HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA 2. SA NO. 11 CDM LCRR AGENDA ITEM: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 11 with CDM Smith, Inc. (CDM) to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 to provide consulting services to assist CCUA in the development of a program to address requirements for compliance with the Lead and Copper Revised Rule (LCRR) Date: June 29, 2023 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff requests approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 11 with CDM to provide consulting services to assist CCUA in the development of Phase 1 program to address requirements for compliance with the LCRR. ca a The current lead and copper rule requires that public water systems conduct regular lead and copper testing throughout the distribution system. CCUA accomplishes this through customer .2 sample collection from faucets within their homes. The revised rule expands sampling to schools and daycares, requires the development of a service line materials inventory for both CCUA's distribution lines and customer's service lines, requires a public-facing website providing real- ce time service line material inventory information, and requires a plan for lead pipe replacement. The new rule is likely to significantly increase the workload of multiple Departments within CCUA. The Environmental Compliance Department will take the lead on coordinating with CDM on the program, however there must be significant participation by Distribution and Collection, Service Availability, GIS, IT, and the Water Department. CDM will aid in implementation of the new requirements, develop a strategy to reduce the number of'lead status unknown' service lines before EPA's October 2024 deadline, and provide coordination of all CCUA staff involved in the program. BUDGET: Staff budgeted $100,000 within the Environmental Compliance Department in FY 2022/2023 for Phase 1 of the implementation of the LCRR. Staff considers the fee of $98,084 reasonable and competitive for the scope of services provided. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 11 with CDM Smith, Inc. to aid in development of a program to address requirements for compliance with the Lead and Copper Revised Rule. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 11 CDM Smith Inc.,Proposal dated June 28, 2023 //HW (Author) //AB (Review) //DM (Final) Supplemental Agreement No. 11 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Professional Engineering Services to provide consulting services to assist CCUA in the development of a program to address requirements for compliance with the Lead and Copper Revised Rule Engineer: Shayne H. Wood Owner: Clay County CDM Smith. Utility Authority 4651 Salisbury Road Suite 420 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Date: July 5, 2023 IItem: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Task 1 Project Management& Quality Control Task 2 SLM Inventory Task 3 LSL Replacement SOPs Task 4 Review of Lead and Copper Sampling Data Task 5 Review of Corrosion Control Treatment Task 6 Public Education and Outreach to Task 7 LCRR Compliance Plan Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $98,084.00 The Contract time shall commence on July 5, 2023. This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Shayne H. Wood, P.E. CDM Smith, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY(CCUA) LEAD AND COPPER RULE REVISIONS COMPLIANCE PROGRAM JUNE 2023 TASK ORDER NO. 11 This Authorization,when executed, shall be incorporated in, and become part of the Agreement for Professional Services between Clay County Utility Authority(CCUA), and CDM Smith Inc. (CONSULTANT), dated May 28, 2019, hereafter referred to as the Contract. CONSULTANT'S SERVICES The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) require planning, submittals, and modified procedures for water utilities prior to the compliance date of October 16, 2024. CONSULTANT will assist CCUA with development of a program to address requirements for compliance with the LCRR. This Task Order is the first phase of the multi-phase program.The first phase will focus on data review, initial steps to develop a service line material (SLM) inventory, identify lead service lines (LSL), and develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) and public notification materials.These activities are necessary before proceeding with the remainder of the program. to Upon completion of the first phase of work, subsequent phases may be required, which will be authorized through an amendment to this Task Order or a separate authorization. SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT will provide the following services under this Task Order(Phasel): Task 1—Project Management&Quality Control Task 2—SLM Inventory Task 3—LSL Replacement SOPs Task 4—Review of Lead and Copper Sampling Data Task 5—Review of Corrosion Control Treatment Task 6—Public Education and Outreach Task 7—LCRR Compliance Plan A description of each of the tasks from the first phase is provided below.At the conclusion of Phase 1, CONSULTANT's Task Order will be amended for subsequent phases of LCRR compliance needs such as implementation of the validation strategies, machine learning model, host inventory online to public, CDM. Smith Page 1 of 8 6/28/2023 LSLR funding applications, sampling tracking system, develop sampling program, etc. Additional services may be provided by the CONSULTANT upon separate written authorization from the CCUA for a