HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB Hydrogeological and Environmental Professional Engineering Services Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Summary of RFQ NO. 2022/2023-A02
Recommended Selection of the Hydrogeological and Environmental Professional Engineering
Services RFQ NO. 2022/2023-A02.
Date: December 15, 2022
CCUA Staff requests approval from the Board of Supervisors to approve the ranking of the firms
that submitted proposals to provide continuing professional Hydrogeological and Environmental
Professional Engineering services. The contracts will allow the consultant to provide CCUA with
specialty services related to groundwater and water supply planning, studies, modeling,
hydrogeology investigation,design,permitting,bidding,construction,and post-construction phase
services or related services on an as needed basis. The term of the existing Hydrogeological and
Environmental Professional continuing contracts is due to expire on February 6,2023. CCUA staff
requires services as outlined in the request for proposal from time to time as our utility continues
to grow.
aa Staff advertised the project on CCUA's Bonfire Procurement Platform Florida Times Union on
° October 14, 2022, for consultants interested in providing hydrogeological and environmental
zprofessional services.
On November 30, 2022, staff received two (2) responses to the RFQ, which were subsequently
evaluated and scored by the project evaluation committee. Listed below is the ranked shortlist of
the overall proposals:
Ranked List
Dewberry Engineers, Inc. 89.2
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 91.5
Reviewers noted that both firms are well qualified to support CCUA in the subject professional
services area.
Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the ranked list and authorize the
negotiation and execution of contract with Dewberry Engineers, Inc and Kimley-Horn and
Associates, Inc. This will be an exclusive contract for a period of one (1) year with the option to
renew for four(4) additional one year renewal options upon mutual agreement by both Parties.
//AW,JP, (Review)
Times Union Advertisement
Pre-Submission Meeting Attendance
Submittal Closing Attendance
Project Scoring
//AW,JP, (Review)
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Clay County Utility Authority
(AUTHORITY), Clay County,
Florida, will be accepting sealed
Statements of Qualifications (SOQs)
for RFQ# 22/23-A02 hydrogeological
and Environmental Professional
Engineering Services, which will be
received until 2:00 P.M. (EDT),
November 22,2022.
The complete Solicitation package
can be obtained by visiting:
rta I/?tab=openOpportun ities.
Submissions must be posted to the
Clay County Utility Authority
Bonfire Procurement Portal located
at https://clayutility.bonfirehub.com.
(hard-copies will not be accepted).
Clay County Utility Authority
"CCUA" is seeking letters of interest
and statements of qualifications
(SOQs) from consultants interested
in providing professional services
for continuing services associated
with planning, study, surveying,
investigation, design, permitting,
bidding, construction, and post-
construction phase services
A Pre-Submission Meeting will be
held virtually on Monday, October
24, 2022, at 11:00 A.M. (EDT) at the
following location:
All questions or concerns regarding
this Solicitation must be submitted
on the CCUA Bonfire Procurement
CO prior to 12:00 P.M. (EDT) on
Monday, October 31, 2022. Late
questions may be answered at the
discretion of CCUA. All responses to
questions will be uploaded to the
Portal and issued in an Addendum
on Thursday, November 10, 2022.
CCUA reserves the right to change
the time and date of the Pre-Submis-
sion Meeting, the Bid Due Date and
Time, to waive formalities in any
solicitation, to reiect any or all
submittals with or without cause,
and/or to accept the submittal or
any portion thereof that, in CCUA's
sole and absolute iudgment, will be
in the best interest CCUA.
Hydrogeological and Environmental Professional Engineering Services
CCUA RFQ No. 22/23-A02
Date: October 24, 2022
Name Company Email/Phone Number
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority awilson@clayutility.org
Joe Paterniti Clay County Utility Authority jpaterniti@clayutility.org
Rodney Mank Meskell and Associates rodney@meskelengineering.com
Jason Sheasley Kimley-Horn floridamarketing@kimley-horn.com
Tim Harley Weston & Sampson harley.tim@wseinc.com
to Kelly Blanchard Tetratech kelly.blanchard@tetratech.com
Hydrogeological and Environmental Professional Engineering Services
CCUA RFQ No. 22/23-A02
Date: November 30, 2022
Name Company Email/Phone Number
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority awilson@clayutility.org
Shannon Hooper City of Ocoee shopper@ocoee.org
RFQ#2022/2023-A02 Hydrogeological and Environmental Professional Engineering Services
Scoring Summary
Professional Staff Project Approach and Company Experience
Total Experience(30 points) Work Plan(40 points) (30 points)
Dewberry Engineers Inc. 92 27 37 28
Kimbley-Horn and Associates,Inc. 89 27 35 27