HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA 3. ES - Kimley Horn - Biennial Engineering Evaluation & Report FINAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc. (KHA) to the Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report Agreement for preparation of the 2022/2023 Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report. RFQ No. 2022/2023-A20 Project Number 2023-076 Date:July 27, 2023 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff request approval of SA No. 1 with KHA to provide professional engineering services for preparation of the 2022/2023 Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report. The Biennial report is required by the Clay County Board of County Commissioners Bond Resolution of December 141993, for the Utility System Revenue Bonds Series 1993A and the cts Utility System Revenue Refunding bonds Series 1993B,which require that the "Issuer shall, from ctime to time, employ consulting Engineer or other professionals to make an inspection of the System, at least once every two years, and to submit to the Issuer a report with recommendations as to the proper maintenance, repair, and additions to the systems to meet anticipated service L demands and an estimate of the amount of money necessary for such purposes. Copies of such a reports, recommendations and estimates made as hereinabove provided shall be filled with the cc Issuer for inspection by Bondholders, if such inspection is requested. KHA was selected based on their response to RFQ 2022/2023-A20 for preparation of CCUA's Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report by the Board of Supervisors at its July 5, 2023, meeting. CCUA has negotiated and executed a continuing contract with KHA to provide biennial engineering services. Staff requested the attached fee proposal from KHA to provide biennial engineering services for preparation of the 2022-2023 evaluation and report. KHA will present the completed report to the Board of Supervisors in February 2024. The lump sum fee for the evaluation and reporting services to complete the 2022/2023 Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report is $43,111.00. Staff determined the proposed lump sum fee to be reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests the Board of Supervisors approve SA No. 1 with KHA for preparation of the 2022-2023 Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report. ATTACHMENTS: SA No. 1 Kimley Horn&Associates,Inc. Proposal Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with Kimley Horn & Associates,Inc. (KHA) to the Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report Agreement for preparation of the 2022/2023 Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report. CCUA Project No.2023-076 Engineer: Joseph P Mecca, P.E. Owner: Clay County Kimley Horn&Associates. Utility 12740 Gran Bay Parkway West Suite 2350 Authority Jacksonville, FL, 32258 Date: August 1, 2023 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. _Task 1 Project Imitation $2,072 Task 2 Service Area Evaluation $2,090 Task 3 Staff Interviews & Select Site Visits $12,840 Task 4 Financial Evaluation $15,220 Task 5 Report Presentation $10,889 to Total Amended Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $43,111 The Contract time shall commence on August 1, 2023. This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Joseph P Mecca, P.E. Senior Vice President Kimley Horn &Associates Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority Supplemental Agreement No. 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 2023 BIENNIAL ENGINEERING EVALUATION AND REPORT RFQ 2022/2023-A20 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) Utility System Revenue Bond Resolution requires that a Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report be prepared by an Engineer and provide recommendations and comments regarding the utility system maintenance, repair, operations, expansion requirements, and future service demands to ensure adequate funding of the utility. Kimley-Horn was retained to provide professional engineering services associated with the development of the Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report. This report will be prepared every two years in accordance with Section 5.14 of the Clay County, Florida Utility System Revenue Bond Resolution ("Resolution") adopted December 14, 1993. The scope of services below is provided for the 2023 bond report. Subsequent reports will be prepared on biennial basis through 2033. Subsequent reports will be prepared under additional work assignments under contract dated July 27,2023. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1 — Project Initiation Kimley-Horn will perform the following services under Task 1: to 1.1 Project Kick-Off- Participate in Kick-Off meeting with CCUA staff. Kimley-Horn will develop an Agenda prior to the meeting and provide to CCUA Project Manager for Distribution. Preliminary Agenda for the Kick-off meeting includes review project management plan including schedule, communication protocol, QA plan, and invoicing requirements. 1.2 Information and Data Management- Kimley-Horn will provide an initial data request at the Kick- Off meeting. Kimley-Horn will develop data management process for sharing files and information. Kimley-Horn will also develop and maintain a data request log throughout the duration of the project to document status of data request. Task 2 -Service Area Evaluation Kimley-Horn will review the existing service area information. The purpose of this review is to become familiar with Service Areas for Water, Wastewater and Reclaimed Water services and develop a basis for projections. CCUA will provide the following information to be included in the updated service area map: • GIS infrastructure inventory • Customer billing data • Utility-wide Historical flows and demands • Update existing ERC quantification • Interlocal agreements • Organizational chart • Updated Capital Improvement Plan and Project Details Kimley-Horn will perform a document review including