HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA No 11 Jones Edmunds LS#56 FINAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 11 with Jones Edmunds&Associates,Inc. (Jones Edmunds)to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3, to provide an evaluation and opinions of probable construction costs for the Knight Boxx/Old Jennings Forcemain and Lift Station Number 56(LS #56)collection system modifications. Date: March 02,2023 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff request approval of SA No. 11 with Jones Edmunds to provide professional services for evaluations of the Knight Boxx/Old Jennings Forcemain and LS#56 collection system. The Knight Boxx/Old Jennings Forcemain and LS#56 are both contributing to capacity issues within the CCUA wastewater collection system.The Knight Boxx Forcemain transmits flows from seven(7)upstream lift stations and currently discharges flow into the gravity collection system that discharges into Lift Station No. 63 (LS#63). This collection system and LS#63 are nearing the limits of their capacity. The consultant will evaluate options for rerouting the forcemain to divert flows from the LS#63 gravity collection system. as -a LS #56 is also experiencing high flows and is nearing the limits of its capacity. This authorization will a include an evaluation of the collection system configuration upstream of LS #56 to determine the best cz approach to divert flow from this lift station or if upgrades to the lift station are feasible. 0 E CCUA will receive the results from the evaluation in the form of a Technical Memorandum (TM) summarizing the options and recommendations for improvements and opinions of probable construction ce cost within 90 days from the notice to proceed date. The agreement will be amended at that time to provide final design and construction phase services for the recommended improvements. BUDGET: Staff budgeted $159,115.00 for improvements to both facilities within the Fiscal Year 23 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The consultant's fee for this evaluation is $34,978.00 and is within the approved FY 23 budget for this project. Staff will update project budgets and schedules based upon information developed in the evaluation. CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The estimated construction cost for each individual project is not expected to exceed $4 million. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiated the scope and fee, based on established contract rates, for the professional services at compensation that CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends Board of Supervisors approval of the attached Supplemental Agreement No. 11 with Jones Edmunds for Professional Engineering Services to evaluate the Knight Boxx/Old Jennings Forcemain and LS #56 collection system modifications on a time and materials bases for a not to exceed amount of$34,978.00. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 11 Scope of Work and Fee Proposal //JP(Author) //AA(Review) //PS(Final) Supplemental Agreement No. 11 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement No. 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 with Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc., for Knight Boxx—Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation. CCUA Project No. 2022-105 Engineer: Brian Icerman, P.E. Owner: Clay County Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc. Utility Authority 730 NE Waldo Rd. Gainesville, Florida 32641 Date: March 07, 2023 Item Description of Services Provide professional engineering services identified in the attached proposal dated February 13, 2023. Task 1 Knight Boxx—Old Jennings Force Main Evaluation $21,275.00 Task 2 Pump Station#56 collection System Modifications $13,703.00 Evaluation Total Lump Sum Price $34,978.00 The Contract time shall commence on March 7, 2023. This document along with the February 13, 2023 Fee Proposal shall become an amendment to the Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Consultant: Stanley F. Ferreira, Jr., P.E. President& CEO Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority Jon esEdm un ds, February 13, 2023 Integrity • Knowledge • Service Heather Cavanagh, PE Utility Engineer Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, FL 32068 RE: Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation Dear Ms. Cavanagh: Jones Edmunds appreciates the opportunity to work with the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) on the Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation Project. The attached Scope of Services is based upon the Project Scoping Statements provided by CCUA and our recent meeting. In summary, the Scope of Services is divided into two tasks: Task 1 - Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main Evaluation to Task 2 - Pump Station #56 Collection System Modifications Evaluation The time-and-material fees for the professional services performed under the Scope are $34,978 in accordance with the terms of the "Agreement" between CCUA and Jones Edmunds for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3. The detailed Scope of