HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB 2. Project Update and Bill Redesign Return to agenda OD C ' m . pillb vCv in i -0 r • t _ N n) -0 w a) n -, a 0 c n) 10 c.‘ ., , _ _ . . , y y frt > 1 ii r") .., 1 • a) .1t,...- _ ,.., •, _. 1 !+ et if/ i ff> n a s > f i $z. F - .k. is Be f ! //t Pp s, f iygJ.I I ,'•-•-•. -- , . /1 i;.f I •J` m/ I� n F 1 3fg?/ff fiie r i. liz �r.i fVP/ i fjl 1¢ f/, a '1 rf f'`f r Ir j i II ff /h / / �1� ;/ �;i ,,• /,,,,,,,./fr i r = �-'4 f%/ ` / f! r 1 1 !F f I!r ,1 # f ./ if / 1/; /l i If iIll :P �;: i :I1 ,r / f r"1 al I I 1/ / • A / / / ! ;f1 / ` ifs Eg ' ?'j/ /PPj/': psi•" ri a / , Project Update roject Progress • • • MI `o PROJECTS STARTED ABOUT y0% OFTHE GO LIVE IS PLANNED FEBRUARY 2022 WAY THROUGH FOR 3/25/2O2y r tiv o a o a e Iutions/V\Jorkday JiL Project Status Overy Legend: On-Track At Risk Action Required 4 SCOPE 1Likgia ' ISSUES/RISKS RESOURCES Project Summary: rchitect&Configure WorksetA cycle near completion. Project on trac MILESTONE REVISED STATUS MINIM "nun1 1C 1J11AraIre C.1'1 V Strategy Stage '/23 On-Track 100c0 • Complete plan stage • Complete project initiation DA review Plar Stage 5/26/23 On-Track 100E • Architect&configure stage—Wo•kset A nea•comoletion UPCOMING ACTIVITIES • Stara•chitect&configure stage—'v'orkset B • Review draft cutover play • Preparation for CCS 4 Coilaoolatlla:Solutins a Cacni rtcarca IPi000etary ano 015 Cor6tle rtiel CCUA SPRYCIS-ENGAGE-MOBILE-BACKFLOW IMPLEMENTATION GREEN Mar 23-Jun 24 Sponsor.Jeremy Johnston/Judy Wells Project Manager:Karen Osborne/Tim MacEachern STATUS TIMELINE Jun'23 Jul'23 Aug '23 Sep'23 • Discovery Reports Signed-off • • Data conversion with financial history underway Phase ma's P'°a'= • SpryMobiie.Engage and Backflow initial configuration completed Anarrze 98X • Workday integration design underway • Completed integrations a•alysis workshop Configure 60% • Holding monthly checkpoint with Collaborative NEXT STEPS Testing o% • Complete OCM plan Decoy di • Complete data conversion with financial history • Complete second Backflow data conversion Opwat• 0% • Conduct additional power user training Ddr Corms nion ■ 40•4 • Dashboard& Reports workshop • Begin Training/Testing once full data set converter: Not started o Milestone late o Forecast t0 ml On schedule Late Work Completed SCOPE: .On Track Green SCHEDULE: •On schedule for March 25.2024 go-live Green Budget: $888.800 RISK/ISSUE MITIGATION/UPDATE STATUS Actual to Date: $289.340 BUDGET: •On budget Green Remaining: $599.460 N/A Grant Forecast tits rwaww: $21.220 Our Project Team HANK YoL ! Workda SpryPoin Jeff Wesselman Cara Clark Diana Strickland Kimberly Richardson Angelia Wilson Organizational Change Lead Ashley Taliaferro David Rawlins to Darrin Parker Training & Testing Lead Ricky Deloach I Matt Pence Melisa Blaney Data Conversion & Integrations Lea • • Paul Steinbrecher Joe Paterniti Samantha Conner Bill Redesign Jeremy � Diana Strickland , Johnston 01 Customer Service & Billing Manger The Jeff Dawn Green , Q Wesselman Billing Analyst Tea Marla Champion , Customer Service Karen Supervisor Osborne The Process iEvaluate 1-IL Current Bill Bill SpryPoint ' ` Bill Examples Mockup Approval to -1! — CAID Account Summary: Thank you for keeping your account current' ss Ba Date 604122 Preo.:s Balance S0.00 Payments S000 CCUA / 3178 CE Jerrrgs Road,6addleDug.FL 33068-3107 Curre^t Charges S1 D4.15 Total Amount Due July 5,2022 $104.1 S fait r n II ru.mase. °msu-st � ServxlS- rti De.s•six WeteM � yA treet Address Billing Cycle 01 E-r r.Ioa ...."