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July 19, 2022
The Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) met in Regular Session in the Board
meeting room at the Administrative Office of the Clay County Utility Authority, 3176 Old Jennings Road,
Middleburg, Florida, on the above-stated date.
Item No. 1 —Call to Order
Chairman Davis called the meeting to order at 2:04 P.M.
Item No. 2—Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. McNees offered the Invocation and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item No. 3 —Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with Chairman Davis, Vice-Chairman Roark, Mr. Gardella, Mr. Hodges, Ms. Lebesch, Mr.
McNees, and Mr. Starnieri in attendance.
Also present at the meeting were Executive Director Jeremy Johnston, Chief Operations Officer Teri
Shoemaker, Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman, Assistant Chief Financial Officer Karen Osborne, Chief
Human Resources Officer Kimberly Richardson, Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson, Service Availability
Manager Melisa Blaney, Risk & Safety Manager Lynn Valentin, Public & Government Affairs Liaison Dennis
z Ragosta, Senior Utility Engineer Kevin Ledbetter, Water Superintendent Ross Bland, Contract & Procurement
Specialist Darrin Parker, Billing Clerk Jaime Cribbs, Administrative Assistant Operations Alicia Baker,
Administrative Assistant Engineering Lori Stewart and Grady H. Williams, Jr., legal counsel to the CCUA.
Item No. 4—Employee Recognition
a. Ross Bland- 15 Years of Service
b. Jamie Cribbs - 5 years of Service
Mr. Johnston presented a certificate of appreciation to Water Department Superintendent Ross Bland
who has been employed by CCUA for fifteen years and Billing Clerk Jamie Cribbs in recognition of her
five years of service.
Item No. 5 —Approval of Minutes
a. Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, July 5, 2022
After discussion, Mr. McNees moved, seconded by Mr. Hodges, and carried 7-0, to approve the minutes
of the Regular Meeting held on July 5, 2022.
Item No. 6—Approval of Consent Agenda
Mr. McNees requested Item 6(e)6 be pulled for discussion.
July 19, 2022
After discussion, Mr. Hodges moved, seconded by Mr. Starnieri, and carried 7-0, to approve the
remaining items in the Consent Agenda. After additional discussion, regarding Item 6(e)6 - Grant of
Easement — CCUA Meadowlake WTP Overhead to New Tank — Grantor - Clay County Utility
Authority to Clay Electric Cooperative, Mr. McNees moved, seconded by Mr. Gardella, and carried 7-0,
to approve Item 6(e)6.
1) Approval of Payment of Warrants
Warrants totaling $3,351,662.48
a. Schedule of payments to Sole Sources
b. Schedule of Emergency Repairs/Purchases
c. Schedule of items initiated under Emergency Contract-None
d. Schedule of payments from the Emergency Account
e. Schedule of claims paid under the Sewage Backup Response Policy-None
f. Detailed Descriptive Warrant Report
g. Statement from Grady H. Williams, Jr. LL.M.
2) Request for Asset Disposal Authorization -None
b. Approval of Capital Budget Activities
1) Requests for Award of Procurement Contracts and/or Ratification of
Procurement/Construction Contracts -None
2) Approval of Supplemental Agreements and Change Orders -None
to c. Approval of Financing Requests -None
d. Approval of Contract Usage -None
e. Approval of Developer Agreements, Warranty Deeds & Easements
1) Developer Agreement CU21/22-15 — Branan Field Medical Office at Branan Field
Village— 1726 Jeremiah Street (Rare Earth Investments Middleburg, Florida, LLC) —2.5
ERC's water, 2.5 ERC's wastewater, 1.5 ERC's reclaimed, 2.5 ERC's AWS, 2.5 ERC's
SJRWMD, 2.5 ERC's debt service - $15,448.59
2) Developer Agreement KU21/22-87 — Wastewater Service to 2549 Quail Run Lane —
Doctors Lake Septic to Sewer Project (Jeffrey & Lisa Garrett) - 1 ERC wastewater, 1
ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service - $3,777.00
3) Developer Agreement KU21/22-88 — Wastewater Service to 2566 River Place Lane —
Doctors Lake Septic to Sewer Project(James & Deborah Lineberry)— 1 ERC wastewater,
1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service - $3,777.00
4) Developer Agreement MU21/22-17 - Water Service to 221 Dow Court (Robert & Karen
Austin)— 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC debt service - $1,586.95
5) Developer Agreement MU21/22-18 — Water Service to 633 Simmons Trail (Barry L.
