HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOE - 3255 Bliss Road Prepared under the direction of, Record and return to: Grady H. Williams,Jr.,Esq. do Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg,Florida 32068-3907 GRANT OF EASEMENT (Individual) Parcel No.: 24-04-25-007982-000-00 Project Name: 3255 Bliss Road 1 THIS INDENTURE, made this I d day of (M( (e I , A.D. 2022, between MARGARET WILKINSON and BRIAN GARMON,wife and husband,whose mailing address is 1723 Wooster Street, East Liverpool, Ohio 43920, hereinafter called GRANTORS, and CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY,an independent special district and political subdivision of the State of Florida, existing and created under Chapter 94-491,Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1994,whose business address is 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, Florida 32068-3907, hereinafter called GRANTEE. WITNESSETH: That GRANTORS, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and conveyed to the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns forever a non-exclusive right-of-way and easement with the right, privilege and authority to said GRANTEE, its successors and assigns,to construct, remove, operate, lay,maintain, improve and/or repair associated equipment for existing and future water, wastewater, and/or reclaimed water utilities, any or all, on, along, over, through, across or under the following described land, situate in Clay County, Florida, to-wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. TOGETHER, with the right of said GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, of ingress and egress, to and over said above-described premises, and for doing anything necessary or useful or convenient or removing at any time any and all of said improvements upon, over, under or in said lands, together also with the right and easements, privileges and appurtenances in and to said land which may be required for the enjoyment of the rights herein granted. GRANTORS do hereby fully warrant the title to the Grant of Easement described herein and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said GRANTORS have hereto set hand and seal the day and year first above written. [Signatures Begin Next Page] talCI ) III�+�a5,5Jf'7 gr�� [J .C 1 3 REC'D ny X:ISCNICf AvaiI biI ty\Eascmcnts&Rea!CSIdICIC, I of Cascmcn11W lkinsonl-rarmon 007992-000-00 Jocx e_�=�__— Signed and sealed in our presence: GRANTORS: Witness: CLEd- - By: _- CSea l}- Print Name: e ar/e S IQ Pet_ rr MARGARET WILKINSON Witness: Print Name. I / y a STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 0 k) The foregoing instrument was cknowledged before me by means of ❑ physical presence or CI online no t pi ization s__ day of Acknowledged ! , 2022, by MARGARET WILKINSON, who is personally known to me or ha produced , as identification. ..11\,03- 1 i\il.:=Z Print Name: S - ,-)\1ll lic,__ 6 (`-c Noti y� ubno a of Flof!am Notary Public in and fot'the �' y Iranit a on°f' County and State Aforesaid��.�� lu �' i�� to Commission Ex Tres:lN 1 `�Exut t91025 My P -----60 Witness: CYtk A-,ie i'qi/2/1-- By: / ) (Seal) Print Name: C I o-v/e R lk•rr - BRIAN GARMON ri Witness: t �- V t Print Name: / L )L 9 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF C S J The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of ❑ physical presence or ❑ jnnline-mot Z. tion this I c ' day of( ev Q.-"JP--(2022,by BRIAN GARMON, who is personally known to me or has pro ced , as identification. t''''-\ Print Name: ti h)^,1 6 k'4' Notary Public State of Florida Notary Public in and for the Holly N Waldrop County and State Aforesaid ,,,,, l ,ttt., My HM ommbelon;91t�202B My Commission Expires: ���11 Exp. Accepted on behalf of the ' , my Utility Authority By: em D.0 n, P.E., M.B.A. 40.xecutive , I :-• or X:\Service Asailability\Casements&Real Estate\Grant of Easement\Wilkinson-Garmon 007982-000-00.doco 6 Clay County Utility Authority Exhibit "A" 3176 Old Jennings Road 1 of 2 Middleburg, FL 32068 904-272-5999 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION FOR: 10.00' WIDE C.C.U.A. EASEMENT, ID. #2171 (SITUATED WITHIN SECTION 24,TOWNSHIP 04-SOUTH, RANGE 25-EAST) P.I.#.: 24-04-25-007978-001-01 N'Iy.BOUNDARY,LANDS DESCRIBED IN O.R.B.4583,PGS.1176-1177. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N88'45'00"_E210.00_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._._. L2 o l 10.00' ESMT. I Iii I CD o CCUA EASEMENT 00 4 c a o I D. #2171 PRQPE 1 ACU SS: I o °.. Q -, 3255 BUSS RD., ORANGE PARK, FL i o OC L1 3 (BEING A PORTION OF SECTION 24-04S-25E, , if) ; N O AS PER O.R.B. 4583, PG. 1176) l o (n h J i o z P.I.f.: 24-04-25-007982-000-00 ; N to Im - CLAY COUNTY RECORDS. 0 wo -,o-w(9 u, Qaw°Z L4 ,,,W CO S < Y u�,Q W ZIOmm P.I. tn Z zec co Q t _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. m • 0 0 CC t _ S 88'45'00" W 210.00' J co p 5.m^ m Sly.BOUNDARY,LANDS DESCRIBED IN O.R.B. r alP.O.B. 4583,PGS.1176-1177. u)'0? SWIy CORNER,LANDS DESCRIBED IN O.R.B. 4583,PGS.1176-1177. 0 ,0,_ to P.I.#.: 24-04-25-007977-001-00 r UNE TABLE LINE # DIRECTION LENGTH L1 N 01'15'00" W 130.00' GRAPHIC SCALE L2 N 88.45'00" E 10.00' L3 S 01'1 5'00" E 130.00' 0 40 60 80 , MIN =M11 L4 S 88'45'00" W 10.00' MI N 1"=40' )RAWING DATE: 03-27-2023 NOTES BY SURVEYOR 8. MAPPER: �CUA EASEMENT ID.: 2171 • THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION MEETS THE STANDARDS OF SEE SHEET: E—FILE: PRACTICE SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5J-17,FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE M:\Survey-Mapping\Sketch & Descriptions\FY 2022-2023 CODE,PURSUANT TO SECTION 472 027,FLORIDA STATUTES,UNLESS 2 OF 2 FOR LEGEND, S&D\'New S&D Requests\ESMT 2171 - 3255 Bliss Rd - OTHERWISE SHOWN AND STATED HEREON. 03-23-2023\2171 ESMT_3255 Bliss Rd_03-24-23.dwg • NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SURVEYOR'S NOTES&THE SEAL OF A FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. DESCRIPTION PERTAINING TO • THIS DRAWING WAS STRICTLY PREPARED FOR THE USE OF C C U A DRAWN BY: XFA ONLY,NO OTHER PARTIES MAY USE THIS DRAWING OR ANY OF ITS THE SKETCH SHOWN ON THIS ;NECKED BY: XFA CONTENTS WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM C C.U.A. SHEET. • ALL INSTRUMENTS REFERENCED HEREIN ARE OF THE PUBLIC - ICALE: 1" = 40' I SHEET 1 OF 2 RECORDS OF CLAY COUNTY,FLORIDA,UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. A Clay County Utility Authority Exhibit "A" 3176 Old Jennings Road 2 of 2 Middleburg, FL 32068 904-272-5999 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION FOR: 10.00' WIDE C.C.U.A. EASEMENT, ID. #2171 (SITUATED WITHIN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 04-SOUTH, RANGE 25-EAST) LEGAL DESCRIPTION CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY EASEMENT NO. 2171: A STRIP OF LAND 10.00-FEET-WIDE, BEING A PORTION OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4583, PAGES 1176-1177 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA; SAID LANDS BEING SITUATED IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 4-SOUTH, RANGE 25-EAST, WITHIN SAID COUNTY; THE HEREIN DESCRIBED 10.00- FOOT-WIDE STRIP OF LAND BEING CONTIGUOUS TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4583, PAGES 1176-1177; AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4583, PAGES 1176-1177; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE THEREOF (SAID LINE ALSO BEING THE EASTERLY LINE OF BLISS ROAD, A ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF RIDGEWOOD, RECORDED IN DEED BOOK "Q", PAGE 663, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID CLAY COUNTY), PROCEED NORTH 01° 15' 00" WEST FOR 130.00 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4583, PAGES 1176-1177; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY BOUNDARY, PROCEED NORTH 88°45' 00" EAST FOR 10.00 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTHERLY BOUNDARY, PROCEED SOUTH 01° 15' 00" EAST FOR 130.00 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4583, PAGES 1176-1177; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY, PROCEED SOUTH 88° 45' 00" WEST FOR 10.