Services, schedule, and project fee estimate by task are attached to this letter. We are projecting that the project will be completed within 90 days from Authorization. We appreciate this opportunity to continue to serve CCUA. If you have any questions or comments, please call us at (904) 708-9254. Sincerely, Brian Icerman, PE Jamie S. Bell, PE, CFM Managing Director Department Manager bicerman@jonesedmunds.com jsbell@jonesedmunds.com Attachments: Scope of Services, Project Fee Estimate by Task \\jea.net\pan02\workspace\03742-clay county utility authority\opportunities\2022\95696-435-22 ccua knight boxx fm and ps56 eval\knight boxx and ps56 cover letter.docx 800.237.1053 JONESEDMUNDS.COM KNIGHT BOXX - OLD JENNINGS FORCE MAIN AND PUMP STATION #56 EVALUATION SCOPE OF SERVICES PROJECT BACKGROUND KNIGHT BOXX - OLD JENNINGS FORCE MAIN Seven pump stations (PS) discharge into a manhole on Old Jennings Road at 1I� I Lester Murray Lane. This gravity ENTATCurrent discharge system conveys the flow throug41_1111111! " location approximately 1,700 linear feet of pipe ! . MEM before discharging into PS #63 ui D`�EUNING,•TAMP Greenwood. The figure to the right Ps#isa DQ Q I'��o [ shows the existing facilities. Due to the : Q G < 0 potential for overloading both the : I D Q ---_.2d • `, gravity collection system and PS #63, L 'I Q z 0 z: this project would redirect the flow to - ‘ _ hillr4` ' ` I,�— do relieve this part of the system. ,�T„- • '�041I I '�, Option 1 installs approximately 300 . , c Iiiirciliall'Cl. RGREEN'LN L linear feet (If) of 10-inch FM to PS II Icr. CI .„.1to #184 Pinewood Place. This option I l 1-1'--.2'®� requires the evaluation of PS #184 and ' _.1 u 0 c ` E- PS #63 to determine what 2' I modifications, if any, are required to •� accommodate the change. �I It;��� —� � • 40 [Elo Option 2 installs approximately 300 If 4 d •. of 10-inch FM into the 10-inch FM 1' • discharge of PS #184. This option •�J " i•E 4 would need to evaluate 6 of the e L i�" _ Afre PSN63 ( upstream pump stations, along with PS �] p #184 and PS #63 to determine what l . � t) u ,� modifications, if any would be required - — �'• .�FPPFU_MII'r;'10 to accommodate the change. f— I - . PUMP STATION #56 Currently there are several pump stations (PS) that discharge into the collection system of PS #56. The figure below shows existing facilities. Flow to PS #56 is currently coming from the following sources: • Gravity collection system • PS #57 • Private pump station at 1701 Blanding Blvd. • Pump station at Macie Creek Apartments • PS #100, along with small pump stations for individual properties. The CCUA operations department has indicated that the pump station operates 8 hours per day, and it needs evaluated for operational improvements. ` "` Psa s7 _ 1 \ f ‘ r La ' ‹eitte ,,k4Itil‘ O. /• /ry 47-!1'a. „AWL 7 1 I 7 itit • .All\ 4 0.66.,..,..**.r,,,-;,,to lakilklr ',dr, . ' : _,.115 . MI f'l i ' 44. ", -, 'At I pni ...i Pia Si .- X .i 1 t . - -ps Ai eV I:O ot- - s • - r � * 0,04y :, , 2- ifire: 471P' PROJECT SCOPE OF SERVICES PROJECT MANAGEMENT & MEETINGS PROJECT MANAGEMENT Jones Edmunds will set up project financial files and prepare a Project Management Plan (PMP) that will be used throughout the project. The PMP will summarize CCUA's goals and critical success factors, project schedule, project budgets, communication plan, accounting/invoicing procedures, and project contacts list. We will monitor project progress (percent complete and schedule) and manage the project in conformance with the PMP to the extent possible throughout the contract. Work will include routine coordination with the CCUA Project Manager (PM) including the following: communication - phone calls, emails, texts, virtual and in-person team meetings; monthly invoicing; and project schedule/updates. KICKOFF MEETING, SITE MEETING AND INITIAL DATA REQUEST Following the Notice to Proceed (NTP), Jones Edmunds will set up a project kick-off meeting (Teams) with the CCUA staff. At the meeting, we will submit a Project Plan that includes Contact List, Lines of Communication, Project Schedule with Major Milestones, and CCUA Goals and Critical Success Factors for the Project. We will prepare an initial data needs request and submit to the CCUA PM prior to the meeting to allow staff to determine data availability for discussion at the meeting. PROJECT REVIEW MEETINGS Jones Edmunds suggests monthly project review meetings begin after the kickoff meeting and continue throughout the project. The meetings will be virtual (Teams) meetings. Jones Edmunds will conduct a parallel internal project team meeting monthly. Intermittent meetings may be required to coordinate the evaluation of the pump stations. We will schedule these on an as-needed basis. 1 KNIGHT BOXX - OLD JENNINGS FORCE MAIN EVALUATION This task includes a Hydraulic and Capacity Analysis evaluation of two options and preparation of a summary and comparison of the options, including cost estimates. 