HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB 2. ES Interlocal and Cost Recovery Agreement1U EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Interlocal Agreement with Shadowlawn CDD and Cathedral Oaks West and CR 218 Water, Sewer, and Reuse Trunk Main Cost Recovery Agreement. Date: August 15, 2023 BACKGROUND: Staff requests approval to enter an Interlocal Agreement with Shadowlawn CDD and a Cost Recovery Agreement with Reinhold Corporation, the landowner, for the capital cost recovery associated with the utility work within the Cathedral Oaks West and C.R. 218 Corridor (the "Corridor"). The corridor extends from the vicinity of Shadowlawn Elementary to the First Coast Express Interchange, which is approximately 1.8 miles of utility infrastructure. Shadowlawn CDD will be constructing a roadway in this corridor over the next year. Shadowlawn competitively bid the utility work as an alternate. CCUA has reviewed the bid and staff agrees it is in the best interest of both parties that the utilities are installed at the same time as the roadway. (a Staff has presented options to the development community in this area for several years to fashion a a cost recovery agreement to allow these pipelines to be constructed coincident with this roadway co construction. This is the culmination of those efforts. 0 3 These agreements complement the LAMPA Cost Recovery Resolution and Policy currently being rconsidered by CCUA's Board of Supervisors and provide a mechanism for the pipeline work to proceed with a cost recovery mechanism for the directly benefitting areas before the expected effective date of the LAMPA cost recovery policy on or about December 19, 2023. The cost recovery agreement is intended to terminate upon formally adopting the LAMPA Trunk Main Cost Recovery Policy currently being considered by CCUA's Board of Supervisors. REQUEST: Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the attached Interlocal Agreement and Cost Recovery Agreement as a mechanism for CCUA to recover the infrastructure cost incurred from the directly benefitting developable areas. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Interlocal Agreement between Shadowlawn CDD and CCUA 2. Proposed Cathedral Oaks West and C.R. 218 Water, Sewer, and Reuse Trunk Main Cost Recovery Agreement //MB (Author) //PS (Review) //PS (Final) Shadowlawn Community Development District Agreement/Contract No. 2022/2023- INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Between Shadowlawn Community Development District and The Clay County Utility Authority Re: Road Work and Utility Work for the Improvement of a Portion of Cathedral Oaks West THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into between Shadowlawn Community Development District (District), a local unit of special-purpose government established pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and the Clay County Utility Authority(CCUA). WHEREAS, the District is currently engaged in the design and construction of road work improvements for a portion of Cathedral Oaks West in Clay County,Florida(the Road Work); and WHEREAS, CCUA desires to perform utility work improvement and relocation within the Clay County right of way and CCUA utility easements adjacent to the road work improvements (the Utility Work); and WHEREAS, CCUA desires to coordinate with the District in order that one design firm, one Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) firm and one construction contractor may be retained to facilitate the design and construction of both the Road Work and the Utility Work, collectively referred to as the Project; and WHEREAS, the District agrees to accommodate CCUA in this regard so that CCUA may take advantage of the cost savings available when the Utility Work may be done at the same time as the Road Work; and WHEREAS, the District will benefit by having CCUA perform the Utility Work at the same time as the Road Work in that the integrity of the road surface may be maintained and not cut by a later utility installation; and WHEREAS, CCUA agrees to pay costs associated with the incorporation of the Utility Work into the District's contracts for the design and construction of the Road Work so that all the Project work may be completed as an integrated whole; and WHEREAS, the Parties acknowledge that while the joint installation of the Road Work and the Utility Work benefits both parties,the Utility Work is not a District project and the District accommodation to CCUA in adding the Utility Work to the Road Work is done in the interest of efficiency and the preservation of public resources of both governmental entities; and WHEREAS, the Parties acknowledge that it is the intention of this Agreement that costs associated with and attributable to the Utility Work be paid for entirely by CCUA, except for shared costs as provided for in Article 3.C. below; and 1 WHEREAS, CCUA intends to recover the capital cost for the Utility Work through the Lake Asbury Master Planning Area(LAMPA) Trunk Main Cost Recovery Policy currently being considered by CCUA's Board of Supervisors. If for any reason such a policy is not adopted and in full effect as of the effective date of this Agreement. The affected land owners shall be obligated under the cost recovery terms set forth in the Cathedral Oaks West and C.R. 218 Water, Sewer, and Reuse Trunk Main Cost Recovery Agreement, dated to recover the cost associated with this Utility Work, which provisions shall also be applicable to any other such Developer Agreements covering property benefited by the Utility Work. WHEREAS, the District and CCUA desire to establish their respective rights and responsibilities with respect to the Project. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the legal sufficiency of which is admitted by the Parties, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. Authority, General Responsibilities, and Condition Precedent. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the provisions of Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, commonly known as the "Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969", hereinafter referred to as the Act,and all applicable portions of the Act are made a part hereof and incorporated herein as if set forth at length herein,including,but not limited to the following specific provisions: A. All of the privileges and immunities and limitations from liability,exemptions from laws,ordinances,and rules,and all pensions and relief,disability,workers'compensation and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers, agents, or employees of the Parties hereto when performing their respective functions within their respective territorial limits for their respective agencies, shall apply to the same degree and extent to the performance of such functions and duties of such officers, agents or employees extra-territorially under the provisions of this Agreement. B. This Agreement does not and shall not be deemed to relieve any of the Parties hereto of any of their respective obligations or responsibilities imposed upon them by law except to the extent of the actual and timely performance of those obligations or responsibilities by one or more of the Parties to this Agreement, in which case performance provided hereunder may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. C. As a condition precedent to its effectiveness, and pursuant to Section 163.01(11), Florida Statutes, this Agreement and any subsequent amendments hereto shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Clay County. D. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the state of Florida, and the venue for any actions arising out of this Agreement shall lie in Clay County. If any provision hereof is in conflict with any applicable statute or rule or is otherwise unenforceable, then such provision shall be deemed null and void to the extent of such conflict and shall be deemed severable but shall not invalidate any other provision of this Agreement. 2 ARTICLE 2. The Project. The Project consists of the construction of the Road Work and the Utility Work within the Cathedral Oaks West and CR218 right of way and CCUA easements from Shadowlawn Elementary School to the First Coast Expressway interchange,being approximately 1.8 miles. The Utility Work for which CCUA will reimburse the District is included in Exhibits A - D and includes the following components that define the cost and the work: • County Road 218 Extension Executive Summary Sheet,dated July 28,2023. CCUA elects Utility Construction Option 1 ($8,861,139.57) and Construction Engineering Inspection Services ($340,776.00). • Vallencourt Construction Company Estimated Construction Quantity Sheet for Option 1, dated 7/24/2023,totaling $8,861,139.57 • CR-218 Extension Anticipated CCUA Draw Schedule—CCUA Work Only,dated 7/28/23. • CR 218 Extension Utility Plan Set dated December 2022, prepared by England-Thims & Miller, Inc., Job Number 14-011-20-01. ARTICLE 3. Obligations of the District. A. The District has contracted with England-Thims & Miller, Inc. (Consultant) for design services necessary to develop the plan and specifications necessary to construct the Road Work, Utility Work and provide Construction Engineering Inspection(CEI) services. B. The District will enter into a contract for the construction of the Road Work. The District agrees at CCUA's request to seek an amendment to the District's construction contract to include the construction of the Utility Work. The construction contract or amendment thereto shall require the contractor to provide a single insurance policy and bond to protect the Project and to secure the payment and performance of both the Road Work and the Utility Work and to provide that the portion of the payment and performance bonds submitted by the contractor and attributable to the Utility Work be assignable to CCUA in the event it is necessary to pursue the bonds for defective or incomplete Utility Work. The construction contract or amendment thereto shall contain the requirement that the contractor shall look to the District,and not to CCUA,for payment of the Utility Work and shall provide CCUA a two-year warranty, consistent with CCUA's standards and specifications for the Utility Work performed under this Agreement. C. The District shall be responsible for securing and paying for any required permits for the work necessary for the completion of the Road Work, and for securing any permits required for the Utility Work. CCUA will pay the permitting fees associated with the Utility Work permits secured by the District. D. The District shall ensure that the construction contract and any amendment thereto to include the Utility Work contains the requirement that the Project is properly insured against casualty and liability loss, and that worker's compensation coverage is also in place both during construction and upon completion. E. The District will solely be responsible for the administration of the contract with the Consultant, of the construction contract, and of the CEI services for the Project. The District will provide all direction to the Consultant and the retained construction contractor in the performance of the Road Work and the Utility Work as well as to the CEI firm. 3 F. If the CEI discovers non-compliant Utility Work, the CEI will notify the CCUA and the District immediately. CCUA will then request a meeting with the District's Project Manager to address the non-compliant work. The District agrees to meet with CCUA's representative to address non-compliant work. The District will thereafter give any direction to the Consultant, to the retained construction contractor, and/or to the CEI firm to address any agreed upon non-compliant work. G. In the event of an unforeseen or a change condition arising during the construction which affects the Utility Work, first, the District agrees to notify CCUA of these conditions, and second, the District and CCUA representatives agree to meet to verify the cause, determine any resolution to these conditions, and approve or deny any issuance of a change order to the design and/or construction contract. In the event of an unforeseen utility conflict with the Road Work is found and documented during the construction of the Project,the District will notify CCUA of the conflict. The District and CCUA representatives agree to meet to verify the conflict, determine any resolution to the conflict, and approve or deny any issuance of a change order to the design and/or construction contract to solve the unforeseen utility conflict. The District shall not be responsible for material, equipment, or structures directly tied to CCUA's utility system. CCUA shall not be responsible for material, equipment, or structures directly tied to the District's road or drainage systems. The District and CCUA shall negotiate and mutually determine the proper allocation of cost and schedule impacts of resolutions associated with unforeseen or changes in existing conditions in the Project. H. The District shall cause the CEI for the Project to ensure the construction contractor coordinates with CCUA on opening and closing CCUA valves, pressure testing, flushing, chlorination,de-chlorination,regulatory testing,and main clearing,and public noticing procedures as required for the Utility Work. The CEI shall notify CCUA's Project Manager in advance of the commencement of any procedures involved with CCUA's Utility Work that could affect public health and safety. I. Following completion of construction, the District shall ensure the construction contractor prepares and provides to CCUA As-Built Survey and CAD Drawings prepared in accordance with CCUA "As-Built Specifications Standards Manual", latest edition, and minimum technical standards for surveying as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers in Chapter 61 G 17-6 Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. Final As-Built Drawings shall represent the Utility Work that was constructed. ARTICLE 4. Obligations of CCUA. In addition to CCUA obligations set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, CCUA has the following obligations: A. CCUA agrees to pay to the District the Utility Work and for inclusion in the construction contract for Utility Work, payment and performance bonds, and CEI costs. CCUA will make such funds available pursuant to the Draw Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit C. The initial disbursement from the CCUA to the District under this Agreement shall be made upon the execution of the construction contract in an amount equal to the first two (2) draws of funds as set forth in Exhibit C. After such time that the District makes a payment to the contractor under the 4 construction contract, CCUA shall immediately pay to the District within three (3) business days an amount equal to the next succeeding draw as set forth in Exhibit C. This method of payment shall continue until the construction contract is complete. B. CCUA agrees it has approved the plans, attached hereto as Exhibit "D" and specifications for the Utility Work. C. CCUA shall be responsible for paying permitting fees associated with Utility Work permits. The District shall be responsible for identifying and securing all such permits. D. CCUA agrees to designate a construction phase representative for the Project who will receive, review, and respond within ten (10) working days to all questions and requests from the Consultant and the District. E. CCUA agrees to designate a Project Manager and pay a pro-rata share of the cost of the District's Consultant's on-site CEI inspector(Article 3.A.) for the Project who will inspect the construction of the Utility Work portion. If the CEI representative discovers non-compliant work, such representative will notify the CCUA and the District immediately. CCUA will then request a meeting with the District's Project Manager to address these conditions. Under no circumstances, other than an immediate risk to public health and safety may CCUA or any of its officers,contractors,or agents give direction to the District's Consultant or construction contractor in the performance of the Road Work or the Utility Work or the District's Consultant in the performance of CEI services related to the Road Work or Utility Work. F. In the event of an unforeseen or a change condition arising during the construction phase which affects the Utility Work or in the event of an unforeseen utility conflict with the Road Work is found, upon notification by the District of such conditions, CCUA agrees to meet with District representatives to verify the cause or conflict,determine any resolution to these conditions, and approve or deny any issuance of a contract change order to the Consultant and/or construction contracts in accordance with Article 3.G. Upon approval of the issuance of a contract change order to either of the contracts for the Utility Work portion of the Project by CCUA's Project Manager, if such change order is in an amount less than five (5) percent of the cost for the Utility Work in the respective contract, work may immediately proceed, and no further approval is required. For any change order for Utility Work that exceeds such five (5)percent of the respective contract or $50,000, approval by CCUA's Board of Supervisors must be obtained prior to the beginning of work. CCUA shall reimburse the District for any expenses incurred by the District which are associated with an approved change order to the Utility Work. CCUA agrees to pay these expenses within thirty(30) calendar days, upon submittal of a statement therefor to CCUA by the District. ARTICLE 5. Default or Disputes. In the event either Party to this Agreement fails to meet any of its obligations hereunder, the other Party may terminate the Agreement. ARTICLE 6. Transfer or Assignment. Neither the District nor CCUA shall transfer or assign this Agreement, or any rights acquired hereunder, or grant any interest, privilege, or license whatsoever in connection with this Agreement unless first obtaining the written consent of the other Party,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 5 ARTICLE 7. Amendments. Any changes in the provisions of this Agreement which are agreed to by the Parties shall be made by a formal written amendment signed by both Parties. ARTICLE 8. Project Management. The Project Managers for the District and for CCUA are listed below and shall be the representative responsible for the overall coordination of the Project. Either Party may change its Project Manager upon three (3)business days prior written notice to the other Party. District CCUA Brian Landeweer, P.E Darrell Damrow, P.E. England-Thims &Miller, Inc. Clay County Utility Authority 14775 Old Saint Augustine Road 3176 Old Jennings Road Jacksonville, Florida 32258 Middleburg, Florida 32068 Telephone: 904-422-2244 Telephone: 904-213-2426 Email: landeweerb@etminc.com Email: ddamrow@clayutility.org ARTICLE 9. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the effective date and continue through the completion of the Project Road Work and the completion of the associated Utility Work. At the expiration of the Term of this Agreement,the District and CCUA agree that each party hereto shall be released from any further obligations, liabilities or responsibilities arising out of or pursuant to this Agreement. ARTICLE 10. Effective Date. This Agreement shall commence and be effective on the date it is fully executed by the Parties hereto, and upon its filing with the clerk of the circuit court for Clay County, Florida, in compliance with Section 163.01(11), Florida Statutes. ARTICLE 11. Audit, Access to Records, and Repayment of Funds. Both CCUA and the District shall maintain their books and records such that receipt and expenditure of the funds provided hereunder are shown separately from other expenditures in a format that can be easily reviewed. CCUA and the District shall keep the records of receipts and expenditures and copies of all invoices and supporting documentation for at least three (3) years after the expiration of this Agreement and in any event shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records as required by Art. 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution, and Chapter 119, Florida Statutes,as from time to time amended(together,the Public Records Laws). In accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards, both CCUA and the District shall have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books and other records involving transactions related to this Agreement. In the event of an audit, CCUA and the District shall maintain all required records until the audit is completed and all questions are resolved. CCUA and the District will provide proper facilities for access to and inspection of all required records. 6 ARTICLE 12. Indemnity. A. Subject to and within the provisions of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, CCUA shall fully defend, protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the District and all of its respective supervisors, directors, principals, employees, officers, agents, servants, and contractors (collectively, the Indemnitees), from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of the successful contractor and persons employed or utilized by it in the performance of the Utility Work. In light of CCUA being a governmental entity, nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of CCUA's sovereign immunity protections nor does it extend CCUA's liability beyond the limits established in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary in the Agreement, CCUA's obligation to compensate or indemnify is limited and shall not exceed the limits set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, as it may be amended from time to time. B. Subject to and within the provisions of Section 768.28,Florida Statutes,the District shall fully defend, protect, indemnify, and hold harmless CCUA and all of its respective supervisors, directors, principals, employees, officers, agents, servants, and contractors (collectively,the Indemnitees),from and against any and all liabilities,damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of the successful contractor and persons employed or utilized by it in the performance of the Road Work. In light of the District being a governmental entity, nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of the District's sovereign immunity protections nor does it extend the District's liability beyond the limits established in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary in the Agreement, the District's obligation to compensate or indemnify is limited and shall not exceed the limits set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, as it may be amended from time to time. C. The provisions of this Article shall survive any termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 13. Remedies. The Parties will attempt to settle any dispute arising from this Agreement through negotiation and a spirit of mutual cooperation. The dispute will be escalated to appropriate higher- level managers of the Parties, if necessary. ARTICLE 14. Independent Contractor. Each Party will perform its duties under this Agreement as an independent contractor. The Parties and their personnel will not be considered to be employees or agents of the other Party. This Agreement will not constitute, create, or be interpreted as a joint venture, partnership, or formal business organization of any kind. ARTICLE 15. Further Assurances. Each of the Parties shall cooperate with one another, shall do and perform such actions and things, and shall execute and deliver such agreements, documents, and instruments, as may be reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes and intents of this Agreement. 7 ARTICLE 16. Waiver. Failure or delay by either Party to exercise a right or power under this Agreement will not be a waiver of the right or power. For a waiver of a right or power to be effective, it must be in writing and signed by the waiving Party. An effective waiver of a right or power will not be construed as either a future or continuing waiver of that same right or power, or the waiver of any other right or power. ARTICLE 17. Severability. Any provisions of this Agreement which are prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof, and any such prohibition or unenforceability in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction. ARTICLE 18. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, with each such fully executed counterpart having the full force and effect of an original. Each person signing on behalf of the Parties represents and warrants that he/she has full authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of such Party and that the Agreement will constitute a legal and binding obligation of such Party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date set forth below. [Signatures on Next Page] 8 DATE: , 2023 WITNESSES: SHADOWLAWN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, a local unit of special-purpose government organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida Witness: By: (Seal) Print Name: George M. Egan, Chairperson Witness: Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF CLAY The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of x❑ physical presence or ❑ online notarization, this_day of , 2023, by GEORGE M. EGAN, as CHAIRPERSON of SHADOWLAWN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, a local unit of special-purpose government organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, who is personally known to me or who has produced , as identification. Print Name: Notary Public, State of at Large My Commission Expires: 9 DATE: , 2023 WITNESSES: CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY Witness: By: Print Name: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., M.B.A. Executive Director (Corporate Seal) Witness: Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF CLAY The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of x❑ physical presence or❑ online notarization this_day of , 2023, by JEREMY D. JOHNSTON, as EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY, who is personally known to me. Print Name: Notary Public State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: 10 Exhibit List Exhibit A County Road 218 Extension Executive Summary Sheet, dated July 28, 2023 Vallencourt Construction Company Estimated Construction Quantity Exhibit B Sheet for Option 1, dated 7/24/2023, totaling $8,861,139.57 CR-218 Extension Anticipated CCUA Exhibit C Draw Schedule—CCUA Work Only, dated 7/24/23 CR 218 Extension Utility Plan Set Exhibit D dated December 2022, prepared by England-Thims &Miller, Inc., Job tO Number 14-011-20-01 11 Exhibit A County Road 218 Extension Executive Summary Sheet, dated July 28, 2023 to 12 Exhibit "A" County Road 218 Extension CCUA Utility Bid by Vallencourt Construction, Inc. Executive Summary July 28, 2023 Utility Construction Bid Base Bid $9,068,455.70 Utility Pipe Direct Order Purchase Deduct $(207,316.13) Total Price $8,861,139.57 Utility Bid Notes: 1. Furnish and install steel casings for CCUA mains (WM, FM, and RM) under multiple storm drain pipes (Stations 318+60 and 362+60). 2. Furnish and install HDPE in lieu of steel casings for all other casings shown on the plans (perpendicular roadway crossings and the roundabout). to 3. As confirmed with Vallencourt, the "HDPE Roadway Crossings" noted in their schedule of values for each size of pipe include upsizing the HDPE to the next available size to account for the difference in PVC and HDPE pipe diameters. 4. Base bid amount includes performance and payment bond for CCUA work. 5. Base bid amount includes CDD Direct Order Purchase of Material of$2,961,659.00. 6. Total price includes CDD Direct Order Purchase of Pipe Tax Savings Construction Engineering Inspection Services (Estimated) $340,776.00 If contracted through Shadowlawn Community Development District, construction Engineering / inspection services to include preconstruction activities, part-time inspection during construction, project management and efforts associated with direct owner purchases. Exhibit B Vallencourt Construction Company Estimated Construction Quantity Sheet for Option 1, dated 7/24/2023, totaling $8,861,139.57 13 Marcus Mclnarnay,President Mike Vallencourt II,Vice President Mike Vallencourt Sr.,Chairman J.Daniel Vallencourt,Vice President LITTIORT Stan Bates P.E.,Vice President Construction Co. Inc. To: CCUA Contact: Address: Middleburg, FL 32068 Phone: Fax: Project Name: CR-218 Extension CCUA Option 1 (7/24/2023) Bid Number: Project Location: Clay County 218 Bid Date: 3/14/2023 Addendum#: 5 Item# Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price 001 General Conditions 100 Utility Pipe ODP 1.00 LS ($207,316.13) ($207,316.13) Total Price for above 001 General Conditions Items: ($207,316.13) 002 Bonds & Insurance 201 Payment&Performance Bonds(Utilities Only) 1.00 LS $46,091.61 $46,091.61 Total Price for above 002 Bonds&Insurance Items: $46,091.61 003 NPDES Permit Compliance to 300 NPDES Permit Compliance 2.00 MO $618.59 $1,237.18 303 Maintain Silt Fence 5,500.00 LF $1.16 $6,380.00 304 NPDES Reporting 2.00 MO $1,393.65 $2,787.30 Total Price for above 003 NPDES Permit Compliance Items: $10,404.48 004 Surveying 400 Surveying 1.00 LS $61,095.80 $61,095.80 Total Price for above 004 Surveying Items: $61,095.80 005 As Builts 500 As Builts Ph. 1 (CCUA) 1.00 LS $40,166.79 $40,166.79 500 As Builts Ph. 2(CCUA) 1.00 LS $49,327.64 $49,327.64 Total Price for above 005 As Builts Items: $89,494.43 006 Erosion Control 601 Silt Fence Type III(Regular) 5,500.00 LF $0.93 $5,115.00 Total Price for above 006 Erosion Control Items: $5,115.00 007 Maintenance Of Traffic 700 Maintenance of Traffic 1.00 LS $5,226.22 $5,226.22 Total Price for above 007 Maintenance Of Traffic Items: $5,226.22 011 Earthwork 1110 Testing Allowance 1.00 LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 1 of 6 Total Price for above 011 Earthwork Items: $50,000.00 012 Grassing 1201 Existing ROW Restoration Sod for Pressure Pipe Install 15,915.00 SY $2.90 $46,153.50 Total Price for above 012 Grassing Items: $46,153.50 030 Storm Drain 3253 Water/Sewer/Reuse Flowable Fill (Contingency) 1,000.00 CY $433.47 $433,470.00 Total Price for above 030 Storm Drain Items: $433,470.00 060 Force Main 6012 12" PVC DR 18 Force Main 555.00 LF $92.61 $51,398.55 6012 12" PVC DR 18 Force Main 5,585.00 LF $85.49 $477,461.65 6012 12" Roadway Crossing(Force Main) 70.00 LF $279.21 $19,544.70 6013 10" PVC DR 18 Force Main 1,320.00 LF $62.84 $82,948.80 6013 10" PVC DR 18 Force Main 1,885.00 LF $67.10 $126,483.50 6014 8" PVC DR 18 Force Main 95.00 LF $45.43 $4,315.85 6014 8" PVC DR 18 Force Main 172.00 LF $43.39 $7,463.08 6014 8" Roadway Crossing (Force Main) 123.00 LF $87.34 $10,742.82 6015 6" PVC DR 18 Force Main 80.00 LF $30.58 $2,446.40 6015 6" PVC DR 18 Force Main 180.00 LF $29.05 $5,229.00 6015 6" Roadway Crossing (Force Main) 315.00 LF $68.82 $21,678.30 6177 24"Steel Casing for Force Main 85.00 LF $294.96 $25,071.60 6021 12"Joint Restraints 16.00 EACH $419.35 $6,709.60 6021 12"Joint Restraints 56.00 EACH $390.87 $21,888.72 6022 10"Joint Restraints 20.00 EACH $347.82 $6,956.40 to 6022 10"Joint Restraints 50.00 EACH $362.05 $18,102.50 6023 8"Joint Restraints 16.00 EACH $249.52 $3,992.32 6023 8"Joint Restraints 16.00 EACH $234.26 $3,748.16 6024 6"Joint Restraints 18.00 EACH $182.74 $3,289.32 6024 6"Joint Restraints 6.00 EACH $194.61 $1,167.66 6067 10"Sleeve 3.00 EACH $5,509.08 $16,527.24 6068 8"Sleeve 2.00 EACH $4,123.68 $8,247.36 6071 Air Release Valve Ass. 4.00 EACH $3,834.64 $15,338.56 6071 Air Release Valve Ass. 6.00 EACH $3,621.01 $21,726.06 6072 Air Release Manhole 6.00 EACH $3,620.14 $21,720.84 6072 Air Release Manhole 4.00 EACH $4,047.41 $16,189.64 6074 12"Gate Valves 1.00 EACH $4,995.87 $4,995.87 6074 12"Gate Valves 7.00 EACH $4,782.24 $33,475.68 6075 10"Gate Valve 1.00 EACH $3,772.76 $3,772.76 6075 10"Gate Valve 6.00 EACH $3,843.97 $23,063.82 6076 8"Gate Valve 2.00 EACH $2,524.37 $5,048.74 6076 8"Gate Valve 5.00 EACH $2,417.56 $12,087.80 6077 6"Gate Valves 3.00 EACH $1,594.89 $4,784.67 6077 6"Gate Valves 1.00 EACH $1,701.70 $1,701.70 6080 Valve Box Installation 10.00 EACH $339.72 $3,397.20 6080 Valve Box Installation 16.00 EACH $339.72 $5,435.52 6092 12 x 8"Tee 1.00 EACH $2,336.25 $2,336.25 6092 12 x 8"Tee 3.00 EACH $2,336.25 $7,008.75 6093 12 x 6"Tee 2.00 EACH $1,822.36 $3,644.72 6096 10 x 10"Tee 3.00 EACH $2,199.97 $6,599.91 6097 10 x 8"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,987.77 $1,987.77 6097 10 x 8"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,987.77 $1,987.77 6098 10 x 6"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,765.71 $1,765.71 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 2 of 6 Item# Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price 6117 12"45 Bend 8.00 EACH $1,873.84 $14,990.72 6098 10 x 6"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,765.71 $1,765.71 6101 8 x 8"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,505.40 $1,505.40 6113 8"90 Bend 1.00 EACH $1,130.14 $1,130.14 6117 12"45 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,873.84 $3,747.68 6118 10"45 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,526.07 $3,052.14 6118 10"45 Bend 4.00 EACH $1,526.07 $6,104.28 6119 8"45 Bend 6.00 EACH $1,065.07 $6,390.42 6119 8"45 Bend 3.00 EACH $1,065.07 $3,195.21 6120 6"45 Bend 2.00 EACH $790.50 $1,581.00 6120 6"45 Bend 10.00 EACH $790.50 $7,905.00 6123 12"22.5 Bend 6.00 EACH $1,800.63 $10,803.78 6123 12"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,800.63 $3,601.26 6124 10"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,523.36 $3,046.72 6125 8"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,134.83 $2,269.66 6140 12x10" Reducer 1.00 EACH $1,628.78 $1,628.78 6140 12x10" Reducer 1.00 EACH $1,628.78 $1,628.78 6144.1 10x8" Reducer 1.00 EACH $1,242.67 $1,242.67 6152 12"Cap 2.00 EACH $1,307.75 $2,615.50 6153 10"Cap 2.00 EACH $1,029.45 $2,058.90 6154 8"Cap 5.00 EACH $800.65 $4,003.25 6155 6"Cap 3.00 EACH $604.39 $1,813.17 6155 6"Cap 1.00 EACH $604.39 $604.39 6158 12"Conflict 3.00 EACH $12,640.26 $37,920.78 6159 10"Conflict 1.00 EACH $10,965.59 $10,965.59 6159 10"Conflict 2.00 EACH $10,965.59 $21,931.18 CO 6160 8"Conflict 1.00 EACH $7,225.45 $7,225.45 6161 6"Conflict 1.00 EACH $7,261.84 $7,261.84 6181 Locate Wire Box 14.00 EACH $575.45 $8,056.30 6181 Locate Wire Box 3.00 EACH $575.45 $1,726.35 6183 Punch Out Force Main 2,765.00 LF $2.45 $6,774.25 6183 Punch Out Force Main 7,615.00 LF $2.45 $18,656.75 6185 Locate Wire Test for Force Main 7,615.00 LF $0.58 $4,416.70 6185 Locate Wire Test for Force Main 2,765.00 LF $0.58 $1,603.70 6186 Pressure Test for Force Main 2,765.00 LF $2.72 $7,520.80 6186 Pressure Test for Force Main 7,615.00 LF $2.72 $20,712.80 Total Price for above 060 Force Main Items: $1,364,940.32 070 Potable Water Main 7011 16" DR18 PVC Water Main 6,790.00 LF $124.30 $843,997.00 7011 16" DR18 PVC Water Main 2,390.00 LF $151.95 $363,160.50 7011 16" HDPE Roadway Crossing (Water Main) 380.00 LF $274.78 $104,416.40 7012 12" DR18 PVC Water Main 1,995.00 LF $92.62 $184,776.90 7012 12" DR18 PVC Water Main 315.00 LF $81.22 $25,584.30 7012 12" HDPE Roadway Crossing (Water Main) 585.00 LF $173.92 $101,743.20 7015 6" DR18 PVC Water Main 255.00 LF $56.29 $14,353.95 7015 6" DR18 PVC Water Main 50.00 LF $56.29 $2,814.50 7235 30"Steel Casing For Water Main(Storm Crossings) 85.00 LF $441.63 $37,538.55 7020 16"Joint Restraints 67.00 EACH $770.86 $51,647.62 7020 16"Joint Restraints 173.00 EACH $728.14 $125,968.22 7021 12"Joint Restraints 65.00 EACH $390.87 $25,406.55 7021 12"Joint Restraints 55.00 EACH $419.35 $23,064.25 7089 12"Sleeve 4.00 EACH $4,991.18 $19,964.72 7094.05 16"Gate Valve 7.00 EACH $9,666.16 $67,663.12 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 3 of 6 Item# Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price 7094.05 16"Gate Valve 11.00 EACH $9,240.18 $101,641.98 7095 12"Gate Valve 7.00 EACH $4,782.24 $33,475.68 7095 12"Gate Valve 9.00 EACH $4,995.87 $44,962.83 7098 6"Gate Valve 4.00 EACH $1,701.70 $6,806.80 7098 6"Gate Valve 11.00 EACH $1,559.28 $17,152.08 7101 Sample Point 4.00 EACH $518.68 $2,074.72 7102 Locate Wire Box 5.00 EACH $575.45 $2,877.25 7102 Locate Wire Box 11.00 EACH $575.45 $6,329.95 7104 Valve Box Installation 29.00 EACH $339.72 $9,851.88 7104 Valve Box Installation 20.00 EACH $339.72 $6,794.40 7105 Flushing Hydrant 7.00 EACH $2,393.15 $16,752.05 7105 Flushing Hydrant 5.00 EACH $2,499.97 $12,499.85 7106 Fire Hydrant 4.00 EACH $4,656.15 $18,624.60 7106 Fire Hydrant 11.00 EACH $4,442.52 $48,867.72 7108.05 16 x 16"Tee 1.00 EACH $3,675.34 $3,675.34 7109 16 x 12"Tee 2.00 EACH $2,943.79 $5,887.58 7109 16 x 12"Tee 6.00 EACH $2,836.97 $17,021.82 7112 16 x 6"Tee 10.00 EACH $2,255.93 $22,559.30 7112 16 x 6"Tee 1.00 EACH $2,433.95 $2,433.95 7116 12 x 12"Tee 3.00 EACH $1,827.20 $5,481.60 7119 12 x 6"Tee 3.00 EACH $1,304.46 $3,913.38 7119 12 x 6"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,304.46 $1,304.46 7154 6"90 Bend 1.00 EACH $471.89 $471.89 7156 16"45 Bend 6.00 EACH $1,929.47 $11,576.82 7156 16"45 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,929.47 $3,858.94 7157 12"45 Bend 10.00 EACH $1,088.85 $10,888.50 CO 7162 16"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,901.00 $3,802.00 7162 16"22.5 Bend 4.00 EACH $1,901.00 $7,604.00 7163 12"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,044.11 $2,088.22 7169 12" 11.25 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,023.77 $2,047.54 7174.05 16x12" Reducer 1.00 EACH $1,594.30 $1,594.30 7191.05 16"Cap 3.00 EACH $1,075.08 $3,225.24 7191.05 16"Cap 1.00 EACH $1,021.68 $1,021.68 7192 12"Cap 6.00 EACH $597.65 $3,585.90 7192 12"Cap 4.00 EACH $619.01 $2,476.04 7215.05 16"Conflict 1.00 EACH $16,697.17 $16,697.17 7215.05 16"Conflict 4.00 EACH $14,560.86 $58,243.44 7216 12"Conflict 5.00 EACH $9,500.25 $47,501.25 7216 12"Conflict 1.00 EACH $9,500.25 $9,500.25 7219 6"Conflict 6.00 EACH $4,138.80 $24,832.80 7232 Drill Pits 2.00 EACH $7,059.93 $14,119.86 7233.16 Directional Drill 16" HDPE 100.00 LF $244.80 $24,480.00 7246 Punch Out for Water Main 5,010.00 LF $2.72 $13,627.20 7246 Punch Out for Water Main 7,850.00 LF $2.72 $21,352.00 7248 Flushing&BT's for Water Main 7,850.00 LF $1.22 $9,577.00 7248 Flushing&BT's for Water Main 5,010.00 LF $1.22 $6,112.20 7249 Locate Wire Test For Water Main 5,010.00 LF $0.53 $2,655.30 7249 Locate Wire Test For Water Main 7,850.00 LF $0.53 $4,160.50 7250 Pressure Test for Water Main 7,850.00 LF $2.72 $21,352.00 7250 Pressure Test for Water Main 5,010.00 LF $2.72 $13,627.20 Total Price for above 070 Potable Water Main Items: $2,725,168.24 090 Reuse Water Main 9005 20" Reuse Main 2,350.00 LF $230.14 $540,829.00 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 4 of 6 Item# Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price 9005 20" Reuse Main 6,960.00 LF $192.74 $1,341,470.40 9005 20"Roadway Crossing(Reuse Main) 220.00 LF $439.37 $96,661.40 9012 12" DR18 PVC Reuse Main 265.00 LF $81.22 $21,523.30 9012 12" DR18 PVC Reuse Main 6,500.00 LF $93.98 $610,870.00 9012 12"Roadway Crossing(Reuse Main) 480.00 LF $173.92 $83,481.60 9231 36"Steel Casing for Reuse Main 85.00 LF $497.71 $42,305.35 9020.04 20"Joint Restraints 127.00 EACH $1,259.66 $159,976.82 9020.04 20"Joint Restraints 153.00 EACH $1,212.17 $185,462.01 9021 12"Joint Restraints 24.00 EACH $390.87 $9,380.88 9021 12"Joint Restraints 156.00 EACH $419.35 $65,418.60 9089 12"Sleeve 3.00 EACH $4,991.18 $14,973.54 9094.04 20"Gate Valve 7.00 EACH $20,418.91 $142,932.37 9094.04 20"Gate Valve 10.00 EACH $20,134.06 $201,340.60 9095 12"Gate Valve 6.00 EACH $4,782.24 $28,693.44 9095 12"Gate Valve 14.00 EACH $4,995.87 $69,942.18 9100.1 Flushing Hydrant 4.00 EACH $2,499.97 $9,999.88 9100.1 Flushing Hydrant 7.00 EACH $2,393.15 $16,752.05 9101 Locate Wire Box 9.00 EACH $425.91 $3,833.19 9101 Locate Wire Box 9.00 EACH $425.91 $3,833.19 9103 Valve Box Installation 21.00 EACH $339.72 $7,134.12 9103 Valve Box Installation 16.00 EACH $339.72 $5,435.52 9104.04 20 x 12"Tee 6.00 EACH $4,201.38 $25,208.28 9104.04 20 x 12"Tee 3.00 EACH $4,557.42 $13,672.26 9112 12 x 12"Tee 2.00 EACH $1,827.20 $3,654.40 9146.04 20"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $3,054.90 $6,109.80 9146.04 20"22.5 Bend 8.00 EACH $2,876.88 $23,015.04 CO 9146.04 20"45 Bend 10.00 EACH $2,826.71 $28,267.10 9146.04 20"45 Bend 2.00 EACH $3,147.15 $6,294.30 9147 12"90 Bend 1.00 EACH $1,166.13 $1,166.13 9153 12"45 Bend 7.00 EACH $1,088.85 $7,621.95 9153 12"45 Bend 7.00 EACH $1,088.85 $7,621.95 9159 12"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,044.11 $2,088.22 9165 12" 11.25 Bend 3.00 EACH $1,023.77 $3,071.31 9187.04 20"Cap 3.00 EACH $1,567.85 $4,703.55 9187.04 20"Cap 1.00 EACH $1,476.55 $1,476.55 9188 12"Cap 6.00 EACH $597.65 $3,585.90 9188 12"Cap 4.00 EACH $597.64 $2,390.56 9211.04 20"Conflict 1.00 EACH $33,808.95 $33,808.95 9211.04 20"Conflict 4.00 EACH $33,808.95 $135,235.80 9212 12"Conflict 4.00 EACH $9,500.25 $38,001.00 9212 12"Conflict 7.00 EACH $9,500.25 $66,501.75 9228 Drill Pits 2.00 EACH $7,059.93 $14,119.86 9229.16 Directional Drill 16" HDPE 100.00 LF $246.57 $24,657.00 9239 Punch Out for Reuse Main 7,605.00 LF $2.45 $18,632.25 9239 Punch Out for Reuse Main 9,270.00 LF $2.45 $22,711.50 9240 Flushing for Reuse Main 9,270.00 LF $1.22 $11,309.40 9240 Flushing for Reuse Main 7,605.00 LF $1.22 $9,278.10 9241 Locate Wire Test For Reuse Main 7,605.00 LF $0.53 $4,030.65 9241 Locate Wire Test For Reuse Main 9,270.00 LF $0.53 $4,913.10 9242 Pressure Test for Reuse Main 9,270.00 LF $2.72 $25,214.40 9242 Pressure Test for Reuse Main 7,605.00 LF $2.72 $20,685.60 Total Price for above 090 Reuse Water Main Items: $4,231,296.10 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 5 of 6 Total Bid Price: $8,861,139.57 Notes: • The above price excludes Landscaping&Irrigation • The above price excludes Sunday Work • The above price is based on the owner providing horizontal and vertical site control • The above price is based on the plans titled CR 218 Extension Contract Plans plotted on 11/30/2022 at 5:06 PM by maddent • The above price is based on the ECS Florida, LLC geotechnical engineering report titled County Road 218 Connector Road-Stormwater Poinds project number 35:31917-A • The above price is based on the ECS Florida, LLC geotechnical engineering report titled County Road 218 Connector Road project number 35:31917 Payment Terms: Payment due within 30 days of date of invoice, regardless of when payment is made by Owner. to ACCEPTED: CONFIRMED: The above prices,specifications and conditions are satisfactory Vallencourt Construction Company,Inc. and hereby accepted. Buyer: Signature: Authorized Signature: Date of Acceptance: Estimator: Harley Moreland (904)291-9330 harleym@vallencourt.com 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 6 of 6 Exhibit C CR-218 Extension Anticipated CCUA Draw Schedule—CCUA Work Only, dated 7/24/23 to 14 CR-218 Extension Anticipated CCUA Draw Schedule-CCUA Work Only 7/28/2023 2023 I 2024 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Total Vallencourt Construction Company $ 83,265.84 $ 451,031.36 $ 566,073.01 $ 566,073.01 $ 490,472.41 $ 489,447.26 $ 631,796.82 $ 631,796.82 $ 611,713.43 $ 611,713.43 $ 421,751.29 $ 295,018.24 $ 24,663.82 $ 24,663.82 $5,899,480.57 CDD Direct Order Purchase of Material $1,593,135.98 $1,368,523.02 $2,961,659.00 CEI $ 8,519.40 $ 25,558.20 $ 25,558.20 $ 25,558.20 $ 25,558.20 $ 25,558.20 $ 34,077.60 $ 34,077.60 $ 34,077.60 $ 25,558.20 $ 17,038.80 $ 17,038.80 $ 17,038.80 $ 25,558.20 $340,776.00$340,776.00 Monthly Total I$ 91,785.24 I$ 476,589.56 I$2,184,767.19 I$1,960,154.23 I$ 516,030.61 1$ 515,005.46 I$ 665,874.42 I$ 665,874.42 I$ 645,791.03 I$ 637,271.63 I$ 438,790.09 I$ 312,057.04 I$ 41,702.62 I$ 50,222.02 I $9,201,915.57 Anticipated CCUA Draw' I$568,374.79 I$2,184,767.19 I$1,960,154.23 I$ 516,030.61 1$ 515,005.46 I$ 665,874.42 I$ 665,874.42 I$ 645,791.03 I$ 637,271.63 I$ 438,790.09 I$ 312,057.041$ 41,702.62 I$ 50,222.02 I 1 1 $9,201,915.57 •First draw includes first two months per the draft agreement Exhibit D CR 218 Extension Utility Plan Set dated December 2022, prepared by England-Thims & Miller, Inc., Job Number 14-011-20-01 15 Exhibit"D" OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM _ 01. INTENTION.It is the declared and acknowledged intention to secure a new sewerage system,complete,in 09.2 FORCE MAIN VALVE.Gate valve,resilient seated,same as specified in Water Distribution 13. SEPARATION OF WATER AND SEWER MAINS.Horizontal and vertical separation between potable water - aordancewiththeplans,specifications,and contract documents.All new work shall be in accordance with Clay System Specifications Section ll at right.Except valve bodies shall be gray iron.Valve box shall system mains and or appurtenances and sanitary or storm sewers,wastewater or storm water force mains,and 01. INTENTION.It is the declared and acknowledged intention to secure a new water distribution system, 16. TESTS,After the pipe is laid,the joints completed,and the trench backfilletl,the newly laid pipe antl County Utility Authority Specifications and Details and with Clay County Utility Authority Approved Materials Manual have the word"SEWER"cast into the cover. reclaimed water mains shall be in accordance with Rule 62-555.314 FAC. omplete,in accordance with the plans and spermcations,and contract documents.All new work shall be in appurtenances shall be subjected toe Hydrostatic and Leakage test of 150 pounds per square inch for a period of and Clay County Engineenng Department Details and Specifications and any other Government Regulatory a New or relocated underground water mains shall be laidto provide a horizontal distance of at least three feet accordance with Clay County Utility Authority Specifications and Details and Approved Materials Manual and Clay at least two hours.During this period,all joints shall be inspected to determine water tightness of the system Any _ Agency All work shall conform to the above,whether or not specifically called out or noted on the plans. 093 FORCE MAIN JOINT RESTRAINT.All fittings shall be properly and adequately restrained against lateral between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed storm sewer,stone water force County Engineering Department Details and Specifications and any other Government Regulatory Agency All leaks detected shall be corrected.tests shall be in accordance with the CCUA's requirements and specifications _ ment at all force main tees,crosses,valves and bends.See CCUA Approved Materials Manual for ,reclaimed water main regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610,F.A.C,or proposed vacuum-type sanitary work shall conform to the above whether or not specifically called out or noted on the plans. Water main lines shall be pressure tested and approved prior to paving,but not prior to subgrade mixing operation 02. GENERAL.All materials shall be of those listed in the CCUA Approved Materials Manual.The installation acceptable restrainers.(SEE RESTRAINED JOINT SCHEDULE) and limerock installation,finish graded and compacted.If CCUA inspector detects the water main has been - L shall be warranted by the Contractor as to materials,workmanship and accuracy of the As-built drawings for a be New or re located,underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least six feet,and 02. GENERAL.All materials shall be in conformance to National Sanitation Foundation(NSF)6l and those damaged during priming orpaving,he shall require the Contractor to repair the water main and re test the water period of two years from the date of completion of the work or beneficial use of the facilities.Workmanship shall be 094 FORCE MAIN PIPE FLUSHING All force main piping shall be fushed with clean water utilizing full pipe preferably ten feet,between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed gravity-or listed in the CCUA Approved Materials Manual.Materials shall be warranted by the Contractor as to materials, main _ of good quality;i.e,sewers shall be laid true to line and grade,fittings shall be properly installed and restrained, diameter.In cases where the water supply is inadequate to flush the full pipe diameter,flushing shall occur to the re-t a anita s wastewater force main or i line cone in reclaimed water notre ulated under workmanship and accuracy of As-built drawings for a period of two years from the date of completion of the work or - pressu yh s ry 0wer, p se Y 9 9 beneficial use of the facilities.Workmanshi h ll be of d gnm p g, ys trenches shall be properly excavated antl backfilletl,manholes shall biz installed allocations and to elevations extent of the water supply that is available Part 111 of Chaplet 62E10,F.AC The minimum horizontal separation distance between walermains and psa goo qua ity;ie.,mains shall be laid inaunfform all en[, 17. STERILIZATION.Aftercom letion of construction and lestin the waters tam shall be s[erilizetl with oil°boa - - shownontheplans. gravity-type sanitary sewers shall be reduced to three feet where the bottom ofthe water main is laid at leastsix fittings shall be property restrained,trenches shall be properly excavated and backfilletl,fire hydrants and valve chlorine in accordance with AWWA Standard C651latest,and State of Florida Department of Environmental • _ QaA 10. INSTALLATION.All sewer lines,manholes,and appurtenances shall be constructed to the dimensions and inches above the top of the sewer. boxes shall be adjusted to finished grade.All water mains shall be installed with tracer wine per CCUA standard Protection requirements before acceptance for domestic operation The amount of chlorine applied shall be _ _ e 3:'0 021 Contractor LICENSE AND APPROVAL.Utihl the riht toe den Iof Contractor elevations indicated on the drawin Trenches shall be excavated to a widths ten twelve inches ter c,New or relocated under round water mains crossin a xistin o sad ravel-or vacuum- Anita location wire details. sufficient to provide a dosage of 50 parts per million or more,for a period of al teas124 hours.A CCUA inspector y reserves g pprove or y approve gs. pproxima y grea g g ny a g r propo g y types ry 'r<g'I==� pricy to consbuction of any on-tle or off-sM1e utility facilities.Contractor must hold a State Of Flonda Underground than the outside diameter of the pipe.Machine excavation shall be to a depth one-fourth pipe diameter above must be presenifor the below referenced slenhzabon procedures.After completion of sterilization procedures,the -'a`a� r storm sewer shall be laid so the outside of the water main is at least six inches,and preferably 12 inches, `o b Utility Contractors license,that nametl contracting company being the one doing the work on protect,and proposetl pipe grade;the remaining depth shall be hand excevated antl shaped to give full support to the lower 021 Contractor LICENSE AND APPROVAL.Utility reserves the right to approve or deny approval of Contractor system shall be flushed using chlorinated water from a domestic water source having a chlorine residual of at least - above,hratthastl eline(see Crossin outside ofthe o ndetiil she However,i[is preferable to lay the water main nor to construction of an on-site or off-site utili facilities.Contractor must hold a State Of Flontla Unde round 1 art a minion.The Contractor shall obtain MI bacterolr real clearances as re uiredb the Flontla De artmenl aoa�W tlemonslrele acceptable experience in the field of utility consWction. ach sects of of pi eish. above the other line Crossin A"as shown on detail sheet WAT-02 e y ty e e r g q y e ?'°;a"I pipes pee prior g pipe (see g" ) Uhlil Contractors license,that nametl conlractin bein the one doin the work on ct,and of Environmental Protection.After bactenol pressure in p p.s.i. o=tea"o0 End t section of hall g ins led for defects to bein lowered into the trench.The inside of each bell Y g company g g prole one c earances,the we main shall nos tlro below 20 • - - wast• w ar relocated underground ain,or pinkie onv yang reclaime wap r shnl be Mid-so the outcry eofthe demonstrate acre table ex science in the field of ulili construction. Clearance re rt to be submitted to the En inoer The Contractor should be aware that there is a timin m - - w SURVEYS.The Utility Contractor shallprovide all surveys necessary for the layout and construction of the Imes sh ll be eofeact d with th spig tend p inting in t e thrntietgnmhe fl w.Both the bni ejoint spigot f wasI water or storm water force main or i line cone in reclaimed water shall be laid so the outsitle ofthe e e ty g g a -.0-02a5 P+°-r,'-m work of his contract. hoes shall be constructed with the spigot ends pomang in the direction of the flow.Both the bell and the spigot of e Y g related to bacteriological clearance of the main,completion of as-built drawings and EngineerlCCUA completion of -..%Q. _ _ water main is at least 12 inches above or below the outsitle of the other pipeline.However,it is preferable to lay the 03 SURVEYS.The Utili Contractor shall de all surve f the la t and construction of the Certificate of Com t Man ct where the bacleriol I t than 30 da Id at the each joint shall be lubricated with the lubncanl recommended by the pipe Manufacturer.All sewer lines shall be ty provi ys necessary or you p e ion. y prate ogice c earances are grea er ys o - aag-sit 04 EARTHWORK.Earthwork shall include all excavation,fill and backfill(hand/machine),compaction and rough cleaned of foreign matter as construction pon comp water main above the other pipeline work of his contract. time of submittal of Certificate of Com 1 to FDEP or CCUA,the Contractor ma be re d to II more progresses,antl shall be in a clean condition u letion of p l ion y quire ne _ grading of materials encountered.No unsuitable materials clay,muck,or t removed from trenches are to construction o erations.Pi a Al the utility cro sings described in paragraphs(c)and(d)above,one full length of water main pipe shall be d obtain more bacteriolo Prior to introducin the chlorine solution,the lines shall be pea pipe p pe materials shall remain the same on runs between manholes and/or other structures. amp es an gica c full pi s. g o° be usedfor backfill.All fill or backfill shall be either sand or sand cla,free of roots,trash or other debris All centered above or below the otherpipehne sothe water main joints will be as far as possible from the other 04 EARTHWORK Earthwork shall include all excavation,fill and backfill(hand/machine),compaction and rough lhoroughlyflushed coati clean water utilizing full pipe diameler.ln cases wherelhe water supply is inadequate to - - Y Y 8811m� aline.Altemativel at such crossin s the s shall be amen etl so that all water main'oints are at least three w�Lw backfill alongside of and loci freight(wenty-four inches above all pipe shall be free of clay or organic malenal, 11 INSPECTIONS.Each section of the completed sewer system shall be inspected for proper alignment Any pp y' 9' pee 9 l grading for bacrials enrol or ba�.N shallbtaith matedals clay,muck,orpeof removedfrom pipe trenches are to flushng full rmay be req,red to be in c mpliaotheexthe St thef Florid a Sly that isater Qule Dechlorination of »»> pp p rcaa z=:rc z acted in lifts the first of which shall be to that rm line of the eb either hand or machineo ration section of the sewers tem which does not dis la true co centric all nmeet shall be reinstalled at no additional feetfrom all joints in vacuum-type sanitary sewers,storm sewers,storm waterforoe mains,or pipelines conveying be used for backfill.All fill or backfill shall be either sand or sandy clay,free of roots,trash or other debris All Flushing water may be required to be in compliance with the State of Florida Surface Water Quality Standards comp e g e e y e y g med w ter re ul ted under P rt I I I of Cha ter 62-610 F A. and at least six feet from all joints in ra r carefully n 98%.All other backfill shall be compacted by either hand or machine operation carefully n 95% expense to the Owner.A written to fins lion shall be ke tindinin location of test,potential blems in reclai g a p C. j g vity-e backfill alongside of and toaheigM twenty-four inches above all pipe shall be free of Gay or organic material, (FA.C.63-302530).Dechlorination is necessary itihe Rushing of highly chlorinated water is to be discharged IO 90 pee P 9 Pro a s rc=ppp===acrca==f==riff m outside of a 98%under a of itso timum moisture content as determinedb ASTM D698 latest. er tle santl de th of water se ce locations and other irre ularities in the elines.An ima ein DVD format Pressure-type sanitary sewers,wastewater force main,or pipelines conveying reclaimed water not regulated ompactetl by either hand or machine operation carefully to 98%.All other backfill shall be compacted by either directly toesudace cooler or loci strnn cooler syssem.lf the water can be sheet Rowed ovate large area or ( p ving), ( p repot p y ew p p rvi 9 P P 9 under Part III of Cha ter 62-610,F.A.0 c Copies of compaction density lest reports from a licensed testing agency shall be made available to CCUA if shall be made of the television inspection and submitted to the Engineer and the Clay County Utility Authority. P hand or machine operation carefully to 95%(outside of paving),98%(under paving)of its optimum moisture discharged toe holding pond,dechlorination may be avoided.See note number4 of Special Notes below. requested Copies of compaction density test reports from a licensed testing agency shall be made available to CCUA if content as deterrnined by ASTM D698,latest.Copies of compaction density test reports from a licensed testing N�r requested. 