operations are usually acompleted on expedited timeframes to keep the water reclamation facility in operation. co ° WSCG elected to abandon their first bypass pumping attempt when it became clear to them there 3 was a safety risk and plant operations were being disrupted. WSCG undertook the redesign and implementation of a more robust bypass pumping scheme, installed it at risk, and completed the ce work. The plant was placed into operation on April 5, 2022 and achieved substantial completion on May 5, 2022. WSCG submitted a change order request for a total amount of $129,280.38 on April 12, 2022 intended to recover the full costs of both bypass attempts including normal and customary overhead and profit. CCUA staff entered negotiations with WSCG, and both parties have agreed to submit a Change Order Request of$80,174.81 for the Board of Supervisors' consideration and approval. Staff considers the change order a fair value to our ratepayers. The change order represents a shared cost approach between CCUA and WSCG. The second bypass scheme was more robust, provided a higher level of safety for work crews, and allowed the plant to remain in full operation unhindered during this final complex construction activity. BUDGET: The project construction budget was $6,282,000. The project realized cost savings related to unit quantity costs for grit cleaning and excavation of$445,000. Accordingly, with this $80,174.81 change order, the final construction cost, including Owner Direct Purchases is $5,751,825.19. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors' approval of Change Order No. 2 to the Fleming Island Water Reclamation Facility BTU No. 3 with WSCG. ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 2 Change Order Request Change Order Summary Figures and Photographs, Initial and Second Influent Structure Bypass 41100, Wharton-Smith, Inc. CONSTRUCTION GROUP Mr. Paul Steinbrecher Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, FL 32068 RE: CCUA Fleming Island WWTF Influent Structure Bypass Operation Final change order requisition request Dear Mr. Steinbrecher, We appreciate the opportunity to submit this final change order request for the bypass operation at the Fleming Island WWT Facility. As per our discussions and meetings to date,Wharton-Smith, Inc. encountered obstacles that were beyond our control that ultimately resulted in a change in condition that could not reasonably have been anticipated for our Work.As a result, we ultimately needed to bypass RAS flow away from the headworks structure in a manner not originally anticipated. We completed this extra work at risk to keep the job moving, and to meet the projects substantial completion goals. to The factors that contributed to the change in condition are as followed: 1. We discovered during initial planning stages that the pretreatment structure has a floating wall that was not shown in the Contract Documents that routes RAS flow through the work area that we were required to clean and demo.This discovery resulted in a RAS bypass system having to be implemented not originally anticipated. 2. All existing lift station infrastructure entering the Fleming Island WWTF is starters resulting in significant peak surge flows.The original bypass system discharging in the agreed upon location of the effluent boxes for BTU#01 and #02 were not able to sustain the surges resulting in hydraulic restrictions that affected our Work area. 3. Wharton-Smith complied with the original contract document discharge point until such time that maintaining plant operation and biological treatment during the bypass operation became a challenge resulting in additional efforts to mobilize bypass pumps and infrastructure.This was all in an attempt to maintain the biological process of the plant and the solids at the clarifiers under control. To overcome these factors and keep the job within original schedule and budget, Wharton-Smith demobilized the original bypass and undertook construction of a more robust headworks bypass system. Wharton-Smith, Inc. was financially impacted by these operations in the amount of$129,280.38 above and beyond the original scope of work bypass operation. We furthermore never stopped our efforts to overcome the challenge at hand and took on the entire monetary risk until we successfully completed the scope of Work. Having successfully concluded the tie in of the BTU#3 and#4 effluent boxes, we have reviewed the proposals submitted to date and are offering a reduction in our costs in good faith to ensure and meet our overall goal. We aim to be the Contractor of choice for the communities and clients we serve and hope to be able to serve you in the future. As such,we respectfully propose to be reimbursed for all our efforts in the amount of 750 Monroe Road • Sanford, Florida 32771 • (407)321-8410 • Fax: (407)829-4453 CG 0032669 PC 0048385 CU 0056506 411100, Wharton-Smith, Inc. CONSTRUCTION GROUP $80,174.81.This amount is a significant discount of the actual costs. We are hopeful of your acceptance of this change as the overall project will be ahead of schedule and under budget as the final contract reconciliation change will reduce the overall contract amount by more than $300,000 not spent in original allowances. We appreciate your willingness to meet with us and your collaboration thus far. We look forward to timely resolution of this change proposal request and are available to assist you in any way moving forward. Sincerely, Mike Alexakis AREA MANAGER—CENTRAL& NORTH FLORIDA I WHARTON-SMITH, INC. to 750 Monroe Road • Sanford, Florida 32771 • (407)321-8410 • Fax: (407)829-4453 CG 0032669 PC 0048385 CU 0056506 41100, Wharton-Smith, Inc. CONSTRUCTION GROUP Summary of cost changes - Original RAS Bypass proposal $ 36,645.11 - Original Influent Structure bypass proposal $ 92,635.27 - Original total sum $129,280.38 Wharton-Smith, Inc. cost reduction to proposals-$49,105.57 Final change request costs - RAS Bypass proposal $24,532.18 - Influent Structure bypass proposal $55,642.63 - Final total sum $80,174.81 to 750 Monroe Road • Sanford, Florida 32771 • (407)321-8410 • Fax: (407)829-4453 CG 0032669 PC 0048385 CU 0056506 Summary �`�'► Clay County Utility Authority Fleming Island WWTF BTU 3 Expansion ICON o.T so Request for Change Order#02 - Influent Structure Bypass Rev.1 4/13/2022 # DESCRIPTION 1 This change order request includes the cost of the second bypass operation.The original bypass 2 operation attempt had to be abandoned due to the influent surges causing the effluent boxes to 3 overflow into the work area.This request for change order includes all costs associated with rework, 4 standby charges, and the second bypass system. The second bypass system included use of an 5 existing line stop, running HDPE pipe from the line stop directly to the BTU's and redirecting all 6 additional in plant influent to various structures outside of the Influent Structure.Temporary screen 7 were fabricated in-house to remove rags from the influent flowing into the BTU's.WSI performed the 8 overnight raking while CCUA performed the daytime raking. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MATERIALS TOTAL 16 From Page 2 $ 8,612.72 17 Tax 7.00% $ 602.89 $ 9,215.61 19 I $9,215.61 20 21 LABOR _ HRS AVG$/HR TOTAL to 22 From Page 3 699 $ 39,060.00 24 $39,060.00 25 26 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT TOTAL 27 From Page 4 $ 8,951.90 28 Tax 7.00% $ 626.63 $9,578.53 30 $9,578.53 31 32 SUBCONTRACTS TOTAL 33 From Page 5 $ 23,825.40 35 $23,825.40 36 37 OTHER QTY REFERENCE TOTAL 38 Fee 1"/. MIL+T/E $57,854.14 $ —8,678.12 39 Fee 5.0% Subcontracts $23,825.40 $ 1,191.27 Bond 0.78% M+L+T/E+S $81,679.54 $ 637.10 Insurance 0.55% M+L+T/E+S $81,679.54 $ 449.24 40 $ - 39 Subtotal $ 10,955.73 40 I $ 10,955.73 41 42 FINAL QUOTE TOTAL TOTAL 43 $92,635.27 44 45 46 $92,635.27 $55,642.63 Request for Change Order#002 - Influent Structure :'pges1REV1 PG 2 Materials Wharton-Smith,!no. MATERIAL ESTIMATE R(ILTP # !MATERIALS QTY UNIT UNIT RATE I TOTAL NOTES 1 I $ - 2 Pipe Plugs(installed and standby) 1 LS $ 769.72 $ 769.72 6 18"HDPE Piping 1 LS $ 5,120.00 $ 5,120.00 7 Stair Towers $ - BORROWED 8 Trench-Box 1 — LS $ 1,250.00 $ , 9 Metals fur lernp Screens 1 LS $ 1,473.00 $ 1,473.00 avvaduiy-iiivtm,e- 11 $ - 12 $ - 13 $ - 14 $ - 15 $ - 16 $ - 17 $ - 18 $ - 19 $ - 20 $ - 21 $ - 22 $ - 23 $ - 24 $ - 25 $ - 26 $ - 27 $ - 28 $ - tO 29 $ - 30 $ - 31 $ - 32 $ - 33 $ - 34 $ - 35 $ - 36 $ - 37 $ - 38 $ - 39 $ - 40 $ - 41 $ - $ - MATERIAL SUBTOTAL TOTAL $ 8,612.72 $8,612.72 Request for Change Order#002 - Influent Structure BypaR '1 PG 3 Labor „,arlie. LABOR ESTIMATE # I LABOR HRS RATE COST NOTES ST IOT ST IOT ST IOT TOTAL 1 SEE LABOR EST SHEET 2 Superintendent 106 3 Foreman 136 $ 55.00 $ 82.50 $ 7,480.00 $ - $ 7,480.00 Pipe Fitter 419 $ 40.00 $ 60.00 $ 16,760.00 $ - $ 16,760.00 4 Area Superintendent 38 $ 125.00 $ 187.50 $ 4,750.00 $ $ 4,750.00 Welding screens 5 &setup help 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 tO 19 699.0 0.0 $ 39,060.00 $ - 20 699.0 I $ 39,060.00 21 22 GENERAL CREW RATE TOTAL 23 $ - 24 0 $ - 25 26 PROJECT MANAGEMENT I HRS I RATE/HR I TOTAL 27 $ - 28 $ - 29 $ - 30 $ - 31 0.0 $ - 32 33 LABOR SUBTOTAL HRS AVG$/HR TOTAL 34 Manhours 699.0 0.0 0.0 699.0 $ 55.88 $ 39,060.00 35 699.0 36 $ 39,060.00 37 Request for Change Order#002 - Influent Structure Bi pges4REV1 Labor Breakdown Hours >, a m co 01 0 N • O c 0 R c . RILL CO c c m E w 3 CL 10 C V O O N N y y i c iv++ 8 >+ LL Ira 7 d r L i co L N R N N C w i 12 O N E N O • C 7 0 i 7 N 7 0. O al O. 3 0 a M Cl a < a CO CO CO 0 0 CL C.) 'a a ii Totals 1 Cleaning of basin after overflows(rework b/w 2/14-2/15) 1 LS 1 6 6 24 36 2 Excavate existing line stop(2/22) 1 LS 1 10 10 20 40 3 Fabricate temporary screens(3/9-3/11) 1 LS 3 24 24 8 Set up Stair Towers(3/10) 1 LS 0.5 5 5 20 30 4 Setup 18"Bypass(3/14-3/18) 1 LS 5 4 50 50 200 304 5 Overnight screening(3/21-3/26) 1 LS 5 40 40 80 6 Connect bypass&clean basin(3/21) 1 LS 1 10 10 10 40 70 9 Remove Linestop&off bypass(3/26) 1 LS 0.5 5 5 5 15 7 Breakdown of bypass(3/28-3/31) 1 LS 4 20 10 70 100 10 0 _ 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 to 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 Totals 21 0 38 0 106 0 0 136 0 0 0 419 0 0 0 0 699 Request for Change Order#002 - Influent Structure Bypass REV1 PG 4 Equipment Aci> CON® UC_ OEM1,nC. WSI DAILY EQUIPMENT RATE TB T] N GRO[JP # TOOLS DESCRIPTION REF RATE TOTAL 1 Small Tools 4% LaborCost $ 39,060 4% $ 1,562.40 $670.40 2 Consumables $ 2.00 /Labor I Ir 699 $ - $ 2.00 $ 1,398.00 $838.00 3 Fuel 15% Equip Cost $ 5,210.00 15% $ 781.50 4 $ 3,741.90 5 6 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT RATE TOTAL 7 Lull Synergy 2.0 WK $ 1,095.00 $ 2,190.00 8 Backhoe WSI rental 1.0 MO $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 9 $ - 10 $ - 11 $ - 12 $ - 13 $ 4,190.00 14 15 RENTALS DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT RATE TOTAL 16 Light Towers Synergy 2.00 EA $ 260.00 $ 520.00 17 Welding Machine WSI rental 1.00 EA $ 500.00 $ 500.00 18 $ - 19 $ - 20 $ - 21 $ - to 22 $ - 23 $ - 24 $ - 25 $ 1,020.00 26 27 FUEL DESCRIPTION RATE TOTAL 28 29 $ - 30 31 32 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL TOTAL 33 $ 8,951.90 34 35 $ 8,951.90 Request for Change Order#002 - Influent Structure :'pges5REV1 PG 5 Subcontracts Wr,arror,- ,,Inc. PG ESTIMATE SUBCONTRACTOR SCOPE TOTAL 1 2 PAW Demo Standby Costs $ 11,972.80 3 Synergy HDPE Welding $ 6,275.00 4 EA Tapping Reinsert Linestop $ 8,500.00 5 PAW Demo Credit for reducing cut from 18'to 14' $ (2,922.40) 6 36hr/28'x 8'x$281/hr 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 SUBCONTRACT SUBTOTAL TOTAL 41 $ 23,825.40 42 $ 23,825.40 Request for Change Order#002 - Influent Structure Bl5pges6REV1 © NATIONAL T Jacksonville Invoice :pi - TRENCH SAFETY :R.