HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB RFQ 22-23-A20 Biennial Professional Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Summary of RFQ NO. 2022/2023-A20
Recommended Selection of the Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report RFQ NO.2022/2023-
Date: June 30, 2022
CCUA Staff requests approval from the Board of Supervisors to authorize the negotiation and
execution of a contract for Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report Services to Kimley-Horn
and Associates, Inc (KHA).
The Biennial report is required by the Clay County Board of County Commissioners Bond
Resolution of December 14,1993, for the Utility System Revenue Bonds Series 1993A and the
Utility System Revenue Refunding bonds Series 1993B, which require that the "Issuer shall, from
time to time, employ consulting Engineers or other professionals to make an inspection of the
co System, at least once every two years, and to submit to the Issuer a report with recommendations
a as to the proper maintenance, repair, and additions to the systems to meet anticipated service
co demands and an estimate of the amount of money necessary for such purposes.
3 On May 4, 2023, Staff advertised the above-referenced project on the Bonfire Procurement Portal
and Florida Times-Union.
On June 1, 2023, staff received one (1) response to the RFQ, which was subsequently evaluated
and scored by the project evaluation committee. On June 20, 2023, the project Evaluation
Committee completed evaluations and determined that Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.provided
a favorable submission. Final scores assessed as follows:
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 83
Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors authorize the negotiation and execution
of contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
//AW,JP,PS (Review)
Times Union Advertisement
Pre-Submission Meeting Attendance
Submittal Closing Attendance
Project Scoring
//AW,JP,PS (Review)
FLORIDA PO Box 631244 Cincinnati, OH 45263-1244
Cloy County Utility Authority
(AUTHORITY), Cloy County,
Angelia Wilson Florida, will be accepting sealed
g Statements of Qualifications(SOQs)
Accounts Pa able for RFQ#22/23-A20 Biennial Engl-
y neering Evaluation and Report,
Clay County Utility Auth whicP.Mh will b(EDT),June 1,2023.received until 2:00
3176 Old Jennings RD The complete Solicitation package
g can be obtained by visiting:
Middleburg FL 32068-3907 https://clayutllity.bonfirehub.comlpa
Submissions must be posted to the
Clay County Utility Authority
Bonfire Procurement Portal located
at https://clayutility.bonfirehub.com.
STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTIES OF DUVAL AND CLAY (hard-copies will not be accepted).
The Clay County Utility Authority is
seeking to enter into a long-term
contract with a 10-year term that is
The Florida Times-Union, a dailynewspaper published in renewable every two years. The
news p p first bi-annual engineering evalua-
Jacksonville in Duval and Clay County, Florida;And of general tion and report shall cover the
period ending September 30, 2023,
circulation in Duval and Clay County; and personal knowledge of for fiscal years 2021/2022 and
2022/2023. The Bi-Annual report is
the facts herein state and that the notice hereto annexed was required by the Cloy County Board
of County Commissioners Bond
Published in said newspapers in the issues dated or by publication Resolution of December 14,1993,for
the Utility System Revenue Bonds
on the newspaper's website, if authorized, on: Series 1993A and the Utility System
Revenue Refunding bonds Series
1993B, which require that the
05/04/2023 "Issuer shall, from time to time,
employ consulting Engineers or
other professionals...to make an
inspection of the System, at least
and that the fees are charged legal. once every two years,and to submit
9 9 to the issuer a report with recom-
Sworn to and subscribed before on 05/04/2023 mendations as to the proper mainte-
nance, repair,and additions to the
systems to meet anticipated service
demands and an estimate of the
amount of money necessary for such
purposes. Copies of such reports,
recommendations and estimates
made as hereinabove provided shall
be filled with the Issuer for inspec-
0 lion by Bondholders,If such Inspec-
tion Is requested".
A Pre-Submission Meeting will be
held virtually on Wednesday, May
10,2023,at 11:00 A.M.(EDT)at the
following location:
All questions or concerns regarding
this Solicitation must be submitted
on the CCUA Bonfire Procurement
Legal Clerl' htips:nclayuti l ity.bonfirehub.cam
prior to 12:00 P.M. (EDT) on
Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Late
questions may be answered at the
discretion of CCUA.All responses to
Notary,State of I,County of Bro�lln questions will be uploaded to the
Lo/' 7,5 ' Portal and Issued In Addendum
on Wednesday,May 24,2023.
