HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA 3. Mid Clay WWTF Entrance Road Evaluation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 13 to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 for Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc., to provide engineering design for necessary improvements to the Mid-Clay Wastewater Treatment Facility(WWTF) entrance road. CCUA Job File No.: 2205-081 Date: June 29, 2023 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff and contractors providing services for CCUA access to the Mid-Clay WWTF via a road over an easement on lands owned by the Glenhaven Homeowner's Association(HOA). Staff became aware of potential subsurface issues near the road through reports of depressions and washouts. Field investigation revealed that the HOA's stormwater system was showing signs of deformity that appeared to be the cause of the initially observed surface conditions. As the land and stormwater system are the property and responsibility of the HOA, staff notified the property management company. The HOA subsequently engaged a contractor who performed repairs to the stormwater system. ca = The road used to access the Mid-Clay WWTF is the only stabilized means of ingress and egress and is of critical :' importance. The Glenhaven stormwater management system runs beneath the road in multiple locations. To o ensure continuous, reliable access to the WWTF, staff proposes to harden the access road and minimize the L impact that a failure of the stormwater system could have on plant operations. a.1 ce Staff requested the attached Scope and Fee proposal from Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. to design improvements to the road. For a lump sum fee of$25,473.76, Jones Edmunds will collect and analyze data and prepare design drawings for improvements that will minimize the impact vehicular traffic has on the stormwater system. It is anticipated that CCUA's internal construction crew will build the project. BUDGET: This project was not anticipated when the capital improvement program projects and budgets were established for fiscal year 2022/2023. Staff is establishing an initial project budget of$50,000 for these design efforts and construction of the improvements. The initial budget funds for this effort will be transferred from the CIP contingency for this fiscal year. Staff will update the budget following final design, if necessary. CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The anticipated cost of the construction project does not exceed$4,000,000. Staff negotiated the Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiatedthe scope and fee for the professional services at a compensation which CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 13 with Jones Edmunds and Associated, Inc., for consulting services to provide engineering services for improvements to the Mid-Clay Wastewater Treatment Facility(WWTF) entrance road. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 13 Scope and Fee Proposal Supplemental Agreement No 13 to Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 with Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc., for Professional Services to provide Feasibility Analysis and Costing Services for Improvements to the Mid-Clay WWTF Entrance Road CCUA Project No. 2205-081 Engineer: Brian Icerman, PE, ENV SP Owner: Clay County Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc. Utility Authority 730 NE Waldo Rd. Gainesville, FL 32641 Date: June 6, 2023 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Task 1 Driveway Repair Design $25,473.76 0 Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $25,473.76 The Contract time shall commence on July 6, 2023. This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Consultant: Stanley F. Ferriera, Jr., PE President& CEO Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority Jon esEdmunds, June 20, 2023 Integrity • Knowledge • Service Darrell Damrow, PE Sr. Service Availability Engineer Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, FL 32068 RE: MidClay Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Driveway Repair Design Scope of Services and Fee Schedule Jones Edmunds Opportunity No. 95696-161-23 Dear Mr. Damrow: Jones Edmunds met with CCUA on site on April 20, 2023, to discuss potential improvements to the MidClay WWTF driveway. We held a videoconference on June 8, 2023, to further to refine the scope and discuss alternatives. The driveway is a paved drive into the MidClay WWTF that has shared ownership between Glenhaven Homeowners Association (HOA) and CCUA. In two locations, the asphalt drive has experienced pavement deterioration/depressions that coincide with existing HOA owned and maintained drainage pipe crossings. The HOA and the Authority disagree on the probable cause of the deterioration. We understand that the Authority is seeking a concrete roadway repair design that will span the HOA culvert crossings. Jones Edmunds appreciates the opportunity to continue our working relationship with CCUA and be your engineering partner on this project. Our proposed Scope of Services, Fee, and Milestone Schedules are attached. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (904) 708-9254 or via email at bicerman@jonesedmunds.com; or (352) 215-6027 at bmyhre@jonesedmunds.com. Sincerely, 71v,r` irk" Brian J. Icerman, PE, ENV SP Bruce Myhre, PE, PhD Managing Director/ Senior Vice President Senior Project Manager/Vice President 800.237.1053 JONESEDMUNDS.COM MIDCLAY WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY (WWTF) DRIVEWAY REPAIR DESIGN SCOPE OF SERVICES SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1 - DRIVEWAY REPAIR DESIGN Meetings Jones Edmunds will schedule and hold a virtual kickoff meeting within 7 days of receiving a Notice to Proceed (NTP) to discuss the project with CCUA including but not limited to the following: • Identify the team roles and responsibilities of Jones Edmunds and CCUA staff • Discuss project goals and critical success factors • Data collection • Project Schedule Jones Edmunds will schedule and hold virtual design review meetings after the 50% and 100% submittals. Data Collection The following data will be obtained for the project: • Topographic survey information including drainage structures and pipes - to be obtained by CCUA. Jones Edmunds will coordinate with CCUA for survey needs. • Geotechnical borings on either side of the two sets of culverts - Jones Edmunds will subcontract with a Florida-licensed geotechnical engineering firm to obtain the borings. Design Based on the June 8, 2023 conference call, CCUA would like Jones Edmunds to design a concrete structure that spans the existing culverts such that it reduces loading on the culverts. The expected vehicular traffic is CCUA work trucks, dump truck, and occasional WB-50 vehicles. Jones Edmunds will subcontract with a Florida-licensed structural engineer to prepare structural plans. The plans will be developed in two (2) phases - 50% submittal and 100% submittal. We anticipate that the plans will include the following drawings: • Cover Sheet • Abbreviations, Legend, and Index • General Notes • Existing Conditions/Demolition Plan • Project Layout • Structural Plan View • Structural Details • Erosion Control Plan & Details Deliverables Jones Edmunds will submit 11-inch x 17-inch plans in PDF format. 95696-161-23 1 June 2023 Midday Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Driveway Improvement Alternative Analysis MIDCLAY WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY (WWTF) DRIVEWAY REPAIR DESIGN SCOPE OF SERVICES SCHEDULE AND COMPENSATION The data collection and 50% plans will be completed within 60 days of NTP. The 100% plans will be completed within 30 days of receipt of CCUA comments on the 50% plans. Jones Edmunds proposes to complete the Scope of Services outlined in Task 1 for a lump- sum fee of $25,473.76. We will complete all services in accordance with the terms of the "Agreement" between CCUA and Jones Edmunds for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3. Jones Edmunds will submit invoices to CCUA monthly in coordination with the CCUA Project Manager. This supplemental agreement compensation of $25,473.76 will not be exceededwithout an approved change order to the supplemental agreement. PROPOSAL CLARIFICATIONS/EXCLUSIONS ■ Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost is not included. ■ CCUA will obtain topographical survey information. ■ Public meetings are not included. ■ Bidding services are not included. o ■ Construction Contract Administration is not included. ■ Permitting through St. Johns River Water Management District or Florida Department of Environmental Protection is not expected, and thus is not included. ■ Erosion protection review/upgrades for the existing culverts is not included. 95696-161-23 2 June 2023 Midday Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Driveway Improvement Alternative Analysis Project Name: Midday Wastewater Treatment Facility(WWTF)Driveway Improvement Design Prepared On: 06/20/23 JonesEdmunds>> Client: Clay County Utility Authority Prepared By: B.Icerman Opportunity Number: 95696-161-21 Reviewed On: 6/20/2023 Reviewed By: B.Myhre Staffing Plan Senior Project Engineer Construction Sr.Adroit Project Officer Manager Senior Engineer Engineer Intern Admin. Assistant Second Newel of RFP 2018/2019-403 Billing Rate $290.43 I $211.57 I $237.19 I $141.08 I $113.35 $139.04 I $96.00 Expenses Subconsultant Task No. Task Name Hours Labor Hours Direct Labor Costs Costs Costs Total Fee 1 Driveway Improvement Techincal Memorandum(Lump Sum) Meetings 4 4 2 10 $ 2,200.00 $ - $ - $ 2,200.00 Data Collection 4 4 8 $ 1,410.60 $ - $ 4,000 $ 5,410.60 Geotechmcal/Structural 4 4 2 30 $ 1,987.04 $ - $ - $ 1,987.04 Design 2 24 2 40 68 $ 11,776.12 $ 100 $ 4,000 $ 15,676.12 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - Task I Subtotal 96 $ 17,373.76 $ 100 $ 8,000.00 $ 25,473.76 Project Total Not-to-Exceed Fee(Tasks 1) 6 I 36 I 6 I 44 I 0 I 0 I 4 96 $ 17,373.76 $ 100.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 25,473.76 Y:\03742-Clay County Utility Authority\Opportunities\2023\95696-161-23 MidClay Driveway Study\MidClayW WTF_DrivewayRepair_FeeEstimate.xlsx GSEEngineering & Consulting, Inc. June 15, 2023 Bruce E. Myhre, PhD, P.E. Jones Edmunds 730 NE Waldo Road Gainesville, Florida 32641 Proposal for a Geotechnical Site Exploration and Structural Design Documents CCUA MidClay Entrance Road Green Cove Springs, Clay County, Florida GSE Proposal No. 2023-378 GSE Engineering & Consulting, Inc. (GSE) is pleased to present this proposal for providing a geotechnical exploration and structural design documents for the proposed CCUA MidClay Entrance Road Improvements in Green Cove Springs, Clay County, Florida. This proposal outlines our understanding of the project,presents our proposed scope of services,and contains a schedule and our fees for providing these services. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will consist of roadway improvements at the CCUA MidClay Entrance Road in Green Cove Springs,Clay County,Florida. This project is located off Sandridge Road on the west side of Ronnie Van Zant Park. There are two locations of the entrance road with culverts passing beneath the roadway. The exact dimensions have not yet been provided but we understand that the culverts are constructed with three pipes having estimated diameters of 3 feet and are spaced apart from one another. You have requested a geotechnical exploration and to provide a structural pavement design in the areas of the culvert crossings to lessen the impacts of traffic loads on the culverts.We estimate from the preliminary geometry that the structural pavement will be approximately 20 ft(+/-5 ft)in length at each crossing. GSE reviewed recent aerial photographs of the site. The site consists of open, developed areas. We do not foresee any access constraints. We propose to perform a geotechnical exploration at the project sites to provide recommendations to assist with the structural pavement designs.We will also provide structural design documents for the pavement and associated foundations.The following sections outline our proposed scope of services. GEOTECHNICAL PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES The following proposed scope of services is based on our review of the provided information and our experience with similar projects. • Clear utilities at the site through Sunshine One Call. GSE Engineering&Consulting,Inc. 5590 SW 64t'Street,Suite B Gainesville,Florida 32608 352-377-3233 Phone•352-377-0335 Fax www.gseengineering.com Proposal for a Geotechnical Site Exploration and Structural Design Documents June 15,2023 CCUA MidClay Entrance Road Green Cove Springs, Clay County,Florida GSE Proposal No.2023-378 • Mobilize to the site with truck mounted or all-terrain drilling equipment. • Advance four(4) Standard Penetration Test(SPT)borings to a depth of 15 feet below land surface (bls) for the proposed structural slab roadway improvements (two at each culvert crossing). • Obtain two(2)near surface grab samples for Modified Proctor maximum dry density testing. • Perform visual classification of the soil samples obtained from the soil borings to confirm field classifications. • Perform soil laboratory classification tests on representative samples, as considered appropriate. These tests may include the percent soil fines passing the No. 200 sieve determinations, natural moisture content determinations, Modified Proctor tests, and Atterberg Limit tests. The above scope of services has been determined based upon the provided information about the project at the time of this proposal. If the site plan or project information changes between now and the time of our exploration, we request the opportunity to possibly revise the above scope of services. Our services will be provided under the direction of a Geotechnical Engineer registered in the State of Florida.The results of the exploration will be presented in a geotechnical engineering report. This report will specifically address the following items: • Existing site conditions. • Exploration, testing and sampling methods. • Subsurface soil conditions encountered and soil classifications, including any unsuitable materials encountered. • Depth to groundwater at the time of the exploration and estimated seasonal high. • Rigid pavement design recommendations. • A review of surface features and site conditions that could affect construction and site preparation. • Recommendations for site preparation and construction of compacted fills or backfills. • Recommendations for earthwork construction monitoring and testing. • A discussion of the suitability of the soils that may be excavated from the site for use as structural fill. STRUCTURAL PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES The following proposed scope of services is based on our review of the provided information and our experience with similar projects. • Review all existing plans for the culvert structure. • Perform one site inspection to verify all existing conditions. • Design and prepare permit drawings for the new structural pavement. • Review all structural shop drawings and RFI's during construction. —2— Proposal for a Geotechnical Site Exploration and Structural Design Documents June 15,2023 CCUA MidClay Entrance Road Green Cove Springs, Clay County,Florida GSE Proposal No.2023-378 PROJECT SCHEDULE Based upon our current schedule we can mobilize within 1 to 2 weeks to perform the soil borings. We anticipate completing our exploration and issuing our geotechnical report within 4 to 5 weeks of authorization.We will verbally transmit our findings and conclusions as they become available and are developed prior to the report submission. Our structural design documents will be provided at two stages.We anticipate our preliminary stage of 50%design can be provided within one week of drilling operations.We anticipate our final stage of 100% design can be completed within 5 weeks of authorization. We understand that you have requested deliverables by July 21,2023.If we receive authorization by June 19, 2023, we will do our best to meet this deadline. FEE Based upon our understanding of the project and scope of work presented above,we can perform the proposed geotechnical scope of services for a lump sum fee of$4,000.We can perform the proposed structural scope of services for a lump sum fee of$4,000. If additional services are required,these could be provided as an addendum to this proposal. We will not exceed our fee without your prior authorization for an increase in our scope of services. AUTHORIZATION To formally authorize us to proceed with this project please return to us your subcontract agreement for our execution. A fully executed subcontract executed by both parties shall act as a Notice to Proceed. CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and we look forward to the possibility of working with you on this and future projects. If you have any questions, or if we can provide any additional information, please call us. Sincerely, GSE Engineering & Consulting, Inc. Jo . Newcombe, P.E. Jj son E. Gowland, P.E. roject Engineer 'rincipal Engineer JCN/JEG:ldj Q:IProposals12023 Proposalsl2023-378 CCUA MidClay Entrance Road-GEO,STRI2023-378 Geotechnical Structural Proposal.doc Distribution: Addressee (1) File (1) —3 —