1.1 OPTION 1 — INSTALL 300 LF I I I OF FM TO PS #184 �. This option includes a hydraulicIL) evaluation of the force main extension (see figure to right) and its impact on the ®MI to performance of PS #184, including pump capacity, wetwell storage capacity and, if - r appropriate, impacts to the electrical system. The evaluation will identify changes in flow and hydraulic conditions ° . . for PS #63 and potential modifications required. .yyy. IOW W M We anticipate that only a desktop evaluation will be sufficient to determine the impacts and recommended upgrades t resulting from installing a 300 If FM to PS #184. 1.2 OPTION 2 - INSTALL 300 LF OF FM TO FM AFTER PS #184 This option includes a hydraulic evaluation of the force main extension (see figure below) and its impact on the performance of PS #184, PS #63, and six upstream pump stations. We will evaluate the following upstream pump stations: #58, #59, #61, #74, #147 and #150. We will not evaluate PS #70 because it pumps into the gravity system that leads to PS #59. Due to the complexity of the transmission system and potential impacts to multiple lift stations, the hydraulic evaluation will include a field assessment and drawdown testing of the impacted pump stations. We will use the collected field data to prepare an extended period simulation SewerGems hydraulic model. Based on the size of the model, we believe generating a SewerGems model will require an equivalent amount of effort as a spreadsheet model. 11111111116111110 k 11 I V111.013111 y•Q~ 11.11% W d 1.3 DELIVERABLES to Jones Edmunds will prepare a brief technical memorandum summarizing the options, results of the hydraulic evaluations, and recommendations. After review by CCUA, we will address CCUA's comments, and provide a signed and sealed copy (PDF format) to CCUA. 2 PUMP STATION #56 COLLECTION SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS EVALUATION This task includes evaluating current and future conditions at PS #56 and if needed, completing a conceptual design of needed improvements. 2.1 EVALUATE CURRENT CONDITIONS Jones Edmunds will evaluate the current conditions, including current flows to PS #56, hydraulic conditions for PS #56, wetwell storage capacity, electrical supply, and pumping capabilities of PS #56. We will visit the PS to measure the wetwell, perform a drawdown test, and evaluate the electrical supply and control panel components. 2.2 EVALUATE FUTURE HYDRAULIC CONDITIONS Jones Edmunds will determine potential future flows and future hydraulic conditions based on existing infrastructure. If the future flows create insufficient hydraulic capacity, we will evaluate PS #56 modifications that improve hydraulic conditions to meet CCUA operational desires. 2.3 EVALUATION SUMMARY OF PUMP STATION #56 Jones Edmunds will prepare a technical memorandum summarizing the evaluation of PS #56 and any potential improvements identified based on the results of Task 2.1 and 2.2 above. The improvements may include pump replacement, electrical upgrades, control panel replacement, etc. We will provide a preliminary opinion of probable construction costs for the recommended improvements. 2.4 DELIVERABLES Jones Edmunds will prepare a brief technical memorandum summarizing the results of tasks 2.1 thru 2.3. After review by CCUA, we will address CCUA's comments, and provide a signed and sealed copy (PDF format) to CCUA. ASSUMPTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS 1. Final design and permitting is not included. 2. Graphics will be prepared using GIS or AutoCAD based on source data available. 3. No survey work is included in this Scope of Services. ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE We anticipate the project will take between 60-90 days from the kickoff meeting. The final to schedule will depend on the team's availability to review the preliminary findings. The final project schedule will be based on a mutual agreement between CCUA and Jones Edmunds at the kickoff meeting. COMPENSATION Jones Edmunds proposes to provide the services detailed above on a time-and-materials basis. We will complete these services in accordance with the terms of the "Agreement" between CCUA and Jones Edmunds for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3., for a time-and-material not-to-exceed amount of $34,978. Jones Edmunds will submit invoices to the CCUA monthly in coordination with the CCUA Project Manager. Project Name: Knight Boxx FM and PS#56 Evaluation Prepared On: 01/20/23 Clay County Prepared By: J.Bell ent: JonesEdmunds� OpportunityNu0mlber: 95696-43522tilityAuthority Reviewed On: B.Icerman Reviewed By: 2/2/2023 Staffing Plan Senior Project Senior Engineer Sr Constrution Sr.Admin Project Officer Manager Engineer Engineer Intern CADD Designer Admin Assistant Contract Billing Rate _ $268.92 I $195.90 I $219.62 I $130.63 I $104.69 I $104.58 I $152.08 I $88.89 Labor Expenses Subconsultant Task No. Task Name Hours Hours Direct Labor Costs Costs Costs Total Fee 1 Knight Boxx-Old Jennings Force Main Evaluation 8 16 20 24 60 0 12 4 144 $ 21,275 $ - $ - $ 21,275 2 Pump Station 856 Collection System Modifications Evaluation 4 8 16 16 40 0 6 4 94 $ 13,703 $ - $ - $ 13,703 Project Total 12 24 36 40 100 0 18 8 238 $ 34,978 $ - $ - $ 34,978 to \\Jea.net\pan02\WORKSPACE\03742-Clay County Utility Authority\Opportunities\2022\95696-435-22 CCUA Knight Boxx FM and PS56 Eval\Knight Boxx and PS56 Fee Estimate