CCUA reserves the right to change
the time and date of the Pre-Submis-
Bid Due Da and
My commision expires Time, otlwaiveeformalities In any
solicitation, to reject any or all
Publication Cost: $143.37 submittals with or without cause,
and/or to accept the submittal or
Order No: 8777483 any portion thereof that,in CCUA's
#of Copies: sole and absolute ludgment,will be
Customer No: 759750 in the best interest CCUA.
1 5/4/2023
Please do not use this form for payment remittance.
Notary Public
State of Wisconsin
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Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report
CCUA RFQ No. 22/23-A20
Date: May 10, 2023
Name Company Email/Phone Number
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority awilson@clayutility.org
Joe Paterniti Clay County Utility Authority jpaterniti@clayutility.org
Carole Thomas McKim& Creed bizdevelopment@mckimcreed.com
Amelia McQuade Ardurra Group, Inc amcquade@ardurra.com
Marcy Cook Dewberry mcook@dewberry.com
Kirk Drost Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. florida.marketing@kimley-horn.com
Joe Greely Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. florida.marketinqakimley-horn.com
Brian Icerman Jones Edmunds bicerman@jonesedmunds.com
Kelly Blake Smith
Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report
CCUA RFQ No. 22/23-A20
Date: June 1, 2023
Name Company Email/Phone Number
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority awilson@clayutility.org
RFQ# 2022/2023-A20 - Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Scoring Summary
Evaluation Group 1 -Main Evaluation
Acknowledgement of Addenda Conflict of Interest Drug Free Workplace Non-Collusion Agreement for Public Entities Public Records
Compliance Form Affidavit Confidential Crime Statement Compliance
Reviewer Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail
Angelia Wilson Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Darrin Parker - - - - - - -
Average: Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
1 1 1 I I 1 1
Calculated: Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Evaluation Group 2-Evaluation Committee
Total Professional Staff Experience Project Approach and Work Experience and Past
Plan Performance
Reviewer /100 pts /35 pts /30 pts /35 pts
Joseph Paterniti 84 29 20 35
Paul Steinbrecher 82 30 25 27
Average: 29.5 22.5 31
I I 1
Calculated: 83 29.5 22.5 31
Scoring Comments
Acknowledgement of Addenda-Reviewer Scores
Reviewer Score Reason Comments
Angelia Wilson Pass Meets the requirement(s) Received
Conflict of Interest-Reviewer Scores
Generated on Jun 26,2023 8:31 AM EDT-Angelia Wilson
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Reviewer Score Reason Comments
Angelia Wilson Pass Meets the requirement(s) Received
Drug Free Workplace Compliance Form-Reviewer Scores
Reviewer Score Reason Comments
Angelia Wilson Pass Meets the requirement(s) Received
Non-Collusion Affidavit-Reviewer Scores
Reviewer Score Reason Comments
Angelia Wilson Pass Meets the requirement(s) Received
Non-Disclosure Agreement for Confidential Materials-Reviewer Scores
Reviewer Score Reason Comments
Angelia Wilson Pass Meets the requirement(s) Not required.Not provided.
Public Entities Crime Statement-Reviewer Scores
Reviewer Score Reason Comments
Angelia Wilson Pass Meets the requirement(s) Received
Public Records Compliance-Reviewer Scores
Angelia Wilson Pass Meets the requirement(s) Received
Professional Staff Experience-Reviewer Scores
Reviewer Score Reason Comments
Joseph Patemiti 29 Strongly fits desired attribute(s) PIC&PM and Financial staff
appeared Qualified
Paul Steinbrecher 30 Strongly fits desired attribute(s) All strong team member
Project Approach and Work Plan-Reviewer Scores
Generated on Jun 26,2023 8:31 AM EDT-Angelia Wilson
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Reviewer Score Reason Comments
Joseph Patemiti 20 High level of detail in response extensive approach
Paul Steinbrecher 25 High level of detail in response Good workplan
Experience and Past Performance-Reviewer Scores
Joseph Patemiti 35 Strongly fits desired attribute(s) Projects show firm's level of
Paul Steinbrecher 27 Strongly fits desired attribute(s) 3 good and similar projects
Generated on Jun 26,2023 8:31 AM EDT-Angelia Wilson
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