HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA SA No 5 with Carolo for Staff Support EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Supplemental Agreement No. 5 with Carollo Engineers, Inc. (Carollo) for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services Agreement 2018-2019 RFQ No. 3 to provide Professional Services for Staff Support to Assist with Project Management of FY 23 Capital Improvement Program(CIP)Projects. Date: October 18,2022 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff requests approval from the Board of Supervisors to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 5 under the above-referenced contract for engineering staff support services. CCUA continues to accelerate the pace of CIP delivery to meet critical growth and renewal needs. Staff proposes to meet transient high project management workload needs by augmenting CCUA staff with support from our continuing consulting contracts until the demand for capital projects normalizes. Carollo will perform project management services in support of various projects,working as an extension of CCUA staff. This agreement provides for Project Management Services by Carollo for electrical upgrades,ground storage tanks, pipelines and other CIP projects as assigned by CCUA. Carollo will provide the services described herein and detailed in their proposal for a fee not to exceed $216,888.00. a) BUDGET: 0 Projected expenditures for the staff support services are within the CIP budget and will be allocated to the specific capital projects the consultant manages. The agreement will be structured as an hourly contract with a not to exceed limit. CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The estimated construction cost for each individual project does not exceed $4 million. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiated the scope and fee, based on established contract rates, for the professional services at compensation that CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff negotiated the attached Scope and Hourly Fee Proposal not to exceed $216,888 and respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the attached Supplemental Agreement No. 5 with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for Engineering Services for Staff Support to Assist with Project Management of FY 23 CIP Projects. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 5 Scope&Fee Proposal Scott Lee Resume Supplemental Agreement No. 5 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Professional Engineering Services for Staff support Services CCUA Project No. 2022-103 Engineer: Scott Lee,P.E.,VP Owner: Clay County Carollo Engineering, Inc. Utility Authority 200 East Robinson Street,Suite 1400 Orlando,FL 32801 Date: October 18, 2022 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and hourly fee proposal. Task 1 Project Management Services $212,888.00 Task 2 Other Direct Costs $4,000.00 Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $216,888.00 The Contract time shall commence on October 18, 2022. This document, along with the Scope and Hourly Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Erica Stone,PhD,P.E. Carollo, Engineering, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: C. Scott Lee,P.E.,VP. Constantine, Engineering, LLC Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority Ca,,,.1ALM Engineers...Working Wonders With Water® 4720 Salisbury Road,Suite 105,Jacksonville,Florida 32256 P:904.296.1599 September 29, 2022 Joseph Paterniti, P.E. Assistant Chief Engineer Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, FL 32068 Subject: CCUA Staff Support Dear Joe: As discussed Carollo Engineers, Inc. (Carollo)offers to have C. Scott Lee, P.E. (undersigned) provide project management services to Clay County Utility Authority(CCUA)through staff augmentation, as an extension of CCUA staff.We understand this assignment will be to manage Engineers of Record (EORs)who will be designing CCUA CIP projects(other than Carollo EORs). It is expected that this assignment will be performed during FY23. The terms of this assignment and proposal are as follows: • Services are to be provided under the terms and conditions of an Agreement titled Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No.3, executed by CCUA and Carollo on May 28, 2019. • Average hours of service per week included in this assignment: 16 • Number of days per week Consultant will work in CCUA offices during this assignment: 2 • Number of weeks per year included in this assignment: 5o to • Billing Rate for services provided in this assignment: o $259.87/hour through December 31, 2022 o $267.67/hour January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 • Other Direct Costs: Other direct costs(ODCs)will be invoiced as set forth in the Agreement. ODCs are expected to consist primarily of travel mileage to the CCUA office and to project sites.We suggest a minimum ODC budget of$4,000.0o be established: We request that the following language be included in the Supplemental Agreement issued