14. NEW CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAIN.New connection to existing main in service shall be agency shall be made available to CCUA a requested. 18 BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLING.Contractor shall ensure the project construction is completely finished - o 05. MANHOLES.Manhole bases,sections,and cones shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C478, complished by the"wet tap"method utilizing full circle stainless steel tapping sleeve and mechanical joint prior to any bacteriological sampling and testing. LL = - - Spe�cationsforPrecaslReindCemeoncreteManhonveeleons.Cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM 11.1 TELEVISION INSPECTIONS Television inspection will be required on all new gravity sewers constructed. tapping valve.Tapping sleeve shall be rated at 200ngsl,non-shock working pressure conforming to AWWA 05. JOINT RESTRAINT.All fittings shall be properly antl adequately restrained against lateral movement al all 'm'$W�° +`Ha'�'a�a� _ C150,Specifications tar Portland Cement,Type ll Concrete shall meet the minimum requirements for Class"A" This service shall be provided by the Contractor as a part of this Contract.The newly constructed sewers shall be Standard C110,latest revision Stainless steel to sleeves shall be from those listed in CCUAa roved water main tees,crosses,valves,bentls and fire hydrants.Restrainers shall be Uni-Flange Series 1300,1350, 19 FIRE LINES/MAINS.All fire lines or mains connectingto Clay County Utility Authority owned potable water Concrete Work.Minimum wall thickness shall be 1/12 the inside diameter in inches plus one(1)inch.Bases for televised in the presence of the Inspector of the Clay County Utility Authority A full report aslo the condition of material manual Ta i valve shall beesespe al joint on one end and standard Flan ed joint on other end. 1390 or approved equal installed per Manufacturer's recommendations and Clay County Utility Authority Details n shall be installed bye Stale of Flonda Licensed Fire Installation Contractor,and shall meet all requirements manholes shall be cast integrally with the bottom manhole section.Joml contact surfaces shall be formed with pipe,type,depth,location of services,length,joint and distance between manholes,etc.shall be furnished to the Valve shall comforn to Section 092 of these specKcations. g 1 and Specifications(SEE RESTRAINED JOINT SCHEDULE).See CCUA Approved Materials Manual for of the local Authority,Stale Fire Marshal,County Fire Marshal,and the National Fire Protection Association.Work r««rr.__________ --- _ machined castings;they shall be exactly parallel with a 2 degree slope and nominal 1/16 inch clearance with the CCUA inspector prior to the final acceptance of the system.Any pipe found to be cracked,leaking or otherwise acceptable restraints. performed must meet all requirements of NFPA 24,Standard far the Installation of Private Fine Service Mains and tongue equipped with a proper recess for the installation of an O-ring rubber gasket,conforming to ASTM C443, defective shall be removed and replaced with new pipe at no additional costs to the Owner.Deflection testing with Their Appurtenances. Joints for circular Concrete sewer and Culvert sin Rubber ket,or RAM-NEK Ided Plastic Joint 5%mandrel also re saf JOBSITE SAFETY.Whaws.This job udes,b Con of lime ed to,con limes paces and xcavation pre antl local O6. DUCTILE IRON PIPE.Ductile iron hall conform to ANSI S cif t A21.5D AW WA C150 I t 1 piph l g gas Preme gnid li ero k ar i not ce butgri rto pa inn lest rball dement sh Sewer males sfnil biz safety rules,regulations and laws.This includes,but is not limited lo,confined spaces and excavation protection pibe s ye' ( )a Sealer with joints Manhole adjustment matedals shall be sound,hard,and pre-primed.Precast concrete televised after curb and lime rock are in place but prior to paving.Curb antl limerock shall be installed,Mish 'Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe',Table 50.5,laying condition Type 2�nlemal operating pressure of 250 191 The Fire Marshal shall have the right to deny acceptance or use of any fire line,installed and connected loci systems as per O.S.H.A.standards. for an 8-fool de th of cover,Class 51 minimum and shall be ANSI A21 51 AW WA C151 mixedmetar tar bri mshall be comosedlof Precasl Comer TypeI,sad rid clean heuo.Mortadjhall beoeeld CCUAnsipecor has revieegraetysewer Lieorde DVD ad apmve thergravity swersstem.Thi unlit tee psi p ( essureatnthfugally Cie can prducetyAutho th o ieMars cot a ail(pperwork.eesde,o clos ou ado umencthave beng thefre mixed mortarfor bock shall be composed of portland cement Type ll,sand and cleanwater.Mortarshall be one CCUA inspector has reviewed thelelevision recorded DVD and approves the gravity sewer system.Tins will be thickns Laying leigtofpipll behout liin lesngth,and anufactreclearly manpipe fowater serve s linewnorly prepred to the Fire Marshalay Colpaperwty Autodue,or close out documents have been part cement Type ll antl two parts santl;lime shall not be used.The outsitle faces of bock masonry shall be strictly enforced.All gravity sewers must be flushed no sooner than 4 hours prior to any television inspection.Force i6. CCUA SHOP DRAWING AND SUBMITTAL PROCESS Asigned acknowledgment by the Contractor and thickness,class,height of pipe without lining,length,and Manufacturer.Ductile von pipe for water service shall be satisfactorily prepared and approved by Clay County Utility Authority. plastered with mortar from 1/4"to 3/8"thick.Precast manhole walls shall not be coaled unless othenise noted. ain lines shall be pressure tested and approved prior to paving,but not prior to subgrade mixing operation and the Material Supplier,on the"Shop Drawings and CCUA's Approved Malenals List Form",that all materials will be furnished with cement lining per AWWA C110,C115 and C151.The pipe shall have design values of 60,000 p.s.i. Cement grout for manhole bottoms shall be a stiff rich mix of Type ll portland Cement and sharp plaster sand. limerock installation,finish graded and compacted Sewer services shall be viewed by a camera cepable of viewing ccordance with CCUA's Specifications,CCUA's Details antl CCUA's Approved Materials Manual,is the only umtensile strength,and 42,000 p.s.i.minimum yield strength.Ductile iron pipe for water or service lines shall 20. POLYETHYLENE TUBING SERVICE LINES AND MAINS(2 INCH AND SMALLER):Tubing shall be Calcium chloride may be added(maximum of2%)to aid in obtaining a faster set.At permanent pump station into service lateral connections Ade uate water must be laced within theu stream manhole to flow throw h the submittal CCUA will require for each item of materials with the following exception:any alternate materials beau ed in any easement,right-of-way,between lots,and any instance where a building foundation or other manufactured of PE 4710,High Density Polyethylene(HDPE),in accordance with AWWA C901,ASTM D1248, locations.the first upstream manhole from the station shall be lined withapolyethylene liner as manufactured and downstream manhole before ins sell with the camera.All work must be acoom fished in the re ceofihe requested by the Engineer;any materials not listed in the CCUA Materials Manual;and materials associated with permanent appurtenance is within 10'of the water main or a service line larger than 3". ASTM D2239,ASTM D3737 and ASTM D3350.The tubing shall have a minimum working pressure of 250 psi. installed by Taylor Precasl Co,or approved equal. CCUA inspector.Contractor shallll provide CCUA with a 48 hr.notice of intent tolevise antl inspect sewer main. pumping stations and plant installations Those exceptions shall havean individual shop drawing submitted for polyethylene tubing shall be copper tube size SDR-9 and shall be colored blue.HDPE pipe shall have ultraviolet LLI CCUA inspectorshall report to job site al thetime speafetl by Contractor atthelime of the call-in.CCUA CCUA's review and approval prior to any installation of said materials.This is CCUA's procedure and it does not 07. DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS shall be C153 cement lined antl suitable for the type and class of pipe to which (UV)inhibitors for protection against direct sunlight for l year Inserts for polyethylene tubing may be utilized,at 05.1 CAST IRON MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS.Cast iron manhole frames and covers shall be as detailed inspectors will waft al the job site no more than one hour for the televising to begin before leaving the job site. preclude the Design Engineer from requiring additional submittals and shop drawings as he deems necessary for nnected.Gaskets shall be suitable for potable,domestic water service.Minimum working pressure shall be 150 Contractors options,and,if used,shall be 316 stainless steel.The use of no-lead brass couplings,tees and"Y" z on drawings Castings shall meet the requirements of ASTM A48,Specifications for Gray Iron Castings,Class No. Contractor shall reschedule televising giving CCUA 48 hrs.notice if the above occurs.Inspections start at manhole the project. p s.i fittings are acceptable on poly service tubing,if not located undere roadway Tubing shall be approved for use with J LLJ J 30,or Grade 65.45-12,Ductile Iron meeting the requirements of ASTM A536,Standard Specification for Ductile invert. potable water by the National Sanitation Foundation(NSF-14)and shall be continuously marked at intervals of not Iron Castings.In either case,manhole frame and cover shall be designed to withstand en HS20-44 loading 17. PUMP STATIONS(TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT).All pump stations shall be constructed in 08. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE.Polyvinyl chloride pipe for water mains 4 inch through 24 inches in diameter, more than four feet with the following: ~ IZ Z defined in the AASHTO Specifications Frames and covers shall be machined or ground at touching surfaces so 11.2 INFILTRATION TEST After completion,the sewers or sections thereof,shall be tested accordance with CCUA standards,rules and regulations and be approved by CCUA All work and materials shall shall be DR.(C900)Pressure Class 235 psi PVC 1120;water distribution mains above 24 inches in diameter Nominal size O as to seat fmly and prevent crocking. and gauged for infiltration.To check the amount of infiltration,the Contractor,at no added compensation over the meet the requirements of CCUA Standard Pump Station Details and Specifications or the plans,details and shall be DR25(C900)PVC 1120,Pressure Class 165 psi,conforming to ASTM D-1784,D-2241,D-3139 and Pressure rating 0 J contract price for the sewers,shall furnish,and install and maintain a V-notch sharp crested weir in a wood frame specifications for that specific pump station.A dnveway shall be provided from the street(roadway)to within 2 feet F-477,latest,or P.V C.C900,Class 165,DR-25,conforming to ASTM D-1784,Cell Class 12454,ASTM F-477, NSF seal V LLI 052 FLEXIBLE MANHOLE CONNECTOR All connections between sewer pipe and pre-cast concrete manholes on the main sewers as directed by the Engineer.Maximum allowable infiltration shall be 50 gallons per mile,per of the pump station welwell,minimum l0 feet wide x 6 inches thick 3,500 p.s.n.concrete.Submersible pump ASTM D-3139,latest,and shall bear the seal of the National Sanitation Foundation Pipe shall be color coded and Manufacturer's name or trademark shall be accomplished bye Flexible Connector,"Kor-N-Seal",as manufactured by National Pollution Control inch ofdie,of sewer per 24 hour day,al any time. stations shall be fenced completely about the penmeter of the pump station site(location of the pump station site marked"WATER"al every 12"along the barrel of the pipe,with lettering facing up.Couplings shall be rubber Standard dimension ratio LLJ /�� Systems,Inc.,or approved equal. noted on the plans),including gates and all other items required to make a completely fenced installation.The gasketed,push-on type conforming to ASTM D-2122.DR-18 shall be used for fire mains. ASTM specification i u Ln U 11.3 EXFILTRATION TEST In areas where ground water is not encountered in sewer construction,or it is entire pump station site within the fenced area shall be covered with#57 stone,6 inch thick minimum,placed over di F ❑ L I J 05.3 FLOW CHANNELS,Flow channels in manhole base shall be formed of D.O.T.Class I Type II cement grout desired to run eobllration tests,the Contractor shall furnish and install all necessary materials,equipments,shall filter cloth 09 STEEL CASING PIPE Steel casing pipe shall be of size indicated on the Drawings and shall conform to (n with brick and trowel to a smooth surface Mish Grout surface shall be 1"min thickness over brick or rubble.While supply water,etc,and shall run exfiltration tests to determine acceptance of the sewer.The maximum allowable ASTM A139,with a minimum yield strength of 35,000 p.s i. , } (n o the manholes are under construction,cut off pipes at inside face of the manhole and construct the invert to the exfiltration shall be 50 gallons per mile per inch of diameter of sewer per 24 hour day el any time based on two fool 18. Informallon shown on the Drawin lion of exishn I'l lies has been dfromlhe most imm▪y� F rN�/ shape and sizes of pipe indicated. minimum intemel head. gs as r^'"^'^^a g u prepare 10. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC 1120,SCHEDULE 80)PIPE shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D •. ,.N�'ro O 'l L.L provi gra pipe pipe g ges in reliable date available to the Engineer.The shall biz responsible far requesting underground utility 1785.Fittin hall be suitable for f installation re d.All II than 4"shall be Schedule 80 _ LL U IZ All inverts shall tle a constant tlienl from influent to effluent lhrou h manhole.Chan gs s type o quire piping sine er g ges posse p"is y wiz g p qua grea p locates antl shall assist the utility companies ny every means possible to determine said locations and the locations °'�O`Q'N direction ofthe sewerand enterin branch orbranches shall be laid out in smooth curves of the ton t tits 114.A"di defined as an ter holden de ih which ise for lerthanihe minimum de lh as listed of recent additions to the systems not shown Enreme caution shall be exercised to eliminate any possibility of PVC. ;^go L1J radius which is tangent to the center lines of adjoining pipelines, below.There shall not be any more than l"dip"per 135 linear feel of sewer pipe installetl.The defective pipe any damage to utilities resulting from Contractor's activities.The locations of MI overhead utilities shall also be ° `''e w ❑ sections,or those di/sections over the allowable lima,shalI be removed and re laced t no cost to CCUA Each 11. GATE VALVES AND BOXES.Gate valves shall be non-rising stem type antl shall be suitable fora 200 p.s.i. z P ia (a ) verified by the Cet rmini The Engineer shall ed notified df ring cone that ndy hccur.The Contractor shall be n-shock workin Gate valves shall be mechanical i ge O L1J OS t DROP INLETS Where shown on the drawings,drop inlets to ilia manholes shall be constructed as shown un of pipe,between two manholes,shall be evaluated reds tlensl for coin trance.An di hich is tar g pressure. jai,Flan tl or screwed.Gate valves shall have a w u O N gs an pea pan y p y"p'w grea responsible for determining which poles wall need shoring during excavation antl shall provide such shoring and 2�o t t and o I ft.Gate valves shall have t t tits for the f hich installed.Valves Lf J LL on the drawin d s fied herein. than the"maximum""di de th listed below are not acce table and shall be removed and re lace at no cost to ndla rge nu pen a join s sue a tyee o main on w Q p" p p p support as required. 3"and larger shall be iron body,bronze fitted with resilient seat.Boxes shall be of cast iron construction,7/32" (n O_ yviny pe s quiremen CCUA.Regardless of the number of"dips"in the line section,if,in the option ofthe CCUA inspector,the number walI thickness and shalI be nantack t t d.The word"WATER"shalI be cast in the cover O6. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE.Pol Chloride Sewer Pi hall conform to the re is of ASTM Other gm y ar etyma coo e and/ar location of the"dips"is believed to create an unacceptable operating condition,then the defective pipe 19. CCUA details and specifications(latest available copy)shall be included in all plans submitted for work Other gale valves smaller than 3"shall be heavy-duly bronze ball valves See CCUA Approved Materials Manual Q ❑ �_ D-3034,SDR 26 The PVC compound conforming[o ASTM D-1784 Pipe shall be early marked in 5 ft.intervals sections shall be removed antl re laced at no cost to CCUA.An deviation from these"tle limitation must be within the CCUA unit' s 1 No h II mod r less,indicating Manufacturers name,nominal size,cell classification and legend.Joints shall be push-on rubber () e Y P" rty ys ern person s a dy,change,omit or replace any portion of those details and for acceptable valves. r, gasketed,conforming to ASTM 3212.Pipe and fittings shall be installed in accordance with recommended practice approved by the CCUA Service Availability Manager specifications without the express written consent of CCUA.In any instance where the Design Engineer has z U Z ASTM D-2321.All pipe and sewer fittings shall be SDR-26 heavy wall,installetl up to a depth of l 3'from finish included his written specifications ar details in the plans then the mare stringent of the two shall govem. 12 WATER METER BOXES Developer shall be responsible for installation of meter boxes on all water services Q LL gre pipe. p gravity sewer wi poor approve s a pipe an WATER HOLDING DEPTH(INCHES) rt of the water main installation All curb slo h ll be ad t d to the 1 d shall be tle to invert of Maximum de lh of thout h II be 13 feet.Sewer 0 ec pa ps s a jut a proper a eve ion an rN� U Q fittings over13'in depth shall be DR-18P.V.C.Design of sewer installation over 13'in depth shall have CCUA's PIPE SIZE MINIMUM MAXIMUM 20 All materials to be used for any project within CCUA'S utility system shall conform to those materials listed in ssible for the installation of the water meter.The Contractor shall be required to open all boxes forthe LL - w poor approval 8-101NCH .50 1.00 the CCUA approved material manual in effect at the time final plans for that project are approved by CCUA Authority's inspector at the final inspection.A treated 6'-6"fence post marker shall be painted blue far identthcation. LLJ L_ 12-15 INCH .75 1 50 Meter boxes shall not be placed in any sidewalk or driveway without the approval of CCUA. z O 07. PIPE BETWEEN MANHOLES.All piping installed between manholes shall be the same material and class. 18-21 INCH 1.00 2.00 21 Under no circumstance shall any trees be planted within a CCUA utility easement without: Q (n No dissimilar pipe material will be allowed anywhere within a single run of pipe. 13 CURB STOPS.Curb stops shall be cast bronze,inverted key stop,roundway,with check,lock wing type,for J 24 INCH AND GREATER 1.25 2.50 a.CCUA approving landscape and irrigation plans. locking in the closed position.See CCUA Approved Malenals Manual for acceptable curb stops. > J LLJ 08 SANITARY SERVICE LATERALS.Sanitary service laterals shall be Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe b.CCUA being notified poor to the planting of trees antl giving approval. conforming to the requirements of ASTM D-3034,SDR 26 where cover over top of pipe is 36 inches or greater. 12 Demarcation box shall be used as an isolation porn(between the wet well and the motor control center panel. a CCUA inspecting the installation of root barrier malenal(required al all trees which are 14. FIRE HYDRANTS.Fire hydrants shall be trafc type,150 pound working pressure,AWWA Standard C502, 1 ❑ Q UJ Where cover over to of less than 36 inches,secific construction conditions shall be directedb the Cla All wirin between the motor control center and wet well shall be interconnected at this closer then 7.5'to an CCUA utili hown in CCUAa d material manual latest revisions,with two 21/2"nozzles,one 41/2"nozzle and one 51/4"main valve.Fire hydrant shall be be U p pipe is p y y g point.Install malleable seal Y ty ins)ass pprove rN�/ _ UJ County Utility Authority.All sanitary service laterals shall be a minimum of 4'-0"deep at the right-of-way line to lop off conduits atding to arcation box end,in conduitslane shn the demarcation box and the MCC.All internal and CCUA roadway cross section details,whether or not shown on the plans. compression type with breakable coupling and bolts Pipe connection shall be mechanical joint Fire hydrants shall Z , Z L.L ❑ of pipe.Any sanitary service lateral which must be more than 6,0"deep shall not be installed prior to obtaining hardware including terminal strips,blocks and backplane shall be stainless steel be pained silver,BLP Mobile Paints,Liquid Aluminum,1151 alkyd weight 56.6%x volume 41.2%VOC 3.76 Ib.per 3>i Q z permission from the CCUA field inspector or CCUA Engineering Department.All sanitary service laterals shall be gallon with 1 1/2"pane nuts,opening left.See CCUA Approved Materials Manual for acceptable fre hydrants. 22 At all Jack&Bore locations a CCUA inspector shall inspect the casing spacers to verity they are the carect P In ❑ LL 6-inch diameter from the main to the right-of-way hne with a minimum slope of 0 60%(0.6 feet per hundred feet).In and have been installed cortectl the to the bein tolled into the The =W U.I famil denial develo t property g proper 12.1 Demarcation box shall be 24"wide,24"tall antl 12"dee 4x enclosure manufactured of 316 stainless y on pipe poor pipe gins pipe casing. pipe 15 INSTALLATION.The minimum cover over to f t tits water main shall be 36'.All water lines and CL O O z O s rig e y rest pmen s,services shall reduce l0 vein size at the line ulilizin the p name as rig shall be clean and free of ell dart,and shall be cleaned with a Vao-Con if necessary.A CCUA inspector shall p o po a Q fittingsfor the type of pipe speafetl.All sewer semce laterals over l3 deep shall be constructed of DR-18 PVC steel.Enclosure shall have a hinged cover and removable backplane for terminal blocks.The box shall be mounted c appurtenances shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter before being lowered into the trench and shall be Z Q L1J LL_ pipe,and DR-16 fttin so that the cover faces awe from the wet well. be present al all time during this work.Contractor shall be responsible to establish the torten elevation of the Jack ke(clean Burin ti b f theta d methods.All hall be checked for (O La.l `� pipe gs,per CCUA standard sewer system details. y antl Bore carrier pipe and pipe casing.Contractor shall compact the bottom ofthe excavation to assure the density P 9 eying opera tot y means o pugs or o pprove pipes Q CD to= H of earth is ode le to tan ttlement of e t used to done the Jack and Bare o lion. defects before being lowered into the trench.Defective pipe shall not be used.Pipe found to be defective after Z n- 09 FORCE MAINS Force mains shall be C900 DR-18 PVC and conform to the requirements of ASTM D-1784, 122 Terminal blocks will need to be mounted for each wire throw h the demarcation box.Terminal stri qua pck an yse quipmen pe nera installation,shall be removed and replaced with sound pipe at no addiMnal expense to the Owner.The full length (n-Q pasi xg g l exca ation dhala d all a fro and Bore pits,rda nee anh Ptilize the n7ceshe de-watering.Contra t to heap the of each section of hall rest solidi the bed,with recesses excavated to accommodate the bells and .J�H O every 12"alon9he b rrel theppello tit ronppe and force m"FORCE MAIall b olylinliwosidesm p connetions al600 voliqual). ameplites ssecifdonth elect tlaltndards sheetba ubedrovidtd at the ckand dry and free from rovide rock bed of#57 tone(a minimmefB hs thee.Co suppor the t atoll Pipes yudist pipe -Q every l2"along the banal ofthe pipe.Ductile iron pipe for force main service shall be prlYlined.Ductile iron pipe is nections,(nolox or equal).Nameplates as specified on the electrical standards sheet shall be provided at the Jack and Bore excavatons, rovidearock bed of k7slonea mof 8-inches thick to su rtlhe track and joints.All pipe that hasthe grade or join[dislurbed after laying shall be taken up and reinstalled.The pipe shall not Qx nolto be used without pricy approval of the Clay County Utility Authority.Fittings shalI be C110 gray iron and shall terminal blocks to identity each circuit. rat system of the Jack and Bore equipment This shall be inspected by a CCUA inspector)and approvetl by the be laid in water or when trench or weather conditions are unsuitable Mr the work All joints shall be cleaned of all _ej Z be polylined.Force mains less than 3"shall be SCH80 PVC.All force mains shall be installed with tracer wire per t t be the t of the Contractor shall re foreign matter before making the joint Fittings at bends m the pipe shall be properly restrained with joint restrainers t 7 O CCUA standard locetion wire details.All force mains should be installed 5 feet to to f inspec or prior o ginning p acemen pipe casing. pace,at his/her ezpenueenn de t I d to t movement and dislocatin blowin ff when the line is untler Service Q H p o pipe,unless approved by 12 3 All wires includin hall be identified with heat shrink labels.All control wires shall haves de lu Jack and Bore installetl which CCUA refuses to acce t for Ownershi d which does not meet the is a qua e y s¢e preven g or g o pressure. g spares s pa gs. P Pan req laterals shall terminate at the t noted in the details. n' CCUA. Wires shall be 600 volt rated lhhn/maw/lhhw of CCUA,due to incorect grading,damaged or faulty materials,poor workmanship,or anything that CCUA deems porn t,�k^^Z LJ 09.1 LIFT STATION VALVES.See CCUA Approved Materials Manual for acceptable plug valves and check as inadequate to perform its intended use. =Z U valves ▪w O SPECIAL NOTES FINAL INSPECTION PROCEDURES H 1.The installation of all pipe regardless of the type or size shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturers C O C W specifications or recommended c heria for the pope being installed. No pipe shall be installed with the dames PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: F�-i CV IC) E N E RAL N TE overassembled or aver-homed.The reference mark(home line)shall not be retailed into the bell beyond the Fli O G"2 I Manufacturers recommendation.The Contractor shall be responsible to mark any pipe cut to length with a 1.The sewer line T.V.report,and recorded DVD. H r 1'4 6 N reference mark(home-line)placed at the correct location on the pipe according to the type and size pipe being 2.All manhole rings and covers have to be adjusted to finish grade. Ga 3.The pressure test and bacteriological clearance analysis report. 1. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS AND ASSOCIATED COSTS All cost records pertaining to the cost of water,reclaim 7. D to pmm ING.The Contractor shall at all times during construction provide ample means and equipment with 13. PIPE AND PIPE JOINTING FOR FUSED&HDPE PIPE. installed.CCUA will not permit any pipe joint to be left in place if the joint is over-homed. It shall be the Z L7 _ antl sewerfacilites donated to the utility shall be provided to the Utility by applicant Prior to acceptance of any which to promptly remove and dispose of all water entering the trench and sWcture excavations and shall keep a.Heat Fusion Jointing Contractor's responsibility to obtain the information pertaining to installation of pipe to be installed from the 4.Water services must be lowered and meter boxes installed,valve boxes must be set on all gate valves. �' extension to the Utility's system that is completed by a licensed underground utility Contractor,the Utility will said excavations acceptably dry until the Piping and/ar structures to be built therein are completed.All water Joints between plain end pipes and pipe fittings shall be made by butt fusion when possible Electro fusion Su tin Manufacturer and to install the rdinl 5. Locate Wire test. rr----�� M. that the a t'Contractor de the Util' to retain for its PP Y 9 pipe acco g y c Z O O require ppiwns provi M, permanent records,all field as-built data pumpedosrained from the work area shall be disposed of inamanner as to not damage sewer,water,elecricel welding may also be used to complete when the location is not accessible to butt fusion welding equipment. 6.Nol lessthan l0 business days Prior to Final Inspection,Contractor shall submit as-built drawings showing al least the z,Cz., © which shall be provided in accordance with the Utility'sAs-built Specifications Standards Manual',which can r any other piping,structures or property.No pipe shall be laid in water and no water shall be allowed to rise The on-site welder making the joints(butt fusion orelectro fusion)shall have received specific training from the 2.Deflection of all pipe regardless of the type or size shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturer's following: Q ,'Z �. obtained from the Utility's websile(winclayulilily.org) above the bottom of any pipe while it is being jointed,except as may be approved in writing by the CCUA Manufacturer of the fittings and/or pipe being welded and shall have written proof of proper training/certification specifications or recommended criteria for the pipe being installed.Any pipe which has been installed and does a.Locaton of valves,mains,services,manholes and locale wire boxes. r ,�y W ty from the associated Manufacturers.Only certified welders who have written training certifications from the not meet the above listed criteria shall be removed and replaced with new pipe All costs of removal and b.Elevation of sewer lines in the manhole,and stub-outs. v 5 a. W 2. CONSTRUCTION WARRANTY AND WARRANTY SECURITY PERIOD.Developer's Contractor shall wanansy 8. HYDROSTATIC TESTING.After all pressure pipipe ener mams,services,and force mams)are laid,the joints fitting and/or pipe Manufacturer will be allowed to perform this work To weld a fitting or electro fusion coupling einstallation of said pipe shall be al the Contractor's expense,with no cost to the Owner,and shall meet all 7.As-built drawings shall have been updated to accommodate the Clay County Utility Authority's comments and the final .� 'Z, Utility against defects in material and workmanship for the portion of the Desna system to be owned by the Utility completed,antl the trench backfilletl,the newly laid pipe antl appurtenances shall be subjected to a hydrostatic lest in place,the on-site welder(employee)must be trained and certified by the fitting Manufacturer.To butt weld CCUA requirements elevation of the manholetops must be includedthan comply to the guidance set forth in Utility's As-built Specifications ram,1�A� O for two(2)years,Developer shall secure from its Contractor a written and fully assignable warranty that the system of150 p.s.i.for a period of at least two hours.The engineer and the Clay County Utility Authority must be notified pipe,the on-site welder(employee)must be trained and certified by the pipe Manufacturer The fusion work Standards Manual,which can be obtained from the Utility's website www cleyutility orgy. I/-'a OW '�' installed will be and remain free from all defects,latent or otherwise,with respect to workmanship materials, 48 hours before a test is to be performed.Test shall be as set forth in AWWA standard C600.Any leaks detected shall be a complished(welding antl cool-down/closing times)in ccordance with the fitting and pipe 3.Any utility pipe regardless of the type or size which has been abandoned,or taken out of service or out of use 8.The Engineer of Record certification to FDEP This can be done with completed anbuills. Hy a a installation,and accuracy of his as-built drawings in accordance with the Utility approved plans and specifications shall be corrected and the section of pipeline retested.The two hour test period shall begin when all joints have Manufacturers'recommendations,at a minimum.CCUA reserves the right to require the Contractor to remove for any reason,shall either be removed from the ground for its entire length and disposed ofin a legal manner, 9.As-builis,must be accepted and approved by the Clay County Utility Authority CD I= W for a period of two years from the date of the system acceptance by the Utility and immediately assign the same been determined to be water tight Leakage shall be limited to that allowance set forth to Section 4 of AWWA from or not permit an employee to work on the welding or fusing portion of the work if in the opinion of CCUA rshall be grout filled in place for its entire length A CCUA inspector shall be present and witness the grout 10.All valves,locate wire boxes,sewer,water and reclaimed services shall be scribed in curb and painted the correct color. aE��A a antl the nghi to enforce the same to Utihly on or before the dale of the Utility's acceptance of the system for Standard C600-87 Hydrostatic and leakage test and blow-downVeromg of gage)must occur before sampling for that person is not properly trained or cannot perform the welding or fusion process in high quality and filling of the pipe from start to finish of the process If the abandoned pipe is being removed,a CCUA inspector 11.All services and valves to be plainly marked with a treated fence post,and electronic locale marker on all sewer lateral and �r�CO E. Ownership and maintenance. bacteriological test.The maximum allowable pressure loss is 5 p.s i.regardless of the length of pipe pfessional workmanship manner shall be present or be able to view the open ditch where pipe was removed from prior to backflling that ditch. sewer stubs 12 Pump station start-up report with draw down data for each pump and with both pumps in operation.All electrical components 3 CLEAN-UP.All surplus me ne of consWction shall be removed from the sae and disposed of by the 9. REPORTS.Reports of hydrostatic and leakage tests and sterilization of the newly completed systems shall be b.External and internal beads shall only be removed when required by CCUA.The mtemal bead shall be 4.Disinfection Notes: to be completely installed and in proper working condition. Contractor as part of his contract with the Owner. submitted to the Clay County Utility Authority prior to requesting acceptance of the system. oved from allfused joints ofe pipe that is to be used as a gravity sewer line,ores a sewer force main line a Only CCUA staff is authorized to change or adjust existing CCUA valves. .( • a sleeve or host pipe which will have another pipe installed inside it.The external bead shall be removed b.The General Superintendent of the Distribution and Collection System must be informed of any changes to PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE FOR OWNERSHIP,THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED: 'Cj 4. RESTORATION.New Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Construction in earthen areas shall be seeded and 10. DENSITY TESTING. In-place density tests are required atmlervals not to exceed 150'along pipelines for from all fused joints of a pipe which will be installed inside ofe sleeve or host pipe and the external bead shall existing CCUA valves. .F d'� mulched in accordance with Section 570 of Standard Spe cations of the Florida Dept.of Transportation(latest every other lift.A minimum of one lest between manholes is required for every other lift regardless of the distance be removed from all fused joints of a pipe to be pulled through a reamed Horizontal Directional Drill hole which c.The scheduling of the disinfection process for new developments installing water mains must be coordinated 1. A preliminary inspection must be coordinated by the underground utility Contractor and held a minimum of fifteen(15) Z �.I edition)In locations where existing grassed(sodded)areas are disturbed,sod shall be replaced to preconstmclion between sanitary sewer manholes may have a possible catch point such as extreme rocky ground conditions or other hazards.The Contractor with CCUA at least seven(7)days in advance. working days prior to the final inspection/start-up.The preliminary inspection will compare the approved design drawings tothe r N' condition and to limns of construction or where directed by the engineer. shall be required to follow the requirements and recommendations of the pipe Manufacturer and Clay County d.CCUA inspectors must be present to observe and monitor the disinfection process. actual site installation,noting any deficiencies UO I,� I 1¢'. 11. CONCRETE.All Portland Cement concrete shall be of Type II Portland Cement,2,500 p.s.i.minimum,ready Utility Authority. f 5. PERMITS.The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and providing records of all permits requiredfor ixed.All concrete shall be placed before the initial set has taken place.Stale or resempered concrete shall not be 5.CLOSEOUT/COMPLETION.Minimum items required for Close Out/Completion for submittal to the Clay 2. Thefollowing must be represented at the preliminary and fnal inspection: '7, ,-r performing work under this contract,except that the FDEP permits,and wetland permits,if required,will be sed County Utility Authority will include: a The Clay County Utility Authority's inspection and distribution and collection departments Q, F secured by the Owner or Developer. a.Construction Warranty from Developer in the fomr of a Bond,Letter of Credit or Cashier's Check fora two-year b.The project's Developer and/or general Contractor .? "ti 12. GATE VALVES AND BOXES.Gate valves shall have a 2"operating nut and open left.Gate valves shall have period. c The Underground Utility Contractor 0 �tiv 6. PIPE BEDDING.In the event unsuitable or unstable bedding material is encountered at or below the limits of joints suitable for the type main on which installed.Valves 2"and 3"shall be iron body,bronze fitted.Valves 4"and b Warranty Certificate for a two-year warranty from the Contractor to the Developer and assignment of same to d.All subcontractors associated with the lift station(electrical,pump Manufacturer,control panel Manufacturer,etc.) t} the excavation required for installation,such material shall be removed and replaced with suitable compacted larger shall be iron body,bronze fitted with resilient seat The word"WATER"on water boxes and"SEWER"on the Clay County Utility Authority(CCUA) backfill material specified by the Design Engineer and approved by the CCUA so as to provide a stable trench force main boxes shall be cast in the covers c.Developer's Afdavit certifying there is no outstanding debt against utility assets to be deeded to CCUA 3. All manhole rings and covers have to be adjusted to finish grade bedding surface suitable for pper pipe installation. d.Value of Acceptance Report showing value of assets to be deeded to the CCUA 4 Water services must be lowered and meter boxes installed,valve boxes must be set on all gate valves. e.Bill of Sale to CCUA 5. As-built drawings shall have been updated to accommodate the Clay County Utility Authority's comments and the ACAD FILE NAME 6.1.PIPE BEDDING(ROCK BEDDING MATERIAL)Rock material used for pipe bedding shall be#57 stone or f. Bacteriological Test(s) final elevation of the manhole tops must be included(shall comply to the guidance set forth in utility's'es-built crushed concrete(crush-Crete)in a#57 size.Rock bedding material shall be completely wrapped in a heavy filler g Pressure Test(s) specifications standards manual,which can be obtained from the utility's web site(www.dayutility.org). SPECIF D.DWG fabric material,overlapped a minimum of one foot Rock bedding shall be installed to the correct grade and h.Television Reports and Recorded DVDs 6. All valves,locate wire boxes,sewer,water and reclaimed services shall be scribed in curb and painted the correct color - compacted to a density which will prevent any settlement either by mechanical tamping equipment or by i. Density Reports 7. As-builts must be accepted by the Clay County Utility Authority SHEET NO. compressing the rock using the bottom of the backhoe bucket The compaction shall be approved by CCUA j. Locate Wire test inspector.The Contractor shall be required to have submittal approved by Design Engineer and CCUA peon to use k.Final As-Built Drawings and disks 211 of such rock bedding material. THESE DETAILS AS SHOWN ETm Enoland-Thirns,&ITIllar.Inc. ON THIS DRAWING ARE BY FOR PIPE RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULES,SEE STANDARD WATER MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS SHEET C.C.U.A. WE TAKE NO .LL.80.37.136 FINISHED GRADE S FINISHED GRADE >1 SEE<Z\,‘\,\\<,\\\/ >//i//>. >,//i//j//>/*‘,\\\/ N \ EXCEPTION TO THE DESIGN VISION•laPERIEICCE•RESULTS .-.a.•.8675.L A.non i 5 NOTE#4 8,5 DEPTH VARIES 0 w 9'MIN 9'MIN FULL LENGTH OF PIPE CENTERED FULL LENGTH OF PIPE EXISTING CONFLICT PIPE LOCATE WIRE AT CROSSING,SEE NOTE#1&#5 Zo CENTERED AT °.0 0, CROSSING(SEE NOTE#1) SEPARATION VARIES (SEE NOTE#3) CASING SPACERS(TYP) <Z LOCATE WIRE,SEE NOTE 43 (12.MIN)SEE NOTE 62 1. 1' ;\ 9' 1' 1' 2 --t'd ncargla=igr .4101= 111 I - 1 1 1 1 1 SIZE&TYPE VARIES i I ON MII‘i IMM ligio m=mai or SEPARATION 6 VARIES(12°MIN) k 1110-1 _ MECHANICAL JOIN.,12", 22X2°OR 45°(SIZE VARIES) ALL JOINTS OF PIPE LOCATED WITHIN RL OECQAuTuREEWD I R E i= RESTRAINED JOINT(TYP.) EXISTING CONFLICT PIPE \-PROPOSED WATER MAIN PROPOSED WATER MAIN THE CASING SHALsLTEBEELReEASs7NAGINzEuzDE E-5 -...P-C _ SIZE AS REQUIRED 9'MIN 1 9'MIN SIZE&TYPE VARIES RESTRAINED JOINT(TYP) IT PIPE SIZE AS REQUIRED CI THE LENGTH OF THE PIPE TO BE RESTRAINED ON BELL CLAMP ELEVATION E. Z EACH SIDE OF BEND SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE THE LENGTH OF THE PIPE TO BE RESTRAINED ON WITH RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULE EACH SIDE OF BEND SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE SEE TABLE BEL,. P 2 WITH TABLE FOR MECHANICAL RESTRAINT CASING SPACER 2 OR 3 REQUIRED FOR TIE ROD SIZE 4 LENGTHS. PER JOINT OF PIPE SEE-ABOVE 41011101L AND QUANTITIES . -. CC NOTES CASE"A"CROSSING CASE"B"CROSSING ANNULAR SPACE SHALL REMAIN 71)e.'-'-... _ '':" EMPTY SEAL BOTH ENDS WITH E 12'(RR)OR 8.(DOT)THICK CLASS :4110.r!NOTES . ET.247 171 1 THE SOILS BETWEEN THE NEW MAIN AND THE CONFLICT PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 98%OF THE MAXIMUM °C CONCRETE PLUGS(SEE SPECS) DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE LABORATORY MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST,ASTM D 1557. 1 THE SOILS BETWEEN THE NEW MAIN AND THE CONFLICT PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 98%OF THE MAXIMUM •-4-4-//2 ALL BENDS TO BE RESTRAINED IN BOTH DIRECTIONS PER CCUA REQUIREMENTS,TO WITHSTAND 150 P S I DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE LABORATORY MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST,ASTM 0 1557 -411110- '2e,'n PRESSURE TEST. 2.LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED. D2(DIA) STEEL CASING PIPE ,3,kat 3.LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED. 3.ALL BENDS TO BE RESTRAINED IN BOTH DIRECTIONS PER CCUA REQUIREMENTS,TO WITHSTAND 150 PSI STEEL CASING PIPE 4 THE COVER FOR PIPING SHALL BE 36.(MINI IN PAVED AND UNPAVED AREAS AND A MAXIMUM COVER OF 84", PRESSURE TEST UNLESS APPROVED BY CCUA hhg 4 THE COVER FOR ALL PIPING SHALL BE 36"MN)IN PAVED AND UNPAVED AREAS AND A MAXIMUM COVER OF 8,, 5.IF UTILITY CONFLICT IS LOCATED IN A NON-TRAFFIC AREA INC TRAFFIC LOADS)AND IF THE NEW PIPE SHALL BE UNLESS APPROVED BY CCUA. CASING DETAIL ,919.A ! DUCTILE IRON PIPE,THEN THE MINIMUM COVER MAY BE REDUCED TO 24 INCHES(ONLY IN THE AREA OF THE CONFLICT) ADJUSTMENT OVER EXISTING UTILITIES ADJUSTMENT UNDER EXISTING UTILITIES CARRIER PIPE NO DIA(01) CARRIER TYPE AND CASING PIPE SIZES(MIN)IN INCHES 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 ghll inH? MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS(NTS) MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS(NTS) CASING PIPE NOM.DIA.(D2) 14 16 20 20 24 30 30 30 36 42 48 54 WALL THICKNESS RAILROAD(CSX) 025 0 281 0.375 0 375 0 375 0 469 0 469 0.469 0 562 0 625 0.688 0 781 LOCATION OF PUBLIC WATER SYSYEM MAINS IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.A.C.RULE 62-555.314 WALL THICKNESS DOT 025 025 025 025 025 0312 0312 0312 0375 050 050 050 14%.1- 11, IL) NUMBER OF TIE RODS(EACH END) 2 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 12 14 14 Ugh g MAXIMUM 80°OF MANUFACTURER'S TIE ROD 4211 DIA 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4. Ti4" Si4. 3/4 3/4" RECOMMENDATION FOR JOINT Joint Spacing @ Crossings DEFLECTION(SEE NOTE#5) FINISHED GRADE Other Pipe Horizontal SeparationCrossings CASING SIZE SCHEDULE MIN/MAX COVER(SEE NOTE#4) -E- i/--- (1) (Full Joint Centered) >a ,V,;,W''&.‘ \%/,' 4. .<.\&&..\,, Alternate 3 It 1111111M1.11 0 Ill DEPTH VARIES FINISHED G IkWa IC r Main I Water Main 01 I GRADE ,z,<<\ \,<,›A/>, ' )./.!7/i.>/z .,\ > C K.-. 0 8 LOCATE WIRE(SEE NOTE#2) - (SEE NOM.) PROPOSED FORCE MAIN NoT6s Z SIZE 6 TYPE VARIES 12 indium is Ihr minimum, ,"`' ._.T., FULL LENGTH OF PIPE EXISTING CONFLICT PIPE ,. Storm Sewer, 3 ft minimum 03900 fin slum st.,01,then 1 I Walla Main I 0 1 MIN COVER TO TOP OF CASING;a)FOOT.0'1.RAILROAD-5 V TO BASE OF RAIL,4 V FOR SECONDARY OR INDUSTRIAL TRACKS FULL LENGTH OF PIPE CENTERED AT MAXIMUM ANGLE LOCATE WIRE 0 Lil Z,c,2, zvrigT#A,T)CROSSING _ Stormwater Force Main, 6 inches is 1119 minimum and 2 ALL JOINTS WITHIN CARRIER PIPE SHALL BE MECHANICAL RESTRAINED JOINTS CROSSING(SEE NOTE 81) (SEE NOTE ii3) 0 8 ilithrio„,, SEPARATION VARIES ....NO" • .... .......__ z -or% . ft'„__... (SEE NOTE#1) AMP Reclaimed Water(2) 12 inches is prefem:d 3 FOR STREET USES WHICH ARE NOT DOT OR RAILROAD,USE DOT CASING THICKNESS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED BY ENGINEER PROPOSED FORCE MAIN ,o-ailjamMilllimiiii„........-.... ipm ...".1 I SIZE&TYPE VARIES 9.019. II\ 111111,,, L'd ...1111 X LI 4 CASING PIPE SHALL BE FURNISHED IN NOMINAL 6 FOOT LENGTHS(MIN)UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE DRAWING OR APPROVED BY CCUA x '/\/'2 44111141/4 '\/,/\\/ ,,N 11 V/ ',OF...FA'c,L . . 5 PIPE TO BE USED AS A CASING SHALL CONFORM TO EITHER ASTM STANDARD A139 FOR"ELECTRIC FUSION(ARC)WELDED STEEL PIPE"WITH A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 35000 PSI OR"API SPECIFICATION API-5LX.GRADE X-42 WELDED STEEL PIPE" a iiOa .11/< .\/ .4141) Alternate 3 ft.m'nim Ill \ / '\/k\\\<,\\ ;'.....747'..'i 9'MIN 9'MIN RECOMMENDATION FOR JOINT DEFLECTION(SEE NOTE#5) I Water Main I Water Main A2), - - I 1011.preferred I. Watcy Main is TYPICAL CASING DETAIL-WATER(NTS) SEPARATION VARIES MINIMUM HORIZONTAL LENGTH REQUIRED AS MINIMUM HORIZONTAL LENGTH REQUIRED AS ER (SEE NOTES#1 32) EXISTING CONFLICT PIPE PER MANUFACTURER TO DEFLECT PIPE MANUFACTURER TO DEFLECT PIPE VERTICALLY 3.i.uton',nit...),c6.0. 12 inches preferred • I 9'MIN VERTICALLY TO AVOID OBSTRUCTION. TO AVOID OBSTRUCT(ON. 3 fl.ininimum 6 inches minimum MINIMUM HORIZONTAL LENGTH REQUIRED AS MINIMUM HORIZONTAL LENGTH REQUIRED AS PER MANUFACTURER TO DEFLECT PIPE PER MANUFACTURER TO DEFLECT PIPE VERTICALLY TO AVOID OBSTRUCTION VERTICALLY TO AVOID OBSTRUCTION. CASE"B"CROSSING _ CASE"A"CROSSING NOTES Alternate(it).minimm u 0 LLI Z 1.IF IF EXISTING CONFLICT PIPE IS A WATER MAIN,12 INCHES OF SEPARATION IS REQUIRED.A FULL LENGTH OF PIPE - Waft,Main I Water Main NOTES SHALL BE CENTERED UNDER EXISTING UTILITY MAIN TO PROVIDE MAXIMUM JOINT SPACING FOR ALL CROSSING 2 LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED. A V) CL (I), 1.A FULL LENGTH OF PIPE SHALL BE CENTERED OVER EXISTING UTILITY MAIN TO PROVIDE MAXIMUM JOINT SPACING Gravity or Pressure 3.THE COVER OVER ALL PIPING SHALL BE MINIMUM OF 30°(PAVED AND UNPAVED)AND MAXIMUM OF 840 UNLESS 10 ft.preferred 12 inclars is the minimum, I. Walcr Main in < CI = FOR ALL CROSSING Sanitary Sewer. OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CCUA.THE SOILS BETWEEN THE NEW MAIN AND THE CONFLICT PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED F 611.minimum(3) except for gra,*sewer,then - 0 Z < T . Siinita Sewer orce ain. 2.ALL BENDS TO BE RESTRAINED IN BOTH DIRECTIONS PER CCUA REQUIREMENTS TO WITHSTAND 150 PSI PRESSURE O • 6 inches is e niinimum an 4.CC98%UA OOF MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE LABORATORY MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST ASTM D 1557 Reclaim.]3% t THEN ALLOWS 80%OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR JOINT DEFLECTION.BENDING THE r2 < H TEST lier(4) M th d hes i Lu PIPE BARREL IS NOT ALLOWED.UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CCUA,THE MAXIMUM ARE LISTED IN TABLE BELOW. 12 inc s prckfted 3.LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED. ONLY MANUAL FORCE CAN BE UTILIZED TO OBTAIN THESE JOINT DEFLECTION.ALL OFFSETS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM W 2OLF PIPE LENGTH. CASING SPACERS(TYP) W aH 4 THE COVER OVER ALL PIPING SHALL BE MINIMUM OF 38"(PAVED AND UNPAVED)AND MAXIMUM OF 84,UNLESS 2' 2' 9' 9' 2' 2' 2' < OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CCUA.THE SOILS BETWEEN THE NEW MAIN AND THE CONFLICT PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED On-She Sewage Treatment& Z 10 ft.minimum -- -- TO 98%OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE LABORATORY MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST ASTM D 1557. Disposal System .....- 1 - MAXIMUM ALLOWED OFFSET FOR PIPE BY JOINT DEFLECTION B L ,.„,, . , . < S.CCUA ONLY ALLOWS 80%OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR JOINT DEFLECTION.BENDING THE (I)Water main should cross above other pipe.When water main must be below other pipe,the minimum separation et 12 inches. i-1111.- -1.MingAilli 1....l=i10 our-lB a 0 PIPE BARREL IS NOT ALLOWED.UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY C01A,THE MAXIMUM ARE LISTED IN TABLE BELOW. (2)Reclaimed water regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610,F.A.C. ONLY MANUAL FORCE CAN BE UTILIZED TO OBTAIN THESE JOINT DEFLECTION.ALL OFFSETS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM PVC PIPE DUCTILE IRON PIPE(Mechanical J..) IX Z (3)3 fl.for gravity smitary sewer When the bottom of the water main is bid aII ast 6 inches abi,ve.the lop all gravity sanitary sewer. < co- 03 2OLF PIPE LENGTH. 00 (Y) RESULTING RADIUS (X) (Y) RESULTING RADIUS ALL JOINTS OF PIPE LOCATED WITHIN LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED PIPE SIZE MAX OFFSET ANGLE AT OF CURVE WITH PIPE SIZE MAX OFFSET ANGLE AT OF CURVE WITH (4)Reclaimed water not regulated under Part III of Chapter 62410,F.A.C. THE CASING SHALL BE RESTRAINED a co in (IN) (IN) ONE BELL 20FT LENGTHS (IN.) (IN) ONE BELL 20FT LENGTHS (5)All bells must be offset. SPLIT STEEL CASING PIPE MAXIMUM ALLOWED OFFSET FOR PIPE BY JOINT DEFLECTION 2 30 158 FT - - - - Mellow-nfltior0O,lit,m1.1 ro,so......*Iy.Mow refrt mo LAX.Rule 42-65.6.314 96 4.11.9914994n91109:4491m. ELEVATION BELL CLAMP Z ‘-',Th IX 4 10 480 FT 4 27 8 5° 177 FT < PROVIDE COLD ROLLED STEEL TIE RODS H IX PVC PIPE DUCTILE IRON PIPE(Mechanical Joint) e 10 480 FT 6 24 200 FT FROM THE END OF THE STEEL CASING PIPE CASING SPACER 2 OR 3 REQUIRED (X) (V) RESULTING RADIUS (X) (V) RESULTING RADIUS 8 10 480 FT 8-12 17 5 4 2° 273 FT PER JOINT OF PIPE SEE-ABOVE TO THE FIRST JOINT OF PIPE OUTSIDE THE (r) 0 PIPE SIZE MAX OFFSET ANGLE AT OF CURVE WITH PIPE SIZE MAX OFFSET ANGLE AT OF CURVE WITH 10 10 080 FT 14-16 12 OS' 000 FT 4111.0., ak CASING THE RODS ARE TO BE WELDED TO (IN) (IN.) ONE BELL 20,LENGTHS (IN) (IN.) ONE BELL 20FT LENGTHS ANNULAR SPACE SHALL REMAIN THE CASING AND CONNECTED TO A BELL 12 8 5 58,,FT 18-20 10 20' 477, EMPTY SEAL BOTH ENDS WITH 12° TYPE CLAMP ON THE PIPE.(TYPICAL EACH 2 30 r 158 FT - - - - 14-24 5 1 2° 980 FT 24-30 8 600 FT (7,18)OR 8"(DOT)THICK CLASS"0 SIDE/.SEE TABLE BELOW FOR THE MINIMUM 4 10 2 4° .0 FT 4 27 177 FT CONCRETE PLUGS(SEE SPECS) vor. NUMBER OF TIE RODS REQUIRED AT EACH 30-08 3.25 1477 FT 36 7 687 FT SLOPE SIDES AS PER END,TIE ROD SIZE AND QUANTITY 6 10 2 4° .0 FT 6 24 5 7° 200 FT 42-48 6 7 1 6° 716 FT OSHA REQUIREMENTS . .N\11"-‘'•,•.,=WI) 8 10 2, 480 FT 8-12 175 4 2' 273 FT GROUND SURFACE 10 SO 10 2, 480 FT 14-16 12 2 9' .0 FT D2(DIA) STEEL CASING PIPE 12 8 5 564 FT 1820- 10 24' 477 FT ADJUSTMENT UNDER EXISTING UTILITIES UNDISTURBED ,,Itrfrv, WARNING TAPE i . . .4/ STEEL CASING PIPE,FERGUSON WORKS MATERIAL OR EQUAL 14-24 960 F,- 24-30 1 9' 600,- 8° 1477 FT 36 7 1 7° 887, PIPE JOINT DEFLECTION 41a SPLIT CASING DETAIL a. t, - 0 42-48 6 7 16' 716, , 0.(MIN) CARRIER TYPE AND CASING PIPE SIZES(MIN)IN INCHES LOCATE WIRE(FOR USE w/NON-METALLIC r. r,f• 12"(MAX) .2 CARRIER PIPE NO DIA(D,) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 PIPE)TO BE PLACED '.k IIIV•, CASING PIPE NOM DIA(D2) 10 16 20 20 24 30 30 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 ic'7-3 ADJUSTMENT OVER EXISTING UTILITIES DIRECTLY ON TOP OF 44%... WATER MAIN •4 WALL THICKNESS RAILROAD-(CSM 025 0 281 0 375 0 375 0 375 0 469 0 469 0 469 0 562 0.625 0 688 0 781 0 844 0 938 PIPE JOINT DEFLECTION tv' ° M ''''' 'i'' WALL THICKNESS DOT 025 025 025 025 0 25 0 312 0 312 0 312 0 375 050 050 050 050 0.50 0 NUMBER OF TIE RODS(EACH END) 2 2 2 4 4 8 6 8 8 12 14 14 18 16 ' 1 I c:4 CO OD 505(MIN) .... VARIES I' REPRESENT FINAL I:l : NH(MINI .;K:r01 PIPE SPRING LINE TIE ROD SIZE(DIA.) 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/0. 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/4. 0 a)8 C79 MILL/OVERLAY NOTE' ..... I.. ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPAIR MILUOVERLAY... - THICKNESS SHOWN •••i•Z •,...."•; -.. CQ it, I 444 Iatit, _11:a.tite SHALL BE MILUOVERLAY IN I COMPACTED CONJUNCTION WITH EASTING ASPHALT ./4%I ," :-. ,,,,,,.* NOTES 1 1 EA HAL AS THICKNESS H H 1'4 g2 Zok. ' ALLOWED UNDER RAILROADS rn l' CS,WATER MAIN AND NON-WATER MAIN SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS-NOTES PE SP-12 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 1 25"MINIMUM I •• ' 1 F.-. 1i El il 2.THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE CING PIPE SL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES GRTER THAN THE OUTSIDE DIAMET ER OF THE CARRIER PIPE BELL /8. 1) SEPARATION OF WATER AND SEWER MINS HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE W i TY 5 ATER SYSTEM IMAMS AND ..‘ . A.%4 OR COUPLING Z 0 .‘1 OR APPURTENANCES AND SANITARY OR STORM SEWERS,WASTEWATER OR STORM WATER FORCE MAINS,AND RECLAIMED WATER MAINS r A r . J 3 ALL JOINTS WITHIN CARRIER PIPE SHALL BE MECHANIC.RESTRAINED JOINTS c A.E.T. Ch SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 62-555.314 FAC. COMPACTED TRENCH BOTTOM,NW:c."77"751;i741,,E DIAMETER Z "---'' EXISTING PAVEMENT EXISTING PAVEMENT 98%OF MODIFIED PROCTOR '.,AIES 4 FOR STREET USES WHICH ARE NOT DOT OR RAILROAD,USE DOT CASING THICKNESS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED BY ENGINEER. (.) laS BS -- .9 2 NEW OR RELOCATED UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID TO PROW:.A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST THREE FEET MAXIMUM DENSITY ASTM D1557, BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED STORM SEWER.STORM WATER FORCE .. BY HAND OR MECHANICAL 5 CASING PIPE SMALL BE FURNISHED IN NOMINAL 8 FOOT LENGTHS(MIN)UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE DRAWING OR APPROVED BY CCUA. REQUIRED TRENCH WIDTH MAIN,RECLAIMED WATER MAIN REGULATED UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 62-610,F.AC,OR PROPOSED VACUUM-TYPE SANITARY SEWER. 12°MIN.LIMEROCK TAMPING. BASE(LBR.0) r- 1 6 PIPE TO BE USED AS A CASING SHALL CONFORM TO EITHER ASTM STANDARD A139 FOR"ELECTRIC FUSION(ARC)WELDED STEEL PIPE"WITI-1 A I-D . .I,--,••",',..D---. . „.I."--.----D." 3 NEW OR RELOCATED,UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS SMALL BE LAID TO PROVIDE A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST SIX FEET,AND 100%MAX DENSITY ; ' - D '-- "' . ' '' MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 35,000 PSI 013.API SPECIFICATION API-5LX,GRADE X-.WELDED STEEL PIPED r'-' PREFERABLY T.FEET.BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY-OR PER AASHTO T-180 V'NV :: • 1 FINAL BACKFILL-CLEAN,WELL GRADED MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF TAE AC.!1 60= E.T4 PRESSURE-TYPE SANITARY SEWER,WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN,OR PIPELINE CONVEYING REC,IMED WATER NOT REGULATED UNDER ' " ' 12.(MIN) CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS.FINAL BACKFILL SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 0 INCHES,LOOSE H i'-= 4 PART III OF CHAPTER 62.10,F A C TILE MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCE BETWEEN WATER MAINS AND RAV1TY-TYPE ./4, Ave MEASUREMENT,AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95%(UNPAVED)AND 98%(PAVED)MODIFIED PROCTOR SANITARY SEWERS SHALL BE REDUCED TO THREE FEET WHERE THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN IS LAID AT LEAST SIX INCHES ABOVE THE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY.ASTM 0-1557. TOP OF THE SEWER. 12"ROADBED 0" 3/16 VARIES ) ‘c•- C4 " STABILIZATION(1_13R 401 , 98%COMPACTION 8 1 -. ,114,. 5/3"DIA HOLES 2.INITIAL BACKFILL-CLEAN,WELL GRADED MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FOR 1/2'BOLTS 3/16" 100%MAX DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180 4 NEW OR RELOCATED UNDERGROUND WATER MANS CROSSING ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY-OR VACUUM-TYPE SANITARY . RA CONTCT SPECIFICATIONS INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 6 INCHES,LOOSE mi.. PER AASMTO T-180 :&#'. . 