�,® 13217 Laureldale Avenue Downey, CA 90242-5140 Invoice Number: 412739 Dispatch Inquiry: 904-786-4100 Billing Inquiry: 888-833-3777 Date: 02/23/2022 Wharton Smith Project Name:RADAR RD Job#: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Ordered By:Bill McMullen P/O Number:20133 750 Monroe Road. Phone:(407)402-0206 JS Contact:Bill McMullen Sanford, FL 32771 Job Site Location: Job Site Phone:(407)402-0206 1770Rd Office Phone:(407)321 -8410 Fleming Island, FL 32003 CustID: 631439 Delivery Instructions: Rental Contract Number: C000183835 Start Rent Date: 02/10/2022 Status Qty Item Description and Rate Days From Date Thru Date Rate Each Rate Ext. Rent Stop 1 12-24 Test Ball I-Series Cherne 7 02/10/2022 02/16/2022 $198.00 $198.00 99.00 Day/198.00 Week/594.00 4 Week/1 DY MIN Serial:2108176106 Rent Stop 1 Poly-Lift Line w/out Gauge-20 ft 7 02/10/2022 02/16/2022 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Day/0.00 Week/0.00 4 Week/1 DY MIN Rent Stop 1 Poly-Lift Line w/Gauge-20 ft 7 02/10/2022 02/16/2022 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Day/0.00 Week/0.00 4 Week/1 DY MIN Rent Stop 2 Pipe Plug Sleeve 7 02/10/2022 02/16/2022 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Day/0.00 Week/0.00 4 Week/1 DY MIN Rent Stop 1 12-24 Test Ball I-Series Cherne 7 02/10/2022 02/16/2022 $198.00 $198.00 to 99.00 Day/198.00 Week/594.00 4 Week/1 DY MIN Serial:2108266103 Qty Description Reg Rate OT Rate DT Rate FT Rate Reg OT DT Labor Subtotal 1.00 Transportation Surcharge $22.00 $22.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $22.00 Delivery- 1.00 Transportation Surcharge $22.00 $22.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $22.00 Pickup- 1.00 Pick-Up Truck $150.00 $150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $150.00 Pickup- 1.00 Pick-Up Truck $150.00 $150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $150.00 Delivery- Invoice Summary: TERMS:C.O.D.Accounts,Deposit Estimate Due Upon Delivery.Credit Accounts are due and Rental: $396.00 payable net 30 days from invoice date.This invoice is subject to additional terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof,limiting the seller's warranty,obligations and excluding liability for Waiver: consequential damages. Other: $344.00 Please Remit Payment to: Tax: $29.72 Trench Plate Rental Co. P.O.Box 51373 Total: $769.72 Los Angeles,CA 90051-5673 2/23/2022 4:08:01 AM 1 of 1 114,4r1 Page: 1 Remit To: *i synergy MAIL CODE 5640 EQUIPMENT P .O. BOX 71200 CHARLOTTE, NC 28272-1200 5801 HIGHWAY AVE JACKSONVILLE, FL 32254 TEL: 904-712-5501 Customer: 1075 4 WEEK BILL WHARTON SMITH (ORLANDO) **EMAIL INVOICES ONLY** 750 MONROE ROAD Invoice #. . . 596760-0001 _ SANFORD, FT. 32771 Invoice date 2/25/22 Job Site: Date out. . . . 2/03/22 9:00 AM Fleming Island WWTP Billed thru. 3/03/22 1770 RADAR RD Job Loc 1770 RADAR RD, FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND, FL 32003 Job No 01042165049 P.O. # 20-133 Ordered By. . BILL MCMULLEN Terms Net 30 Days Sales Rep: AARON YOUNG Written by. . Qty Equipment # Day Week 4 Week 1 RCH FORKLIFT-8-9000 LB-42-45 ' 425 . 00 1095 . 00 2250 . 00 2250 . 00 302084 Make: SKYTRAK Model : 8042 Ser # : 0160085567 HR OUT1 1574 . 80 HR IN1 TOTAL: 1574 . 80 to DELIVERY CHARGE 150 . 00 PICKUP CHARGE 150 . 00 Sub-total : 2550 . 00 Tax: 168 . 75 Total : 2718 . 75 BILLED FOR FOUR WEEKS 2/03/22 THRU 3/03/22 09 : 00 AM The above Equipment has been received in good repair and operating condition. KEY DEPOSIT$5.00 **Customer acknowledges that this transaction is governed by Synergy's terms and conditions IF EQUIPMENT DOES NOT WORK which are set forth,in part,on the reverse side of this Agreement,and in full at www.synergyequip.com, PROPERLY NOTIFY OFFICE AT ONCE. which terms and conditions are incorporated by reference herein,and customer agrees that said terms Initial: and conditions shall be applicable to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. Terms:Net due 30 days.1.5%service charge per month after 30 days. Signature: Date: Printed BILL 407-402-0206 Name: SYINVI Page: 1 Csynergy Remit To MAIL CODE 564 EQUIPMENT40 P.O. BOX 71200 5801 HIGHWAY AVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28272-1200 JACKSONVILLE,FL 32254 TEL: 904-712-5501 Customer: 1075 RENTAL RETURN WHARTON SMITH (ORLANDO) **EMAIL INVOICES ONLY** 750 MONROE ROAD SANFnRfl, FT. 17771 Invoice #. . . 618455-0001 Invoice date 3/31/22 1 a70b Site: Date out. . . . 3/24/22 6;27 AM Fleming Island WWTP Date in 3/31/22 1;50 PM 1770 RADAR RD Job LOc 1770 RADAR RD, FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND, FL 32003 Job No 01042165049 P.O. # ERA520133-002 Ordered By. . CARLIN DUNLOP Terms Net 30 Days Sales Rep: MATTHEW MARTINKO Written by, . JON CHAPMAN Qty Equipment # Day Week 4 Week 360 PIPE 18" HDPE-17 (PER FT) 1 . 50 3 . 00 8 . 00 2880 . 00 1 TEE 18" BE-HDPE-17 25 . 00 50 . 00 150 . 00 150 . 00 6 BEND 18" 90-BE-HDPE-17 25 . 00 50 . 00 150 . 00 900 . 00 3 BEND 18" 45-BE-HDPE-17 25 . 00 50 . 00 150 . 00 450 . 00 to DELIVERY CHARGE 370 . 00 PICKUP CHARGE 370 . 00 Sub-total : 5120 . 00 Tax: 328 . 50 FINAL BILL: 3/24/22 06 : 27 AM THRU 3/31/22 01 : 50 PM Total : 5448 . 50 The above Equipment has been received in good repair and operating condition. "Customer acknowledges that this transaction is governed by Synergy's terms and conditions KEY DEPOSIT$5.00 IF EQUIPMENT DOES NOT WORK which are set forth,in part,on the reverse side of this Agreement,and in full at www.synergyequip.com, which terms and conditions are incorporated by reference herein,and customer agrees that said terms Initial: PROPERLY NOTIFY OFFICE AT ONCE. and conditions shall be applicable to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. Terms:Net due 30 days.1.5%service charge per month after 30 days. Signature: Date: Printed CARLIN DUNLOP Name: 'YINV 114,4r1 Page: 1 Remit To: *i synergy MAIL CODE 5640 EQUIPMENT P .O. BOX 71200 CHARLOTTE, NC 28272-1200 5801 HIGHWAY AVE JACKSONVILLE, FL 32254 TEL: 904-712-5501 Customer: 1075 RENTAL RETURN WHARTON SMITH (ORLANDO) **EMAIL INVOICES ONLY** 750 MONROE ROAD Invoice #. . . 617061-0001 _ SANFORD, FT, 32771 Invoice date 3/23/22 Job Site: Date out. . . . 