...rwvb.6.~.ly.a. out County Mats•aria.! ;; T Usage ToProposeL SS 6J 359J 7ugal S17.19 s Sewer n Des • ae.er L9aCe sage` 32l S.to 73kga1 SS 11 II I II II I II 11 ll Ign 11.111111.11111 r to•m7y ease era•-e SHIM Walt IMIr 111.11.111 Retsaered usage--let• S_fl5 01r90 HIM tart a•.s tine Pao- mw rmotrtz ft lbw .....low Mae Custard Other Charges i305550' In. tasa L Reclaimed Meier taut R.•Y dr.. ass tserenr :srs--0sr:r_- .1 Total Current Charges $104.15 it rmr.om Mod d..r Ama Message Board Retain this potion for your record.. Meese return bottom portion along with your payment to Clay County Utility Authority ,5''c Ili s�J BA Date 06/tY22 r Clay County Utility Authority Due Date 07/O6R2 pit 3176 Old Jennings Road Account Humber A06t 168 • Middleburg.FL 32068-3907 ,4� ii pad alter due deft the account is sutyected to s SJ 00 late tee ','yri 11 nt Total Amount Duo S104.15 Donate to Lend a Helping Hand Program. ❑SI 0 S5 0 S10 ❑Other_ JOH11 DOE ADDRESS LINE 1 Clay County Utility Authority ADDRESS L!!E 2 3178 Old Jennings Road CITY,STATE XXXXX-1[XXX Middleburg.FL 32068-3(X17 00035849 KS12091070 0000000000 05252023 I A cc 0 unt S LII HI Har _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' Account Summary: Thank you tor keeping your account current, Account Summary: Thank you for keeping your account current! Be Daw Ortera �� �.) ° "°.5a'ane. 6 30°° Bill Date 6/14/22 AU,N, Pa,menn 11. 1100 3175013 JMem9.Rine,aeareaeg.Ft mla-3e07 CVneet Charges 510415 Total Amount Due July 5.2022 S104.15 Previous Balance $0.00 Oa.1t « ,,a:e:`.,,,•. 0- w Payments $0.00 MMI °,;;;R 0 Current Charges $104.15 Seroce Street Address ararrgDyra e, a-- - . tair °,e,r•ea,er Total Amount Due July 5, 2022 $104.15 Current Charges Rate Usage Total Usage Profile (KCAL=1000 gallons) Walsr Mare.,eaee Cher $1300 •Tier. 5553 3FS. Aater w $5 aJ 3 $17.151 Sewer Account Summary: This is your Final Bill u: c-�. w1.o 73,tgal sp9 II II I 11 I I I 11 d Bill Date 6/14/22 Reclaimed Ak/Oq lSafe Gimp* e,d es Previous Balance $0.001 Reaoeneo,wage-rOK 1 $3 s3 C hgal 0000 ee::11 'IN Payments $0.0011 ..w a.wa.=a=. maae=elee - other Charges um Recli ed Current Charges $104.1 5 ... ewt-se 1YJ_avY_ N Total Current Charges $104.15 in.:, '""'"" `� Total Amount Due July 5, 2022 $104.15 Message Board Retain wItpyourpay enttOelael Previous Balance due immediately to avoid ■ Please rewm listen portion alone wren your e.pmenlb Clay County(thirty Authority Account Summary: disconnect with an additional $30.00 non payment fee. -r.���N FL Data OCY1 al22 0 Clay County Sibley Asehorrly Dux Dab 07roed22 ( 317e Ole Jennrngs Road Account Number A0611N ,�ii keeA epu g.FL 320e8-3g07 a w,y slier duo ears roe acoounr r s. , -r:n n,a 5 ,re r e Bill Date 6/14/22 Total Amount Due S104.15 Oonaar b Lend a Helping Hand Program Previous Balance $75.24 Oft t]f5 Of10❑Cnre. Payments $0.00 JOHN DOE Current Charges $104.15 ADDRESS LINE I Clay Countynings Aulhorrty ADDRESS LINE 2 317e Old Jenngs Rosa CITY.STATE xxxxX-1txXX RliodMOurg.FL 320ee 3OO7 Total Amount Due July 5, 2022 $179.39 00035849 KS12091070 0000000000 05252023 ) Account InforFilation & Additional _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r Account Summary: Thank you for keeping your account current' \ tY Dan 0/14/22 Prem.Balance 4 10.00 (eT1'.AU1Nn`� Paymer.a am $0.00 317e 0.Jee.gaeuae yeetlen0.FL 31018-3937 Cune^t Charges i 4104.14 Total Amount