7 'S SEWER OR STORM SEWER SHALL BE LAID SO THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST SIX INCHES,AND PREFERABLY 12 INCHES, MEASUREMENT,AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 98%MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY,ASTM %ABOVE,OR AT LEAST 12 INCHES BELOW,THE OUTSIDE OF THE OTHER PIPELINE HOWEVER,IT IS PREFERABLE TO LAY THE WATER MAIN . 8 D-1557 BACKF1LL SHALL EXTEND TO THE TOP OF THE PIPE AFTER COMPACTION ALL LIFTS SMALL BE COMPACTED ABOVE THE OTHER PIPELINE(SEE CROSSING"A"AS SHOWN ON DETAIL SHEET WAT-02). -q8 PTA BY HAND TAMPING OR AN APPROVED METHOD OF MECHANICAL TAMPING DEWATER1NG SHALL CONTINUE UNTIL cf_ J. 1431 /8•THK NA DITCH(W) . BACKFILL IS COMPACTED AT LEAST 2 FEET ABOVE PIPE P 19 PLACES) I 4,1'N 5 NEW OR RELOCATED UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS CROSSING ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED PRESSURE-TYPE SANITARY SEWER, ,c; 3 HAUNCH1NG-CLEAN,WELL GRADED MATER.IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT % WASTEWATER OR STORM WATER FORCE MAIN,OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER SHALL BE LAD SO THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER .k" WI k' ; DIAMETER VARIES t'S... 0\ SPECIFICATIONS HAUNCHING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMPLETELY DEWATERED TRENCHES IN LIFTS NOT 6°(BOTH ENDS) MAIN IS AT LEAST 12 INCHES ABOVE OR BELOW THE OUTSIDE OF THE OTHER PIPELINE.HOWEVER.IT IS PREFERABLE TO LAY THE WATER . 4 P.4• °°'3 EXCEEDING 4 INCHES,LOOSE MEASUREMENT,AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 98%MODIFIED PROCTOR MAIN ABOVE THE OTHER PIPELINE .0 ?". e, *Mg•..., CONDUIT OR PIPE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY.ASTM D-1557.BY HAND TAMPING HAUNCHING SHALL BE BROUGHT UP EQUALLY ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PIPE.COMPACT BACKFILL TO 611D-PIPE. SECTION"B-13. SECTION"C.C. 3/4" 6 AT THE UTILITY CROSSINGS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPHS(4)AND(5)ABOVE,ONE FULL LENGTH OF WATER MAN PIPE SHALL BE "V' -1/2"TYP (8 414r)l'i CENTERED ABOVE OR BELOW THE OTHER PIPELINE SO THE WATER MAIN JOINTS WILL BE AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM THE OTHER PIPELINE. 4. 4 BEDDING-CLEAN,WELL GRADED MATER.IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT MATER!, PIPE - ATSM A53,G.DE B,ERW,STD WALL.CARBON STEEL ALTERNATIVELY,AT SUCH CROSSINGS,THE PIPES SMALL BE ARRANGED SO THAT ALL WATER MAIN JOINTS ARE AT LEAST THREE FEET FROM -^ SPECIFICATIONS BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMPLETELY DEWATERED TRENCHES IN LIFTS NOT ALL JOINTS IN VACUUM,PE SANITARY SEWERS,STORM SEWERS.STORM WATER FORCE MAINS,OR PIPELINES CONVEYING RECLAIMED PLATE - STM A36,GRADE B,CARBON STEEL(THICKNESS AS NOTED) \' `,?. , _,y4' EXCEEDING 6 INCHES,LOOSE MEASUREMENT.AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 98%MODIFIED PROCTOR WATER REGULATED UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 52-610,FA C.AND AT LEAST SIX FEET FROM ALL JOINTS IN GRAVITY-OR PRESSURE-TYPE t'• WELDS ALL WELDS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A CERTIFIED WELDER E MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY,AS.0-1557,BY HAND TAMPING OR MECHANICAL TAMPING PROPERLY SHAPED BELL SANITARY SEWERS,WASTEWATER FORCE MAINS,OR PIPELINES CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER NOT REGULATED UNDER PART III OF LININGS/COATINGS INTERIOR - BARE \)?, ,,., CHAPTER 62810,F A C 4:, ,:;..••• PIPE BEDDING HOLES SHALL BE EXCAVATED IN THE COMPACTED BEDDING TO PERMIT ASSEMBLY OF THE PIPE.SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS EXCAVATION IF REQUIRED TRENCH BOTTOM IS AT BO,OM OF PIPE EXTERIOR- BARE IF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS NOT ENCOUNTERED "%o___,AD" 7 NEW OR RELOCATED FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED.THAT THE HYDRANTS ARE AT LEAST THREE(3)FEET FROM ANY EXISTING iS, • OR PROPOSED STORM SEWER.STORM WATER FORCE MAIN,OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER,AT LEAST THREE(3)FEET,AND - PIPE MAIN FOR CROSSINGS USING SPLIT CASING PIPE TY PREFERABLY TEN(10)FEET,FROM ANY EXISONG OR PROPOSED VACUUM- PE SANITARY SEWER,AT LEAST SIX(A FEET,AND PREFERABLY civs-pwlr-wwe. . NOTE.NATIVE,UNDISTURBED MATERIAL IN COMPLETELY DEWATERED TRENCHES MEETING THE COMPACTION AND TEN(10)FEET,FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVI.OR PRESSURE-TYPE SANITARY SEWER OR WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN. }. ..• _.'e.) , MATER.REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPACTED BEDDING MATERIAL NEED NOT BE REPLACED OR REWORKED, EXCEPT FOR SHAPING OF BELL HOLES.AND WHERE REFILL IS REQUIRED NOT ALLOWED UNDER RAILROADS 12. VARIES 12' 8 WHERE AN UNDERGROUND WATER MAIN IS BEING LAID LESS THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM ANOTHER (MIN) (MIN) ACAD FILE NAME 5.REFILL'REQUIRED WHERE TRENCH HAS BEEN OVER-EXCAVATED.REFILL SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMPLETELY PIPELINE AND WHERE AN UNDERGROUND WATER MAIN IS CROSSING ANOTHER PIPELINE AND JOINTS IN THE WATER MAIN ARE BEING DEWATERED TRENCHES IN LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 6 INCHES AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 90%OF ASTM D-1557 TYPICAL SPLIT CASING DETAIL-WATER(NTS) LOCATED LESS THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM JOINTS IN THE OTHER PIPELINE,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT THE DESIGN ENGINEER TO OBTAIN APPROVAL OF ANY ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION METHODS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION REVISED CLAY COUNTY CASE 2 ASPHALT MAX DRY DENSITY,BY HAND OR MECHANICAL TAMPING NOTES ON UTILITY SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS PAVEMENT REPAIR DETAIL TYPICAL PIPE TRENCH DETAIL(NTS) SHEET NO. (NTS) 212 THESE DETAILS AS SHOWN c.rm(Englancl•ThieruiMilar.inc. ON THIS DRAWING ARE BY 14775 Old St.PupslineRoad JackI TRIVIEW MARKING POST(CONCT C.C.U.A. WE TAKE NO L:69a)042 89 9 0onville.FL 32250 CCUA FOR LATEST REQUIREMENTS) EXCEPTION TO THE DESIGN %oDo4z6a694as BO2OBIB NNpI•EJ(PnLIFLUP•R!lULIB �000 sa4 LC• 90"BEND(TO BE SMOOTH HOSE BIBB 24" PRIM COVER AND INSIDE OF:Te:RA, X BLUE REMOVED) (TO BE REMOVED) APPLY GROUT TO FILL ANNUL SPACE BETWEEN VALVE BOX AND CORETE PAD NOTE TOP OF BOX AND COVER TO BE 2"BUSHING(TO BE REMOVED) "Il PRE-CAST 2A"ROUND,3500 P. 8112 FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE 2"X2"TEE(TO BE REMOVED) WATER SHALL FLOW PRECAST CONCRETE COLLAR4" ]1l2' 17-STRAANGLE)WN THICK wI#3 EARTH,(SEE NOTE#]) (TO BE REMOVED) COMPACTED EARTH(TYP) i�1 W of O 2'PIPE(TO BE REMOVED) "' u VALVE BOX B COVER(TYP) FINISHED GRADE SIR I 1 FINISHED GRADE 1 N PROVIDE BLUE PAINT TO THE /��L�J®�/A'/.Y � 1 Z_ \\\\\ \\\�\&\\\�\�\ INSIDEOFTHETOP SE CT ION OF O<� //eWA 1�' SMB" WQ /,/, THE BOX(NOTE#5) \i E VALVE BOX ADJUSTMENT(SEE NOTE#5) 0 6"PVC RISER PIPE(LENGTH AS (•—/ 0 BUSHING IF RED. REQUIRED)PROVIDE V"CUT IN • iOz 1 I 1• FINISHED GRADE (TO BE REMOVED) PIPE(1/2"SIZE MIN)(TO TOP OF6"RISER PIPE FOR I I W SB" ` 3 I \���� 1"THREADED PLUG BE REMOVED)ROUTE TO LOCATE WIRE ACCESS INTO //4 '\/\//"//� 4 x4.�/ (TO BE INSTALLED AFTER ROADWAY SHOULDER IF VALVE BOX • NUT(NOTE 6Wl2"OPERATING 61/8" *� 2"FEMALE ADAPTER BACTERIOLOGICAL PIPE W/LOCA) (23 LBS.RPROX) REQUIRED(SEE NOTES) PLASTIC DEBRIS SHIELD REQUIRED PIPE WI LOCATING WIRE CLEARANCE IS RECEIVED) ■ TOP SECTION 20(3"STAINLESS 90°DEGREE BED ON ALL VALVES AND SMALLER ���, STEEL NIPPLE 41, (SEE NOTE W�o� (TO BE REMOVED) —HILL WATER MAIN 1 , ..._ . . . �i I f i4l`/ //\<„, I 511/16" obua (SIZE 8 TYPE VARIES) 1...1101 I� �J� NOTE PROVIDE CENTER SECTION RESTRAINED MECHANIAL z� // JOINT(TYP) T\ v��'� 12'(MIN)LAYER OF MT E%TENSION AS NEEDED d FE �e� 11"X3"STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE _' STONE(REQUIRED FOR �a��� .-Zr UNDISTURBED EARTH 1/2" 2"90 DEGREE ELBOW 1"FEMALE ADAPTER VALVES 20"AND LARGER, w r WATER i,g_ 1 (TO BE REMOVED) 1"X3"STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE (NOTE#8) T v' / OwuC WATER MAIN 2"THREADED PLUG(TO BE (SIZE 8 I"BRONZE BALL VALVE CONNECTED G �1 i 2 a INSTALLED AFTER BACTERIOLOGICAL TYPE VARIES) DIRECTLY INTO NIPPLE(TO REMAIN) NOTES CLEARANCE IS RECEIVED) 1"WATER SERVICE SADDLE(TO 1 SIB" 3"DOUBLE STRAP SERVICE 1 FOR UNPAVED LOCATIONS.A PRECAST CONCRETE VALVE PAD SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED FLUSH WITH GRADE CONCRETE )13 LBS.APPROX.) 2"BRONZE BALL VALVE CONNECTED SADDLE(TO REMAIN) REMAIN)(NOTE THAT OUTLET,AT PAD IS NOT REQUIRED FOR VALVE LOCATED IN THE ROADWAY,UNLESS SHOWN OR NOTED OTHERWISE ���� DIRECTLY INTO SS NIPPLE(TO REMAIN) 3 00 OR 9 00 POSITION) �j J]l8" (NOTE THAT OUTLET AT 3:00 OR 9)00 POSITION) 2 LOCATING WIRE IS REQUIRED ON ALL PRESSURE PIPING(SEE DETAILW-44) �1� `< �/ NOTES 3l4" m N E CARVED IN THE RB NT TO ALL BELOW GRADE VALVES THE,GUT IS TO INTED NOTES 1, LOCATION OF SAMPLE POINT BIBB SHALL NOT BE WITHIN THE ROADWAY BUT ROUTED TO a AV"cuT s11EA4 IN PAVED EASBINSTALL VALVE AT AUDEPTH To nLLowTA E2 MIN DISTANCESETw1=ErvTHE vAL COVER Pw[BRDATHE TOP OF GREEN n 3/8" H T (2)1" DIIA. '�uwi� 0 THE ROADWAY SHOULDERS(NON-TRAFFIC AREAS). 1 LOCATION OF SAMPLE POINT BIBB SHALL NOT BE WITHIN THE ROADWAY BUT ROUTED TO THE ROADWAY VALVE OPERATING NUT OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS(RASS),INSTALL VALVE AT A DEPTH TO ALLOW A 6"MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN THE (26 CBS.APPROX.) SHOULDERS(NON-TRAFFIC AREAS) VALVE LOVER AND THE TOP OF THE VALVE OPERATINGNU OPERATING NUT/STEM EXTENSION SHALL BE PROVIDED(WHERE APPLICABLE) ) 5' ' 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL TEMPORARY PIPING SO THAT THE OPERATING NUT WILL BE NO MORE THAN 30 INCHES BELOW FINISHED GRADE 2 ALL PIPER FITTING SHALL BE GALVANIZED MATERAL OR SCH 80 PVC S FITTINGS(AS NOTED,AFTER BACTERIOLOGICAL CLEARANCE IS RECEIVED Bn BOTTOM SECTION 3/B" ^^^'- z 3 PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE PVC SCH 80 OR GAIN MATERIAL 5 FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION,THE VALVE BOX SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO MIDRANGE TO ALLOW FOR FUTURE BOX ADJUSTMENTS ROUTE 53/4• —.I 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL TEMPORARY PIPING 8 FITTING(AS LOCATE WIRES THRU A V"CUT IN THE TOP OF THE a"PVC RISER PIPE FOR LOCATE WIRE ACCESS INTO VALVE BOX THE LOCATE WIRES NOTED)AFTER BACTERIOLOGICAL CLEARANCE IS RECEIVED WITH A 12'LONG PIG-TAIL AT THE TOP SHALL BE CONNECTED TOGETHER WITH A WIRE NUT 10 3/4" 4, THE USE OF THE ABOVE CONSTRUCTION FOR A TEMPORARY SAMPLE POINT SHALL BE 6 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL CCUA RULES AND POLICES AS OUTLINED BY CCUA'S STANDARDLIMITED TO AREAS WHERE A SAMPLE TAP BY ALTERNATIVE METHODS IS NOT FEASIBLE OR IF 6 BRASS IDENTIFICATION TAG INDICATING"WATER',VALVE SIZE,DIRECTION AND TURNS TO OPEN B VALVE TYPE PROVIDE A IQ"HOLE IN WATER SYSTEM STANDARDS AND OTHER ASSOCIATED CCUA STANDARDS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BY CCUA BRASS TAG MO ATTACH TAG(TWIST WIRE ROUND TAG)TO THE END OF THE LOCATE WIRE TAGS ARE NOT REQUIRED ON VALVES INSTALLED ON FIRE HYDRANT BRANCH LINES 2"TEMPORARY SAMPLE TAP FOR STUB OUT(NTS) 5 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMY WITH ALL CCUA RULES ANDAS AS OUTLINED CCUASSTAND RDWATERSV TEMSTAN ARDS AND OTHER ASSOCIATEDIES CCUASTANDARDS BY J IN LIEU OF PRECAST CONCRETEPAD,A6"THICKX24"(ROUNDORSQUARE)POUREDCONCRETEPADW/2-#4REBARAROUND VALVE BOX AND COVER Y BE USED TEMPORARYSAMPLE TAP(NTS) UP TOI/VELSHA0 BE RALLHOVIDDUDERALLy ES2DADLRGERTHEMINIMUMVERTICALLIMITOFGRAVELIS12"LIDERTHEVALVE 9 3 0 9 w UP TO 1/3 THE OVERALL HEIGHT OF THE VALVETLV w Q O U Q 9 FOR VALVES 12SHALL ENTERND SMALLER,THISER PIPE BOX OVER THEOPERATINR BLACK NUT DEBRIS MINIMIZHIELD E INFILTRATION INSTALLS BELOW STHE LLOPERATING AF BNUT THIS OXLOK SHIELD EQUAL CENTER THE RISER PIPE BOX OVER THE OPERATING NUT AND MINIMIZE INFILTRATION SHIELD SHALLBEBY AFL, WATER VALVE INSTALLATION DETAIL J_ Q1 3'45'MIN.SQUARE ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH DOUBLE-LEAF, r METER FLANGE, SENSUS DES SIZE TO ALLOW FULL.OPEN ACCESS LU UNI-FLANGE ADAPTOR METER HALLIDAY CO,OR APPROVED EQUAL. PVC PIPE RESTRAINT NOTES Q OR APPROVED EQUAL (H20 WHEEL LOADING WHEN REQUIRED) 1 THIS SCHEDULE SHALL BE UTILIZED ON ALL WATER,SEWER FORCE MAIN OR HORIZONTAL BENDS VERTICAL OFFSETS VALVES REDUCERS TEES IIIRECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS,ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE RESTRAINED TO LENGTHS NOMINAL 45°BENDS OR SEE NOTES LAMINA `� WNW) INDICATED ON THIS SCHEDULE,ATA MINIMUM SIZE M. 45° 225° 1125°(SEE NOTE 4) DEAD RUN BRANCH U i P ill ive BENDS BEND BENDS BEND9UPPER LOWEF ENDS SIZE SIZE SIZE '/)MJ GATE VALVEM.J.GATE VALVE ,ri` 2.SMALLEUMPESZE OR88INLH SAFETY FACTOR-iLRS LEST PESSURE=150PSI, OS/ L(FT)L IFT.L(FT)L IFT)Lu(FT)LIFT) LIFT) (IN,) L(FT) (IN) (IN) L(FT) — 91 SQ GM QR SM TREOLH PE 3,DEPTH QF LOVER 3D INCHES FQR 2D"AD 6x4 35 4 2 MJ TEE MJ TEE MT TEE 4 20 0 2 20 3 50 F0 , Q: �� M�L ATE �- E —"•'" L 8 28 10 5 2 28 4 20 Bx4 65 4 4<LESS F10 `�'WAWA / 3, BENDS AND VALVES,SHALL BE RESTRAINED ON EACH BIDE OF FITTING, LL tilli.141.1M11111M&R.(''—'n'—'MlN) ��� J �' % 16"MIN 9 4 VERTICAL OFFSETS RE APPROX 3 FEET COVER ON TOP AND APPROX 8 10 40 10 8 4 45 6 110 tOx6 658 8 30 6<LESS FO W111111111111 (TYP BOTH 4O a6 FEET COVER ON BOTTOM PER THE DETAILS.LU IS THE RESTRAINED LENGTH 10 10 40 H IDES) �u © i FOR THE UPER(TOP)LEVEL,LOS THE RESTRAINED LENGTH FOR THE LOWER 12 50 0 9 4 52 8 120 MIID 85 8 14M.J.90°BEND i g6<LESS FO{@ (DEEPER)LEVEL RSUME 45 DEGREE BENDSMJ.GATE VALVE ry �O *III OPLAN w 14 56 23 10 5 80 9 140 12 12 65\ 6"(MIN) 65 SIZE NOTCH TO FIT PIPE SIZE FILTER FABRIC c� 5, TEES.TOTAL LENGTH BETWEEN FIRST JOINTS OR RESTRAINED LENGTH ON 16 60 26 11 6 67 10 160 .16x12 95 8<12 F.O. I / 13"MIN.CLEARANCE ALL AROUND) EITHER SIDE OF TEE(RUN)SHALL BE A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 30 FEET(MIN)SEE 10 fi9 2s 12 6 )4 12 1e0 ®n--_ .' "w SCHEDULE ROVE FOR RESTRAINT LENGTH ON TEE'BRANLH"LINE 20x18 35 i6 16 100 ; NOTE.WIDTH VAIRES TO ACCEPT PIPE SIZES OVER B" 0 20 J5 32 t3 ) as t3 Is5 2axt6 65 12 40 Cy REDUCER 6. HDPE TO PVC TRANSITIONS.THE PVC PIPE SIDE SHALL BE RESTRAINED 35 20x12 120 10<LE3S F.O. 0 SECTION a- (MIN) z4 6 Bt o0 0 m Q Ni O ' ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH A �= 24x2D 65 16 80 0 30 88 36 18 9 9J 16 235 ASSEMBL, 3"METEROF 16"SED OF F OPENAF,CIZE ESS ALLOW __ __ ) THE INSTALLATION MANUFACTURERS URRSR COMMENDA ION,WHICH SHALL BE 24x18 95 12<LESS F.O. ASSEMBLY, MINIMUME S'Q3U MIN FULL AYcN RAP. --II".�'. ' -1— NOT OLETED RTIGHTTHEMANE PARALLEL R RODS/NUTS RECOMMENDATION, SHOULD ULD INCLUDES 38 100 40 20 10 110 20 270 24x16 120 24 24 900 Z MJ W.BEND SPACE SHALL BE REQUIRED BETWEENHALLIDAY CO.OR APPROVED NOT OVER TIGHTENING THE PARALLELTHEPINUTS THESE NUTS SHO ISIBLEY 30x24 80 20 SQUARE REDUCER FITTING AND OUTSIDE FACE EQUAL(H2O WHEEL LOADING BE SNUG TIGHT THE HOME MARKS ON THE PIPE SHOULD ALWAYS BE VISIBLE 42 115 48 23 11 125 24 300 16 40 NOTES OF VAULT BOX,ON BOTH SIDES OF WHEN REQUIRED) ' " AFTER THE RESTRAINT IS INSTALLED OVERHOMING THE JOINT MAY CAUSER 48 125 52 25 12 1b 30 340 13' 12<LESS F.O. METER VAULT(DETAIL NOT SHOWN Imo�, ,ryi FAILURE AT THE BELL RESULTING IN A SERVICE OUTAGE. '^ 1 ALL PIPE TO BE DI(MINIMUM 4") TO SCALE) I�R;.l 6"WALLS TYP 30 24 80 V' 2 ALL VALVES B FITTINGS TO BE DUCTILE IRON(MINIMUM 4") 1��11 '"' 4 ( 42x36 I80 16<20 50 LE33 F.O. 3 MINIMUM LENGTH OF 8 DIAMETERS OF STRAIGHT PIPE TO BE INSTALLED ON INLET SIDE OF METER. ��'� 2"BRONZE f 4 ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS TO BE SAME SIZE AS METER(EXCEPT 3"METER SHALL HAVE 4"PIPE AND FITTINGS) AIR RELEASE iM®I BALL VALVE '1IA41L{L�� 42x30 150 38 38 120 5 CONC.BOX SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 42'DEEP WITH OPEN BOTTOM,PRECAST WITH NOTCH TO ACCOMMODATE VALVE 24 10 50 48.2 80 PIPE INSTALLED 36'DEEP,INSTALLED ON 12.OF 857 STONE, 48x36 150 20<LESS F.O. 6 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING OF BOX WITH DIMENSIONS FOR APPROVAL BY CCUA ]THE COST OF THE METER WILL BE ASSESSED TO DEVELOPER UNDER SEPARATE AGREEMENT THE METER ONLY WILL PLAN � �■ 42 42 220 16 BE FURNISHED TO THE CONTRACTOR BY THE CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL i 'AD 30 goo THE METER TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION SHOWN HEREON NOTES 24 40 8 PIPES COMING IN AND GOING OUT OF BOX SHALL BE 36"DEEP CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO ADJUST THE FILTER FABRIC 20<LESS F.O. ELEVATION OF THESE PIPES.USE OF BENDS ARE PERMITTED TO ACHIEVE THIS. 1.CONCRETE BOX SHALL BE 42.MIN DEPTH BUT SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE THE 40 48 250 9 FOR ANY SIZE WATER AND FIRE LINE METERS NOT LISTED,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT ALL NECESSARY SUBMITTALS SECTION 42 180 TO BE APPROVED BY CCUA SIZE PIPE AND TYPE OF AIR RELEASE VALVE REQUIRED, 36 90 WITH OPEN OBTT PRECAST WITH NOTCH TO ONEW M F PIPE LTER FABRIC ABOVE ANDCOVER NOTES PVC PIPE RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULE 3D FO FROM TOP OF PIPE O FINISH GRA E ON 12"OF MS]S FATLESS BELOW THE STONE 1 FOR PIPE 10"OR SMALLER AA'DIAMETER,NOTCHED MANHOLE FO.=FITTING ONLY ! O 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING OF BOX WITH DIMENSIONS FOR APPROVAL BY CCUA CAN BE USED FOR AIR RELEASE VALVE HCIO (OVER a^couin 42 ccun 3.DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM AND SHALL BE INCREASED BASED UPON ACTUAL SIZE OF PIPE 2 SET MANHOLE ON MIN OF 4 SOLID CONCRETE BLOCKS SPACED OQ METER VAULT DIMENSIONS EGINEERING DEPARTMENT) INSTALLED EVENLY ROUND THE MANHOLE W/A MIN.OF 12"OF#5)STONE II WITH FILTER FABRIC ABOVE AND BELOW THE STONE. c:4 CO OE MEIER 3.and, TYPE VAULT DIMENSIONS. VAULT DIMENSIONS. VAULT DIMENSIONS SENSUS 41-01 OUTSIDE 420 OUTSIDE 4261 OUTSIDE WATER MAIN AIR WATER MAIN AIR O p 0 c) SENSUS .0"OUTSIDE /M.OUTSIDE ....OUTSIDE RELEASE VALVE VAULT RELEASE VALVE VAULT TURBINE 320 INSIDE 320 INSIDE 326.INSIDE DUCTILE IRON PIPE RESTRAIN NOTES LENGTH(L)TO BE RESTRAINED 0 C7 HORIZONTAL BENDS VEATIC40FfSETS VALVES REDUCERS TEE 1y C32 COMPOUND 3212 INSIDE 3,INSIDE 3.-0.INSIDE TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 12"OR LARGER TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 10"OR SMALLER 1 THIS SCHEDULE SHALL BE UTILIZED ON ALL WATER,SEWER FORCE NOMINAL 45°BENDS OR SEE NOTE 5 H�I Q j� MAIN OR RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE PIPE gp• 45° 22 5° 11 25° (SEE NOTE 4L DEAD RUN BRANCH %%I�rn A FIRE LINE a...INSIDE 520 INSIDE 5281 INSIDE RESTRAINED TO LENGTHS INDICATED ON THE ABOVE SCHEDULE,ATA SIZE BENDS BENDS BENDS BEND$UPPER LOWEF ENDS SIZE SIZE SIZE Z C..ry 6 MINIMUM (IN) L(FT)L(FT)L(FT)L(FT)Lu(FT rLI(FT T � .) L(FT) (IN) L(FT) (IN) (IN) L(Fzo PROPELLER 4ROPELLER3'tlN 85E 4DE3'-6�INSSE 4DE36�INSSE OE 2 ASSUMPTIONS'DUCTILE IRON PIPE(WITHOUT POLY WRAP),SAFETY 4 10 6 4 2 12 2 30 6.6 20 4 4 FO O z p FACTOR=1,5.TEST PRESSURE=150PSI,SOIL=GM OR SM.TRENCH TYPE 3, 8. 20 4 6 6 a 22 to 5 2 12 a 40 METER VAULT-3"AND LARGER METERS DEPTH OF COVER=30 INCHES FOR 20"AND SMALLER PIPE SIZE OR 36 8. 40 4<LESS FO Imo. INCHES FOR 24"AND LARGER PIPE SIZE FOR OIP W/POLY WRAP,USE 8 30 13 8 3 22 4 50 1003 8 8 18 5(.: RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULE FOR PVC PIPE. 10 35 14 ) 4 26 5 64 6<LESS FO 20 ai [] 3 BENDS AND VALVES'SHALL BE RESTRAINED ON EACH SIDE OF 12 42 16 8 4 31 6 75 1000 10 18 811, 1 I A 0 0 27 Z FITTING. Iyg 40 6<LESS FO 1 a O W x 14 46 20 1 5 35 7 65 12 38 '< 4,VERTICAL OFFSETS,ARE APPROX.3 FEET COVER ON TOP AND 16 53 22 11 5 40 8 95 16X12 12 10 20 `LI a a APPROX 8 FEET COVER ON BOTTOM PER THE DETAILS,LU IS THE 1600 0<LESS FO H N A W RESTRAINED LENGTH FOR THE UPPER(TOP)LEVEL LI IS THE 18 57 24 12 6 44 9 105 2.18 16 16 60 RESTRAINED LENGTH FOR THE LOWER(DEEPER)LEVEL ASSUME 45 20 82 26 13 6 48 10 110 20216 40 12 20 C) E. DEGREE BENDS - 10<LESS F.O. 24 64 27 14 6 50 11 111 20 20 78 5 TEES:TOTAL LENGTH BETWEEN FIRST JOINTS OR RESTRAINED 24x20 40)3 30 15 ] SJ 13 13J 16 40 gB LENGTH ON EITHER SIDE OF TEE(RUN)SHALL BE A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 24x18 12<LESS F.O, 30 FEET(MIN)SEE SCHEDULE ABOVE FOR RESTRAINT LENGTH ON TEE 36 85 34 16 8 66 I] 159 24910 60 24 244 ]e "BRANCH"LINE 20 53 42 93 38 20 9 75 20 178 30.4 50 3 ////////��""��<.'rx..8.4 12<iLE3S F.O. '�6 HOPE TO I.P TRANSITIONS THE D I P PIPE BIDE SHALL BE 48 102 43 22 10 82 22 198 (( RESTRAINED 35 FT(MIN) 3060 - 30 30 99 ]/� 88 20 37 42x36 40 16<LESS F.O. 1414c) 4.30 36 30 118 U I� 48.2 40 88 24 52 48xae 88 20 37 �rd` 42 2 138 36 110 \\ 16~ 30 ]8 4 37 20<LESS F.O. ' 40 154 2 DUCTILE IRON PIPE RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULE 30 69 5999 ACAD FILE NAME 24<LESS FO F.0=FITTING ONLY SHEET NO. 213 THESE DETAILS AS SHOWN ETrri EFwlmld•Thima& Hlar.lnc ON THIS DRAWING ARE BY 477501 ElIlia SI.Augustine-Roa(1 lachsonv .FL C.C.U.A. WE TAKE NO 0EL)(104)0421(210300 EXCEPTION TO THE DESIGN CA FA 846B486 VISION•EXPERIENCE•MILLIS •06002660 LC-0000316 1 S.PENTAGON NUT 4,5"NOZZLE FACING STREET(OR ACCESS) „ 15'PENTAGON NUT _dliIr -- -- -- -- BREAKABLE COUPLING (I II, PVC UNION(TOP) SCH,80 (SIZE PER PVC NIPPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTER II II II II PRECAST CONC. APPLICATION) W/COUPLINGS IL IL IL IL Q COLLAR �'�i �'/r __ �'ii \i __ F 6'OURET TEE L :II: K W/BLIND FLANGE �� II 6"OUTLET TEE II N FINISHED GRADE III IIII we III WI BLIND FLANGE �� ��� \ ��III �Y��N``°7°i7PZ7�. 1 Il�f�l��'K'a`% $',�Y^ °i'Y .ter° III �� II z PIPING ♦=III !'INlll(IIiI1.11=1jl=+ PRECAST FBI I�la iirMi II•ilk PRECAST ell tlll E 6"GV PIPING 1 GALV. CONCRETE CONCRETE ILL +STD MECH JOINT TEE, BBOX FBI m N RELIEFPIPING COLLAR COLLAR + p F,H,TEE(PREFERRED), 11711 - '7) OR ANCHORING TEE DRAIN,OPEN PRECAST VALVE z SCH 80 W• �,1 CONCRETE DISCHARGE ' (SIZE AS REQUIRED- t PVC NIPPLE Ifs I'ILN ONLY NECESSARY IF ���� — e III.I COLLAR NR di ■ FINISH GRADE I'I� m FIRE HYDRANT TEE IS �� �—Errg �Ypi�,, . . II _ FINISH GRADE 0: NOT USED) `� 6/ ��Xe GATE VALVE . - •' r, _ _ 1141!17E _ I. f FINISH GRADE AND BOX D I.PIPE • r74rt DIY \N'���\W.. .." .}�y�... - AND BOGATE X 15,4 07 �w 0I PIPE 30"WIDE CONC 30"WIDE CONC.PAD W/ w ROD 316 STAINLESS STEEL a57 STONE SUMP GATE VALVE �'II� PAD WI3000 PSI �I IIII' 3000 PSI �I ROO THREADED(4 REQUIRED) AT BASEOF BEND = ,, AND BOX ... 0 III 4 4 a 0 h FIRE HYDRANT (STANDARD) SUPPLY- SUPPLY Ni SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER SIZES 6" &ABOVE REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW BACKFLOW PREVENTER WHERE BACKFLOW IS BETWEEN PREVENTER - SIZES 311 &ABOVE (NTS) 211 DIAMETER AND SMALLER (NTS) RECLAIMED & POTABLE (NTS) BACKFLOW PREVENTER NOTE: "- 2 MECH JT.6. DESIGNS SHOWN FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER INSTALLATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR CCUA OWNED USE 3I0"NUTS BOTH SIDES OF JOINT(TYPICAL) VALVE OPEN RIG I INSTALLATIONS-SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL.THE BOTTOM OF THE BACKFLOW 314"316 STAINLESS ` PREVENTER VALVE IS TO BE NO LESS THAN 12"OR MORE THAN 36"ABOVE THE NATURAL FLOOD GRADE. STEEL ROD-CUT 8 _ (SEE CCUA PUMP STATION DETAIL SHEETS(ALL)FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTERS AT PUMP STATIONS) THREAD AS REQ'D. J 1 I/ O `1 a o m MECH JT HYDRANT TWO SPRING WADED 3l4"BYPASS ASS'Y WI METER 80 D.0 V O 0 U Q ,O' L I ., TEE SIZED AS REQ'D. ASS CHECK VALVES SWAY MUST BE ASS SAME BRAND/MERAST MUST BE BY SAME BRAND/MAKER AS THE MAIN MUST BE BY SAME BRAND/MAKER AS THE MAIN DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE FIRE MP -I 1 TWO SPRING LOADED CHAIN W/LOCK TO PREVENT J CHECK VALVES DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE CLOSING OF GATE VALVES BACKFLOW PREVENTER HYDRANT --- 30'MIN. VET STAINLESS BACKFLOW PREVENTER fi'01 STEEL ROD-CUTE CHAIN W/LOCK TO PREVENT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SHALL BE 5'STORZ QUICK Cl)NIPPLES THREAD AS REQ'D CLOSING OF GATE VALVES CONNECT FITTINGS Wl 5"KNOX FDC LOCKING CAP B TO BE VJ APPROVED BY CLAY COUNTY FIRE DEPT.(ALSO INCLUDE ANY PUMPER NOZZLE NECESSARY FITTINGS AND VALVES PER EACH OCCURRENCE) TO FACE STREET A111 3-WAY WiuiI■- _ HIYDRANT Ct CONCRETE E`/"� ■11 ■I-- PRECAST LL IIIII CONCRETE COL AR PRECAST �M// PUMPER NOZZLE CONCRETE-/1/,� TO FACE STREET COLLAR-, , SUPPORTS(T'P.) ®i I FINISHED GRADE OR ACCESS - " NQ in LL MillIMMME E '11 C 11'.__ _ FINISHED GRADE ' \r LU �1,5.PENTAGON NUT ®II III 18'(min) B /BREAKABLE FLANGE n " RETAINER c 30•WIDE PSI PA` RETAINER LLI 24"(max) RETAINER MiliPMMMEv z GATE VALVE GLAND W/3000 PSI GLAND = n/ /11 v m v^%FINISH GRADE e v GATE 30"WIDE CONC PAD RETAINER AND BOX- 6{T0 J BE D •,R LL .vi •.v..ii vALV GLAND WI3000 PSI GLAND PRECAST CONC COLLAR AND BOX- rr-T�1 A Mi. 90 BEND HYDRANT ' � ■ ,WATER VALVE BOX BEND SIOII II#M.J.SO°BEND �I II O REDID FIOON R AS O PIPE SLEEVE AS REDID "' 1I� `I IIII SUPPLY RESTRAINER RESTRAINER II- ADDITIONAL DEPTH - �- M J 00"BEND OF BURY =I In'or SUPPLY RESTRAINER RESTRAINER U Z < LEAVE DRAIN _� �I NOTES NOTES Q CI? HOLE OPEN 30'MIN. 1 DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE WI 314"BYPASS METER 8,314"00 C V ARE REQUIRED ON ALL ON-SITE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 1 DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE WI 3l4'BYPASS METER 6.314"D D C V ARE REQUIRED ON ALL ON-SITE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS F > 3I4"S S ROD I2 REDD EACH SIDE) CO 2 PROVIDE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR COMPLETE ASSEMBLY. 2 PROVIDE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR COMPLETE ASSEMBLY. CO ! • FIRE HYDRANT- LIMITED SPACE DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER o HYDRANT INSTALLATION FOR LIMITED SPACE WITH MECH.JOINT HYDRANT TEE WITHOUT ABOVE GROUND ENCLOSURE - 3"AND ABOVE WITHOUT ABOVE GROUND ENCLOSURE - 31' &ABOVE 0 FIRE HYDRANT CANNOT BE LOCATED LESS THAN 5.-0"FROM BACK OF CURB AND WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WITHOUT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION NO MORE THAN 20'-0"BACK OF CURB. O 1-1 C' I NOTES: 1� 0 c� I THERE SHALL BE CLEARANCES OF SEVEN AND ONE-HALF FEET(7'-6")IN Z Z CC7 a cq FRONT OF AND TO THE SIDES OF THE FIRE HYDRANT,WITH A FOUR FEET QI Z 0 d, (4')CLEARANCE TO THE REAR OF THE HYDRANT.EXCEPTION:THESE z o DIMENSIONS MAY BE REDUCED BY THE APPROVAL OF THE FIRE OFFICIAL. C z �' THERE SHALL BE NO OBSTRUCTIONS PLACED IN FRONT OF ANY FIRE E—IcG Z HYDRANT ASSEMBLY THAT WOULD PROHIBIT ACCESS. r•I 1~—r o w x a. Ir-,HTQ W sA IO11 U )d ACAD FILE NAME SHEET NO. 214 THESE TH DETAILSDRAWING SHOWN C-rlalmld•T''°' llilar,lnc IdT lQnd.Augustine.Rood 2"OR SMALLER PVC SERVICE nml—nnn—nml—nnn—nml—nnn=l __ _ ON THIS ARE BY FL;, SEE DETAIL B II-IIIIII-IIIIII-IIIIII-IIIIII-IIIIII-IIIIIII _ I IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIpIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II EXCEPTION TO THE DESIGN WHOM orr•ovrnIEMCE•RESULTS Tox.0041°2 S mma,. C.C.U.A. WE TAKE NO IIIICIIIIII_IIIIMIIIII_IIIIII=IIIIII�1,,,,_—...� ram se. c 111111 IIIIIRIIIIIRIIIIII 111111=_ III111ii=IIIIII-111111-111111-IIIIII-11 = - CONCRETE COLLAR-MN., I yTr ZIPPER TIE LOCATING WIRES TO IAI7IIIIIAIII�I—■� ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE VALVE BOX AT A MAXIMUM DEPTH p1 • Y 1VlMWSIMIMalSiaffial OF 8"BELOW GRADE.DRILL HOLE �o �, STRAP 8"BELOW GRADE CORPORATION STOP S z '. IN VALVE BOX AND INSERT03(IF APPLICABLE) LOCATING WIRES INTO VALVE BOX. a zzz PVC WATER MAIN 1 ro�m 600 1: VALVE BOX PIG TAIL BOTH ENDS. w '5�;In ¢za > LOCATING WIRE ll OCATING WIRE �o'mo' ��w ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE o rd www o.ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE STRAPS 16.1 !PM STRAPS OR APPROVED EQUAL STRAPS OR APPROVED EQUAL rOR APPROVED EQUAL tot� PVC WATER MAINLOCATING WIRE / \ aaa// z � walls o TERMINATE LOCATE WIRE AT 2"or SMALLER ram SERVICE TAP-DO NOT CONNECT LOCATING WIRE PARALELL ,I I I SERVICE W M o I I cr. 5�w www w TO LOCATE WIRE ON MAIN TO WATER MAIN / o:mrr"""o: CONNECTION TO PVC MAINS `// ������' 2"OR SMALLER WATER SERVICE LOCATING WIRE — o'o ���m (LONG SERVICES ONLY) IN-LINE LOCATING STATION- PVC PIPE o o o 8o w UZQ0j VALVE BOX WITH VALVE a�aw SEE DETAIL A(LEFT) o a 2'MIN.OF LOCATE WIRE SHALL BE COILED O ,o roa nrv— ZIPPER TIE LOCATING WIRE TO RISER oz AND PLACED IN BOX PIPE AT A MAXIMUM DEPTH OF 8" NOTCH PVC STANDPIPE AND LOCATING WIRE �� PLACE WIRES IN THE NOTCH INSTALL WATER METER BOX WITH LID, BELOW EXISTING GRADE.DRILL HOLE SEE DETAIL C(LEFT) 4"OR LARGER PVC WATER MAIN 111 PARALLEL TO RIGHT OF WAY IN RISER PIPE AND INSERT LOCATE WIRE THROUGH TO INTERIOR OF O RISER PIPE.PIGTAIL END. LOCATING STATION OR WATER SERVICE PIPE BOX-NO VALVE PVC WATER MAIN ' IIIIIIJIIIII)IIIIIJIIIILJIIIIIJIIIIIJIIIIIJII zan 1l III®1111M11111®1111M111111111101111= I I aI IVl=1 111=1 111( r _ 10'MAX SPACING _ 4"or LARGER 17 Z INIIIIIMIIIIIM1 1110IIlIIIIIIIIIIIhIIIII=IIIII=III — IIIII�p1°— PVC SERVICE WM O /4 — ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE STRAP STRAPS OR APPROVED EQUAL SEE DETAIL B J OR APPROVED EQUAL Q LOCATING WIRE LOCATING WIRE PARALELL 4"PVC RISER PIPE— LOCATING WIRE SEE DETAIL A(LEFT) O ' z TO WATER MAIN O SEE DETAIL C(LEFT) Z I— 0— CONNECTION TO PVC MAINS ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE PVC WATER MAIN LOCATING STATION BOX-NO VALVE Q J STRAPS OR APPROVED EQUAL Z 4"OR LARGER PVC WATER MAIN OR WATER SERVICE PIPE • Q DETAIL -A 6"orLARGER w H / PVC WATER MAIN ( v (n / Z IN-LINE LOCATING STATION - PVC PIPE w Z $ SEE DETAIL A(LEFT) LL.I O METER BOX - i DETAIL C CL > � U z U LOCATING STATION > Q 0 VALVE BOX-WITH VALVE O —i 3"OR LARGER D.I.or GS PIPE /I PVC WATER MAIN LOCATE W SEE DETAIL C(LFFT)IRE / C.)LOCATE WIRE TESTING REQUIREMENTS Ct Installed locate wiring shall be tested by the contractor as part of the final inspection procedure,using a certified tester and 0 approved testing equipment.The Contractor shall notify CCUA at least 48 hours in advance of the testing period.At this time �` _ I Q n the Contractor shall tell CCUA the number of locate personnel to be used for the wire testing,so that CCUA can assign an 6"PVC PIPE —Io . 11...01110 IIII- inspector to work with each locate wire tester If CCUA has not been notified of the correct number of testing personnel to be TO FIRE HYDRANT • \ / Q Z used,then the only testers allowed to test the wire shall be those who have a CCUA assigned inspector to work with them. r♦ / The CCUA inspector shall have the plans on-site,as shall the testing personnel,for the purpose of recording the required U Q LOCATING WIRE test information(ie passed and failed sections)and for as-built preparation.The CCUA field representative or inspector shall be present during the testing period,and have the authority to request tester to retest sections if inspector suspects any O_ H- I`—^ problems within that section.The contractor shall provide the Certified Tester a copy of the project site drawings(as-builts FIRE HYDRANT / >_ W v J LOCATING WIRE PARALELL preferred).A tone shall be put on the locate wire.The technician shall trace the entire length of the installed wire and spot L paint the location at least at 100-foot intervals along the route.The depth shall be tested at 100-foot intervals and tester shall TO WATER MAIN record the depth of pipe/wire on the report at each 100'interval.The certified tester shall report(show on drawings),where SEE DETAIL A(LEFT) / 0 the pipe/wire has less than the allowable minimum cover(36 inches)or more than the maximum allowable cover(60 inches) J LZ unless called for on the plans or requested and approved by CCUA during the installation of said piping.All lateral stub-outs CONNECTION TO PVC MAINSZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE shall be marked with pain and the depth recorded.A final Locate Wire Report(statement by the certified tester),shall be w/3"OR LARGER D.I.OR GS WATER SERVICE OR WATER MAIN submitted to CCUA for review and approval.The report shall include a signed statement from the certified tester which STRAPS OR APPROVED EQUAL certifies that all installed wire(where shown on the drawing),was successfully(sounded),traced with no open breaks.The `// report shall also include a copy of the project site drawings which indicate all field notes,breaks found/repaired,depths(if I 0 installed outside the acceptable cover limits),and other applicable field remarks by the certified tester.A Certified copy of the 3"OR LARGER DIP or GIP • H report and marked-up drawings shall be furnished to CCUA prior to final acceptance of the project or as approved otherwise by CCUA. SERVICE OR WATER MAIN �l BOLT LOCATING WIRE TO Definitions: COD rn VALVE BOX&PIGTAIL END Approved Testing Equipment shall include variable frequency controls,digital depth read-out and tone continuity.The o q 0 W following is a list of approved equipment-Dynatel(3M(-2273 Cable/Fault Locator,Metrotech 9800XT,Ditch Witch 950 R/T or I�••I d l`I�+ CCUA pre-approved equal. H H O a INIMEgellilligar Certified Tester-A person or company that has been certified by the Manufacturer of the approved testing equipment as SEE DETAIL B(LEFT) , Z V] Cl proficient in the use of the equipment has 8 months experience in the use of the equipment including documented proof of Z O � past performance. M zw cc roil CCUA Approval:Clay County Utility Authority shall have the authority to approve Certified Tester,or deny the approval of '" Z, Certified Tester to work on Utility's System.CCUA shall have the authority to remove any previously Certified Tester from its LOCATING STATION - f=q U," approved list of Certified Testers as CCUA deems necessary. VALVE BOX-WITH VALVE H"p; z aSEE DETAIL C(LEFT) — W0o LOCATE WIRE INSTALLATION .—rr Hy .a Q, Contractor shall furnish and install locate wiring on all water mains,sewer force mains,and reclaimed water mains(both PVC 4 H 0 0 a and ductile 1"inch size and greater.Locate wire must be attached to mains and services with duct tape or approved iron) a 17��I tt and on all service mains 1 z plastic zipper ties,(pulled tight to keep wire from rotating out of location),at each side of bell joint co ,' LW. n■�III I I-■� or fitting and at 10 foot intervals along pipeline(at a minimum).Locate wire shall be brought to grade within a valve box or NOTES. ��r,�! ' locating station box,as required,at 475 foot intervals(see note#2 this page).Locate wire shall be installed in box and along m.-- pipeline as detailed in the CCUA Standard Details.Locate wire shall be installed beneath the pipe line at the 5:00 to 7:00 1.LOCATING WIRE SHALL BE 10 GAUGE,SINGLE STRAND OF RATED(DIRECT BURIAL), LOCATING WIRE �>0� o'clock position on the pipe.Connection or splices underground which are not inside a locate box(or valve box),shall be ) COPPER WIRE,OR APPROVED EQUAL. ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE prohibited unless approved otherwise by CCUA.The request to make an underground connection or wire splice shall be STRAPS APPROVED EQUAL) done in writing to CCUA.The request shah contain the complete job name,name of street,station number as shown on (OR 2)ALL DIRECTIONAL DRILLED PIPES SHALL HAVE 2-8 GUAGE STRAND COPPER-CLAD AT 10'INTERVALS&ADJACENT plans and scaled as close as possible to the location of splice or connection,and the reason for request.CCUA shall have at 44 TO METER BOX least 48 hrs.to respond verbally and 5 working days to respond in writing.If an underground connection is unavoidable and STEEL CONDUCTORS WITH 45mi1 HDPE EXTRUDED COATING,AND SHALL BE OF Z,.� l�� approved by CCUA,then the wire shall be first tied in a knot(to minimize future separation),then the wire ends shall be SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO AVOID SPLICING.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE FLUSHING HYDRANT connected utilizing an electric wire nut,then make the connection water fight by using either vinyl mastic tape(4"wide X TRACER WIRE BE SPLICED;IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO E-. PRECAST METER BOX&COVER 0.09"thick by 3M-Scotch 2210),or plastic enclosure(Snaplco Model LV 9500/951-4 large by TKH)or CCUA approved ORDER ROLLS OF WIRE OF THE REQUIRED LENGTH TO AVOID THE NEED FOR SPLICING Q \d (3"OR LARGER) equipment. THE TRACER WIRE. CONNECTION AT METERS BOXES 3.LOCATE BOXES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE LOT LINE IN RESIDENTIAL F LOCATE WIRE BOX INSTALLATION SUBDIVISIONS,OR COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES;BOXES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN ?iJ ti/ W/ PVC WATER SERVICE Where utility mains are to be installed beneath sidewalks,valve boxes shall be installed instead of locate wire boxes.The SIDEWALKS OR DRIVEWAYS.LOCATE BOXES SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 500 FEET. . valve box lids shall indicate the type of line(i.e.water,sewer,or reclaimed water).The valve box shall be adjusted so the top of valve box is flush with the finished sidewalk grade.If for any reason a locate wire box must be offeet from the C/L of 4.WHERE IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO LOCATE THE BOX OUTSIDE OF A PAVED STREET OR DETAIL - B pipeline,then the contractor shall have installed an adequate length of wire to avoid splices and the exact location of the locate box including the amount of the offset distance shall be recorded on the As-builts. PARKING LOT,THE LOCATE WIRE SHALL BE PLACED IN A VALVE BOX INSTEAD OF A ACAD FILE NAME ROME BOX.VALVE BOX LID SHALL BE MARKED ACCORDING TO THE TYPE OF PIPE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS SERVED. Shall comply to the guidance set forth in CCUA's'As-built Specifications Standards Manual',which can be obtained from 215 CCUA's website(www.clayutility.org). s s / COMPACTION IN ROADWAK AROUND ANHOI FS UHF t]OE MANHOLE FRAME A COVER *i NO BRICK OR HDPE FOR ADJUSTMENTS, 'AROUNiD"MANHOLEALL e TOP c2AMPACTEDT TO 98%MAXIMUM BE VAN iAAMcs�caei°aLE FINISHED I IS INTNIN GRADE WHENAMANHOLE FINISHED iAMIEs�'oBPN MANHENT CONCRETE ADJUSTMENTS ONLY USF,]0E MANHOLE FRAME&COVER YIBLL OF Io THN FINISHEDu IAZNLO GRADEE BRICK ADJUSTMENTSIS(ONERINGS M BEACCEPTED) I L;,IE a A. NEW FORCE Mary IS.... OEDWITHI RAREIMITS WHEN MANHOLE a"PAVEMENT BEM ALLOWED ROADWAYSFI FINISHED GRADE WHEN MANHOLE ISRxwTHw LISHED BMITS OF PAVEMENTADE WH. S e �ISIxOU'nOEBAMITSW OfNPMANHEMi Typ / I ° PAVEMENT �G�Q, FORM NEWCHANNEL —— IS OUTSIDE UNITS OF PAVEMENT T GROUT y_= LI AVEM I I 0-6 NOMINAL,,2 MAX. NG RINGS 2 O ma n y III IlC roOUiPRECAST ECCENTRIC CONE 6 NDMNAL,2 MAx. NG RING6 %'% ERTIASTMAST C� LLSENTRIC -% � m s' PR6cARoMBNgL Rerz Mgxusnrvc RINGS SECTION AND SIDEWALLS EXIST EFFLUENT EXIST INFLUENT CONCRETE 8 / / R ER A)RUBBEREMANHOTERLE STOP j' / "CV'RING JOINT OR 4WOST CE ENT o ALE CLAMPED RT%WS-25/W SEAWER ®� TYPE II CEMENT CRw Ji D " 5/wS E, OR LATEST EDITION ® aPPER(RnIMNEK) APPROVED EQUAL irird O TIRE II CEMENT 0MAX SAW CUT TOP SEC,. 7 APPROVED fAll. APpER(RAVE LLER REINFORCING °F PVC END 1/2 THIN u CRWT(SxOYPE II L) CEMENT SPECI�IGA,IONSCCVa 9 y 'I'd ill WITH R(RAM-NEK) CUT-OUT To vRlx IN I I�_ CIE AFTER REMOVAL R SURFACE FINISH GR UT - o PIPES OF DIFFERENT SIZES SHALL MATCH CROONS 5" 4'-0"DIA. t 2,3.4,FT WALL SLEEVE SIZED i UEVICES CONRACITORNG°SH SHALL SURFACE SHALL oN W '4 _ AS x REDID A COM HODMAN PVC SEVER 5" 4Fi CTMPVE APPROVED EWT w\ /r W i O 0'D LEA e� BE RESPONSIBLE FORTHICKNESS OVER BRICK u EXIST M / CCUE APPROVED SNOT w\ � CASING SPACIEPRRRSLRE0'D.CENTERING PVC as"REDO cacti(sxovtu)M �� SEAUNG ANY SITE BASE�PouREo a- w H E ic' p oMDEE " II LEAN Lc THROUGH SLEEVE(a'MIN AK lk �\ s-o^MIN EpucR GROUT as NTsoa M uIHT N PLACE oAo. `' SEE NOTE IF A SINGLE DROP of e^oR SMALLR PIPE M H DIA Is f I _ �� acwc'wImIN SLEEVE) `_STORM sswER _e .� BE c-o"IF MoreE m PROOF MANHOL CONCRETE BASE B __ oc�usi cc7T9i.MIN) P�A)X ID CLASS I.TYPE a CEMENT GROUT ��-- N.H. _ yU Ao EEDROP OR PIPE SIZE IS GREATER 6^Mw • I' ::::::' PIPE SHALL NOT 6 - 1J2 THBRICI.'TROWELTOATSMWTH � I_IIII■ � � SBE IN I -•, MIN.THIN R RI KLL LLUSE`TOS,GPYLEAKSY ', • •VNl .. S w 's n BFrv%EMFGRS JOINT OF MANHOLE J SERF NISH ESS OVE RB CC S •TiVA THIN M H LENGTHp' BEWt' mICNNE55OVERBRICK ��O�v �'�'Ex STa'EFRVEN LI"B I ROLVEMTNDLDEDC.roINiSCE „ .'• AS PER DRAWING ,� � 6' ' , WR6 MN a SPRING §s§¢s • ' UNDISTURBED SOIL MIN H Z w ,p.A l 4-1„ha'U � /11.111111.111111.1.111111111111111.* BEARING CAPACITY:2000 GRMIE.LEVELING COURSE OF COMPACTED ] U' k'Ws a-zrc=su=cizz 10 UNDISNRBED Ste"`:: ';y+GRAVLL 115 ES]INGCOURSE OF COMPACTS ' V'N," VV/'V ''•� • \'r\�' F SOILM WRAPPED W/FILTER)FABRIC WITHIN PREVENT REVE#57 STONE SHALL BE =W W oL Q:4,.„- oil OIL MIN BEARING CAPACITY 2000 P S F p#w STONE)B]STONE SHALT BEWRAPP `'• MIN LEVELING/OFIL LING COURSE OF COMPACTED STONE MIGRATION HE"g5] !n CE O rczerce�o.uog53 UNDISTURBED SOIL MIN. 5" LEVELING COURSE OF THE#5] UNDISTURBED SOIL MIN sF GRAVEL(Is LISTONE)D 9s]sro STONE SHALL GRAVEL(#5]STONE)p5]STONE SHALL BE a Z W ��ea BEARING CAPACITY 2000 P.SF VEL 057 STONE)#57 STONE'I SHALL BE STONE MIGRATION INTO VOIDS MTIIN uN TU BEO SOIL MIN WRAPPED MIGRATION INTO INTO FABRIC N1�ITINBBTWIE T Z W I- WRAPPED W/m SECTION VIEW AR SECTIONCAPACITY2 VIEW °nnaa FILTER VOIDS WITHIN T BEARING z000 P.S.F. SOIL A s5] ET y } RE P THE NOTE 11)FOR ADDITIONAL MANHOLE sPEanCAna+S.SEE"SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE"DETAIL THIS SHE MIGRATION INTO VOIDS WTHIN THE g5] MANHOLE OLERFR DESIGN CRITERIA STONE MAXIMUM prcrcrcserczs..z.sa.s co WRAPPED TER FABRIC TO PRE SOIL MICR 0000nm�nin•n•n,nnin•n✓. SOILMGR TER AB STONE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE F ALLOWABLE DIFFERENCE IN INVERT EU:vanW wmouT INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION Is 24° co-I¢I_p �pp`p`pp S SHALL BE 0.05 FT.MIN.INFLUENT TO TYPICAL FORCE MAIN CONNECTION TO MANHOLE INSTALL A CCUA SEE ION DTHAT ARE IFFERENCE ACROSS MANHOLE TBE HIS SHEET. STORM CONFLICT MANHOLE NOTE.FOR ADDITIONAL MANHOLE SPECIFICATIONS,SEE"SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE•DETAIL THIS SHEET SADDLE MANHOLE DETAIL o 0 3 zo __, ,,sossWMSSS a SEE l'"ELc ALLOWABLE oFFERENFCEBACROSS INVERT NHOLE"THIS ELEVATION INTERNAL DROP cWrv6cnoN Is 24 THIS DETAIL IS ONLY TO N¢r ooso ����£ge8e2 0 NOTE 1 THIS MANHOLE AND THE NEXT TWO MANHOLES DOWNSTREAM(AS REQUIRED CLEAN OUT PLUG POST V.MARKING CLEAN OUT PLUG �'W BY UTILITY)ARE TO HAVE POLYETHYLENE LINER AS MANUFACTURED BY w.."-»." �C=.w-^:s, .e•. ■ ., BE USED WITH SPECIFIC APPROVAL BY CCUA. _0AAA„anN o m O STANDARD PRECAST CO (AGRU SURE GRIP)OR APPROVED EQUAL �I RTYPICAL GRAVITY SEWER DROP PIPE i z U -D �D"z R R BE INSTALLED AT ALL LOCATIONS CALLING OdLJ 2 IF CONNECTION IS BEING MADE TO AN EXISTING MANHOLE,THAT MANHOLE AND PRECAST CONCRETE A SE{WERESTNBOMT REGARDLESS OF DISTANCE TE CONNECTION TO MANHOLE ~THE NEXT TWO MANHOLES DOWNSTREAM(AS REQUIRED BY UTILITY),SHALL BE VALVE Box COLLAR B. UM E E NOGRAM,SEWER AND SERVICE PIPE LINED WITH SPECTRASHIELD"OR APPROVED EQUAL AND CLEANOUT SH LL G.CNC UDCD INVERT AND PIPSHALL BE INSTALLED WTH THE 6 OR e-t/e BEND I EREUA L W/THE ASBUILi R\w F FLOW FROM SPIGOT PRECAST MANHOLE. 3. SIZE OF DROP PIPE CONNECTION TO MANHOLE SHALL BE DESIGNED r�/// DRAvnncl rvTO BELL BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER.MINIMUM SIZE SIZE SHALL BE 41. / CAP TEE SIZE VARIES—A. CAP �� - - AA OA CONNECTION AND DROP PIPE SHALL BE SIZED TO REDUCE THE �( ■�� _ ►PII - VELOCITY AND PREVENT"SPLASHOVER"WITHIN THE MANHOLE F I_III T 1--I,gIII em m SEEWER VPPIPETEEELLSEBE ►�.�� 5'CRC MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM MANHOLE TO REDUCER MAY BE -- xfi TEE/WY MINIMUMBGF T Z0N THE ELL A ►�.�� ALNICO GREEN non SHRINK cxouT 2 ELL SPIGOT fi" 3 COMPATIBLE LL INCREASED TO ASSIST IN THIS VELOCITY REDUCTION SEWER MAIN SEWER MAIN ax e PVC LEE/1WYE GASKET WHEN"HOMED VP".AB BE ° �..� ?�,'_• ", { I F, 3 2 d 1 SERNCE PIPES LL USF OE MANHOLE FRAME A COVER CLEANOUT DETAIL STANDARD ACCESSIBLE CLEANOUT STUBOUT EY S I=I3 ' SHALL E 6" TERSE TOP OF PIPE A,EAR END ►4 ►0�' DD DE LIMITS CI Pa MELT = PROPERTY ►�� --—_ �FlN MIS. LINE FISH .�� MI POURED CONCRETE w n ISHED GRADE WHEN MANHOLEA 5.DETAIL SHOWN IS Fai _ N.LENGTH ' PRECAST SIDEwALLS,BASES CRWT A " RESIDENTIAL CONNECTION FINISH GRADE yy X QA SEE NOTE LE BASE PWRED AND SLABS PER ASTM C 478 TA. •�V �•�• 'RECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS n COMMERCIAL NG A 6.OTHER USE I I RAL CAN —I 1 I— I (— LATEST EDITION F 0-6•NOMINAL.1r MAx f 0���v�0��;.,•"•••• PLAN EUMIrvaREQUIRITE ME 6�x4 REDUCER RNCE POST LONG m OO BELOW BASE. aCERa000 PSRWrvCRETE 4000 PS CONCRETE =—{a♦ �O®®�� yE R _ REQUIRED TYPE CEMENT O O O p LETTERS FLusH TowRn Aa av c EATER -� FOR PVC PPE TWA APPROVED ®S ®O TOP pF OVER GREEN ELECTRONIC MARKER BALL ®� En BOOT W\ ■�®�■ ���®�s������e� FlMISH o GR J_ GRPU II T(LEAN 0SS)CEMENT 5" a'-°•DIA - D o T cuss I,TYPE II CEMENT GROUT COVER ♦ MARKER BALL(TYPE ADE ZIT PEED FEET ,. ALL ei4neovi"roP F PPE ___ 3 a MIN DEPTH To TOP OF `• .. IkiW•• to P�DKHGLE6 OTH of R FROM FINISHED A VAN BRICK AND TROWEL To A smooTH + _ 004> 2-CONCEALED M PE(5 MAX DEPTH)( E SURFACE FlMIsx CRWT SURFACE sxALL �•� •� • ' J _ =_ ____BE 1^MIry mlcxNEAG OVER aRlMC •�a''i•�®��OI�"�� 9� SPECIFICATIONTECHNICAL .., • _ �lA13/3(a ID -� �,.�vy�,,. NFRAME&COVER HALL BE G PIPE SHEET FOR A ION. W R R — *ON ALL TANKS BEING INSTALLED,THE LENGTH OF THE OUTLET COMPARTMENT SHALL SADDLE MANHOLE DETAIL SECTION LLI I PER60R71N BE AT LEAST)fTH OF THE TOTAL LENGTH OF ALL TANKS REJOIDT W MANHOLE J O^ L � FALL ACROSS„MANHOLES S DES. TO EFLUENT OF 8 SEAT(FIRMLTR AND SPREVENT ALL 2 EACH-USF.RI]O-E PRECAST COrvCRETE 41 6' IN LINE PI SHALL B 0 FT M INFLUENT 23 3/4" ROCKING SEC ADJUSTMEN RINN(I `� EFEL PIPES THAT ARE Ar Ary aNaE SHALL SE oto MANHOLES INSTALLEDSEWER SERVICE O-6'N«I.12 2 SEE"ELEv,nON DIFFERENCE ACROSS MANHOLE'TITS SHEET. - �i•� v- aaaal� WTHIN R WAY(see speexe"1""e) MARKER POST '®;_„ ;_'� LLJ . . . r 23 3/4' l LOT LINE /w LINE u � ICI SEWER MAIN CONTINUES �� SEWER MAIN CONTINUES H ORS NREAPASOIL MIN GRAVEL LEVELING] ,E).as] o COMPACTED BE ill �.:.� U) BE 2000PSF. ° /FILIT FILTER WITHIN THE ., —r _ T SECTION VIEW STONE A TIE an wcREAiVEN OR-zs ; � DISCHARGE �` 0 ,��� 8-RIB •S A IL, L I<z e2, CO SOIL MICR AND LONG SINGLES oll fN REINFORCING liq e'0'�0� SHALLOW SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE FRAME .I, L�D RATING O /`�� ' Et ii.0.05'FA ° LJ I. 4 1/2' ,I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SERVICE 16 MAX FROM FLOOR STUB-OUT `J 3D 1/a^ ROADIES SERVICE MARKER POST 1 10 j' I_I''/e^ STANDARD SINGLE SEWER STRAIGHT THROUGH FLOW e w 1-EXISTING FORCE MAIN ] ] >T ja 2 vc'�� SERVICE LATERALS AND DP TO 30'OR LESS FLOW z 20 TRUCK LOADING BASE AND TOP SLABS LIFTING EYES PROCEDURES FOR CONNECTING (n 4,000 P.S.I.ACONI CEMENT REINFORCING: Q �- III DAYS,T ,#6 06"SHORT WAY TO A GRAVITY STUB Et f1� PICKHOLE DETAILS RIB DETAIL L.I_ ..--1- ( O gOb O V CAPACITY IN GALOS LONG war NOTE:BEFORE CONNECTING TO ANY GRAVITY STUB,EXCAVATE AND SHOOT THE MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SHALL BE USF CO MOD.NO.170E LOT uN� ELEVATION OF THE STUB INVERT AND THE ELEVATION OF THE INVERT OF THE SAME li T PIPE COMING OUT OF THE IMMEDIATE DOWNSTREAM MANHOLE MEASURE THE ��l�I,C SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE FRAME&COVER DISTANCE FROM THE MANHOLE TO HE STUB,CALCULATE HE PIPE GRADE IF THE AV bob GRADE ON THE PIPE IS LESS THAN PLAN DESIGN THEN CONTACT THE CLAY COUNTY \ 2^SOH.40 PVC FM. URLITY AUTHORITY AND 1HE PROJECT ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER F Z tO 2O 3 2 5O © ©O tt SOD-AS r0 ADAPTOR a° REDUCER"-40 THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND THE CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY WILL MAKE LU Q x 16 THE DECISION ON HOW TO RESOLVE THE DISCREPANCY BEFORE THE CONTRACTOR 0 FINISHED GRADE P VC R/W LINE II 4"SOH.4o PVC PM. CAN PROCEED FURTHER O -I 111 I II -I 111 I I ' Cr) MATERIAL I IST n 4^DR-26 PVC 28 COMPLIES WITH AS TM C-91T,PRECAST CONCRETE WATER AND WASTEWATER NO WORK WILL BE ALLOWED ON A GRAVITY LINE UPSTREAM OF THE.CENTER ON LOT FOR STRUCTURES AND AS TM C-890SHORT SIDE SINGLES •• INCREASER ,MINIMUM STRUCTURAL DESIGN LOADING FOR CONNECTION POINT TO THE CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY'S SYSTEM WITHOUT 0_ ALL STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLE _ VARIES _ r ANp LONG SINGLES oll MONOLITHIC OR SECTIONAL PRECAST CONCRETE WATER AND WASTEWATER STRUCTURES PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY. 2 2"x 3"STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE 6 DR-2fi PVC 90 OR I FSS El OW a i"SCH-BRONZE BALL VALVE FULL(SP OPENING) LLN NOTES 5 2"SCH 80 PIPE'S AP x T I.GREASE TRAP SHALL BE SIZED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER USING THE ANTICIPATED 6 2',90'SCH 80 BEND((S x S)) - PEAK FLOW OF WATER ENTERING THE GREASE TRAP IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2003 2•90 SCH 80BEND(S x T) �` SINGLE SERVICE STALE OF FLORIDA BUILDING CODE-PLUMBING W/LOCKING WING(SEE TABLE ON WATER SHEET) ///-0w\lI 3000 P S I CONCRETE 2 ROUND-UP TO MATCH THE CLOSEST CAPACITY IN GALLONS PER THE CHART 9 2'.8 DANFOSS FLOWMATIC CHECK VALVE(PART 8 3235) U DENOTES SERVICE MARKER POST 1 11 2"ER/VALVE BOX,DFW 1324C-12-2 w/"SEWER"ON LID \—/ (J�1 11 METER/VALVE CAP(s) SPRINGLINE ® SEXIER PIPE GRINDER PUMP STATION GREASE INTERCEPTOR DETAIL OF PIPE B" FORCE MAIN CONNECTION _ 10.9" ` e—I "o NOTE ENGINEER TO VERIFY THAT THE SIZ OF SERVICE IS ADEQUATE �01� I 1 ") J O1°FALL" ISTO ADJUST""DROLL HISFINDING. TO SINGLE GRAVITY SERVICE 1. cork.Box SHALL BE az-MIN.DEPTH BUT SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE CDTHE SIZE PIPE AND TYPE OF AIR RELEASE VALVE REQUIRED WHERE TOP OF SEWER PIPE IS WITHIN 2' REQUIRED,WITH OPEN BOTTOM,PRECAST WITH ®Q N IC9 2"SEWAGE FORCE MAIN MANIFOLD OF FINISHED GRADE UNLESS ALTERNATE DETAIL IS NOTCH TO ACCOMMODATE PIPE INSTALLED WITH I x CO I APPROVED BY THE CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 36"COVER FROM TOP OF PIPE TO FlNISH GRADE, (� SERVICE CONNECTION DETAIL RAGOT THROUGH90'OR ESS ROW W AND ON 12"OF#57 STONE WITH FILTER FABRIC E-I H 1` CONCRETE CAP FOR SEWER PIPES ALUMINUM Access HATCH ABOVE AND BELOW THE STONE. I,' FOR MEDIUM TO HIGH PRESSURE CONNECTION SYSTEMS � w •_••MIN ,DUNES-LEAF,SIZE To ALLOW FULL, 4�/1� :1:° AOPEN PPROVEDEEQUAL L(H20 WHEELOR Air& z CONTRACTOR SHALL PRONDE �y Z O SQUARE SHOP DRAWING OF BOX WITH ELEVATION DIFFERENCE LOADING WHEN REQUIRED) DIMENSIONS FOR APPROVAL BY C.CUA Z w Oc.coR"-sTo"CouIBHEo RAGE SOR-2G ACROSS MANHOLE 1 "�•'!` eE IN a ASSED BASSED UPON ACTuL AND SHALL0Z o3SIZE OF PIPE INSTALLED W6"eDR-IB RBIG FlNISHED FLOORAIR RELEASE VALVE i=1l� MI a' z6'45'BEND(DR-t8) 6%4"(DR'�26) H�A0rE%ISTNC FORCE MAIN Cr6"a5'BEND SPIWi x G BELLMIry % "; a ate®�-®� Y SEDIATE/BUCKET ----- ~( A W FLOOR DRAIN.ZURN CO. MODEL NO. 1 SIZE 0 PER FOOT WN 00 MPH a i C� a ;1)-4 WYE(DR-18) '" 7�.i//�� �F//��•�S S°FSCREE Z-415B WI M mrl�� OOO �151 %6' a x " �� 4/� ��� 2W5-A-NBw/SO-2-2698 �� �./�C'),� H2 B29jr NOTE.WIDTH VAIRES TO ACCEPT /i � 6"DR-18 • � � PIPESIZESOVER8"I1T/ IC �/ I22"VALMATIC COMBINA- TON AIR/VACUUM VALVE ,� SHORT BOGY NO 48/301 >\ 3 1 2 O zb ab s b V �s SEWER SERVICE LATERAL ON —� sTANLESs STEEL SCREEN , sewq OR APPROVED EQUAL �I GRAVITY MAIN 13'OR DEEPER c■�`�� PIPE SIZE x r ss.TAPPING SADDLE Z�'� + NOTE: ■ � 2"x4"SS NIPPLE IIp MATERIAL LIST FLOORTDR n ANOONLt°Wt1xSPRPOR APPROVAL FROM THE CLAvxCWNttTUTUtt AUTHORITY. ; > APPROVED LOCK W1NG u ' FOR PIPE 10'OR SMALLER A 4'DIAMETER,NOTCHED O 2"BRONZE BALL VALVE MANHOLE CAN BE USED FOR AIR RELEASE VALVE C.).411r:11)6 'z i A:"�ssTnirvLEELssas'ieii SADDLE FLOOR DRAIN WITH STRAINER DETAIL © • i a SET MANHOLE ON MIN of 4 SOLID CONCRETE 3 2^H D BRONZE BALL qp LVE((FULL OPENING) BLOCKS SPACED EVENLY AROUND THE 5 2"SCH 80 PIPE AD TER(S x FIPi) p5J STONE WITH FINES BACKFILL WITH MANHOLE W/A MIN OF 12"p5]STONE WITH rd F FINES TIGHTLY COMPACTED TO SPRING FILTER FABRIC ABOVE AND BELOW THE STONE ti 6 2^,90'SCH 80 BEND((S x 5)) LINE OF SEWER MAN SIZE NOTCH TO FlT PIPE SIZE A ��\„/// �p ?J v ] 2 90'SCH 80 BEND(S x T) (3'MIN.CLEARANCE ALL AROUND) I � �� 8 (3)2"BRONZE BALL VALVE W/LOCKING WING(SEE TABLE ON WATER SHEET) I<C 9 2^508 DANFOSS FLOWMATIC CHECK VALVE(PART A 3235) MIN 6"#57 UNDER BOTTOM OF PVC DOUBLE BELL TEE WYE] FILTER FABRIC TOP VIEW 10 METER/VALVE BO%,DEW 1324C-12-2 w/"SEWER"ON LID SEWER MAIN AND FITTING, REPAIR COUPLING 11. I. SCH.40 CAP(5)) COMPACTED TO GRADE PRIOR TO FILTER FABRIC 2. 2"TEE W/2%,/2"BUSHING INSTALLING TEE WYE.AND REPAIR 13 1/2"STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE W/BALL VALVE&PLUG COUPLING STONE BACKFILL TO SANITARY SEWAGE FORCE MAIN NOTE ENGINE TO ADJUST ACCORDING TIZE OF SERVICE IS ADEQUATE EXTEND MIN OF 1 5'BEYOND ALL EER TO VERIFY TTAi THE S AND 0 HIS FINDING FITTINGS,AND UP TO SPRING LINE .,• AIR RELEASE VALVE VAULT OFSEW of SEWER MAXI.COVER ALL of AIR RELEASE VALVE VAULT SEWAGE FORCE MAIN MANIFOLD FILTER BEFORE MATERIAL CUTTING IN SERVICE LATERAL TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 12"OR LARGER BACKFILL EXCAVATION To BE TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 10"OR SMALLER SERVICE CONNECTION(WITH PRESSURE GAUGE FITTING) DEWATERED AND DRY DURING ALL TO EXISTING SEWER MAIN SHEET NO. FOR LOW PRESSURE RECEIVING SYSTEMS PHASES of CUTTING IN New wrE. FOR CREATING ARTIFICIAL HEAD PRESSURE 216 ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH R RtiN1, INE IJ% DOUBLE-LEAF,SIZE TO ALLOW FULL, \NRi OF LNE 0F�``y E'TM� . PER1;i 3'S'MIN SQUARE OPEN ACCESS. swgy`. PRo f'TM/ / IINF Ppo� a A RIgN %�� NF 501C m, e )OF `'\ / ``� NF METER FLANGE, C ` / MECH.JT. UNI-FLANGE ADAPTOR re r 1 x I 1/2"STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLE. /` 0 iD f�j GATE VAL OR APPROVED EQUAL MECH.JT.GATE VALVE a' 4'-0 SIZE ON SIZE,(NO DUAL RANGE SADDLES ALLOWED) 04 41 / �j. 1. X 1-1/2"STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLE CCUA B 2 1 1/2"x 3"SCH 40 STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE(ONLY ONE .0 0 0 m -I® (NO DUAL RANGE SADDLES ALLOWED) t 0 2 0 2. 1-1/2"x3"SCH 40 STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE ONE g" METER 8" d e REQ'D.WHEN TAPPING MAIN NOT UNDER PRESSURE) 0 1. x1"STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLE, 0 - 0 REQ'D.WHEN TAPPING MAIN NOT UNDER PRESSURE) -1 MINI - MIN. �aa U 0 � ^ 2A 1 1/2"BRONZE BALL VALVE(REQ'D ONLY WHEN TAPPING MAIN UNDER PRESSURE) SIZE ON SIZE, (NO DUAL RANGE SADDLES ALLOWED) 0 � ^ 2A 1-1/2"BRONZE BALL VALVE(REQ'D.ONLY WHEN TAPPING MAIN UNDER PRESSURE) ( I ( �utm w -0 3. 11/2"SCH 80 FEMALE ADAPTER(SxFIPT) 2. 1"x3"SCH 40 STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE(ONLY ONE 0 �l OP 3. 3. 1-1/2"SCH 80 PVC FEMALE ADAPTER �I1011l-■-I I•••II'• . �V zz� 4 1"SCH 40 PIPE(PURPLE) © REQ'D WHEN TAPPING MAIN NOT UNDER PRESSURE) 0 0 ' _Q 9' 4. 1-1/2"SCH 40 PVC PIPE(PURPLE) II .., llII 6 I I g" o ��w000000o p 5 11/2"x 1"SCH.80 RED.BUSHING(SxS) 0 2A.I'BRONZE BALL VALVE(REQ'D ONLY WHEN TAPPING MAIN UNDER PRESSURE) "' 0 5. 1-1/2"SCH 80 PVC TEE(Szsxs) MIN z MIN. - vj wm°'5....rcrcrc 5 6 8. 1"x 90°SCH.80 BEND(Sx5) © 3. I'SCH 80 FEMALE ADAPTER(SxFIPT) g, 1-1/2"x 1'SCH 80 PVC REDUCING BUSHING(Sx5),AS REQUIRED _ w > \y� 0 7. 1"z 12'SCH 40 PVC PIPE(PURPLE) V w,ti�OCCOOOOCO © ]. 1'SCH 40 PIPE(PURPLE) 0 NO 4. 1-x6"SCH40PVCPIPE(PURPLE) 8. 1"X90°SCH80PVCBEND(SXS) 0 8 1"x90°SCH 80 BEND(SxT) 5. 1"x90°SCH BO PVC ELL(Sx5) Illktilli • © 9 iSl6"SCH.80 NIPPLE(TxT) 8. 1'SCH 40 PVC PIPE(PURPLE) 0 9. 1"SCH 40 PVC PIPE(PURPLE) ®. �J 10.1"LOCKING WING BALL VALVE(SEE TABLE ON WATER DETAILS SHEET) 7. I^x 90°SCH BO PVC ELL.(SxFIPT) / 10.1"z 90°SCH 80 PVC BEND(SzT) f w�o�Q�rc�_w QQNQQ 8. 1'x 6"SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE(TxT) 11.1"x 6"SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE(TxT) w 5 Zw�o a a 11.1"x 3/4"BRASS BUSHING(TZFIPT) 12.1"LOCKING WING BALL VALVE(SEE TABLE ON WATER DETAILS SHEET) z w?woQ¢aln�a a ache 0 *Nip 9. 1'LOCKING WING BALL VALVE(SEE TABLE ON WATER DETAILS SHEET) NOTES: O 2 METER BOX-SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL. 13.1"x 3/4"BRASS REDUCING BUSHING(Tx FIPT) a 10. 1'x3/4"BRASS RED.BUSHING(Tx FIPT) 14.METER BOX-SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL ono 0o as aaaaa 11.METER BOX-SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL 1. ALL PIPE TO BE D.I. - ww�ww�omwwmm 2. ALL VALVES&FITTINGS TO BE DUCTILE IRON. "ww'w'oEwwww�� 3. MINIMUM LENGTH OF 8 DIAMETERS OF STRAIGHT PIPE TO rcrcrcrcrcrcrca�raurara�ra LONG SINGLE RECLAIMED SERVICES SHORT SINGLE RECLAIMED SERVICES DOUBLE RECLAIMED SERVICES BE INSTALLED ON INLET SIDE OF METER. 4. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS TO BE SAME SIZE AS METER. rc rc rcrcorcrcrcAHssoR' �m NOTE:ALL RECLAIMED WATER SERVICES ARE TO BE INSTALLED ON ONE LOT LINE AND POTABLE WATER SERVICES ARE TO BE INSTALLED ON THE 5. CONC.BOX SHALL BE42"DEEP WITH OPEN BOTTOM, OTHER.THIS IS TO ALLOW SEPARATION OF THE TWO WATER SERVICES.SEWER SERVICES ARE TO BE INSTALLED AT THE MIDDLE OF THE LOT. PRECAST I NSTALLLED ONOTCH O12"OF#571STONE ODATE PIPE INSTALLED 6. Contractor SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING OF BOX WITH -- <o 2"CURB STOP-FIP 2'POLY WITH BRASS DIMENSIONS FOR APPROVAL BY CCUA. �� A aa»> (SEE NOTE42) FITTING CLOSE NIPPLE FINAL INSPECTION PROCEDURES OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION 7. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM AND SHALL BE INCREASED BASED UPON ACTUAL SIZE OF METER PROVIDED. METES BOX FRO.WATER EBOW5PL OF RECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM S. THE COST OF THE METER WILL BE ASSESSED TO DEVELOPER mmnw4r<nry mrenwN,z METER BOX FOR I'METER ELBOW&PLUG 5" 2" 8.5' 2' 5" w/HEAVY DUTY IRON LID UNDER SEPARATE AGREEMENT.THE METER ONLY WILL BE PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION,THE Contractor SHALL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING:1 The pressure test and flushing report. 