3/21/22 4:00 PM Fleming Island WWTP Date in 3/22/22 10:55 AM 1770 RADAR RD Job Loc 1770 RADAR RD, FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND, FL 32003 Job No 01042165049 P.O. # 20133 Ordered By. . CARLIN DUNLOP Terms Net 30 Days Sales Rep: AARON YOUNG Written by. . JESSICA DAWSON Qty Equipment # Day Week 4 Week 1 LIGHT TOWER-4-6KW-4 LAMP-TOWA 110 . 00 280 . 00 495 . 00 110 . 00 306683 Make: TEREX Model : RL4 Ser # : RL4J-11376 HR OUT1 649 . 90 HR IN1 653 . 60 TOTAL: 3 . 70 to DELIVERY CHARGE 75 . 00 PICKUP CHARGE 75 . 00 Sub-total : 260 . 00 Tax: 8 . 25 Total : 268 . 25 FINAL BILL: 3/21/22 04 : 00 PM THRU 3/22/22 10 : 55 AM. The above Equipment has been received in good repair and operating condition. KEY DEPOSIT$5.00 **Customer acknowledges that this transaction is governed by Synergy's terms and conditions IF EQUIPMENT DOES NOT WORK which are set forth,in part,on the reverse side of this Agreement,and in full at www.synergyequip.com, PROPERLY NOTIFY OFFICE AT ONCE. which terms and conditions are incorporated by reference herein,and customer agrees that said terms Initial: and conditions shall be applicable to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. Terms:Net due 30 days.1.5%service charge per month after 30 days. Signature: Date: Printed BILL 407-402-0206 Name: SYINV'I 114,4r1 Page: 1 Remit To: *i synergy MAIL CODE 5640 EQUIPMENT P .O. BOX 71200 CHARLOTTE, NC 28272-1200 5801 HIGHWAY AVE JACKSONVILLE, FL 32254 TEL: 904-712-5501 Customer: 1075 RENTAL RETURN WHARTON SMITH (ORLANDO) **EMAIL INVOICES ONLY** 750 MONROE ROAD Invoice #. . . 617048-0001 _ SANFORD, FT, 32771 Invoice date 3/23/22 Job Site: Date out. . . . 3/21/22 4:00 PM Fleming Island WWTP Date in 3/22/22 10:55 AM 1770 RADAR RD Job Loc 1770 RADAR RD, FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND, FL 32003 Job No 01042165049 P.O. # 20133 Ordered By. . CARLIN DUNLOP Terms Net 30 Days Sales Rep: AARON YOUNG Written by. . JESSICA DAWSON Qty Equipment # Day Week 4 Week 1 LIGHT TOWER-4-6KW-4 LAMP-TOWA 110 . 00 280 . 00 495 . 00 110 . 00 307522 Make: TEREX Model : RL4V2 Ser # : RL4J-12787 HR OUT1 507 . 50 HR IN1 507 . 60 TOTAL: . 10 to DELIVERY CHARGE 75 . 00 PICKUP CHARGE 75 . 00 Sub-total : 260 . 00 Tax: 8 . 25 Total : 268 . 25 FINAL BILL: 3/21/22 04 : 00 PM THRU 3/22/22 10 : 55 AM. The above Equipment has been received in good repair and operating condition. KEY DEPOSIT$5.00 **Customer acknowledges that this transaction is governed by Synergy's terms and conditions IF EQUIPMENT DOES NOT WORK which are set forth,in part,on the reverse side of this Agreement,and in full at www.synergyequip.com, PROPERLY NOTIFY OFFICE AT ONCE. which terms and conditions are incorporated by reference herein,and customer agrees that said terms Initial: and conditions shall be applicable to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. Terms:Net due 30 days.1.5%service charge per month after 30 days. Signature: Date: Printed BILL 407-402-0206 Name: SYINV'I CHANGE ORDER REQUEST FORM Pta_?1W Demolition Project: Flemming Island WWTF No.: 1 Revised Date: 2/24/2022 Owner/Contractor: Wharton Smith Engineer: Job#1221-6 Conditions: The changes described herein shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Contract,and shall not in any way alter the terms of the Contract, but shall hereafter be a part of the Contract. ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT COST QUANTITY AMOUNT(+/-) 1 Foreman Hrs. $60.00 16 $ 960.00 _2 Skilled Laborer Hrs. $45.00 16 $ 720.00 3 Beyel Crane+5%overhead and 5%profit LS $3,583.96 1 $ 3,583.96 4 Concrete Cutting and Breaking+5%overhead and 5%profit LS. $5,208.50 1 $ 5,208.50 5 Hotels+5%overhead and 5%profit LS $185.63 1 $ 185.63 6 Scissor Lift LS $514.71 1 $ 514.71 7 Demo Trailer Hrs. $25.00 16 $ 400.00 8 Truck Hrs. $25.00 16 $ 400.00 9 $ - 10 $ - Addition $ 11,972.80 Deduction $ - Total Change $ 11,972.80 0 Reason for Change: 2 Day wait time due to channel flooding Acceptable to: Date: Contractor's Representative Recommended by: Date: Approved by: Date: Authorized Signer for Owner/Contractor P-1 Carlin Dunlop From: Matthew Martinko <mmartinko@synergyequip.com> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 2:41 PM To: Carlin Dunlop Cc: Felipe Saer Subject: Synergy invoices Attachments: [Untitled].pdf Carlin, Please see attached invoices. Invoice#620879-0001=fusion labor was billed in total but each portion of the job was listed below to divide cost. 18" fusion =$6,275 8" fusion = $1800 If you have a chance to sign these and send back over that would be great and I also signed the one page of the ERA that was sent over originally and my office had already sent the insurance back to you as of what I was informed. Feel free to contact me at anytime if you need anything. Matthew Martinko District Sales Manager Pump Division to 5801 Highway Avenue Jacksonville FL 32254 Cell: 904-463-9984 Email: Mmartinko@SynergyEquip.com . synergy _ - EQUIPMENT CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe! 1 Page: CsynergyRemit To: MAIL CODE 5640 EQUIPMENT P.O. BOX 71200 5801 HIGHWAY AVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28272-1200 JACKSONVILLE,FL 32254 TEL: 904-712-5501 Customer: 1075 SALES INVOICE WHARTON SMITH (ORLANDO) **EMAIL INVOICES ONLY** 750 MONROE ROAD qANFOPTI FT, �7771 Invoice #. . . 620879.0001 System date. 3/29/22 Job Site: Fleming Island WWTP Invoice date 3/29/22 2:35 PM 1770 RADAR RD Job Loc 1770 RADAR RD, FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND, FL 32003 Job No 01042165049 P.O. # ERA820133-002 Ordered By. . CARLIN DUNLOP Sales Rep: MATTHEW MARTINKO Written by. . JON CHAPMAN Qty Item number Unit Price LL 1. 00 PUMP IN STALL EA 8075 . 000 8075 . 00 PUMPINSTALL Fusion of 18 " and 8" pipe on site to Sub-total: 8075 . 00 Total : 8075 . 