HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA 3. Sewer Model Analysis and Calibration - Jones Edmunds EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Proposed Supplemental Agreement (SA) No. 12 to the Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 for Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. (JE),to
provide Hydraulic Modeling Analysis, Summary,Recommendations, Conversion, &Development.
CCUA Job File No.: 2023-065
Engineering Operating Budget Number 101.511.563.311
Date: June 15,2023
CCUA staff requests approval of SA No. 12 with JE to provide Hydraulic Modeling Analysis, Summary,
Recommendations, Conversion, & Development. The CCUA wastewater collection and transmission system
hydraulic model was built using Innovyze's InfoSewer software. The model is a valuable tool used regularly
for system analysis and planning.The model does,however,require regular updating and calibration to ensure
that the data provided is as accurate as possible. CCUA staff included funding in the current fiscal year for
model updates and calibration.
InfoSewer is an ArcGIS extension and ESRI, the developer of ArcGIS, is sunsetting the program and moving
users to ArcGIS Pro in the near future. InfoSewer will not be upgraded by Innovyze to operate on the ArcGIS
co Pro platform. Users will have the option of converting existing models to other Innovyze products or find
= alternate modeling solutions. Staff considers this an opportunity to, in conjunction with the calibration effort,
•• explore alternatives, and ensure that the optimal software is being used to support Utility needs.
L Engineering staff engaged JE,a CCUA continuing engineering services consultant,to provide modeling related
mservices. JE will analyze CCUA's current model, provide a summary and recommendations for software
Ce alternatives, including continued use of the InfoSewer program. If a new software is determined to be the best
option, the existing model will be converted to the new software package. The model will then be updated,
further developed, and calibrated by performing lift station wet well drawdown tests on each of the Utility's
thirty (30) lift stations in CCUA's Mid-Clay Water Reclamation Facility service area, the system with the
greatest rate of growth. Updating, developing, and calibrating CCUA's other wastewater collection system
service areas will be completed in subsequent efforts.
Following calibration,JE will work with staff to develop a scenario within the model to allow for planning and
analysis of future conditions, likely a 20-year planning horizon.Finally,JE will develop a Standard Operating
Procedure for evaluating collection system impacts from proposed land developments utilizing the newly
calibrated model. JE has proposed to provide these services for a time and materials fee not to exceed
$49,964.08 within the current fiscal year.
There is $125,000 in the Fiscal Year 22/23 Operating Budget for model calibration and updates. A portion of
the funds will be allocated to a software purchase,if deemed necessary.
CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The anticipated cost
of the study does not exceed $500,000.00. Staff negotiated the Supplemental Agreement in compliance with
F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiated the scope and fee for the professional services at a
compensation which CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable.
Staff respectfully recommends approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 12 with Jones Edmunds and
Associates, Inc., for consulting services to provide Hydraulic Modeling Analysis, Summary,
Recommendations, Conversion,&Development.
Supplemental Agreement No. 12
Scope and Fee Proposal
//DD &JP (Author)
//DD &JP (Final)
Supplemental Agreement No 12 to Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 wit
Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc., for Professional Services to provide Hydraulic Modeling
Analysis, Summary, Recommendations, Conversion, & Development.
CCUA Project No. 2023-065
Engineer: Brian Icerman, PE, ENV SP Owner: Clay County
Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc. Utility Authority
730 NE Waldo Rd.
Gainesville, FL 32641
Date: June 20, 2023
Item: Description of Services:
Provide professional engineering services as
requested and identified in the attached scope of
services and fee proposal.
Task 1 Model Summary $1,467.88
Task 2 Model Review, Conversion, and Development $28,203.28
Task 3 Future Conditions Model $17,107.16
Task 4 Development SOP $3,185.76
Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $49,964.08
The Contract time shall commence on June 21, 2023 and all tasks are to be completed by September 29,
2023. This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the
Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto.
Accepted by: Date:
Stanley F. Ferriera, Jr., PE
President& CEO
Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc.
Accepted by: Date:
Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA,
Executive Director
Clay County Utility Authority
Jon esEdm un ds,
Integrity • Knowledge • Service
June 15, 2023
Paul Steinbrecher, PE
Chief Engineer
Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA)
3176 Old Jennings Road
Middleburg, FL 32068
RE: Sewer Model Updates
Scope of Services and Fee Schedule
Jones Edmunds Opportunity No.: 95696-177-23
Dear Mr. Steinbrecher:
Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) currently has a model of its wastewater collection and
transmission system in the InfoSewer modeling platform. InfoSewer will not be supported in
the future therefore CCUA will be migrating the model to a new platform. Jones Edmunds
will provide a summary of the most used platforms (InfoworksICM - which consolidates
other Info platforms, PCSWMM, and SewerGEMS) for CCUA's consideration in migrating to a
fully supported platform or staying with InfoSewer. We will then convert CCUA's Mid-Clay
to InfoSewer model into the selected platform if a new one is selected, review the model,
suggest updates to CCUA, and make the updates upon CCUA's approval. As a result of the
updates and review with CCUA, we will also develop a Standard Operating Procedure for
model updates for new developments.
The updated model will contain both an existing conditions and an agreed-on future
conditions (e.g., 20-year or buildout) scenarios. Jones Edmunds will review the scenario
results and compare them to CCUA's level-of-service (LOS) criteria to determine where
alternatives may need to be evaluated in the future.
Follow-on steps not included in this scope of work should include utilizing the model to
determine future Capital Improvement Projects to meet CCUA's LOS. With the Mid-Clay area
updated and CIPs identified, we suggest that CCUA complete similar steps for other
collection system areas prioritized by anticipated growth. The scope of services below
outlines the steps that are required to meet the goals above. We have limited the steps and
scope of this supplemental agreement to those that we believe can be completed in FY23.