01. INTENTION.It is the declared and acknowledged intention to secure a new reclaimed water distribution system,complete,in accordance FURNISHED TO THE CONTRACTOR BY THE CLAY COUNTY hI 2.The Engineer of Record certification to FDEP;this can be done with preliminary as-b/Ilts. with the plans and specifications,and contract documents.All new work shall be in accordance with Clay County Utility Authority Specifications UTILITY AUTHORITY AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL a.Preliminary as-bullts snowing at least the knowing:Iocetion of valves,mains,services and manholes. and Details and Approved Materials Manual and Clay County Engineering Department Details and Specifications and any other Government FINISHED GRADE 4 All services and valves a be plainly mantes with a o-eated fence post. Regulatory Agency.All work shall conform to the above whether or not specifically called out or noted on the plans. THE METER TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION SHOWN HEREON. ,�\�\\\\\�\\�\�\\%\\ ICI-®I //VI ', 5.The reclaimed water use waming sign/signs shall be installed. \ a �� \ ,� 02. GENERAL.All materials shall be in conformance to National Sanitation Foundation(NSF)61 and those listed in the CCUA Approved n LOCATE WIRE END Materials Manual.Materials shall be warranted by the Contractor as to materials,workmanship and accuracy of As-built drawings fora period of METER VAULT-3 AND LARGER METERS two years from the date of completion of the work or beneficial use of the facilities.Workmanship shall be of good quality;i.e.,mains shall be laid z o > LOCATE WIRE i PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE FOR OWNERSHIP,THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED in a uniform alignment,fittings shall be properly restrained,trenches shall be properly excavated and backfilled,and valve boxes shall be adjusted 3 y i w (SEE NOTE.) I I 1.Reclaimed water service must be lowered and meter boxes Installed,valve boxes must be set on all gate valves,recast concrete valve to finished grade. o O U Q O ej box collar must be In place on all gate valves. 2'-0" / 31Y1'' 1'(�I, 2.As-bu lldrawingsshall have been updated to accommodate the Clay County Utility Authority's comments(shall comply to the guidance 02.1 Contractor LICENSE AND APPROVAL.Utility reserves the right to approve or deny approval of Contractor prior to construction of any 2'POLY ��1�•Iti=� �1•Iw�1, set krth In CCUA's'As-built 5peci8cabons Standards Manual',which can be obtained from CCUq's websRe acrOs SayWllty org) on-site or off-site utility facilities.Contractor must hold a State Of Florida Underground Utility Contractors license,that named contracting 2'OF 457 ROCK L7 3.As-builte must be accepted by the Clay County Utility Authority. company being the one doing the work on project,and demonstrate acceptable experience in the field of utility construction. ' 34"LETTERING r^ 2'BALL VALVE I y� BELOW BOX �.' 4 All valves and sngle servicesshould be scribed ncurb and painted the correc[color for each 03. SURVEYS.The Utility Contractor shall provide all surveys necessary for the layout and construction of the work of his contract. WE IRRIGATE WITH VJ •• •f-•A 3,000 p el.CONC 04. EARTHWORK.Earthwork shall include WI excavation,fill and backfill(hand/machine),Coco action and rough radio of materials UNIVERSAL RED SYMBOL s .s- P s grading RECLAIMED WATER ll`F7-_1 `� � ��• PLAN encountered.No unsuitable materials clay,muck,or peat removed from pipe trenches are to be used for backfll.All fill or backfill shall be either RECLAI I I, sand or sandy clay,free of roots,trash or other debris.All backfill alongside of and to a height twenty-four inches above all pipe shall be free of Z 0 �0� 1/8"THK ALUMINUM SHEET PANEL TO BE 0 MAIN 23 5'0 clayor organic material,compacted byeither hand or machine operation careful) to 98%.All other backfill shall be compacted byeither hand or `y DO NOT DRINK® NO 2'90°BRASS COMPRESSION r9 pac P y p WHITE REFLECTION VINYL SIGN WI BLACK FITTING ELBOWS(TYP) lirrIMEMBESIll machine operation carefully to 95%(outside of paving),98%under paving)of its optimum moisture content as determined byASTM D698,latest. BEBER ( P 9) P LETTERS.POST TTO BE PAINTED BLACK. WATER SERVICE MARKER REQUIRED FOR Copies of compaction density test reports from a licensed testing agency shall be made available to CCUA if requested. ATTACH SIGN TO POST W/SS FASTENERS. TAPPED PLUG(IF NECESSARY) NEW DEVELOPMENT AREAS(SEE NOTE.) Fa IrIkration Call: H U 05. JOINT RESTRAINT.All fittings shall be property and adequately restrained against lateral movement at all water main tees,crosses, CLAY OQUNfYUfL1YAUfHOR1Y 272-$999 valves,bends and fire hydrants.Restrainers shall be Uni-Flange Series 1300,1350,1390 or approved equal installed per Manufacturers NOTES © w SET AT FINAL GRADE(NOTE re) _ recommendations and Clay County Utility Authority Details and Specifications(SEE RESTRAINED JOINT SCHEDULE).See CCUA Approved - Cu Materials Manual for acceptable restraints I - I_L_ 1. PIPE SHALL BE POLYETHYLENE FITTINGS SHALL BE BRASS. ` METER BOOS COVER M 06. DUCTILE IRON PIPE.Ductile iron pipe shall conform to ANSI Specification A21.50(AW WA C150)latest,"Thickness Design of Ductile Iron 2 THE 2"CURB STOP SHALL BE ALL BRONZE FITTINGS SHALL BE BRASS _#3 CONT. (NOTE 81) Pipe",Table 50.5,laying condition Type 2,internal operating pressure of 250 p.s.i.for an 8-foot depth of cover,Class 51 minimum and shall be U 3 LOCATE WIRE FOR 10.OR GREATER IN LENGTH SECTION ANSI A21.51 AW WA C151 latest centrifugally cast pipe.Laying lengths shall be 20 feet or less in length,and shall be clearlymarked with 4. CANNOT BE PLACED UNDER CONCRETE OR PAVEMENT. CURB STOP ( ), 9 y y 9 9 9 L LI 5 PLACE FEET PAST LAST WATER MAIN SERVICE CONNECTIONpressure rating,thickness,class,height without lining,ten Ili,and Manufacturer.Ductile iron 2'z 2'z 1/8"x 4'-6' PRECAST CONCRETE LOCATE WIRE I , 9 pipegpipe um tensile shall be furnished with ALUM.POST - END k. cement lining per AW WA C110,C115 and C151 The pipe shall have design values of 60,000 p.s.i.minimum tensile strength,and 42,000 p s.i. r� FLUSHING VALVE BELOW GRADE Z I minimum yield strength.All ductile iron piping shall be wrapped with purple tape and stamped"Reclaimed Water"on at least two sides 12"o.c. N v J VALVE BOX COLLAR X \��j�j\�j �CATEWI E���j�j��¢ I . instance pipe a eel.Ductile iron dati for reclaimed pe water or service lines shall be u10'in any ermain right-of-way,between Itha a3".any L . LOCATE WIRE � 1{1 instance where a building foundation or other permanent appurtenance in within 10'of the water main or a service line larger than 3". L . ❑ ALONG PIPE a fv 07. DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS shall be C153 cement lined and suitable for the type and class of pipe to which connected.Gaskets shall be LL Z NATURAL/FINISHED GRADE - •��' suitable for reclaimed water service.Minimum working pressure shall be 150 p.s.i. L �1�1 08. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE.Polyvinyl chloride pipe for water mains 4 inch through 24 inches in diameter,shall be DR18(C900) A LOCATE WIRE SHALL BE PLACED ON SERVICES)OFT OR GREATERI 1111 1,111 ' Pressure Class 235 psi PVC 1120;reclaim mains above 24 inches in diameter shall be DR25(C900)PVC 1120,Pressure Class 165 psi, SINGLE RECLAIM WATER SERVICE GANG WATER SERVICES GANG WATER SERVICES ` conforming to ASTM D-1784,D-2241,D-3139 and F-477,latest,or P.V.C.C900,Class 165,DR-25,conforming to ASTM D-1784,Cell Class !� BRASS ADAPTER CO METER COUPLINGS ° J 3 OR4 RECLAIM SERVICES 5OR MORE RECLAIM SERVICES AND COUPLER 12454,ASTM F-477,ASTM D-3139,latest,and shall bear the seal of the National Sanitation Foundation.Pipe shall be color coded and marked P/L P/L (SEE NOTE#5) (SEE NOTE a5) SET METER ON UNDISTURBED "RECLAIMED WATER"at every 12"along the barrel of the pipe,with lettering facing up.Couplings shall be rubber gasketed,push-on type ❑ Q f0'CCUNCEC SERVICE SADDLE POLYETHYLENE OR COMPACTED SOIL conforming to ASTM D-2122. r ELECTRICAL METER w/ (SEE NOTE#2) RECLAIM SERVICE LINE ' ° CONCRETE EASEMENT CURB STOP (100LF MAX,NOTE#3) SET CURB STOP AS CLOSE TO 09. STEEL CASING PIPE.Steel casing pipe shall be of size indicated on the Drawings and shall conform to ASTM A139,with a minimum yield - POST ANCHOR Ll^I WALL AS POSSIBLE(2"MAX) R,w 15� 20'MAX _ / strength of 35,000 p.s.i. LLI 1I 1I 1" strength POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC 1120,SCHEDULE 40)PIPE shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 1785.Fittings and threaded - �}■ ■ �}■ 1"POLY 7 7 ■- /�,�� TAPS Is o•-4s°�NGE FOR nipples shall be Schedule 80 PVC.All piping smaller than 4"shall be Schedule 40 or Schedule 80 as detailed.Schedule 40 PVC pipe shall be ° ° , - ❑ T T Pantone purple 522C and marked"Reclaimed Water". 1"POLY TUBING 1'MIP PACK `J 11. GATE VALVES AND BOXES.Gate valves shall be non-rising stem type and shall be suitable for a 200 p.5.1.non-shock working pressure. ( ~ J wrr'FITTING JOINT COUPLING Gate valves shall be mechanical joint flanged or screwed.Gate valves shall have a 2"operating nut and open left.Gate valves shall have joints m a U 1 -MULTISERVICE'Y' II II II DISTRIBUTION MAIN 4a LLI LJ Ly y ��1.5"POLY TUBING ` _ (2"FIP INLET AND suitable for the type of main on which installed.Valves 3"and larger shall be iron body,bronze fitted with resilient seat.Valves shall be of W 3 OR 1'FIP OUTLET) DOMESTIC(American)manufacture and shall be those listed in CCUA Approved Material Manual.Valves 16"and larger shall be AWWA C-515. j B. ° 0 '^ LONGSIDE RECLAIM SERVICE 2"NIP PACK 1 .1 NOTES Valve boxes with screw extensions shall be provided for all gate valves.Boxes shall be of cast iron construction,7/32"minimum wall thickness (Y V J POLY TUBING(1^MIN) JOINT COUPLING 4"D.I.MAIN(MIN) 1 SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL AND SYSTEM DETAILS FOR REQUIREMENTS/ and shall be nontacky tar enamel coated.The word"RECLAIMED WATER"shall be cast in the cover.Other gate valves smaller than 2"shall be heavy-duty bronze ball valves.Box covers to bepaintedp ›- 2"POLY TUBING�• SERVICESEPARATION INATA H WHERE MULTIPLE y- ty primedasdbe onbe Purple llaG. RECLAIMED WATER USE/WARNING SIGN ��n/� 24'SE A WI TAPS ARE 2 SINGLE BAND SADDLES MAYBE UTILIZED ON NEW)'RECLAIM WATER SERVICES WHICH ARE INSTALLED ONA DRY 10"SIZE OR 12he RECLAIMED WATER METER BOXES eDeveloperoadshall responsible for installation 52ation of meter boxes on all water services as part of the VJ MIN.NO GLUED TEES) CONSTRUCTED SMALLER RECLAIM WATER MAIN(NEW RECLAIM WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION).FOR WET TAPS OR WATER MAINS 12 SIZE AND water main installation.All curb stops shall be adjusted to the proper elevation and shall be accessible for the installation of the water meter.The 7 R OADW A Y LARGER,A DOUBLE BAND SADDLE IS REQUIRED. Contractor shall be required to open all boxes for the Authority's inspector at the final inspection.A treated 6'-6"fence post marker shall be 2"SADDLE w/ 3 NO OPEN CUT UNDER ROADWAY PAVING ALLOWED UNLESS THE ROADWAY IS BEING RECONSTRUCTED OR IF DIRECTED installed at the side of and centered on the meter box and painted Pantone Purple 522C for identification.Meter boxes shall not be placed in any 1.5"POLY TUBING GATE VALVE(PIP) OTHERWISE BY CCUA.CONSTRUCT POLY LINE WITH 36"(MIN.)COVER UNDER ROADWAYS.THE POLY RECLAIM WATER SERVICE LINE sidewalk Or driveway without the approval of CCUA. 41/4"DIA. SHALL BE SAME SIZE AS THE METER(3/,MINIMUM)AND BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO THE MAIN AND NOT EXCEED 100LF z MAX(SEE NOTE#4) 4^G.V.(MIN) 13 CURB STOPS Curb stops shall be cast bronze,inverted key stop,roundway,with check,lack wing type,for locking in the closed position. 21/8-DIA. 3/g^ G 7$� ' UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE BY CCUA S H I I A I RECLAIM MAIN I • � "'� See CCUA Approved Materials Manual for acceptable curb stops. Cr) SHORT-SIDE RECLNMSERVICE 4 INSTALL PVC PLUG IN ALL CURB STOPS IF RECLAIM WATER SERVICE IS NOT IN USE IF NO METER IS INSTALLED)IN ADDITION, 14. PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES(when and where required)The pressure educing valve shall maintain a constant delivery pressure as o ° o ° SHORT-SIDE \ POLY TUBING(1"MIN.) INSTALL A 6',12 PT FENCE POST(TOP PAINTED BLUE)12"OFF THE SIDE OF THE METER BOX.THE REMOVAL OR TRANSFER OF A part of the service to each residential irrigation system.Pressure reducing valves shall conform with the standard requirements of the ASSE(Std. ii D%.° °RECLAIM SERVIC METER BOX(TYP) RECLAIM WATER SERVICE SHALL INCLUDE BRASS METER COUPLINGS(HEX ON BARREL TYPE) Q ° ° °O °POLY TUBING 1003)and WPOA Uniform Plumbing Code.Approved model:Watts Series U5B or equal. ° ° ° [� (1"MIN) 5.THE Contactor SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE METER OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES IF DAMAGED 15. INSTALLATION.The minimum cover over top of reclaimed water main shall be 48".All lines and appurtenances shall be thoroughly ° ° RECLAIMEW° ° ° �y BY THE convamr DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. cleaned of all foreign matter before being lowered into the trench and shall be kept clean during laying operations b means of plugs or other METER-✓ 9 9 P 9 Y 9 P Y P 9 °°o°o METER o%%o o• Fc=i 1-4 2 rn ® BOX(WI.) 6 METER BOX AND TOP SHALL BE CLEAR OF ALL DEBRIS TO ALLOW FULL ACCESS TO BOXi a NO DIRT,TRASH OR OTHER DEBRIS approved methods.All pipe shall be checked for defects before being lowered into the trench.Defective pipe shall not be used.Pipe found to be PLACED ON TOP OF BOX). defective after installation,shall be removed and replaced with sound pipe at no additional expense to the Owner.The full length of each section ° ° ° ° ° ° ° �..I Cn Lm'ccuacac of pipe shall rest solidly upon the pipe bed,with recesses excavated to accommodate the bells and joints.All pipe that has the grade or joint Gj� �° °o D J""1�"a LO 1' 1' 7 LOCATE WIRING REQUIRED ON ALL SERVICES 10'OR GREATER IN LENGTH/OFFSET GREATER THAN 2' ° ° EASEMENT O // METER BOX ELECTRICAL EASEMENT disturbed ha work.All joints laying shalt be be of all foreign matter before a making the Joint Fittings at bends when rthe pipe shall beproperly restrained unsuitable for joint CJ g y The or cipQ ELECTRIC BOX LOCATION j OR DRAINAGE (NEAR ELECTRICAL RECLAIM WATER SERVICE DETAIL 1^LETTER N EASEMENT P/L BOX,NOTE kt) restrainers adequately sized to prevent movement and dislocating or blowing off when the line is under pressure.Service laterals shall terminate z O MOTE gal P/L P/L at the point noted in the details.All reclaimed mains shall be installed with tracer wire per CCUA standard location wire details. _ '"� N RAN:RIGHT OF WAY LINE CIr AND SMALLER METER 16. SEPARATION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS.Maximum separation of reclaimed water lines and _ m �z _ potable water lines shall be practiced. 13Va" LT. P/L PROPERTY LINEP DOUBLE 1"RECLAIM WATER SERVICE A minimum horizontal separation of three feet outside-to-outside,shall be maintained between reclaimed water mains and either potable water a 0 W (SEE NOTE 86) mains or wastewater pipes.Reclaimed water mains crossing under water mains shall be laid to provide a minimum vertical separation of 18 5uI «rc n 5 0 NOTES inches between the invert of the upper pipe and the crown of the lower pipe.Where the minimum separation cannot be maintained,the crossing / \y g CG L Q 03 shall be arranged such that the reclaimed water main pipe joints and potable water main joints are equidistant from the point of crossing with no 17-7/8" rA &,"J I�IOa 1 THE SKETCHES ABOVE INDICATE TYPICAL RECLAIM WATER SERVICE AND METER BOX LOCATIONS ACTUAL LOCATIONS OF BOXES MAY VARY �♦4 PAINTED PURPLE less than ten feat between joints.Alternatively,the reclaimed water main shall be placed in a sleeve to obtain the equivalent of the required ten a ta L4 SLIGHTLY ACCORDING TO FIELD CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED TYPICALLY,THE METER BOX SHALL LOCATED 10'OFF OF THE RAY LINE. 4 feet separation Where there is no altemative to reclaimed water pipes crossing over a water main,the criteria for minimum separation between _ 20-1/8" 10-1/2" - y g 3 � a z ♦♦ lines and joints shall be required. _ 19-1/2° _ - Pail a g �4 c0 Ll 2 UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE BY THE APPLICABLE COUNTY(CLAY OR BRADFPROPERTY RD),THE METER BOX SHALL BE LOCATED IO'ES,OFF THE FEW LINE, m .: Be--LONG,TREATED FENCE POST 17. PIPE FLUSHING.All reclaimed water system piping shall be flushed with clean water utilizing full pipe diameter Flushing.In cases where 18-1/2 - to 0arc g I-� H N q 0 AND 1 0'FOOT INSIDE OF THE PROLONGATION OF ONE OF THE SIDE PROPERTY LINES IF A CONFLICT EXISTS WITH OTHER UTILITIES,THE METER BOX to MAY BE ADJUSTED TO FOUR FEET(MAX)INSIDE PROPERTY LINES(IN LIEU OF 1.0'FEET)UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE BY CCUA THE WATER METER �I the water supply is inadequate I flush the bull pipe diameter,flushing Shall occur to the extent of the water supply that is available.All flushing i- - P� F'EJ L^O BOX SHALL BE LOCATED IN NON-TRAFFIC AREAS(NOT IN SIDEWALKS OR DRIVEWAYS)IF AN UNAPPROVED METER BOX IS IDENTIFIED BY CCUA THEN OF I REPOSITION OF METER BOX �� �� .. a THE CONTRACTOR OR CUSTOMER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF RELOCATING ANY METER BOX WHICH IS LOCATED IN THE SIDEWALK OR METER BOX �, AFTER must be contained. R INSTALLATION OF METER pipe ) completed, newly pipe andpp j /�4 18. TESTS.After theis laid,the'oints and the trench backfilled,the laid appurtenances shall be subjected to a oaIVEWAY OR THE COST TO PROVIDE THE CORRECT METER BOX.CCUA SHALL APPROVE ALL DEVIATIONS TO THE ABOVE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. �� (BY OTHERS) Hydrostatic and Leakage test of 150 pounds per square inch for a period of at least two hours.During this period,all joints shall be inspected to 1-1/8"R. r 3.IF DRAINAGE OR OTHER EASEMENT IS LOCATED BETWEEN LOTS,METER BOXES SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE EASEMENT LINE BUT OUTSIDE THE j1 0 ��. �'..uyiu,-'i determine water tightness of the system.Any leaks detected shall be corrected.tests shall be in accordance with the CCUA's requirements and `,,e, EASEMENT AREA _ 1 1 1 specifications.Curb and limerock maybe installed after construction of the reclaimed water mains,however,Ilmerock priming cannot proceed until 6 �' III- -III - RUSSCO MB-2822 g, I � "..!: 4.FOR SINGLE SERVICES.THE HORIZONTAL DISTANCE(PERPENDICULAR TO THE MAIN)BETWEEN THE SERVICES SADDLE AND THE METER BOX SHALL - Such time as the CCUA inspector approves the reclaimed water distribution system pressure test This will be Strictly enforced.If the reclaimed �• 'Y BE 2 FEET MAXIMUM.FOR DOUBLE 1"SERVICES,THE 1Y,"POLY MAIN SHALL BE LOCATED CENTERED BETWEEN THE TWO METER BOXES LOCATE WIRE rinpp pp1n1InI water system is damaged during any of the operations prior to paving,a follow up test may be required by the Clay County Utility Authority. Nj IS REQUIRED ON ALL SERVICES 10'OR GREATER IN LENGTH IF LOCATE WIRE IS REQUIRED,THE WIRE SHALL RUN FROM THE METER BOX TO THE MAIN ,'1iI�IIII�llllll III- 19. WARNING SIGN Each development,subdivision,or commercial establishment,regardless Of the number of buildings,shall install �: (WITH NO CONNECTION TO MAIN WIRE WITH THE LAST 24 INCHES STRIPPED OF INSULATION/BARE WIRE AS GROUND).ALL EXCEPTIONS TO THIS A d' 44(17) REQUIREMENT MUST BE APPROVED BY CCUA THIS WILL ASSIST IN LOCATING EXISTING SERVICE LINES IN THE FUTURE. _-_-_-III- reclaimed Water use waming signs at the enfran.Or any other street or driveway entering any properties which use reclaimed Water.The signs r =III-III-III- i//A shall meet the requirements of CCUA details and specifications.The signs shall be a requirement whether shown on plans or not.Direction of Y ,?, 5 GANG WATER SERVICES.FOR 3 OR 4 SERVICES IN ONE AREA,A DUCTILE IRON PIPE(DJ P.)WATER MAIN EXTENSION W/LOCATE WIRE MAY BE locating those signs shall be giventhe CCUA inspector on site. 3" 6' UTILIZED ON EITHER SHORT-SIDE OR LONG SIDE SERVICES WHERE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS LOCATE WIRE SHALL EXTEND FROM ONE METER BOX 1 I=III- III-1 999 by Prt ti TO CURB STOP AT WATER MAIN.FOR 5 OR MORE SERVICES IN ONE AREA,A WATER MAIN EXTENSION W/LOCATE WIRE MAY BE UTILIZED ON EITHER `- 20. POLYETHYLENE TUBING SERVICE LINES AND MAINS(2 NCH AND SMALLER): 0 'v SHORT-SIDE OR LONG SIDE SERVICES WHERE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS(TAPS STAGGERED AND AT2 FEET ON CENTER-MIN).FOR WATER SUPPLY Tubing shall be manufactured Of PE 4710,High Density Polyethylene(HDPE),in accordance with AW WA C901,ASTM D1248,ASTM D2239, RUSSCO `t HEADERS WHERE 5 OR MORE TAPS ARE CONSTRUCTED,THE HEADER PIPE SHALL BE 4'ATAMINIMUM EXAMPLE CONSTRUCT A 4'MAIN D I P ASTM D3737 and ASTM D3350.The tubingshall have a minimum workingpressure of 250psi.Polyethylene tubingshall bece copper size B-2821 HEAT N0\ NOTE. CROSSING THE STREET FOR 5 RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS,UTILIZING4'G V,4'PIPE,4,1"SADDLES AND I"CURB STOPS(NO GLUED TEE FITTINGS) y y PP �MB-2821T TOLERANCE SHOULD BE t 1/16", THE 4"OR LARGER D.I.P.WATER MAIN MUST BE SIZED AND DESIGNED BY THE ENGINEER. BRICK FOR METER BOX BRICK FOR METER BOX SDR-9 and shall be colored purple.HDPE pipe shall have ultraviolet(UV)inhibitors for protection against direct sunlight for 1 year.Inserts for UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, Z SUPPORT(TVA) RECLAIMED WATER SVC SUPPORT(TIP) polyethylene tubin a be utilized,at Contractors options,and,if used,shall be 316 stainless steel.The use of no-lead brass couplings,tees Z 9 may PMATERIAL:CAST IRON ASTM A48 CLASS 25B _O' ABOUT FOUR SIDES }i 8 DOUBLE)'RECLAIM WATER SERVICES IS ALLOWED FOR SHORT SIDE OR LONG SIDE SERVICES AND WHERE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ABOUT FOUR SIDES and"Y"fittings are acceptable on poly Service tubing,if not located under a roadway.Tubing shall be approved for use with potable water by the INDIA COATING'PAINTED 0 (n NOTE National Sanitation Foundation(NSF-14)and shall be continuously marked al Intervals of not more than four feet with the following: P//1 / WEIGHT:46 LBS(SET) I t,l 7 RECLAIMED WATER METER BOXES OR SERVICES SHALL BE LOCATED AT A MIN OF 1P FROM THE EXISTING POTABLE WATER SERVICE AND/OR BOX, toO 0 AND NOT ALLOWED IN CONCRETE OR ASPHALT UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE BY CCUA ALL SERVICES ARE TO BE CLEARLY MARKED BY A TREATED 6'-6.LONG MARKER POST PAINTED Nominal size Q ZlaJPURPLE ALL SERVICES ARE TO BE EXTENDED ABOVE GRADE UNTIL COMPLETION OF ALL Pressure ratnK,.....___ED -_- NRECLAIM WATER SERVICE INSTALLATIONS GRADING ACTIVITIES.ONCE FINAL ROAD GRADING IS COMPLETE,LOWER SERVICES BY CUTTINGNSF seal g <At ACAD FILE NAME OFF RISER 8"TO 10'BELOW FINAL GRADE AND INSTALL 90°BEND,NIPPLE AND LW BALL VALVE AT Manufacturer's name or trademark 3 I-p THAT ELEVATION.SET METER BOX OVER ENTIRE HORIZONTAL SECTION OF SERVICE LINE FROM ROME METER BOX& LID W/ lam. 1- REUSE1.DWG 2"AND SMALLER METER AST 9O°BEND TO THE END OF THE CURB STOP.BOX TOBE REPOSITIONED WHEN THE METER IS Standard dimension redo , SHEET NO. INSTALLED MARKER POST TO BE INSTALLED ADJACENT TO AND LOCATED AT THE MID SECTION ASTM specification TOUCH READ HOLE OF THE METER BOX. ON o W 2"' RECLAIMED SERVICE LOCATION POST 0IDX� 217 I-= U W O THESE DETAILS AS SHOWN sTm Englancl•Thim&MiBar.Inc. ON THIS DRAWING ARE BY 1075 ON N.Augustine Road Jactse mill,FL mu C.C.U.A. WE TAKE NO EXCEPTION TO THE DESIGN R.:MK)MAVIS i VISION•ISCPERI DICE•RE SUM .•00003686 LC,0060316 E E, - raFggg <4!!!!!`:7:' 2) E`g-`g-E-E- L1NEEEEE LE'LLT4§§§§ 'inin,,,E, t 88'858E g L., ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH DOUBLE-LEAF,SIZE TO ALLOW .2L,`,:It 3,6"MIN SQUARE , . FULL,OPEN ACCESS.HALLIDAY CO. OR APPROVED EQUAL.(H-20 WHEEL 1,00 71-MN‘-2 LOADING WHEN REQUIRED) El45:te.!!! .....Apr-,-, ta -'' 6"WALLS TYP. • M III) M E 2 H AIR RELEASE VALVE I ('-'I ffl=M=M ""'.---------/-----------'* Ill—Ill—Ill—I=F1 I=F11= 2"BRONZE LOCKING WING CURB STOP OR EQUAL r r co BROOKS 66S METER BOX W/CAST IRON COVER PRIMED AND NOTES PAINTED"PURPLE"(OR APPROVED EQUAL) AIR RELEASE VALVE WITH 3/16"ORIFICE,150 PSI Z 2 0 ° 2"PIPE CAP(SCH 80) : FINISHED GRADE . - I— A A , 1. CONC BOX SHALL BE 42"MIN DEPTH BUT SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO 1I I IthMthI I II I I-ffithrn // /// ///////,(////////// ff. D < ACCOMMODATE THE SIZE PIPE AND TYPE OF AIR RELEASE VALVE REQUIRED, '- - . .. Ca (-) WITH OPEN BOTTOM,PRECAST WITH NOTCH TO ACCOMMODATE PIPE \ 1"MIN \ 6 1 - INSTALLED WITH 36"COVER FROM TOP OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE,ON 12"OF CLR - \ ' # _ 4 . #57 STONE.WITH FILTER FABRIC ABOVE AND BELOW THE STONE. 20 1/2" \ 0 E— 0 1 \ N /1// . LL ' U) LE '\ \ \ \ \ N • 0 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING OF BOX WITH m \ \2"P.V.C.PIPE NIPPLE(SCH.80) (I) DIMENSIONS FOR APPROVAL BY C.C.U.A. 2"PVC BEND N \ \ a \ (SCH 80) \ 2"SCH 80 P.V.C.PIPE \ \ \ LIJ H Z 7 3 DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM AND SHALL BE INCREASED BASED . al \ < <UPON ACTUAL SIZE OF PIPE INSTALLED S.S. S.S. \ \ 11 (/) 2"SCH40 PVC \ - -I (PURPLE) I \ BRICK SUPPORT 2"\ , E TEE(S S.) a IF .<\ \ " 2"SCH 2"8 S 90°BEND CURB STOP 80 FEMALE _ ADAPTER(SXFIPT) ' I- NOTE,WIDTH VAIRES TO ACCEPT PIPE SIZES OVER 8" M 2"CURB STOP2 w 0.000 0000 . 00 000. .00000.00000. ii 00000 000.0. . 0 0 0_ 0. . 00 .0 ,\ 0.000. 00.00 0,00 15PCRUSHED ROCK °'0°0°'0,,° °- °°o-0 0 eSIR GRAVEL BELOW BOX O ° °0 Ill I 7Ziji 121 r 1 2"X4"SS NIPPLE STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLE (NO DUAL RANGE SERIES ALLOWED) at 111 o 0 0 0-00 00` 0 00 000 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 00 0 °0°0 0 0 0° 0°°0 0 0°. 000 _ 0 °0 0° 0 0 °O °0° 0 00 000 0 ° . 0.° 0 p0- ° °0 0°0° °0°°° ° 0.0 °0 00 I 0_°,) ' i . FOR PIPE 10"OR SMALLER A 4'DIAMETER,NOTCHED MANHOLE CAN BE USED FOR AIR RELEASE VALVE. SET MANHOLE ON MIN.OF 4 SOLID CONCRETE _I IL: (_) 0 m W 0 Er RECLAIMED MAIN .ELI- :Ell BwLiOACmKISN8PACED EVENLY AROUND THE MANHOLE CI OF 12"5557 STONE WITH FILTER C ABOVE AND BELOW THE STONE. AIR RELEASE VALVE DETAIL _ LI, NTS g FILTER FABRIC 0 `4 0 CURB STOP : L. CI I REUSE MAIN AIR RELEASE 5-4 0cf) I-I 0 1 11 111:1-/*,/ , x VALVE VAULT c9 00' g TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 12"OR SMALLER "' M (=I kn E-i E-Iccg ir4' I SIZE NOTCH TO FIT PIPE SIZE 4 z 0 `i= (3"MIN.CLEARANCE ALL AROUND) ,--, c.,1 Z ,......„ FILTER FABRIC 0 g REUSE MAIN AIR RELEASE i_4 0 w LT4 VALVE VAULT -• ,H-4,.0 rt g TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 12"OR LARGER 0 c0 1:1 4 ...• s., ? -.. 0 4,7 ,•,.._.,,,,,,,) ACAD FILE NAME SHEET NO 218 T....„,„...____ Li • 5' 1.5' 3.5 1' 2' 1' _ F?... -r r .—t - !'.'. . ..,S .r. .•:r g...,:......: ::._:.._..!.,... ::,1.:. S ...—ram _ - _ S ..........i...i.:.,i..,.2.....,.- J R.B. !z if:,,,. s:.i ,.,:. :,4.,....,, .........t........ U.D. • ... ROOT BARHER R a Z— WwO . CENTERED • CSU' EXT ',JOE. SH _._ PA • NELS__. ., .,.GRA_ ,MALE . ECCa.2. HALL EE tij ..'<tESS ._ . L E r.. 'R BS` S .R. ER J` . Ili zi I I— Q EXTEND .A . ...N.... ..D_. .._P✓.. VJ Q. BARR:ER SHALL S=A..... OF ' .AN TH 04 M t AND A .- EL ,..TH-.THE LT ...A E C5✓.. E5, S W ix .. P:::.� C. .EK ON -P YS Q SA.PP ^A__SE ti 1_ 1- EASEMENT OR ANY TREE PLANTED . ... E OF __SCCA MAiN. OR ES.NO TREES SHALL BE PLANEED iN _ EASE.... . _ASE1'P., .. THE. . PRav',_0 NO TREES - SH.A_L BE o ANY _ _ _.. C OR_ER`. a 5 ROOT BARRIER DETAIL D 9 DLE:N.T.S.N.T,S, r F a..,, 7 . w r;nxo 7 1-r0.' ev'...., .r._r'_Q a 1ij `LLB rw Ev .. w 3... 1..;:-...7,2li . Fli. - _- 219 I II I � I I ` II STA 292+20 I (1) 12"x6" TEE 1 F I 0 ]0 50 (1) 6" GVW/ B&C I (I) FH 3-WAY 12 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB WM Feet \\A \ STA 292+04 \ 1 WM OVER SD (1) 12" TEE 1 (0.5' MIN. CLEAR) (2) 12" GV W/ B&C 94 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 WM \ \ \ I STA. 291+95 . I I / 6 (1) 12" PLUG I / Q (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT / 12" PVCV. 505D LF OF SAMPLE PT. #1 STA. 294+60 12" DR18 WM PROP. R/W LINE LOCATE WIRE BOX o EXIST. PROPERTY LINE M N .. .. _ .. .. .. x —. —. Y .,,-. —.�. .. h 1€ / \ ^ (I) 1/2" TEMP. SAMPLE TAP I - Jo (1) 12" SLEEVE !. _ _--- cc CONNECT TO EXISTING WM — — -- — —'�� — � N SAMPLE PT. #2 — o a0 291 / 29 293 _>-- - -BF($±- - - __ =BE(B) 295- - -BE(B) BE(B) 296 BE B Q o I I I 1- I �- --Y--4 1 w -- V/ \- 4 CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY W Ln 27_ in , (2) 12" 45° BENDS �., ' / _�- .. _ — — — — — -- —___ J z RM UNDER WM •• " a x �— —�8T x— —x—-- (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) \ , � STA 292+95 o FOLLOWING CLEARANCE AND U (7) 12" GV W/ B&C EXIST. PROPERTY LINE Q o STA. 29]+95 . (B}\ W(B ,41 W(B)- W(B) W(B) ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAINB� W(B) W(B)- (1) ~ 16" PLUG ,�J (I) FLUSHING HYDRANT .I J- _ ��, err. ) (B) S(B), rlA■s :I55 E(B) BE(B)— Q o ry (2) 10" 45° BENDS Ec -+ (1) AIR RELEASE VALVE Ea' n 's" 505 LF OF 72" STA 296+85 STA. 292+78 �- (2) 12" 45° BENDS PVC DRIB RM (I) LOCATE WIRE BOX o I all RM UNDER SD EXIST. 8" it : : REMOVED z g FM UNDER WM I I (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) PROP. ELECTRIC Fir ai' G CLEARANCE AND c (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) EASEMENT ACCEPTA CE OF NEW MAIN w FM UNDER EXIST. FM 505 LF OF 10" STA 296+90 w RM UNDER SD I I^ (7.0' MIN. CLEAR) PVC DRIB FM (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX = (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) I i- 1 I Ln z STA. 292+90 Ill o FM UNDER SD I I (1) 10"x8" TEE Lu 'G (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) 1 i (1) 10" GV W/ B&C o (2) 10" 45° BENDS in (1) a" GV w/ (2) 8" 22.5° BENDS PARCEL 61 (BY 0 ERS) = (1) 8" SLEEVE S CONNECT TO EXISTING 0 cD O a 111111111.11.111 C i 1 1:'- 010111.1.11MEMIN ti L', 1.11.1111.1 /)C REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&Mks r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI? 218 EXTENSION SHEET • Jack(904ile.FL32258e R°atl N0. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 aFAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry Zr?"- VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-258a LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 2 0 6 14l, 14l, 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 110 110 6 . Q LL 105 105 0 . , N h 100 100 W PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WN Jz 95 95 0 N j I W 90 90 IN ci z 851 12" PVC DR18 WM 85 z n u IUti� >. , 80 36" PIPE 80 Q . I- 0 c.' w 75 75 . us a U o 70 70 u cc . W N J U W 65 65 z. I- W Li.. 60 60 In 0 . in 0: a ti LU 55 55 0 Z cc 15 0 U a C m z N F. n n N O ^ M V LO 61 I N M En lfl N 61 50 M M M M M M �; �; �; �; 50 Q M 0 a Fru f� [h M O' tT tT L O C M 1- M M 0 rn Q on tT P tT tT tT 7:.N 290+00 291+00 292+00 293+00 294+00 295+00 296+00 1- ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 England-Thimb&Augustine Roles. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET E111] 1 TEL:(9 Old e.FL 32258 Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAS:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 21 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Ll 100 100 0 0 M N 'OP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM h \ W cc 95 111 95 cc tr 0 N O \ ///// 1 L. Q W i 2o 90 — - - - - - - - — — — — 90 W v ilikkil ,\, I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - z �i �II-I 10" PVC DR18 FM°: o L 85PVC DR18 RM 85 j N W U I- Will U W J L. V W 80 80 o I- - I• v=i L. L. o In to a ti 75 75 0 - '' 0 Z CC U a C a i U o LL ti i¢- U U ^ N 70 70 WW ^ N 290+00 291+00 292+00 293+00 294+00 295+00 296+00 0 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E14775 ngland-t Augustine th Road S H A D O W L A W N C D D �� ���Q �-{��°�°q�L���� SHEET d' Old e.642-8990FL 32258 Road NO. N TEL:(994) 6 REUSE MAIN PROFILE FAX:(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-999o316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 222 STA 300+85 (1) 12"x12" TEE (5) 12" 45° BENDS (1) 12" GV W/ B&C (7) 12" PLUG STA 300+88 151 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM (2) 12" 45° BENDS STA 300+85 (1) 70"x6" TEE STA 301+49 (5) 6" 45° BENDS (1) 12" TEE (1) 6" GV W/ B&C (2) 12" GV W/ B&C (1) 6" PLUG (1) 12" PLUG 0 10 50 158 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB FM 42LFOF 72" PVC DRIBWM �� Feet RM UNDER SD STA 301+69 93 LF OF 24" STEEL CASING (1) 12" TEE (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) (1) 12" GV W/ B&C (4) 12" 45° BENDS 128 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB WM STA. 300+62 (1) 12" GV W/ B&C 702 LF OF 12" WM UNDER SD PVC DR18 WM STA 300+20 — 96 LF OF 24" STEEL CASING /— 1, PROP. R/W LINE (1) 12"x6" TEE (].0' MIN. CLEAR) (1) 6" GV W/ 8&C / le,� Ili (1) 12" 11.25STA 30BEND (]) FH3WAYu. STA 297+65 12 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB WM / v (1) 12" GV W/ B&C o o EXIST. PROPERTY LINE _, N O x ux 1 � 0 + — + w I� r EXIST. 12" WM TO BE REMOVED d- cc FM UNDER SD FOLLOWING CLEARANCE AND O cc NI82 LF OF 18" STEEL CASING ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAIN r`1 w (12.41.611N. CLEAR) zQ � A^ 1JL csJ ))s B) i301- -BE(B) frog). 302 BE(B) Bi�*� BE(B) 3Q w Q z ----------------- q CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY ( z J -BT(B) BT(8) BT(B)- �, BT(4) BT(B) _ BT(B) II I BT(B) —— - -BT(B) BT(B) — �— B1(3) _a a BILB)-— - - J Q III —. x — Lu L.) __ _ U cD in - - - -W(B) - - -W(B) W(B) W(B) (e) W(B)- L - - -W(B) ,i) W(B) W(B) W(B) W(B)- 5(B) Jam\ /L �4 rsr(tt) Ir(�I BE(B� gE(s) -6 t6 iNi — — — — � � — — =8E(6�= _ — — — — x . o 700 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM �� �� `� )11 �' RM OVER FM I !' EXIST. PROPERTY LINE 700 LF OF 10" PVC DRIB FM (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) `� 1 C) v cc o \ PROP. ELECTRIC i EASEMENT p g PROP. ELECTRIC EXIST. 8" FM TO BE REMOVED STA 300+77 EASEMENT FOLLOWING CLEARANCE AND (1) 10"x10" TEE t WM UNDER RM, FM & ELEC. ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAIN (2) 1) GV W/ B&C l (].0' MIN. CLEAR) STA 304+00 w 9 LF OF 10" PVC DRIB FM (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX w (1) 10" SLEEVE CONNECT TO PROP. STA. 301+54 10" FM (BY OTHERS) (4) 12" 45° BENDS STA 304+00Ln z (7) 12" SLEEVE (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX LLI o CONNECT TO PROP. w STA 300+85 12" WM (BY OTHERS) Ln Z (1) 12"x12" TEE SAMPLE POINT #1 in (2) 12" GV W/ B&C = PARC 61 (: OTHERS) (6) 12" 45° BENDS 15LFOF 12" PVC DR78RM o CONNECT TOLEEVE PROP. o ' w 12" RM (BY OTHERS) PARCEL 61 (BY OTHERS) W a tY a i E o Q ti i¢- U z 0 W W O N? `S W K 44 ro N 1-- , / REVISIONS SHEET o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION Eder'-*^'�"'��•'� S H A D O W L A W N CD D CR 218EXTENSION Jacksonivilse.FL 32258e R°atl NO. N ^ ETM TEL:(904)642-8990 o � FAX:(904)64fi-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RE6ULT6 Registry-2564 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 ������� ���� 223 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 U Q ti 110 110 0 0 it N 105 105 Li, W ccJ 100 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM 100cc Lu cc z L o 95 95 - w In a o z 90 90 ,z0 w z If _ 12" PVC DRIB WM to g 85 85 Q o- o W, 80 80 Li5 ryLis- Q U 75 75 cc w U w N J U W 70 70 L. vi 1- L. 65 65 o 4- In 2 0: a ti 60 60 0 0 tr Z 15 O L- U w z 55 N En63 o r o N En En Co Co En En o a N � N 55 cc e o iD iD ,D iD so 1. 1 1. � ^ ro ro m ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro Q Q on on on on on on on on rn on on on of on on on on on on on on on on on of on on o, Z _ 50 0" 0" 01 •0" •01 01 50 o N 297+00 298+00 299+00 300+00 301+00 302+00 303+00 o ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-S hung& �r•I^c- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET 14775 Old TEL (904il e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL: 642-8990 aETM FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry 4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0000316 m i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 224 6 115 115 110 110 105 105 v Q Li. 0 RI 100 0 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM 100 w J CC V CC z 95 10" PVC DRIB FM 95 0 ILI W Ln 0 z Q Li. i Q .I C-. O CO ,.I12" PVCDRI8RM Lit U 85 85 0 ccW 0 W N u V Ill¢I 3 0 80 80 Ln L. in 0 a ec i- O z p O iu 75 75 W a i cc oCC ti U hz I I I O CO N 297+00 298+00 299+00 300+00 301+00 302+00 303+00 u_ REVISIONS ^o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E4775 Old^d�St.Aug"Road S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' I FAX:(904)6e,FL 32258e Roatl NO. N TEL:(9 041 542-9 99U REUSE MAIN PROFILE Q � FAX:(904)64fi-9455 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ,o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 Lc-°conic i JASONT.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 225 MATCH LINE STA, 230+00.00 178 LF OF 16" m I I 12 PVC 11 PVC DRISWM ` . I I DRI8RM il o STA. 228+60 I III, =� =0 STE LF OF 30" I , I (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED STEEL CASING Feet `2 I Y' , . . I I I STA 309+26 . I 6; I STA 307+10 (1) 16''x)126 REDUCER x,l 00 I I (1) 12"x6" TEE (2) 12" GV W/ B&C I raw III \' (1) 6" GV W/ B&C (1) 16" GV W/ B&C ' I I,„ ' c I (1) FH 3-WAY (2) 12" 45° BENDS 12 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB WM (1) 12" SLEEVE 35 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB WM Ip.CI � xl ‘i CONNECT TO EXISTING I '• 1 v 1 op STA 305+40 518 LF OF 12" ,;k �l - (I) LOCATE WIRE BOX PVC DRI8 WM 2 �' f Q STA 308+90 STA 304+25 PROP. R/W LINE (2) 12" 22.5° BENDS ; l � (]) ]2" 1].25° BEND ,�rh„'' oo p �/ os--I r- "' ' /eI%r WM OVER I I'� p 0 EXIST. PROPERTY LINE i- , ���Ii EXIST. UTILITIES ���• p I`-'; /ICI (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) .9 O + �=——— ___ � /fir/ I H CC CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY �j�� , cc M BEU BE(8) ^-�. BE(8 BE 8 _ _ — vim=rii------rallii / Ito, `I4, EXIST. POWER POLE •4I z L_ )��� TO BE RELOCATED I�� M w Q )/� BE �iB7 - ✓ _ _ - — c �'y /h �GVO •' 0 (BY OTHERS) v/4 Q I� :=_ N89°45' 8"E �' ' ���A c\j i '%' I-- o 3,190.28 — F, c II I I '� UJ (E) 10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED W` jfl RM OVER (2) FM III LLl ,c T(B)— BTTB) BTU) BTU) BTU) BT(B) a- �; � (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) i��� z o J _fig)_ _ (E) 8" FM_ TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED ��� 1I• � Q _ — —,— �� —. x ,——x— =R ND — 7\--,-- ���. 22. BEND III = z M UNDER FM & BE ' 5( 1 U __ �_ (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) - _ c�`•,�I� I��� UI_ ��I� RM OVER BT & GAS ��/� I_ in Q W(B) �4 m �p•���� Ill Q W(B)- Q W(B) W(B) W(B) W(B) W(B) ,. = �. B) I' � �, (].0' MIN. CLEAR) Il i '€ 5(8) —S(B— — ' — — — — —J—— — - ��� S(B) ��'A �, �,'�G. III ����� Q— — �\ ®c. � ;(4) 20" ° BEN �8E(B) BE(B — — _ -- �` - �- - - - - - - ) Ej I#A1! MO,UZRCEMAR + ry EXIST. PROPERTY LINE STA 30ALVE \ � I �I I I w (1) ]2" GV W/ 8&C (1) AIR RELEASE VALVE ,I FM UNDER RM & GA. STA 3/ B&C / (].0' MIN. CLEAR) o (1) 10" GV W/ 8&C STA 309+20 x g PROP. ELECTRIC (2) 70" 45° BENDS+00 � ,I:A4 ''(----1 - o (1) 10"x10" TEE I cc EASEMENT 591 LF OF 12" PVC DRI8 RM 10" FM OVER 8" FM 0) 70" GVW/ 8&C ��1 w(0.5' MIN. CLEAR) IgI 536 LF OF 10" PVC DRIB FM STA 309+59 yr w EXIST. 8" FM TO BE REMOVED (]) 20"x12" TEE w FOLLOWING CLEARANCE AND (1) 20" GV W/ 8&C ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAIN (1) 12" GV W/ B&C STA 309+36 I = S� 11.17l� �i (2) 20" 45° BENDS (]) 10"x10' TEE , \ I / (]) 12" in z (]) 10" GV W/ 8&C 22.5° BEND o (1) 72"X10" REDUCER 1I „11 (1) 16" 45° BEND w (1) 10" SLEEVE (1) 16" 22.5° BEND = 142 LF OF 12" PVC DR FM ,,.1 w ' I I in Q EXIST. 12" WM TO B: REMOVED 23 LF OF 10" PVC DRI8 FM I I % M O�E• GAS 11 (1) LOCATE in a FOLLOWING CLEA"ANCE AND CONNECT TO EXIST. 10" FM I I (1.0' MIN. CLEAR,' W I WIRE BOX = : 259 LF OF 20" / ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAIN STA 309+36 I ', PVC DRI8 RMI ( 16" PVC 0 s PARCE 61 (BY I .ERS) (1) 8"x8" TEE 10" FM OVER 8" FM I DRIB WM o r (1) 8" 45° BEND (0.5' MIN. CLEAR) i 1 ill n EXIST. R/W LINE I I / CC o (]) 8" 90° BEER MATCH LINE STA. 226+00.00 W (1) 12"X8" REDUCER STA 226+30 s eo (7) 8" GV W/ B&C (1) AIR RELEASE VALVE z '2LFOF8"(])PVC 12"x8" TEE DRI FM (4) 10" 45° BENDS B z $ C. 10" FMOVER (E) 10" FM NECT TO EXIST. 8" FM L SLEVE ; ',1, 60 LF OF 10"1PVC DRIBEFM w 0 l- CONNECT TO EXIST. 10" FM = N^ 1- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England- MOMr,I�c. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(904il e.FL 32Aus258e Road N�. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry O" VISION• ERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-poemsi EXP JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY JO .11 A JLd.I 1. ' 2 2 6 6 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 Q LL. 110 110 0 0 1 N h 105 105 PROP GROUND LINE ABOVE WM Lu IC 100 100 CC W 0 IC 95 EXIST. 3" BE 95 w Q w ul 90 90 QW v 12" PVC DR18 WM EXIST. 12" WM i 16" PVC DR18 WM g 85 EXIST. 8" FM 85 -I EXIST. 2" UNKNOWN UTILITY � iD EXIST. 10" FM o w' 80 EXIST. 6" GAS 80 N CI U 75 750 w L, w N -.I V w 70 70 z 0 0 v, w N 65 65 U. in 0 0. a ti E 60 60 0 0 Z et 0 w U z 55 o N . 6 o N inEn En L 6 o N N M En i- 63 En 55 IC o � � N. � ro ro ro ro 56 to ro ro t6 to ro 0 0 0+ o+ rn of 0+ 0+ 0+ 0+ rn rn Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, of of 0i , , 0, 0, , , , , , , 01 0l 0 00 0 O l , 0) 0) , l l N r. r. M M a• c u iC I. I. cc 0' c tL �ui Q 50 a- a- a- a- a- a- 0' 50 0 N 304+00 305+00 306+00 307+00 308+00 309+00 310+00 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ England-d S hung& �r•I^c. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET 14775 d' Jacksonivil e.FL 32258e Road NO. N0" TEL a FAX;(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. '8 0 i VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-9699a16 MAIN T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER a".�AIN PROFILE j�` 227 6 120 120 115 115 110 110 U Q 105 105 LL TT O 0 N PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FMrn h EXIST. 2" UNKNOWN UTILITY Le 100 100 Lu CC �+_ r —________ ——-----( z o EXIST. 3" BE _1 w Q 10" PVC DRIB FM w Ln 95 95 I 90 — — 90 �' 0 w �� w en 12" PVC DRISRM EXIST. 12" WM 20" PVC DR18 RM o c w v m 1 85 EXIST. 10" FM 85 cc V Q EXIST. 8" FM Lu v) 0 Lu " EXIST. 6" GAS w o Ln 2 o In cc a 80 80 in E 0 Ln p 0 U a C a i o Q cc 75 75 aZ - - I o ryry 304+00 305+00 306+00 307+00 308+00 309+00 310+00 U. REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ E^d�Old-*"I^U"R��•I^�- S H A D O W L A W N C D D �� ���Q ���°�q NSION SHEET ETrn TEL:(904il 42-8 32258e Roatl �j �q /�/�� I��/y I�q 1�I� �j N�. N Jacksonville, ack(90416,FL 32 �/�/ ��/i,/ d'"JL�lid V ���1L 11�t�lLe .(r o FAX:(904)64fi-9495 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULT! Registry-259a �c-ggsoais i IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 2 2 8 (1) 12" 22.5° BEND 0 10 50 12" PVC DRIBRM Feet STA 312+15 PROP. R/W LINE (1) 16" TEE STA 376+00 (2) ]6" GV W/ 8&C (1) LOCATE WIRE STATION 345 LF OF 16" STA. 312+40 PVC DRIB WM (1) 16" X 6" TEE N. (1) 6" GVW/B&C ,,,, 01 (5) 72" 45° BENDS (1) WAY 12 LF LF OFOF6" WM PHASE 1 PHASE 2 Q I. - -411re _ _ „ 11 - - _ _ _.. ■ c:, ,,, -I� ,... 250LFOF 16" rn uirv. PVC DR18 WM O O w - RM UNDER WM O O �,� + w O (1,0' MIN. CLEAR) cc J rr owrn Zo ..1�� w W lififi.. 710111 A I I (3) 16" 45° BENDS 4P5V6C LDF RO1F8 1R6M 0 W J t0 z CD LL v, CD U •I I--- �__ M 250 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM J 131 LF OF 24" J a STEEL CASING WM UNDER RM . A. I' (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX 011 _ ffi I IL STA33+00 - - - - _- - - - - g 00111111.11\lple (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX w _ Li 250LFOF 12" PVCDRIBFM w o / _ _ 456 LF OF ]2" PVC DRIB FM LA STA 315+50 w z STA 312+35 (]) 12" GV W/ B&C x o 331 LF OF 16" (1) AIR RELEASE VALVEw PROP. ELECTRIC (1) 12" PLUG z EASEMENT = 0 DRIB, - 101 STA 311+90 z (1) 20"x72" TEE _, (1) 12" GVW/ B&C 0 o z (1) 16" 22.5° BEND " `^ (2) 16" 45° BENDS w cc E z U E o // (1) 12" 22.5° BEND w o . w a Z /i i °;N SHEET REVISIONS -T h •• SHADOWLAWN CDD CR 218 EXTENSII NF0 o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION ��� FAX:(94775 l4)6 -932258e Roatl TELL(9041642-8990 FEL:(90416424990485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT ry GISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 ������� �����V ��J a v JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 m 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 Q ti 110 110 0 0 it N h 105 105 0 W PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM LU 100 100 cc W o z O 95 - 95 Q w Q I - - 03 o z 90 - I 90 0 L. z o g 85 16" PVC DRIB WM 85 24" PIPE Q.i i� °: w 80 80 L. L 0 Q U 75 75 cc w U w N -4 U W 70 70 L. 0 I- L. 65 65 o i, 0 0: a ti 60 60 0 0 Z CC 15 O ._. L. U UJ L.z 55 0, N o M 63 N o 63 63 N o N 63 63 0 55 cc o O+ 63 63 63 63 63 , ^ ^ '� i9 i9 iD LD LD ,^ �^ �^ L6 L6 lD �D L6 63 _cc; 63 ^ ^ -4 03 03 on on on on on C1 on on on on on onon on on on on on on on on on on on on on M Cc U g y C' lC a C cc d' cc L- _ 50 0 0' 0 0 0 50 ^ N 311+00 312+00 313+00 314+00 315+00 316+00 317+00 F- REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 England-Thimb& les. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET Old e.FL 32258 tine Road NO. N ^ FAX;(904)642-89906 :N'' FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0600316 �¶�/j m JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 3 0 115 115 110 110 105 105 — v Q ti 0 ir; N 100 I 100 - PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM (-D to z CC o 95 12" PVC DRIB FM 95 L. Q W v) 0 z L. 90 -- i; _ _ iiiiiiiiiiI 90 t2, 20" PVC DRIBRM 0 W, w 61 J o v 85 85 0 cc W u W ...I W ¢I L. 80 80 W of 2 O K Z in i E' O p Q CC 75 75 W '' i cc o Q ti U o ..z 0 ^ ^N 311+00 312+00 313+00 314+00 315+00 316+00 317+00 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r,Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' 14775 Jacksonville,e.FL 32258e Road NO. N T&(904)646-9996 REUSE MAIN PROFILE OFIULIE a � FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0860316 IASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCEMAIN PROFILE 2 31 STA, 318+30 \ (1) 16" X 6" TEE \ (1) 16" GV W/ B&C t (1) 6" GV W/B&C (1) FH 3-WAY 12LFOF6" WM (4) 16" 45° BENDS 60 LF OF 30" STEEL CASING WM UNDER SD (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) 710 LF OF 16" PVC DR18 WMJ SIA 321+50 (I) LOCATE WIRE BOX ••�::f��°v� �.'�� WM OVER SD ‘4, 'r "�{�'"�1' '! (0.5' MIN, CLEAR) ��, , , ,' / , `- — — PROP. R/W LINE 1111 ®- _�� — —= — — — ---- v ---------______ __ ___ ilk 1' Q 4.1.11vCS, - 1 - O CS _— (NI 61) AMPANIgnimmummima-------ammiajll14oammimr 1.;T CO UJ fn cc to W -- — o Q J cn J CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY U --I LA W w // // Z // z cu Q o Q (]) AIRRELEASFVALVE- _ _ ��� o — — — z CD Q Ellialuij NI — — C cc w Lu _ —' -- PROP. R/W LINE PROP. ELECTRIC ~ 1 EASEMENT Z.'- - o a STA 321+00 u al w (4) 20" 45° BENDS (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX 689 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB FM w 0 w STA 321+00 STA 325+00 60 LF OF 36" STEEL CASING (1ARMUMIN.C ,SAR) (I) LOCATE WIRE BOX 690 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM (1) 20" GV W/ B&C Q STA 325+00 i- (1) 12" GV W/ B&CLu Ln (4) 12" 45° BENDS in E 60 LF OF 24" STEEL CASING FM UNDER SD v w (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) ao a m u O ti L O C O W h Q C N K N% Q N U REVISIONS w o DATE O DESCRIPTION DATE w DESCRIPTION England.Thi�6Rlilar,lnc, _ NN Old SHADOWLA �T �^ ETM 14775JaCks twist.Augustine Road W 1\ C D D JaCksOnville,FL32258 CR n EXTENSION l�p,ryIOd� SHEET TEL:(904)642-8990 17 1(a LA1Ci /(�9 d\\V/LJ\' FAX:(804)646-9485 DATE COUNTY NO, "'i7S10N•IXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0000376 PROJECT NO. JASON T.HALL Licence No,62467 DEC 2022 UTILITY PIl PLAN 3 2 CLAY 14-OTI-127Sd�Y 2 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 U Q 110 110 L. N- 0 0 105 105 " u, G 100 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM 100 Lu J cc ccw 0 z 95 95 0 to Q W 90 ° AI) 0A 90 z Q v V V v L. o 85 85 g ]6" PVC DR18 WM ' (6) 48" PIPES Q 80 80 �' v o ' 30" STEEL CASING (WM) 24" PIPE N 0! a 75 75 0 cc W U W 70 70 W I- — 65 65 Ln W LLi s LI 60 60 0 0 C' ' 55 55 0 LiJ 1a - __ _ cc z N �', U, u, mil- V R Cl') Cl') F') N N O O O O, O, N N W n n n Es)N N N N N N 1 N N N n N N N N N N LO LO LO Lc; LO LO 10 LO LO LO Q O1 (3) 0) 0) 0) 0) (3) O, Ot (3) (3) 0.)1 , , 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (3) (3) (3) 0) 0) 0) 0) (3) (3) (3) 50 t cc a it 50 , 0.. u- u" Lc - - tl Z 0- O 0 O n 0 M Qcc 1 0- 0' 0' 0 0' ryry 318+00 319+00 320+00 321+00 322+00 323+00 324+00 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 England-Thimb& Ins. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI? 218 EXTENSION SHEET Old e.FL 32258 Augustine Road NO. N ^ TEL(904)646-9485 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0600316 �¶�/j m JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WA TER MAIN PROFILE 2 3 3 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Q L. Ci 0 0 M N 100 100 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & F 10 w CC z CC w 0 95 Illi 95 0 11111.11 12" PVC DR18 FM Ln1N1Na90 II IIIIII - - - — — 90 g _ \ _ — _ _ _ — _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ cl II Q v 20" PVC DR18 RM � 5 IIw N U 85 85 0 cc W 5 — — Li — - LiN -4 U W w I- 0 o 36"(6)STE4(T L" PIPES CASING (RM) Ln Ln 80 24" STEEL ,ASING (FM) 80 w N L. in 0 s a u. O 0 z p 0 75 75 CC a i o CY 0 U 84 tl . z 0 ryry 318+00 319+00 320+00 321+00 322+00 323+00 324+00 REVISIONS ^ DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E4gla d-TNimgutinelec. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET 14775 Old TEL:(904ile.FL 32258e Road NO. N TES:(904)642-89906 REUSE MAIN PROFILE OFIULIE a FAX:(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0060316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 234 �, \ \ 50 0 10 Feet / /' / / / / E ®Lf OF 16" PVC DR18 WM / / STA. 325+29 --�— {4) 6�� 45° BEN S - // / IN 0,(31) FH3WAYWM _ _ - - - - / /0LfOfg, - - / 0 011------ ` // / — - - n. _ � ^ STp 328+50 / / o WIRE BOX _1 U IV (1) LOCATE - - - so N CD PROP. R/W LINE r o so 11111, '?"' cc cc OAK WAY ¢ �, - PARK :11 -----TorCONST. CATHEDRAL " IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII w kD Q J '1.:r).(i_' :1 ::::---...5„.„_- ----_.,-- o 114- C Q ___7" _ ::. _ _ i..._ J Ar_ � _ w 0 lJ 2 �1 % _ _ R/W LINE w U / _ l - ' PROP. F- / / � STA 329+00 x OX PROP• ELECTRIC / ;: TA 4 68 (1) LOCATE WIRE B EASEMENT . �- 326+5 ) pI STA• 8gF�(� pkg� RM STA 329+00 680 LF2�45'UL PVC DR18 FM (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX w w x _ D4 12" x p, T =6� g su L = 2083.00' 321+90.28 0 pc STA. = 331+04.15 K 0 e W K J 4 U w w O w S z F o SHEET n NO z vx TENS ION' PLAN aDowLAwN ADD ' s 12 CI 218 ji- la UTILITY vW T'v z wand-iMrro�t1 ;'a` COUNTY PROJECT N 6 Jaaso k'S11e FL 92256 DATE 14-011-1 ¢ Jackso^v g42-8996 � rep:Registry - C LAY O F .004)646,8486 DEC 2�22 R 25H4 LC.6666816 DESCRIPTION ae5:( a z REVISIONS � M,�Eg�INC!• � Licence No.62c61 VI DATE n T.HALL � `" DESCRIPTION IASON o DATE 0 N / N^ O^� O d 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 U 115 115 Q L. 10 0 110 110 0M — N h 105 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM - ,\ 105 L. J_ 100 _ \� 100 cco O L. J Q 95 95 LiLi 0 N Q 90 ° \ 90 16" PVC DR16 WM Ln 85 85 1- 0 L. L.58 80 80 o U o cc 75 75 W ✓ W I Q h 70 70 I- W LU s Is 65 65 0: a ti 0 0 60 60 0 '- , U a _ ^ 0P N. O M Cc? 6, N ul W ^. R I. O N '1- C -a N 01 — d- i- O 61 CO 6, N En N m O O O N Ni NI M M M V' d' d' E o LO LO Co Co Co CO CO CO CO Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co CoCo Co Q 55 Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co ti — ti — ti ti — — ti — — — ti o ti ti 55 U o N � Er N au M, 0 In o a C1 CT Z a N of 0' 0 Q 0, Co Co a Co ryry 325+00 326+00 327+00 328+00 329+00 330+00 331+00 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 7::::dSt Aug.me c. S H A D O W L A W N C D D C� 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' TEL (904il e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)646-6990 aTM FAX;(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. 4 ry o VISION•QPCRIOiCC•Rl6ULT6 Registry-2564 LC-0600316 MAIN T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER a".>_AIN PROFILE j�` 2 3 6 120 120 115 115 110 110 V Q v 105 P4 OP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM 105 N u, Li..J cc _ \ I I LD— cc cc 100 100 z 12" PVC OR18 FM o w Q w ul 95 — — - - - - - - - — 95 z w - - - - 20" PVCDRJ8RM w 90 — — 90 tL w cc w w ¢I 85 85 u) w w s Li 0 a ti O � 0 80 ._ u V a <, 80 C a i O o Q ti V MI ' NQ 325+00 326+00 327+00 328+00 329+00 330+00 331+00 Lu REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION Eglend-rhi7322tniar.l^c- S H A D O W L A W N C D D �� �� 1�-,�'71 ENS ION SHEET d' Jacksonivdil e.FL 32258e Roatl N 0. N TEL:(904)646-9996 TIME USIA MAIN 11-R OFIULIE a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. m o C1610N•OIPCRIlNCE•RE6ULT6 Registry-256a LC-0060316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 2 3 7 STA. 332+20 (1) 16" X 6" TEE (1) 16" GV W/ B&C 0 10 50 (1) 6" GV W/B&C (4) 6" 45° BENDS (1) FH 3-WAY Feet 30 LFOF6" WM \ \ \ \ \ \ A I 698 LF OF 16" PVC DR18 WM \� -\\\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ - � \ - - '" STA. 337+76�: (4) ]6" 45° BENDS PROP. R/W LINE STA 335+00 \ \ \ • WM UNDER SD v i — — —(1) LOCATE WIRE BOX — \ \ \ (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) LL NI II o o -O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o\ \ \ A -I O \- � O ui \ \ _' MM // // // // z cc Ln 01 CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY \ \ \-= w r`1 w o o I-- 65°5'47"E �� �.: ~ w 695.20 '/���\�j— \ \ W W w ul o \\ z --ISTA. 337+'3 \\ z _ (1) R REL ASE VALVN \\ = z U / \ \ U 0 - - - - - / \� STA. 337+76 _ - (2) 20" 22.5° BNDS \ \ (4) 20" 45° BENDS CS — — �� i // �� - - \ - - -_-- -(1.0' MIN CLEAR) ��Allair w U `z / "4. _ tY o STA 333+00 / ///// : \ `� (...)- (1) 20" GV W/ 8&C / // \ \ STA. 337+76 - PROP. ELECTRIC / w / (4) 12" 45° BENDS EASEMENT / \ FM UNDER SD Lu z STA 333+00 \// // � �• - (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) � PROP--R% LINE — . - - - o // / (2) 12" 22.5° BENDS w 3 / Lu \ v= 708 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM STA 337+00 Iin a (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX x 708 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB FM o p 0 '' U a 9 C a i o Q ti i¢- U U. U. z O o Q — W N 1-- Z. REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E^d�-*nim,.17�n1^�. S H A D O W L A W N CD D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET ETM TEL:(904 il e.FL 32258e Road N�. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 4 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 3 8 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 U Q U- 120 120 0 0 it N 115 115 in Le W J PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM cc 110 110 ccW 0 z O 105 105 Q W z 100 100 o W I z If to g 95 16" PVC OR18 WM 95 �i Q h C- :: 42" PIPE o Wc., 90 90 W ry L. Q U 85 85 cc W U W N J 14 W 80 80 L. yi ✓ I• 75 75 Wo 4- O 0: a 70 70 0 ZCC 0 0 U a co 60O 0 N �t Coui W O N kt Coui W O N kt CoLO W O N -P CocO W O N06 - Co W O 65 L. � � 65 o 0 ui 0 ui o 0 0 0 LO 0 LO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 06 0 0 06 0 0 0 0 o o -4 4- 0 O 0 o 0 c o Cc a U C oc '4 a LC U` LT -- ,1 vai ,-. ,-- s s rA a N 60 �I60 0 ryry 332+00 333+00 334+00 335+00 336+00 337+00 338+00 L. REVISIONS ^o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ E^dandSt Aug"Mar•I^c- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET 14775 d' FAX;(90id 4il 4 FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)646-6990 aETM FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry 4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-mom �¶�/j j�`rq i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 3 9 6 125 125 120 120 _ 115 115 6 Q ti 0 N 1 10 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM to 1 10 m G i Lu cc cc W 0 z 105 105 W 12" PVC DRIB FM n Q 7 — z 100 — _ — — — - — - — — i / 100 _ - - — _ - - - - - 20" PVCDRI8RM 42" PIPE b N - -- _ tl 95 95 0 W cc W _I W ¢I I- 90 s 90 I 85 85 W a i o Q cc U o NQ _ ryry 332+00 333+00 334+00 335+00 336+00 337+00 338+00 0 REVISIONS ^ DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ E^d�14775 Old St.Aug"R�o•1^�- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 21�Q EX�°�q NSION SHEET TEL:(904il e.FL 32258e Road N O. N TEL:(9 04)642-8 990 J[])J[i lj T�lf� i¶ilj� Tj l�� JjJ)j[11�]j9Tj lj Jf� 111 FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. REUSE/(e MAIN PROFILE ry 4 'VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 Lc-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 240 STA. 339+24 (2) 16" 45° BENDS (1) 16" GV W/ B&C STA 340+52 (1) 20"x12" TEE (1) 12" GVW/ B&C (7) 12" 45° BENDS STA. 339+53 (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT (I) 16"x12" TEE (1) 12" PLUG (I) 12" GV W/ B&C 196 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM (I) 12" PLUG (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT STA 340+58 0 10 50 22 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 WM (I) 72"X6" TEE (4) 6" 45° BENDS (1) 6" GV W/ B&C Feet STA. 339+61 (1) 6" PLUG (1) 16" X 6" TEE 197 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB FM (1) 6" GV W/B&C (1) FH 3-WAY PROP. R/W LINE 14LFOF6" WM WM OVER RM & FM (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) STA 343+00 (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX 684 LF OF 16" Li FM & RM UNDER SD PVC DR18 WM ®� � •I'I-1.,,,,„„„,„„,„„ ,,,, I iii (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) (2) 16" 22.5° BENDS U- I �� I _ _ c, M ,, ,,ii ...._... ,,, �� \ N ll leO �I WM UNDER SD \ — + fr) (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) z z M STA. 340+53 � cY1 0 Q 123 OF 340+5 30" —\ STEEL CASING STA. 340+59 o 116 LF OF 16" 340 STEEL CASING CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY W Li E. J 341 342 343 Q Z STA. 340+53 _ 123LFOF30" U z STEEL CASING '� FM & RMUNDER SD -J v WM UNDER SD (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) �L/� " " _ _� _ _ _ I- �,jig — — o W /' _ - - III, �� FM-U,tl'BER-R-M- - - - - �1)AIR f�ELEASTASE t�AL17E N U ��91 (1.0' N�7NT L�ARt— - - _ v w 11111",„...I.., z �I1�11 — — — — — 0 CC �1Ir;r ���I�I�j I,'� i _ LU_— — I STA 340+64 - = w (6) 12" 45° BENDS N (I) 12" GV W/ B&C /W LINE - _ Ln z WM UNDER RM & FM o (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) _ _ _ PROP. ELECTRIC _ _ _ w o _ STA 340+ _ _ EASEMENT _ _ _ _ U) Q - - . _ (1) 6" GV W/ B&C :ENDS STA 344+20 N (1) 6" PLUG (1) 20" GV W/ B&C (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX 0 16 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB FM 728 LF OF 20" PVC DRIB RM STA 344+20 o cc v w STA. 339+58 STA 340+360 (1) 16"x12" TEE (1) 12" GV W/ B&C s o (1) 12" GV W/ B&C (1) 20"x12" TEE - (I) 12" 45° / (1) 20" GV W/ B&C 728LFOF 12" PVCDR18FM Q z (1) 12" PLUG (I) 12" GV W/ B&C (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT (1) 12" PLUG U- m? 196 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB WM (2) 12" 45° BENDS o (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT 22 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM t" ,V K. 1- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 Old St. Aug Augustine Road. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(90i4il 4 FL-8 32258e Road NO. N ^ FAX:(904)646-9485 o FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION••OIPCRIlNCE••RESULTS Registry-256a LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 24 6 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 U Q 125 125 o' 0 0 M N 120 120 u, o- W 115 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM 115 z tr I I o z 110 110 W _ Q W 105 105 0Q o 1 z 100 O O o 16" PVC DR18 WM 100 g i -4 95 95 i W W N us q U 90 90 z W W N ' 85 85 W 11 1- 0 in 80 80 it W s in LI in 75 75 5 o Z o O '' w U a 7 0 CV �t 1p W O CV �t CO CU O CV �t Co 0.N O N d- Co W Ol O O O Ol 01 7 0 C m i O O O �V �V �V �V �V rn rn H rn rn ,''1 d' R R R R R rnrn Q it v c a Cs U o �i n LC 'RI 65 o 65 Z o v o 0 ryN 339+00 340+00 341+00 342+00 343+00 344+00 345+00 1- Lu REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET ' ETM 14775 JEL:(90i4il e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAS:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0900316 �¶�/j j�` IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PRO IL"' 2 4 2 130 130 125 125 120 120 6 Q LL 0 ir; N h O 115 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM 115 W cc cc cc , — J o Z 0 O to J 110 ,/ 110 o 12" PVC DRIB FM z o v cza 105 _ - _ 105 Q t w - - 20" PVC DRIB RM w co _ _ - - U o 100 100 W N -i W L. ¢I I- L. 4.i L 95 95 0 a ti E O p O U a C a i ! 90 90 Q ti U o Q z O , 339+00 340+00 341+00 342+00 343+00 344+00 345+00 1- REVISIONS o DATE r DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 OdSt.Aug.In Road S H A D O W L A W N C DD CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' ETim TEL:(904ile.FL 32258e Road NO. N TEL:(904)646-9996 REUSE MAIN PROFILE OFIULIE a � FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0060316 IASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 243 �F • ".• `o‹. -®� N O �, :' pto STA. 346+20 EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC \\�' RaOF 0 10 50 (1) 16" X 6" TEE �y F (1) 16" GV W/ B&C TRANSMISSION LINE WITHIN PROJECT , 'O (1) 6" GV W/B&C LIMITS. USE EXTREME CAUTION TO o ,, OF (4) 6" 45° BENDS PROTECT PEOPLE, MACHINERY, AND UTILITY �, Feet �N (1) FH 3-WAY � STA 352+40 30 LF OF 6" WM ' ,O� / (]) ]6"x12" TEE \ (1) 16" GVW/ B&C \ �,. (4) 12" 45° BENDS � \ F,\• (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT F\ \ , 181 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 WM \ \ 677 LF OF 16" PVC DRIB WM ` N \ \ STA 249+00 (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX N \ \ O. \ Q , , p \�1) 20" X 12" TEE •pp \ N t` N. _� PROP. R/W LINE / �' „„ ,. ...................i rn 41 O 4 O w J Cr) z Ch OF ••\ — ul M = _ \ m w llI1"l"I"IMIr4IPj'm'" • • IJW M UNDER SDI o Q MIN. CLEAR) QA F • Q o \ l~!1 w WM UNDER RM & FM �� • (I.0' MIN. CLEAR) 3 2 ' I i� w Li CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY I I _ J • _ Ih 7,,.O.••000 ,: z Q 1• \ = o S w/� "� v z CJ STA. 352+40 oin 7 _ (1) 12" GVW/ B&C 0 "" N =' --------- // (1) 12" X 6" TEE ' --------- // I I (7) 12" PLUGINiiii_ , --------- (I) 6" 90° BEND -- I I (1) 6' GV W/B&Ck. ---- (1) FH 3-WAY CS \ "— 18LFOF6" WM o \��----------------- ------- STA 3/ B&C -- -� '� (2) 20" 22.5° BENDS (2) 20" 45° BENDS _.W_ .11 'ft"""""""""""."""""---:""""""""""""""""""""""."...."""""'''""'''''''''''...........••••........................ .......--- ... ....., ., 7:: 0 = = MailinFkOW:HeHe ® 111 w _ _ _ STA 348+20 _ _ _ — ���— — — 10 16 I - (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX MI I / - ~ ----....._ _ - - STA 348+20 I I z �11 L-0SA E WIDE-:i _ - TA 351+32 u PROP. R/W LINE q (7) 12" VW/ 8&C / , tw I I (2) 12" 5° BENDS — _ _ 2 Z PROP. ELECTRIC I I . _ EASEMENT / I I �� _ (2) 12" 22.5° BENDS i- I - 0 0 mLl v STA 351+40 STA 357+46 0 a o 737 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM (1) 12"X8" TEE (1) 20"x12" TEE V (1) 8" 45° BEND (1) 20" GV W/ B&C s 608 LF OF 12" PVC DR78FM (1) 8" GVW/ B&C (1) 12" GVW/ B&C (1) 8" PLUG (1) 12" PLUG Q 26 LF OF 12" PVC ORMWM v Zo 34 LF1OF08""APVCTE WDRI8IRE 80M X (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT o � Q L'AFr. h ai "T REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Teimb&MOM r,Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' ETM N Jacksonivilse,FL22 358e Road ^'O. TEL:(904)642-8990 NO. FAX:(904)646.9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. n`i 4 VISION'EXPERIENCE a RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 244 n i l[JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 U Q 125 125 O 0 M N 120 120 u, G Lo PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM 115 115 j 110 I I 110 W Q w 1 o 0 105 105 Q 0 w z w 2 \\1\ t • 100 16" PVC DRIB WM 100 g J 95 95 o u,, L N us Q L..,90 90 z w ` tt -w N �I • 85 85 W 11 1- 0 • 80 80 W TsLn LI O • 75 75 - - o 0 o w U a 70 W W I� n co l0 En h M M N N O O Ol Ol N W I� n Co Co En Er) 70 C m z rn rn rn rn rn rn rn '''1 rn rn rn rn rn rn r� rn r� rn LV �V LV LV LV N LV LV rV N o Q o lC V O N lC N N 65 LC c 65 c c c c c c o ryry 346+00 347+00 348+00 349+00 350+00 351+00 352+00 REVISIONS o- DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET ETM 14775 JEL:(90i4il e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0900316 �¶�/j j�` IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER a"1 AIN PRO IL"' 245 130 130 125 125 120 120 Li Q L. 0 ir; N h 0 _ 115 115 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM o cc 7 z lu 0 z o W 110 I 110 W 12" PVC DRI8FM o z Q o i ir _ ___ _ _ 1 to ,, 105 — — — — — 105 20" PVC DRIB RM 0 W, w u 6 L. o o U z cc 100 100 ILN —1 V IL LL ¢I in in 1-0W 95 95in 0 a ti O 0 p CC O � zo 90 Q_a o Ua i 90 <,^ TFAE^XLd::(�(99 00441)66442fi--89 94960 5 35 2+00348+00 349+00 350+00 SHEET TN 346+00 347+00 CR 218 EXTENSION NO. REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION EacksoniviT7152ti5r Rro^ REUSE MAIN PROFILE &SHADOWLAWN CD3D51+00 DATE COUNTY Z 4 6N FORCE MAIN PROFILErvoo DEC 2022 CLAY PROJECT NO. 14-011-12C1I65100 7 OHCARLNCE•RESULTS Registry-2L56aenLeC N- 60 136 U ® 111111 0 10 50 // — Feet STA. 357+80 (1) 16" X6" TEE "1 EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC (1) 16" GV W/ B&C U TRANSMISSION LINE WITHIN PROJECT (4) 6" 45° BENDS LIMITS. USE EXTREME CAUTION TO (1) 6" GV W/B&C PROTECT PEOPLE, MACHINERY, AND UTILI Y (1) FH 3-WAY STA 355+00 OF 6" WM v (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX Q SD LL. 677 LF OF 16" PVC DR18 WM WM OVER CLEAR) (0.5' MIN. CLEAR) � 0 PROP. R/W LINE _ � N illiiiit 1UJ O _a, WM OVER SD LCD M e. 1. CLEAR) -- M w of _-- o CD milliiiiiiiiiiiiwillIMMIMfts • • Imo ' Itiftir (� lf1 cc W � \ 354 �� �u W ? - � \\ 355 Ln Z • OF \ = Lu o � k oF� L..) z— <••.- Militill‘‘ s . � CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY _''-" rsilq \ ----�T4�55i01L_---- (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX x o� CS RMOVER Q _ � -_ :� - - � o .0 oF C �- STA 358+00Lu �, < STA 353�UU - - - -(1-)-2{=Gi/-W1-B&C-__ - - (B.5 LEARN \ `�_', —_ (1) LOC�E-W7R-E BOX - - - - - - - c. ill 46111. 's. • • ill W .p \ PROP. R/W LI fM OVER SD • Ln \�\� F`' STA 358+00 (0.5' MIN. CLEAR) - OF 20" PVC DR18 RM w o o\ • \ EASEMENTCTRIC (1) 12" GV W/ B&C Lu a T��� „1 2 \ \ �` 724 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 FM "' '' \'• . . •o • • . .1. \`• \ U cc 0 9 . to ao • \ s O to Q ¢ � \ � \ U. O o; \ 'o 0� • \ 2 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•lea S H A D O W L A W N CD D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' ETM TEL;(9nlvile.FL32258e R°ad NO. N ^ FAX:(904)646-9490 o FAX:(904)64fi-9466 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2664 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 247 6 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 U Q 125 125 o' 0 0 ir; N 120 120 u, W J 115 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM 115 z cc 0 z 110 /� 110 W J Q u-LW I o 105 a — 105 Q • 100 16" PVC DR18 WM 100 g A J cLD �' O 95 24" PIPE 95 W cti W 36" PIPE a U 90 90 0 W W N• 85 J 85 W 11 1- 0 in • 80 80 W s in iI in 0 75 75 tL o Z o 11 o a 70 �t V M M N N O O Ol Ol W N I� n Co 1p En ul V V M M N �'1 �I' Co 70 m o ,V ,V ,V ,V c� ,V ,V ^ �^ ,V c c N c cc C U a a c c � c � 65 c I a aCC 0 65 Z c c c Cr' c o ryN 353+00 354+00 355+00 356+00 357+00 358+00 359+00 T REVISIONS o- DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION d_ En gland- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET Jacksonivilse.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ :(904)64-6990 ary � FAX, : DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. 4 'VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 Lc-mom i IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 4 8 6 130 130 125 125 120 120 6 . Q ti 0 ir; N h 115 115 W J cC PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM cc w 0 z O to 110 I 110 W ul 0 z Q 12" PVC DRI8 FM w z cD t — _ >. 105 - — - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 105 Q - 1- i //— — - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - — o W W A i o v 20" PVC DRIB RM z 100 100 & W . W N -I VI W ¢ 3 0 95 \— 36" PIPE 95 w Ln . to o z ti a i C 0 i El, a 9 C 10 90 90 C U o LL 0 NQ ^N 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 1- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-*nim,.MOM nInc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET ETM TEL:(904il e.FL 32258e Road N�. N ^ TEL:(904)64&8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION••OIPCRIlNCE••RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-moms /¶//j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 ��USE MAIN PROFILE 249 i i \ \ I TA. 36 +40 1) 6" X 6" TEE (1) 16" GV W/ :&C (') 6 GV WR&C 0 10 50 (4 6" 45° 8E DS (1 FH3- AY 341 L OF 6" M ''' Feet Y STA 361+00 709 LF OF 16" PVC DRIB WM (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX STA 366+80 WM OVER SD (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX � (0.5' MIN. CLEAR) PROP. R/W LINE i���t�� •►��� ... Ili _ - — — — ---------\--' ----__ , , ,,, _ ___—_\\ Li _ _ _SrA. 34 -A "I-'a l k , � _ _� _ _ iC O (4) 16" 45° BENDS ---------------------------- 2 NG ____ O + ---------- -----(T.0' MIN. EAR __��0 " O w O — J .nn 1p �' Cp r ^� w 0 V X STA 364+00 ,h W w CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY A /I:�_ •• +W /// 2% Z J ��_'( --------(4)-2fl" 45°-BE-NDS----- --------- Q ---- ------------ �� _ --——————� 25 LF OF 6" STFFI CA t 733 LF O -2cr,r -E-BR-18-RM—— _ " STA 361+00 ---------- + •M UNDER SD --� CS ---------------------�1J LOCATE WIRE BOX i; " (1 D' MIN, C6E�1R) - - - - - _ ��\ v Lu Q _ o - - - - - - - = = 1'2B"-22 5 ENDS ��\ Q cD v - - - - - - - Ic - - - - -------------____ ' ----1 ....."44111\------- : ,--s. _ Ni ` STA. 363+03 STA 364+00 Lu (4) 12" 45° BENDS ��, (1) 12" GV W/ 8&C o 25 LF OF 24" STEEL CASING PROP. ELECTRIC o FM UNDER SD EASEMENT0 (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) 1- PRO'. I LI w J w w z x 733 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 FM Z F- w 4 w in z a ti 0 C z O a C ElQ i— U ¢ z Fr- M^ O O NS o DATE DESCRIPTION E^d�i -e*ein„ rn�e R°r.al^tl' LIJ , DATE DESCRIPTIONN 4 SHADOWLAWN CDD aN ETM Jacksonville,FL 32258TELCl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET NO. AX 9 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N •O • EU Registry-2584 LC-00036 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN V 2 5 0 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 U Q 125 125 O ir; N 120 120 u, /— PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM w 0 115 115 cc . cc W 0 N 110 1 — 110 j r 1 0 105 , 105 Q L. 100 16' PVC DR18 WM vi 100 vi g J 3i / .i v 95 (3) 36" PIPES 24" PIPE J -- 95 Q W, W us a 30" STEEL CASING (WM) 90 90 0 W cc W N _I 85 85 W 0 80 80 W s x i_ in 75 75 0 p z 0 0 U a' 41p 70 I: W Ol O N M ul l0 i. i. i. i. Co Co Co Ul ul kt V V ul Co r. Ol O N 70 C '' z N N N N �V N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N rn rn rn o G c a' a` Cc n r\ U Q 65 ^ a c I. a a 65 tl c c c 0 c c c 0 N 360+00 361+00 362+00 363+00 364+00 365+00 366+00 REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION — England-Thimb&RRr•I^c- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION4775 Old SHEET d' ET• TEL:(904ile.FL32258e Road NO. N ^ FAX:(904)646-6990 a � FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry 4 'VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2664 Lc-0000316 i IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 A TER MAIN PROFILE 2 5 1 6 130 130 125 125 120 120 6 Q LL 0 ir; N h 115 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM 115 LU J CC CC W 0 Z 110 — 110 Q 12" PVC DRIB FM uJ o z Q n n n p / zo — - — - — — - — - — - — - — - — o 105 — ± 11111111 iiiiiiiiiii - — — — — 105 Q o N o I C ' +" PVC DRIBRM 100 Z m (3) 36" PIPES 1 00 c w N —i ✓ W 30" STEEL CASING (FM) _ a h 0 36" STEEL CASING (RM) ti w s' 95 95 1 0 in o i p z 0 2 O U a 90 C 90 U o u u_ z 0 N 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 Old St. Aug Augustine Road S H A D O W L A W N C D D �� ���Q 1�-, 'TENSION SHEET d' Jacksonivilse,FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ FAX:(904)646-9990 a TEL:(904)642-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0600316 /¶/j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 RE+ USE �MIN PROFILE 2 5 2 + STA20701�STEE It. (1) 0" 45° BENDS STA 369+86 GV W/ B&C (1) 16"x12" TEE (1) 12n PLUG RM 50 (1) j2„ GVW/ B&C (178LFOF I2" PVC DRIB p 10 91 {1) 12" PLUG (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT STA. 36 TEE (1) FLUSHING PVC�DR18 WM ���� (I) 66„GH W/B&C 25 LF OF 12' FH 3 WAY STA 370+71 (1) (1) 12"XS TEE B&C 737 LF OF 16 STA 373+00 14 LF OF 6" WM (1) 8' GV W/ 5 PVC DR18 WM (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX (7) 8„ 45° BEND (1) 8" PLUGOF 8„ PVC DRIB FM (2) 16" 22.5° STA 369+81 184 LF WIRE BOX BENDS (1} 1G'v 1W2/B&C (1) LOCATE (1) 16„ GV WIENDS 12 45° B RM & FM UNDER SD (4) 12'(1) 12, PLUG MIN. CLEAR) _ _ HYDRANT — (1.0' (1) FLiZHpNj/C DRI8 WM v -11111 U- 0 202 LF OF BENDS ��� o m N (2) 16 45° C O �?Al-0111111.114 11 O WM OVER SD PROP, RIW LINE ^ �;;�� O w MIN. CLEAR) O 11011, (0.5' ER WM THEDRAL OAKPARKWAY o tO Y 1`�1 RM & RMMINfCLEAR) STA 370+720� CA LF CL CONST• �1 STEEL COASING • 372 373 - o WM UNDER S AR) W 369+79 (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) 371 W o �� STA OF 24„ A 130 E�CASING �\ 370 e ' ` STE �i o (3)sT A10'�45� REDUCER �� �� .....':"."----------------...'"----------................; w _ 0 z ca STA• 2"X1 ----------- _ 3��24„ (l) 1 0 ----- 374+00----- I- STEEL CASING ���---------------- TETA .�, q p WM UNDO EAR) (1) LOCA R SD O 1 {1.0' MIN. _ } �'� & FM UNDER SD _Apr_ ~ t- & FM RM ' MIN. CLEAR) C -- - _ 0 M �� WM ZINC EIN CLEAR) (1.0 ��� ■ -4 1t ■ �riwr ... ,..) ... STA 367�EOWIRE B0� ►�i�� j� 411v RIW LINE �" Z (]) LOCATE li �', a PROP. STA 374+00 LU 0 .adigiiiiii.1 cc �- �� ��U�josimill (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX w - u � ils F4 M OVER S�1 w / .iii4 — — ta / �' (1)AAIR9RE�EASE VALVE ROP. ELECTRIC LF OF 10" PVC DRIB FM F RM OVER CL _ P x (p•5, MIN, CLEAR) _ - _=__ EASEMENT 30 0 w // - 7,1 vow I l �`'`' - - "—'� ER RM o virFM U��N. CLEAR) w o STA 367+20WIRE BOX - `� ` (i) LOCATE _ ' �' RIS RM g Q ' " 682 LF OF 20" PVC D 70+75 _/_ / (�Al2, 45° BENDS 4 STA 670+69 CURVE DATA3 1+18•71 (g)T�21&8a BEND o PVC DRIB FM (1) 24V W/ g&C PI STA. _ 4 24 3. �i) 8, GV G B& u 370 LF OF 12 {(2) 1��� ��°WI B&C D - 89340002 18 8F�F 8„SIRE BOX FM o ✓ (i) (1) 12" PLUG T .27 SHEET tu j6 (i) LOCATE �T NO• CC L a 41 LF)OF 12HpVC DRI8ARM R 362 5 70 CR ��� NSIO Y PC STA• _ 379+1 .97 �i�li l� d PT STA _ A 77 OW L AW ODD UTILITY ��� 0 S rl PROJECT NO. w E „�a.r gRoaa�. COUNTY 0 r/Mi 1, DATE j4-Oli 12 @ Z JmcksoMdle.FL 32258 lign T u...; ii74v8898 C LAY — 884)646.8485 N FAX:I 8886816 DEC 2022 DESCRIPTION RESULTS R08I�ry 2584 L�- , REVISIONS pcpEn °E' Vence No,624b7 DATE jANOH T.HALL '"'K. iiiia IPTION J DATE, O fQ 7 w/ 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 6 . Q LL 125 125 'el- 0 . 1 N h 120 120 0 W PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM zJ i/—115 115 0 N _ O L. 110 110 WJ In 0 z Q L 105 001 105 z P ci g 16' PVC DRIB WM • 100 100 Lu w oW r 95 36" PIPE - 95 q U 90 90 cc 0 W N J U W 85 85 z g — I- v= W W 80 80 tl - In O 0: a ti W 75 75 0 Z CC 2 O U a kt Ul cc) I O1 O N M M M kt V V V ul ul ul ul Co Co Co Co I n n n Wcc E 0 70 - - - - - 70 Q 84 N a U M C — tf lf1 tr. M Q 0 IN pry. (N (N IL e C W N 367+00 368+00 369+00 370+00 371�+00 372+00 373+00 I- ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION S H A D O W L A W N C D D SHEET _ Eacksonivis, U" 8e Roa^ J � � �� SION NO. N ^ (904)646-9485 'iv'' � FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. 4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-6666316 �¶�/j j�`i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 5 4 6 135 135 130 130 125 125 Q ..L.120 120 0 0 In N h 0 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM —\1/4 ,.c. 115 CC 115 cc W 0 z 0 ILI Ln f 10" PVC DR18 FM W z Q 110 110 0 W v z v o W 105 105 Lit6 C n 0 4 v 55, 20" PVC DR18 RM 0 12" PVC DRIB FM I- LU N LU V W 100 100 g 36" PIPE Q LU w_ 0 L. 2 In o a ti 95 95 0 Z 0 O U C a i oCC ti U Iy u_ MQ 90 I _ 90 ^N 367+00 368+00 369+00 370+00 371+00 372+00 373+00 u_ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ E^d�-*"1^U"R��•I^�- S H A D O W L A W N C D D �J� ���q EXTENSION SHEET d' Jacksonivilse,FL 32258e Roatl �j �q /�/�� �/y �j �j NO. N TEL:(904)646-6990 �/�/ ��/i,/ d'"JL��d V ���1L ��lLe .(r a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 Lc-666o316 PI i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 2 5 5 p 10 50 STA, 376+00 Feet iiiii (1) 16" X 6" TEE 718 LF OF 76" SAT 379+00 \ (i) 6„ GV yy/B&C (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX (4) 6„ 45° BENDS �/ (1) FH 3-WAY 30 LF OF 6" WM R1y( L �j PROP. INE 1 7',1 I N. STA. BEN —O is o o �� , 45° BENDS O r WM UNE O . ► ---------------------(T.0`*IN-.-CLEAR) c C. µ — — '� M o z CU O ,�� (.') 20" 22.5° BENDS w W `^ o P'y' Z n -( STA. 380+28 a O ,}� I: Q CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY y (4) Zp 45° BEND n '� 2' RM UNDER SD x A m �/ STA 377+00 (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) �e — — v) :Z — 1% _ 1 _ _ — - _ — tr v w RiW LINE w STA 377+00 _ _ - STA 380+00 w N r (1) 10" GV W/ B&C ` _ _ `_ _ _ - - ' '� (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX = � _ _ u x f ! ELECTRIC N - PROP. ( ~ C _ EASEMENT __—_— STA 380+13 w EC U -- w 1 10" 22.5° BENDS (1) AIR RELEASE VALVE - __ (2) Ln STA. 380+28 = DR18 FM (4) 10" 45° BENDS w � - 685LFOF70" PVC FMUNpER50 0 (1 0' MIN• CLEAR) n cc 0 687 LF OF 20" PVC pRiB RM 0. J Q u V 0 w 0 ' F cc SHEET ]( p Tj° �j°]�� j( NO. CR 2118 11dX71°IILNSIOd� E= SHADOWLAwN CDD 256 a 7� 7/��y 7� o6nsi Anro g ;,e`' PROJECT NO. 1f Tvm1L��'I 11 t �� ly 11 FL32258 COUNTY ��JJ IILL 11 a �'°��°""'•' DAT E o REVISIONS TeL,(eg6tel “2 14-071-12 DESCRIPTION Fg71;(904)646A485 CLAY M N DATE LT6 Re9istrY-2584 LC-0081131 246 DEC 2022 ^ DESCRIPTION ViSiON•IMPERRHICE•REEL Licence No.62467 ^ o DATE JASON T.HALL c N � N ^ O ^ N O O`t �l^ 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 6 . Q L. 125 125 0 . , N h 120 120 W PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM cc 115 w 115 N 0 O to J 110 110 W In N 105 \ / 105 0 N ci N 16" PVC DRIB WM g 24" PIPE 100 100 cp 0 W W 95 95 . us q U 90 90 cc . W N ...I V W L. 85 85 - 1- L. L. 80 80 T L_ In O 0: a ti 75 75 0 Z CC 15 O vi U a Co CO CO Ol Ol Ol Ol I O I I ^.. ^.. N N N N in M M M kt 'kt kt kt U'1 C i¢- cc O' C Q N"- U LC O` O` M d o tL ¢ n N Piz r 0 ^N 374+00 375+00 376+00 377+00 378+00 379+00 380+00 1- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ E4775^d�-aht R�r•IT. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(90i4il 4 FL 32258e Roatl NO. N0" FAX:(904)646-9490 ','N'' � FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. O VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-66s0a1s �¶�/j m i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 5 7 135 135 130 130 125 125 6 Q ti 120 120 0 0 ir; N h 17 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM —\ L. 115 115 I 10" PVC DR18 FM —\\ z 110 110 0 v z cD W, 105 20" PVC DR18 RM _ 105 W N 2 v c, m 24" PIPE v II,N LU V W 100 100 I- 2 0 I- LU W s x 2 0 0 a E 95 95 0 0 Z CC O ._ u U a , C a i o Q ti U N 90 I I 90 L. N 374+00 375+00 376+00 377+00 378+00 379+00 380+00 L. REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ England-Thimb&RIlar•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET 14775 Jacksonville,e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ' TEL:(904)642-8990 REUSE MAIN PROFILE OFIULIE Q � FAX:(904)64fi-9455 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 Lc-0000316 i IASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 2 5 8 STA 382+90 (2) 16" 45° BENDS (1) 16" GVW/ B&C (I) 16" PLUG (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT 37 LF OF 16" PVC DRIB WM STA 384+20 (1) 20" GV W/ B&C (1) 20" PLUG STA 382+85 (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT (1) 16Al2" +85 207 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM (1) 12" GV W/ B&C (4) 12" 45° BENDS STA 384+30 (1) 12" PLUG (1) 10"X6" TEE (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT (1) 6" GV W/ B&C 0 10 50 174 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 WM (3) 6" 45° BENDS (1) 6" PLUG (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX Feet STA. 382+60 199 LF OF 6" PVC DR18 FM (1) 16" X 6" TEE (1) 6" GV W/B&C I — — PROP. R/W LINE (1) FH 3-WAY 12LFOF6" WM / v al U U- ® STA. 382+90 - 130LFOF24" \ —I"�, , M p - - - - - - - STEEL CASING , \� h O 189LFOF 16" PVC DR18 WM O STA. 384+23 STA. 384+30 Le + ---- 120 LF OF 16" - W 124 LF OF 36" STEEL CASING STEEL CASING '' z CO Lu 0 3 38-2 383 384 385 386 z k- 8,5°25'34"E I I i o i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Lu 749.47 -J UJ Ln o —) WM UNDER FM & RM (I) 20" GV W/ B&C C CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY Q _ (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) o U z Q /// STA 384+21 in in (2) 20" 45° BENDS \ '1 \ Q m 318 LF OF 20" PVC DRIB RM �\ 71 - - - - - - _ �® _ 4Z W 1. U — — — — W = z g - - tY u v W PROP. R/W LINE RM UNDER FM STA 384+60 Ill (1.0 MIN. CLEAR) (1) 10"x8" REDUCER z PROP. ELECTRIC (1) 8" GV W/ B&C EASEMENT STA 384+07 (1) 8" PLUG (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX o (7) 20"x72" TEE 19 LF OF 8" PVC DR18 FM Lu 0 348 LF OF 10" PVC DR18 FM (2) 12" 45° BENDS N (1) 12" GV W/ B&C j o (1) FLUSHING HYDRANTG STA 384+30 in in ai 25 LF OF 12" PVC DRIBLRM (2) 10" 45° BENDS ti (1) AIR RELEASE VALVE tL 9 o CI STA 384+16 0 ao (1) 10"x8" TEELu (1) 8" GV W/ B&Co o (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX Q P- (1) 8" PLUG z 19LFOF8" PVC DRIBFM o ,L u. ro z O Q Lu N 1-- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E14775 ngland- Augustine t1HR S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL-(90i4il 4 FL-8 32258 Road N O. N - TEL:(904)642-8990 o � ETril FAX:(904)64fi-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RE6ULT6 Registry-2564 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 5 9 6 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 6 Q ti 125 125 0 ir; N h 120 120 W PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM z 115 115 0 Z 0 O L. J 110 110 W o 105 16 PVC DRIB WM 105 z 0 M g 100 100 °: O Lui W 95 95 L, a v 90 90 cc o W LII W L. 85 85 z W W 80 80 0 i, O 5- a 75 75 0 Z O U a Evi u1 u1 1p 1p CO 1p K l0 1p R fr1 W u1 M O W u1 frni O W u1 C 70 ti ti ti tivi : : M : 2 70 Q U o o rn z Ou ^N 381+00 382+00 383+00 384+00 385+00 386+00 REVISIONS SHEET o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 Old EnaledSt.Aug a Augustine RoadS H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218EXTENSION d' TEL:(904il e,FL 32258e Roatl — NO. N ^ TEL:(904)646-6990 aETMFAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry Cu- 'VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2664 Lc-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 6 0 6 135 135 130 130 125 125 U Q ti 120 120 0 M N h PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM w J R 115 115 W N z O J 10" PVC DRIB FM 8" PVC DR18 FM ulLu 0 z 110 0 110 0 W v z . — 1 to U_ _ _ I- v 20" PVC DR18 RM W 105 105 W N U I- W U LL N -4 U W L. 100 00 I- 1 N - N I- W W s In N L In 0 0: a 95 95 0 - 0 N o o U a , C o Q ti U M 90 1 90 0' N 381+00 382+00 383+00 384+00 385+00 386+00 F- ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION114775 4gledSt Augustine t1HR S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' E_I_FU1U1 TEL:(90i4il 4 FL-8 32258 Road NO. N TES:(904)646-9996 REUSE MAIN PROFILE OFIULIE a FAX:(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o C1610N•EXPERIENCE•RUMS Registry-2564 LC-0060316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 2 411111111 \p) 0 10 50 1 n �— P°°RCEL 61 (BY OTHERS) Feet 12" WM (BY OTHERS) 12" RM (BY OTHERS) ST0 CONSTRUCT RM BEFOR (1) 20" GV w/B&C WORK B (1) 20" GV OTHERS. COORDINAT (1) 2"x1 TEE (45° DOWN) SCHEDULE WIT (5)11 45° BENDS (1) 12" GV 12" GV /B&C ADJACENT CONTRACTORw8&C (1) 72" SLEEVE (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED WM UNDER FM 11 C5 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM ONNECT TO PROP 12" RM (BY OTHERS) STA 215+00 (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) DI STA 211+00 (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED (1) 20" GV W/ B&C U STA 208+60 RM UNDER FMTURN LANE (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX (1) 20" PLUG (].0' MIN. CLEAR) IMPROVEMENT 637 LF OF 20" PVC DRIB RM u. F\_______ _____ 1 (BY OTHERS) EXIST. R/W LINE o ( 1S_ _ _ _ _ _ QYL S_ _ _ ———_ S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #��5 � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � S_ _ _ _ _ S- ' T 7�J5 x S x 7875�_�xA^ -f87 —OE_ _ ,n If-3 (9)19 8718 .°. 8)18 - - (0 18 - - (-9R - - Fella - (8)19 - - (8)18 - - (8)19 - - -(9)18 - C -(9)1 - - 0 (9)9- - - - " : • : 9 (9)9 (9)9 (9)9 (8)9 (9)9 1J - (;99 - O w WM UNDER RM — ---------------- -------------- cc R ------------ —'----- ti cc t� ---(0)9 ((]�7 -4 v i G 1 1 L 1 213 G 1 --- Q o o WM UNDER GAS u UM ,c i LI t - _ W w z C EXIST. CR 218 l o J Q = z l U z (B) BT(:,- -®�I BT(B) BT(B) BT(B) BT(B) BT(B) BT(B) BT(R) RT(R) ��1� I-- to Q a O 100 LF OF 16" HDPE WM EXIST. R/W LINE j DIRECTIONAL DRILL UNDER STA 213+20 CR 218 PER SECTION 555, (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX FDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS w Z o o o c STA 208+80 636 LF OF 16" PVC DRIB WM w (1) 16" X 12" TEE (1) 12" GV W/ B&C w (4) 12" 45° BENDS w (1) 12" SLEEVE ~ CONNECT TO PROP 12" WM (BY OTHERS) Ln z 50 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 WM k. o w 4 w Ln z STA 208+60 in a (1) 16" GV W/ B&C i- (1) 16" PLUG (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT o 0 o O a C a o ti U g d M z O N z Lu �O F- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r,Inc. S H A D O W L A W N CD D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' ETM Jacksonlvil e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 o FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o Ci VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 m i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 6 2 6 120 120 115 115 110 110 U 105 105 Q LL. N- O 0 M N h EXIST. GROUND L NE ABOVE WM 100 100 W J CC f cc W 0 0 0 ..,....—_______ W J ` Q A IL \________j---- ----__� 95 0 z i :: lIll --( 90 ✓ W —Ia 16 PVC DR18 WM ti U w N O O z cc1— 85 85 LU Co' ILI N I— U Ln I— W W W o N 80 0 80 - W 0 zCC 0 O U a 9 a o C i Q 75 75 U '!,) ^N Q 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thim�l llHar•fea S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(904il 5 Old e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ ETM 1477(904)642-8890 'iv'' FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. o VISION•EXPERIENCE•REEULTE Registry-2684 LC-09 om �¶�/j IASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 263 1 120 120 115 115 110 110 U Q 105 105 L. 0 0 M N h W 100 EXIST. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM 100 Lu z w 0 W — W 95 95 z Q p w ,. v _ Q m 90 - 90 �' p W W II 0 U 20" P�/CDRIBRM Z g 2 85 85 W N U u) W W W o 3 ! o to a UO 80 ~ W E O p 2 O a , C a i o Q 75 75 J L', ^N 208+00 209+00 210+00 211+00 212+00 213+00 214+00 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England- .l^�- 14775 Old e Augustine Road S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION Jacksonville, SHEET T NO. N ^ TEL: (904)64-6990E •TFAX:(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. rva o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0600316 /¶//j �j IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE d",�AIN PRO ILE 264 I Z 111111 0 10 50 Feet (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED PARCEL 61 (BY OTHERS) (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED 700 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM U Q EXIST. R/W LINE v _ _ o 77 O0cs =' 0E - - -_ 4 = `_ - -�__'_-�-- _ -,OE.` _ -. =--�E_ x .-b `- X_ - (2E "- - - p 1f9)19 - - - - (b)1N _ _ (E)id_ _ - _ _ (9)114-- - - - (8)19- - - - 8 - 1 - - (9118 �9719 - - (9)19- - - (9)19 (9)19 x n p O - __ moo_- 6909=— - - ----( 0 78)9 `-(9).9 _ _ (912 - (609 - - (9).. ] - --'4)- — _ _--(1-)`J- O w - - - - - - - - - - - - - ix) - — - STA 217+00 - - — _ N ,x N (1) 20" GVW/ 8&CNI - /// -- N L cc � I I I I I I I I L. J w 0 J - - - SEXIST. CR218- - - _ _ _ � - - - - - J Q _ _ o U ' - - - _ _ - _ - - - - - U w \ z Q �- - - - - - � - - - _ _ I-- in Z CS y O S STA 216+50 EXIST. R/W LINE STA 2E BOX j (1) 12" GV W/ B&C (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX u, 700 LF OF 16" PVC DRIB WM U o N O cc U w J w w I— tn Z h u w W o Ln N z to a ti O 0 C z O U a C 9 i E o ti U i u_ z 0 n' Q w 2 N ^ 1- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOMr•lea S H A D O W L A W N CD D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET ETM J4:75vile.FL32258e Roatl N�. N ^ FAX:(904)646-990 o FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 4 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN l.1� 2 6 5 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Q U v 0 0 m 100 100 N w EXIST. GROUND(LINE ABOVE WM —\ z \ CC 0 Z 95 95 0 W in Q N Lu N 90 — — 90_U J •X W CD O 8\\ lll a 16" PVC DR18 WM t` W 85 85 u N O p g cc -O J W Co' zLtI N )- U to W 80 80 W I 4i O.1 Ln L. O in a ti in u. 0 p CC vW 75 75 W a o 9 tY Q s. U o LL 0Q ^N 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET ETM Jacksonivil e.FL 3225ene Roatl NO. N ^ FAX(904)646-6990 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0600316 �¶�/j j�` IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER a".�AIN PRO IL"' 2 6 6 115 115 110 110 105 105 6 Q ti 0 0 M N 100 100 - LD EXIST. GF�OUND LINE ABOVE RM II 2 z tr w p z W O z Q p W v z t 90 \ 90 g t I h W CD p W tA w 20" PVC DR18 RIy1 us W 85 I 85 z o p g u W J W � NI )- V Ln W 80 80 it • W O x LI in O a E' W O p 75 75 W a i oti Q U s. u 0, Q I I O ^N 215+00 216+00 217+00 218+00 219+00 220+00 221+00 222+00 T REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' Jacksonivilse,FL 32258e Road NO. D. N ^ ETM TEL:(904)646-9990 'iv' FAX:(904)642-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. O VISION a EXPERIENCE a RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-°mom6 MAIN �j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE PRO ILE 2 67 0 10 50 F-et PARCEL 61 (8 OTHERS) (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED STA 2I B&C 465 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM EXIST. R/W LINE 49 s— gam_ 8 5' g )� �)� ;(8JS 8)5 ——— (a)5 ((aJS ———((a)S 55-- ( )�—— o �a)7e _CsTia - - TaTia - - _ %o)i - - _ (0)19-- - - (9)la - O w N FXTST Z F-Z18 N cc I o W i rom rnir x Ali. x O STA 222+50 w (1) 16"GV W/ B&C EXIST. R/W LINE \\ w U g CC O 770 LF OF 16" PVC DR18 WM \\ w x PROP. R/W LINE • PROP. EASEMENT LINE • w 0 B O U a 0 cc a � o Q ti U e z O h Q W N F- REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E gla d-TAimb MIlar.1^c- S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? 218 218 EXTENSION SHEET Na NO.e.FL32258e Road TEL: (904)64-6990^ ETM FAX:(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PL�N 2 6 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Q ti 100 100 0 1 N PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM —\ h tO J 95 95 — W o O W J Q W 90 90 2 L Q O m N C .' V J J Q X W 85 16" PVC DR18 WM 85 T W ` v w 0 g O tY W W �I 80 80 N I- V V1 in W W W o In In 0 75 75 = o LL p in o U a 9 C S o -4 •ti I-- U z ry z 70 70 0 o � I w N 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimg.UHRoadInc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D C� 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(90i4il d 4 F8 32258e Road NO. N 7 14775 04)642-8890 o ETM FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o VISION•WERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 6 9 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Q Ll 100 100 0 M N h LD PROP. GROUNDI LINE ABOVE RM W J 95 PROP. 10" FM 95 o W W J Q Q 0 I 2 Q 90 - ---- — - --- 90 W —— — T z to N NZi �I EXIST. 10" FM N Cp O ? 8.5 20" PVC DR18 RM 85 j U- w U N o Z o cr N I- z U N W J c W 80 80 N N In W W W o In N I 0 0: a 75 75 0 0 z tY O U a C N i— o Q I F-- U s. NQ 70 I 70 u_ ^N 222+00 223+00 224+00 225+00 226+00 227+00 228+00 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION Ea^c �TF„2Pna 58ir.lec. Augustine Road S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET o NO. N ^ TEL:(904)646-485 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-256a LC-0600316 /¶//� �j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE d"���� PROFI,�E 2 0 10 50 �iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii Feet EXIST. POWER POLE (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED TO BE RELOCATED (BY OTHERS) (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED U EXIST. R/W LINE Q (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED w -(8)M (8)M ———ilia- — -- — fM--_ _ (8)M - - -(G)M-— -----(9 — — — -(1)1: 8-)11,4 —IIITIIT7I/ o T87z87 rn Q ,YS n/ ` ,-(� _ } _ _'_ x _ _` �w---_•___ x—..__--_:t i r _7 - _ .� n r._+—«_ \=•-_vF—•--'--•—��r—+—� w - x -:T-x�_r O u1 0 ^ O . -7 )18 (8)18 (w18 (8)18 = 8 (8)18 (8118 (8)i8— (8)l w + - - - - �--(fl)D- --- (8)rD-- --- (8)D-- — 81D- - - �(s)J-_ � �- --- _ _(97�1 Lu -= T - - - - J- (1119 I' eIID/ rrl cc N q30 - - -231— —232 23.E—— — 2 .5// Q o w w ill— Ln 0 --I � EXIST. CR218 - - � �1 Q Q - - I— . . . III . a / ' \ STA 236+00 w EXIST. R/W LINEiir STA. 234+19 (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX Z. g (I) 12" 22.5° BEND RM UNDER BANDS Z 0 (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) o w STA 232+00 w (1) 12" GVW/ B&C w= PROP. R/W LINE u W 4 w OI 734 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 RMLn z in a E I I ..L.i= I I 0 CI CC g. U a C N o ti I I ¢ U 0 ¢ z 0 N ¢ - re I I = N I2 REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E^d�-*ein„.Il�nl^�. S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? ���Q EXTENSION NSION SHEET d' Jacksonivil e.F8 3225e Roatl NO. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RE6ULT6 Registry-2584 LC-0000316 0 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY LIIT PLAN 271 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Q u_ 100 100 0 0 M N ut PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM W J cc 95 95 cc 0 Z 0 O L. J Li O 2 Q 90 90 0 v " PIPE cD N N �I — I— W85 ( 18 _ 85 L. w W UZ 0 tr g 12" PVC DR18 RM v LU W ,. 80 L. 80 z N U In L. W L. In IL In 0 0: a 1- 75 75 0 0 N CC O U a , LL a i o Q I- U o LU u M 70 70 N 229+00 230+00 231+00 232+00 233+00 234+00 235+00 236+00 0 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E^d�-*nin„.17�n1^�- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' Jackson4775 ivilse,FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ ETM i TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-moms /¶//j �j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE MAIN PRO ILE 272 4-11111.1 0 10 50 Feet (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED v EXIST. R/W LINE (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED Q � w -(9)M — -(0)M- __.-- — —--—(9�AA --— (9)M----T )M (8�M—-- -( NL� — (81M -- -(9)M T 7875 '7975- _——7fhS — — — —(T£i7S " _ [calc� ._._�. —6-g S- =— -- 405———— —-- ( S #= IBIS - - - ((975-- - - (� T (7 O -or x _ . ,� ��, —.�—g�x� - ��7� , Or = — _ _ .� OE --O �x -flE .� —.— OE O - - (9)19- - - - (ti)id - - (b)id - - (e)19- - - - (8179 = __ (9)19 _ _ (91_LB_ _ _ (AIIN- - - - (g)18_ _ _ _ (9)l9- (9)19 (9 O W 9 - - - (0)3 - -_-_ _ (9)3 - - — -(03- -_ _ - =T— _ (9)9 _ 'I- (11 �� �ii ii 42 � I— o uluj _ _ _ er "- EXIST. CR218 J Q - - - - - - -_-_ —_ �_ _ _ - - - _ � _ _ � ?>Or = z -- -- --- -- - - — ---- — — --- /--------- 700 • EXISTWLINE LF OF 12" PVC DR18 RM \( w 1 w �o,�o ,10 / w � / w 0 O O / �0 w a •,/ W , / , , , / irPLu �O'0 A.'07 ix, / ,moo/o A,o F- REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION IE�gledSt.8neRoad S H A D O W L A W N CD D C� 218EXTENSION NSION SHEET ETM TEL:(904il e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ FAX-(904)646-6990 FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 27 3 I I 7 117 110 110 105 105 100 100 6 Q LL Ci 0 M N h O 95 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM 95 W J LU N Z W 90 / 90 W t �— z —_ _ w z t to o 85 85 N _ CD O W W w UZ O O g 80 12" PVC DR18 RM 80bcc w cc w m' zw N I- V u) in W W W 75 75 in it In 0 0: a ti 0 r O S p z O U a a r" 0i 70 70 Q ti U s. o � I I I I W ^N 236+00 237+00 238+00 239+00 240+00 241+00 242+00 F- REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E775 Old St Augustinen - S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:ETM (90i4il 4 F8 32258 Road N�. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o 4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE MAIN AI1N PROFILE 274 0 10 50 iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii >')) ,>o,>o ,�o,>o,»o Feet • •KY • • (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED / l (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED ,/ / /-,/:4 / t • - • —— — ——-- - --_— - ---- -- - -/'17 L..;EXIST. R/W LINE (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED •Q/ LL./- - - - -1 4 - j -(9)(1-7 i)d (am �(S1M- - - I (9M (amI )M I ( M (am -(9M I (am -(9)M o s—--— — - - -( 5s — - - - s— (e)s (a)s N o � y/ � ( s,. lSs (e)s (e)s 1e5s o .1)O= . 0 :- ;�- - -" - - --OE'- 1—_,_, -- OF •- - C - - - - 30 i _ � - 31 - O (8)O (9)19 (9)19 °O+ 19 • � ' tle- - - - - _ : -(ttl9- - - - - -- - - - -(9)1 _ (818 (8)19�8)O (f)1� _ (R)9 (6 $ 9- --- ----�---------e—)�-----------�----- ----------------(8-198-----aa—s--(-8)9—(8—)1-8 ---------- (8)9 (9)9 wW CC ^) Y�s; — Je9_ (a)s r� � N -ao�o—T _ — ono � ) � A od • 4— L� - - - -ZS- - - �4� 24� 248 ------------ N 49 2' z (f. ,' , , /. I I I 1_ I I I I I I I LT) o tLi W ' W Q ill - - - ———— —-- ———— ———— — zLn ,_, o � — — a c EXIST. CR 218 a Q U -07 0>> - - - - - - - - - - - - _ w C� Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CC i I �O,�O�O EXIST. R/W LINE �, STA 244+00 STA 248+00 ,, (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX (1) 12" GV W/ B&C v w , • o Z g 0 cc 700 LF OF 12" PVC DRI8 RM w LU to �O�O�O Ln z I- w o to N O 6'N • V) In a Q 0 C O 0 p cc z r O U a .z a i Q ti 0 g U. ... U. Q z 0 '' Q LU N 1— REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-*nin„.Mau nInc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' • Jacksonivil e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ U M4)646-6090 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-moms i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 5 6 105 105 100 100 95 95 U Q v 0 0 m N 90 90 u, G W J c / EXIT. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM -- w --�_--_ o N — 85 —— W 85 -�— A o --_—_ N — Luc' v Ci LQ 80 ---- 80 --- J g __—— J �I I- W N _ o W W tl 75 75 0 g 72" PVC DR78 RM c v -4 0 w no N Lu L to U, W, 70 70 W s Li LI 0 L a O p z o O 65 65 W a i tY o -4 i- s. U o N 243+00 244+00 245+00 246+00 247+00 248+00 249+00 I- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTIONEngland-TNimgNine Roaec. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET E_I_FU1U1 Jacksonivil e.FL 3225ene Roatl NO. N ^ FAX(904)646-6990 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0600316 /¶/� �j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 RE USE' MA PROFILE' 27 6 0 10 50 Feet (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED v Q EXIST. R/W LINE (9)M (9)M _ - - lI (9)M t- - - -(9) ' m �s 8)S (9)M (9 _ _ N ���55 (�875 v - ((975 O8 5 (9)S (8 (9)M (9)M (g)5 RI, p (a/s (8J5 8 S (9)8 91S9)M g)s (9/Sy ,—x—' O p — ------ —_ , _ (8)S (aJ ((as fQ (9_�(97 _ _ _�(915- - — --- )S (9 p (9)19 (8119 (8)la T — ———————— — (8)18 _ O w (8)19 " ———— __ -(8)9 (9)9 (9-)l9 (ff)9----------- -((9k15-_ '- (8T8 (8)18 _-- + + (8)9 (8)9 W (8)9 -09-_—— EXIST. CR 218 (8)9 ———----- __ __ _ __ — z 50 _ d 251 252 - - - - -- - - -I�- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Q c, 253 254 0 I 255 Q W W w _ z Ln Ul = STA. 253+80 I I = L V (I 16X12 REDUCER STA. 254+80 - - - - _ _ _ _ (1) 16X12 REDUCER _ - Q in' - - —_,IL _ - - - ---_,---_, 13 • 40 STA 252+00 (E) GUY WIRE POLE AND o EcL , (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX STA 255+50 ANCHORS TO BE REMOVED AND RESET BY CLAY ELECTRIC U o (1) 12" GVW/ B&C Z EXIST. R/W LINE 227 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 RM c 380 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM U 7 100 LF OF 16" HDPE RM t` DIRECTIONAL DRILL UNDER = CREEK PER SECTION 555, ~ FDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSLn z h w 4 w o Ln zin CI ti L. 0 C 0 U a C a i - ti i¢- U U. U. z 0 `t ¢ w a N 1- REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-4OkJ*eim,.rn�r.l^c. S H A D O W L A W N CD D CR 218 EXTENSION NSION NO. ETM SHEET TEL:(904il e.FL 32258e Road a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. 77 ry o VISION••OIPCRIlNCE••RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-momsi JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011a2 UTIL.J T PLAN 2 100 100 95 95 90 90 U Q ti 0 0 85 85 0,,; N h 17 10 L. J cc cc cc 80 80 LUj O L. — -- EXIST. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM Q w—— to 0 _ Q ------ W 75 —— 75 t to b \ — - J g I no N C0 U —_' -- o c `_A /'' J LL, 70 70 U 0 cr 12" PVC DRIBRM v w Li o i c w no Lu N in 65 65 W W w O. U) N Li VI 0 a ti S DIRECTIONAL DRILL PER o 60 FDOT SPECIFICATION 355 60 CC 0 0 U a o LL a i o Q ti i¢- U s. L.n Q I I O ^N 250+00 251+00 252+00 253+00 254+00 255+00 256+00 x REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-TNimgu Mc . S H A D O W L A W N C D D �� ���Q ���°�q°��'���J SHEET 14775 Old TEL:(904ile.-8 FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ FAS:(904)646-9485 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. 90 4 ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE MAIN PROFILE 27 8 0 10 50 1— Feet (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED v Q (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED v (8)M- • o 0 ( �8J (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED N M h 0 —�'�..i_� ' ' ( �8)M_ EXIST. R/W LINE ,Cccz _ _ ,���S5' c (9)M w ___ _(- - ——-X_ X—'—.� r 7S-_ = .-(86 (9)M -(8)M -(8)M -(9)M j ^I_— •--- - _'_= - —6 —__' ,� - - --�[ds-•-_ - - -(8)S- -(8)5. g 5 OS (8)S 30_- O Q —— . . — -(8)9- �—__ — _ _'_—,_ ___ (8)5- - - - - - - - - -(9)5-30 - - -_--- ((-8)5 3-0 -(8-)S-30 w ——____ (8)g- _ Celle (8)18 (9)19 O o Lu v Z58— ------------------ (8)9 (8)O (9)O ------ w Ln o �v — 259 - - - ----_ _ _ ______-- - - Ipp 2i Q Q �Q o 260 261 O z , -411111116 LU (7) _ _ _ _ - �_�,� ' - _ _ EXIST. CR 218 = Q - - � _ _ V CS a. _ _ - Q w 662LFOF 12" PVCDR18RM %'7 - - - w v w o `z cc ccSTA 259+40 EXIST. R/W LINE w (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX 'i w (E) GUY WIRE POLE AND t" ANCHORS TO BE REMOVED xI- AND RESET BY CLAY Ln ELECTRIC z h u w 4 w o Ln zin a ti 6 O CC i 0 CC 0 U a O U a o Q ti U o L 0 U. Mro ,1�Q _ ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimg&Mar•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET N ^ ETM 1477ivilse.FL 32258t. e Road Jacksonville,TEL:(904)642-8990 NO. a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry VISION•WERRNCE•RESULTS Registry-25134 LC-0000316 4 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 7 9 IV ILL? 100 100 95 95 90 90 U ti Ci 0 0 M h 85 85 _ V cc EXIST. GROUND LINE ABOVE RMcc / z O / W 80 --- — ------ — --- --- --J 80 Ui N / o w N U o 00 75 75 W 12"I PVC DRIB RM La Z O O g 70CC 70 Z W W U to I.— in L. W W it 65 65 a U- O S p z Li O U a C � . 60 60 ti I¢— U o It N 257+00 258+00 259+00 260+00 261+00 262+00 263+00 REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION EngledSt Aug sine RoadInc. S H A D O W L A W N C DD CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET JacksonETM 14775 ivilse,FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)646-6990 FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o 4C1610N•OIPCRIlNCE•RE6ULT6 Registry-2584 LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 RE USE MAIN PROFILE 2 8 0 '' I elbS \Q> /r \ /� �Q,)jai /�' / / -q� ,' // 0 10 50 // - zi z r_DI Feet 2 191W . //7 91y0 •<2 '/i / l - %V -j/V / — -_—". - . ' '' , ' '::- - 7"l v l9�y9' 119. 711 • -- 263 .Tvi �1IOW 9y9. • �919� j✓ \j / o o o O 2 538LFOF 12" PVCDR78RM L �' Cal Lu �C.."‘ 0 iR / (1) 12" 90° BEND 1002 1003 1004 1005 1 6 I �`� `-z.. lik Bc;1� - I i i i I o y - - - -BE,' )- _ _f 1 N 1°5'17"E ' , I I 10: w Ill . e Ln v -RIM _STA. 1000+94 - Q �� (1) 12" 45° BEND -I c!xn I o (1) 12" GV w/B&C STA. 1001+46 EXIST. R/W LINE ' ' , z (1) 12" 11.25° BEND U1 , , Q REMOVE AND REPLACE 3.5 SY ' ' AO c-S 0- OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK .' II. o am-, w S aw M ° .a.7.0i Q; o o 0 g u m Ill LLI oNza 236 LF OF 12" PVC DRIBRM o = wwVtn o ti L. z Lgle 0 v, NC ,T., C m z E o Q tiit, . U o ty 7z r - ,t O Fr. • _ __ ��` — - - L! - E UTILITY PLAN (277) ; REVISIONS o WEEEM DESCRIPTION MMEM DESCRIPTION England-L imb14 rReR edc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(90i4il 904)St. F8 32258e Road I V O. `,,' 7 ETM 14775 a 2-8990 FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ''4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 281 100 100 95 95 90 90 6 Q ti / EROUNDXIST. LINE ABOV r RM o o N N h 85 —\ _ t ——— /---- 85 \ / CC \ / W \ / z \ / W 80 \�_..../ \ 80 W Ln Q z o t 1 75 12" PVC DR18 RM' 75 a LD w Z 80 U a 70 70 cp W W Co ILI N I— U to W W s 65 65 Ln 0 in ,z a ti O CC z 0 CC a , C 0 60 60 Q Q O a a a o- Li. aZ a a a o 1 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC ^N 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 REVISIONS o d DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England- MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' Jacksonivilse,FL 32258ne Roatl NO. N ^ ETM TEL(004)642-8880 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. o VISION a OIPERIENCE a RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-09 om MAIN �j IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE PRO ILE 282 s Nor ...... ._411. ligot..-,.-- ., ,... . _ • /111 r . lirliP • • • ROY L POINTE DRIV11111611P. ; • • . _..__.___ • = 0 10 50 . . . . Fee ' illk mati 1 ,lip • • ;� �. O ", z o Ni . #, I N �- • J I h LD -m —sap •�, �� CC 403 10fl9_F§ Fg§ I Q 1O F��§ g 4 yq ' S(8)- -� 1013- - - /= = ; ail,:. - .i-• cc l 1 1 1 �e�S L �%3 8� Ptil(8)� NP _ z- 1 IVt19°33'31"E _ _ p—pP -, w1dP14, �5 NPW i) o o� r�^ram2 eire. W (2) ]1.25° BENDS • w0430 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM (1) 12" SLEEVE / r Q W REMOVE PLUG AND CONNECT TO J m o t J (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX EXIST. 12" RM n w z CD v =r ` W V - - Q N Q d Q V i U W O g O C U 1 - -.1 Ill W - . .� I- . z h u . 2 - W o Ln Z I. In a ti 4 � O 4 z O A U E o Q - -171 U • 1, IL .I O m i . • 1 N I- REVISIONS o WEEEM DESCRIPTION /® DESCRIPTION England.Thinu&RH.r.lna. S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET Jackso04)6..FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ ETM TEL:(904)642.8990 a FAX:(904)646.9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N O" o 4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 Lc-eee93t6 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 8 3 105 105 100 100 95 95 6 Q ti 90 90 0 o M N h EXIST. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM w J 85 85 0 cc 0 W J Q w Ln 0 2 80 UD Q W m Z a m --Io a 1- n CD 75 2" PVCDR18RM 75 0 w a Z w Fe v a o cc a i- Ill _I o w �, 70 70 N i- U to o w I w o Ln P to 0 65 65 0 0 CC 0 2 U a i C a E o Q ti z �Z 60 a a a a 60 0 N 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET Jacksonivil e.FL 32258e Road N O. N ^ 1477(00415t.Aug 0 'iv'' ETM FAX:(904)64fi-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. o VISION•OIPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-°sums JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE MAIN PROFILE 284 CATHEDRAL OAKS WEST AND C.R. 218 WATER, SEWER,AND REUSE TRUNK MAIN COST RECOVERY AGREEMENT This Cathedral Oaks West and C.R. 218 Water, Sewer, and Reuse Trunk Main Cost Recovery Agreement ("Agreement") is entered this , August, 2023, between Reinhold Corporation, a Florida corporation,whose address for purposes of notice is 1845 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 105, Fleming Island, Florida 32003 ("Reinhold") and the Clay County Utility Authority, an independent special district established under Chapter 94-491, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1994, whose address for notice is 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, Florida 32068-3907 ("CCUA"). WHEREAS, CCUA intends to recover the capital cost for the Utility Work (as hereinafter defined) through the Lake Asbury Master Planning Area (LAMPA) Trunk Main Cost Recovery Policy currently being considered by CCUA's Board of Supervisors (the "Policy"). If for any reason the Policy is not adopted and in full effect as of the effective date of this Agreement, this Agreement shall govern the cost recovery of the Project (as hereinafter defined). WHEREAS, Reinhold is the fee simple owner of the Benefited Lands (as hereinafter defined). to NOW,THEREFORE,for and in consideration of the premises,the mutual undertakings and agreements herein contained and assumed, Reinhold and CCUA hereby covenant and agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. The Project The project consists of the construction of the Utility Work within the Cathedral Oaks West and C.R. 218 right of way and CCUA easements from Shadowlawn Elementary School to the First Coast Expressway interchange, which is approximately 1.8 miles (the "Project"), which the Project is funded by the CCUA as set forth below. The utility work for which CCUA will receive reimbursement includes the following components that define the cost and scope of the work (collectively,the "Utility Work"), included in Exhibit"A': • County Road 218 Extension Executive Summary Sheet, dated July 28, 2023. CCUA elects Utility Construction Option 1 ($8,861,139.57) and Construction Engineering Inspection Services ($340,776.00). • Vallencourt Construction Company Estimated Construction Quantity Sheet for Option 1, dated 7/24/2023,totaling$8,861,139.57. • Any CCUA-approved increase in scope and fees. • C.R. 218 Extension Utility Plan Set dated December 2022, prepared by England, Thims & Miller, Inc., Job Number 14-011-20-01. • C.R. 218 Extension Anticipated CCUA Draw Schedule-CCUA Work Only, dated 07/28/23 ARTICLE 2. Cost Recovery Reinhold shall prepare and record in the public record covenants and restrictions over its lands that are benefited from the Project and Utility Work as more particularly set forth on Exhibit "B" (the "Benefited Lands"). The covenant and restrictions shall require the future developer of any future improvements on the Benefited Lands that require water, sewer, or reuse utility service to enter into a Developer Agreement in the form substantially as set forth in the attached Exhibit"C" (each, a "Development Agreement") for such portion of the Benefited Lands which includes the terms and conditions for payment to CCUA of its full costs of the Utility Work of the Project with respect to such portion of the Benefited Lands. Upon the execution of the Developer Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate with respect to that portion of the Benefited Land that is subject to the Development Agreement. ARTICLE 3. Termination. This Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event that the CCUA adopts the Policy as means of recouping the cost of the Utility Work. to ARTICLE 4. Miscellaneous. A. Binding Effect of Agreement - This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Reinhold, CCUA, and their respective assigns and successors by merger, consolidation, conveyance, or otherwise. B. Notice - Until further written notice by either party to the other, all notices provided for herein shall be in writing and transmitted by messenger or by mail to the addresses set forth above, or such other address as specified in writing by either party to the other. C. Laws of Florida - This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, and it shall be and become effective immediately upon execution by both parties hereto, subject to any approvals which must be obtained from a governmental authority, if applicable. D. Binding Agreement; Modification. This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements or representations, either verbal or written, heretofore in effect between Reinhold and CCUA, made with respect to the matters herein contained, and when duly executed, constitutes the agreement between Reinhold and CCUA. No additions, alterations, or variations to the terms of this Agreement shall be valid, nor can provisions of this Agreement be waived by either party, unless such additions, alterations,variations, or waivers are expressed in writing and duly signed. E. Parties. Whenever the singular number is used in this Agreement and when required by the context, the same shall include the plural, and the masculine, feminine, and neuter genders shall each include the others. F. Execution by CCUA. The submission of this Agreement for examination by Reinhold does not constitute an offer but becomes effective only upon execution thereof by CCUA. G. Waiver. Failure to insist upon strict compliance with any of the terms, covenants, or conditions herein shall not be deemed a waiver of such terms, covenants,or conditions,nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any right or power hereunder at any one time or times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of such right or power at any other time or times. [Signatures on following pages] to WITNESSES: REINHOLD CORPORATION, a Florida corporation Print name: By: George M. Egan, President (Corporate Seal) Print name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of ❑ physical presence of ❑ online notarization, this day of August, 2023, by George M. Egan, as President of REINHOLD CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, who is ❑ personally known to me or ❑ who has produced as identification. to Print name: Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires: _ WITNESSES: CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY Print name: By: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., M.B.A. Executive Director (Corporate Seal) Print name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of ❑ physical presence of❑ online notarization, this day of August, 2023, by Jeremy D. Johnston, as Executive Director of CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY,who is ❑ personally known to me or ❑ who has produced as identification. to Print name: Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires: Exhibit List Exhibit A CCUA Utility Work Bid Documents ■ County Road 218 Extension Executive Summary Sheet, dated July 28, 2023. CCUA elects Utility Construction Option 1 ($8,861,139.57) and Construction Engineering Inspection Services ($340,776.00). ■ Vallencourt Construction Company Estimated Construction Quantity Sheet for Option 1, dated 7/24/2023,totaling$8,861,139.57. ■ C.R. 218 Extension Utility Plan Set dated December 2022, prepared by England,Thims &Miller, Inc., Job Number 14-011-20-01. ■ C.R. 218 Extension Anticipated CCUA Draw Schedule-CCUA Work Only, dated 07/28/23 Exhibit B Benefited Lands Exhibit C Developer Agreement to Exhibit A CCUA Utility Work Bid Documents to County Road 218 Extension CCUA Utility Bid by Vallencourt Construction, Inc. Executive Summary July 28, 2023 Utility Construction Bid Base Bid $9,068,455.70 Utility Pipe Direct Order Purchase Deduct $(207,316.13) Total Price $8,861,139.57 Utility Bid Notes: 1. Furnish and install steel casings for CCUA mains (WM, FM, and RM) under multiple storm drain pipes (Stations 318+60 and 362+60). 