Due July 5.2022 $110615 map=mipo:.,°T°ewtr ate.. Account Information — S Serwce Street Address Account Number A061168 Bolling Cycle 01 is a-ee �e-el .row.aer•ra.ee+Ne�R.are ���COI ubM aueroT Currant Charges Rate Usage Total Usage Profile (KCAL=1000 gallons) Wa1sr .,.. Service Street Address ramp.,gam C1ame 513 00 Art,tsaga-7W1 3563 5wga! 33515 Billing Cycle: 01 S aler,Sage•Tter 2 55 93 3 PS. 317.7e Sewer Maim sue Crave 51053 Remerwe Jaage-n=t 3355 C hgal $000 ems nalWM Sawa meow. 111011116411111111 R .ow erewltr oa==tar Other Charges ''m'sR Me ,M nealimedieerr Lao Ob... ow estze ,YJ�aarY� U Total Current Charges $104.15 ,-,aa_ e'",'`head R=11•1m Message Board 0 Retain tore porladn to.your moor Reese return bottom poroon along wen your payment to Clay County(thirty Authority -5$ISSN 8a/ Data 06Y,4I72 i riii Clay County Utalrty Authority Due Dab 07Aa/22 176 Old JennngsRoad Account Number A061188 IL Customer Service(8-5 M-F) ii Online ,, kWdktrurg.FL 32l>88-3g07 ,r 0.alter flue ears rro accounr,c. -r:n to a 5,,?rare ere Total Amount Duo S104.15 904.272.5999 www.clayutility.org 0.t.Lend a Helping Hand Program 0$t 0 Ss 0 s,o 0 Caner All accounts not paid by due date La Twitter are subject to a$3-00 late fee- @CCUA JOHN DOE ADDRESS LINE 1 Clay County Uelrty Authority ADDRESS LINE 2 3178 Old Jennings Road nhurg,FL 32088.390) Email F t':� 1;Jk R1ldd CITY,STATE XXXXX-1tXXX 00035849 KS12091070 0000000000 05252023 J customerservice@clayutility.org Clay County Utility Authority current charges _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Account Summary: Thank you for keeping your account current, Current Charges Rate Usage Total B.Dab er1eR2 Pn iot.s Oalarw 6 f0 00 'Lott AU[HnP Payments IOC= 10_00 Wate f17e 0a aaw.ga Rroe.Ia.SSe.g.FL]tote-3907 Caner Charges f10e.15 Total Amount Due July 5.2022 8104.15 eeu, Monthly Base Charge $13.00 �;�'; ""` — 0 n.r.e Water Usage Tier 1 $5.63 5 Kgal $28.15 imimm ° ::" ci MM. Water Usage - Tier 2 $5.93 3 Kgal $17.79 Sens.Street Address _ Bolling Cycle 01 e-a .roe..errsrr.e_ -a e,10=etb ult 0•utroT Currant Charges Rate Usage Total Usage Profile (KGAL=1000 gallons) WI�Ye Watt: TU 3363 5 ngal u:1$ Sewer wiser usage•Tier: 55 53 3$93. $17.7f • $ewer Monthly Base Charge $4.45 ?stOrt,Sase Grange 1-10 -3 so 5299 ; Ihill II I II I I I II II I Sewer Usage $4.10 7.3 Kgal $29.93 Reclaimed oaae.y Date Ceatge 510.e3 Retanes asage-Tyr! 5355 0.gal 5000 :; Reclaimed Other Charges ''m'•m ism � RetlakRedffeir moo wee Dreg ere e...,, tSrJ,avY� N Total Current Charges 5104.15 ,.,ea_ "'"„`""' SmalltimeUN Message Board Monthly Base Charge $10.83 Reclaimed Usage - Tier 1 $0.85 0 Kgal $0.00 Retain that potion tor your records_ Reese rerun,bottom portion along reset your payment to Clay County Utility Authority 53 SQ14 U.Date ou,ral22 Clay County U,lrty AAuthority717E Old JMnlnps Road lAddyihrg.FL 320001-3907 our Date A¢punt l.w.,,n ip eu n S a DJ0 7a10re5.'2ev2 A061150 '« Other Charges Total Amount Due $104.15 Dome,to Lend a Helping Hand Program a SI 0s50$100 Omer_ JOHN DOE ADDRESS LINE 1 Clay County Uhitty Authority ADDRESS LINE 2 317E Old Jennings Road CITY.STATE XXXXX-XXXX 41ytlb0ure.FL 320083g07 Total Current Charges $104.15 00035849 KS12091070 0000000000 05252023 J ProfileReadings lim e & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I I Current Charges Rate Usage Total Usage Profile (KGAL = 1000 gallons) Water •Reclaimed Water ■ Potable Water Monthly Base Charge $13.00 11 Water Usage - Tier 1 $5.63 5 Kgal $28.15 io Water Usage - Tier 2 $5.93 3 Kgal $17.79 9 8 Sewer 6 5 4 Monthly Base Charge S4.45 3 Sewer Usage $4.1 0 7.3 Kgal $29.93 z 0 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Reclaimed Meter Readings Monthly Base Charge $10.83 Reclaimed Usage - Tier 1 S0 85 0 Kgal S000 Water Meter . to g Rate Read Dates Days Residential 05/02/22-06/02/22 31 Meter Previous Read Current Read Other Charges 13036802 1274 1282 Reclaimed Meter Rate Read Dates Days Residential 05/02/22-06/02/22 31 Total Current Charges $104.15 Meter Previous Road Meter 13036802 1274Read Current 1282 Il Messages 8PayriientStub _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 Message Board Retain this portion for your records. Please return bottom portion along with your payment to Clay County Utility Authority. &r„.1 c0(JA,r` Bill Date: 06/14/22 Clay County Utility Authority Due Date 07/05/22 � I 3176 Old Jennings Road Account Number A061168 GJ• • ,- Middleburg, FL 32068-3907 il/ ♦ If paid after due date the account is subjected to a $3.00 late fee TY A UTN�� Total Amount Due $104.15 Donate to Lend a Helping Hand Program: ❑ $1 ❑ $5 ❑ $10 ❑ Other to Bill Date: 06/14/22 Due Date 07/05/22 \ Account Number A061168 Enrolled in Auto-pay. No payment required. Total Amount Due $104.15 PAY ONLINE PAY BY PHONE PAY BY MAIL PAY IN PERSON OR PAYMENT DROP-OFF Visit Visit the cashier's office, Call904.272.5999 to use our dnve-thru or drop box located www.clayutility.org/myaccou Clay County Utility Authority nt/default.aspx to make a automated phone service. 3176 Old Jennings Road at We accept credit,debit or Clay County Utility Authority one-time payment or sign into Middleburg,FL 32068 Backyour account. eCheck payments. 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg,FL 32068 PAYMENT ASSISTANCE `J,V N—: rr Lend A Helping Hand provides water and sewer bill payment assistance to families LEND A and individuals struggling financially due to an emergency or financial hardship This HELPING income-based program provides customers payment assistance with their past due Bill HAND �� 4 a . balance,one time in a 12-month period. of the 7�AUTHO Golden Opportunity provides our elderly and/or disabled customers on a toed or ill limited income the ability to extend their payment date up to 21 days past the due date on their bill. For more information visit- www.clayutillty-org/myservice/customer_assista nce_progr am.aspx EXPLANATION OF CHARGES Des Monthly Base Charge is the cost of maintaining the infrastructure that provides water,sewer and reclaimed services to your home el gn or business. Water Usage Charge is based on the amount of water used at the current rate per thousand gallons. Sewer Usage Charge is based on the amount of water used at the current rate per thousand gallons and is capped at 10.000 gallons for residential customers without reclaimed service. 0 Reclaimed Water Usage Charge is based on the amount of reclaimed water used at the current rate per thousand gallons. Taxes are levied by some municipakties on services you use. It is collected by the utility and remitted to the municipality. For a current and complete list of rates and fees please visit www clayutility org and click on'Rates and Financials'. • PROMPT PAYMENT IS APPRECIATED Current charges are due by the due date printed on the bill. If payment is not received by the due date,the account will be considered past due,and the account will be subject to a late fee