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Recommended Selection of the Disaster Response & FEMA Assistance Continuing Services
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)No. 2021/2022-A25.
Date: November 9, 2022
Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) staff requests approval from the Board of Supervisors to
authorize the negotiation of a contract for Disaster Response & FEMA Assistance Continuing
Services to Tetra Tech, Inc.
CCUA provides potable water, sanitary sewer and reclaimed water within its service area. These
services maybe affected by human borne or natural hazards and disasters that require risk analysis,
hazard mitigation, hardening, grant applications, and post disaster response. The general project
concept is to secure a Firm to perform services related to FEMA hazard, disaster mitigation and
cOn August 26, 2022, Staff advertised the above-referenced project on the Bonfire Procurement
a Portal and in the Florida Times-Union on August 31, 2022.
Ce On October 6, 2022, staff received three (3) responses to the RFQ, which were subsequently
evaluated and scored by the project Evaluation Committee. On October 28, 2022, the project
Evaluation Committee completed evaluations and determined that Tetra Tech, Inc. provided the
preferred proposal. Final scores assessed as follows:
1. Tetra Tech, Inc. 95.00
2. AC Disaster Consulting, Inc. 86.00
3. Disaster Program& Operations, Inc. 82.33
Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the ranked list and authorize the
negotiation of contract with Tetra Tech, Inc. If CCUA and Tetra Tech, Inc. are unable to negotiate
a satisfactory Contract, CCUA will formally terminate the negotiations and undertake negotiations
with the next ranked Firm.
//AW, LV(Review)
Times Union Advertisement
Pre-Submission Meeting Attendance
Proposal Closing Attendance
Project Scoring
//AW, LV(Review)
Ad Preview
Clay County Utility Authority
(AUTHORITY), Clay County,
Florida, will be accepting sealed
Statements of Qualifications (SOQs)
for RFQu# 21/22A25 CCUA Disaster
Response & FEMA Assistance
Continuing Consulting Services,
which will be received until 2:00
P.M. (EDT), September 29, 2022.
The complete Solicitation package
can be obtained by visiting:
Submissions must be posted to the
Clay County Utility Authority
Bonfire Procurement Portal located
at https://clayutility.bonfirehub.com.
(hard-copies will not be accepted).
Clay County Utility Authority
"CCUA" is seeking letters of interest
and statements of qualifications
(SOQs) from Consultants interested
in providing professional services
associated with disaster mitigation
and response, assessment, documen-
tation and FEMA administration,
coordination and submittal assis-
tance services for the proiect refer-
enced herein.
A Pre-Submission Meeting will be
held virtually on Thursday,
September 8, 2022, at 10:00 A.M.
(EDT) at the following location:
All questions or concerns regarding
this Solicitation must be submitted
on the CCUA Bonfire Procurement
prior to 12:00 P.M. (EDT) on
Monday, September 19, 2022. Late
tO questions may be answered at the
discretion of CCUA. All responses to
questions will be uploaded to the
Portal and issued in an Addendum
on Wednesday, September 21,2022.
CCUA reserves the right to change
the time and date of the Pre-Submis-
sion Meeting, the Bid Due Date and
Time, to waive formalities in any
solicitation, to reiect any or all
submittals with or without cause,
and/or to accept the submittal or
any portion thereof that, in CCUA's
sole and absolute iudgment, will be
in the best interest CCUA.
Disaster Response & FEMA Assistance Continuing Services
CCUA RFQu No. 21/22-A25
Date: September 8, 2022
Name Company Email/Phone Number
Darrin G. Parker Clay County Utility Authority dgparkerclayutility.org
Lynn O. Valentin Clay County Utility Authority Ivalentin(c clayutility.org
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority awilsonclayutility.org
Jessica Moses AC Disaster Consulting jmoses@acdisaster.com
Sherlie Valentin Hagerty Consulting sherlie.valentin(a�hagertyconsulting.com
to Cameron Morris AC Disaster Consulting cmorris(a�acdisaster.com
Gisele Lee Hagerty Consulting gisele.lee(c�hagertyconsulting.com
Tori Abbott Hagerty Consulting tori.abbott(ahagertyconsulting.com
Barry Macciocca Tidal Basin Government Consulting bmacciocca(c�tidalbasin.rphc.com
Allison McLeary Tetra Tech allison.mclearytetratech.com
Katie Ferguson Tetra Tech katie.ferguson@tetratech.com
Michele Durrani Tidal Basin Government Consulting mdurrani@tidalbasin.rphc.com
Kevin Bernardo Arcus Consulting Group info(c�arcusgroup.co
Kalindi Fitch Hagerty Consulting kalindi.fitch�hagertyconsultinq.com
Jeff Smythe Arcus Consulting Group infoarcusgroup.co
Disaster Response & FEMA Assistance Continuing Services
CCUA RFQu No. 21/22-A25
Date: October 6, 2022
Name Company Email/Phone Number
Darrin G. Parker � Clay County Utility Authority dgparker(a�clayutility.org
Lynn O. Valentin Clay County Utility Authority Ivalentin(a�clayutility.org
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority awilson(a.clayutility.orq
RFQu # 2021 /22-A25 - CCUA Disaster Response & FEMA Assistai
Scoring Summary
Active Submissions
A-1 A- Document A-2 - Conflict of A-3 - Drug Free
Total Review Acknowledgement Interest Workplace
of Addenda Compliance Form
Supplier / 100 pts / 0 pts Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail
Tetra Tech, Inc. 95 0 Pass Pass Pass
AC Disaster 86 0 Pass Pass Pass
Consulting, LLC.
Disaster Program & 82.33 0 Pass Pass Pass
to Operations, Inc.
Generated on Nov 01, 2022 10:40 AM EDT - Darrin Parker
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ice Continuing Services
A-5 - Non-Disclosure
A-4 - Non-Collusion Agreement for A-6 - Public Entities A-7 - Public Records B - Evaluation
A-8 - References
Affidavit Confidential Crime Statement Compliance Committee Scoring
Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail / 100 pts
Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 95
Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 86
to Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass I 82.33
Generated on Nov 01, 2022 10:40 AM EDT - Darrin Parker
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B-1 - Relevant Past B-6 -Technical
B-3 -Accessibility of
Experience and B-2 - Qualifications the Consultant B-4 - Pricing B-5 - References Approach and
Performance Capabilities
/ 20 pts /25 pts / 15pts / 15pts / 10pts / 15pts
19.33 24 14 13.33 10 14.33
17.67 25 9.833 10.17 10 13.33
to 12 21.67 11 14.33 10 13.33
Generated on Nov 01, 2022 10:40 AM EDT - Darrin Parker
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