mutually agreed upon scope and budget. TASK 1- PROJECT MANAGEMENT&QUALITY CONTROL CONSULTANT will perform activities involved with the planning and subsequent monitoring and control of the Project. CONSULTANT will undertake quality control activities in accordance with the CONSULTANT's Quality Management System (QMS)that includes monthly project status reporting, communication plans, and independent specialist reviews. CONSULTANT will provide monthly invoices with progress reports. CONSULTANT will conduct a kickoff workshop with CCUA's staff to discuss the approach for Phase 1. CONSULTANT will maintain regular contact with the CCUA's project manager throughout the Project via emails and phone calls. Additional task-specific meetings are included in Tasks 2 through 6. Deliverables • Kickoff meeting agenda and minutes • Monthly progress reports and invoices TASK 2- SERVICE LINE MATERIALS(SLM) INVENTORY to CONSULTANT will assist CCUA in the development of a SLM inventory, including development of methodology to document areas without LSLs.The following tasks are included in the first phase of work. Subtask 2.1- Data Compilation CONSULTANT will compile available digital data for both the utility side (public) material and customer (private) side material. Available digital data sources will include GIS,the CCUA's work order system, meter management system, water main installation dates, and Clay County property appraiser database. These sources will be used to develop the inventory and identify the material for the unknowns on the utility and private side. Although none are currently known within the system, lead goosenecks will also be included in the inventory,where identified in the data, and will be assumed wherever galvanized is found. CONSULTANT will research plumbing codes, ordinances, meter replacement program data, and purchasing records, as available, to determine materials historically used in the distribution system. CONSULTANT will estimate the material using agreed upon assumptions between CONSULTANT and CCUA such as install date and diameter. CONSULTANT will combine the service line information into the leadCAST inventory.The database will include fields identifying the utility material, customer material, and data sources that can be pulled into the CCUA's GIS system. This task includes two (2)virtual meetings with CCUA staff to discuss available data sources and ask data questions.The meeting will be coordinated with one of the meetings planned under Task 2.1. CDM Smith Page 2 of 8 6/28/2023 Subtask 2.2- Develop Material Validation Strategies Based on discussion with the CCUA, it appears that the CCUA's system does not have any known LSLs; however,there may be some galvanized service lines. Based on the LCRR,the total number of LSLs in the system will be the sum of: • LSL's • Galvanized service lines that are currently or formerly downstream of a lead pipe (referred to as "galvanized requiring replacement" in the LCRR) • Unknown service lines installed prior to a lead ban (either local or federal) that could potentially be lead (referred to as "lead status unknown" in the LCRR) Although unlikely, it is also a possibility that the LCRR will be revised to include galvanized service lines downstream of a lead gooseneck.This may be addressed through the Lead and Copper Revision Improvements (LCRI),which is expected to come out before October 2024. CONSULTANT will meet with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) LCRR Compliance Specialist to discuss approved verification methods for non-lead service lines. After completing Task 2.2,CONSULTANT will develop a strategy to reduce the number of"lead status unknown" service lines before October 2024. CONSULTANT anticipates several strategies will be to considered. CONSULTANT will conduct one meeting, either virtual or in-person,with CCUA staff to present and discuss potential material validation strategies. CONSULTANT will develop an initial inventory based on the assumptions and provide an estimation of which unknown service lines are likely lead and likely not lead with a strategy for verifying the unknown service lines.The sources, assumptions, and methods used for the initial inventory will be documented in a technical memorandum (TM) along with recommendations and schedule for next steps to validate and refine the LSL inventory. The TM will include a summary of feedback from FDEP.The TM will include next steps and estimated budget for the Phase 2 tasks related to developing the LSL inventory. CONSULTANT will address CCUA's comments and issue a final TM. Subtask 2.3 - Data Management Solution Packages Demonstrations At the request of CCUA,the CONSULTANT will provide a virtual demonstration of the leadCASTTM and ESRI Lead Service Line Inventory program for CCUA's consideration.The implementation of a software program (Trinnex IeadCASTTM, or ESRI Lead Service Line Inventory) used for managing and tracking progress of the LSL inventory is not included in this Work Order but can be provided in an amendment to this Work Order or under a separate work authorization at the discretion of CCUA. This task includes two (2)virtual meetings, with CCUA staff for virtual demonstrations of the managing software packages. Deliverables • Presentation materials and minutes from meetings (2 meetings included in Task 2) • Draft and Final Material Validation Strategy TM (electronic format) CDM Smith Page 3 of 8 6/28/2023 TASK 3- LSL REPLACEMENT SOPS Although not required for compliance