HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes MINUTES CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY July 5, 2022 The Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) met in Regular Session in the Board meeting room at the Administrative Office of the Clay County Utility Authority, 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, Florida, on the above-stated date. Item No. 1 —Call to Order Chairman Davis called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. Item No. 2—Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance Ms. Lebesch offered the Invocation and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Item No. 3 —Roll Call Roll Call was taken with Chairman Davis, Vice-Chairman Roark, Mr. Gardella, Mr. Hodges, Ms. Lebesch, Mr. McNees, and Mr. Starnieri in attendance. Also present at the meeting were Executive Director Jeremy Johnston, Chief Operations Officer Teri -0 Shoemaker, Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman, Assistant Chief Financial Officer Karen Osbourne, Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti, Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson, Service Availability Manager ° Melisa Blaney, Contract & Procurement Specialist Darrin Parker, Administrative Assistant Operations Alicia o Baker, Engineering Administrative Assistant Lori DeLoach, and Grady H. Williams, Jr., legal counsel to the CCUA. re Item No. 4—Approval of Minutes a. Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, June 21, 2022 After discussion, Ms. Lebesch moved, seconded by Mr. McNees, and carried 7-0, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on June 21, 2022. Item No. 5 —Approval of Consent Agenda After discussion, Mr. Hodges moved, seconded by Mr. Gardella, and carried 7-0, to approve the Consent Agenda, as follows; a. Approval of Financial and Operational Activities 1) Approval of Payment of Warrants Warrants totaling $3,457,466.35 a. Schedule of payments to Sole Sources b. Schedule of Emergency Repairs/Purchases -None c. Schedule of items initiated under Emergency Contract-None d. Schedule of payments from the Emergency Account e. Schedule of claims paid under the Sewage Backup Response Policy-None f. Detailed Descriptive Warrant Report July 5, 2022 2) Request for Asset Disposal Authorization -None 3) Sole Source Designation-None b. Approval of Capital Budget Activities 1) Requests for Award of Procurement Contracts and/or Ratification of Procurement/Construction Contracts or Contract Renewals -None 2) Approval of Supplemental Agreements and Change Orders -None c. Approval of Financing Requests -None d. Approval of Contract Usage -None e. Approval of Developer Agreements, Warranty Deeds &Easements 1) Developer Agreement KU21/22-86 - Wastewater Service to 16 Harmony Hall Road (Michael Freeman Johnson & Denise Robyn Johnson) - 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service - $8,864.83 2) Grant of Easement—6435 Baker Road- Grantor- Lori A. Vazquez 3) Grant of Easement—2571 Crooked Creek Point- Grantor-Marshal &Patricia Linder 4) Grant of Easement—207 Candler Court- Grantor- Jordan&Ashley Collins Item No. 6—Customer Account Adjustments -None Item No. 7—Business discussed at Committee Meetings -None Item No. 8—Executive Director's Business a. May 2022 Financial Package Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman presented the Financial Statements for May and reported operating income is $2,639,585 over budget due to an unfavorable revenue and favorable expense variance. Operating revenue is $165,125 under budget and operating expenses are $2,804,710 under budget. CCUA has gained 822 active water accounts and 816 active sewer accounts during fiscal year 2021/2022. After discussion, Mr. McNees moved, seconded by Vice-Chairman Roark, and carried 7-0, to accept the Financial Statements for May 2022, as presented by Mr. Wesselman. b. Recommended Selection of the Retirement Plan Fiduciary Consulting Services RFP No. 2021/2022-A08 Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson presented a recommendation for selection of the Retirement Plan Fiduciary Consulting Services associated with RFP No. 2021/2022-A08. In November 2020, CCUA was notified that BB&T would be merging with Truist. Truist institutional 401(k) investment advisory services business was later sold to OneDigital Investment Advisors in a transaction that closed December 31, 2020, and recordkeeping services were acquired by Ascensus effective February 29, 2021. Given the limited amount of notice by BB&T, CCUA had no choice but to transition to these providers. Staff immediately began evaluating other options to determine the best course of action moving forward. On July 30, 2021, RFP No. 2020/2021-A15 for Retirement Plan Fiduciary Consultant Services for Section 457 (b) and Section 401 (a) retirement plans was advertised. Subsequently, all submitted proposals were rejected by the Board on November 16, 2021. On April 5, 2022, RFP No. 2021/2022-A08 for Retirement Plan Fiduciary Consultant Services for Section 457 (b) and Section 401 July 5, 2022 2 (a) retirement plans was advertised. On May 5, 2022, staff received six (6) responses to the RFP, which were subsequently evaluated and scored by a staff evaluation committee. SageView Advisory Group, Inc. 85.6 Bolton Partners Investment Consulting Group Inc. 72.8 NFP