00 The above Equipment has been received in good repair and operating condition. **Customer acknowledges that this transaction is governed by Synergy's terms and conditions KEY DEPOSIT$5.00 IF EQUIPMENT 00ES NOT WORK which are set forth,in part,on the reverse side of this Agreement,and in full at www.synergyeguip.com,which terms and conditions are incorporated by reference herein,and customer agrees that said terms initial: PROPERLY NOTIFY OFFICE AT ONCE. and conditions shall be applicable to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. Terms:Net due 30 days.1.5%service charge per month after 30 days. Signature: Date: Printed CARLIN DUNLOP Name: L—mANV EA Tapping Services LLC. 626 Cooper Industrial Pkwy Apopka, FL 32703 ' — TAPPING Phone: 407-880-6786 — SERVICES LLC Fax: 407-880-6781 jason@eatapping.com www.eatapping.com Service Agreement#02252022 February 25, 2022 Ms. Carlin Dunlop Wharton Smith, Inc. 750 Monroe Road Sanford, Florida 32771 EA Tapping Services is pleased to offer this Service Agreement for the following work, to be performed at Radar Rd, Fleming Island, Florida QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT$ EXTENDED $ Line Stop Services to 1 24"Re-Enter Line Stop Services wl Bypass on DI FM $8,500.00 $8,500.00 Bypass Port is a 16"150#Flanged Connection. Customer is Responsible for Acquisition, Connection,and Disconnection of Bypass Piping. Price includes 5 workdays of inline service.After 5 workdays,a rental fee of$300.00 per Line Stop per workday will accrue. Pricing for standard hours, M-F,9am-5pm. Evening and weekend hours may require revised pricing. If Weekend Mobilization is Required to Remove Line Stop, Please Add $1,000.00. Once signed by both parties, this Service Agreement, and the terms and conditions set forth herein, becomes a legal binding contract between the parties hereto. EA Tapping Services Customer DATE Signee hereby acknowledges and accepts the job-specific information, terms, and conditions on pages 1-4 Safety is 1B.INTEGRITY iS 1A. Confidential and Proprietary Page 1 of 4 ©2010-2017 EA Tapping Services Summary ›f * Clay County Utility Authority Fleming Island WWTF BTU 3 Expansion ICONSWharton-ism ith,I Vic. Request for Change Order#03 - RAS Bypass Rev.0 4/13/2022 # DESCRIPTION 1 This change order includes the cost incurred to bypass the RAS to BTU 1&2 during bypass attempt 1 2 and 2.The need to bypass the RAS going to the headworks was not indicated in the Contract 3 Documents and therefore not accounted for at bid time.The RAS efforts outlined herein were 4 presented in the bypass system submittals.The RAS bypass was handled during both bypass 5 operations by Wharton-Smith.As these measures are not included in the scope of work, Wharton- 6 Smith feels the costs associated with the bypass of the RAS are reasonable cause for 7 reimbursement. During attempt 8 1, RAS was handled through an 8"wet tap and ductile iron pipe split into the effluent boxes in the influent structure.When the plant notified WSI that the blankets were getting too high and higher 9 volume of RAS needed to be handled,WSI installed a 6" pump in the RAS wet well. This 6" pump 10 was not turned on during the first attempt as the operation was called off prior to using it. During the 11 second attempt, RAS was handled by piping the 8"line from the wet tap directly to BTU 1&2 using 12 HDPE fused pipe and hose. It was also bypassed by using the 6" hydraulic pump in the RAS wet well 13 and piped directly to BTU 1&2.A standby 6" hydraulic pump was installed if pump failure occurred. 14 15 MATERIALS TOTAL 16 From Page 2 $ 6,147.51 17 Tax 7.00% $ 430.33 $ 6,577.84 19 I $6,577.84 20 21 LABOR _ HRS AVG$/HR TOTAL to 22 From Page 3 188 $ 11,010.00 24 $11,010.00 25 26 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT TOTAL 27 From Page 4 $ 8,325.99 28 Tax 7.00% $ 582.82 $8,908.81 30 $8,908.81 31 32 SUBCONTRACTS TOTAL 33 From Page 5 $ 5,475.00 35 $5,475.00 36 37 OTHER QTY REFERENCE TOTAL 38 Fee 15% MIL!TIE $2G,406.64 $ 3,974.50 Fcc `°' nt $5,475.00 $ 273.75 39 Bond 0.78% M+L+T/E+S $31,971.64 $ 249.38 40 Insurance 0.55% M+L+T/E+S $31,971.64 $ 175.84 39 Subtotal $ 4,673.47 40 $ 4,673.47 41 42 FINAL QUOTE TOTAL TOTAL 43 $36,645.11 44 45 46 $36,645.11 $24,532.18 Request for Change Order#003- RAS Bypass Page 1 PG 2 Materials 4‘4 * Wharton +h.Ina. MATERIAL ESTIMATE C.Rl7IEIP # (MATERIALS QTY UNIT UNIT RATE I TOTAL NOTES 1 $ - 2 8"Pipe material from Hamlin 1 LS $ 3,404.01 $ 3,404.01 6 8"Gate Valve&bolt kit 1 LS $ 1,018.00 $ 1,018.00 7 8"HDPE Pipe Rental 1 LS $ 1,725.50 $ 1,725.50 8 $ - 9 $ - 11 $ - 12 $ - 13 $ - 14 $ - 15 $ - 16 $ - 17 $ - 18 $ - 19 $ - 20 $ - 21 $ - 22 $ - 23 $ - 24 $ - 25 $ - 26 $ - 27 $ - 28 $ - tO 29 $ 30 $ - 31 $ - 32 $ - 33 $ - 34 $ - 35 $ - 36 $ - 37 $ - 38 $ - 39 $ - 40 $ - 41 $ - $ - MATERIAL SUBTOTAL TOTAL $ 6,147.51 I $6,147.51 Request for Change Order#003 - RAS Bypass Page 3 PG 3 Labor _ „f, � LABOR ESTIMATE COP IE ilC1',ON 613an . # LABOR HRS RATE COST NOTES ST IOT ST IOT ST IOT TOTAL $ 4,940.00 1 SEE LABOR EST SHEET 2 Superintendent 52 $ 95.00 $ 142.50 $ 4,940.00 $ 3 Forcman 42 $ 55.00 $ 82.50 $ 2,310.00 $ $ 2,310.00 $ 3,760.00 Pipe Fitter 94 $ 40.00 $ 60.00 $ 3,760.00 $ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 tO 19 188.0 0.0 $ 11,010.00 $ - $ 11,010.00 20 188. $I 11,010.00 21 22 GENERAL CREW RATE TOTAL 23 $ - 24 0 $ - 25 26 PROJECT MANAGEMENT HRS RATE/HR TOTAL 27 $ - 28 $ - 29 4 $ - 30 $ - 31 0.0 $ - 32 33 LABOR SUBTOTAL HRS AVG$/HR TOTAL 34 Manhours 188.0 0.0 0.0 188.0 $ 58.56 $ 11,010.00 35 188.0 36 $ 11,010.00 37 Request for Change Order#003 - RAS Bypass Page 4 Labor Breakdown Hours c) z in' c E va• d @ L L 0 a) c m LL O c co v U .5, -a „itE O >1 C )6 C d i a) a L + W-' Q 2 2 U 88 w N r i c0• ++ R N N N O > w 2 Q 0. N O rn a o -a N E _g pi c z o N o S d '5 co a o as a •' c Totals a M 0 a a a cn cn cn c.) 0 ce c0 'a a ii 1 Excavate for Wet Tap 1 LS 10 10 20 2 Set Up RAS Bypass-Attempt 1 1 LS 20 20 40 80 3 Install Reducer for Split-Attempt 1 1 LS 2 2 4 8 4 Install 8"HDPE pipe to BTU 1&2-Attempt 2 1 LS 10 10 20 40 5 Breakdown of RAS Bypass 1 LS 10 10 20 40 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 to 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 Totals 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 42 0 0 0 94 0 0 0 0 188 Request for Change Order#003 - RAS Bypass PG 4 Equipment Aut> CON9wnarton ilC- ON RO,;„,,Inc. WSI DAILY EQUIPMENT RATE TB TIUP # TOOLS DESCRIPTION REF RATE TOTAL 1 Small Tools 4% Labor