until October 16, 2024, it is recommended that the CCUA implement procedures for on-going capital improvements and maintenance work that impacts LSLs, galvanized lines, lead goosenecks, or lead status unknown service lines. CONSULTANT will meet with CCUA to discuss which procedures they will implement prior to the LCRR becoming effective. CONSULTANT will prepare SOPs for on-going activities including lead service line replacements(LSLRs), disturbances, or removing goosenecks. SOPs will address: • Procedures for disturbances to lead, galvanized or unknown service lines • Communication to homeowners and renters • Allowing contractors into the home for a materials inspection and replacement • Flushing procedures and flyers • Communication regarding partial LSLRs if applicable • Follow-up sampling if applicable • Updating the service line material inventory database CONSULTANT will prepare written SOPs in the CCUA's preferred format.Task 3 includes one meeting to with CCUA's staff to discuss and receive feedback on draft SOPs. CONSULTANT will incorporate CCUA comments and issue final SOPs. Deliverables • Presentation materials/minutes from meeting (1 meeting included in Task 3) • Draft and Final SOPs (electronic format) TASK 4- REVIEW OF LEAD AND COPPER SAMPLING DATA The LCRR requires changes to the compliance sampling for lead and copper and also requires sampling in schools and licensed childcare facilities. As a first phase to prepare the CCUA for the sampling changes, CONSULTANT will compile and review existing data.Activities include: • Review CCUA's historical lead and copper sampling addresses and compare the current sampling pool with service line inventory information from Task 2. Current sampling sites that may qualify as Tier 1, 2, or 3 under the new rule will be identified for the current triannual sampling and sampling under the LCRR. • Prepare a list of all elementary schools, licensed daycares and secondary schools that receive the CCUA's water. CCUA does not currently sample in schools, but the Clay County Health Department may perform sampling in schools and childcare facilities. CONSULTANT with work with CCUA to obtain school and childcare sampling data from the Health Department if available and CONSULTANT will summarize the results. CDR,' Smith Page 4 of 8 6/28/2023 • Discuss LCRR requirements for childcare center testing with FDEP to determine if existing required testing would qualify as a substitute for additional testing. • Preparation of an approach to implement the school and daycare sampling. Task 4 includes two (2)virtual meetings with the CCUA to discuss the data and school sampling approach and two (2) meetings with select school and/or childcare representatives and the Health Department to introduce and discuss the upcoming changes to lead and copper sampling. CONSULTANT will prepare a section within the Task 7 LCRR Compliance plan describing the proposed approach for sampling in schools and daycares with a roadmap to prepare for January 2025 when the school sampling is required to commence.This may include a recommendation to sample ahead of 2025 at some schools to pilot the program.The plan will include next steps and estimated budget for the Phase 2 tasks related to LCRR compliance sampling and school/daycare sampling. Deliverables • Presentation materials/minutes from meetings (4 meetings included in Task 4) • A list of current sampling sites that will need to be removed from the sampling pool based on the results of Task 2 and a list of sites that can remain in the pool (electronic format) • A list of all schools and daycares served by the CCUA (electronic format) to TASK 5- REVIEW OF CORROSION CONTROL TREATMENT CONSULTANT will review CCUA's current corrosion control treatment (CCT) in light of the new LCRR to confirm continued compliance with the Rule. Activities under this task focus on reviewing for completion and providing recommendations for additional analysis.This task includes: • Review any previous CCT study reports, provided by the CCUA, for compliance with the LCRR • Review previous lead and copper sampling and distribution system water quality data • Provide any recommendations for additional analysis or studies CONSULTANT will prepare a section within the Task 7 LCRR Compliance plan with recommendations indicating if any additional analysis or studies are recommended for the CCUA's CCT to comply with the LCRR.The plan will include next steps and estimated budget for the Phase 2 tasks related to CCT compliance. TASK 6- PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH CONSULTANT will assist CCUA in public education and outreach efforts for the LCRR.Activities include: CDM Smith Page 5 of 8 6/28/2023 • Develop notifications for procedures implemented pre-2024 including a verification effort of private-side service lines. • Develop a communication strategy for public education. CONSULTANT will facilitate a meeting with representatives of CCUA's staff to present and discuss strategies and materials that may need to be developed to communicate with the public about the LCRR and upcoming requirements. CONSULTANT will prepare a communication strategy for the public and document in the Task 7 LCRR Compliance plan.The plan will include next steps and estimated budget for the Phase 2 tasks related to public education and outreach. Preparation of educational or outreach materials for the public is not included in this Scope of Work, other than what is listed below, but will be included in a subsequent