HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA SA No. 7 with CDM for SCADA Master Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 7 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Professional Engineering Services with CDM Smith, Inc. (CDM) for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Master Plan Date: September 1, 2022 BACKGROUND: Staff engaged CDM to support our development of a master plan for a SCADA system. We coordinated the development of a scope of services with CDM to target industry standards and best practices which will serve as a roadmap for projects that will facilitate the successful expansion, upgrade, and implementation of a SCADA system. The plan will provide direction that ensures the investment already made in the controls systems is leveraged and new projects and tasks are done in a common framework with common standards that ensures compatibility, an ease of troubleshooting and self-sustainment of the system. The plan will include a development of SCADA design, programming and implementation standards and the creation of robust SCADA policies and procedures that will ensure the systems are used csafely and properly. d CCUA plans to implement SCADA for the entire utility system comprised of potable water treatment, c wastewater treatment, reclaimed water and the distribution and collections lift stations. We plan on c implementing a centrally located master control room, which will be continually staffed with licensed al re operators to control and monitor all CCUA systems. We will standardize the operations technology controls equipment; controls software and instrumentation used to operate and manage the SCADA system. BUDGET: CCUA staff planned for the evaluation within the operations budget. Staff considers the fee of$200,000 reasonable and competitive for the scope of services provided. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 7 with CDM Smith, Inc., for the SCADA Master Plan. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 7 Scope and Fee Proposal dated May 20, 2022 //JDJ(Author) //JM&AB (Review) //JDJ(Final) Supplemental Agreement No. 7 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Professional Engineering Services for the SCADA Master Plan with CDM Smith,Inc. Engineer: Shayne Wood, P.E. Owner: Clay County CDM Smith, Inc. Utility Authority 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 420 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Date: September 6, 2022 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $200,000.00 This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal dated May 20, 2022, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Shayne Wood, P.E. CDM Smith, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority CDM Smith 4651 Salisbury Road,Suite 420 Jacksonville,Florida 32256 tel: 904-731-7109 May 20, 2022 Mr.John McCleary Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg,Florida 32068 Subject: Civil and Environmental Continuing Services Supplemental Agreement 7 to RFQ 18/19 No.3 SCADA Master Planning Dear Mr. McCleary: CDM Smith is pleased to submit this proposal to assist CCUA with development of an Authority- wide SCADA Master Plan. The Scope of Services and Budget are enclosed for your review. 0 Sincerely, Approved by: Ira I114 "S 4)(904 Lisa M. Sterling, P.E., BCEE, PMP Shayne Wood, P.E., BCEE, PMP Associate Environmental Engineer Vice President CDM Smith Inc. CDM Smith Inc. 0 WATER+ENVIRONMENT+TRANSPORTATION+ENERGY+FACILITIES CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTINUING SERVICES RFQ 18/19 NO.3 MAY 20, 2022 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 7 This Authorization, when executed, shall be incorporated in, and become part of the Agreement for Professional Services between Clay County Utility Authority(AUTHORITY), and CDM Smith Inc. (CONSULTANT), dated May 28, 2019, hereafter referred to as the Contract. BACKGROUND AUTHORITY has recently undergone a strategic planning exercise, and one of the recommendations that came out of that planning process was to modernize and improve enterprise systems and procedures, including development of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Master Plan for the utility (Project). The AUTHORITY maintains and operates 24 water treatment plants (WTP)that consist of a varying combination of local and remote raw water wells, hydropneumatic tanks, chemical feed (NaOCI), ground storage tanks with aeration, and high service pumping. In addition,the OWNER maintains and operates 7 wastewater treatment facilities (WWTF) and a collections system with 176 active lift stations. The AUTHORITY has a limited amount of SCADA infrastructure at the WWTPs, but the WTPs are operated without any means of remotely monitoring them and control adjustments need to be made to locally at each facility. A SCADA system that meets the needs of the AUTHORITY, including AUTHORITY- wide monitoring, historical data collection, and remote access, should be implemented and the best way to approach the development and implementation of that system is through the SCADA Master Planning process. The SCADA Master Plan will focus on laying the foundation for an AUTHORITY-wide SCADA System that will incorporate the existing SCADA infrastructure at the WWTF and expand the capabilities of the system so the AUTHORITY has better visibility of all of their treatment facilities