Retirement, Inc. 71.8 Burgess Chamber and Associates, Inc. (BCA) 70.2 Retirement Plan Advisors, LLC 66.0 Innovest Portfolio Solutions, LLC 62.4 On June 20, 2022, the evaluation committee interviewed the top two (2) ranked firms and determined that SageView Advisory Group, Inc., provided the preferred proposal. After discussion, Mr. Starnieri moved, seconded by Mr. Hodges, and carried 7-0, to waive compliance with formalities and any minor irregularities, and approve the award of the solicitation based on the ranked list, and authorize the Executive Director to negotiate a final contract with SageView Advisory Group, Inc. If CCUA and SageView Advisory Group, Inc., are unable to negotiate a satisfactory Contract, staff will return before the Board to request authorization to cease negotiations with the top ranked firm and negotiate with the second ranked firm. c. Proposed award of contract to KBT Contracting Corporation for the CCUA Administration Building Expansion Phase 1 Mrs. Wilson presented a request award of a contract to KBT Contracting Corporation for the CCUA Administration Building Expansion Phase 1 project. In 2019, Bhide and Hall Architects, P.A. (BHA) presented an outline for the CCUA Facility Campus Master Plan. With that effort, BHA and staff evaluated the future growth of operations, storage and maintenance areas, administrative office space and other needs of the utility. The maintenance storage building is currently under construction with scheduled completion in December 2022. On July 30, 2021, the supplemental agreement with BHA for professional services was approved to expand the administration building. BHA completed design and prepared bid documents for the project. Staff advertised the project on CCUA's Bonfire Procurement Platform and Florida Times Union on April 7, 2022. At the May 27, 2022, Bid Opening, CCUA received five (5)bids from the following Contractors: Blackwater Construction Services, LLC $ 3,962,487 KBT Contracting Corporation $ 4,600,705 D.E. Scorpio Corporation $ 4,607,007 E. Vaughan Rivers, Inc. $ 4,730,703 Thomas May Construction $ 5,030,864 BHA and staff evaluated the bids for conformance with the solicitation requirements and determined Blackwater Construction Services, LLC did not meet the minimum requirements to be a Florida Certified General Contractor. Therefore, KBT Contracting Corporation submitted the lowest responsive bid at a total lump sum of$4,600,705. After discussion, Mr. McNees moved, seconded by Ms. Lebesch, and carried 7-0, to reject the bid from Blackwater Construction Services, LLC based upon the submission not complying with the minimum requirements of the Invitation to Bid and award the contract in the amount of$4,600,705 to KBT Contracting Corporation, as presented. d. Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 7 with Bhide & Hall Architects, P.A. for the CCUA Administration Building Expansion Phase 1 Construction Administration Services Chief Operations Officer Teri Shoemaker presented proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 7 with Bhide & Hall Architects, P.A. for the CCUA Administration Building Expansion Phase 1 Construction July 5, 2022 3 Administration Services. Staff asked BHA to provide a scope and fee to provide construction administration services for the project. Staff reviewed their proposal and considered the fee to be reasonable for the services provided. After discussion, Mr. Hodges moved, seconded by Ms. Lebesch, and carried 7-0, to approve Supplemental Agreement No. 7 with Bhide & Hall Architects, P.A. in the amount of$93,071.60, as presented by Ms. Shoemaker. ' e. Other Mr. Johnston informed the members the referenced books associated with the proposed 2022/2023 Fiscal Year Budget are at their stations and shared that the numbers have been revised since the July 19, 2022, Board meeting. He also informed the Board there are upcoming issues with the chemical supply chain concerning the chlorine which is used during the water and wastewater treatment processes. Staff is currently investigating alternative suppliers and methods for treatment where practical. A One Water informational poster and the CCUA Employee Newsletter was also placed at their stations. Item No. 9—Legal Business a. Other-None Item No. 10—Old Business/New Business -None Item No. 11 —Public Comment -None Item No. 12—Supervisor Comments Mr. Hodges thanked staff for providing the budget books well in advance of the Joint Committee Meeting. Mr. Starnieri requested a Personnel Committee be scheduled for September 6, 2022 at 1:00 P.M. to review and discuss the Executive Director's Annual Evaluation. There was no objection to the proposed date and time, the meeting will be noticed as required. He shared he is looking forward to reviewing the details of the proposed budget. Mr. Gardella shared he was glad to hear everyone had a safe Independence Day holiday. Ms. Lebesch thanked everyone for their efforts in providing the budget books today. Mr. McNees echoed all the comments above. Vice-Chairman Roark encouraged the members to thoroughly review the budget books in preparation for the upcoming budget meeting. Chairman Davis also echoed everyone's comments and thanked staff for their efforts. Item No. 13 —Adjournment Chairman Davis adjourned the meeting at 2:33 P.M. Wendell Davis, Chairman Janice Loudermilk, Recording Secretary 4