Cost— $ 11,010 4% $ 440.40 $150.40 2 Consumables—$-2.00 /Labor Hr 188 $ - $ 2.00 $ 376.00 $188.00 3 $ - 4 $ 816.40 5 6 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT RATE TOTAL 7 Backhoe excavate area 1.0 week $ 666.67 $ 666.67 $2,000/month WSI 8 Lull install 6"&8"pipe 1.0 week $ 1,095.00 $ 1,095.00 9 $ - 10 $ - 11 $ - 12 $ - 13 $ 1,761.67 14 15 RENTALS DESCRIPTION I QTY UNIT RATE TOTAL 16 MWI 6"Hydraulic Pump 1 1.00 LS $ 3,608.67 $ 3,608.67 17 Synergy 6"Standby Hydraulic Pump 1 LS $ 1,875.00 $ 1,875.00 18 Day $ - 19 Day $ - 20 Day $ - 21 Day $ - tO 22 Day $ - 23 Day $ - 24 Day $ - 25 $ 5,483.67 26 27 FUEL DESCRIPTION REF TOTAL 28 Fuel 15%of Equipment 15% $ 1,086.80 29 $ 264.25 30 31 32 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL TOTAL 33 $ 8,325.99 34 35 $ 8,325.99 Request for Change Order#003- RAS Bypass Page 5 PG 5 Subcontracts Arta,- ,, SUBCONTRACT ESTIMATE SUBCONTRACTOR SCOPE TOTAL 1 2 EA Tapping 8"Wet Tap $ 3,675.00 3 Synergy 8"HDPE Fusing for RAS line $ 1,800.00 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 SUBCONTRACT SUBTOTAL TOTAL 41 $ 5,475.00 42 $ 5,475.00 Request for Change Order#003 - RAS Bypass Page 6 Wharton-Smith, Inc. JOB COST TRANSFER FORM Date: 12/16/21 Submitted By: Drew Gumieny Division Mgr or VP Approval Required Division Manager or VP AcCMmhns Use Only: JE# JE Month: (PP.l on Receiving Job)Approved By: �'.�{,itit/ .DeIlLt iep Carlin Dunlop Move From: Move To: Job Stru Activity Cat Amount` Hours Job Stru Activity Cat Amount Hours Reason 19-119 61 15-1-100 M 3,404.01 r 20-133 63 15-1-100 M 3,404.01 TEMPORARY 8"RAS PIPING "Dollars&Cents Required Indicate Credit Amounts with< > Labor$Transfers Must Include Labor Hour Transfers Backup Documentation of items being transferred is required Qty Unit Description Unit Price Ext.Price to 10 EA 8"MJ 45's CL $ 55.47 $ 554.70 80 LF 8"Flex Ring CL $ 20.79 $1,663.20 1 EA 8"MJ Tee CL $101.11 $ 101.11 1 EA 8"x4"MJ Reducer CL $ 41.00 $ 41.00 1 EA 8"Megaflange $183.00 $ 183.00 21 EA 8"Megalugs $ 41.00 $ 861.00 Total: $3,404.01 0 FERGUSON' INVOICE NUMBER TOTAL DUE CUSTOMER PAGE 1905863 $1,094.35 58616 1 of 1 WATERWORKS 9692 FLORIDA MINING BLVD W PLEASE REFER TO INVOICE NUMBER WHEN BUILDING#100 MAKING PAYMENT AND REMIT TO: JACKSONVILLE, FL 32257 FEL-JACKSONVILLE WW-#149 PO BOX 100286 Please contact with Questions: 904-268-2551 ATLANTA, GA 30384-0286 SHIP TO: COUNTER PICK UP 9692 FLORIDA MINING BLVD W WHARTON-SMITH INC BUILDING#100 750 MONROE ROAD JACKSONVILLE, FL 32257 FLEMING ISLAND WWTF-BTU SANFORD, FL 32771 SHIP SELL TAX CODE CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER SALESMAN JOB NAME INVOICE DATE BATCH WHSE. WHSE. 10 149 149 FL2DUV 20-133 MAS FLEMING ISLAND WWTF-BTU 02/08/22 106489 ORDERED SHIPPED ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE UM AMOUNT 1 AFC2508FFOL 8 DI FLG RW OL GATE VLV 946.000 EA 946.00 2 2 FNWNBGZ1RF8X 8 ZN 150#RR FF 1/8 FLG PKG 36.000 EA 72.00 INVOICE SUB-TOTAL 1018.00 TAX Duval 76.35 LEAD LAW WARNING:IT IS ILLEGAL TO INSTALL PRODUCTS THAT ARE NOT"LEAD FREE"IN ACCORDANCE WITH tO US FEDERAL OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW IN POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS ANTICIPATED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION, PRODUCTS W TH*NP IN THE DESCRIPTION ARE NOT LEAD FREE AND CAN ONLY BE INSTALLED IN NON-POTABLE APPLICATIONS.BUYER IS SOLELY RESFONSIBLE FOR PRODUCT SELECTION. Looking for a more convenient way to pay your bill? i Log in to Ferguson.com and request access to Online Bill Pay. I I I I TERMS: NET 10TH PROX ORIGINAL INVOICE TOTAL DUE $1,094.35 All past due amounts are subject to a service charge of 1.5%per month,or the maximum allowed by law,if lower. If Buyer fails to pay within terms,then in addition to other remedies,Buyer agrees to pay Seller all costs of collection,including reasonable attorney fees.Complete terms and conditions are available upon request or at https://www.ferguson.com/content/website-info/terms-of-sale,incorporated by reference.Seller may convert checks to ACH. *Any reference to or incorporation of Executive Order 14042 and/or the EO-implementing Federal clauses(FAR 52.223-99 and/or DFARS 252.223-7999)is expressly rejected by Seller and shall not apply as Seller is a materials supplier and therefore exempt under the Executive Order.* Carlin Dunlop From: Matthew Martinko <mmartinko@synergyequip.com> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 3:54 PM To: Carlin Dunlop Cc: Felipe Saer;William McMullen Subject: RE: Fleming Island - Linestop Bypass Carlin, If I was to close out the 8"total it shows the total at$1725.50 this includes delivery/pick up and taxes. Where if we leave it on rent until the 11th the total with all included will be $2,338.25 Thanks! Matthew Martinko District Sales Manager Pump Division 5801 Highway Avenue Jacksonville FL 32254 Cell: 904-463-9984 Email: Mmartinko@SynergyEquip.com to esynergy am iff From: Carlin Dunlop<cdunlop@whartonsmith.com> Sent:Thursday, March 31, 2022 3:39 PM To: Matthew Martinko<mmartinko@synergyequip.com> Cc: Felipe Saer<fsaer@whartonsmith.com>; William McMullen <WMcMullen@whartonsmith.com> Subject: RE: Fleming Island - Linestop Bypass CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Matt, I want to confirm that we're looking at about$2,240 plus taxes plus fusing on the 8" material.Two weeks at the attached rates. Thank you, Carlin Gonzalez(Dunlop), P.E. I Project Manager-Orlando Water/Wastewater Wharton-Smith, Inc. I Construction Group of Choice I www.whartonsmith.com 750 Monroe Road, Sanford, FL, 32771 Office: (407) 321-8410 I Cell: (321)318-7696 1 114,4r1 Page: 1 Remit To: *i synergy MAIL CODE 5640 EQUIPMENT P .O. BOX 71200 CHARLOTTE, NC 28272-1200 5801 HIGHWAY AVE JACKSONVILLE, FL 32254 TEL: 904-712-5501 Customer: 1075 4 WEEK BILL WHARTON SMITH (ORLANDO) **EMAIL INVOICES ONLY** 750 MONROE ROAD Invoice #. . . 596760-0001 _ SANFORD, FT. 32771 Invoice date 2/25/22 Job Site: Date out. . . . 