and provide a means of historically capturing data to be used by the AUTHORITY and CONSULTANT for future planning purposes. The Master Plan will provide a coordinated path forward for future water and wastewater SCADA system improvements for long-term service and overall control system reliability and sustainability. The Master Plan will make recommendations on the system components, hardware, and software, as well as the approach for implementing the new SCADA system in a phased methodology to meet the AUTHORITY's budget constraints. The most critical needs will be prioritized, and cost estimates will be provided for any recommended capital projects. Based on the CONSULTANT's understanding of the project and the AUTHORITY's needs,the following is a list of major areas of a SCADA system that will be considered as part of the SCADA Master Planning Services that will be provided by the CONSULTANT: ■ Standardization between all systems (WTPs, WWTFs, and Collections). ■ Communications Infrastructure ■ Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) system hardware and software standardization ■ Human Machine Interface (HMI) software standardization • HMI graphic screen standards • Long term historical data storage • Ad-hoc trending to assist operational decisions or to assist with incident diagnosis/troubleshooting • Automated reporting • Cybersecurity • Local Technical Support The scope of services is in accordance with the description provided herein. SCOPE OF SERVICES The following tasks describe the scope of services to develop a SCADA Master Plan for the AUTHORITY. TASK 1 PROJECT KICKOFF AND DATA COLLECTION Subtask 1.1- FACILITY INSPECTIONS AND PROJECT KICKOFF MEETING CONSULTANT will perform an inspection of the WWTFs, representative lift stations, representative WTPs, and representative remote well sites.The inspection will include a visual assessment of any existing SCADA equipment including existing PLCs/Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), Operator Interface Terminals, HMI software, HMI computers, reporting software, and communications. CONSULTANT will also prepare for and conduct a kickoff meeting for the project.This meeting is intended to be a workshop with the OWNER to develop project objectives, identify critical decisions, and to to discuss concerns and constraints related to the existing SCADA systems and initial discussion of features that will be desirable in the AUTHORITY-wide SCADA system that will be developed for the OWNER based on this SCADA Master Plan. CONSULTANT will prepare minutes of the kickoff meeting and distribute to the team via email. Subtask 1.2- SCADA SYSTEM INVENTORY CONSULTANT will update the OWNER provided system inventory based on information gathered during the facility inspections and information provided by the OWNER. TASK 2 SCADA MASTER PLAN Subtask 2.1- SCADA NEEDS WORKSHOPS CONSULTANT will conduct three (3) separate workshops to present current system status and provide an open forum for discussion of desired system functionality. The first workshop will discuss functional requirements including use cases and criticality of sites. Based on the discussion and results of the functional requirements workshop,the final workshops will focus on the following major items of the SCADA System: • PLC system hardware and software • HMI software and graphic screen standards • Historical data storage,trending, and reporting • Communications Infrastructure • Cybersecurity—Overview of recommended practices for securing IT and OT assets CONSULTANT will prepare minutes of each workshop and distribute to the team via email. Subtask 2.2- ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDED SYSTEM CONSULTANT will take the results of the current system evaluation and the information gathered at the needs workshops and develop alternatives for evaluation and a recommended system to provide the desired system functionality. A meeting with the AUTHORITY to discuss the alternatives and recommendations will complete this subtask. Subtask 2.3- COST ESTIMATE CONSULTANT will develop a planning level Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) and related implementation costs for the recommended system. Subtask 2.4- IMPLEMENTATION PLAN CONSULTANT will develop an implementation plan for the recommended system.This will be developed in coordination with the AUTHORITY, as is it expected that many of the upgrades will be taking place in phases as part of a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Subtask 2.5- DRAFT SCADA MASTER PLAN CONSULTANT will prepare a Master Plan summarizing the findings of the inspections and recommended improvements.The Master Plan will be completed in two stages: draft and final.The Master Plan will include: ■ Condition assessment of the SCADA equipment including, PLCs, Operator Interface Terminals to (OITs), HMIs, RTUs, historians, reporting software, and communications ■ Discussion of recommended hardware and software replacement and upgrades ■ Standard design guidelines and criteria ■ Implementation plan and prioritization of the recommended improvements ■ Planning level OPCC ■ Planning level schedule Subtask 2.6- MASTER PLAN REVIEW WORKSHOP CONSULTANT will conduct a workshop to present the SCADA Master Plan and collect any comments from the AUTHORITY. Comments from the AUTHORITY will be compiled and addressed by the CONSULTANT. A comment response