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. to THE HEREIN DECRIBED LANDS SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE TOWN OF ORANGE PARK, CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1,300 SQUARE FEET OR 0.030 ACRES. THE BEARING SYSTEM USED HEREIN IS BASED ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED BLISS ROAD (NORTH 01°15'00" WEST) AS USED IN THE DEED DESCRIPTION OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4583, PAGES 1176-1177. ADDITIONAL NOTES BY SURVEYOR& LEGEND (OF LINETYPES&UNCOMMON ABREVIATIONS THAT MAY BE MAPPER: USED HEREIN): 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS INSTRUMENT IS TO PROVIDE A SKETCH AND CCUA CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY NEly NORTHEASTERLY LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A NEW C C.U.A EASEMENT, AND WAS CL CENTERLINE SEly SOUTHEASTERLY PREPARED FOR DESCRIPTIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT A BOUNDARY C.R. COUNTY ROAD SWIy SOUTHWESTERLY SURVEY. ID. IDENTIFICATION NWIy NORTHWESTERLY 2. THE BEARING SYSTEM USED HEREIN IS BASED ON THE EASTERLY D.E. STORM-DRAINAGE EASEMENT r RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED BLISS ROAD (NORTH I/E ESMT. INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT IL7J NEW CCUA EASEMENT 01°15'00" WEST) AS USED IN THE DEED DESCRIPTION OF SAID LANDS ESMT. EASEMENT EXISTING EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4583,PAGES 1176-1177. O.R.B. OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 3. THIS DRAWING MAY HAVE BEEN ENLARGED OR REDUCED, BY OTHER P.B. PLAT BOOK —--— RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE PARTIES, FROM THE ORIGINAL DRAWING PRODUCED BY CCUA. THE P.I. POINT OF INTERSECTION _ GRANTOR-PARCEL DRAWING WAS INTENDED TO BE DISPLAYED AT THE SCALE SHOWN ON P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING _ BOUNDARY LINE THE SHEETS CONTAINING MAPS. PLEASE UTILIZE THE GRAPHIC SCALE P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT WHEN CONSIDERING DISTANCES. P.O.T. POINT OF TERMINATION - PLAT LOT LINE 4. THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION WERE PREPARED WITHOUT THE R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY BENEFIT OF AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE. THEREFORE, THERE MAY BE N'ly NORTHERLY ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, AND RESTRICTIONS OR OTHER Sly SOUTHERLY MATTERS OF PUBLIC RECORD, THAT MAY OR MAY NOT AFFECT THIS Ely EASTERLY PARCEL OF LAND. SUCH ENCUMBRANCES MAY BE FOUND THROUGH A Wly WESTERLY THOROUGH REVIEW OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CLAY COUNTY. AND S.R. STATE ROAD THE STATE OF FLORIDA. U.E. UTILITY EASEMENT ;CUA EASEMENT ID.: 2171 SEE SHEET: / 1:\Surrvey-Mapping -Sketch & Descriptions\FY 2022-2023 1 OF 2 FOR THE SKETCH Qu _j2 ATE:,_ 1723 S&D\'New S&D Requests\ESMT 2171 - 3255 Bliss Rd - PERTAINING TO THE LEGAL - 03-23-2023\2171 ESMT_3255 Bliss Rd_03-24-23.dwg S NING FOR THE CLAY COU UTILITY THORiTY. DESCRIPTION HEREIN XAVIER FRANKAGUI E,P .M. • SHOWN. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR&MAPPER NO.LS6750 ;CALE: N/A SHEET 2 OF 2 REGISTRATION,STATE OF FLORIDA —r N I W t F �)/ S 3242 al- I I - Z 2 N I Standard 10'CCUA ii Utility Easement C I Clji 8 I I 2 ►I ti •LL II N 3256 II i i NI ......................: L:—'....1 7 0 1 MHtt: 10 33 ID#:SMH 8524 D to I� CD 1 1 ll •. Z a ii 0 cJ o ci 74 � It 0 Disclaimer:The information displayed on this drawing or sheet is for a general visual representation purposes only.The drawing is based upon numerous sources of public information which include but are not limited to Clay County Property Appraisers, FDOT, SJRWMD, and the Clay County Utility Authority's (CCUA)own records.All information included in the drawing is general in nature and not site specific.Any cimensions or other information is approximate and needs to be field verified.CCUA does not offer any guarantees,certifications,or warranties,either expressed or implied,in regards to the accuracy of the information represented on these drawings.The drawing is not a survey and should not be construed in any manner as such.By receiving this drawing,the recipient is agreeing to hold CCUA harmless for any errors or omissions which may be present in this&awing.All interested parties are strongly encouraged to engage a Professional Surveyor and Mapper licensed in the State of Florida to field verify all site,property,infrastructure,and utility information prior to any decisions or actions. (-1, --i A' Title: ......... __ Clay County Utility Authority CCUA Web Map 3176 Old Jennings Road i Info: C � Middlebur Florida 32068-3907 Water Features g+ Prepared by CCUAGIS Portal'a Phone 904 272 5999Ill■ Gravity Sewer Features 't3130/2023,9:38:47 AM� Co' nse vation.Commitment.Community = Forced Sewer Features �TYAUTNu 1 inch = 42 feet - Reclaimed Features