phase of the Project. Deliverables • Presentation materials/minutes from meeting (1 meeting included in Task 6) • A notification to customers on changed procedures implemented under Task 3 (electronic format) TASK 7- LCRR COMPLIANCE PLAN CONSULTANT will provide a plan for LCRR compliance by compiling the analysis from Tasks 2—6 into a single technical memorandum (TM).This plan will provide a roadmap for CCUA to achieve compliance to with the LCRR by October 16, 2024. Deliverables • Draft and Final LCRR Compliance Plan TM (electronic format) ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions were made during development of this Task Order. Changes to these assumptions can be included as an Amendment to this Agreement. • Implementation of the validation strategies are not included in this Task Order; however, implementation may be included in a subsequent phase of the Project. • This Task Order does not include a CCT study, any sample collection or laboratory analysis. However, if recommended,these may be included in a subsequent phase of the Project. CCUA'S RESPONSIBILITIES The responsibilities of CCUA in addition to those in the main agreement are as follows: • Provide CONSULTANT with all requested data in a timely matter. CCUA shall be responsible for, and CONSULTANT may rely upon, the accuracy and completeness of all reports, data, and other information furnished pursuant to this paragraph. CDM Smith Page 6 of 8 6/28/2023 o Water system GIS database with existing lateral lines and meter locations. o Management system (CMMS) extract with lateral repairs will be provided by the CCUA in a database format with a foreign key to the asset identifier. o CMMS extract with meter replacement workorders noting material and associated images of the meter box will be provided by the CCUA. o Scanned paper as-builts of water distribution system. ■ CCUA shall provide review comments on submittals within two (2)weeks of receipt of deliverable. SCHEDULE It is anticipated that the project will take 8 months to complete, starting within two weeks of receipt of a formal notice to proceed (NTP). CONSULTANT will prepare a project schedule within the first twenty (20) calendar days after NTP. Task Duration From Start Task 2—Service Line Materials(SLM)Inventory 92 days Task 3—LSL Replacement SOPs 122 days t0 Task 4—Review of Lead and Copper Sampling Data 152 days Task 5—Review of Corrosion Control Treatment 184 days Task 6—Public Education and Outreach 214 days Task 7—LCRR Compliance Plan 244 days PAYMENT AND COMPENSATION Total compensation to the CONSULTANT for the work described above (Tasks 1 through 7) shall be a fixed price not to exceed of$98,084.00 (including other direct costs), as shown in Exhibit A, unless changed by a duly authorized amendment. Invoices will be submitted monthly based on estimated project percent complete,with a final invoice submitted once all project deliverables are completed. The CONSULTANT will submit monthly invoices for work performed during the project with a project status report. For invoice purposes only,the value of each task is as shown in Table 1. CDM Smith Page 7 of 8 6/28/2023 Table 1 Task Value for Invoice Purpose Only Task Description Value 1 Project Management&Quality Control $18,822 2 SLM Inventory $36,200 3 LSL Replacement SOPs $5,720 4 Review of L&C Sampling Data $14,560 5 Review of Corrosion Control Treatment $5,870 6 Public Education and Outreach $7,970 7 LCR Compliance Plan $9,012 Total Phase 1(including ODCs) $98,084 Both the CCUA and the CONSULTANT recognize that the services described above represent an estimated level of effort at this time.The CONSULTANT shall not be obligated to incur costs, and the CCUA is not obligated to pay fees in excess of the fee set established in the Work Order, without written authorization signed by both the CCUA and the CONSULTANT.The CONSULTANT reserves the right to utilize hours and staff between tasks and labor classifications as required to complete the overall project as long as the total value is not exceeded without prior authorization from the CCUA. to CDM Smith Page 8 of 8 6/28/2023 EXHIBIT A CONTRACT FEE SUMMARY CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTINUING SERVICES PART I - GENERAL Project Proposal Number CCUA LCRR REVISIONS COMPLIANCE PROGRAM(PHASE 1) Name of Consultant Date of Proposal CDM Smith Inc. 01/26/2023 PART II - LABOR RELATED COSTS Labor Costs Hourly Estimated Billing Rate Hours Sub-Total TOTAL Engineer Grade 10/Expert 255.00 30.00 $ 7,650.00 $ 7,650.00 Engineer Grade 9/Senior Professional 245.00 126.00 $ 30,870.00 $ 30,870.00 Engineer Grade 8/Senior PM 215.00 60.00 $ 12,900.00 $ 12,900.00 Engineer Grade 7/Senior Engineer 184.00 $ - $ - Engineer Grade 5/6/Professional Engineer 153.00 $ - $ - Eingineer Grade 3/4/Engineer 138.00 168.00 $ 23,184.00 $ 23,184.00 Engineer Grade 2 123.00 $ - $ - Engineer Grade 1 92.00 $ - $ - Senior Tech Support 123.00 150.00 $ 18,450.00 $ 18,450.00 Staff Technician 107.00 $ - $ - Senior Field Tech 114.00 $ - $ Staff Field Tech 83.00 $ - $ - Contract Administrator 123.00 12.00 $ 1,476.00 $ 1,476.00 Document Control Specialist 101.00 4.00 $ 404.00 $ 404.00 Administrative 86.00 $ - $ - LABOR SUB-TOTAL 550 $ 94,934.00 $ 94,934.00 PART III - OTHER COSTS DIRECT COSTS Transportation,Per Diem and Equipment 0 Presentation Boards Reproduction MISCELLANEOUS DIRECT COSTS SUB-TOTAL $ 3,150.00 SUBCONTRACTS SUB-CONTRACT SUB-TOTAL $ - PART IV - SUMMARY TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT $ 98,084.000