HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA SA No. 2 with Brooks for Postmaster WTP Electrical Upgrades EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to Continuing Services Contract RFQu 2020/2021-A17 with Brooks Building Solutions, Inc. (Brooks) for the Postmaster Village Water Treatment Plants (WTP)Electrical Upgrades CCUA Project No. 1118-0034 Date: September 1, 2022 BACKGROUND: CCUA completed electrical assessments at all WTPs. We are now working through the recommendations included in the reports. The major recommendations were used to scope Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, and some immediate and/or smaller items were handled inhouse with our master electrician. To assist with additional recommendations that do not fall into either of those categories, CCUA engaged Brooks under the Continuing Services Contract for Electrical Troubleshooting, Repair, and Installation RFQu 2020/2021-A17. After completion of the first supplemental agreement, CCUA chose Postmaster Village WTP as the next electrical upgrade project for Brooks. CCUA staff met Brooks on site and has been working to develop the attached scope and fee. ra -a BUDGET: c a) o Staff did not budget for these improvements. We intend on transferring the $181,657 from the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) contingency. L c ai RECOMMENDATION: Ce Staff respectfully requests Board of Supervisors' approval of the attached Supplemental Agreement No.2 to the Continuing Services Contract RFQu 2020/2021-A17 with Brooks Building Solutions, Inc., for the Postmaster Village WTP electrical upgrades. Staff also requests the Board of Supervisors' approval of deductive change orders and owner direct purchase orders for the express purpose of saving sales taxes on major materials and equipment, as authorized by the Executive Director, or his designee. ATTACHMENTS: I Supplemental Agreement No. 2 Scope of Work and Fee Proposal dated July 11, 2022 //JDJ(Author) //AB(Review) //JDJ(Final) Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to Continuing Services Contract RFQu 2020/2021-A 17 with Brooks Building Solutions for Postmaster Village WTP Electrical Upgrades CCUA Project No. 1118-0034 Contractor: Brooks Building Solutions, Inc. Owner: Clay County 4501 Beverly Avenue Utility Authority Jacksonville, Florida 32210 Date: September 6, 2022 Item Description of Services Contractor's quote dated July 11, 2022 $ Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $181,657 The Contract time shall commence on the needed date. This document, along with the attached scope and fee proposal dated July 11, 2022, shall become an amendment to the existing Agreement for Electrical Troubleshooting, Repair, and Installation RFQu 2020/2021-A17 dated October 19, 2021. All provisions, terms and conditions of the existing Agreement will apply to this Supplemental Agreement. Accepted by: Date: Contractor: H. Neff Jenkins President Brooks Building Solutions, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority Brooks Building Solutions PROPOSAL Clay County Utility Authority July 11, 2022 Project-Postmaster Water Treatment Plant 6511 County Road 214 Keystone Heights,Florida Attention: Teri Shoemaker We propose to furnish the following equipment and services for the above referenced project. Brooks Building Solutions standard TERMS AND CONDITIONS apply to this proposal and price quotation. This Proposal includes: Providing Labor and Materials necessary for the completion of Scope of work defined by Evaluation Project#2019.116. • Perform inspection of the existing work area prior to commencing any work. • Perform Lock Out Tag Out where and if required. • Note and report any deficiencies found prior to work commencing. to • Provide proper Utility Locate services prior to work if required or authorized. Safety and Code Corrections: • Replace the knockout style outlet box and duplex receptacle used for the ice machine with new 4" box and simplex receptacle and Industrial cover. • Relocate the chemical metering pump receptacles to eliminate the use of extension cords. • • Nameplates and panel schedules should be provided for all electrical equipment and panels. As built wiring diagrams should be available locally and maintained for accuracy. Reliability and Arc Flash Hazard Reduction Improvements: • Install new Service