table will be provided to the AUTHORITY to confirm that comments are resolved prior to finalization of the Master Plan. Subtask 2.7- FINAL SCADA MASTER PLAN CONSULTANT will incorporate comments from the Master Plan Review Workshop that were made by the AUTHORITY and distribute the final document. TASK 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL Activities performed under this task consist of those general functions required to maintain the project on schedule, within budget, and that the quality of the work products defined within this scope is consistent with CONSULTANT's standards and the AUTHORITY's expectations. Specific activities included are identified below: Subtask 3.1 -Project Management CONSULTANT will provide project management to administer the production of work in accordance with the Authorization scope, budget, and schedule.This task also includes internal monthly project status review and periodic internal team progress meetings. Subtask 3.2-Quality Management System (QMS)Activities and Technical Review CONSULTANT will conduct the Project in compliance with its QMS requirements. The CONSULTANT's QMS requires appropriate quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) activities for each type and phase of project. CONSULTANT will conduct QA/QC activities as appropriate throughout the execution of the Project including initial project quality management planning, senior technical reviews, and intra- and inter-discipline quality review checking. DELIVERABLES Task Description Format Task 1.1 Kickoff Meeting Summary *.pdf Task 1.2 Updated System Inventory List *.xls to Task 2.1 SCADA Workshop Meeting Summary (4) *.pdf Task 2.5 Draft SCADA Master Plan *.pdf Task 2.7 Final SCADA Master Plan *.pdf ASSUMPTIONS 1. AUTHORITY will provide/coordinate access for the CONSULTANT to visit the facilities mentioned in the scope for this Authorization. 2. AUTHORITY will provide record drawings for the WWTPs, WTPs, and the typical/representative remote sites. 3. AUTHORITY will attend the three SCADA Needs Workshops to provide input into the SCADA master planning process and attend review meetings to provide comments. 4. CONSULTANT will perform the inspections in Task 1 over 2 weeks (10 days total). 5. CONSULTANT has included time for a total of four workshops—the three SCADA needs workshops plus the Master Plan review workshop. Additional workshops will require an amendment to this Authorization. 6. Cybersecurity component of the SCADA Master Plan will be a high-level overview of recommended practices that the County can use to develop a cybersecurity plan for the AUTHORITY. Detailed design of the cybersecurity system is not included as part of this Authorization. The detailed design would be deferred to the Implementation Phase of the SCADA Master Plan unless otherwise authorized by the AUTHORITY as an amendment to this authorization. 7. All deliverables will be in electronic PDF format. TIME OF COMPLETION/SCHEDULE It is anticipated that the Project will take 10 months to complete, starting within two weeks of receipt of a formal notice to proceed (NTP). The estimated schedule by task is shown below. CONSULTANT will prepare an updated, detailed schedule within the first 30 calendar days after NTP. Duration Task 1 Project Kickoff and Data Collection Within 30 days of Start Task 2 SCADA Master Plan Within 270 days of Kickoff Meeting Task 3 Project Management and Quality Control Within 300 days of Start COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT to CONSULTANT will complete the work described in in this work order on a lump sum basis not to exceed $200,000, as shown in Exhibit A. Invoices will be submitted monthly based on the percentage of work complete during the billing period. Lump sum compensation shall be for labor, sub-consultants, and other direct costs associated with the performance of the work. For invoice purposes only, the value of each task is as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Task Value for Invoice Purpose Only Task Description Value 1 Project Kickoff and Data Collection $48,000 2 SCADA Master Plan $125,000 3 Project Management and Quality Control $27,000 Total (including ODCs) $200,000 EXHIBIT A CONTRACT FEE SUMMARY CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTINUING SERVICES Project Proposal Number CCUA SCADA Master Plan RFQ 18/19 NO.3 Name of Consultant Date of Proposal CDM Smith Inc. 5/20/2022 Labor Costs Hourly Estimated Billing Rate Hours TOTAL Engineer Grade 10/Expert 255.00 22 $ 5,610.00 Engineer Grade 9/Senior Professional 245.00 100 $ 24,500.00 Engineer Grade 8/Senior PM 215.00 72 $ 15,480.00 Engineer Grade 7/Senior Engineer 184.00 520 $ 95,680.00 Engineer Grade 5/6/Professional Engineer 153.00 - $ - Eingineer Grade 3/4/Engineer 138.00 248 $ 34,224.00 Engineer Grade 2 123.00 - $ - Engineer Grade 1 92.00 - $ - Senior Tech Support 123.00 - $ - Staff Technician 107.00 - $ - Senior Field Tech 114.00 - $ - Staff Field Tech 83.00 - $ - Contract Administrator 123.00 24 $ 2,952.00 Document Control Specialist 101.00 40 $ 4,040.00 ' Administrative 86.00 28 $ 2,408.00 LABOR SUB-TOTAL 1,054 $ 184,894.00 DIRECT COSTS Transportation,Per Diem and Equipment Presentation Boards Reproduction MISCELLANEOUS DIRECT COSTS SUB-TOTAL $ 5,106.00 SUBCONTRACTS David Lassetter $ 10,000 SUB-CONTRACT SUB-TOTAL $ 10,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT $ 200,000.00