2. Furnish and install HDPE in lieu of steel casings for all other casings shown on the plans (perpendicular roadway crossings and the roundabout). to 3. As confirmed with Vallencourt, the "HDPE Roadway Crossings" noted in their schedule of values for each size of pipe include upsizing the HDPE to the next available size to account for the difference in PVC and HDPE pipe diameters. 4. Base bid amount includes performance and payment bond for CCUA work. 5. Base bid amount includes CDD Direct Order Purchase of Material of$2,961,659.00. 6. Total price includes CDD Direct Order Purchase of Pipe Tax Savings Construction Engineering Inspection Services (Estimated) $340,776.00 If contracted through Shadowlawn Community Development District, construction Engineering / inspection services to include preconstruction activities, part-time inspection during construction, project management and efforts associated with direct owner purchases. Marcus Mclnarnay,President Mike Vallencourt II,Vice President Mike Vallencourt Sr.,Chairman J.Daniel Vallencourt,Vice President LITTIORT Stan Bates P.E.,Vice President Construction Co. Inc. To: CCUA Contact: Address: Middleburg, FL 32068 Phone: Fax: Project Name: CR-218 Extension CCUA Option 1 (7/24/2023) Bid Number: Project Location: Clay County 218 Bid Date: 3/14/2023 Addendum#: 5 Item# Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price 001 General Conditions 100 Utility Pipe ODP 1.00 LS ($207,316.13) ($207,316.13) Total Price for above 001 General Conditions Items: ($207,316.13) 002 Bonds & Insurance 201 Payment&Performance Bonds(Utilities Only) 1.00 LS $46,091.61 $46,091.61 Total Price for above 002 Bonds&Insurance Items: $46,091.61 003 NPDES Permit Compliance to 300 NPDES Permit Compliance 2.00 MO $618.59 $1,237.18 303 Maintain Silt Fence 5,500.00 LF $1.16 $6,380.00 304 NPDES Reporting 2.00 MO $1,393.65 $2,787.30 Total Price for above 003 NPDES Permit Compliance Items: $10,404.48 004 Surveying 400 Surveying 1.00 LS $61,095.80 $61,095.80 Total Price for above 004 Surveying Items: $61,095.80 005 As Builts 500 As Builts Ph. 1 (CCUA) 1.00 LS $40,166.79 $40,166.79 500 As Builts Ph. 2(CCUA) 1.00 LS $49,327.64 $49,327.64 Total Price for above 005 As Builts Items: $89,494.43 006 Erosion Control 601 Silt Fence Type III(Regular) 5,500.00 LF $0.93 $5,115.00 Total Price for above 006 Erosion Control Items: $5,115.00 007 Maintenance Of Traffic 700 Maintenance of Traffic 1.00 LS $5,226.22 $5,226.22 Total Price for above 007 Maintenance Of Traffic Items: $5,226.22 011 Earthwork 1110 Testing Allowance 1.00 LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 1 of 6 Total Price for above 011 Earthwork Items: $50,000.00 012 Grassing 1201 Existing ROW Restoration Sod for Pressure Pipe Install 15,915.00 SY $2.90 $46,153.50 Total Price for above 012 Grassing Items: $46,153.50 030 Storm Drain 3253 Water/Sewer/Reuse Flowable Fill (Contingency) 1,000.00 CY $433.47 $433,470.00 Total Price for above 030 Storm Drain Items: $433,470.00 060 Force Main 6012 12" PVC DR 18 Force Main 555.00 LF $92.61 $51,398.55 6012 12" PVC DR 18 Force Main 5,585.00 LF $85.49 $477,461.65 6012 12" Roadway Crossing(Force Main) 70.00 LF $279.21 $19,544.70 6013 10" PVC DR 18 Force Main 1,320.00 LF $62.84 $82,948.80 6013 10" PVC DR 18 Force Main 1,885.00 LF $67.10 $126,483.50 6014 8" PVC DR 18 Force Main 95.00 LF $45.43 $4,315.85 6014 8" PVC DR 18 Force Main 172.00 LF $43.39 $7,463.08 6014 8" Roadway Crossing (Force Main) 123.00 LF $87.34 $10,742.82 6015 6" PVC DR 18 Force Main 80.00 LF $30.58 $2,446.40 6015 6" PVC DR 18 Force Main 180.00 LF $29.05 $5,229.00 6015 6" Roadway Crossing (Force Main) 315.00 LF $68.82 $21,678.30 6177 24"Steel Casing for Force Main 85.00 LF $294.96 $25,071.60 6021 12"Joint Restraints 16.00 EACH $419.35 $6,709.60 6021 12"Joint Restraints 56.00 EACH $390.87 $21,888.72 6022 10"Joint Restraints 20.00 EACH $347.82 $6,956.40 to 6022 10"Joint Restraints 50.00 EACH $362.05 $18,102.50 6023 8"Joint Restraints 16.00 EACH $249.52 $3,992.32 6023 8"Joint Restraints 16.00 EACH $234.26 $3,748.16 6024 6"Joint Restraints 18.00 EACH $182.74 $3,289.32 6024 6"Joint Restraints 6.00 EACH $194.61 $1,167.66 6067 10"Sleeve 3.00 EACH $5,509.08 $16,527.24 6068 8"Sleeve 2.00 EACH $4,123.68 $8,247.36 6071 Air Release Valve Ass. 4.00 EACH $3,834.64 $15,338.56 6071 Air Release Valve Ass. 6.00 EACH $3,621.01 $21,726.06 6072 Air Release Manhole 6.00 EACH $3,620.14 $21,720.84 6072 Air Release Manhole 4.00 EACH $4,047.41 $16,189.64 6074 12"Gate Valves 1.00 EACH $4,995.87 $4,995.87 6074 12"Gate Valves 7.00 EACH $4,782.24 $33,475.68 6075 10"Gate Valve 1.00 EACH $3,772.76 $3,772.76 6075 10"Gate Valve 6.00 EACH $3,843.97 $23,063.82 6076 8"Gate Valve 2.00 EACH $2,524.37 $5,048.74 6076 8"Gate Valve 5.00 EACH $2,417.56 $12,087.80 6077 6"Gate Valves 3.00 EACH $1,594.89 $4,784.67 6077 6"Gate Valves 1.00 EACH $1,701.70 $1,701.70 6080 Valve Box Installation 10.00 EACH $339.72 $3,397.20 6080 Valve Box Installation 16.00 EACH $339.72 $5,435.52 6092 12 x 8"Tee 1.00 EACH $2,336.25 $2,336.25 6092 12 x 8"Tee 3.00 EACH $2,336.25 $7,008.75 6093 12 x 6"Tee 2.00 EACH $1,822.36 $3,644.72 6096 10 x 10"Tee 3.00 EACH $2,199.97 $6,599.91 6097 10 x 8"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,987.77 $1,987.77 6097 10 x 8"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,987.77 $1,987.77 6098 10 x 6"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,765.71 $1,765.71 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 2 of 6 Item# Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price 6117 12"45 Bend 8.00 EACH $1,873.84 $14,990.72 6098 10 x 6"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,765.71 $1,765.71 6101 8 x 8"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,505.40 $1,505.40 6113 8"90 Bend 1.00 EACH $1,130.14 $1,130.14 6117 12"45 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,873.84 $3,747.68 6118 10"45 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,526.07 $3,052.14 6118 10"45 Bend 4.00 EACH $1,526.07 $6,104.28 6119 8"45 Bend 6.00 EACH $1,065.07 $6,390.42 6119 8"45 Bend 3.00 EACH $1,065.07 $3,195.21 6120 6"45 Bend 2.00 EACH $790.50 $1,581.00 6120 6"45 Bend 10.00 EACH $790.50 $7,905.00 6123 12"22.5 Bend 6.00 EACH $1,800.63 $10,803.78 6123 12"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,800.63 $3,601.26 6124 10"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,523.36 $3,046.72 6125 8"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,134.83 $2,269.66 6140 12x10" Reducer 1.00 EACH $1,628.78 $1,628.78 6140 12x10" Reducer 1.00 EACH $1,628.78 $1,628.78 6144.1 10x8" Reducer 1.00 EACH $1,242.67 $1,242.67 6152 12"Cap 2.00 EACH $1,307.75 $2,615.50 6153 10"Cap 2.00 EACH $1,029.45 $2,058.90 6154 8"Cap 5.00 EACH $800.65 $4,003.25 6155 6"Cap 3.00 EACH $604.39 $1,813.17 6155 6"Cap 1.00 EACH $604.39 $604.39 6158 12"Conflict 3.00 EACH $12,640.26 $37,920.78 6159 10"Conflict 1.00 EACH $10,965.59 $10,965.59 6159 10"Conflict 2.00 EACH $10,965.59 $21,931.18 CO 6160 8"Conflict 1.00 EACH $7,225.45 $7,225.45 6161 6"Conflict 1.00 EACH $7,261.84 $7,261.84 6181 Locate Wire Box 14.00 EACH $575.45 $8,056.30 6181 Locate Wire Box 3.00 EACH $575.45 $1,726.35 6183 Punch Out Force Main 2,765.00 LF $2.45 $6,774.25 6183 Punch Out Force Main 7,615.00 LF $2.45 $18,656.75 6185 Locate Wire Test for Force Main 7,615.00 LF $0.58 $4,416.70 6185 Locate Wire Test for Force Main 2,765.00 LF $0.58 $1,603.70 6186 Pressure Test for Force Main 2,765.00 LF $2.72 $7,520.80 6186 Pressure Test for Force Main 7,615.00 LF $2.72 $20,712.80 Total Price for above 060 Force Main Items: $1,364,940.32 070 Potable Water Main 7011 16" DR18 PVC Water Main 6,790.00 LF $124.30 $843,997.00 7011 16" DR18 PVC Water Main 2,390.00 LF $151.95 $363,160.50 7011 16" HDPE Roadway Crossing (Water Main) 380.00 LF $274.78 $104,416.40 7012 12" DR18 PVC Water Main 1,995.00 LF $92.62 $184,776.90 7012 12" DR18 PVC Water Main 315.00 LF $81.22 $25,584.30 7012 12" HDPE Roadway Crossing (Water Main) 585.00 LF $173.92 $101,743.20 7015 6" DR18 PVC Water Main 255.00 LF $56.29 $14,353.95 7015 6" DR18 PVC Water Main 50.00 LF $56.29 $2,814.50 7235 30"Steel Casing For Water Main(Storm Crossings) 85.00 LF $441.63 $37,538.55 7020 16"Joint Restraints 67.00 EACH $770.86 $51,647.62 7020 16"Joint Restraints 173.00 EACH $728.14 $125,968.22 7021 12"Joint Restraints 65.00 EACH $390.87 $25,406.55 7021 12"Joint Restraints 55.00 EACH $419.35 $23,064.25 7089 12"Sleeve 4.00 EACH $4,991.18 $19,964.72 7094.05 16"Gate Valve 7.00 EACH $9,666.16 $67,663.12 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 3 of 6 Item# Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price 7094.05 16"Gate Valve 11.00 EACH $9,240.18 $101,641.98 7095 12"Gate Valve 7.00 EACH $4,782.24 $33,475.68 7095 12"Gate Valve 9.00 EACH $4,995.87 $44,962.83 7098 6"Gate Valve 4.00 EACH $1,701.70 $6,806.80 7098 6"Gate Valve 11.00 EACH $1,559.28 $17,152.08 7101 Sample Point 4.00 EACH $518.68 $2,074.72 7102 Locate Wire Box 5.00 EACH $575.45 $2,877.25 7102 Locate Wire Box 11.00 EACH $575.45 $6,329.95 7104 Valve Box Installation 29.00 EACH $339.72 $9,851.88 7104 Valve Box Installation 20.00 EACH $339.72 $6,794.40 7105 Flushing Hydrant 7.00 EACH $2,393.15 $16,752.05 7105 Flushing Hydrant 5.00 EACH $2,499.97 $12,499.85 7106 Fire Hydrant 4.00 EACH $4,656.15 $18,624.60 7106 Fire Hydrant 11.00 EACH $4,442.52 $48,867.72 7108.05 16 x 16"Tee 1.00 EACH $3,675.34 $3,675.34 7109 16 x 12"Tee 2.00 EACH $2,943.79 $5,887.58 7109 16 x 12"Tee 6.00 EACH $2,836.97 $17,021.82 7112 16 x 6"Tee 10.00 EACH $2,255.93 $22,559.30 7112 16 x 6"Tee 1.00 EACH $2,433.95 $2,433.95 7116 12 x 12"Tee 3.00 EACH $1,827.20 $5,481.60 7119 12 x 6"Tee 3.00 EACH $1,304.46 $3,913.38 7119 12 x 6"Tee 1.00 EACH $1,304.46 $1,304.46 7154 6"90 Bend 1.00 EACH $471.89 $471.89 7156 16"45 Bend 6.00 EACH $1,929.47 $11,576.82 7156 16"45 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,929.47 $3,858.94 7157 12"45 Bend 10.00 EACH $1,088.85 $10,888.50 CO 7162 16"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,901.00 $3,802.00 7162 16"22.5 Bend 4.00 EACH $1,901.00 $7,604.00 7163 12"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,044.11 $2,088.22 7169 12" 11.25 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,023.77 $2,047.54 7174.05 16x12" Reducer 1.00 EACH $1,594.30 $1,594.30 7191.05 16"Cap 3.00 EACH $1,075.08 $3,225.24 7191.05 16"Cap 1.00 EACH $1,021.68 $1,021.68 7192 12"Cap 6.00 EACH $597.65 $3,585.90 7192 12"Cap 4.00 EACH $619.01 $2,476.04 7215.05 16"Conflict 1.00 EACH $16,697.17 $16,697.17 7215.05 16"Conflict 4.00 EACH $14,560.86 $58,243.44 7216 12"Conflict 5.00 EACH $9,500.25 $47,501.25 7216 12"Conflict 1.00 EACH $9,500.25 $9,500.25 7219 6"Conflict 6.00 EACH $4,138.80 $24,832.80 7232 Drill Pits 2.00 EACH $7,059.93 $14,119.86 7233.16 Directional Drill 16" HDPE 100.00 LF $244.80 $24,480.00 7246 Punch Out for Water Main 5,010.00 LF $2.72 $13,627.20 7246 Punch Out for Water Main 7,850.00 LF $2.72 $21,352.00 7248 Flushing&BT's for Water Main 7,850.00 LF $1.22 $9,577.00 7248 Flushing&BT's for Water Main 5,010.00 LF $1.22 $6,112.20 7249 Locate Wire Test For Water Main 5,010.00 LF $0.53 $2,655.30 7249 Locate Wire Test For Water Main 7,850.00 LF $0.53 $4,160.50 7250 Pressure Test for Water Main 7,850.00 LF $2.72 $21,352.00 7250 Pressure Test for Water Main 5,010.00 LF $2.72 $13,627.20 Total Price for above 070 Potable Water Main Items: $2,725,168.24 090 Reuse Water Main 9005 20" Reuse Main 2,350.00 LF $230.14 $540,829.00 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 4 of 6 Item# Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price 9005 20" Reuse Main 6,960.00 LF $192.74 $1,341,470.40 9005 20"Roadway Crossing(Reuse Main) 220.00 LF $439.37 $96,661.40 9012 12" DR18 PVC Reuse Main 265.00 LF $81.22 $21,523.30 9012 12" DR18 PVC Reuse Main 6,500.00 LF $93.98 $610,870.00 9012 12"Roadway Crossing(Reuse Main) 480.00 LF $173.92 $83,481.60 9231 36"Steel Casing for Reuse Main 85.00 LF $497.71 $42,305.35 9020.04 20"Joint Restraints 127.00 EACH $1,259.66 $159,976.82 9020.04 20"Joint Restraints 153.00 EACH $1,212.17 $185,462.01 9021 12"Joint Restraints 24.00 EACH $390.87 $9,380.88 9021 12"Joint Restraints 156.00 EACH $419.35 $65,418.60 9089 12"Sleeve 3.00 EACH $4,991.18 $14,973.54 9094.04 20"Gate Valve 7.00 EACH $20,418.91 $142,932.37 9094.04 20"Gate Valve 10.00 EACH $20,134.06 $201,340.60 9095 12"Gate Valve 6.00 EACH $4,782.24 $28,693.44 9095 12"Gate Valve 14.00 EACH $4,995.87 $69,942.18 9100.1 Flushing Hydrant 4.00 EACH $2,499.97 $9,999.88 9100.1 Flushing Hydrant 7.00 EACH $2,393.15 $16,752.05 9101 Locate Wire Box 9.00 EACH $425.91 $3,833.19 9101 Locate Wire Box 9.00 EACH $425.91 $3,833.19 9103 Valve Box Installation 21.00 EACH $339.72 $7,134.12 9103 Valve Box Installation 16.00 EACH $339.72 $5,435.52 9104.04 20 x 12"Tee 6.00 EACH $4,201.38 $25,208.28 9104.04 20 x 12"Tee 3.00 EACH $4,557.42 $13,672.26 9112 12 x 12"Tee 2.00 EACH $1,827.20 $3,654.40 9146.04 20"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $3,054.90 $6,109.80 9146.04 20"22.5 Bend 8.00 EACH $2,876.88 $23,015.04 CO 9146.04 20"45 Bend 10.00 EACH $2,826.71 $28,267.10 9146.04 20"45 Bend 2.00 EACH $3,147.15 $6,294.30 9147 12"90 Bend 1.00 EACH $1,166.13 $1,166.13 9153 12"45 Bend 7.00 EACH $1,088.85 $7,621.95 9153 12"45 Bend 7.00 EACH $1,088.85 $7,621.95 9159 12"22.5 Bend 2.00 EACH $1,044.11 $2,088.22 9165 12" 11.25 Bend 3.00 EACH $1,023.77 $3,071.31 9187.04 20"Cap 3.00 EACH $1,567.85 $4,703.55 9187.04 20"Cap 1.00 EACH $1,476.55 $1,476.55 9188 12"Cap 6.00 EACH $597.65 $3,585.90 9188 12"Cap 4.00 EACH $597.64 $2,390.56 9211.04 20"Conflict 1.00 EACH $33,808.95 $33,808.95 9211.04 20"Conflict 4.00 EACH $33,808.95 $135,235.80 9212 12"Conflict 4.00 EACH $9,500.25 $38,001.00 9212 12"Conflict 7.00 EACH $9,500.25 $66,501.75 9228 Drill Pits 2.00 EACH $7,059.93 $14,119.86 9229.16 Directional Drill 16" HDPE 100.00 LF $246.57 $24,657.00 9239 Punch Out for Reuse Main 7,605.00 LF $2.45 $18,632.25 9239 Punch Out for Reuse Main 9,270.00 LF $2.45 $22,711.50 9240 Flushing for Reuse Main 9,270.00 LF $1.22 $11,309.40 9240 Flushing for Reuse Main 7,605.00 LF $1.22 $9,278.10 9241 Locate Wire Test For Reuse Main 7,605.00 LF $0.53 $4,030.65 9241 Locate Wire Test For Reuse Main 9,270.00 LF $0.53 $4,913.10 9242 Pressure Test for Reuse Main 9,270.00 LF $2.72 $25,214.40 9242 Pressure Test for Reuse Main 7,605.00 LF $2.72 $20,685.60 Total Price for above 090 Reuse Water Main Items: $4,231,296.10 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 5 of 6 Total Bid Price: $8,861,139.57 Notes: • The above price excludes Landscaping&Irrigation • The above price excludes Sunday Work • The above price is based on the owner providing horizontal and vertical site control • The above price is based on the plans titled CR 218 Extension Contract Plans plotted on 11/30/2022 at 5:06 PM by maddent • The above price is based on the ECS Florida, LLC geotechnical engineering report titled County Road 218 Connector Road-Stormwater Poinds project number 35:31917-A • The above price is based on the ECS Florida, LLC geotechnical engineering report titled County Road 218 Connector Road project number 35:31917 Payment Terms: Payment due within 30 days of date of invoice, regardless of when payment is made by Owner. to ACCEPTED: CONFIRMED: The above prices,specifications and conditions are satisfactory Vallencourt Construction Company,Inc. and hereby accepted. Buyer: Signature: Authorized Signature: Date of Acceptance: Estimator: Harley Moreland (904)291-9330 harleym@vallencourt.com 7/28/2023 11:14:59 AM Page 6 of 6 Exhibit"D" OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM _ 01. INTENTION.It is the declared and acknowledged intention to secure a new sewerage system,complete,in 09.2 FORCE MAIN VALVE.Gate valve,resilient seated,same as specified in Water Distribution 13. SEPARATION OF WATER AND SEWER MAINS.Horizontal and vertical separation between potable water - aordancewiththeplans,specifications,and contract documents.All new work shall be in accordance with Clay System Specifications Section ll at right.Except valve bodies shall be gray iron.Valve box shall system mains and or appurtenances and sanitary or storm sewers,wastewater or storm water force mains,and 01. INTENTION.It is the declared and acknowledged intention to secure a new water distribution system, 16. TESTS,After the pipe is laid,the joints completed,and the trench backfilletl,the newly laid pipe antl County Utility Authority Specifications and Details and with Clay County Utility Authority Approved Materials Manual have the word"SEWER"cast into the cover. reclaimed water mains shall be in accordance with Rule 62-555.314 FAC. omplete,in accordance with the plans and spermcations,and contract documents.All new work shall be in appurtenances shall be subjected toe Hydrostatic and Leakage test of 150 pounds per square inch for a period of and Clay County Engineenng Department Details and Specifications and any other Government Regulatory a New or relocated underground water mains shall be laidto provide a horizontal distance of at least three feet accordance with Clay County Utility Authority Specifications and Details and Approved Materials Manual and Clay at least two hours.During this period,all joints shall be inspected to determine water tightness of the system Any _ Agency All work shall conform to the above,whether or not specifically called out or noted on the plans. 093 FORCE MAIN JOINT RESTRAINT.All fittings shall be properly and adequately restrained against lateral between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed storm sewer,stone water force County Engineering Department Details and Specifications and any other Government Regulatory Agency All leaks detected shall be corrected.tests shall be in accordance with the CCUA's requirements and specifications _ ment at all force main tees,crosses,valves and bends.See CCUA Approved Materials Manual for ,reclaimed water main regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610,F.A.C,or proposed vacuum-type sanitary work shall conform to the above whether or not specifically called out or noted on the plans. Water main lines shall be pressure tested and approved prior to paving,but not prior to subgrade mixing operation 02. GENERAL.All materials shall be of those listed in the CCUA Approved Materials Manual.The installation acceptable restrainers.(SEE RESTRAINED JOINT SCHEDULE) and limerock installation,finish graded and compacted.If CCUA inspector detects the water main has been - L shall be warranted by the Contractor as to materials,workmanship and accuracy of the As-built drawings for a be New or re located,underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least six feet,and 02. GENERAL.All materials shall be in conformance to National Sanitation Foundation(NSF)6l and those damaged during priming orpaving,he shall require the Contractor to repair the water main and re test the water period of two years from the date of completion of the work or beneficial use of the facilities.Workmanship shall be 094 FORCE MAIN PIPE FLUSHING All force main piping shall be fushed with clean water utilizing full pipe preferably ten feet,between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed gravity-or listed in the CCUA Approved Materials Manual.Materials shall be warranted by the Contractor as to materials, main _ of good quality;i.e,sewers shall be laid true to line and grade,fittings shall be properly installed and restrained, diameter.In cases where the water supply is inadequate to flush the full pipe diameter,flushing shall occur to the re-t a anita s wastewater force main or i line cone in reclaimed water notre ulated under workmanship and accuracy of As-built drawings for a period of two years from the date of completion of the work or - pressu yh s ry 0wer, p se Y 9 9 beneficial use of the facilities.Workmanshi h ll be of d gnm p g, ys trenches shall be properly excavated antl backfilletl,manholes shall biz installed allocations and to elevations extent of the water supply that is available Part 111 of Chaplet 62E10,F.AC The minimum horizontal separation distance between walermains and psa goo qua ity;ie.,mains shall be laid inaunfform all en[, 17. STERILIZATION.Aftercom letion of construction and lestin the waters tam shall be s[erilizetl with oil°boa - - shownontheplans. gravity-type sanitary sewers shall be reduced to three feet where the bottom ofthe water main is laid at leastsix fittings shall be property restrained,trenches shall be properly excavated and backfilletl,fire hydrants and valve chlorine in accordance with AWWA Standard C651latest,and State of Florida Department of Environmental • _ QaA 10. INSTALLATION.All sewer lines,manholes,and appurtenances shall be constructed to the dimensions and inches above the top of the sewer. boxes shall be adjusted to finished grade.All water mains shall be installed with tracer wine per CCUA standard Protection requirements before acceptance for domestic operation The amount of chlorine applied shall be _ _ e 3:'0 021 Contractor LICENSE AND APPROVAL.Utihl the riht toe den Iof Contractor elevations indicated on the drawin Trenches shall be excavated to a widths ten twelve inches ter c,New or relocated under round water mains crossin a xistin o sad ravel-or vacuum- Anita location wire details. sufficient to provide a dosage of 50 parts per million or more,for a period of al teas124 hours.A CCUA inspector y reserves g pprove or y approve gs. pproxima y grea g g ny a g r propo g y types ry 'r<g'I==� pricy to consbuction of any on-tle or off-sM1e utility facilities.Contractor must hold a State Of Flonda Underground than the outside diameter of the pipe.Machine excavation shall be to a depth one-fourth pipe diameter above must be presenifor the below referenced slenhzabon procedures.After completion of sterilization procedures,the -'a`a� r storm sewer shall be laid so the outside of the water main is at least six inches,and preferably 12 inches, `o b Utility Contractors license,that nametl contracting company being the one doing the work on protect,and proposetl pipe grade;the remaining depth shall be hand excevated antl shaped to give full support to the lower 021 Contractor LICENSE AND APPROVAL.Utility reserves the right to approve or deny approval of Contractor system shall be flushed using chlorinated water from a domestic water source having a chlorine residual of at least - above,hratthastl eline(see Crossin outside ofthe o ndetiil she However,i[is preferable to lay the water main nor to construction of an on-site or off-site utili facilities.Contractor must hold a State Of Flontla Unde round 1 art a minion.The Contractor shall obtain MI bacterolr real clearances as re uiredb the Flontla De artmenl aoa�W tlemonslrele acceptable experience in the field of utility consWction. ach sects of of pi eish. above the other line Crossin A"as shown on detail sheet WAT-02 e y ty e e r g q y e ?'°;a"I pipes pee prior g pipe (see g" ) Uhlil Contractors license,that nametl conlractin bein the one doin the work on ct,and of Environmental Protection.After bactenol pressure in p p.s.i. o=tea"o0 End t section of hall g ins led for defects to bein lowered into the trench.The inside of each bell Y g company g g prole one c earances,the we main shall nos tlro below 20 • - - wast• w ar relocated underground ain,or pinkie onv yang reclaime wap r shnl be Mid-so the outcry eofthe demonstrate acre table ex science in the field of ulili construction. Clearance re rt to be submitted to the En inoer The Contractor should be aware that there is a timin m - - w SURVEYS.The Utility Contractor shallprovide all surveys necessary for the layout and construction of the Imes sh ll be eofeact d with th spig tend p inting in t e thrntietgnmhe fl w.Both the bni ejoint spigot f wasI water or storm water force main or i line cone in reclaimed water shall be laid so the outsitle ofthe e e ty g g a -.0-02a5 P+°-r,'-m work of his contract. hoes shall be constructed with the spigot ends pomang in the direction of the flow.Both the bell and the spigot of e Y g related to bacteriological clearance of the main,completion of as-built drawings and EngineerlCCUA completion of -..%Q. _ _ water main is at least 12 inches above or below the outsitle of the other pipeline.However,it is preferable to lay the 03 SURVEYS.The Utili Contractor shall de all surve f the la t and construction of the Certificate of Com t Man ct where the bacleriol I t than 30 da Id at the each joint shall be lubricated with the lubncanl recommended by the pipe Manufacturer.All sewer lines shall be ty provi ys necessary or you p e ion. y prate ogice c earances are grea er ys o - aag-sit 04 EARTHWORK.Earthwork shall include all excavation,fill and backfill(hand/machine),compaction and rough cleaned of foreign matter as construction pon comp water main above the other pipeline work of his contract. time of submittal of Certificate of Com 1 to FDEP or CCUA,the Contractor ma be re d to II more progresses,antl shall be in a clean condition u letion of p l ion y quire ne _ grading of materials encountered.No unsuitable materials clay,muck,or t removed from trenches are to construction o erations.Pi a Al the utility cro sings described in paragraphs(c)and(d)above,one full length of water main pipe shall be d obtain more bacteriolo Prior to introducin the chlorine solution,the lines shall be pea pipe p pe materials shall remain the same on runs between manholes and/or other structures. amp es an gica c full pi s. g o° be usedfor backfill.All fill or backfill shall be either sand or sand cla,free of roots,trash or other debris All centered above or below the otherpipehne sothe water main joints will be as far as possible from the other 04 EARTHWORK Earthwork shall include all excavation,fill and backfill(hand/machine),compaction and rough lhoroughlyflushed coati clean water utilizing full pipe diameler.ln cases wherelhe water supply is inadequate to - - Y Y 8811m� aline.Altemativel at such crossin s the s shall be amen etl so that all water main'oints are at least three w�Lw backfill alongside of and loci freight(wenty-four inches above all pipe shall be free of clay or organic malenal, 11 INSPECTIONS.Each section of the completed sewer system shall be inspected for proper alignment Any pp y' 9' pee 9 l grading for bacrials enrol or ba�.N shallbtaith matedals clay,muck,orpeof removedfrom pipe trenches are to flushng full rmay be req,red to be in c mpliaotheexthe St thef Florid a Sly that isater Qule Dechlorination of »»> pp p rcaa z=:rc z acted in lifts the first of which shall be to that rm line of the eb either hand or machineo ration section of the sewers tem which does not dis la true co centric all nmeet shall be reinstalled at no additional feetfrom all joints in vacuum-type sanitary sewers,storm sewers,storm waterforoe mains,or pipelines conveying be used for backfill.All fill or backfill shall be either sand or sandy clay,free of roots,trash or other debris All Flushing water may be required to be in compliance with the State of Florida Surface Water Quality Standards comp e g e e y e y g med w ter re ul ted under P rt I I I of Cha ter 62-610 F A. and at least six feet from all joints in ra r carefully n 98%.All other backfill shall be compacted by either hand or machine operation carefully n 95% expense to the Owner.A written to fins lion shall be ke tindinin location of test,potential blems in reclai g a p C. j g vity-e backfill alongside of and toaheigM twenty-four inches above all pipe shall be free of Gay or organic material, (FA.C.63-302530).Dechlorination is necessary itihe Rushing of highly chlorinated water is to be discharged IO 90 pee P 9 Pro a s rc=ppp===acrca==f==riff m outside of a 98%under a of itso timum moisture content as determinedb ASTM D698 latest. er tle santl de th of water se ce locations and other irre ularities in the elines.An ima ein DVD format Pressure-type sanitary sewers,wastewater force main,or pipelines conveying reclaimed water not regulated ompactetl by either hand or machine operation carefully to 98%.All other backfill shall be compacted by either directly toesudace cooler or loci strnn cooler syssem.lf the water can be sheet Rowed ovate large area or ( p ving), ( p repot p y ew p p rvi 9 P P 9 under Part III of Cha ter 62-610,F.A.0 c Copies of compaction density lest reports from a licensed testing agency shall be made available to CCUA if shall be made of the television inspection and submitted to the Engineer and the Clay County Utility Authority. P hand or machine operation carefully to 95%(outside of paving),98%(under paving)of its optimum moisture discharged toe holding pond,dechlorination may be avoided.See note number4 of Special Notes below. requested Copies of compaction density test reports from a licensed testing agency shall be made available to CCUA if content as deterrnined by ASTM D698,latest.Copies of compaction density test reports from a licensed testing N�r requested. 14. NEW CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAIN.New connection to existing main in service shall be agency shall be made available to CCUA a requested. 18 BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLING.Contractor shall ensure the project construction is completely finished - o 05. MANHOLES.Manhole bases,sections,and cones shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C478, complished by the"wet tap"method utilizing full circle stainless steel tapping sleeve and mechanical joint prior to any bacteriological sampling and testing. LL = - - Spe�cationsforPrecaslReindCemeoncreteManhonveeleons.Cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM 11.1 TELEVISION INSPECTIONS Television inspection will be required on all new gravity sewers constructed. tapping valve.Tapping sleeve shall be rated at 200ngsl,non-shock working pressure conforming to AWWA 05. JOINT RESTRAINT.All fittings shall be properly antl adequately restrained against lateral movement al all 'm'$W�° +`Ha'�'a�a� _ C150,Specifications tar Portland Cement,Type ll Concrete shall meet the minimum requirements for Class"A" This service shall be provided by the Contractor as a part of this Contract.The newly constructed sewers shall be Standard C110,latest revision Stainless steel to sleeves shall be from those listed in CCUAa roved water main tees,crosses,valves,bentls and fire hydrants.Restrainers shall be Uni-Flange Series 1300,1350, 19 FIRE LINES/MAINS.All fire lines or mains connectingto Clay County Utility Authority owned potable water Concrete Work.Minimum wall thickness shall be 1/12 the inside diameter in inches plus one(1)inch.Bases for televised in the presence of the Inspector of the Clay County Utility Authority A full report aslo the condition of material manual Ta i valve shall beesespe al joint on one end and standard Flan ed joint on other end. 1390 or approved equal installed per Manufacturer's recommendations and Clay County Utility Authority Details n shall be installed bye Stale of Flonda Licensed Fire Installation Contractor,and shall meet all requirements manholes shall be cast integrally with the bottom manhole section.Joml contact surfaces shall be formed with pipe,type,depth,location of services,length,joint and distance between manholes,etc.shall be furnished to the Valve shall comforn to Section 092 of these specKcations. g 1 and Specifications(SEE RESTRAINED JOINT SCHEDULE).See CCUA Approved Materials Manual for of the local Authority,Stale Fire Marshal,County Fire Marshal,and the National Fire Protection Association.Work r««rr.__________ --- _ machined castings;they shall be exactly parallel with a 2 degree slope and nominal 1/16 inch clearance with the CCUA inspector prior to the final acceptance of the system.Any pipe found to be cracked,leaking or otherwise acceptable restraints. performed must meet all requirements of NFPA 24,Standard far the Installation of Private Fine Service Mains and tongue equipped with a proper recess for the installation of an O-ring rubber gasket,conforming to ASTM C443, defective shall be removed and replaced with new pipe at no additional costs to the Owner.Deflection testing with Their Appurtenances. Joints for circular Concrete sewer and Culvert sin Rubber ket,or RAM-NEK Ided Plastic Joint 5%mandrel also re saf JOBSITE SAFETY.Whaws.This job udes,b Con of lime ed to,con limes paces and xcavation pre antl local O6. DUCTILE IRON PIPE.Ductile iron hall conform to ANSI S cif t A21.5D AW WA C150 I t 1 piph l g gas Preme gnid li ero k ar i not ce butgri rto pa inn lest rball dement sh Sewer males sfnil biz safety rules,regulations and laws.This includes,but is not limited lo,confined spaces and excavation protection pibe s ye' ( )a Sealer with joints Manhole adjustment matedals shall be sound,hard,and pre-primed.Precast concrete televised after curb and lime rock are in place but prior to paving.Curb antl limerock shall be installed,Mish 'Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe',Table 50.5,laying condition Type 2�nlemal operating pressure of 250 191 The Fire Marshal shall have the right to deny acceptance or use of any fire line,installed and connected loci systems as per O.S.H.A.standards. for an 8-fool de th of cover,Class 51 minimum and shall be ANSI A21 51 AW WA C151 mixedmetar tar bri mshall be comosedlof Precasl Comer TypeI,sad rid clean heuo.Mortadjhall beoeeld CCUAnsipecor has revieegraetysewer Lieorde DVD ad apmve thergravity swersstem.Thi unlit tee psi p ( essureatnthfugally Cie can prducetyAutho th o ieMars cot a ail(pperwork.eesde,o clos ou ado umencthave beng thefre mixed mortarfor bock shall be composed of portland cement Type ll,sand and cleanwater.Mortarshall be one CCUA inspector has reviewed thelelevision recorded DVD and approves the gravity sewer system.Tins will be thickns Laying leigtofpipll behout liin lesngth,and anufactreclearly manpipe fowater serve s linewnorly prepred to the Fire Marshalay Colpaperwty Autodue,or close out documents have been part cement Type ll antl two parts santl;lime shall not be used.The outsitle faces of bock masonry shall be strictly enforced.All gravity sewers must be flushed no sooner than 4 hours prior to any television inspection.Force i6. CCUA SHOP DRAWING AND SUBMITTAL PROCESS Asigned acknowledgment by the Contractor and thickness,class,height of pipe without lining,length,and Manufacturer.Ductile von pipe for water service shall be satisfactorily prepared and approved by Clay County Utility Authority. plastered with mortar from 1/4"to 3/8"thick.Precast manhole walls shall not be coaled unless othenise noted. ain lines shall be pressure tested and approved prior to paving,but not prior to subgrade mixing operation and the Material Supplier,on the"Shop Drawings and CCUA's Approved Malenals List Form",that all materials will be furnished with cement lining per AWWA C110,C115 and C151.The pipe shall have design values of 60,000 p.s.i. Cement grout for manhole bottoms shall be a stiff rich mix of Type ll portland Cement and sharp plaster sand. limerock installation,finish graded and compacted Sewer services shall be viewed by a camera cepable of viewing ccordance with CCUA's Specifications,CCUA's Details antl CCUA's Approved Materials Manual,is the only umtensile strength,and 42,000 p.s.i.minimum yield strength.Ductile iron pipe for water or service lines shall 20. POLYETHYLENE TUBING SERVICE LINES AND MAINS(2 INCH AND SMALLER):Tubing shall be Calcium chloride may be added(maximum of2%)to aid in obtaining a faster set.At permanent pump station into service lateral connections Ade uate water must be laced within theu stream manhole to flow throw h the submittal CCUA will require for each item of materials with the following exception:any alternate materials beau ed in any easement,right-of-way,between lots,and any instance where a building foundation or other manufactured of PE 4710,High Density Polyethylene(HDPE),in accordance with AWWA C901,ASTM D1248, locations.the first upstream manhole from the station shall be lined withapolyethylene liner as manufactured and downstream manhole before ins sell with the camera.All work must be acoom fished in the re ceofihe requested by the Engineer;any materials not listed in the CCUA Materials Manual;and materials associated with permanent appurtenance is within 10'of the water main or a service line larger than 3". ASTM D2239,ASTM D3737 and ASTM D3350.The tubing shall have a minimum working pressure of 250 psi. installed by Taylor Precasl Co,or approved equal. CCUA inspector.Contractor shallll provide CCUA with a 48 hr.notice of intent tolevise antl inspect sewer main. pumping stations and plant installations Those exceptions shall havean individual shop drawing submitted for polyethylene tubing shall be copper tube size SDR-9 and shall be colored blue.HDPE pipe shall have ultraviolet LLI CCUA inspectorshall report to job site al thetime speafetl by Contractor atthelime of the call-in.CCUA CCUA's review and approval prior to any installation of said materials.This is CCUA's procedure and it does not 07. DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS shall be C153 cement lined antl suitable for the type and class of pipe to which (UV)inhibitors for protection against direct sunlight for l year Inserts for polyethylene tubing may be utilized,at 05.1 CAST IRON MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS.Cast iron manhole frames and covers shall be as detailed inspectors will waft al the job site no more than one hour for the televising to begin before leaving the job site. preclude the Design Engineer from requiring additional submittals and shop drawings as he deems necessary for nnected.Gaskets shall be suitable for potable,domestic water service.Minimum working pressure shall be 150 Contractors options,and,if used,shall be 316 stainless steel.The use of no-lead brass couplings,tees and"Y" z on drawings Castings shall meet the requirements of ASTM A48,Specifications for Gray Iron Castings,Class No. Contractor shall reschedule televising giving CCUA 48 hrs.notice if the above occurs.Inspections start at manhole the project. p s.i fittings are acceptable on poly service tubing,if not located undere roadway Tubing shall be approved for use with J LLJ J 30,or Grade 65.45-12,Ductile Iron meeting the requirements of ASTM A536,Standard Specification for Ductile invert. potable water by the National Sanitation Foundation(NSF-14)and shall be continuously marked at intervals of not Iron Castings.In either case,manhole frame and cover shall be designed to withstand en HS20-44 loading 17. PUMP STATIONS(TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT).All pump stations shall be constructed in 08. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE.Polyvinyl chloride pipe for water mains 4 inch through 24 inches in diameter, more than four feet with the following: ~ IZ Z defined in the AASHTO Specifications Frames and covers shall be machined or ground at touching surfaces so 11.2 INFILTRATION TEST After completion,the sewers or sections thereof,shall be tested accordance with CCUA standards,rules and regulations and be approved by CCUA All work and materials shall shall be DR.(C900)Pressure Class 235 psi PVC 1120;water distribution mains above 24 inches in diameter Nominal size O as to seat fmly and prevent crocking. and gauged for infiltration.To check the amount of infiltration,the Contractor,at no added compensation over the meet the requirements of CCUA Standard Pump Station Details and Specifications or the plans,details and shall be DR25(C900)PVC 1120,Pressure Class 165 psi,conforming to ASTM D-1784,D-2241,D-3139 and Pressure rating 0 J contract price for the sewers,shall furnish,and install and maintain a V-notch sharp crested weir in a wood frame specifications for that specific pump station.A dnveway shall be provided from the street(roadway)to within 2 feet F-477,latest,or P.V C.C900,Class 165,DR-25,conforming to ASTM D-1784,Cell Class 12454,ASTM F-477, NSF seal V LLI 052 FLEXIBLE MANHOLE CONNECTOR All connections between sewer pipe and pre-cast concrete manholes on the main sewers as directed by the Engineer.Maximum allowable infiltration shall be 50 gallons per mile,per of the pump station welwell,minimum l0 feet wide x 6 inches thick 3,500 p.s.n.concrete.Submersible pump ASTM D-3139,latest,and shall bear the seal of the National Sanitation Foundation Pipe shall be color coded and Manufacturer's name or trademark shall be accomplished bye Flexible Connector,"Kor-N-Seal",as manufactured by National Pollution Control inch ofdie,of sewer per 24 hour day,al any time. stations shall be fenced completely about the penmeter of the pump station site(location of the pump station site marked"WATER"al every 12"along the barrel of the pipe,with lettering facing up.Couplings shall be rubber Standard dimension ratio LLJ /�� Systems,Inc.,or approved equal. noted on the plans),including gates and all other items required to make a completely fenced installation.The gasketed,push-on type conforming to ASTM D-2122.DR-18 shall be used for fire mains. ASTM specification i u Ln U 11.3 EXFILTRATION TEST In areas where ground water is not encountered in sewer construction,or it is entire pump station site within the fenced area shall be covered with#57 stone,6 inch thick minimum,placed over di F ❑ L I J 05.3 FLOW CHANNELS,Flow channels in manhole base shall be formed of D.O.T.Class I Type II cement grout desired to run eobllration tests,the Contractor shall furnish and install all necessary materials,equipments,shall filter cloth 09 STEEL CASING PIPE Steel casing pipe shall be of size indicated on the Drawings and shall conform to (n with brick and trowel to a smooth surface Mish Grout surface shall be 1"min thickness over brick or rubble.While supply water,etc,and shall run exfiltration tests to determine acceptance of the sewer.The maximum allowable ASTM A139,with a minimum yield strength of 35,000 p.s i. , } (n o the manholes are under construction,cut off pipes at inside face of the manhole and construct the invert to the exfiltration shall be 50 gallons per mile per inch of diameter of sewer per 24 hour day el any time based on two fool 18. Informallon shown on the Drawin lion of exishn I'l lies has been dfromlhe most imm▪y� F rN�/ shape and sizes of pipe indicated. minimum intemel head. gs as r^'"^'^^a g u prepare 10. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC 1120,SCHEDULE 80)PIPE shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D •. ,.N�'ro O 'l L.L provi gra pipe pipe g ges in reliable date available to the Engineer.The shall biz responsible far requesting underground utility 1785.Fittin hall be suitable for f installation re d.All II than 4"shall be Schedule 80 _ LL U IZ All inverts shall tle a constant tlienl from influent to effluent lhrou h manhole.Chan gs s type o quire piping sine er g ges posse p"is y wiz g p qua grea p locates antl shall assist the utility companies ny every means possible to determine said locations and the locations °'�O`Q'N direction ofthe sewerand enterin branch orbranches shall be laid out in smooth curves of the ton t tits 114.A"di defined as an ter holden de ih which ise for lerthanihe minimum de lh as listed of recent additions to the systems not shown Enreme caution shall be exercised to eliminate any possibility of PVC. ;^go L1J radius which is tangent to the center lines of adjoining pipelines, below.There shall not be any more than l"dip"per 135 linear feel of sewer pipe installetl.The defective pipe any damage to utilities resulting from Contractor's activities.The locations of MI overhead utilities shall also be ° `''e w ❑ sections,or those di/sections over the allowable lima,shalI be removed and re laced t no cost to CCUA Each 11. GATE VALVES AND BOXES.Gate valves shall be non-rising stem type antl shall be suitable fora 200 p.s.i. z P ia (a ) verified by the Cet rmini The Engineer shall ed notified df ring cone that ndy hccur.The Contractor shall be n-shock workin Gate valves shall be mechanical i ge O L1J OS t DROP INLETS Where shown on the drawings,drop inlets to ilia manholes shall be constructed as shown un of pipe,between two manholes,shall be evaluated reds tlensl for coin trance.An di hich is tar g pressure. jai,Flan tl or screwed.Gate valves shall have a w u O N gs an pea pan y p y"p'w grea responsible for determining which poles wall need shoring during excavation antl shall provide such shoring and 2�o t t and o I ft.Gate valves shall have t t tits for the f hich installed.Valves Lf J LL on the drawin d s fied herein. than the"maximum""di de th listed below are not acce table and shall be removed and re lace at no cost to ndla rge nu pen a join s sue a tyee o main on w Q p" p p p support as required. 3"and larger shall be iron body,bronze fitted with resilient seat.Boxes shall be of cast iron construction,7/32" (n O_ yviny pe s quiremen CCUA.Regardless of the number of"dips"in the line section,if,in the option ofthe CCUA inspector,the number walI thickness and shalI be nantack t t d.The word"WATER"shalI be cast in the cover O6. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE.Pol Chloride Sewer Pi hall conform to the re is of ASTM Other gm y ar etyma coo e and/ar location of the"dips"is believed to create an unacceptable operating condition,then the defective pipe 19. CCUA details and specifications(latest available copy)shall be included in all plans submitted for work Other gale valves smaller than 3"shall be heavy-duly bronze ball valves See CCUA Approved Materials Manual Q ❑ �_ D-3034,SDR 26 The PVC compound conforming[o ASTM D-1784 Pipe shall be early marked in 5 ft.intervals sections shall be removed antl re laced at no cost to CCUA.An deviation from these"tle limitation must be within the CCUA unit' s 1 No h II mod r less,indicating Manufacturers name,nominal size,cell classification and legend.Joints shall be push-on rubber () e Y P" rty ys ern person s a dy,change,omit or replace any portion of those details and for acceptable valves. r, gasketed,conforming to ASTM 3212.Pipe and fittings shall be installed in accordance with recommended practice approved by the CCUA Service Availability Manager specifications without the express written consent of CCUA.In any instance where the Design Engineer has z U Z ASTM D-2321.All pipe and sewer fittings shall be SDR-26 heavy wall,installetl up to a depth of l 3'from finish included his written specifications ar details in the plans then the mare stringent of the two shall govem. 12 WATER METER BOXES Developer shall be responsible for installation of meter boxes on all water services Q LL gre pipe. p gravity sewer wi poor approve s a pipe an WATER HOLDING DEPTH(INCHES) rt of the water main installation All curb slo h ll be ad t d to the 1 d shall be tle to invert of Maximum de lh of thout h II be 13 feet.Sewer 0 ec pa ps s a jut a proper a eve ion an rN� U Q fittings over13'in depth shall be DR-18P.V.C.Design of sewer installation over 13'in depth shall have CCUA's PIPE SIZE MINIMUM MAXIMUM 20 All materials to be used for any project within CCUA'S utility system shall conform to those materials listed in ssible for the installation of the water meter.The Contractor shall be required to open all boxes forthe LL - w poor approval 8-101NCH .50 1.00 the CCUA approved material manual in effect at the time final plans for that project are approved by CCUA Authority's inspector at the final inspection.A treated 6'-6"fence post marker shall be painted blue far identthcation. LLJ L_ 12-15 INCH .75 1 50 Meter boxes shall not be placed in any sidewalk or driveway without the approval of CCUA. z O 07. PIPE BETWEEN MANHOLES.All piping installed between manholes shall be the same material and class. 18-21 INCH 1.00 2.00 21 Under no circumstance shall any trees be planted within a CCUA utility easement without: Q (n No dissimilar pipe material will be allowed anywhere within a single run of pipe. 13 CURB STOPS.Curb stops shall be cast bronze,inverted key stop,roundway,with check,lock wing type,for J 24 INCH AND GREATER 1.25 2.50 a.CCUA approving landscape and irrigation plans. locking in the closed position.See CCUA Approved Malenals Manual for acceptable curb stops. > J LLJ 08 SANITARY SERVICE LATERALS.Sanitary service laterals shall be Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe b.CCUA being notified poor to the planting of trees antl giving approval. conforming to the requirements of ASTM D-3034,SDR 26 where cover over top of pipe is 36 inches or greater. 12 Demarcation box shall be used as an isolation porn(between the wet well and the motor control center panel. a CCUA inspecting the installation of root barrier malenal(required al all trees which are 14. FIRE HYDRANTS.Fire hydrants shall be trafc type,150 pound working pressure,AWWA Standard C502, 1 ❑ Q UJ Where cover over to of less than 36 inches,secific construction conditions shall be directedb the Cla All wirin between the motor control center and wet well shall be interconnected at this closer then 7.5'to an CCUA utili hown in CCUAa d material manual latest revisions,with two 21/2"nozzles,one 41/2"nozzle and one 51/4"main valve.Fire hydrant shall be be U p pipe is p y y g point.Install malleable seal Y ty ins)ass pprove rN�/ _ UJ County Utility Authority.All sanitary service laterals shall be a minimum of 4'-0"deep at the right-of-way line to lop off conduits atding to arcation box end,in conduitslane shn the demarcation box and the MCC.All internal and CCUA roadway cross section details,whether or not shown on the plans. compression type with breakable coupling and bolts Pipe connection shall be mechanical joint Fire hydrants shall Z , Z L.L ❑ of pipe.Any sanitary service lateral which must be more than 6,0"deep shall not be installed prior to obtaining hardware including terminal strips,blocks and backplane shall be stainless steel be pained silver,BLP Mobile Paints,Liquid Aluminum,1151 alkyd weight 56.6%x volume 41.2%VOC 3.76 Ib.per 3>i Q z permission from the CCUA field inspector or CCUA Engineering Department.All sanitary service laterals shall be gallon with 1 1/2"pane nuts,opening left.See CCUA Approved Materials Manual for acceptable fre hydrants. 22 At all Jack&Bore locations a CCUA inspector shall inspect the casing spacers to verity they are the carect P In ❑ LL 6-inch diameter from the main to the right-of-way hne with a minimum slope of 0 60%(0.6 feet per hundred feet).In and have been installed cortectl the to the bein tolled into the The =W Lr.l famil denial develo t property g proper 12.1 Demarcation box shall be 24"wide,24"tall antl 12"dee 4x enclosure manufactured of 316 stainless y on pipe poor pipe gins pipe casing. pipe 15 INSTALLATION.The minimum cover over to f t tits water main shall be 36'.All water lines and CL O O z O s rig e y rest pmen s,services shall reduce l0 vein size at the line ulilizin the p name as rig shall be clean and free of ell dart,and shall be cleaned with a Vao-Con if necessary.A CCUA inspector shall p o po a Q fittingsfor the type of pipe speafetl.All sewer semce laterals over l3 deep shall be constructed of DR-18 PVC steel.Enclosure shall have a hinged cover and removable backplane for terminal blocks.The box shall be mounted c appurtenances shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter before being lowered into the trench and shall be Z Q L1J LL_ pipe,and DR-16 fttin so that the cover faces awe from the wet well. be present al all time during this work.Contractor shall be responsible to establish the torten elevation of the Jack ke(clean Burin ti b f theta d methods.All hall be checked for (O La.l `� pipe gs,per CCUA standard sewer system details. y antl Bore carrier pipe and pipe casing.Contractor shall compact the bottom ofthe excavation to assure the density P 9 eying opera tot y means o pugs or o pprove pipes Q CD to= H of earth is ode le to tan ttlement of e t used to done the Jack and Bare o lion. defects before being lowered into the trench.Defective pipe shall not be used.Pipe found to be defective after Z n- 09 FORCE MAINS Force mains shall be C900 DR-18 PVC and conform to the requirements of ASTM D-1784, 122 Terminal blocks will need to be mounted for each wire throw h the demarcation box.Terminal stri qua pck an yse quipmen pe nera installation,shall be removed and replaced with sound pipe at no addiMnal expense to the Owner.The full length (n-Q pasi xg g l exca ation dhala d all a fro and Bore pits,rda nee anh Ptilize the n7ceshe de-watering.Contra t to heap the of each section of hall rest solidi the bed,with recesses excavated to accommodate the bells and .J�H O every 12"alon9he b rrel theppello tit ronppe and force m"FORCE MAIall b olylinliwosidesm p connetions al600 voliqual). ameplites ssecifdonth elect tlaltndards sheetba ubedrovidtd at the ckand dry and free from rovide rock bed of#57 tone(a minimmefB hs thee.Co suppor the t atoll Pipes yudist pipe -Q every l2"along the banal ofthe pipe.Ductile iron pipe for force main service shall be prlYlined.Ductile iron pipe is nections,(nolox or equal).Nameplates as specified on the electrical standards sheet shall be provided at the Jack and Bore excavatons, rovidearock bed of k7slonea mof 8-inches thick to su rtlhe track and joints.All pipe that hasthe grade or join[dislurbed after laying shall be taken up and reinstalled.The pipe shall not Qx nolto be used without pricy approval of the Clay County Utility Authority.Fittings shalI be C110 gray iron and shall terminal blocks to identity each circuit. rat system of the Jack and Bore equipment This shall be inspected by a CCUA inspector)and approvetl by the be laid in water or when trench or weather conditions are unsuitable Mr the work All joints shall be cleaned of all _ej Z be polylined.Force mains less than 3"shall be SCH80 PVC.All force mains shall be installed with tracer wire per t t be the t of the Contractor shall re foreign matter before making the joint Fittings at bends m the pipe shall be properly restrained with joint restrainers t 7 O CCUA standard locetion wire details.All force mains should be installed 5 feet to to f inspec or prior o ginning p acemen pipe casing. pace,at his/her ezpenueenn de t I d to t movement and dislocatin blowin ff when the line is untler Service Q H p o pipe,unless approved by 12 3 All wires includin hall be identified with heat shrink labels.All control wires shall haves de lu Jack and Bore installetl which CCUA refuses to acce t for Ownershi d which does not meet the is a qua e y s¢e preven g or g o pressure. g spares s pa gs. P Pan req laterals shall terminate at the t noted in the details. n' CCUA. Wires shall be 600 volt rated lhhn/maw/lhhw of CCUA,due to incorect grading,damaged or faulty materials,poor workmanship,or anything that CCUA deems porn t,�k^^Z LJ 09.1 LIFT STATION VALVES.See CCUA Approved Materials Manual for acceptable plug valves and check as inadequate to perform its intended use. =Z U valves ▪w O SPECIAL NOTES FINAL INSPECTION PROCEDURES H 1.The installation of all pipe regardless of the type or size shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturers C O C W specifications or recommended c heria for the pope being installed. No pipe shall be installed with the dames PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: F�-i CV IC) E N E RAL N TE overassembled or aver-homed.The reference mark(home line)shall not be retailed into the bell beyond the Fli O G"2 I Manufacturers recommendation.The Contractor shall be responsible to mark any pipe cut to length with a 1.The sewer line T.V.report,and recorded DVD. H r 1'4 6 N reference mark(home-line)placed at the correct location on the pipe according to the type and size pipe being 2.All manhole rings and covers have to be adjusted to finish grade. Ga 3.The pressure test and bacteriological clearance analysis report. 1. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS AND ASSOCIATED COSTS All cost records pertaining to the cost of water,reclaim 7. D to pmm ING.The Contractor shall at all times during construction provide ample means and equipment with 13. PIPE AND PIPE JOINTING FOR FUSED&HDPE PIPE. installed.CCUA will not permit any pipe joint to be left in place if the joint is over-homed. It shall be the Z L7 _ antl sewerfacilites donated to the utility shall be provided to the Utility by applicant Prior to acceptance of any which to promptly remove and dispose of all water entering the trench and sWcture excavations and shall keep a.Heat Fusion Jointing Contractor's responsibility to obtain the information pertaining to installation of pipe to be installed from the 4.Water services must be lowered and meter boxes installed,valve boxes must be set on all gate valves. �' extension to the Utility's system that is completed by a licensed underground utility Contractor,the Utility will said excavations acceptably dry until the Piping and/ar structures to be built therein are completed.All water Joints between plain end pipes and pipe fittings shall be made by butt fusion when possible Electro fusion Su tin Manufacturer and to install the rdinl 5. Locate Wire test. rr----�� M. that the a t'Contractor de the Util' to retain for its PP Y 9 pipe acco g y c Z O O require ppiwns provi M, permanent records,all field as-built data pumpedosrained from the work area shall be disposed of inamanner as to not damage sewer,water,elecricel welding may also be used to complete when the location is not accessible to butt fusion welding equipment. 