capital planning documentation, reports and studies that describe CCUA's approach to operations, maintenance, and capital programs. The review Page 1 of 4 will serve as the basis to develop the report requirements associated with the description of facilities and capital improvement programing. Task 3—Staff Interviews and Select Site Visits 3.1 Staff Interviews - Kimley-Horn will work closely with operations and engineering staff to get a clear understanding of operations as it pertains to maintenance, and standard operating procedures associated with operating the water, wastewater, and reclaimed water system. A preliminary list of meeting topics include: o Water Treatment Facilities o Wastewater Treatment Facilities o Water Transmission and Distribution Systems o Wastewater Collection and Conveyance o Enterprise Asset Management Program o Regulatory Compliance Program o IT, SCADA, and Cybersecurity Programs Kimley-Horn will host up to five (5) hours of staff meetings and interviews with Chief Operating Officer(COO), water and wastewater facility staff, and the regulatory compliance program lead. Kimley-Horn will coordinate meeting logistics and attendee list with CCUA project manager. Kimley-Horn will develop agendas prior to the meetings and provide to CCUA project manager for distribution. 3.2 Select Site Visits— Kimley-Horn will work with CCUA Project Manager and COO to identify the select site visits to be performed as part of Task 3.2. As part of this effort, CCUA will provide Kimley-Horn with a summary of which facilities are undergoing expansions, permit renewals, and/or are being taken off-line. From this list, as well as the previous Biennial Report site visits, to Kimley-Horn will identify the facilities that will require site visits including up to four(4)water reclamation facilities, and up to ten (10)water treatment facilities. Site visits will be performed over a two (2) consecutive day period. Kimley-Horn staff attending will be limited to the Project Manager and Operations Specialist. Following the site visits, observation reports will be generated and included as appendices to the Biennial Report. Task 4 - Financial Evaluations Our financial consultant, Stantec, will perform a review of CCUA's financial performance in the context of the requirements outlined in its Bond Resolution. Under this task we will identify, review, and analyze the following financial information and will be incorporated into the Financial Review section of the final report: • Outstanding debt obligations • Bond resolution • Capital Improvement Plan • Renewal & replacement balances and transfers • Operations and Maintenance Budgets and Expenses • Annual Budgets and Expenses • Revenues • Rates and charges • Connection fees and balances Page 2 of 4 Kimley-Horn and Stantec will attend up to three (3) meetings virtually with CCUA staff to discuss financial data, preliminary findings and conclusions. Task 5 - Report and Presentation 5.1 Report- Kimley-Horn will develop a succinct Biennial Report based on the data collection, document review, service area evaluation, staff interviews, site visits, and financial evaluation. The following submittals, workshops, and meetings will be coordinated as part of this task: o Draft Report Submittal via email o Draft Report Review Workshop o Final Report Submittal electronically via email and up to 10 hard copies. 5.2 Presentation — Kimley-Horn will prepare for and attend a formal presentation to the CCUA Board of Supervisors. This will include the development of presentation materials including a power point presentation. Kimley-Horn will attend up to two (2) presentation coordination meetings (virtual and/or in person)with CCUA project manager and staff. DELIVERABLES 1. Task 1 deliverables include: Kick-Off Meeting agenda, Kick-Off Meeting Summary, and data log (upon request). 2. Task 2 deliverables will be provided as narratives, tables, and graphs included within the Task 5 Report. 3. Task 3 deliverables include Staff Interview Agendas, Staff Interview Meeting Summaries, and Site Visit Observations reports (to be appended to Final Report). to 4. Task 4 deliverables will be provided as a part of the Task 5 Report Section on Financial Review. 5. Task 5 deliverables include Draft Report (electronic copy), Final Report submittal including electronic copy and up to 10 hard copies, Final Presentation PowerPoint. SCHEDULE Kimley-Horn will provide services as expeditiously as practicable. The final presentation is anticipated to be scheduled in February 2024. A preliminary schedule is provided below. Tasks Task Description Estimated Completion Timeframe (Days from NTP) Task 1 Project Initiation 30 Task 2 Service Area Evaluation 60 Task 3 Staff Interviews and Select Site Visits 90 Task 4 Financial Evaluation 120 Task 5 Report and Presentation 200 The timing of completion of the financial evaluation is dependent on information provided by CCUA, specifically FY 2023 data. Page 3 of 4 FEE SCHEDULE Kimley-Horn will perform Tasks 1-5 on a lump sum basis with a maximum value not to exceed $43,111. Services provided under this will be invoiced monthly. All invoices will include a description of services provided. Tasks Task Description Amount Task 1 Project Initiation $2,072 Task 2 Service Area Evaluation $2,090 Task 3 Staff Interviews and Select Site Visits $12,840 Task 4 Financial Evaluation $15,220 Task 5 Report and Presentation $10,889 Lump Sum Total $43,111 SERVICES NOT INCLUDED A. Design, permitting, bid phase services B. Services not explicitly identified in Tasks 1-5. CCUA RESPONSIBILITIES CCUA will be responsible for providing the Kimley-Horn with the best available data and information pertinent to the project area including available survey data, underground utility information, previous to reports, studies completed in association with the Project, or any other data relative to the design and construction. Kimley-Horn shall be entitled to rely on the completeness and accuracy of all information provided by the CCUA or the CCUA consultants or representatives. Page 4 of 4