2/03/22 9:00 AM Fleming Island WWTP Billed thru. 3/03/22 1770 RADAR RD Job Loc 1770 RADAR RD, FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND, FL 32003 Job No 01042165049 P.O. # 20-133 Ordered By. . BILL MCMULLEN Terms Net 30 Days Sales Rep: AARON YOUNG Written by. . Qty Equipment # Day Week 4 Week 1 RCH FORKLIFT-8-9000 LB-42-45 ' 425 . 00 1095 . 00 2250 . 00 2250 . 00 302084 Make: SKYTRAK Model : 8042 Ser # : 0160085567 HR OUT1 1574 . 80 HR IN1 TOTAL: 1574 . 80 to DELIVERY CHARGE 150 . 00 PICKUP CHARGE 150 . 00 Sub-total : 2550 . 00 Tax: 168 . 75 Total : 2718 . 75 BILLED FOR FOUR WEEKS 2/03/22 THRU 3/03/22 09 : 00 AM The above Equipment has been received in good repair and operating condition. KEY DEPOSIT$5.00 **Customer acknowledges that this transaction is governed by Synergy's terms and conditions IF EQUIPMENT DOES NOT WORK which are set forth,in part,on the reverse side of this Agreement,and in full at www.synergyequip.com, PROPERLY NOTIFY OFFICE AT ONCE. which terms and conditions are incorporated by reference herein,and customer agrees that said terms Initial: and conditions shall be applicable to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. Terms:Net due 30 days.1.5%service charge per month after 30 days. Signature: Date: Printed BILL 407-402-0206 Name: SYINVI REMIT PAYMENT TO: MW I MWI CORPORATION 33 NW 2ND STREET DEERFIELD BEACH,FL 33441 PUMPS PH:904-425-6741 FX:904-425-6744 The Power to Move Water'" INVOICE: 290016155 CUSTOMER#: 065509 BILLING TEL: 407-321-8410 SITE TEL: 407-321-8410 SALESMAN: AUSTIN HAGEN CUSTOMER PO: FLEMING ISLAND WWTF CONTRACT#: 290004750 INVOICE DATE: 02/17/2022 BILL TO: SHIP TO: [SITE#: 136] TERMS:NET 30 WHARTON-SMITH FLEMING ISLAND WWTF 750 MONROE RD BTU NO 3 EXPANSION SANFORD FL 32771 CCUA PROJ 2203-132 FLEMING ISLAND FL INVOICE NOTES: SALESMAN AUSTIN 94 CONTRACT START 2/11/22 CONTACT ONSITE IS e RENTAL# QTY DESCRIPTION STATUS EXTENDED AMT 8462 1.00 1200DS HYDRAULIC DRIVE UNIT RTD $330.00 DAY:$110.00 WEEK:$330.00 4 WEEK:$990.00 SER#: 8462 DATE OUT:FEB 11/22 12:03PM BILLED THRU:FEB 16/22 9:45AM RENTAL PERIOD:4 DAY(S)21:00 HOUR(S) 13315 1.00 6" HYD SUB HTC SERIES RTD $220.00 t0 DAY:$73.33 WEEK:$220.00 4 WEEK:$660.00 SER#: 13315 DATE OUT:FEB 11/22 12:03PM BILLED THRU:FEB 16/22 9:45AM RENTAL PERIOD:4 DAY(S)21:00 HOUR(S) BSO6X20A 2.00 BLACK SUCTION RUBBER HOSE RTD $133.34 DAY:$22.22 WEEK:$66.67 4 WEEK:$200.00 DATE OUT:FEB 11/22 12:03PM BILLED THRU:FEB 16/22 9:45AM RENTAL PERIOD:4 DAY(S)21:00 HOUR(S) 16201-00 1.00 6 FB X FLANGE ADAPTER RTD $0.00 DATE OUT:FEB 11/22 12:03PM BILLED THRU:FEB 16/22 9:45AM RENTAL PERIOD:4 DAY(S)21:00 HOUR(S) HYD12 1.00 3/4"X 50' HP HYDRAULIC HOSE RTD $0.00 DATE OUT:FEB 11/22 12:03PM BILLED THRU:FEB 16/22 9:45AM RENTAL PERIOD:4 DAY(S)21:00 HOUR(S) HYD16 1.00 1"X 50' HP HYDRAULIC HOSES RTD $0.00 DATE OUT:FEB 11/22 12:03PM BILLED THRU:FEB 16/22 9:45AM RENTAL PERIOD:4 DAY(S)21:00 HOUR(S) HYD20 1.00 1-1/4"X 50' HP HYDRAULIC HOSE RTD $0.00 DATE OUT:FEB 11/22 12:03PM BILLED THRU:FEB 16/22 9:45AM RENTAL PERIOD:4 DAY(S)21:00 HOUR(S) SUBTOTAL RENTALS: $683.34 SERVICES# QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 1.00 DELIVERY $125.00 $125.00 2 1.00 PICKUP $125.00 $125.00 ERF 1.00 ENVIRONMENTAL FEE $11.00 $11.00 50 18.00 ON SITE LABOR $135.00 $2,430.00 ON SITE LABOR FOR SIX INCH HP INSTALL DATE PRINTED:03/29/2022 06:54 DATE CREATED:02/17/2022 SUSAN LEWIS DIV:290 PAGE 1 OF 2 REMIT PAYMENT TO: MW I MWI CORPORATION 33 NW 2ND STREET DEERFIELD BEACH,FL 33441 PUMPS PH:904-425-6741 FX:904-425-6744 The Power to Move Water'" INVOICE: 290016155 CUSTOMER#: 065509 BILLING TEL: 407-321-8410 SITE TEL: 407-321-8410 SALESMAN: AUSTIN HAGEN CUSTOMER PO: FLEMING ISLAND WWTF CONTRACT#: 290004750 INVOICE DATE: 02/17/2022 i 1 SERVICES# QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT l J SUBTOTAL SERVICES: $2,691.00 TAXES TAXABLE AMOUNT • l 6%STATE $3,124.34 $187.46 1.5%CLAY $3,124.34 $46.87 SUBTOTAL TAXES: $234.33 GRAND TOTAL: $3,608.67 to DATE PRINTED:03/29/2022 06:54 DATE CREATED:02/17/2022 SUSAN LEWIS DIV:290 PAGE 2 OF 2 ,' Page: 1 Csynergy Remit To: EQUIPMENT MAIL CODE 5640 F.O. BOX 71200 5801 HIGHWAY AVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28272-1200 JACKSONVILLE,FL 32254 TEL: 904-712-5501 Customer: 1075 RENTAL RETURN WHARTON SMITH (ORLANDO) **EMAIL INVOICES ONLY** 750 MONROE ROAD SANFORT) PT, ��771 Invoice #. . . 614098-0001 Invoice date 3/29/22 Job Site: Date out. . . . 3/14/22 2:26 PM Fleming Island WWTP Date in 3/28/22 12:22 PM 1770 RADAR RD Job Loc 1770 RADAR RD, FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND, FL 32003 Job No 01042165049 P.O. # CARLIN (PO COMING) Ordered By. . CARLIN DUNLOP Terms Net 30 Days Sales Rep: AARON YOUNG Written by. . JON CHAPMAN Qty Equipment # Day Week 4 Week 1 PUMP HYD HEAD VRTX-T j RASH 6" H 80 . 00 250 . 00 675 . 00 500 . 00 303638 Ser ## : 6S-714 HR OUT1 . 11 HR IN1 . 11 1 PUMP HYD POWER UNIT PU-72-OP- 175 . 00 550 . 00 1600 . 00 1100 . 00 to 1019314 Ser # : D1992 HR OUT1 3413 . 00 HR IN1 3413 . 00 1 HOSE 1"X50 ' HYD-WINGNUT 25 . 00 50 . 00 150 . 00 100 . 00 1 HOSE 1-1/4"X50 ' HYD-WINGNUT 25 . 00 50 . 00 150 . 00 100 . 00 1 HOSE 6"X10 ' QC-HD-S 22 . 00 44 . 00 75 . 00 75 . 00 Sub-total : 1875 . 00 Tax: 140 . 63 FINAL BILL: 3/14/22 02 : 26 PM THRU 3/28/22 12 : 22 PM Total : 2015 . 