to Carollo for this assignment: Consultant Staff providing staff augmentation services enjoy the same protections as an employee of CCUA would receive when performing those same services, including protection from personal liability for ministerial administrative decisions. Please let us know if you need additional information. The undersigned is available to start this assignment at your convenience.We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service to CCUA. Sincerely yours, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. C. (�. — C.Scott Lee, P.E. Erica Stone, PhD, P.E. Vice President Associate Vice President Project No I staff augmentation proposal revi.docx WAT E R OUR FOCUS OUR BUSINESS OUR PASSION Fee Breakdown PM Rate Project Rate Total Dir o a • (2022) (2023) Hours Cos $259.87 $267.67 Staff Support Services 160 640 800 $4,000.00 $216,888.00 PM) Labor Total Hours 160 640 800 %Labor/Year 20% 80% Total Not to Exceed Amount $216,888.00 a C. Scott Lee, PE r _ Project Manager-Pipelines, Electrical Upgrades& Staff Extension Tampa Electric Company,Polk Power Station Reclaimed Water Treatment Plant and Pump Station//Project Manager Scott Lee is a Senior Project Manager and leads Carollo's Jacksonville's office. He is a Florida registered Included design, bidding,and commissioning of: Professional Engineer and has been providing •engineering services for more than 40 years. He earned 15 mgd surface water intake structure and pump station including electric power, MCC and building, SCADA. a BS in Environmental Engineering from the University of • Florida and an MBA from the University of North Florida. 15 miles of 30 inch transmission main installed within SR ROW via open-cut method and under state and county He has designed and managed a variety of projects roads, railroad tracks and the Alafia River via jack and including water/wastewater/reclaimed water treatment bore and HDD methodologies. facilities, water distribution and sewer collection systems, • 7.5 mgd, 2-stage RO treatment plant(expandable to 15 water/wastewater/reclaimed water transmission mains, mgd)preceded by high-rate surface water pretreatment, septic tank elimination,pump stations, civil engineering, including two GSTs,electric power and I&C systems, and environmental remediation. During his career, Scott maintenance and operations facilities, and site has designed and managed projects as both a private engineering. consultant and as a municipal utility employee. St.Johns County Utility Department,Water and RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Wastewater System Improvements//Project Manager City of Titusville,Raw Water Supply Well Field Included design, permitting, bidding, and engineering //Project Manager services during construction for: • 1-95 Utility Extension from CR 214 to CR 207: 5 miles of Included design, permitting, bidding, and engineering 24/30-inch PVC/HDPE WM and 1 mile of 12/14-inch PVC/ serviced during construction for a potable water well field HDPE FM constructed via open cut and HDD. consisting of: ■ 32 shallow wells spread over two sections of land • Anastasia Island WWTP Intercoastal Waterway Outfall and associated collection piping, a 1-MG GST, a replacement:140 LF of 30 inch piping installed on transmission pump station, and associated electric pilings. power and SCADA systems. City of Leesburg,Turnpike Wastewater Treatment Plant City of Miramar,Historic Infrastructure Improvements, Headworks Master Lift Station//Project Manager Phases 2 and 3 Septic Tank Elimination Projects Included design, permitting, bidding, and engineering //Project Manager services during construction for: Included design, permitting, bidding, and engineering • 10 mgd submersible,4-pump lift station that included services during construction for: storage volume for EQ and piping stub outs for future EQ. ■ 80,000 LF of 8-inch and 10-inch gravity sewer system including 250 manholes, 55,000 linear feet of potable City of Leesburg,Highland Lakes WTP Expansion water distribution piping size 6-inch through 12-inch, //ProjectManager and two duplex lift stations, including a cost-based lift station siting analysis for each lift station. Included design, permitting, bidding, and engineering Jacksonville Electric Authority(JEA),Groundworks services during construction for: Infrastructure Improvement Program//Project Manager • Replacement of a 0.2-MG elevated storage tank with a 0.75-MG GST, a new 5-pump high service pump • Managed contracts for 30 engineering consultants station including new electric service, MCC and SCADA, and two surveyors. modifications to two well pumps, and site work.The site • Concurrently managed projects performed by and yard piping were master planned to add a future consultants comprising 150 blocks of urban core 1-MG GST. area and included drainage system,sewer collection system,water distribution piping, and approximately 100,000 linear feet of water and sewer transmission main ranging in size from 12-inches to 20-inches. tcaroIIo Engineers...Working Wonders With Water@