Beasley & Hae S. Chauncey) — 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC
debt service - $4,195.75
6) Grant of Easement— CCUA Meadowlake WTP Overhead to New Tank— Grantor - Clay
County Utility Authority to Clay Electric Cooperative
Item No. 7—Customer Account Adjustments -None
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Item No. 8—Business discussed at Committee Meetings
Joint Committee Meeting regarding the proposed 2022/2023 Fiscal Year Budget
Committee Chairman Roark reported the proposed 2022/2023 Fiscal Year Budget's rates, fees, and
charges were approved by the Audit/Finance Committee, subject to the upcoming Personnel Committee
meeting regarding the final wage allocations. Committee Chairman Starnieri reported there will be a
Personnel Committee meeting held on August 2, 2022, at 1:00 P.M. to discuss the final proposed wage
allocations. After discussion, Vice-Chairman Roark moved, seconded by Mr. Hodges, and carried 7-0,
to approve the proposed 2022/2023 Fiscal Year Budget for publication pending the final wage allocation
to be discussed at Personnel Committee meeting.
Item No. 9—Executive Director's Business
a. Rejection of all bids for ITB#2021/2022-A21 Potable Water Tank Inspection, Cleaning, and Repair
Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson presented a request for the rejection of all bids for ITB#
2021/2022-A21 Potable Water Tank Inspection, Cleaning, and Repair. After completing a price analysis
of the bid responses, staff found the pricing submitted has a variance of $315,800. Neither contractor
asked questions during the pre-bid meeting; therefore, we contacted the bidders to understand the
disparity. Both contractors indicated they did not have enough information to estimate repair costs on
the tanks. In addition, Razorback LLC stated the bid form was unclear and added additional cleaning
fees for the tanks. Based on stated confusion of the bidders, staff recommends the Board of Supervisors
reject the two (2) bid responses. Staff will make changes to the bid form, clarify scope of services, and
readvertise the services to the two (2) continuing tank contractors. Chief Operations Officer Teri
Shoemaker also provided additional information regarding the project. After discussion, Ms. Lebesch
moved, seconded by Mr. Hodges, and carried 7-0, to reject all bids for ITB# 2021/2022-A21 Potable
Water Tank Inspection, Cleaning, and Repair, as presented by Ms. Shoemaker and Mrs. Wilson.
b. Safety& HIRA Presentation and new Health& Safety Manual
Risk & Safety Manager Lynn Valentin provided a presentation on CCUA's Hazard Identification &
Risk Assessment, Safety Policies, and Incident Recording Procedures. This report was for the Board's
information only; no action was requested or required on this item.
c. Other
Mr. Johnston informed the Board staff is currently investigating a concern of the Glenhaven HOA
regarding the drainage system and a driveway located behind their subdivision.
Item No. 10—Legal Business
a. Other-None
Item No. 11 —Old Business/New Business -None
Item No. 12—Public Comment-None
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Item No. 13 — Supervisor Comments
Mr. Starnieri shared the Board is working very hard to evaluate the needs of the employees and the ratepayers in
the upcoming budget. He also appreciates all the time and effort put into the budget preparation and its
approval process and congratulated staff on their service milestones.
Mr. Hodges also thanked staff and congratulated Mr. Bland and Ms. Cribbs on their milestones.
Mr. Gardella also thanked staff for their efforts.
Ms. Lebesch echoed everyone's comments.
Mr. McNees also echoed the comments of the other members and shared he enjoyed the HIRA presentation.
Vice-Chairman Roark shared his appreciation for all the effort which was put into the preparation of the
proposed budget, and he enjoyed the debate which was held during the committee meeting. He also
congratulated Mr. Bland and Ms. Cribbs.
Chairman Davis also thanked staff for their efforts in preparing the budget.
Item No. 14—Adjournment
Chairman Davis adjourned the meeting at 2:40 P.M.
Wendell Davis, Chairman
Janice Loudermilk, Recording Secretary
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