63 The above Equipment has been received in good repair and operating condition. '*Customer acknowledges that this transaction is governed by Synergy's terms and conditions KEY DEPOSIT MOO which are set forth,in part,on the reverse side of this Agreement,and in full at www.synergyequip.com, IpUIRAAi7 DOES NOT WORK which terms and conditions are incorporated by reference herein,and customer agrees that said terms Initial: PROPERLY NOTIFY OFFICE AT ONCE. and conditions shalt be applicable to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. Signature: Terms:Net due 30 days.1.5°/®service charge per month after 30 days. Date: Printed CARLIN 321-318-7696 Name: _AYfNV EA Tapping Services LLC. 626 Cooper Industrial Pkwy Apopka, FL 32703 ' — TAPPING Phone: 407-880-6786 — SERVICES LLC Fax: 407-880-6781 jeremy@eatapping.com www.eatapping.com Service Agreement#07262021 Revised 02-09-2022 February 9, 2022 Ms. Carlin Dunlop Wharton Smith Inc. 750 Monroe Road Sanford, Florida 32771 EA Tapping Services is pleased to offer this Service Agreement for the following work, to be performed at Fleming Island, Florida. QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT$ EXTENDED $ Tapping Services to 1 12x8 Install,Test&Tap on DI, CI,or C900 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 1 12x8 Stainless-steel Fitting $2,175.00 $2,175.00 Price includes 5 workdays of inline service.After 5 workdays,a rental fee of$300.00 per Line Stop per workday will apply. Pricing for standard hours, M-F,9am-5pm. Evening and weekend hours may require revised pricing. Once signed by both parties, this Service Agreement, and the terms and conditions set forth herein, becomes a legal binding contract between the parties hereto. EA Tapping Services Customer DATE Signee hereby acknowledges and accepts the job-specific information, terms, and conditions on pages 1-4 Safety is 1B.INTEGRITY iS 1A. Confidential and Proprietary Page 1 of 4 ©2010-2017 EA Tapping Services Carlin Dunlop From: Matthew Martinko <mmartinko@synergyequip.com> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 2:41 PM To: Carlin Dunlop Cc: Felipe Saer Subject: Synergy invoices Attachments: [Untitled].pdf Carlin, Please see attached invoices. Invoice#620879-0001=fusion labor was billed in total but each portion of the job was listed below to divide cost. 18" fusion =$6,275 8" fusion = $1800 If you have a chance to sign these and send back over that would be great and I also signed the one page of the ERA that was sent over originally and my office had already sent the insurance back to you as of what I was informed. Feel free to contact me at anytime if you need anything. Matthew Martinko District Sales Manager Pump Division to 5801 Highway Avenue Jacksonville FL 32254 Cell: 904-463-9984 Email: Mmartinko@SynergyEquip.com . synergy _ - EQUIPMENT CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe! 1 Page: CsynergyRemit To: MAIL CODE 5640 EQUIPMENT P.O. BOX 71200 5801 HIGHWAY AVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28272-1200 JACKSONVILLE,FL 32254 TEL: 904-712-5501 Customer: 1075 SALES INVOICE WHARTON SMITH (ORLANDO) **EMAIL INVOICES ONLY** 750 MONROE ROAD qANFOPTI FT, �7771 Invoice #. . . 620879.0001 System date. 3/29/22 Job Site: Fleming Island WWTP Invoice date 3/29/22 2:35 PM 1770 RADAR RD Job Loc 1770 RADAR RD, FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND, FL 32003 Job No 01042165049 P.O. # ERA820133-002 Ordered By. . CARLIN DUNLOP Sales Rep: MATTHEW MARTINKO Written by. . JON CHAPMAN Qty Item number Unit Price LL 1. 00 PUMP IN STALL EA 8075 . 000 8075 . 00 PUMPINSTALL Fusion of 18 " and 8" pipe on site to Sub-total: 8075 . 00 Total : 8075 . 00 The above Equipment has been received in good repair and operating condition. **Customer acknowledges that this transaction is governed by Synergy's terms and conditions KEY DEPOSIT$5.00 IF EQUIPMENT 00ES NOT WORK which are set forth,in part,on the reverse side of this Agreement,and in full at www.synergyeguip.com,which terms and conditions are incorporated by reference herein,and customer agrees that said terms initial: PROPERLY NOTIFY OFFICE AT ONCE. and conditions shall be applicable to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. Terms:Net due 30 days.1.5%service charge per month after 30 days. Signature: Date: Printed CARLIN DUNLOP Name: L—mANV Project: Fleming Island Wastewater Treatment Facility-BTU No 3 Expansion CCUA Bid No. 19/20-A9 CCUA Project No.2203-132 Change Order No. 2 Date: 6/7/2022 Contrator Wharton Smith Construction Group Owner: Clay County Utility Authority 750 Monroe Road Sanford, FL 32771 (407)321-8410 CONTRACT TIMES _ ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CO CURRENT CO NTP 1/4/2021 DAYS ADD SUB.COMP 510 5/29/2022 5/29/2022 FINAL COMP 540 6/28/2022 6/28/2022 INCREASE OR DECREASE IN CONTRACT ITEM DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE(S) QTY. UNIT PRICE PRICE Contract Increase 1 Influent Structure Bypass 1 $80,174.81 $80,174.81 Contract Decrease 1 Grit Removal Allowance Return 1 ($400,000.00) ($400,000.00) 1 Overexcavation Allowance Return 1 ($45,000.00) ($45,000.00) ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE $6,282,000.00 Net Increases by Change Orders(prior to this change order) Net Decreases by Change Orders(prior to this change order) ($1,458,388.63) Total Net Change by Change Orders(prior to this change order) ($1,458,388.63) CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $4,823,611.37 NET CHANGE RESULTING FROM THIS CHANGE ORDER ($364,825.19) CONTRACT PRICE INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $4,458,786.18 This document shall become an amendment to the contract and all provisions of the contract will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Vendor Accepted by: Date: Owner Project: Fleming Island Wastewater Treatment Facility-BTU No. 3 Expansion CCUA Bid No.: 19/20-A9 CCUA Project No. 2203-132 Summary of Change Orders Date Description Contract Net Increase Net Decrease Revised Contract 1/4/2021 Original Contract Price: $6,282,000.00 2/3/2021 Change Order No. 1: ODP ($1,458,388.63) Deduction Summary of Totals: $6,282,000.00 $0.00 ($1,458,388.63) $4,823,611.37 Change Order No.2: Grit 6/7/2022 Removal,Overexcavation $80,174.81 ($445,000.00) Allowance Return,Influent Structure Bypass Summary of Totals: $6,282,000.00 $80,174.81 ($1,903,388.63) , $4,458,786.18 Total Project Budget Summary: Total Capital Improvement Program Budget: $7,500,000.00 Professional Design Services: $670,649.00 Professional Construction Admin Services: $341,094.00 Updated Construction Costs: $5,917,174.81 Total Design and Construction Costs: $6,928,917.81 Budget Variance: $571,082.19 Below Budget 0 Initial Influent Structure Bypass o • Initial� Influent Structure Bypass .i raM O1 Moor aN� swRra..Me „ ' — - �N—� aa°•iAOL win R�rrnc. �'I� - r-7 ac WIT. r.w,Co.• Ma.r. 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