and disconnection. WATER CONSERVATION Clay County Utility Authority can provide you with information on saving water and money,including leak,pool and sod credits, suggested watering times, and water-wise landscaping. Please call our office at 904.272.5999 to schedule a free Water Conservation Assessment. CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORTS(WATER QUALITY): Consumer Confidence Reports are updated annually on July 1v.These reports are available online at www.clayutility.org or upon request at our office. Please include any mailing address changes on a separate enclosure and return with your bill stub and payment or visit us at www.clayutility.org Back f th Bill o e ill _ _ _ _ ill _ Ill _ ill _ ill _ Ill _ ill _ ill ill Ill _ ill _ ill ill Ill PAY ONLINE PAY BY PHONE PAY BY MAIL PAY IN PERSON OR PAYMENT DROP-OFF Visit Visit the cashier's office, Call 904.272.5999 to use our drive-thru or drop box located www.clayutility.org/myaccou Clay County Utility Authority automated phone service. at: nt/default.aspx to make a 3176 Old Jennings Road one-time payment or sign into We accept credit,debit or Middleburg,FL 32068 Clay County Utility Authority your account. eCheck payments. 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg,FL 32068 PAYMENT ASSISTANCE .� CO(/^,T� Lend A Helping Hand provides water and sewer bill payment assistance to families END A and individuals struggling financially due to an emergency or financial hardship. This0 HELPING /M income-based program provides customers payment assistance with their past due G balance,one time in a 12-month period. HAND ��!ryAUTNOQ�`� Golden Opportunity provides our elderly and/or disabled customers on a fixed or EXPLANATION OF CHARGES limited income the ability to extend their payment date up to 21 days past the due Monthly Base Charge is the cost of maintaining the infrastructure that provides water,sewer and reclaimed services to your home date on their bill. or business. For more information visit: Water Usage Charge is based on the amount of water used at the current rate per thousand gallons. www.clayutility.org/myservice/customer_assistance_program.aspx Sewer Usage Charge is based on the amount of water used at the current rate per thousand gallons and is capped at 10,000 gallons for residential customers without reclaimed service. Reclaimed Water Usage Charge is based on the amount of reclaimed water used at the current rate per thousand gallons. Taxes are levied by some municipalities on services you use. It is collected by the utility and remitted to the municipality. For a current and complete list of rates and fees please visit www.clayutility.org and click on'Rates and Financials'. PROMPT PAYMENT IS APPRECIATED 0 Current charges are due by the due date printed on the bill. If payment is not received by the due date,the account will be considered past due,and the account will be subject to a late fee and disconnection. WATER CONSERVATION Clay County Utility Authority can provide you with information on saving water and money,including leak,pool and sod credits, suggested watering times, and water-wise landscaping. Please call our office at 904.272.5999 to schedule a free Water Conservation Assessment. CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORTS(WATER QUALITY): Consumer Confidence Reports are updated annually on July 1".These reports are available online at www.clayutility.org or upon request at our office. Questions