HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB CCUA Boardroom AV Systems Upgrade - Executive Summary FINAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Recommended Selection of CCUA Boardroom Audio-Visual Systems Upgrade Request for
Proposal (RFP)No. 2022/2023-A04.
Date: December 1, 2022
The IT Department proposed upgrades to the Boardroom to meet the needs and requests of CCUA
staff. Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way business is conducted, and this
technology update will allow staff to use the Boardroom for large meetings that have a virtual
component to them. The project will also add several key features to the Boardroom including
telephone conferencing over the PA system, a microphone bank to capture sound from across the
room, a screen on the side wall to improve training events and simplify the recording system.
On September 22,2022, Staff advertised the above-referenced project on the Bonfire Procurement
es Portal and in the Florida Times-Union on September 26, 2022.
E On November 9, 2022, staff received two (2) responses to the RFP, which were subsequently
evaluated and scored by the project Evaluation Committee. On November 23, 2022, the project
ce Evaluation Committee completed evaluations and determined that Miller Electric Company
provided the preferred proposal. Final scores were assessed as follows:
1. Miller Electric Company 87.20
2. AVI-SPL, Inc. 76.45
Information Technology (IT) has budgeted $29,000 in Departmental Capital for this project. The
excess costs will be taken from Departmental Capital Contingency funds.
Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the ranked list and authorize the
negotiation of a contract with Miller Electric Company. If CCUA and Miller Electric Company
are unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract, CCUA will formally terminate the negotiations and
undertake negotiations with the next ranked Firm. Staff will return to the Board of Supervisors
upon successful negotiations to request contract approval.
//AW, DS,AB (Review)
Times Union Advertisement
Pre-Proposal Meeting/Site Tour Attendance
Second Site Tour Attendance
Proposal Closing Attendance
Project Scoring
//AW, DS,AB (Review)
LOCALIQ Order Confirmation
Not an Invoice
Account Number: 759750 Date: 09/22/2022
Customer Name: Clay County Utility Auth Order Number: 7827447
Customer Clay County Utility Auth Prepayment $ 0.00
Address: 3176 Old Jennings RD Amount:
Accounts Payable
Middleburg FL 32068-3907
Contact Name: Clay County Utility Auth Column Count: 1.0000
Contact Phone: 9042132445 Line Count: 70.0000
Contact Email: Height in Inches: 0.0000
PO Number:
Product #Insertions Start- End Category
JKL Florida Times-Union 1 09/26/2022 - 09/26/2022 Govt Bids & Proposals
JKL iacksonville.com 1 09/26/2022 - 09/26/2022 Govt Bids & Proposals
Total Order Confirmation $123.90
Ad Preview
THAT Clay County Utility Authority
(CCUA), Clay County, Florida, will
be accepting sealed Proposals for
RFP 22/23-A04 CCUA Boardroom
Audio-Visual Systems Upgrade,
which will be received until 2:00
P.M. (EDT), October 19, 2022, at
the following location:
The complete Solicitation package
can be obtained by visiting:
rta I/?tab=openOpportun ities.
Submissions must be posted to the
Clay County Utility Authority
Bonfire Procurement Portal located
at https://clayutility.bonfirehub.com.
(hardcopies will not be accepted).
CCUA requests proposals from qual-
ified Proposers with experience in
designing, procuring, configuring,
installing, testing and supporting
audio-visual solutions for upgrade of
the audiovisual systems in the
CCUA Board of Supervisor's Room
An In-Person Pre-Proposal Meet-
ing/Site Tour (herein so called) will
be held on Tuesday, October 4,
2022, at 10:00 A.M. (EDT) at the
following location:
Clay County Utility Authority
Board of Supervisor's Room
3176 Old Jennings Road
Middleburg, Florida 32068-3907
CCUA strongly encourages atten-
dance at the Pre-Proposal Meet-
ing/Site Tour. CCUA Staff shall be
available at that meeting,which will
be the primary opportunity for
Potential Proposers to ask questions,
tour the work site and express any
concerns that they may have about
this Solicitation.
All questions or concerns regarding
this Solicitation must be submitted
on the CCUA Bonfire Procurement
https://c layuti l ity.bonfi rehub.com
prior to 12:00 P.M. (EDT) on
Monday, October 10, 2022. Late
questions may be answered at the
discretion of CCUA. All responses
to questions will be uploaded to the
Portal and issued in an Addendum
on Wednesday,October 12,2022.
CCUA reserves the right to change
the time and date of the Pre-
Proposal Meeting/Site Tour,
to change the submittal due date
and time, to waive formalities in
any proposal, to reiect any or
all proposals with or without cause,
and/or to accept the proposal or any
portion thereof that, in CCUA'S sole
and absolute iudgment, will be in
the best interest of CCUA.
Boardroom Audio-Visual Systems Upgrade
CCUA RFP No. 22/23-A04
Date: October 7, 2022
Name Company Email/Phone N oer -
Darrin G. Parker 71 Clay County Utility Authority d• •arker =vutility.org
Angelia Wilson id Clay County Utility Authority - •n(o�clayutility.orq
Dale Shoenfelt/CV' Clay County Utility Authority dshoenfelt(a�clayutility.orq
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Boardroom Audio-Visual Systems Upgrade
CCUA RFP No. 22/23-A04
Date: October 19, 2022
Name Company Email/Phone N' Jer
Darrin G. Parker bC Clay County Utility Authority dgparkerr .yutility.org
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority a .nclayutility.org
Dale Shoenfelt Clay County Utility Authority c shoenfelt(c�clayutility.orq
Dm Nl(i 0 CC i((ipfe CCsfa efited3k, c-
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(NA I ,(O0--\Q_ / if (L.' .1 E. O P o tY'Q.5 C.MZCU-caX. CCt ,
l _4344 V C () Mr. rn, 1 f`tom % pv C-VCInCAN V-. Cr\CC10-1 11-X,C5rr
Boardroom Audio-Visual Systems Upgrade
CCUA RFP No. 22/23-A04
Date: November 9, 2022
Name Company Email/Phone Number
Darrin G. Parker Clay County Utility Authority dgparkerclayutility.org
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority awilson@clayutility.org
Dale Shoenfelt Clay County Utility Authority dshoenfeltclayutility.org
Matt Pence Clay County Utility Authority mpenceclayutility.org
Rod Thomas Clay County Utility Authority rodthomasmecojax.com
Carl Van Ormer Clay County Utility Authority cvanormer mecojax.com
Scoring Summary
Active Submissions
Total Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Qualification Qualification Qualification Qualification
Supplier / 100 pts Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail
Miller Electric 87.2 pts Pass Pass Pass Pass
AVISPL 76.45 pts Pass Pass Pass
Acknowledgement of Drug Free Workplace Litigation Disclosure Non-Collusion
Addenda Conflict of Interest Compliance Form Form Affidavit
Supplier Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail
Miller Electric Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
AVISPL Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Agreement for Public Entities Crime Public Records Experience & References
Confidential Statement Compliance Qualifications
Supplier Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail /25 pts / 15 pts
Miller Electric Pass Pass Pass 24.5 pts 14.75 pts
AVISPL Pass Pass Pass 23.75 pts 10.75 pts
Methodology & Cost Proposal
Supplier / 25 pts / 35 pts
Miller Electric 22.5 pts 25.45 pts
AVISPL 20 pts 21.95 pts