Entrance Main Breaker with LSI Trip Unit on the line side of the existing MCC main breaker. Breaker will be installed outside in new 4X-stainless steel enclosure. New lug kit will be installed in place of existing main breaker. During outage site generator will be utilized and diesel consumed will be replaced. • Add CCUA standard well site lighting, receptacle, and grounding at each local well site. Grounding loop from each well will be tied into the down lead and building grounding system at the main building. • Install site Lightning Protection System. Site lightning protection system will utilize Early Streamer Emissions as brought forth in CCUA Evaluation documentation. • Provide Replacement diesel fuel consumed during outages involving the MCC Service equipment upgrades. Pays I rd 6 Corporate 14501 Beverly Avenue I Jacksonville,FL 32210 I P 904.642.5303 I F 904.641.9722 Tallahassee 121115-1 Industrial Plain Dr.I Tullahaasee,FL 32301 I P 850.701.2350I F 1150,701.2355 Pl VA CW1771 IlVAC]0,JU1NMrr111'.DUiI.IMNU AU7T1MATJC JN 1'NI'Jt111'P11,Ullr iMl 6YAVIC L, PANTS UA;UN'33V6U6 1IIIU001 • Provide and install new 4 position switch to allow for manual override control of chemical pumps. • Provide new surge protection art each well electrical disconnect. • Provide a new power system study to update and replace the existing power system study, including arc flash study with new arc flash labels for all new and existing electrical equipment. • Any Motor conductor terminations will be made by either High Press crimps and or Bolts and Heat shrink. • Work to be in accordance with U.L. 96A, N,F.P.A. 780& L.P.I 17 • Note and report any deficiencies found during installation. • All work to be completed 07:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday Exclusions and Conditions of This Proposal: • Components or labor for items deemed necessary but are not included in the original scope of work will be considered an extra cost to project and will only be performed with the expressed authorization of the customer and invoiced to the customer at the non-contract customer labor rate. • Any Temporary power for the facility. • Any PLC addition, relocation and/or replacement. • Any Plant instrumentation, controls, pressure transmitters etc. • Any generator or fuel tank work. • Any well pump controls or flow meters. • Any Material or Labor not mentioned above. • All work to be scheduled as mentioned in above. to Full freight Is allowed,and all applicable taxes are Included. • This proposal Is only valid for thirty(30)days from the date of Issue. • Full freight Is allowed,and all applicable taxes are Included. Proposed Price: One Hundred Eighty-One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Seven and 001100 Dollars-$181,657.00 TERMS AND CONDITIONS This agreement is subject to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS included in this Proposal Brooks Building Solutions, Inc. Clay County Utility Authority,Florida Date: Date: BROOKS BUILDING SOLUTIONS Pose 7..f fi Corporule 14501 Beverly Avenue I Jacksonville,FL 32210I P 904.642.5303 F 904.641.9722. Tellahaam 12815-I lnduarial Plan Dr.I Tallahaucr,FL 32301 I P 950.701.2350I F 950.701.2355 F1.:L'A L1LN7^_4 JIV.1l'HJNY!!FM IIULL MU ALM'A1A Tit*4 12411111.11'NJ I.L11( SNSIVICE PAWN CIA:L'N 28W6 31I.ALM Clay County Utility Authority This proposal Is In accordance with Contract 2020f/021-A17 Electrical Troubleshooting,Repair,and Installation 12/14/2021 Electrical Equipment Deecrlpdon of Material Qty Unit Price Proposed Price Main Breaks/NEMA 4 SS Enclosure I 577 650 OC 527 65:[_ Well Utaa,Roceptables Grounding 1 S15,C12.0C Sr5 682 CC.' Tetar Mateners $4131200 Toti Materiels S43,332 00 Material Description Proposed Price Concrete materiel 1_ 0.00 Etectrtcal Matriat lge hardware hueners crimps wire heat shrink 2 117 Posts Mat bar) $12 750.00 Misc.Consunables/Diesel Fuel $2_--00 Sub-Corr*acts:Liyhtnln4 Protscdon)Arc Fault StudylRentai _ Sub-Contracts $85 340.00 25%Sub-Contract Marini) 316 33b,00 Total Sub-Contracts S51.4'6.00 Labor Labor Category Proposed Hours Unit Price Proposed Cost Pret1,Nair liegylur xi 290 Norper 290 :75.00 :<1 750.00 Project Msns ar Mister F lectrlcisn 70 I -105.00 S7150 00 SO 00 otr LiDOr- $54 'i66.00 J Materials Total 343,13: Sub-ContrectorTotal SS1.675.00 Labor Total ss6,s1n,00 to Total Proposed Price 5181,657.00