CCUA provided Jones Edmunds with an InfoSewer model of your wastewater collection and
transmission system. Jones Edmunds will provide the following services:
• Provide a summary of the most used modeling platforms for CCUA's consideration for
• Review and convert the Mid-Clay InfoSewer model into the adopted platform,
800.237.1053 1 JONESEDMUNDS.COM
Paul Steinbrecher, PE
June 15, 2023
Page 2
• Evaluate existing conditions and one set of future conditions, comparing results to
CCUA's LOS in the Draft Design Guide (January 2018),
• Provide an SOP for evaluating proposed developments in the new modeling platform.
Purpose: Provide CCUA with a summary of commonly used modeling platforms to inform
CCUA's decision for moving to a supported platform or staying with InfoSewer.
Jones Edmunds will provide a summary of the capabilities, advantages, and disadvantages
of the three most used wastewater collection system modeling platforms: InfoICM (a
consolidation of several existing platforms), PCSWMM, and SewerGEMS — along with
InfoSewer. We will document the summary in a Technical Memorandum (TM) and review
the TM with CCUA.
Deliverable: TM of model platform review.
Purpose: Convert the Mid-Clay model to the new modeling platform, assuming that CCUA
chooses to a new modeling platform.
to Assuming CCUA choses a new modeling platform, Jones Edmunds will convert the existing
Mid-Clay InfoSewer model into the new modeling platform. Depending on CCUA's input,
Jones Edmunds may skeletonize portions of the gravity collection system to have a simpler
and more efficient model to evaluate new developments. If a skeletonized model is agreed
to by CCUA, Jones Edmunds will provide CCUA with a proposed schematic for CCUA review
and approval before developing flows for the model.
Two flow conditions will be modeled: dry weather and wet weather (i.e., design conditions).
Dry weather conditions will be used to evaluate operational issues (e.g., odor control
concerns from long pump-off conditions and non-scouring velocities). Dry weather flows will
initially be based on monthly water meter data as it is currently in the InfoSewer model.
The water meter data contains outdoor uses but does not contain infiltration. We will
compare the consumption from the total of the water meters to the flows measured at the
Mid-Clay wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to determine if adjustments to the water
meter data need to be made to better match dry weather flows at the WWTP. The diurnal
pattern measured at the WWTP will be used to distribute the daily flow values.
With the assistance of CCUA staff, we will perform drawdown tests for the lift stations within
the Mid-Clay collection and transmission system.
Wet weather conditions will be used to evaluate system capacity (e.g., overflows, high
alarms, high velocities, and high pressures). Wet weather flows will be based on the 311
gallons per day (gpd) per equivalent residential connection (ERC) in the Draft Design Guide.
Paul Steinbrecher, PE
June 15, 2023
Page 3
We will evaluate the model results using the LOS criteria in the Draft Design Guide. We will
document the model review, conversion, and development in a TM and review the TM with
Deliverables: Proposed model schematic; TM of model review, conversion, and
development; and a copy of the model.
Purpose: Evaluate the Mid-Clay collection system under future conditions.
Jones Edmunds will develop flows for a future conditions scenario agreed to by the County.
We will run the future conditions model for wet weather only. We will summarize the future
conditions flows and present our evaluation the model results using the LOS criteria in the
Draft Design Guide in a TM and review the TM with CCUA.
Deliverable: TM of future conditions and a copy of the model.
Purpose: Provide CCUA with a standard approach for evaluating proposed developments in
the new modeling platform.
to Jones Edmunds will develop a draft SOP for evaluating proposed developments in the new
modeling platform and review with CCUA. We will incorporate CCUA's review comments into
a final SOP.
Deliverable: SOP for proposed developments.
Jones Edmunds proposes to complete this scope of services for a time-and-materials fee not
to exceed $49,964.08 and complete this assignment by September 29, 2023.
■ With the exception of drawdown testing, field Data collection is excluded.
■ CCUA will provide review comments within 2 weeks of receiving review material.
Paul Steinbrecher, PE
June 15, 2023
Page 4
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (352) 871-7048 or via email
at bcunningham@jonesedmunds.com.
Brett Cunningham, PE, ENV SP
Senior Vice President
Project Name: Sewer Model Updates Prepared On: 06/12/23
JonesEdmunds� Client: Clay County Prepared By: B.Cunningham
Opportunity Number: 9565696 177-23 Reviewed On: 6/12/2023
Reviewed By: B. Icerman
Staffing Plan
Project Officer Senior Engineer Engineer Sr.Admin
Engineer Intern Assistant
Second Renewal of RFP 2018/2019-#03 Billing Rate
$290.43 $237.19 $141.08 $113.35 $96.00
Expenses Subconsultant
Task No. Task Name Hours Labor Hours Direct Labor Costs Costs Costs Total Fee
Model Summary 2 4 2 1 9 $ 1,467.88 $ - $ - $ 1,467.88
Model Review, Conversion,and Development 8 12 72 108 4 204 $ 27,953.28 $ 250 $ - $ 28,203.28
Future Conditions Model 8 8 40 60 2 118 $ 16,857.16 $ 250 $ - $ 17,107.16
Proposed Development SOP 4 8 4 2 18 $ 2,935.76 $ 250 $ - $ 3,185.76
Project Total Not-to-Exceed Fee 22 20 124 174 9 349 $ 49,214.08 $ 750.00 $ - $ 49,964.08