6.Nol lessthan l0 business days Prior to Final Inspection,Contractor shall submit as-built drawings showing al least the z,Cz., © which shall be provided in accordance with the Utility'sAs-built Specifications Standards Manual',which can r any other piping,structures or property.No pipe shall be laid in water and no water shall be allowed to rise The on-site welder making the joints(butt fusion orelectro fusion)shall have received specific training from the 2.Deflection of all pipe regardless of the type or size shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturer's following: Q ,'Z �. obtained from the Utility's websile(winclayulilily.org) above the bottom of any pipe while it is being jointed,except as may be approved in writing by the CCUA Manufacturer of the fittings and/or pipe being welded and shall have written proof of proper training/certification specifications or recommended criteria for the pipe being installed.Any pipe which has been installed and does a.Locaton of valves,mains,services,manholes and locale wire boxes. r ,�y W ty from the associated Manufacturers.Only certified welders who have written training certifications from the not meet the above listed criteria shall be removed and replaced with new pipe All costs of removal and b.Elevation of sewer lines in the manhole,and stub-outs. v 5 a. W 2. CONSTRUCTION WARRANTY AND WARRANTY SECURITY PERIOD.Developer's Contractor shall wanansy 8. HYDROSTATIC TESTING.After all pressure pipipe ener mams,services,and force mams)are laid,the joints fitting and/or pipe Manufacturer will be allowed to perform this work To weld a fitting or electro fusion coupling einstallation of said pipe shall be al the Contractor's expense,with no cost to the Owner,and shall meet all 7.As-built drawings shall have been updated to accommodate the Clay County Utility Authority's comments and the final .� 'Z, Utility against defects in material and workmanship for the portion of the Desna system to be owned by the Utility completed,antl the trench backfilletl,the newly laid pipe antl appurtenances shall be subjected to a hydrostatic lest in place,the on-site welder(employee)must be trained and certified by the fitting Manufacturer.To butt weld CCUA requirements elevation of the manholetops must be includedthan comply to the guidance set forth in Utility's As-built Specifications ram,1�A� O for two(2)years,Developer shall secure from its Contractor a written and fully assignable warranty that the system of150 p.s.i.for a period of at least two hours.The engineer and the Clay County Utility Authority must be notified pipe,the on-site welder(employee)must be trained and certified by the pipe Manufacturer The fusion work Standards Manual,which can be obtained from the Utility's website www cleyutility orgy. I/-'a OW '�' installed will be and remain free from all defects,latent or otherwise,with respect to workmanship materials, 48 hours before a test is to be performed.Test shall be as set forth in AWWA standard C600.Any leaks detected shall be a complished(welding antl cool-down/closing times)in ccordance with the fitting and pipe 3.Any utility pipe regardless of the type or size which has been abandoned,or taken out of service or out of use 8.The Engineer of Record certification to FDEP This can be done with completed anbuills. Hy a a installation,and accuracy of his as-built drawings in accordance with the Utility approved plans and specifications shall be corrected and the section of pipeline retested.The two hour test period shall begin when all joints have Manufacturers'recommendations,at a minimum.CCUA reserves the right to require the Contractor to remove for any reason,shall either be removed from the ground for its entire length and disposed ofin a legal manner, 9.As-builis,must be accepted and approved by the Clay County Utility Authority CD I= W for a period of two years from the date of the system acceptance by the Utility and immediately assign the same been determined to be water tight Leakage shall be limited to that allowance set forth to Section 4 of AWWA from or not permit an employee to work on the welding or fusing portion of the work if in the opinion of CCUA rshall be grout filled in place for its entire length A CCUA inspector shall be present and witness the grout 10.All valves,locate wire boxes,sewer,water and reclaimed services shall be scribed in curb and painted the correct color. aE��A a antl the nghi to enforce the same to Utihly on or before the dale of the Utility's acceptance of the system for Standard C600-87 Hydrostatic and leakage test and blow-downVeromg of gage)must occur before sampling for that person is not properly trained or cannot perform the welding or fusion process in high quality and filling of the pipe from start to finish of the process If the abandoned pipe is being removed,a CCUA inspector 11.All services and valves to be plainly marked with a treated fence post,and electronic locale marker on all sewer lateral and �r�CO E. Ownership and maintenance. bacteriological test.The maximum allowable pressure loss is 5 p.s i.regardless of the length of pipe pfessional workmanship manner shall be present or be able to view the open ditch where pipe was removed from prior to backflling that ditch. sewer stubs 12 Pump station start-up report with draw down data for each pump and with both pumps in operation.All electrical components 3 CLEAN-UP.All surplus me ne of consWction shall be removed from the sae and disposed of by the 9. REPORTS.Reports of hydrostatic and leakage tests and sterilization of the newly completed systems shall be b.External and internal beads shall only be removed when required by CCUA.The mtemal bead shall be 4.Disinfection Notes: to be completely installed and in proper working condition. Contractor as part of his contract with the Owner. submitted to the Clay County Utility Authority prior to requesting acceptance of the system. oved from allfused joints ofe pipe that is to be used as a gravity sewer line,ores a sewer force main line a Only CCUA staff is authorized to change or adjust existing CCUA valves. .( • a sleeve or host pipe which will have another pipe installed inside it.The external bead shall be removed b.The General Superintendent of the Distribution and Collection System must be informed of any changes to PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE FOR OWNERSHIP,THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED: 'Cj 4. RESTORATION.New Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Construction in earthen areas shall be seeded and 10. DENSITY TESTING. In-place density tests are required atmlervals not to exceed 150'along pipelines for from all fused joints of a pipe which will be installed inside ofe sleeve or host pipe and the external bead shall existing CCUA valves. .F d'� mulched in accordance with Section 570 of Standard Spe cations of the Florida Dept.of Transportation(latest every other lift.A minimum of one lest between manholes is required for every other lift regardless of the distance be removed from all fused joints of a pipe to be pulled through a reamed Horizontal Directional Drill hole which c.The scheduling of the disinfection process for new developments installing water mains must be coordinated 1. A preliminary inspection must be coordinated by the underground utility Contractor and held a minimum of fifteen(15) Z �.I edition)In locations where existing grassed(sodded)areas are disturbed,sod shall be replaced to preconstmclion between sanitary sewer manholes may have a possible catch point such as extreme rocky ground conditions or other hazards.The Contractor with CCUA at least seven(7)days in advance. working days prior to the final inspection/start-up.The preliminary inspection will compare the approved design drawings tothe r N' condition and to limns of construction or where directed by the engineer. shall be required to follow the requirements and recommendations of the pipe Manufacturer and Clay County d.CCUA inspectors must be present to observe and monitor the disinfection process. actual site installation,noting any deficiencies UO I,� I 1¢'. 11. CONCRETE.All Portland Cement concrete shall be of Type II Portland Cement,2,500 p.s.i.minimum,ready Utility Authority. f 5. PERMITS.The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and providing records of all permits requiredfor ixed.All concrete shall be placed before the initial set has taken place.Stale or resempered concrete shall not be 5.CLOSEOUT/COMPLETION.Minimum items required for Close Out/Completion for submittal to the Clay 2. Thefollowing must be represented at the preliminary and fnal inspection: '7, ,-r performing work under this contract,except that the FDEP permits,and wetland permits,if required,will be sed County Utility Authority will include: a The Clay County Utility Authority's inspection and distribution and collection departments Q, F secured by the Owner or Developer. a.Construction Warranty from Developer in the fomr of a Bond,Letter of Credit or Cashier's Check fora two-year b.The project's Developer and/or general Contractor .? "ti 12. GATE VALVES AND BOXES.Gate valves shall have a 2"operating nut and open left.Gate valves shall have period. c The Underground Utility Contractor 0 �tiv 6. PIPE BEDDING.In the event unsuitable or unstable bedding material is encountered at or below the limits of joints suitable for the type main on which installed.Valves 2"and 3"shall be iron body,bronze fitted.Valves 4"and b Warranty Certificate for a two-year warranty from the Contractor to the Developer and assignment of same to d.All subcontractors associated with the lift station(electrical,pump Manufacturer,control panel Manufacturer,etc.) t} the excavation required for installation,such material shall be removed and replaced with suitable compacted larger shall be iron body,bronze fitted with resilient seat The word"WATER"on water boxes and"SEWER"on the Clay County Utility Authority(CCUA) backfill material specified by the Design Engineer and approved by the CCUA so as to provide a stable trench force main boxes shall be cast in the covers c.Developer's Afdavit certifying there is no outstanding debt against utility assets to be deeded to CCUA 3. All manhole rings and covers have to be adjusted to finish grade bedding surface suitable for pper pipe installation. d.Value of Acceptance Report showing value of assets to be deeded to the CCUA 4 Water services must be lowered and meter boxes installed,valve boxes must be set on all gate valves. e.Bill of Sale to CCUA 5. As-built drawings shall have been updated to accommodate the Clay County Utility Authority's comments and the ACAD FILE NAME 6.1.PIPE BEDDING(ROCK BEDDING MATERIAL)Rock material used for pipe bedding shall be#57 stone or f. Bacteriological Test(s) final elevation of the manhole tops must be included(shall comply to the guidance set forth in utility's'es-built crushed concrete(crush-Crete)in a#57 size.Rock bedding material shall be completely wrapped in a heavy filler g Pressure Test(s) specifications standards manual,which can be obtained from the utility's web site(www.dayutility.org). SPECIF D.DWG fabric material,overlapped a minimum of one foot Rock bedding shall be installed to the correct grade and h.Television Reports and Recorded DVDs 6. All valves,locate wire boxes,sewer,water and reclaimed services shall be scribed in curb and painted the correct color - compacted to a density which will prevent any settlement either by mechanical tamping equipment or by i. Density Reports 7. As-builts must be accepted by the Clay County Utility Authority SHEET NO. compressing the rock using the bottom of the backhoe bucket The compaction shall be approved by CCUA j. Locate Wire test inspector.The Contractor shall be required to have submittal approved by Design Engineer and CCUA peon to use k.Final As-Built Drawings and disks 211 of such rock bedding material. THESE DETAILS AS SHOWN ETm Enoland-Thirns,&ITIllar.Inc. ON THIS DRAWING ARE BY FOR PIPE RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULES,SEE STANDARD WATER MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS SHEET C.C.U.A. WE TAKE NO .LL.80.37.136 FINISHED GRADE S FINISHED GRADE >1 SEE<Z\,‘\,\\<,\\\/ >//i//>. >,//i//j//>/*‘,\\\/ N \ EXCEPTION TO THE DESIGN VISION•laPERIEICCE•RESULTS .-.a.•.8675.L A.non i 5 NOTE#4 8,5 DEPTH VARIES 0 w 9'MIN 9'MIN FULL LENGTH OF PIPE CENTERED FULL LENGTH OF PIPE EXISTING CONFLICT PIPE LOCATE WIRE AT CROSSING,SEE NOTE#1&#5 Zo CENTERED AT °.0 0, CROSSING(SEE NOTE#1) SEPARATION VARIES (SEE NOTE#3) CASING SPACERS(TYP) <Z LOCATE WIRE,SEE NOTE 43 (12.MIN)SEE NOTE 62 1. 1' ;\ 9' 1' 1' 2 --t'd ncargla=igr .4101= 111 I - 1 1 1 1 1 SIZE&TYPE VARIES i I ON MII‘i IMM ligio m=mai or SEPARATION 6 VARIES(12°MIN) k 1110-1 _ MECHANICAL JOIN.,12", 22X2°OR 45°(SIZE VARIES) ALL JOINTS OF PIPE LOCATED WITHIN RL OECQAuTuREEWD I R E i= RESTRAINED JOINT(TYP.) EXISTING CONFLICT PIPE \-PROPOSED WATER MAIN PROPOSED WATER MAIN THE CASING SHALsLTEBEELReEASs7NAGINzEuzDE E-5 -...P-C _ SIZE AS REQUIRED 9'MIN 1 9'MIN SIZE&TYPE VARIES RESTRAINED JOINT(TYP) IT PIPE SIZE AS REQUIRED CI THE LENGTH OF THE PIPE TO BE RESTRAINED ON BELL CLAMP ELEVATION E. Z EACH SIDE OF BEND SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE THE LENGTH OF THE PIPE TO BE RESTRAINED ON WITH RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULE EACH SIDE OF BEND SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE SEE TABLE BEL,. P 2 WITH TABLE FOR MECHANICAL RESTRAINT CASING SPACER 2 OR 3 REQUIRED FOR TIE ROD SIZE 4 LENGTHS. PER JOINT OF PIPE SEE-ABOVE 41011101L AND QUANTITIES . -. CC NOTES CASE"A"CROSSING CASE"B"CROSSING ANNULAR SPACE SHALL REMAIN 71)e.'-'-... _ '':" EMPTY SEAL BOTH ENDS WITH E 12'(RR)OR 8.(DOT)THICK CLASS :4110.r!NOTES . ET.247 171 1 THE SOILS BETWEEN THE NEW MAIN AND THE CONFLICT PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 98%OF THE MAXIMUM °C CONCRETE PLUGS(SEE SPECS) DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE LABORATORY MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST,ASTM D 1557. 1 THE SOILS BETWEEN THE NEW MAIN AND THE CONFLICT PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 98%OF THE MAXIMUM •-4-4-//2 ALL BENDS TO BE RESTRAINED IN BOTH DIRECTIONS PER CCUA REQUIREMENTS,TO WITHSTAND 150 P S I DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE LABORATORY MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST,ASTM 0 1557 -411110- '2e,'n PRESSURE TEST. 2.LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED. D2(DIA) STEEL CASING PIPE ,3,kat 3.LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED. 3.ALL BENDS TO BE RESTRAINED IN BOTH DIRECTIONS PER CCUA REQUIREMENTS,TO WITHSTAND 150 PSI STEEL CASING PIPE 4 THE COVER FOR PIPING SHALL BE 36.(MINI IN PAVED AND UNPAVED AREAS AND A MAXIMUM COVER OF 84", PRESSURE TEST UNLESS APPROVED BY CCUA hhg 4 THE COVER FOR ALL PIPING SHALL BE 36"MN)IN PAVED AND UNPAVED AREAS AND A MAXIMUM COVER OF 8,, 5.IF UTILITY CONFLICT IS LOCATED IN A NON-TRAFFIC AREA INC TRAFFIC LOADS)AND IF THE NEW PIPE SHALL BE UNLESS APPROVED BY CCUA. CASING DETAIL ,919.A ! DUCTILE IRON PIPE,THEN THE MINIMUM COVER MAY BE REDUCED TO 24 INCHES(ONLY IN THE AREA OF THE CONFLICT) ADJUSTMENT OVER EXISTING UTILITIES ADJUSTMENT UNDER EXISTING UTILITIES CARRIER PIPE NO DIA(01) CARRIER TYPE AND CASING PIPE SIZES(MIN)IN INCHES 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 ghll inH? MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS(NTS) MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS(NTS) CASING PIPE NOM.DIA.(D2) 14 16 20 20 24 30 30 30 36 42 48 54 WALL THICKNESS RAILROAD(CSX) 025 0 281 0.375 0 375 0 375 0 469 0 469 0.469 0 562 0 625 0.688 0 781 LOCATION OF PUBLIC WATER SYSYEM MAINS IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.A.C.RULE 62-555.314 WALL THICKNESS DOT 025 025 025 025 025 0312 0312 0312 0375 050 050 050 14%.1- 11, IL) NUMBER OF TIE RODS(EACH END) 2 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 12 14 14 Ugh g MAXIMUM 80°OF MANUFACTURER'S TIE ROD 4211 DIA 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4. Ti4" Si4. 3/4 3/4" RECOMMENDATION FOR JOINT Joint Spacing @ Crossings DEFLECTION(SEE NOTE#5) FINISHED GRADE Other Pipe Horizontal SeparationCrossings CASING SIZE SCHEDULE MIN/MAX COVER(SEE NOTE#4) -E- i/--- (1) (Full Joint Centered) >a ,V,;,W''&.‘ \%/,' 4. .<.\&&..\,, Alternate 3 It 1111111M1.11 0 Ill DEPTH VARIES FINISHED G IkWa IC r Main I Water Main 01 I GRADE ,z,<<\ \,<,›A/>, ' )./.!7/i.>/z .,\ > C K.-. 0 8 LOCATE WIRE(SEE NOTE#2) - (SEE NOM.) PROPOSED FORCE MAIN NoT6s Z SIZE 6 TYPE VARIES 12 indium is Ihr minimum, ,"`' ._.T., FULL LENGTH OF PIPE EXISTING CONFLICT PIPE ,. Storm Sewer, 3 ft minimum 03900 fin slum st.,01,then 1 I Walla Main I 0 1 MIN COVER TO TOP OF CASING;a)FOOT.0'1.RAILROAD-5 V TO BASE OF RAIL,4 V FOR SECONDARY OR INDUSTRIAL TRACKS FULL LENGTH OF PIPE CENTERED AT MAXIMUM ANGLE LOCATE WIRE 0 Lil Z,c,2, zvrigT#A,T)CROSSING _ Stormwater Force Main, 6 inches is 1119 minimum and 2 ALL JOINTS WITHIN CARRIER PIPE SHALL BE MECHANICAL RESTRAINED JOINTS CROSSING(SEE NOTE 81) (SEE NOTE ii3) 0 8 ilithrio„,, SEPARATION VARIES ....NO" • .... .......__ z -or% . ft'„__... (SEE NOTE#1) AMP Reclaimed Water(2) 12 inches is prefem:d 3 FOR STREET USES WHICH ARE NOT DOT OR RAILROAD,USE DOT CASING THICKNESS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED BY ENGINEER PROPOSED FORCE MAIN ,o-ailjamMilllimiiii„........-.... ipm ...".1 I SIZE&TYPE VARIES 9.019. II\ 111111,,, L'd ...1111 X LI 4 CASING PIPE SHALL BE FURNISHED IN NOMINAL 6 FOOT LENGTHS(MIN)UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE DRAWING OR APPROVED BY CCUA x '/\/'2 44111141/4 '\/,/\\/ ,,N 11 V/ ',OF...FA'c,L . . 5 PIPE TO BE USED AS A CASING SHALL CONFORM TO EITHER ASTM STANDARD A139 FOR"ELECTRIC FUSION(ARC)WELDED STEEL PIPE"WITH A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 35000 PSI OR"API SPECIFICATION API-5LX.GRADE X-42 WELDED STEEL PIPE" a iiOa .11/< .\/ .4141) Alternate 3 ft.m'nim Ill \ / '\/k\\\<,\\ ;'.....747'..'i 9'MIN 9'MIN RECOMMENDATION FOR JOINT DEFLECTION(SEE NOTE#5) I Water Main I Water Main A2), - - I 1011.preferred I. Watcy Main is TYPICAL CASING DETAIL-WATER(NTS) SEPARATION VARIES MINIMUM HORIZONTAL LENGTH REQUIRED AS MINIMUM HORIZONTAL LENGTH REQUIRED AS ER (SEE NOTES#1 32) EXISTING CONFLICT PIPE PER MANUFACTURER TO DEFLECT PIPE MANUFACTURER TO DEFLECT PIPE VERTICALLY 3.i.uton',nit...),c6.0. 12 inches preferred • I 9'MIN VERTICALLY TO AVOID OBSTRUCTION. TO AVOID OBSTRUCT(ON. 3 fl.ininimum 6 inches minimum MINIMUM HORIZONTAL LENGTH REQUIRED AS MINIMUM HORIZONTAL LENGTH REQUIRED AS PER MANUFACTURER TO DEFLECT PIPE PER MANUFACTURER TO DEFLECT PIPE VERTICALLY TO AVOID OBSTRUCTION VERTICALLY TO AVOID OBSTRUCTION. CASE"B"CROSSING _ CASE"A"CROSSING NOTES Alternate(it).minimm u 0 LLI Z 1.IF IF EXISTING CONFLICT PIPE IS A WATER MAIN,12 INCHES OF SEPARATION IS REQUIRED.A FULL LENGTH OF PIPE - Waft,Main I Water Main NOTES SHALL BE CENTERED UNDER EXISTING UTILITY MAIN TO PROVIDE MAXIMUM JOINT SPACING FOR ALL CROSSING 2 LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED. A V) CL (I), 1.A FULL LENGTH OF PIPE SHALL BE CENTERED OVER EXISTING UTILITY MAIN TO PROVIDE MAXIMUM JOINT SPACING Gravity or Pressure 3.THE COVER OVER ALL PIPING SHALL BE MINIMUM OF 30°(PAVED AND UNPAVED)AND MAXIMUM OF 840 UNLESS 10 ft.preferred 12 inclars is the minimum, I. Walcr Main in < CI = FOR ALL CROSSING Sanitary Sewer. OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CCUA.THE SOILS BETWEEN THE NEW MAIN AND THE CONFLICT PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED F 611.minimum(3) except for gra,*sewer,then - 0 Z < T . Siinita Sewer orce ain. 2.ALL BENDS TO BE RESTRAINED IN BOTH DIRECTIONS PER CCUA REQUIREMENTS TO WITHSTAND 150 PSI PRESSURE O • 6 inches is e niinimum an 4.CC98%UA OOF MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE LABORATORY MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST ASTM D 1557 Reclaim.]3% t THEN ALLOWS 80%OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR JOINT DEFLECTION.BENDING THE r2 < H TEST lier(4) M th d hes i Lu PIPE BARREL IS NOT ALLOWED.UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CCUA,THE MAXIMUM ARE LISTED IN TABLE BELOW. 12 inc s prckfted 3.LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED. ONLY MANUAL FORCE CAN BE UTILIZED TO OBTAIN THESE JOINT DEFLECTION.ALL OFFSETS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM W 2OLF PIPE LENGTH. CASING SPACERS(TYP) W aH 4 THE COVER OVER ALL PIPING SHALL BE MINIMUM OF 38"(PAVED AND UNPAVED)AND MAXIMUM OF 84,UNLESS 2' 2' 9' 9' 2' 2' 2' < OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CCUA.THE SOILS BETWEEN THE NEW MAIN AND THE CONFLICT PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED On-She Sewage Treatment& Z 10 ft.minimum -- -- TO 98%OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE LABORATORY MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST ASTM D 1557. Disposal System .....- 1 - MAXIMUM ALLOWED OFFSET FOR PIPE BY JOINT DEFLECTION B L ,.„,, . , . < S.CCUA ONLY ALLOWS 80%OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR JOINT DEFLECTION.BENDING THE (I)Water main should cross above other pipe.When water main must be below other pipe,the minimum separation et 12 inches. i-1111.- -1.MingAilli 1....l=i10 our-lB a 0 PIPE BARREL IS NOT ALLOWED.UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY C01A,THE MAXIMUM ARE LISTED IN TABLE BELOW. (2)Reclaimed water regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610,F.A.C. ONLY MANUAL FORCE CAN BE UTILIZED TO OBTAIN THESE JOINT DEFLECTION.ALL OFFSETS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM PVC PIPE DUCTILE IRON PIPE(Mechanical J..) IX Z (3)3 fl.for gravity smitary sewer When the bottom of the water main is bid aII ast 6 inches abi,ve.the lop all gravity sanitary sewer. < co- 03 2OLF PIPE LENGTH. 00 (Y) RESULTING RADIUS (X) (Y) RESULTING RADIUS ALL JOINTS OF PIPE LOCATED WITHIN LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED PIPE SIZE MAX OFFSET ANGLE AT OF CURVE WITH PIPE SIZE MAX OFFSET ANGLE AT OF CURVE WITH (4)Reclaimed water not regulated under Part III of Chapter 62410,F.A.C. THE CASING SHALL BE RESTRAINED a co in (IN) (IN) ONE BELL 20FT LENGTHS (IN.) (IN) ONE BELL 20FT LENGTHS (5)All bells must be offset. SPLIT STEEL CASING PIPE MAXIMUM ALLOWED OFFSET FOR PIPE BY JOINT DEFLECTION 2 30 158 FT - - - - Mellow-nfltior0O,lit,m1.1 ro,so......*Iy.Mow refrt mo LAX.Rule 42-65.6.314 96 4.11.9914994n91109:4491m. ELEVATION BELL CLAMP Z ‘-',Th IX 4 10 480 FT 4 27 8 5° 177 FT < PROVIDE COLD ROLLED STEEL TIE RODS H IX PVC PIPE DUCTILE IRON PIPE(Mechanical Joint) e 10 480 FT 6 24 200 FT FROM THE END OF THE STEEL CASING PIPE CASING SPACER 2 OR 3 REQUIRED (X) (V) RESULTING RADIUS (X) (V) RESULTING RADIUS 8 10 480 FT 8-12 17 5 4 2° 273 FT PER JOINT OF PIPE SEE-ABOVE TO THE FIRST JOINT OF PIPE OUTSIDE THE (r) 0 PIPE SIZE MAX OFFSET ANGLE AT OF CURVE WITH PIPE SIZE MAX OFFSET ANGLE AT OF CURVE WITH 10 10 080 FT 14-16 12 OS' 000 FT 4111.0., ak CASING THE RODS ARE TO BE WELDED TO (IN) (IN.) ONE BELL 20,LENGTHS (IN) (IN.) ONE BELL 20FT LENGTHS ANNULAR SPACE SHALL REMAIN THE CASING AND CONNECTED TO A BELL 12 8 5 58,,FT 18-20 10 20' 477, EMPTY SEAL BOTH ENDS WITH 12° TYPE CLAMP ON THE PIPE.(TYPICAL EACH 2 30 r 158 FT - - - - 14-24 5 1 2° 980 FT 24-30 8 600 FT (7,18)OR 8"(DOT)THICK CLASS"0 SIDE/.SEE TABLE BELOW FOR THE MINIMUM 4 10 2 4° .0 FT 4 27 177 FT CONCRETE PLUGS(SEE SPECS) vor. NUMBER OF TIE RODS REQUIRED AT EACH 30-08 3.25 1477 FT 36 7 687 FT SLOPE SIDES AS PER END,TIE ROD SIZE AND QUANTITY 6 10 2 4° .0 FT 6 24 5 7° 200 FT 42-48 6 7 1 6° 716 FT OSHA REQUIREMENTS . .N\11"-‘'•,•.,=WI) 8 10 2, 480 FT 8-12 175 4 2' 273 FT GROUND SURFACE 10 SO 10 2, 480 FT 14-16 12 2 9' .0 FT D2(DIA) STEEL CASING PIPE 12 8 5 564 FT 1820- 10 24' 477 FT ADJUSTMENT UNDER EXISTING UTILITIES UNDISTURBED ,,Itrfrv, WARNING TAPE i . . .4/ STEEL CASING PIPE,FERGUSON WORKS MATERIAL OR EQUAL 14-24 960 F,- 24-30 1 9' 600,- 8° 1477 FT 36 7 1 7° 887, PIPE JOINT DEFLECTION 41a SPLIT CASING DETAIL a. t, - 0 42-48 6 7 16' 716, , 0.(MIN) CARRIER TYPE AND CASING PIPE SIZES(MIN)IN INCHES LOCATE WIRE(FOR USE w/NON-METALLIC r. r,f• 12"(MAX) .2 CARRIER PIPE NO DIA(D,) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 PIPE)TO BE PLACED '.k IIIV•, CASING PIPE NOM DIA(D2) 10 16 20 20 24 30 30 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 ic'7-3 ADJUSTMENT OVER EXISTING UTILITIES DIRECTLY ON TOP OF 44%... WATER MAIN •4 WALL THICKNESS RAILROAD-(CSM 025 0 281 0 375 0 375 0 375 0 469 0 469 0 469 0 562 0.625 0 688 0 781 0 844 0 938 PIPE JOINT DEFLECTION tv' ° M ''''' 'i'' WALL THICKNESS DOT 025 025 025 025 0 25 0 312 0 312 0 312 0 375 050 050 050 050 0.50 0 NUMBER OF TIE RODS(EACH END) 2 2 2 4 4 8 6 8 8 12 14 14 18 16 ' 1 I c:4 CO OD 505(MIN) .... VARIES I' REPRESENT FINAL I:l : NH(MINI .;K:r01 PIPE SPRING LINE TIE ROD SIZE(DIA.) 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/0. 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/4. 0 a)8 C79 MILL/OVERLAY NOTE' ..... I.. ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPAIR MILUOVERLAY... - THICKNESS SHOWN •••i•Z •,...."•; -.. CQ it, I 444 Iatit, _11:a.tite SHALL BE MILUOVERLAY IN I COMPACTED CONJUNCTION WITH EASTING ASPHALT ./4%I ," :-. ,,,,,,.* NOTES 1 1 EA HAL AS THICKNESS H H 1'4 g2 Zok. ' ALLOWED UNDER RAILROADS rn l' CS,WATER MAIN AND NON-WATER MAIN SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS-NOTES PE SP-12 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 1 25"MINIMUM I •• ' 1 F.-. 1i El il 2.THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE CING PIPE SL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES GRTER THAN THE OUTSIDE DIAMET ER OF THE CARRIER PIPE BELL /8. 1) SEPARATION OF WATER AND SEWER MINS HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE W i TY 5 ATER SYSTEM IMAMS AND ..‘ . A.%4 OR COUPLING Z 0 .‘1 OR APPURTENANCES AND SANITARY OR STORM SEWERS,WASTEWATER OR STORM WATER FORCE MAINS,AND RECLAIMED WATER MAINS r A r . J 3 ALL JOINTS WITHIN CARRIER PIPE SHALL BE MECHANIC.RESTRAINED JOINTS c A.E.T. Ch SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 62-555.314 FAC. COMPACTED TRENCH BOTTOM,NW:c."77"751;i741,,E DIAMETER Z "---'' EXISTING PAVEMENT EXISTING PAVEMENT 98%OF MODIFIED PROCTOR '.,AIES 4 FOR STREET USES WHICH ARE NOT DOT OR RAILROAD,USE DOT CASING THICKNESS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED BY ENGINEER. (.) laS BS -- .9 2 NEW OR RELOCATED UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID TO PROW:.A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST THREE FEET MAXIMUM DENSITY ASTM D1557, BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED STORM SEWER.STORM WATER FORCE .. BY HAND OR MECHANICAL 5 CASING PIPE SMALL BE FURNISHED IN NOMINAL 8 FOOT LENGTHS(MIN)UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE DRAWING OR APPROVED BY CCUA. REQUIRED TRENCH WIDTH MAIN,RECLAIMED WATER MAIN REGULATED UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 62-610,F.AC,OR PROPOSED VACUUM-TYPE SANITARY SEWER. 12°MIN.LIMEROCK TAMPING. BASE(LBR.0) r- 1 6 PIPE TO BE USED AS A CASING SHALL CONFORM TO EITHER ASTM STANDARD A139 FOR"ELECTRIC FUSION(ARC)WELDED STEEL PIPE"WITI-1 A I-D . .I,--,••",',..D---. . „.I."--.----D." 3 NEW OR RELOCATED,UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS SMALL BE LAID TO PROVIDE A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST SIX FEET,AND 100%MAX DENSITY ; ' - D '-- "' . ' '' MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 35,000 PSI 013.API SPECIFICATION API-5LX,GRADE X-.WELDED STEEL PIPED r'-' PREFERABLY T.FEET.BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY-OR PER AASHTO T-180 V'NV :: • 1 FINAL BACKFILL-CLEAN,WELL GRADED MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF TAE AC.!1 60= E.T4 PRESSURE-TYPE SANITARY SEWER,WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN,OR PIPELINE CONVEYING REC,IMED WATER NOT REGULATED UNDER ' " ' 12.(MIN) CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS.FINAL BACKFILL SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 0 INCHES,LOOSE H i'-= 4 PART III OF CHAPTER 62.10,F A C TILE MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCE BETWEEN WATER MAINS AND RAV1TY-TYPE ./4, Ave MEASUREMENT,AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95%(UNPAVED)AND 98%(PAVED)MODIFIED PROCTOR SANITARY SEWERS SHALL BE REDUCED TO THREE FEET WHERE THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN IS LAID AT LEAST SIX INCHES ABOVE THE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY.ASTM 0-1557. TOP OF THE SEWER. 12"ROADBED 0" 3/16 VARIES ) ‘c•- C4 " STABILIZATION(1_13R 401 , 98%COMPACTION 8 1 -. ,114,. 5/3"DIA HOLES 2.INITIAL BACKFILL-CLEAN,WELL GRADED MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FOR 1/2'BOLTS 3/16" 100%MAX DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180 4 NEW OR RELOCATED UNDERGROUND WATER MANS CROSSING ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY-OR VACUUM-TYPE SANITARY . RA CONTCT SPECIFICATIONS INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 6 INCHES,LOOSE mi.. PER AASMTO T-180 :&#'. . 7 'S SEWER OR STORM SEWER SHALL BE LAID SO THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST SIX INCHES,AND PREFERABLY 12 INCHES, MEASUREMENT,AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 98%MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY,ASTM %ABOVE,OR AT LEAST 12 INCHES BELOW,THE OUTSIDE OF THE OTHER PIPELINE HOWEVER,IT IS PREFERABLE TO LAY THE WATER MAIN . 8 D-1557 BACKF1LL SHALL EXTEND TO THE TOP OF THE PIPE AFTER COMPACTION ALL LIFTS SMALL BE COMPACTED ABOVE THE OTHER PIPELINE(SEE CROSSING"A"AS SHOWN ON DETAIL SHEET WAT-02). -q8 PTA BY HAND TAMPING OR AN APPROVED METHOD OF MECHANICAL TAMPING DEWATER1NG SHALL CONTINUE UNTIL cf_ J. 1431 /8•THK NA DITCH(W) . BACKFILL IS COMPACTED AT LEAST 2 FEET ABOVE PIPE P 19 PLACES) I 4,1'N 5 NEW OR RELOCATED UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS CROSSING ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED PRESSURE-TYPE SANITARY SEWER, ,c; 3 HAUNCH1NG-CLEAN,WELL GRADED MATER.IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT % WASTEWATER OR STORM WATER FORCE MAIN,OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER SHALL BE LAD SO THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER .k" WI k' ; DIAMETER VARIES t'S... 0\ SPECIFICATIONS HAUNCHING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMPLETELY DEWATERED TRENCHES IN LIFTS NOT 6°(BOTH ENDS) MAIN IS AT LEAST 12 INCHES ABOVE OR BELOW THE OUTSIDE OF THE OTHER PIPELINE.HOWEVER.IT IS PREFERABLE TO LAY THE WATER . 4 P.4• °°'3 EXCEEDING 4 INCHES,LOOSE MEASUREMENT,AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 98%MODIFIED PROCTOR MAIN ABOVE THE OTHER PIPELINE .0 ?". e, *Mg•..., CONDUIT OR PIPE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY.ASTM D-1557.BY HAND TAMPING HAUNCHING SHALL BE BROUGHT UP EQUALLY ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PIPE.COMPACT BACKFILL TO 611D-PIPE. SECTION"B-13. SECTION"C.C. 3/4" 6 AT THE UTILITY CROSSINGS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPHS(4)AND(5)ABOVE,ONE FULL LENGTH OF WATER MAN PIPE SHALL BE "V' -1/2"TYP (8 414r)l'i CENTERED ABOVE OR BELOW THE OTHER PIPELINE SO THE WATER MAIN JOINTS WILL BE AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM THE OTHER PIPELINE. 4. 4 BEDDING-CLEAN,WELL GRADED MATER.IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT MATER!, PIPE - ATSM A53,G.DE B,ERW,STD WALL.CARBON STEEL ALTERNATIVELY,AT SUCH CROSSINGS,THE PIPES SMALL BE ARRANGED SO THAT ALL WATER MAIN JOINTS ARE AT LEAST THREE FEET FROM -^ SPECIFICATIONS BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMPLETELY DEWATERED TRENCHES IN LIFTS NOT ALL JOINTS IN VACUUM,PE SANITARY SEWERS,STORM SEWERS.STORM WATER FORCE MAINS,OR PIPELINES CONVEYING RECLAIMED PLATE - STM A36,GRADE B,CARBON STEEL(THICKNESS AS NOTED) \' `,?. , _,y4' EXCEEDING 6 INCHES,LOOSE MEASUREMENT.AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 98%MODIFIED PROCTOR WATER REGULATED UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 52-610,FA C.AND AT LEAST SIX FEET FROM ALL JOINTS IN GRAVITY-OR PRESSURE-TYPE t'• WELDS ALL WELDS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A CERTIFIED WELDER E MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY,AS.0-1557,BY HAND TAMPING OR MECHANICAL TAMPING PROPERLY SHAPED BELL SANITARY SEWERS,WASTEWATER FORCE MAINS,OR PIPELINES CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER NOT REGULATED UNDER PART III OF LININGS/COATINGS INTERIOR - BARE \)?, ,,., CHAPTER 62810,F A C 4:, ,:;..••• PIPE BEDDING HOLES SHALL BE EXCAVATED IN THE COMPACTED BEDDING TO PERMIT ASSEMBLY OF THE PIPE.SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS EXCAVATION IF REQUIRED TRENCH BOTTOM IS AT BO,OM OF PIPE EXTERIOR- BARE IF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS NOT ENCOUNTERED "%o___,AD" 7 NEW OR RELOCATED FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED.THAT THE HYDRANTS ARE AT LEAST THREE(3)FEET FROM ANY EXISTING iS, • OR PROPOSED STORM SEWER.STORM WATER FORCE MAIN,OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER,AT LEAST THREE(3)FEET,AND - PIPE MAIN FOR CROSSINGS USING SPLIT CASING PIPE TY PREFERABLY TEN(10)FEET,FROM ANY EXISONG OR PROPOSED VACUUM- PE SANITARY SEWER,AT LEAST SIX(A FEET,AND PREFERABLY civs-pwlr-wwe. . NOTE.NATIVE,UNDISTURBED MATERIAL IN COMPLETELY DEWATERED TRENCHES MEETING THE COMPACTION AND TEN(10)FEET,FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVI.OR PRESSURE-TYPE SANITARY SEWER OR WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN. }. ..• _.'e.) , MATER.REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPACTED BEDDING MATERIAL NEED NOT BE REPLACED OR REWORKED, EXCEPT FOR SHAPING OF BELL HOLES.AND WHERE REFILL IS REQUIRED NOT ALLOWED UNDER RAILROADS 12. VARIES 12' 8 WHERE AN UNDERGROUND WATER MAIN IS BEING LAID LESS THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM ANOTHER (MIN) (MIN) ACAD FILE NAME 5.REFILL'REQUIRED WHERE TRENCH HAS BEEN OVER-EXCAVATED.REFILL SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMPLETELY PIPELINE AND WHERE AN UNDERGROUND WATER MAIN IS CROSSING ANOTHER PIPELINE AND JOINTS IN THE WATER MAIN ARE BEING DEWATERED TRENCHES IN LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 6 INCHES AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 90%OF ASTM D-1557 TYPICAL SPLIT CASING DETAIL-WATER(NTS) LOCATED LESS THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM JOINTS IN THE OTHER PIPELINE,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT THE DESIGN ENGINEER TO OBTAIN APPROVAL OF ANY ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION METHODS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION REVISED CLAY COUNTY CASE 2 ASPHALT MAX DRY DENSITY,BY HAND OR MECHANICAL TAMPING NOTES ON UTILITY SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS PAVEMENT REPAIR DETAIL TYPICAL PIPE TRENCH DETAIL(NTS) SHEET NO. (NTS) 212 THESE DETAILS AS SHOWN c.rm(Englancl•ThieruiMilar.inc. ON THIS DRAWING ARE BY 14775 Old St.PupslineRoad JackI TRIVIEW MARKING POST(CONCT C.C.U.A. WE TAKE NO L:69a)042 89 9 0onville.FL 32250 CCUA FOR LATEST REQUIREMENTS) EXCEPTION TO THE DESIGN %oDo4z6a694as BO2OBIB NNpI•EJ(PnLIFLUP•R!lULIB �000 sa4 LC• 90"BEND(TO BE SMOOTH HOSE BIBB 24" PRIM COVER AND INSIDE OF:Te:RA, X BLUE REMOVED) (TO BE REMOVED) APPLY GROUT TO FILL ANNUL SPACE BETWEEN VALVE BOX AND CORETE PAD NOTE TOP OF BOX AND COVER TO BE 2"BUSHING(TO BE REMOVED) "Il PRE-CAST 2A"ROUND,3500 P. 8112 FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE 2"X2"TEE(TO BE REMOVED) WATER SHALL FLOW PRECAST CONCRETE COLLAR4" ]1l2' 17-STRAANGLE)WN THICK wI#3 EARTH,(SEE NOTE#]) (TO BE REMOVED) COMPACTED EARTH(TYP) i�1 W of O 2'PIPE(TO BE REMOVED) "' u VALVE BOX B COVER(TYP) FINISHED GRADE SIR I 1 FINISHED GRADE 1 N PROVIDE BLUE PAINT TO THE /��L�J®�/A'/.Y � 1 Z_ \\\\\ \\\�\&\\\�\�\ INSIDEOFTHETOP SE CT ION OF O<� //eWA 1�' SMB" WQ /,/, THE BOX(NOTE#5) \i E VALVE BOX ADJUSTMENT(SEE NOTE#5) 0 6"PVC RISER PIPE(LENGTH AS (•—/ 0 BUSHING IF RED. REQUIRED)PROVIDE V"CUT IN • iOz 1 I 1• FINISHED GRADE (TO BE REMOVED) PIPE(1/2"SIZE MIN)(TO TOP OF6"RISER PIPE FOR I I W SB" ` 3 I \���� 1"THREADED PLUG BE REMOVED)ROUTE TO LOCATE WIRE ACCESS INTO //4 '\/\//"//� 4 x4.�/ (TO BE INSTALLED AFTER ROADWAY SHOULDER IF VALVE BOX • NUT(NOTE 6Wl2"OPERATING 61/8" *� 2"FEMALE ADAPTER BACTERIOLOGICAL PIPE W/LOCA) (23 LBS.RPROX) REQUIRED(SEE NOTES) PLASTIC DEBRIS SHIELD REQUIRED PIPE WI LOCATING WIRE CLEARANCE IS RECEIVED) ■ TOP SECTION 20(3"STAINLESS 90°DEGREE BED ON ALL VALVES AND SMALLER ���, STEEL NIPPLE 41, (SEE NOTE W�o� (TO BE REMOVED) —HILL WATER MAIN 1 , ..._ . . . �i I f i4l`/ //\<„, I 511/16" obua (SIZE 8 TYPE VARIES) 1...1101 I� �J� NOTE PROVIDE CENTER SECTION RESTRAINED MECHANIAL z� // JOINT(TYP) T\ v��'� 12'(MIN)LAYER OF MT E%TENSION AS NEEDED d FE �e� 11"X3"STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE _' STONE(REQUIRED FOR �a��� .-Zr UNDISTURBED EARTH 1/2" 2"90 DEGREE ELBOW 1"FEMALE ADAPTER VALVES 20"AND LARGER, w r WATER i,g_ 1 (TO BE REMOVED) 1"X3"STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE (NOTE#8) T v' / OwuC WATER MAIN 2"THREADED PLUG(TO BE (SIZE 8 I"BRONZE BALL VALVE CONNECTED G �1 i 2 a INSTALLED AFTER BACTERIOLOGICAL TYPE VARIES) DIRECTLY INTO NIPPLE(TO REMAIN) NOTES CLEARANCE IS RECEIVED) 1"WATER SERVICE SADDLE(TO 1 SIB" 3"DOUBLE STRAP SERVICE 1 FOR UNPAVED LOCATIONS.A PRECAST CONCRETE VALVE PAD SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED FLUSH WITH GRADE CONCRETE )13 LBS.APPROX.) 2"BRONZE BALL VALVE CONNECTED SADDLE(TO REMAIN) REMAIN)(NOTE THAT OUTLET,AT PAD IS NOT REQUIRED FOR VALVE LOCATED IN THE ROADWAY,UNLESS SHOWN OR NOTED OTHERWISE ���� DIRECTLY INTO SS NIPPLE(TO REMAIN) 3 00 OR 9 00 POSITION) �j J]l8" (NOTE THAT OUTLET AT 3:00 OR 9)00 POSITION) 2 LOCATING WIRE IS REQUIRED ON ALL PRESSURE PIPING(SEE DETAILW-44) �1� `< �/ NOTES 3l4" m N E CARVED IN THE RB NT TO ALL BELOW GRADE VALVES THE,GUT IS TO INTED NOTES 1, LOCATION OF SAMPLE POINT BIBB SHALL NOT BE WITHIN THE ROADWAY BUT ROUTED TO a AV"cuT s11EA4 IN PAVED EASBINSTALL VALVE AT AUDEPTH To nLLowTA E2 MIN DISTANCESETw1=ErvTHE vAL COVER Pw[BRDATHE TOP OF GREEN n 3/8" H T (2)1" DIIA. '�uwi� 0 THE ROADWAY SHOULDERS(NON-TRAFFIC AREAS). 1 LOCATION OF SAMPLE POINT BIBB SHALL NOT BE WITHIN THE ROADWAY BUT ROUTED TO THE ROADWAY VALVE OPERATING NUT OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS(RASS),INSTALL VALVE AT A DEPTH TO ALLOW A 6"MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN THE (26 CBS.APPROX.) SHOULDERS(NON-TRAFFIC AREAS) VALVE LOVER AND THE TOP OF THE VALVE OPERATINGNU OPERATING NUT/STEM EXTENSION SHALL BE PROVIDED(WHERE APPLICABLE) ) 5' ' 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL TEMPORARY PIPING SO THAT THE OPERATING NUT WILL BE NO MORE THAN 30 INCHES BELOW FINISHED GRADE 2 ALL PIPER FITTING SHALL BE GALVANIZED MATERAL OR SCH 80 PVC S FITTINGS(AS NOTED,AFTER BACTERIOLOGICAL CLEARANCE IS RECEIVED Bn BOTTOM SECTION 3/B" ^^^'- z 3 PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE PVC SCH 80 OR GAIN MATERIAL 5 FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION,THE VALVE BOX SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO MIDRANGE TO ALLOW FOR FUTURE BOX ADJUSTMENTS ROUTE 53/4• —.I 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL TEMPORARY PIPING 8 FITTING(AS LOCATE WIRES THRU A V"CUT IN THE TOP OF THE a"PVC RISER PIPE FOR LOCATE WIRE ACCESS INTO VALVE BOX THE LOCATE WIRES NOTED)AFTER BACTERIOLOGICAL CLEARANCE IS RECEIVED WITH A 12'LONG PIG-TAIL AT THE TOP SHALL BE CONNECTED TOGETHER WITH A WIRE NUT 10 3/4" 4, THE USE OF THE ABOVE CONSTRUCTION FOR A TEMPORARY SAMPLE POINT SHALL BE 6 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL CCUA RULES AND POLICES AS OUTLINED BY CCUA'S STANDARDLIMITED TO AREAS WHERE A SAMPLE TAP BY ALTERNATIVE METHODS IS NOT FEASIBLE OR IF 6 BRASS IDENTIFICATION TAG INDICATING"WATER',VALVE SIZE,DIRECTION AND TURNS TO OPEN B VALVE TYPE PROVIDE A IQ"HOLE IN WATER SYSTEM STANDARDS AND OTHER ASSOCIATED CCUA STANDARDS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BY CCUA BRASS TAG MO ATTACH TAG(TWIST WIRE ROUND TAG)TO THE END OF THE LOCATE WIRE TAGS ARE NOT REQUIRED ON VALVES INSTALLED ON FIRE HYDRANT BRANCH LINES 2"TEMPORARY SAMPLE TAP FOR STUB OUT(NTS) 5 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMY WITH ALL CCUA RULES ANDAS AS OUTLINED CCUASSTAND RDWATERSV TEMSTAN ARDS AND OTHER ASSOCIATEDIES CCUASTANDARDS BY J IN LIEU OF PRECAST CONCRETEPAD,A6"THICKX24"(ROUNDORSQUARE)POUREDCONCRETEPADW/2-#4REBARAROUND VALVE BOX AND COVER Y BE USED TEMPORARYSAMPLE TAP(NTS) UP TOI/VELSHA0 BE RALLHOVIDDUDERALLy ES2DADLRGERTHEMINIMUMVERTICALLIMITOFGRAVELIS12"LIDERTHEVALVE 9 3 0 9 w UP TO 1/3 THE OVERALL HEIGHT OF THE VALVETLV w Q O U Q 9 FOR VALVES 12SHALL ENTERND SMALLER,THISER PIPE BOX OVER THEOPERATINR BLACK NUT DEBRIS MINIMIZHIELD E INFILTRATION INSTALLS BELOW STHE LLOPERATING AF BNUT THIS OXLOK SHIELD EQUAL CENTER THE RISER PIPE BOX OVER THE OPERATING NUT AND MINIMIZE INFILTRATION SHIELD SHALLBEBY AFL, WATER VALVE INSTALLATION DETAIL J_ Q1 3'45'MIN.SQUARE ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH DOUBLE-LEAF, r METER FLANGE, SENSUS DES SIZE TO ALLOW FULL.OPEN ACCESS LU UNI-FLANGE ADAPTOR METER HALLIDAY CO,OR APPROVED EQUAL. PVC PIPE RESTRAINT NOTES Q OR APPROVED EQUAL (H20 WHEEL LOADING WHEN REQUIRED) 1 THIS SCHEDULE SHALL BE UTILIZED ON ALL WATER,SEWER FORCE MAIN OR HORIZONTAL BENDS VERTICAL OFFSETS VALVES REDUCERS TEES IIIRECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS,ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE RESTRAINED TO LENGTHS NOMINAL 45°BENDS OR SEE NOTES LAMINA `� WNW) INDICATED ON THIS SCHEDULE,ATA MINIMUM SIZE M. 45° 225° 1125°(SEE NOTE 4) DEAD RUN BRANCH U i P ill ive BENDS BEND BENDS BEND9UPPER LOWEF ENDS SIZE SIZE SIZE '/)MJ GATE VALVEM.J.GATE VALVE ,ri` 2.SMALLEUMPESZE OR88INLH SAFETY FACTOR-iLRS LEST PESSURE=150PSI, OS/ L(FT)L IFT.L(FT)L IFT)Lu(FT)LIFT) LIFT) (IN,) L(FT) (IN) (IN) L(FT) — 91 SQ GM QR SM TREOLH PE 3,DEPTH QF LOVER 3D INCHES FQR 2D"AD 6x4 35 4 2 MJ TEE MJ TEE MT TEE 4 20 0 2 20 3 50 F0 , Q: �� M�L ATE �- E —"•'" L 8 28 10 5 2 28 4 20 Bx4 65 4 4<LESS F10 `�'WAWA / 3, BENDS AND VALVES,SHALL BE RESTRAINED ON EACH BIDE OF FITTING, LL tilli.141.1M11111M&R.(''—'n'—'MlN) ��� J �' % 16"MIN 9 4 VERTICAL OFFSETS RE APPROX 3 FEET COVER ON TOP AND APPROX 8 10 40 10 8 4 45 6 110 tOx6 658 8 30 6<LESS FO W111111111111 (TYP BOTH 4O a6 FEET COVER ON BOTTOM PER THE DETAILS.LU IS THE RESTRAINED LENGTH 10 10 40 H IDES) �u © i FOR THE UPER(TOP)LEVEL,LOS THE RESTRAINED LENGTH FOR THE LOWER 12 50 0 9 4 52 8 120 MIID 85 8 14M.J.90°BEND i g6<LESS FO{@ (DEEPER)LEVEL RSUME 45 DEGREE BENDSMJ.GATE VALVE ry �O *III OPLAN w 14 56 23 10 5 80 9 140 12 12 65\ 6"(MIN) 65 SIZE NOTCH TO FIT PIPE SIZE FILTER FABRIC c� 5, TEES.TOTAL LENGTH BETWEEN FIRST JOINTS OR RESTRAINED LENGTH ON 16 60 26 11 6 67 10 160 .16x12 95 8<12 F.O. I / 13"MIN.CLEARANCE ALL AROUND) EITHER SIDE OF TEE(RUN)SHALL BE A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 30 FEET(MIN)SEE 10 fi9 2s 12 6 )4 12 1e0 ®n--_ .' "w SCHEDULE ROVE FOR RESTRAINT LENGTH ON TEE'BRANLH"LINE 20x18 35 i6 16 100 ; NOTE.WIDTH VAIRES TO ACCEPT PIPE SIZES OVER B" 0 20 J5 32 t3 ) as t3 Is5 2axt6 65 12 40 Cy REDUCER 6. HDPE TO PVC TRANSITIONS.THE PVC PIPE SIDE SHALL BE RESTRAINED 35 20x12 120 10<LE3S F.O. 0 SECTION a- (MIN) z4 6 Bt o0 0 m Q Ni O ' ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH A �= 24x2D 65 16 80 0 30 88 36 18 9 9J 16 235 ASSEMBL, 3"METEROF 16"SED OF F OPENAF,CIZE ESS ALLOW __ __ ) THE INSTALLATION MANUFACTURERS URRSR COMMENDA ION,WHICH SHALL BE 24x18 95 12<LESS F.O. ASSEMBLY, MINIMUME S'Q3U MIN FULL AYcN RAP. --II".�'. ' -1— NOT OLETED RTIGHTTHEMANE PARALLEL R RODS/NUTS RECOMMENDATION, SHOULD ULD INCLUDES 38 100 40 20 10 110 20 270 24x16 120 24 24 900 Z MJ W.BEND SPACE SHALL BE REQUIRED BETWEENHALLIDAY CO.OR APPROVED NOT OVER TIGHTENING THE PARALLELTHEPINUTS THESE NUTS SHO ISIBLEY 30x24 80 20 SQUARE REDUCER FITTING AND OUTSIDE FACE EQUAL(H2O WHEEL LOADING BE SNUG TIGHT THE HOME MARKS ON THE PIPE SHOULD ALWAYS BE VISIBLE 42 115 48 23 11 125 24 300 16 40 NOTES OF VAULT BOX,ON BOTH SIDES OF WHEN REQUIRED) ' " AFTER THE RESTRAINT IS INSTALLED OVERHOMING THE JOINT MAY CAUSER 48 125 52 25 12 1b 30 340 13' 12<LESS F.O. METER VAULT(DETAIL NOT SHOWN Imo�, ,ryi FAILURE AT THE BELL RESULTING IN A SERVICE OUTAGE. '^ 1 ALL PIPE TO BE DI(MINIMUM 4") TO SCALE) I�R;.l 6"WALLS TYP 30 24 80 V' 2 ALL VALVES B FITTINGS TO BE DUCTILE IRON(MINIMUM 4") 1��11 '"' 4 ( 42x36 I80 16<20 50 LE33 F.O. 3 MINIMUM LENGTH OF 8 DIAMETERS OF STRAIGHT PIPE TO BE INSTALLED ON INLET SIDE OF METER. ��'� 2"BRONZE f 4 ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS TO BE SAME SIZE AS METER(EXCEPT 3"METER SHALL HAVE 4"PIPE AND FITTINGS) AIR RELEASE iM®I BALL VALVE '1IA41L{L�� 42x30 150 38 38 120 5 CONC.BOX SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 42'DEEP WITH OPEN BOTTOM,PRECAST WITH NOTCH TO ACCOMMODATE VALVE 24 10 50 48.2 80 PIPE INSTALLED 36'DEEP,INSTALLED ON 12.OF 857 STONE, 48x36 150 20<LESS F.O. 6 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING OF BOX WITH DIMENSIONS FOR APPROVAL BY CCUA ]THE COST OF THE METER WILL BE ASSESSED TO DEVELOPER UNDER SEPARATE AGREEMENT THE METER ONLY WILL PLAN � �■ 42 42 220 16 BE FURNISHED TO THE CONTRACTOR BY THE CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL i 'AD 30 goo THE METER TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION SHOWN HEREON NOTES 24 40 8 PIPES COMING IN AND GOING OUT OF BOX SHALL BE 36"DEEP CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO ADJUST THE FILTER FABRIC 20<LESS F.O. ELEVATION OF THESE PIPES.USE OF BENDS ARE PERMITTED TO ACHIEVE THIS. 1.CONCRETE BOX SHALL BE 42.MIN DEPTH BUT SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE THE 40 48 250 9 FOR ANY SIZE WATER AND FIRE LINE METERS NOT LISTED,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT ALL NECESSARY SUBMITTALS SECTION 42 180 TO BE APPROVED BY CCUA SIZE PIPE AND TYPE OF AIR RELEASE VALVE REQUIRED, 36 90 WITH OPEN OBTT PRECAST WITH NOTCH TO ONEW M F PIPE LTER FABRIC ABOVE ANDCOVER NOTES PVC PIPE RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULE 3D FO FROM TOP OF PIPE O FINISH GRA E ON 12"OF MS]S FATLESS BELOW THE STONE 1 FOR PIPE 10"OR SMALLER AA'DIAMETER,NOTCHED MANHOLE FO.=FITTING ONLY ! O 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING OF BOX WITH DIMENSIONS FOR APPROVAL BY CCUA CAN BE USED FOR AIR RELEASE VALVE HCIO (OVER a^couin 42 ccun 3.DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM AND SHALL BE INCREASED BASED UPON ACTUAL SIZE OF PIPE 2 SET MANHOLE ON MIN OF 4 SOLID CONCRETE BLOCKS SPACED OQ METER VAULT DIMENSIONS EGINEERING DEPARTMENT) INSTALLED EVENLY ROUND THE MANHOLE W/A MIN.OF 12"OF#5)STONE II WITH FILTER FABRIC ABOVE AND BELOW THE STONE. c:4 CO OE MEIER 3.and, TYPE VAULT DIMENSIONS. VAULT DIMENSIONS. VAULT DIMENSIONS SENSUS 41-01 OUTSIDE 420 OUTSIDE 4261 OUTSIDE WATER MAIN AIR WATER MAIN AIR O p 0 c) SENSUS .0"OUTSIDE /M.OUTSIDE ....OUTSIDE RELEASE VALVE VAULT RELEASE VALVE VAULT TURBINE 320 INSIDE 320 INSIDE 326.INSIDE DUCTILE IRON PIPE RESTRAIN NOTES LENGTH(L)TO BE RESTRAINED 0 C7 HORIZONTAL BENDS VEATIC40FfSETS VALVES REDUCERS TEE 1y C32 COMPOUND 3212 INSIDE 3,INSIDE 3.-0.INSIDE TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 12"OR LARGER TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 10"OR SMALLER 1 THIS SCHEDULE SHALL BE UTILIZED ON ALL WATER,SEWER FORCE NOMINAL 45°BENDS OR SEE NOTE 5 H�I Q j� MAIN OR RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE PIPE gp• 45° 22 5° 11 25° (SEE NOTE 4L DEAD RUN BRANCH %%I�rn A FIRE LINE a...INSIDE 520 INSIDE 5281 INSIDE RESTRAINED TO LENGTHS INDICATED ON THE ABOVE SCHEDULE,ATA SIZE BENDS BENDS BENDS BEND$UPPER LOWEF ENDS SIZE SIZE SIZE Z C..ry 6 MINIMUM (IN) L(FT)L(FT)L(FT)L(FT)Lu(FT rLI(FT T � .) L(FT) (IN) L(FT) (IN) (IN) L(Fzo PROPELLER 4ROPELLER3'tlN 85E 4DE3'-6�INSSE 4DE36�INSSE OE 2 ASSUMPTIONS'DUCTILE IRON PIPE(WITHOUT POLY WRAP),SAFETY 4 10 6 4 2 12 2 30 6.6 20 4 4 FO O z p FACTOR=1,5.TEST PRESSURE=150PSI,SOIL=GM OR SM.TRENCH TYPE 3, 8. 20 4 6 6 a 22 to 5 2 12 a 40 METER VAULT-3"AND LARGER METERS DEPTH OF COVER=30 INCHES FOR 20"AND SMALLER PIPE SIZE OR 36 8. 40 4<LESS FO Imo. INCHES FOR 24"AND LARGER PIPE SIZE FOR OIP W/POLY WRAP,USE 8 30 13 8 3 22 4 50 1003 8 8 18 5(.: RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULE FOR PVC PIPE. 10 35 14 ) 4 26 5 64 6<LESS FO 20 ai [] 3 BENDS AND VALVES'SHALL BE RESTRAINED ON EACH SIDE OF 12 42 16 8 4 31 6 75 1000 10 18 811, 1 I A 0 0 27 Z FITTING. Iyg 40 6<LESS FO 1 a O W x 14 46 20 1 5 35 7 65 12 38 '< 4,VERTICAL OFFSETS,ARE APPROX.3 FEET COVER ON TOP AND 16 53 22 11 5 40 8 95 16X12 12 10 20 `LI a a APPROX 8 FEET COVER ON BOTTOM PER THE DETAILS,LU IS THE 1600 0<LESS FO H N A W RESTRAINED LENGTH FOR THE UPPER(TOP)LEVEL LI IS THE 18 57 24 12 6 44 9 105 2.18 16 16 60 RESTRAINED LENGTH FOR THE LOWER(DEEPER)LEVEL ASSUME 45 20 82 26 13 6 48 10 110 20216 40 12 20 C) E. DEGREE BENDS - 10<LESS F.O. 24 64 27 14 6 50 11 111 20 20 78 5 TEES:TOTAL LENGTH BETWEEN FIRST JOINTS OR RESTRAINED 24x20 40)3 30 15 ] SJ 13 13J 16 40 gB LENGTH ON EITHER SIDE OF TEE(RUN)SHALL BE A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 24x18 12<LESS F.O, 30 FEET(MIN)SEE SCHEDULE ABOVE FOR RESTRAINT LENGTH ON TEE 36 85 34 16 8 66 I] 159 24910 60 24 244 ]e "BRANCH"LINE 20 53 42 93 38 20 9 75 20 178 30.4 50 3 ////////��""��<.'rx..8.4 12<iLE3S F.O. '�6 HOPE TO I.P TRANSITIONS THE D I P PIPE BIDE SHALL BE 48 102 43 22 10 82 22 198 (( RESTRAINED 35 FT(MIN) 3060 - 30 30 99 ]/� 88 20 37 42x36 40 16<LESS F.O. 1414c) 4.30 36 30 118 U I� 48.2 40 88 24 52 48xae 88 20 37 �rd` 42 2 138 36 110 \\ 16~ 30 ]8 4 37 20<LESS F.O. ' 40 154 2 DUCTILE IRON PIPE RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULE 30 69 5999 ACAD FILE NAME 24<LESS FO F.0=FITTING ONLY SHEET NO. 213 THESE DETAILS AS SHOWN ETrri EFwlmld•Thima& Hlar.lnc ON THIS DRAWING ARE BY 477501 ElIlia SI.Augustine-Roa(1 lachsonv .FL C.C.U.A. WE TAKE NO 0EL)(104)0421(210300 EXCEPTION TO THE DESIGN CA FA 846B486 VISION•EXPERIENCE•MILLIS •06002660 LC-0000316 1 S.PENTAGON NUT 4,5"NOZZLE FACING STREET(OR ACCESS) „ 15'PENTAGON NUT _dliIr -- -- -- -- BREAKABLE COUPLING (I II, PVC UNION(TOP) SCH,80 (SIZE PER PVC NIPPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTER II II II II PRECAST CONC. APPLICATION) W/COUPLINGS IL IL IL IL Q COLLAR �'�i �'/r __ �'ii \i __ F 6'OURET TEE L :II: K W/BLIND FLANGE �� II 6"OUTLET TEE II N FINISHED GRADE III IIII we III WI BLIND FLANGE �� ��� \ ��III �Y��N``°7°i7PZ7�. 1 Il�f�l��'K'a`% $',�Y^ °i'Y .ter° III �� II z PIPING ♦=III !'INlll(IIiI1.11=1jl=+ PRECAST FBI I�la iirMi II•ilk PRECAST ell tlll E 6"GV PIPING 1 GALV. CONCRETE CONCRETE ILL +STD MECH JOINT TEE, BBOX FBI m N RELIEFPIPING COLLAR COLLAR + p F,H,TEE(PREFERRED), 11711 - '7) OR ANCHORING TEE DRAIN,OPEN PRECAST VALVE z SCH 80 W• �,1 CONCRETE DISCHARGE ' (SIZE AS REQUIRED- t PVC NIPPLE Ifs I'ILN ONLY NECESSARY IF ���� — e III.I COLLAR NR di ■ FINISH GRADE I'I� m FIRE HYDRANT TEE IS �� �—Errg �Ypi�,, . . II _ FINISH GRADE 0: NOT USED) `� 6/ ��Xe GATE VALVE . - •' r, _ _ 1141!17E _ I. f FINISH GRADE AND BOX D I.PIPE • r74rt DIY \N'���\W.. .." .}�y�... - AND BOGATE X 15,4 07 �w 0I PIPE 30"WIDE CONC 30"WIDE CONC.PAD W/ w ROD 316 STAINLESS STEEL a57 STONE SUMP GATE VALVE �'II� PAD WI3000 PSI �I IIII' 3000 PSI �I ROO THREADED(4 REQUIRED) AT BASEOF BEND = ,, AND BOX ... 0 III 4 4 a 0 h FIRE HYDRANT (STANDARD) SUPPLY- SUPPLY Ni SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER SIZES 6" &ABOVE REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW BACKFLOW PREVENTER WHERE BACKFLOW IS BETWEEN PREVENTER - SIZES 311 &ABOVE (NTS) 211 DIAMETER AND SMALLER (NTS) RECLAIMED & POTABLE (NTS) BACKFLOW PREVENTER NOTE: "- 2 MECH JT.6. DESIGNS SHOWN FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER INSTALLATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR CCUA OWNED USE 3I0"NUTS BOTH SIDES OF JOINT(TYPICAL) VALVE OPEN RIG I INSTALLATIONS-SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL.THE BOTTOM OF THE BACKFLOW 314"316 STAINLESS ` PREVENTER VALVE IS TO BE NO LESS THAN 12"OR MORE THAN 36"ABOVE THE NATURAL FLOOD GRADE. STEEL ROD-CUT 8 _ (SEE CCUA PUMP STATION DETAIL SHEETS(ALL)FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTERS AT PUMP STATIONS) THREAD AS REQ'D. J 1 I/ O `1 a o m MECH JT HYDRANT TWO SPRING WADED 3l4"BYPASS ASS'Y WI METER 80 D.0 V O 0 U Q ,O' L I ., TEE SIZED AS REQ'D. ASS CHECK VALVES SWAY MUST BE ASS SAME BRAND/MERAST MUST BE BY SAME BRAND/MAKER AS THE MAIN MUST BE BY SAME BRAND/MAKER AS THE MAIN DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE FIRE MP -I 1 TWO SPRING LOADED CHAIN W/LOCK TO PREVENT J CHECK VALVES DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE CLOSING OF GATE VALVES BACKFLOW PREVENTER HYDRANT --- 30'MIN. VET STAINLESS BACKFLOW PREVENTER fi'01 STEEL ROD-CUTE CHAIN W/LOCK TO PREVENT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SHALL BE 5'STORZ QUICK Cl)NIPPLES THREAD AS REQ'D CLOSING OF GATE VALVES CONNECT FITTINGS Wl 5"KNOX FDC LOCKING CAP B TO BE VJ APPROVED BY CLAY COUNTY FIRE DEPT.(ALSO INCLUDE ANY PUMPER NOZZLE NECESSARY FITTINGS AND VALVES PER EACH OCCURRENCE) TO FACE STREET A111 3-WAY WiuiI■- _ HIYDRANT Ct CONCRETE E`/"� ■11 ■I-- PRECAST LL IIIII CONCRETE COL AR PRECAST �M// PUMPER NOZZLE CONCRETE-/1/,� TO FACE STREET COLLAR-, , SUPPORTS(T'P.) ®i I FINISHED GRADE OR ACCESS - " NQ in LL MillIMMME E '11 C 11'.__ _ FINISHED GRADE ' \r LU �1,5.PENTAGON NUT ®II III 18'(min) B /BREAKABLE FLANGE n " RETAINER c 30•WIDE PSI PA` RETAINER LLI 24"(max) RETAINER MiliPMMMEv z GATE VALVE GLAND W/3000 PSI GLAND = n/ /11 v m v^%FINISH GRADE e v GATE 30"WIDE CONC PAD RETAINER AND BOX- 6{T0 J BE D •,R LL .vi •.v..ii vALV GLAND WI3000 PSI GLAND PRECAST CONC COLLAR AND BOX- rr-T�1 A Mi. 90 BEND HYDRANT ' � ■ ,WATER VALVE BOX BEND SIOII II#M.J.SO°BEND �I II O REDID FIOON R AS O PIPE SLEEVE AS REDID "' 1I� `I IIII SUPPLY RESTRAINER RESTRAINER II- ADDITIONAL DEPTH - �- M J 00"BEND OF BURY =I In'or SUPPLY RESTRAINER RESTRAINER U Z < LEAVE DRAIN _� �I NOTES NOTES Q CI? HOLE OPEN 30'MIN. 1 DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE WI 314"BYPASS METER 8,314"00 C V ARE REQUIRED ON ALL ON-SITE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 1 DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE WI 3l4'BYPASS METER 6.314"D D C V ARE REQUIRED ON ALL ON-SITE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS F > 3I4"S S ROD I2 REDD EACH SIDE) CO 2 PROVIDE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR COMPLETE ASSEMBLY. 2 PROVIDE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR COMPLETE ASSEMBLY. CO ! • FIRE HYDRANT- LIMITED SPACE DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER o HYDRANT INSTALLATION FOR LIMITED SPACE WITH MECH.JOINT HYDRANT TEE WITHOUT ABOVE GROUND ENCLOSURE - 3"AND ABOVE WITHOUT ABOVE GROUND ENCLOSURE - 31' &ABOVE 0 FIRE HYDRANT CANNOT BE LOCATED LESS THAN 5.-0"FROM BACK OF CURB AND WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WITHOUT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION NO MORE THAN 20'-0"BACK OF CURB. O 1-1 C' I NOTES: 1� 0 c� I THERE SHALL BE CLEARANCES OF SEVEN AND ONE-HALF FEET(7'-6")IN Z Z CC7 a cq FRONT OF AND TO THE SIDES OF THE FIRE HYDRANT,WITH A FOUR FEET QI Z 0 d, (4')CLEARANCE TO THE REAR OF THE HYDRANT.EXCEPTION:THESE z o DIMENSIONS MAY BE REDUCED BY THE APPROVAL OF THE FIRE OFFICIAL. C z �' THERE SHALL BE NO OBSTRUCTIONS PLACED IN FRONT OF ANY FIRE E—IcG Z HYDRANT ASSEMBLY THAT WOULD PROHIBIT ACCESS. r•I 1~—r o w x a. Ir-,HTQ W sA IO11 U )d ACAD FILE NAME SHEET NO. 214 THESE TH DETAILSDRAWING SHOWN C-rlalmld•T''°' llilar,lnc IdT lQnd.Augustine.Rood 2"OR SMALLER PVC SERVICE nml—nnn—nml—nnn—nml—nnn=l __ _ ON THIS ARE BY FL;, SEE DETAIL B II-IIIIII-IIIIII-IIIIII-IIIIII-IIIIII-IIIIIII _ I IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIpIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II EXCEPTION TO THE DESIGN WHOM orr•ovrnIEMCE•RESULTS Tox.0041°2 S mma,. C.C.U.A. WE TAKE NO IIIICIIIIII_IIIIMIIIII_IIIIII=IIIIII�1,,,,_—...� ram se. c 111111 IIIIIRIIIIIRIIIIII 111111=_ III111ii=IIIIII-111111-111111-IIIIII-11 = - CONCRETE COLLAR-MN., I yTr ZIPPER TIE LOCATING WIRES TO IAI7IIIIIAIII�I—■� ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE VALVE BOX AT A MAXIMUM DEPTH p1 • Y 1VlMWSIMIMalSiaffial OF 8"BELOW GRADE.DRILL HOLE �o �, STRAP 8"BELOW GRADE CORPORATION STOP S z '. IN VALVE BOX AND INSERT03(IF APPLICABLE) LOCATING WIRES INTO VALVE BOX. a zzz PVC WATER MAIN 1 ro�m 600 1: VALVE BOX PIG TAIL BOTH ENDS. w '5�;In ¢za > LOCATING WIRE ll OCATING WIRE �o'mo' ��w ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE o rd www o.ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE STRAPS 16.1 !PM STRAPS OR APPROVED EQUAL STRAPS OR APPROVED EQUAL rOR APPROVED EQUAL tot� PVC WATER MAINLOCATING WIRE / \ aaa// z � walls o TERMINATE LOCATE WIRE AT 2"or SMALLER ram SERVICE TAP-DO NOT CONNECT LOCATING WIRE PARALELL ,I I I SERVICE W M o I I cr. 5�w www w TO LOCATE WIRE ON MAIN TO WATER MAIN / o:mrr"""o: CONNECTION TO PVC MAINS `// ������' 2"OR SMALLER WATER SERVICE LOCATING WIRE — o'o ���m (LONG SERVICES ONLY) IN-LINE LOCATING STATION- PVC PIPE o o o 8o w UZQ0j VALVE BOX WITH VALVE a�aw SEE DETAIL A(LEFT) o a 2'MIN.OF LOCATE WIRE SHALL BE COILED O ,o roa nrv— ZIPPER TIE LOCATING WIRE TO RISER oz AND PLACED IN BOX PIPE AT A MAXIMUM DEPTH OF 8" NOTCH PVC STANDPIPE AND LOCATING WIRE �� PLACE WIRES IN THE NOTCH INSTALL WATER METER BOX WITH LID, BELOW EXISTING GRADE.DRILL HOLE SEE DETAIL C(LEFT) 4"OR LARGER PVC WATER MAIN 111 PARALLEL TO RIGHT OF WAY IN RISER PIPE AND INSERT LOCATE WIRE THROUGH TO INTERIOR OF O RISER PIPE.PIGTAIL END. LOCATING STATION OR WATER SERVICE PIPE BOX-NO VALVE PVC WATER MAIN ' IIIIIIJIIIII)IIIIIJIIIILJIIIIIJIIIIIJIIIIIJII zan 1l III®1111M11111®1111M111111111101111= I I aI IVl=1 111=1 111( r _ 10'MAX SPACING _ 4"or LARGER 17 Z INIIIIIMIIIIIM1 1110IIlIIIIIIIIIIIhIIIII=IIIII=III — IIIII�p1°— PVC SERVICE WM O /4 — ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE STRAP STRAPS OR APPROVED EQUAL SEE DETAIL B J OR APPROVED EQUAL Q LOCATING WIRE LOCATING WIRE PARALELL 4"PVC RISER PIPE— LOCATING WIRE SEE DETAIL A(LEFT) O ' z TO WATER MAIN O SEE DETAIL C(LEFT) Z I— 0— CONNECTION TO PVC MAINS ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE PVC WATER MAIN LOCATING STATION BOX-NO VALVE Q J STRAPS OR APPROVED EQUAL Z 4"OR LARGER PVC WATER MAIN OR WATER SERVICE PIPE • Q DETAIL -A 6"orLARGER w H / PVC WATER MAIN ( v (n / Z IN-LINE LOCATING STATION - PVC PIPE w Z $ SEE DETAIL A(LEFT) LL.I O METER BOX - i DETAIL C CL > � U z U LOCATING STATION > Q 0 VALVE BOX-WITH VALVE O —i 3"OR LARGER D.I.or GS PIPE /I PVC WATER MAIN LOCATE W SEE DETAIL C(LFFT)IRE / C.)LOCATE WIRE TESTING REQUIREMENTS Ct Installed locate wiring shall be tested by the contractor as part of the final inspection procedure,using a certified tester and 0 approved testing equipment.The Contractor shall notify CCUA at least 48 hours in advance of the testing period.At this time �` _ I Q n the Contractor shall tell CCUA the number of locate personnel to be used for the wire testing,so that CCUA can assign an 6"PVC PIPE —Io . 11...01110 IIII- inspector to work with each locate wire tester If CCUA has not been notified of the correct number of testing personnel to be TO FIRE HYDRANT • \ / Q Z used,then the only testers allowed to test the wire shall be those who have a CCUA assigned inspector to work with them. r♦ / The CCUA inspector shall have the plans on-site,as shall the testing personnel,for the purpose of recording the required U Q LOCATING WIRE test information(ie passed and failed sections)and for as-built preparation.The CCUA field representative or inspector shall be present during the testing period,and have the authority to request tester to retest sections if inspector suspects any O_ H- I`—^ problems within that section.The contractor shall provide the Certified Tester a copy of the project site drawings(as-builts FIRE HYDRANT / >_ W v J LOCATING WIRE PARALELL preferred).A tone shall be put on the locate wire.The technician shall trace the entire length of the installed wire and spot L paint the location at least at 100-foot intervals along the route.The depth shall be tested at 100-foot intervals and tester shall TO WATER MAIN record the depth of pipe/wire on the report at each 100'interval.The certified tester shall report(show on drawings),where SEE DETAIL A(LEFT) / 0 the pipe/wire has less than the allowable minimum cover(36 inches)or more than the maximum allowable cover(60 inches) J LZ unless called for on the plans or requested and approved by CCUA during the installation of said piping.All lateral stub-outs CONNECTION TO PVC MAINSZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE shall be marked with pain and the depth recorded.A final Locate Wire Report(statement by the certified tester),shall be w/3"OR LARGER D.I.OR GS WATER SERVICE OR WATER MAIN submitted to CCUA for review and approval.The report shall include a signed statement from the certified tester which STRAPS OR APPROVED EQUAL certifies that all installed wire(where shown on the drawing),was successfully(sounded),traced with no open breaks.The `// report shall also include a copy of the project site drawings which indicate all field notes,breaks found/repaired,depths(if I 0 installed outside the acceptable cover limits),and other applicable field remarks by the certified tester.A Certified copy of the 3"OR LARGER DIP or GIP • H report and marked-up drawings shall be furnished to CCUA prior to final acceptance of the project or as approved otherwise by CCUA. SERVICE OR WATER MAIN �l BOLT LOCATING WIRE TO Definitions: COD rn VALVE BOX&PIGTAIL END Approved Testing Equipment shall include variable frequency controls,digital depth read-out and tone continuity.The o q 0 W following is a list of approved equipment-Dynatel(3M(-2273 Cable/Fault Locator,Metrotech 9800XT,Ditch Witch 950 R/T or I�••I d l`I�+ CCUA pre-approved equal. H H O a INIMEgellilligar Certified Tester-A person or company that has been certified by the Manufacturer of the approved testing equipment as SEE DETAIL B(LEFT) , Z V] Cl proficient in the use of the equipment has 8 months experience in the use of the equipment including documented proof of Z O � past performance. M zw cc roil CCUA Approval:Clay County Utility Authority shall have the authority to approve Certified Tester,or deny the approval of '" Z, Certified Tester to work on Utility's System.CCUA shall have the authority to remove any previously Certified Tester from its LOCATING STATION - f=q U," approved list of Certified Testers as CCUA deems necessary. VALVE BOX-WITH VALVE H"p; z aSEE DETAIL C(LEFT) — W0o LOCATE WIRE INSTALLATION .—rr Hy .a Q, Contractor shall furnish and install locate wiring on all water mains,sewer force mains,and reclaimed water mains(both PVC 4 H 0 0 a and ductile 1"inch size and greater.Locate wire must be attached to mains and services with duct tape or approved iron) a 17��I tt and on all service mains 1 z plastic zipper ties,(pulled tight to keep wire from rotating out of location),at each side of bell joint co ,' LW. n■�III I I-■� or fitting and at 10 foot intervals along pipeline(at a minimum).Locate wire shall be brought to grade within a valve box or NOTES. ��r,�! ' locating station box,as required,at 475 foot intervals(see note#2 this page).Locate wire shall be installed in box and along m.-- pipeline as detailed in the CCUA Standard Details.Locate wire shall be installed beneath the pipe line at the 5:00 to 7:00 1.LOCATING WIRE SHALL BE 10 GAUGE,SINGLE STRAND OF RATED(DIRECT BURIAL), LOCATING WIRE �>0� o'clock position on the pipe.Connection or splices underground which are not inside a locate box(or valve box),shall be ) COPPER WIRE,OR APPROVED EQUAL. ZIPPER TYPE PLASTIC TIE prohibited unless approved otherwise by CCUA.The request to make an underground connection or wire splice shall be STRAPS APPROVED EQUAL) done in writing to CCUA.The request shah contain the complete job name,name of street,station number as shown on (OR 2)ALL DIRECTIONAL DRILLED PIPES SHALL HAVE 2-8 GUAGE STRAND COPPER-CLAD AT 10'INTERVALS&ADJACENT plans and scaled as close as possible to the location of splice or connection,and the reason for request.CCUA shall have at 44 TO METER BOX least 48 hrs.to respond verbally and 5 working days to respond in writing.If an underground connection is unavoidable and STEEL CONDUCTORS WITH 45mi1 HDPE EXTRUDED COATING,AND SHALL BE OF Z,.� l�� approved by CCUA,then the wire shall be first tied in a knot(to minimize future separation),then the wire ends shall be SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO AVOID SPLICING.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE FLUSHING HYDRANT connected utilizing an electric wire nut,then make the connection water fight by using either vinyl mastic tape(4"wide X TRACER WIRE BE SPLICED;IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO E-. PRECAST METER BOX&COVER 0.09"thick by 3M-Scotch 2210),or plastic enclosure(Snaplco Model LV 9500/951-4 large by TKH)or CCUA approved ORDER ROLLS OF WIRE OF THE REQUIRED LENGTH TO AVOID THE NEED FOR SPLICING Q \d (3"OR LARGER) equipment. THE TRACER WIRE. CONNECTION AT METERS BOXES 3.LOCATE BOXES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE LOT LINE IN RESIDENTIAL F LOCATE WIRE BOX INSTALLATION SUBDIVISIONS,OR COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES;BOXES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN ?iJ ti/ W/ PVC WATER SERVICE Where utility mains are to be installed beneath sidewalks,valve boxes shall be installed instead of locate wire boxes.The SIDEWALKS OR DRIVEWAYS.LOCATE BOXES SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 500 FEET. . valve box lids shall indicate the type of line(i.e.water,sewer,or reclaimed water).The valve box shall be adjusted so the top of valve box is flush with the finished sidewalk grade.If for any reason a locate wire box must be offeet from the C/L of 4.WHERE IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO LOCATE THE BOX OUTSIDE OF A PAVED STREET OR DETAIL - B pipeline,then the contractor shall have installed an adequate length of wire to avoid splices and the exact location of the locate box including the amount of the offset distance shall be recorded on the As-builts. PARKING LOT,THE LOCATE WIRE SHALL BE PLACED IN A VALVE BOX INSTEAD OF A ACAD FILE NAME ROME BOX.VALVE BOX LID SHALL BE MARKED ACCORDING TO THE TYPE OF PIPE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS SERVED. Shall comply to the guidance set forth in CCUA's'As-built Specifications Standards Manual',which can be obtained from 215 CCUA's website(www.clayutility.org). s s / COMPACTION IN ROADWAK AROUND ANHOI FS UHF t]OE MANHOLE FRAME A COVER *i NO BRICK OR HDPE FOR ADJUSTMENTS, 'AROUNiD"MANHOLEALL e TOP c2AMPACTEDT TO 98%MAXIMUM BE VAN iAAMcs�caei°aLE FINISHED I IS INTNIN GRADE WHENAMANHOLE FINISHED iAMIEs�'oBPN MANHENT CONCRETE ADJUSTMENTS ONLY USF,]0E MANHOLE FRAME&COVER YIBLL OF Io THN FINISHEDu IAZNLO GRADEE BRICK ADJUSTMENTSIS(ONERINGS M BEACCEPTED) I L;,IE a A. NEW FORCE Mary IS.... OEDWITHI RAREIMITS WHEN MANHOLE a"PAVEMENT BEM ALLOWED ROADWAYSFI FINISHED GRADE WHEN MANHOLE ISRxwTHw LISHED BMITS OF PAVEMENTADE WH. S e �ISIxOU'nOEBAMITSW OfNPMANHEMi Typ / I ° PAVEMENT �G�Q, FORM NEWCHANNEL —— IS OUTSIDE UNITS OF PAVEMENT T GROUT y_= LI AVEM I I 0-6 NOMINAL,,2 MAX. NG RINGS 2 O ma n y III IlC roOUiPRECAST ECCENTRIC CONE 6 NDMNAL,2 MAx. NG RING6 %'% ERTIASTMAST C� LLSENTRIC -% � m s' PR6cARoMBNgL Rerz Mgxusnrvc RINGS SECTION AND SIDEWALLS EXIST EFFLUENT EXIST INFLUENT CONCRETE 8 / / R ER A)RUBBEREMANHOTERLE STOP j' / "CV'RING JOINT OR 4WOST CE ENT o ALE CLAMPED RT%WS-25/W SEAWER ®� TYPE II CEMENT CRw Ji D " 5/wS E, OR LATEST EDITION ® aPPER(RnIMNEK) APPROVED EQUAL irird O TIRE II CEMENT 0MAX SAW CUT TOP SEC,. 7 APPROVED fAll. APpER(RAVE LLER REINFORCING °F PVC END 1/2 THIN u CRWT(SxOYPE II L) CEMENT SPECI�IGA,IONSCCVa 9 y 'I'd ill WITH R(RAM-NEK) CUT-OUT To vRlx IN I I�_ CIE AFTER REMOVAL R SURFACE FINISH GR UT - o PIPES OF DIFFERENT SIZES SHALL MATCH CROONS 5" 4'-0"DIA. t 2,3.4,FT WALL SLEEVE SIZED i UEVICES CONRACITORNG°SH SHALL SURFACE SHALL oN W '4 _ AS x REDID A COM HODMAN PVC SEVER 5" 4Fi CTMPVE APPROVED EWT w\ /r W i O 0'D LEA e� BE RESPONSIBLE FORTHICKNESS OVER BRICK u EXIST M / CCUE APPROVED SNOT w\ � CASING SPACIEPRRRSLRE0'D.CENTERING PVC as"REDO cacti(sxovtu)M �� SEAUNG ANY SITE BASE�PouREo a- w H E ic' p oMDEE " II LEAN Lc THROUGH SLEEVE(a'MIN AK lk �\ s-o^MIN EpucR GROUT as NTsoa M uIHT N PLACE oAo. `' SEE NOTE IF A SINGLE DROP of e^oR SMALLR PIPE M H DIA Is f I _ �� acwc'wImIN SLEEVE) `_STORM sswER _e .� BE c-o"IF MoreE m PROOF MANHOL CONCRETE BASE B __ oc�usi cc7T9i.MIN) P�A)X ID CLASS I.TYPE a CEMENT GROUT ��-- N.H. _ yU Ao EEDROP OR PIPE SIZE IS GREATER 6^Mw • I' ::::::' PIPE SHALL NOT 6 - 1J2 THBRICI.'TROWELTOATSMWTH � I_IIII■ � � SBE IN I -•, MIN.THIN R RI KLL LLUSE`TOS,GPYLEAKSY ', • •VNl .. S w 's n BFrv%EMFGRS JOINT OF MANHOLE J SERF NISH ESS OVE RB CC S •TiVA THIN M H LENGTHp' BEWt' mICNNE55OVERBRICK ��O�v �'�'Ex STa'EFRVEN LI"B I ROLVEMTNDLDEDC.roINiSCE „ .'• AS PER DRAWING ,� � 6' ' , WR6 MN a SPRING §s§¢s • ' UNDISTURBED SOIL MIN H Z w ,p.A l 4-1„ha'U � /11.111111.111111.1.111111111111111.* BEARING CAPACITY:2000 GRMIE.LEVELING COURSE OF COMPACTED ] U' k'Ws a-zrc=su=cizz 10 UNDISNRBED Ste"`:: ';y+GRAVLL 115 ES]INGCOURSE OF COMPACTS ' V'N," VV/'V ''•� • \'r\�' F SOILM WRAPPED W/FILTER)FABRIC WITHIN PREVENT REVE#57 STONE SHALL BE =W W oL Q:4,.„- oil OIL MIN BEARING CAPACITY 2000 P S F p#w STONE)B]STONE SHALT BEWRAPP `'• MIN LEVELING/OFIL LING COURSE OF COMPACTED STONE MIGRATION HE"g5] !n CE O rczerce�o.uog53 UNDISTURBED SOIL MIN. 5" LEVELING COURSE OF THE#5] UNDISTURBED SOIL MIN sF GRAVEL(Is LISTONE)D 9s]sro STONE SHALL GRAVEL(#5]STONE)p5]STONE SHALL BE a Z W ��ea BEARING CAPACITY 2000 P.SF VEL 057 STONE)#57 STONE'I SHALL BE STONE MIGRATION INTO VOIDS MTIIN uN TU BEO SOIL MIN WRAPPED MIGRATION INTO INTO FABRIC N1�ITINBBTWIE T Z W I- WRAPPED W/m SECTION VIEW AR SECTIONCAPACITY2 VIEW °nnaa FILTER VOIDS WITHIN T BEARING z000 P.S.F. SOIL A s5] ET y } RE P THE NOTE 11)FOR ADDITIONAL MANHOLE sPEanCAna+S.SEE"SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE"DETAIL THIS SHE MIGRATION INTO VOIDS WTHIN THE g5] MANHOLE OLERFR DESIGN CRITERIA STONE MAXIMUM prcrcrcserczs..z.sa.s co WRAPPED TER FABRIC TO PRE SOIL MICR 0000nm�nin•n•n,nnin•n✓. SOILMGR TER AB STONE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE F ALLOWABLE DIFFERENCE IN INVERT EU:vanW wmouT INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION Is 24° co-I¢I_p �pp`p`pp S SHALL BE 0.05 FT.MIN.INFLUENT TO TYPICAL FORCE MAIN CONNECTION TO MANHOLE INSTALL A CCUA SEE ION DTHAT ARE IFFERENCE ACROSS MANHOLE TBE HIS SHEET. STORM CONFLICT MANHOLE NOTE.FOR ADDITIONAL MANHOLE SPECIFICATIONS,SEE"SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE•DETAIL THIS SHEET SADDLE MANHOLE DETAIL o 0 3 zo __, ,,sossWMSSS a SEE l'"ELc ALLOWABLE oFFERENFCEBACROSS INVERT NHOLE"THIS ELEVATION INTERNAL DROP cWrv6cnoN Is 24 THIS DETAIL IS ONLY TO N¢r ooso ����£ge8e2 0 NOTE 1 THIS MANHOLE AND THE NEXT TWO MANHOLES DOWNSTREAM(AS REQUIRED CLEAN OUT PLUG POST V.MARKING CLEAN OUT PLUG �'W BY UTILITY)ARE TO HAVE POLYETHYLENE LINER AS MANUFACTURED BY w.."-»." �C=.w-^:s, .e•. ■ ., BE USED WITH SPECIFIC APPROVAL BY CCUA. _0AAA„anN o m O STANDARD PRECAST CO (AGRU SURE GRIP)OR APPROVED EQUAL �I RTYPICAL GRAVITY SEWER DROP PIPE i z U -D �D"z R R BE INSTALLED AT ALL LOCATIONS CALLING OdLJ 2 IF CONNECTION IS BEING MADE TO AN EXISTING MANHOLE,THAT MANHOLE AND PRECAST CONCRETE A SE{WERESTNBOMT REGARDLESS OF DISTANCE TE CONNECTION TO MANHOLE ~THE NEXT TWO MANHOLES DOWNSTREAM(AS REQUIRED BY UTILITY),SHALL BE VALVE Box COLLAR B. UM E E NOGRAM,SEWER AND SERVICE PIPE LINED WITH SPECTRASHIELD"OR APPROVED EQUAL AND CLEANOUT SH LL G.CNC UDCD INVERT AND PIPSHALL BE INSTALLED WTH THE 6 OR e-t/e BEND I EREUA L W/THE ASBUILi R\w F FLOW FROM SPIGOT PRECAST MANHOLE. 3. SIZE OF DROP PIPE CONNECTION TO MANHOLE SHALL BE DESIGNED r�/// DRAvnncl rvTO BELL BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER.MINIMUM SIZE SIZE SHALL BE 41. / CAP TEE SIZE VARIES—A. CAP �� - - AA OA CONNECTION AND DROP PIPE SHALL BE SIZED TO REDUCE THE �( ■�� _ ►PII - VELOCITY AND PREVENT"SPLASHOVER"WITHIN THE MANHOLE F I_III T 1--I,gIII em m SEEWER VPPIPETEEELLSEBE ►�.�� 5'CRC MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM MANHOLE TO REDUCER MAY BE -- xfi TEE/WY MINIMUMBGF T Z0N THE ELL A ►�.�� ALNICO GREEN non SHRINK cxouT 2 ELL SPIGOT fi" 3 COMPATIBLE LL INCREASED TO ASSIST IN THIS VELOCITY REDUCTION SEWER MAIN SEWER MAIN ax e PVC LEE/1WYE GASKET WHEN"HOMED VP".AB BE ° �..� ?�,'_• ", { I F, 3 2 d 1 SERNCE PIPES LL USF OE MANHOLE FRAME A COVER CLEANOUT DETAIL STANDARD ACCESSIBLE CLEANOUT STUBOUT EY S I=I3 ' SHALL E 6" TERSE TOP OF PIPE A,EAR END ►4 ►0�' DD DE LIMITS CI Pa MELT = PROPERTY ►�� --—_ �FlN MIS. LINE FISH .�� MI POURED CONCRETE w n ISHED GRADE WHEN MANHOLEA 5.DETAIL SHOWN IS Fai _ N.LENGTH ' PRECAST SIDEwALLS,BASES CRWT A " RESIDENTIAL CONNECTION FINISH GRADE yy X QA SEE NOTE LE BASE PWRED AND SLABS PER ASTM C 478 TA. •�V �•�• 'RECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS n COMMERCIAL NG A 6.OTHER USE I I RAL CAN —I 1 I— I (— LATEST EDITION F 0-6•NOMINAL.1r MAx f 0���v�0��;.,•"•••• PLAN EUMIrvaREQUIRITE ME 6�x4 REDUCER RNCE POST LONG m OO BELOW BASE. aCERa000 PSRWrvCRETE 4000 PS CONCRETE =—{a♦ �O®®�� yE R _ REQUIRED TYPE CEMENT O O O p LETTERS FLusH TowRn Aa av c EATER -� FOR PVC PPE TWA APPROVED ®S ®O TOP pF OVER GREEN ELECTRONIC MARKER BALL ®� En BOOT W\ ■�®�■ ���®�s������e� FlMISH o GR J_ GRPU II T(LEAN 0SS)CEMENT 5" a'-°•DIA - D o T cuss I,TYPE II CEMENT GROUT COVER ♦ MARKER BALL(TYPE ADE ZIT PEED FEET ,. ALL ei4neovi"roP F PPE ___ 3 a MIN DEPTH To TOP OF `• .. IkiW•• to P�DKHGLE6 OTH of R FROM FINISHED A VAN BRICK AND TROWEL To A smooTH + _ 004> 2-CONCEALED M PE(5 MAX DEPTH)( E SURFACE FlMIsx CRWT SURFACE sxALL �•� •� • ' J _ =_ ____BE 1^MIry mlcxNEAG OVER aRlMC •�a''i•�®��OI�"�� 9� SPECIFICATIONTECHNICAL .., • _ �lA13/3(a ID -� �,.�vy�,,. NFRAME&COVER HALL BE G PIPE SHEET FOR A ION. W R R — *ON ALL TANKS BEING INSTALLED,THE LENGTH OF THE OUTLET COMPARTMENT SHALL SADDLE MANHOLE DETAIL SECTION LLI I PER60R71N BE AT LEAST)fTH OF THE TOTAL LENGTH OF ALL TANKS REJOIDT W MANHOLE J O^ L � FALL ACROSS„MANHOLES S DES. TO EFLUENT OF 8 SEAT(FIRMLTR AND SPREVENT ALL 2 EACH-USF.RI]O-E PRECAST COrvCRETE 41 6' IN LINE PI SHALL B 0 FT M INFLUENT 23 3/4" ROCKING SEC ADJUSTMEN RINN(I `� EFEL PIPES THAT ARE Ar Ary aNaE SHALL SE oto MANHOLES INSTALLEDSEWER SERVICE O-6'N«I.12 2 SEE"ELEv,nON DIFFERENCE ACROSS MANHOLE'TITS SHEET. - �i•� v- aaaal� WTHIN R WAY(see speexe"1""e) MARKER POST '®;_„ ;_'� LLJ . . . r 23 3/4' l LOT LINE /w LINE u � ICI SEWER MAIN CONTINUES �� SEWER MAIN CONTINUES H ORS NREAPASOIL MIN GRAVEL LEVELING] ,E).as] o COMPACTED BE ill �.:.� U) BE 2000PSF. ° /FILIT FILTER WITHIN THE ., —r _ T SECTION VIEW STONE A TIE an wcREAiVEN OR-zs ; � DISCHARGE �` 0 ,��� 8-RIB •S A IL, L I<z e2, CO SOIL MICR AND LONG SINGLES oll fN REINFORCING liq e'0'�0� SHALLOW SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE FRAME .I, L�D RATING O /`�� ' Et ii.0.05'FA ° LJ I. 4 1/2' ,I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SERVICE 16 MAX FROM FLOOR STUB-OUT `J 3D 1/a^ ROADIES SERVICE MARKER POST 1 10 j' I_I''/e^ STANDARD SINGLE SEWER STRAIGHT THROUGH FLOW e w 1-EXISTING FORCE MAIN ] ] >T ja 2 vc'�� SERVICE LATERALS AND DP TO 30'OR LESS FLOW z 20 TRUCK LOADING BASE AND TOP SLABS LIFTING EYES PROCEDURES FOR CONNECTING (n 4,000 P.S.I.ACONI CEMENT REINFORCING: Q �- III DAYS,T ,#6 06"SHORT WAY TO A GRAVITY STUB Et f1� PICKHOLE DETAILS RIB DETAIL L.I_ ..--1- ( O gOb O V CAPACITY IN GALOS LONG war NOTE:BEFORE CONNECTING TO ANY GRAVITY STUB,EXCAVATE AND SHOOT THE MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SHALL BE USF CO MOD.NO.170E LOT uN� ELEVATION OF THE STUB INVERT AND THE ELEVATION OF THE INVERT OF THE SAME li T PIPE COMING OUT OF THE IMMEDIATE DOWNSTREAM MANHOLE MEASURE THE ��l�I,C SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE FRAME&COVER DISTANCE FROM THE MANHOLE TO HE STUB,CALCULATE HE PIPE GRADE IF THE AV bob GRADE ON THE PIPE IS LESS THAN PLAN DESIGN THEN CONTACT THE CLAY COUNTY \ 2^SOH.40 PVC FM. URLITY AUTHORITY AND 1HE PROJECT ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER F Z tO 2O 3 2 5O © ©O tt SOD-AS r0 ADAPTOR a° REDUCER"-40 THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND THE CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY WILL MAKE LU Q x 16 THE DECISION ON HOW TO RESOLVE THE DISCREPANCY BEFORE THE CONTRACTOR 0 FINISHED GRADE P VC R/W LINE II 4"SOH.4o PVC PM. CAN PROCEED FURTHER O -I 111 I II -I 111 I I ' Cr) MATERIAL I IST n 4^DR-26 PVC 28 COMPLIES WITH AS TM C-91T,PRECAST CONCRETE WATER AND WASTEWATER NO WORK WILL BE ALLOWED ON A GRAVITY LINE UPSTREAM OF THE.CENTER ON LOT FOR STRUCTURES AND AS TM C-890SHORT SIDE SINGLES •• INCREASER ,MINIMUM STRUCTURAL DESIGN LOADING FOR CONNECTION POINT TO THE CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY'S SYSTEM WITHOUT 0_ ALL STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLE _ VARIES _ r ANp LONG SINGLES oll MONOLITHIC OR SECTIONAL PRECAST CONCRETE WATER AND WASTEWATER STRUCTURES PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY. 2 2"x 3"STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE 6 DR-2fi PVC 90 OR I FSS El OW a i"SCH-BRONZE BALL VALVE FULL(SP OPENING) LLN NOTES 5 2"SCH 80 PIPE'S AP x T I.GREASE TRAP SHALL BE SIZED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER USING THE ANTICIPATED 6 2',90'SCH 80 BEND((S x S)) - PEAK FLOW OF WATER ENTERING THE GREASE TRAP IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2003 2•90 SCH 80BEND(S x T) �` SINGLE SERVICE STALE OF FLORIDA BUILDING CODE-PLUMBING W/LOCKING WING(SEE TABLE ON WATER SHEET) ///-0w\lI 3000 P S I CONCRETE 2 ROUND-UP TO MATCH THE CLOSEST CAPACITY IN GALLONS PER THE CHART 9 2'.8 DANFOSS FLOWMATIC CHECK VALVE(PART 8 3235) U DENOTES SERVICE MARKER POST 1 11 2"ER/VALVE BOX,DFW 1324C-12-2 w/"SEWER"ON LID \—/ (J�1 11 METER/VALVE CAP(s) SPRINGLINE ® SEXIER PIPE GRINDER PUMP STATION GREASE INTERCEPTOR DETAIL OF PIPE B" FORCE MAIN CONNECTION _ 10.9" ` e—I "o NOTE ENGINEER TO VERIFY THAT THE SIZ OF SERVICE IS ADEQUATE �01� I 1 ") J O1°FALL" ISTO ADJUST""DROLL HISFINDING. TO SINGLE GRAVITY SERVICE 1. cork.Box SHALL BE az-MIN.DEPTH BUT SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE CDTHE SIZE PIPE AND TYPE OF AIR RELEASE VALVE REQUIRED WHERE TOP OF SEWER PIPE IS WITHIN 2' REQUIRED,WITH OPEN BOTTOM,PRECAST WITH ®Q N IC9 2"SEWAGE FORCE MAIN MANIFOLD OF FINISHED GRADE UNLESS ALTERNATE DETAIL IS NOTCH TO ACCOMMODATE PIPE INSTALLED WITH I x CO I APPROVED BY THE CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 36"COVER FROM TOP OF PIPE TO FlNISH GRADE, (� SERVICE CONNECTION DETAIL RAGOT THROUGH90'OR ESS ROW W AND ON 12"OF#57 STONE WITH FILTER FABRIC E-I H 1` CONCRETE CAP FOR SEWER PIPES ALUMINUM Access HATCH ABOVE AND BELOW THE STONE. I,' FOR MEDIUM TO HIGH PRESSURE CONNECTION SYSTEMS � w •_••MIN ,DUNES-LEAF,SIZE To ALLOW FULL, 4�/1� :1:° AOPEN PPROVEDEEQUAL L(H20 WHEELOR Air& z CONTRACTOR SHALL PRONDE �y Z O SQUARE SHOP DRAWING OF BOX WITH ELEVATION DIFFERENCE LOADING WHEN REQUIRED) DIMENSIONS FOR APPROVAL BY C.CUA Z w Oc.coR"-sTo"CouIBHEo RAGE SOR-2G ACROSS MANHOLE 1 "�•'!` eE IN a ASSED BASSED UPON ACTuL AND SHALL0Z o3SIZE OF PIPE INSTALLED W6"eDR-IB RBIG FlNISHED FLOORAIR RELEASE VALVE i=1l� MI a' z6'45'BEND(DR-t8) 6%4"(DR'�26) H�A0rE%ISTNC FORCE MAIN Cr6"a5'BEND SPIWi x G BELLMIry % "; a ate®�-®� Y SEDIATE/BUCKET ----- ~( A W FLOOR DRAIN.ZURN CO. MODEL NO. 1 SIZE 0 PER FOOT WN 00 MPH a i C� a ;1)-4 WYE(DR-18) '" 7�.i//�� �F//��•�S S°FSCREE Z-415B WI M mrl�� OOO �151 %6' a x " �� 4/� ��� 2W5-A-NBw/SO-2-2698 �� �./�C'),� H2 B29jr NOTE.WIDTH VAIRES TO ACCEPT /i � 6"DR-18 • � � PIPESIZESOVER8"I1T/ IC �/ I22"VALMATIC COMBINA- TON AIR/VACUUM VALVE ,� SHORT BOGY NO 48/301 >\ 3 1 2 O zb ab s b V �s SEWER SERVICE LATERAL ON —� sTANLESs STEEL SCREEN , sewq OR APPROVED EQUAL �I GRAVITY MAIN 13'OR DEEPER c■�`�� PIPE SIZE x r ss.TAPPING SADDLE Z�'� + NOTE: ■ � 2"x4"SS NIPPLE IIp MATERIAL LIST FLOORTDR n ANOONLt°Wt1xSPRPOR APPROVAL FROM THE CLAvxCWNttTUTUtt AUTHORITY. ; > APPROVED LOCK W1NG u ' FOR PIPE 10'OR SMALLER A 4'DIAMETER,NOTCHED O 2"BRONZE BALL VALVE MANHOLE CAN BE USED FOR AIR RELEASE VALVE C.).411r:11)6 'z i A:"�ssTnirvLEELssas'ieii SADDLE FLOOR DRAIN WITH STRAINER DETAIL © • i a SET MANHOLE ON MIN of 4 SOLID CONCRETE 3 2^H D BRONZE BALL qp LVE((FULL OPENING) BLOCKS SPACED EVENLY AROUND THE 5 2"SCH 80 PIPE AD TER(S x FIPi) p5J STONE WITH FINES BACKFILL WITH MANHOLE W/A MIN OF 12"p5]STONE WITH rd F FINES TIGHTLY COMPACTED TO SPRING FILTER FABRIC ABOVE AND BELOW THE STONE ti 6 2^,90'SCH 80 BEND((S x 5)) LINE OF SEWER MAN SIZE NOTCH TO FlT PIPE SIZE A ��\„/// �p ?J v ] 2 90'SCH 80 BEND(S x T) (3'MIN.CLEARANCE ALL AROUND) I � �� 8 (3)2"BRONZE BALL VALVE W/LOCKING WING(SEE TABLE ON WATER SHEET) I<C 9 2^508 DANFOSS FLOWMATIC CHECK VALVE(PART A 3235) MIN 6"#57 UNDER BOTTOM OF PVC DOUBLE BELL TEE WYE] FILTER FABRIC TOP VIEW 10 METER/VALVE BO%,DEW 1324C-12-2 w/"SEWER"ON LID SEWER MAIN AND FITTING, REPAIR COUPLING 11. I. SCH.40 CAP(5)) COMPACTED TO GRADE PRIOR TO FILTER FABRIC 2. 2"TEE W/2%,/2"BUSHING INSTALLING TEE WYE.AND REPAIR 13 1/2"STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE W/BALL VALVE&PLUG COUPLING STONE BACKFILL TO SANITARY SEWAGE FORCE MAIN NOTE ENGINE TO ADJUST ACCORDING TIZE OF SERVICE IS ADEQUATE EXTEND MIN OF 1 5'BEYOND ALL EER TO VERIFY TTAi THE S AND 0 HIS FINDING FITTINGS,AND UP TO SPRING LINE .,• AIR RELEASE VALVE VAULT OFSEW of SEWER MAXI.COVER ALL of AIR RELEASE VALVE VAULT SEWAGE FORCE MAIN MANIFOLD FILTER BEFORE MATERIAL CUTTING IN SERVICE LATERAL TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 12"OR LARGER BACKFILL EXCAVATION To BE TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 10"OR SMALLER SERVICE CONNECTION(WITH PRESSURE GAUGE FITTING) DEWATERED AND DRY DURING ALL TO EXISTING SEWER MAIN SHEET NO. FOR LOW PRESSURE RECEIVING SYSTEMS PHASES of CUTTING IN New wrE. FOR CREATING ARTIFICIAL HEAD PRESSURE 216 ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH R RtiN1, INE IJ% DOUBLE-LEAF,SIZE TO ALLOW FULL, \NRi OF LNE 0F�``y E'TM� . PER1;i 3'S'MIN SQUARE OPEN ACCESS. swgy`. PRo f'TM/ / IINF Ppo� a A RIgN %�� NF 501C m, e )OF `'\ / ``� NF METER FLANGE, C ` / MECH.JT. UNI-FLANGE ADAPTOR re r 1 x I 1/2"STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLE. /` 0 iD f�j GATE VAL OR APPROVED EQUAL MECH.JT.GATE VALVE a' 4'-0 SIZE ON SIZE,(NO DUAL RANGE SADDLES ALLOWED) 04 41 / �j. 1. X 1-1/2"STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLE CCUA B 2 1 1/2"x 3"SCH 40 STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE(ONLY ONE .0 0 0 m -I® (NO DUAL RANGE SADDLES ALLOWED) t 0 2 0 2. 1-1/2"x3"SCH 40 STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE ONE g" METER 8" d e REQ'D.WHEN TAPPING MAIN NOT UNDER PRESSURE) 0 1. x1"STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLE, 0 - 0 REQ'D.WHEN TAPPING MAIN NOT UNDER PRESSURE) -1 MINI - MIN. �aa U 0 � ^ 2A 1 1/2"BRONZE BALL VALVE(REQ'D ONLY WHEN TAPPING MAIN UNDER PRESSURE) SIZE ON SIZE, (NO DUAL RANGE SADDLES ALLOWED) 0 � ^ 2A 1-1/2"BRONZE BALL VALVE(REQ'D.ONLY WHEN TAPPING MAIN UNDER PRESSURE) ( I ( �utm w -0 3. 11/2"SCH 80 FEMALE ADAPTER(SxFIPT) 2. 1"x3"SCH 40 STAINLESS STEEL NIPPLE(ONLY ONE 0 �l OP 3. 3. 1-1/2"SCH 80 PVC FEMALE ADAPTER �I1011l-■-I I•••II'• . �V zz� 4 1"SCH 40 PIPE(PURPLE) © REQ'D WHEN TAPPING MAIN NOT UNDER PRESSURE) 0 0 ' _Q 9' 4. 1-1/2"SCH 40 PVC PIPE(PURPLE) II .., llII 6 I I g" o ��w000000o p 5 11/2"x 1"SCH.80 RED.BUSHING(SxS) 0 2A.I'BRONZE BALL VALVE(REQ'D ONLY WHEN TAPPING MAIN UNDER PRESSURE) "' 0 5. 1-1/2"SCH 80 PVC TEE(Szsxs) MIN z MIN. - vj wm°'5....rcrcrc 5 6 8. 1"x 90°SCH.80 BEND(Sx5) © 3. I'SCH 80 FEMALE ADAPTER(SxFIPT) g, 1-1/2"x 1'SCH 80 PVC REDUCING BUSHING(Sx5),AS REQUIRED _ w > \y� 0 7. 1"z 12'SCH 40 PVC PIPE(PURPLE) V w,ti�OCCOOOOCO © ]. 1'SCH 40 PIPE(PURPLE) 0 NO 4. 1-x6"SCH40PVCPIPE(PURPLE) 8. 1"X90°SCH80PVCBEND(SXS) 0 8 1"x90°SCH 80 BEND(SxT) 5. 1"x90°SCH BO PVC ELL(Sx5) Illktilli • © 9 iSl6"SCH.80 NIPPLE(TxT) 8. 1'SCH 40 PVC PIPE(PURPLE) 0 9. 1"SCH 40 PVC PIPE(PURPLE) ®. �J 10.1"LOCKING WING BALL VALVE(SEE TABLE ON WATER DETAILS SHEET) 7. I^x 90°SCH BO PVC ELL.(SxFIPT) / 10.1"z 90°SCH 80 PVC BEND(SzT) f w�o�Q�rc�_w QQNQQ 8. 1'x 6"SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE(TxT) 11.1"x 6"SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE(TxT) w 5 Zw�o a a 11.1"x 3/4"BRASS BUSHING(TZFIPT) 12.1"LOCKING WING BALL VALVE(SEE TABLE ON WATER DETAILS SHEET) z w?woQ¢aln�a a ache 0 *Nip 9. 1'LOCKING WING BALL VALVE(SEE TABLE ON WATER DETAILS SHEET) NOTES: O 2 METER BOX-SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL. 13.1"x 3/4"BRASS REDUCING BUSHING(Tx FIPT) a 10. 1'x3/4"BRASS RED.BUSHING(Tx FIPT) 14.METER BOX-SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL ono 0o as aaaaa 11.METER BOX-SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL 1. ALL PIPE TO BE D.I. - ww�ww�omwwmm 2. ALL VALVES&FITTINGS TO BE DUCTILE IRON. "ww'w'oEwwww�� 3. MINIMUM LENGTH OF 8 DIAMETERS OF STRAIGHT PIPE TO rcrcrcrcrcrcrca�raurara�ra LONG SINGLE RECLAIMED SERVICES SHORT SINGLE RECLAIMED SERVICES DOUBLE RECLAIMED SERVICES BE INSTALLED ON INLET SIDE OF METER. 4. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS TO BE SAME SIZE AS METER. rc rc rcrcorcrcrcAHssoR' �m NOTE:ALL RECLAIMED WATER SERVICES ARE TO BE INSTALLED ON ONE LOT LINE AND POTABLE WATER SERVICES ARE TO BE INSTALLED ON THE 5. CONC.BOX SHALL BE42"DEEP WITH OPEN BOTTOM, OTHER.THIS IS TO ALLOW SEPARATION OF THE TWO WATER SERVICES.SEWER SERVICES ARE TO BE INSTALLED AT THE MIDDLE OF THE LOT. PRECAST I NSTALLLED ONOTCH O12"OF#571STONE ODATE PIPE INSTALLED 6. Contractor SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING OF BOX WITH -- <o 2"CURB STOP-FIP 2'POLY WITH BRASS DIMENSIONS FOR APPROVAL BY CCUA. �� A aa»> (SEE NOTE42) FITTING CLOSE NIPPLE FINAL INSPECTION PROCEDURES OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION 7. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM AND SHALL BE INCREASED BASED UPON ACTUAL SIZE OF METER PROVIDED. METES BOX FRO.WATER EBOW5PL OF RECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM S. THE COST OF THE METER WILL BE ASSESSED TO DEVELOPER mmnw4r<nry mrenwN,z METER BOX FOR I'METER ELBOW&PLUG 5" 2" 8.5' 2' 5" w/HEAVY DUTY IRON LID UNDER SEPARATE AGREEMENT.THE METER ONLY WILL BE PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION,THE Contractor SHALL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING:1 The pressure test and flushing report. 01. INTENTION.It is the declared and acknowledged intention to secure a new reclaimed water distribution system,complete,in accordance FURNISHED TO THE CONTRACTOR BY THE CLAY COUNTY hI 2.The Engineer of Record certification to FDEP;this can be done with preliminary as-b/Ilts. with the plans and specifications,and contract documents.All new work shall be in accordance with Clay County Utility Authority Specifications UTILITY AUTHORITY AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL a.Preliminary as-bullts snowing at least the knowing:Iocetion of valves,mains,services and manholes. and Details and Approved Materials Manual and Clay County Engineering Department Details and Specifications and any other Government FINISHED GRADE 4 All services and valves a be plainly mantes with a o-eated fence post. Regulatory Agency.All work shall conform to the above whether or not specifically called out or noted on the plans. THE METER TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION SHOWN HEREON. ,�\�\\\\\�\\�\�\\%\\ ICI-®I //VI ', 5.The reclaimed water use waming sign/signs shall be installed. \ a �� \ ,� 02. GENERAL.All materials shall be in conformance to National Sanitation Foundation(NSF)61 and those listed in the CCUA Approved n LOCATE WIRE END Materials Manual.Materials shall be warranted by the Contractor as to materials,workmanship and accuracy of As-built drawings fora period of METER VAULT-3 AND LARGER METERS two years from the date of completion of the work or beneficial use of the facilities.Workmanship shall be of good quality;i.e.,mains shall be laid z o > LOCATE WIRE i PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE FOR OWNERSHIP,THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED in a uniform alignment,fittings shall be properly restrained,trenches shall be properly excavated and backfilled,and valve boxes shall be adjusted 3 y i w (SEE NOTE.) I I 1.Reclaimed water service must be lowered and meter boxes Installed,valve boxes must be set on all gate valves,recast concrete valve to finished grade. o O U Q O ej box collar must be In place on all gate valves. 2'-0" / 31Y1'' 1'(�I, 2.As-bu lldrawingsshall have been updated to accommodate the Clay County Utility Authority's comments(shall comply to the guidance 02.1 Contractor LICENSE AND APPROVAL.Utility reserves the right to approve or deny approval of Contractor prior to construction of any 2'POLY ��1�•Iti=� �1•Iw�1, set krth In CCUA's'As-built 5peci8cabons Standards Manual',which can be obtained from CCUq's websRe acrOs SayWllty org) on-site or off-site utility facilities.Contractor must hold a State Of Florida Underground Utility Contractors license,that named contracting 2'OF 457 ROCK L7 3.As-builte must be accepted by the Clay County Utility Authority. company being the one doing the work on project,and demonstrate acceptable experience in the field of utility construction. ' 34"LETTERING r^ 2'BALL VALVE I y� BELOW BOX �.' 4 All valves and sngle servicesshould be scribed ncurb and painted the correc[color for each 03. SURVEYS.The Utility Contractor shall provide all surveys necessary for the layout and construction of the work of his contract. WE IRRIGATE WITH VJ •• •f-•A 3,000 p el.CONC 04. EARTHWORK.Earthwork shall include WI excavation,fill and backfill(hand/machine),Coco action and rough radio of materials UNIVERSAL RED SYMBOL s .s- P s grading RECLAIMED WATER ll`F7-_1 `� � ��• PLAN encountered.No unsuitable materials clay,muck,or peat removed from pipe trenches are to be used for backfll.All fill or backfill shall be either RECLAI I I, sand or sandy clay,free of roots,trash or other debris.All backfill alongside of and to a height twenty-four inches above all pipe shall be free of Z 0 �0� 1/8"THK ALUMINUM SHEET PANEL TO BE 0 MAIN 23 5'0 clayor organic material,compacted byeither hand or machine operation careful) to 98%.All other backfill shall be compacted byeither hand or `y DO NOT DRINK® NO 2'90°BRASS COMPRESSION r9 pac P y p WHITE REFLECTION VINYL SIGN WI BLACK FITTING ELBOWS(TYP) lirrIMEMBESIll machine operation carefully to 95%(outside of paving),98%under paving)of its optimum moisture content as determined byASTM D698,latest. BEBER ( P 9) P LETTERS.POST TTO BE PAINTED BLACK. WATER SERVICE MARKER REQUIRED FOR Copies of compaction density test reports from a licensed testing agency shall be made available to CCUA if requested. ATTACH SIGN TO POST W/SS FASTENERS. TAPPED PLUG(IF NECESSARY) NEW DEVELOPMENT AREAS(SEE NOTE.) Fa IrIkration Call: H U 05. JOINT RESTRAINT.All fittings shall be property and adequately restrained against lateral movement at all water main tees,crosses, CLAY OQUNfYUfL1YAUfHOR1Y 272-$999 valves,bends and fire hydrants.Restrainers shall be Uni-Flange Series 1300,1350,1390 or approved equal installed per Manufacturers NOTES © w SET AT FINAL GRADE(NOTE re) _ recommendations and Clay County Utility Authority Details and Specifications(SEE RESTRAINED JOINT SCHEDULE).See CCUA Approved - Cu Materials Manual for acceptable restraints I - I_L_ 1. PIPE SHALL BE POLYETHYLENE FITTINGS SHALL BE BRASS. ` METER BOOS COVER M 06. DUCTILE IRON PIPE.Ductile iron pipe shall conform to ANSI Specification A21.50(AW WA C150)latest,"Thickness Design of Ductile Iron 2 THE 2"CURB STOP SHALL BE ALL BRONZE FITTINGS SHALL BE BRASS _#3 CONT. (NOTE 81) Pipe",Table 50.5,laying condition Type 2,internal operating pressure of 250 p.s.i.for an 8-foot depth of cover,Class 51 minimum and shall be U 3 LOCATE WIRE FOR 10.OR GREATER IN LENGTH SECTION ANSI A21.51 AW WA C151 latest centrifugally cast pipe.Laying lengths shall be 20 feet or less in length,and shall be clearlymarked with 4. CANNOT BE PLACED UNDER CONCRETE OR PAVEMENT. CURB STOP ( ), 9 y y 9 9 9 L LI 5 PLACE FEET PAST LAST WATER MAIN SERVICE CONNECTIONpressure rating,thickness,class,height without lining,ten Ili,and Manufacturer.Ductile iron 2'z 2'z 1/8"x 4'-6' PRECAST CONCRETE LOCATE WIRE I , 9 pipegpipe um tensile shall be furnished with ALUM.POST - END k. cement lining per AW WA C110,C115 and C151 The pipe shall have design values of 60,000 p.s.i.minimum tensile strength,and 42,000 p s.i. r� FLUSHING VALVE BELOW GRADE Z I minimum yield strength.All ductile iron piping shall be wrapped with purple tape and stamped"Reclaimed Water"on at least two sides 12"o.c. N v J VALVE BOX COLLAR X \��j�j\�j �CATEWI E���j�j��¢ I . instance pipe a eel.Ductile iron dati for reclaimed pe water or service lines shall be u10'in any ermain right-of-way,between Itha a3".any L . LOCATE WIRE � 1{1 instance where a building foundation or other permanent appurtenance in within 10'of the water main or a service line larger than 3". L . ❑ ALONG PIPE a fv 07. DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS shall be C153 cement lined and suitable for the type and class of pipe to which connected.Gaskets shall be LL Z NATURAL/FINISHED GRADE - •��' suitable for reclaimed water service.Minimum working pressure shall be 150 p.s.i. L �1�1 08. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE.Polyvinyl chloride pipe for water mains 4 inch through 24 inches in diameter,shall be DR18(C900) A LOCATE WIRE SHALL BE PLACED ON SERVICES)OFT OR GREATERI 1111 1,111 ' Pressure Class 235 psi PVC 1120;reclaim mains above 24 inches in diameter shall be DR25(C900)PVC 1120,Pressure Class 165 psi, SINGLE RECLAIM WATER SERVICE GANG WATER SERVICES GANG WATER SERVICES ` conforming to ASTM D-1784,D-2241,D-3139 and F-477,latest,or P.V.C.C900,Class 165,DR-25,conforming to ASTM D-1784,Cell Class !� BRASS ADAPTER CO METER COUPLINGS ° J 3 OR4 RECLAIM SERVICES 5OR MORE RECLAIM SERVICES AND COUPLER 12454,ASTM F-477,ASTM D-3139,latest,and shall bear the seal of the National Sanitation Foundation.Pipe shall be color coded and marked P/L P/L (SEE NOTE#5) (SEE NOTE a5) SET METER ON UNDISTURBED "RECLAIMED WATER"at every 12"along the barrel of the pipe,with lettering facing up.Couplings shall be rubber gasketed,push-on type ❑ Q f0'CCUNCEC SERVICE SADDLE POLYETHYLENE OR COMPACTED SOIL conforming to ASTM D-2122. r ELECTRICAL METER w/ (SEE NOTE#2) RECLAIM SERVICE LINE ' ° CONCRETE EASEMENT CURB STOP (100LF MAX,NOTE#3) SET CURB STOP AS CLOSE TO 09. STEEL CASING PIPE.Steel casing pipe shall be of size indicated on the Drawings and shall conform to ASTM A139,with a minimum yield - POST ANCHOR Ll^I WALL AS POSSIBLE(2"MAX) R,w 15� 20'MAX _ / strength of 35,000 p.s.i. LLI 1I 1I 1" strength POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC 1120,SCHEDULE 40)PIPE shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 1785.Fittings and threaded - �}■ ■ �}■ 1"POLY 7 7 ■- /�,�� TAPS Is o•-4s°�NGE FOR nipples shall be Schedule 80 PVC.All piping smaller than 4"shall be Schedule 40 or Schedule 80 as detailed.Schedule 40 PVC pipe shall be ° ° , - ❑ T T Pantone purple 522C and marked"Reclaimed Water". 1"POLY TUBING 1'MIP PACK `J 11. GATE VALVES AND BOXES.Gate valves shall be non-rising stem type and shall be suitable for a 200 p.5.1.non-shock working pressure. ( ~ J wrr'FITTING JOINT COUPLING Gate valves shall be mechanical joint flanged or screwed.Gate valves shall have a 2"operating nut and open left.Gate valves shall have joints m a U 1 -MULTISERVICE'Y' II II II DISTRIBUTION MAIN 4a LLI LJ Ly y ��1.5"POLY TUBING ` _ (2"FIP INLET AND suitable for the type of main on which installed.Valves 3"and larger shall be iron body,bronze fitted with resilient seat.Valves shall be of W 3 OR 1'FIP OUTLET) DOMESTIC(American)manufacture and shall be those listed in CCUA Approved Material Manual.Valves 16"and larger shall be AWWA C-515. j B. ° 0 '^ LONGSIDE RECLAIM SERVICE 2"NIP PACK 1 .1 NOTES Valve boxes with screw extensions shall be provided for all gate valves.Boxes shall be of cast iron construction,7/32"minimum wall thickness (Y V J POLY TUBING(1^MIN) JOINT COUPLING 4"D.I.MAIN(MIN) 1 SEE CCUA APPROVED MATERIALS MANUAL AND SYSTEM DETAILS FOR REQUIREMENTS/ and shall be nontacky tar enamel coated.The word"RECLAIMED WATER"shall be cast in the cover.Other gate valves smaller than 2"shall be heavy-duty bronze ball valves.Box covers to bepaintedp ›- 2"POLY TUBING�• SERVICESEPARATION INATA H WHERE MULTIPLE y- ty primedasdbe onbe Purple llaG. RECLAIMED WATER USE/WARNING SIGN ��n/� 24'SE A WI TAPS ARE 2 SINGLE BAND SADDLES MAYBE UTILIZED ON NEW)'RECLAIM WATER SERVICES WHICH ARE INSTALLED ONA DRY 10"SIZE OR 12he RECLAIMED WATER METER BOXES eDeveloperoadshall responsible for installation 52ation of meter boxes on all water services as part of the VJ MIN.NO GLUED TEES) CONSTRUCTED SMALLER RECLAIM WATER MAIN(NEW RECLAIM WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION).FOR WET TAPS OR WATER MAINS 12 SIZE AND water main installation.All curb stops shall be adjusted to the proper elevation and shall be accessible for the installation of the water meter.The 7 R OADW A Y LARGER,A DOUBLE BAND SADDLE IS REQUIRED. Contractor shall be required to open all boxes for the Authority's inspector at the final inspection.A treated 6'-6"fence post marker shall be 2"SADDLE w/ 3 NO OPEN CUT UNDER ROADWAY PAVING ALLOWED UNLESS THE ROADWAY IS BEING RECONSTRUCTED OR IF DIRECTED installed at the side of and centered on the meter box and painted Pantone Purple 522C for identification.Meter boxes shall not be placed in any 1.5"POLY TUBING GATE VALVE(PIP) OTHERWISE BY CCUA.CONSTRUCT POLY LINE WITH 36"(MIN.)COVER UNDER ROADWAYS.THE POLY RECLAIM WATER SERVICE LINE sidewalk Or driveway without the approval of CCUA. 41/4"DIA. SHALL BE SAME SIZE AS THE METER(3/,MINIMUM)AND BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO THE MAIN AND NOT EXCEED 100LF z MAX(SEE NOTE#4) 4^G.V.(MIN) 13 CURB STOPS Curb stops shall be cast bronze,inverted key stop,roundway,with check,lack wing type,for locking in the closed position. 21/8-DIA. 3/g^ G 7$� ' UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE BY CCUA S H I I A I RECLAIM MAIN I • � "'� See CCUA Approved Materials Manual for acceptable curb stops. Cr) SHORT-SIDE RECLNMSERVICE 4 INSTALL PVC PLUG IN ALL CURB STOPS IF RECLAIM WATER SERVICE IS NOT IN USE IF NO METER IS INSTALLED)IN ADDITION, 14. PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES(when and where required)The pressure educing valve shall maintain a constant delivery pressure as o ° o ° SHORT-SIDE \ POLY TUBING(1"MIN.) INSTALL A 6',12 PT FENCE POST(TOP PAINTED BLUE)12"OFF THE SIDE OF THE METER BOX.THE REMOVAL OR TRANSFER OF A part of the service to each residential irrigation system.Pressure reducing valves shall conform with the standard requirements of the ASSE(Std. ii D%.° °RECLAIM SERVIC METER BOX(TYP) RECLAIM WATER SERVICE SHALL INCLUDE BRASS METER COUPLINGS(HEX ON BARREL TYPE) Q ° ° °O °POLY TUBING 1003)and WPOA Uniform Plumbing Code.Approved model:Watts Series U5B or equal. ° ° ° [� (1"MIN) 5.THE Contactor SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE METER OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES IF DAMAGED 15. INSTALLATION.The minimum cover over top of reclaimed water main shall be 48".All lines and appurtenances shall be thoroughly ° ° RECLAIMEW° ° ° �y BY THE convamr DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. cleaned of all foreign matter before being lowered into the trench and shall be kept clean during laying operations b means of plugs or other METER-✓ 9 9 P 9 Y 9 P Y P 9 °°o°o METER o%%o o• Fc=i 1-4 2 rn ® BOX(WI.) 6 METER BOX AND TOP SHALL BE CLEAR OF ALL DEBRIS TO ALLOW FULL ACCESS TO BOXi a NO DIRT,TRASH OR OTHER DEBRIS approved methods.All pipe shall be checked for defects before being lowered into the trench.Defective pipe shall not be used.Pipe found to be PLACED ON TOP OF BOX). defective after installation,shall be removed and replaced with sound pipe at no additional expense to the Owner.The full length of each section ° ° ° ° ° ° ° �..I Cn Lm'ccuacac of pipe shall rest solidly upon the pipe bed,with recesses excavated to accommodate the bells and joints.All pipe that has the grade or joint Gj� �° °o D J""1�"a LO 1' 1' 7 LOCATE WIRING REQUIRED ON ALL SERVICES 10'OR GREATER IN LENGTH/OFFSET GREATER THAN 2' ° ° EASEMENT O // METER BOX ELECTRICAL EASEMENT disturbed ha work.All joints laying shalt be be of all foreign matter before a making the Joint Fittings at bends when rthe pipe shall beproperly restrained unsuitable for joint CJ g y The or cipQ ELECTRIC BOX LOCATION j OR DRAINAGE (NEAR ELECTRICAL RECLAIM WATER SERVICE DETAIL 1^LETTER N EASEMENT P/L BOX,NOTE kt) restrainers adequately sized to prevent movement and dislocating or blowing off when the line is under pressure.Service laterals shall terminate z O MOTE gal P/L P/L at the point noted in the details.All reclaimed mains shall be installed with tracer wire per CCUA standard location wire details. _ '"� N RAN:RIGHT OF WAY LINE CIr AND SMALLER METER 16. SEPARATION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS.Maximum separation of reclaimed water lines and _ m �z _ potable water lines shall be practiced. 13Va" LT. P/L PROPERTY LINEP DOUBLE 1"RECLAIM WATER SERVICE A minimum horizontal separation of three feet outside-to-outside,shall be maintained between reclaimed water mains and either potable water a 0 W (SEE NOTE 86) mains or wastewater pipes.Reclaimed water mains crossing under water mains shall be laid to provide a minimum vertical separation of 18 5uI «rc n 5 0 NOTES inches between the invert of the upper pipe and the crown of the lower pipe.Where the minimum separation cannot be maintained,the crossing / \y g CG L Q 03 shall be arranged such that the reclaimed water main pipe joints and potable water main joints are equidistant from the point of crossing with no 17-7/8" rA &,"J I�IOa 1 THE SKETCHES ABOVE INDICATE TYPICAL RECLAIM WATER SERVICE AND METER BOX LOCATIONS ACTUAL LOCATIONS OF BOXES MAY VARY �♦4 PAINTED PURPLE less than ten feat between joints.Alternatively,the reclaimed water main shall be placed in a sleeve to obtain the equivalent of the required ten a ta L4 SLIGHTLY ACCORDING TO FIELD CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED TYPICALLY,THE METER BOX SHALL LOCATED 10'OFF OF THE RAY LINE. 4 feet separation Where there is no altemative to reclaimed water pipes crossing over a water main,the criteria for minimum separation between _ 20-1/8" 10-1/2" - y g 3 � a z ♦♦ lines and joints shall be required. _ 19-1/2° _ - Pail a g �4 c0 Ll 2 UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE BY THE APPLICABLE COUNTY(CLAY OR BRADFPROPERTY RD),THE METER BOX SHALL BE LOCATED IO'ES,OFF THE FEW LINE, m .: Be--LONG,TREATED FENCE POST 17. PIPE FLUSHING.All reclaimed water system piping shall be flushed with clean water utilizing full pipe diameter Flushing.In cases where 18-1/2 - to 0arc g I-� H N q 0 AND 1 0'FOOT INSIDE OF THE PROLONGATION OF ONE OF THE SIDE PROPERTY LINES IF A CONFLICT EXISTS WITH OTHER UTILITIES,THE METER BOX to MAY BE ADJUSTED TO FOUR FEET(MAX)INSIDE PROPERTY LINES(IN LIEU OF 1.0'FEET)UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE BY CCUA THE WATER METER �I the water supply is inadequate I flush the bull pipe diameter,flushing Shall occur to the extent of the water supply that is available.All flushing i- - P� F'EJ L^O BOX SHALL BE LOCATED IN NON-TRAFFIC AREAS(NOT IN SIDEWALKS OR DRIVEWAYS)IF AN UNAPPROVED METER BOX IS IDENTIFIED BY CCUA THEN OF I REPOSITION OF METER BOX �� �� .. a THE CONTRACTOR OR CUSTOMER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF RELOCATING ANY METER BOX WHICH IS LOCATED IN THE SIDEWALK OR METER BOX �, AFTER must be contained. R INSTALLATION OF METER pipe ) completed, newly pipe andpp j /�4 18. TESTS.After theis laid,the'oints and the trench backfilled,the laid appurtenances shall be subjected to a oaIVEWAY OR THE COST TO PROVIDE THE CORRECT METER BOX.CCUA SHALL APPROVE ALL DEVIATIONS TO THE ABOVE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. �� (BY OTHERS) Hydrostatic and Leakage test of 150 pounds per square inch for a period of at least two hours.During this period,all joints shall be inspected to 1-1/8"R. r 3.IF DRAINAGE OR OTHER EASEMENT IS LOCATED BETWEEN LOTS,METER BOXES SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE EASEMENT LINE BUT OUTSIDE THE j1 0 ��. �'..uyiu,-'i determine water tightness of the system.Any leaks detected shall be corrected.tests shall be in accordance with the CCUA's requirements and `,,e, EASEMENT AREA _ 1 1 1 specifications.Curb and limerock maybe installed after construction of the reclaimed water mains,however,Ilmerock priming cannot proceed until 6 �' III- -III - RUSSCO MB-2822 g, I � "..!: 4.FOR SINGLE SERVICES.THE HORIZONTAL DISTANCE(PERPENDICULAR TO THE MAIN)BETWEEN THE SERVICES SADDLE AND THE METER BOX SHALL - Such time as the CCUA inspector approves the reclaimed water distribution system pressure test This will be Strictly enforced.If the reclaimed �• 'Y BE 2 FEET MAXIMUM.FOR DOUBLE 1"SERVICES,THE 1Y,"POLY MAIN SHALL BE LOCATED CENTERED BETWEEN THE TWO METER BOXES LOCATE WIRE rinpp pp1n1InI water system is damaged during any of the operations prior to paving,a follow up test may be required by the Clay County Utility Authority. Nj IS REQUIRED ON ALL SERVICES 10'OR GREATER IN LENGTH IF LOCATE WIRE IS REQUIRED,THE WIRE SHALL RUN FROM THE METER BOX TO THE MAIN ,'1iI�IIII�llllll III- 19. WARNING SIGN Each development,subdivision,or commercial establishment,regardless Of the number of buildings,shall install �: (WITH NO CONNECTION TO MAIN WIRE WITH THE LAST 24 INCHES STRIPPED OF INSULATION/BARE WIRE AS GROUND).ALL EXCEPTIONS TO THIS A d' 44(17) REQUIREMENT MUST BE APPROVED BY CCUA THIS WILL ASSIST IN LOCATING EXISTING SERVICE LINES IN THE FUTURE. _-_-_-III- reclaimed Water use waming signs at the enfran.Or any other street or driveway entering any properties which use reclaimed Water.The signs r =III-III-III- i//A shall meet the requirements of CCUA details and specifications.The signs shall be a requirement whether shown on plans or not.Direction of Y ,?, 5 GANG WATER SERVICES.FOR 3 OR 4 SERVICES IN ONE AREA,A DUCTILE IRON PIPE(DJ P.)WATER MAIN EXTENSION W/LOCATE WIRE MAY BE locating those signs shall be giventhe CCUA inspector on site. 3" 6' UTILIZED ON EITHER SHORT-SIDE OR LONG SIDE SERVICES WHERE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS LOCATE WIRE SHALL EXTEND FROM ONE METER BOX 1 I=III- III-1 999 by Prt ti TO CURB STOP AT WATER MAIN.FOR 5 OR MORE SERVICES IN ONE AREA,A WATER MAIN EXTENSION W/LOCATE WIRE MAY BE UTILIZED ON EITHER `- 20. POLYETHYLENE TUBING SERVICE LINES AND MAINS(2 NCH AND SMALLER): 0 'v SHORT-SIDE OR LONG SIDE SERVICES WHERE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS(TAPS STAGGERED AND AT2 FEET ON CENTER-MIN).FOR WATER SUPPLY Tubing shall be manufactured Of PE 4710,High Density Polyethylene(HDPE),in accordance with AW WA C901,ASTM D1248,ASTM D2239, RUSSCO `t HEADERS WHERE 5 OR MORE TAPS ARE CONSTRUCTED,THE HEADER PIPE SHALL BE 4'ATAMINIMUM EXAMPLE CONSTRUCT A 4'MAIN D I P ASTM D3737 and ASTM D3350.The tubingshall have a minimum workingpressure of 250psi.Polyethylene tubingshall bece copper size B-2821 HEAT N0\ NOTE. CROSSING THE STREET FOR 5 RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS,UTILIZING4'G V,4'PIPE,4,1"SADDLES AND I"CURB STOPS(NO GLUED TEE FITTINGS) y y PP �MB-2821T TOLERANCE SHOULD BE t 1/16", THE 4"OR LARGER D.I.P.WATER MAIN MUST BE SIZED AND DESIGNED BY THE ENGINEER. BRICK FOR METER BOX BRICK FOR METER BOX SDR-9 and shall be colored purple.HDPE pipe shall have ultraviolet(UV)inhibitors for protection against direct sunlight for 1 year.Inserts for UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, Z SUPPORT(TVA) RECLAIMED WATER SVC SUPPORT(TIP) polyethylene tubin a be utilized,at Contractors options,and,if used,shall be 316 stainless steel.The use of no-lead brass couplings,tees Z 9 may PMATERIAL:CAST IRON ASTM A48 CLASS 25B _O' ABOUT FOUR SIDES }i 8 DOUBLE)'RECLAIM WATER SERVICES IS ALLOWED FOR SHORT SIDE OR LONG SIDE SERVICES AND WHERE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ABOUT FOUR SIDES and"Y"fittings are acceptable on poly Service tubing,if not located under a roadway.Tubing shall be approved for use with potable water by the INDIA COATING'PAINTED 0 (n NOTE National Sanitation Foundation(NSF-14)and shall be continuously marked al Intervals of not more than four feet with the following: P//1 / WEIGHT:46 LBS(SET) I t,l 7 RECLAIMED WATER METER BOXES OR SERVICES SHALL BE LOCATED AT A MIN OF 1P FROM THE EXISTING POTABLE WATER SERVICE AND/OR BOX, toO 0 AND NOT ALLOWED IN CONCRETE OR ASPHALT UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE BY CCUA ALL SERVICES ARE TO BE CLEARLY MARKED BY A TREATED 6'-6.LONG MARKER POST PAINTED Nominal size Q ZlaJPURPLE ALL SERVICES ARE TO BE EXTENDED ABOVE GRADE UNTIL COMPLETION OF ALL Pressure ratnK,.....___ED -_- NRECLAIM WATER SERVICE INSTALLATIONS GRADING ACTIVITIES.ONCE FINAL ROAD GRADING IS COMPLETE,LOWER SERVICES BY CUTTINGNSF seal g <At ACAD FILE NAME OFF RISER 8"TO 10'BELOW FINAL GRADE AND INSTALL 90°BEND,NIPPLE AND LW BALL VALVE AT Manufacturer's name or trademark 3 I-p THAT ELEVATION.SET METER BOX OVER ENTIRE HORIZONTAL SECTION OF SERVICE LINE FROM ROME METER BOX& LID W/ lam. 1- REUSE1.DWG 2"AND SMALLER METER AST 9O°BEND TO THE END OF THE CURB STOP.BOX TOBE REPOSITIONED WHEN THE METER IS Standard dimension redo , SHEET NO. INSTALLED MARKER POST TO BE INSTALLED ADJACENT TO AND LOCATED AT THE MID SECTION ASTM specification TOUCH READ HOLE OF THE METER BOX. ON o W 2"' RECLAIMED SERVICE LOCATION POST 0IDX� 217 I-= U W O THESE DETAILS AS SHOWN sTm Englancl•Thim&MiBar.Inc. ON THIS DRAWING ARE BY 1075 ON N.Augustine Road Jactse mill,FL mu C.C.U.A. WE TAKE NO EXCEPTION TO THE DESIGN R.:MK)MAVIS i VISION•ISCPERI DICE•RE SUM .•00003686 LC,0060316 E E, - raFggg <4!!!!!`:7:' 2) E`g-`g-E-E- L1NEEEEE LE'LLT4§§§§ 'inin,,,E, t 88'858E g L., ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH DOUBLE-LEAF,SIZE TO ALLOW .2L,`,:It 3,6"MIN SQUARE , . FULL,OPEN ACCESS.HALLIDAY CO. OR APPROVED EQUAL.(H-20 WHEEL 1,00 71-MN‘-2 LOADING WHEN REQUIRED) El45:te.!!! .....Apr-,-, ta -'' 6"WALLS TYP. • M III) M E 2 H AIR RELEASE VALVE I ('-'I ffl=M=M ""'.---------/-----------'* Ill—Ill—Ill—I=F1 I=F11= 2"BRONZE LOCKING WING CURB STOP OR EQUAL r r co BROOKS 66S METER BOX W/CAST IRON COVER PRIMED AND NOTES PAINTED"PURPLE"(OR APPROVED EQUAL) AIR RELEASE VALVE WITH 3/16"ORIFICE,150 PSI Z 2 0 ° 2"PIPE CAP(SCH 80) : FINISHED GRADE . - I— A A , 1. CONC BOX SHALL BE 42"MIN DEPTH BUT SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO 1I I IthMthI I II I I-ffithrn // /// ///////,(////////// ff. D < ACCOMMODATE THE SIZE PIPE AND TYPE OF AIR RELEASE VALVE REQUIRED, '- - . .. Ca (-) WITH OPEN BOTTOM,PRECAST WITH NOTCH TO ACCOMMODATE PIPE \ 1"MIN \ 6 1 - INSTALLED WITH 36"COVER FROM TOP OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE,ON 12"OF CLR - \ ' # _ 4 . #57 STONE.WITH FILTER FABRIC ABOVE AND BELOW THE STONE. 20 1/2" \ 0 E— 0 1 \ N /1// . LL ' U) LE '\ \ \ \ \ N • 0 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING OF BOX WITH m \ \2"P.V.C.PIPE NIPPLE(SCH.80) (I) DIMENSIONS FOR APPROVAL BY C.C.U.A. 2"PVC BEND N \ \ a \ (SCH 80) \ 2"SCH 80 P.V.C.PIPE \ \ \ LIJ H Z 7 3 DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM AND SHALL BE INCREASED BASED . al \ < <UPON ACTUAL SIZE OF PIPE INSTALLED S.S. S.S. \ \ 11 (/) 2"SCH40 PVC \ - -I (PURPLE) I \ BRICK SUPPORT 2"\ , E TEE(S S.) a IF .<\ \ " 2"SCH 2"8 S 90°BEND CURB STOP 80 FEMALE _ ADAPTER(SXFIPT) ' I- NOTE,WIDTH VAIRES TO ACCEPT PIPE SIZES OVER 8" M 2"CURB STOP2 w 0.000 0000 . 00 000. .00000.00000. ii 00000 000.0. . 0 0 0_ 0. . 00 .0 ,\ 0.000. 00.00 0,00 15PCRUSHED ROCK °'0°0°'0,,° °- °°o-0 0 eSIR GRAVEL BELOW BOX O ° °0 Ill I 7Ziji 121 r 1 2"X4"SS NIPPLE STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLE (NO DUAL RANGE SERIES ALLOWED) at 111 o 0 0 0-00 00` 0 00 000 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 00 0 °0°0 0 0 0° 0°°0 0 0°. 000 _ 0 °0 0° 0 0 °O °0° 0 00 000 0 ° . 0.° 0 p0- ° °0 0°0° °0°°° ° 0.0 °0 00 I 0_°,) ' i . FOR PIPE 10"OR SMALLER A 4'DIAMETER,NOTCHED MANHOLE CAN BE USED FOR AIR RELEASE VALVE. SET MANHOLE ON MIN.OF 4 SOLID CONCRETE _I IL: (_) 0 m W 0 Er RECLAIMED MAIN .ELI- :Ell BwLiOACmKISN8PACED EVENLY AROUND THE MANHOLE CI OF 12"5557 STONE WITH FILTER C ABOVE AND BELOW THE STONE. AIR RELEASE VALVE DETAIL _ LI, NTS g FILTER FABRIC 0 `4 0 CURB STOP : L. CI I REUSE MAIN AIR RELEASE 5-4 0cf) I-I 0 1 11 111:1-/*,/ , x VALVE VAULT c9 00' g TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 12"OR SMALLER "' M (=I kn E-i E-Iccg ir4' I SIZE NOTCH TO FIT PIPE SIZE 4 z 0 `i= (3"MIN.CLEARANCE ALL AROUND) ,--, c.,1 Z ,......„ FILTER FABRIC 0 g REUSE MAIN AIR RELEASE i_4 0 w LT4 VALVE VAULT -• ,H-4,.0 rt g TO BE USED ON ALL PIPES 12"OR LARGER 0 c0 1:1 4 ...• s., ? -.. 0 4,7 ,•,.._.,,,,,,,) ACAD FILE NAME SHEET NO 218 T....„,„...____ Li • 5' 1.5' 3.5 1' 2' 1' _ F?... -r r .—t - !'.'. . ..,S .r. .•:r g...,:......: ::._:.._..!.,... ::,1.:. S ...—ram _ - _ S ..........i...i.:.,i..,.2.....,.- J R.B. !z if:,,,. s:.i ,.,:. :,4.,....,, .........t........ U.D. • ... ROOT BARHER R a Z— WwO . CENTERED • CSU' EXT ',JOE. SH _._ PA • NELS__. ., .,.GRA_ ,MALE . ECCa.2. HALL EE tij ..'<tESS ._ . L E r.. 'R BS` S .R. ER J` . Ili zi I I— Q EXTEND .A . ...N.... ..D_. .._P✓.. VJ Q. BARR:ER SHALL S=A..... OF ' .AN TH 04 M t AND A .- EL ,..TH-.THE LT ...A E C5✓.. E5, S W ix .. P:::.� C. .EK ON -P YS Q SA.PP ^A__SE ti 1_ 1- EASEMENT OR ANY TREE PLANTED . ... E OF __SCCA MAiN. OR ES.NO TREES SHALL BE PLANEED iN _ EASE.... . _ASE1'P., .. THE. . PRav',_0 NO TREES - SH.A_L BE o ANY _ _ _.. C OR_ER`. a 5 ROOT BARRIER DETAIL D 9 DLE:N.T.S.N.T,S, r F a..,, 7 . w r;nxo 7 1-r0.' ev'...., .r._r'_Q a 1ij `LLB rw Ev .. w 3... 1..;:-...7,2li . Fli. - _- 219 I II I � I I ` II STA 292+20 I (1) 12"x6" TEE 1 F I 0 ]0 50 (1) 6" GVW/ B&C I (I) FH 3-WAY 12 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB WM Feet \\A \ STA 292+04 \ 1 WM OVER SD (1) 12" TEE 1 (0.5' MIN. CLEAR) (2) 12" GV W/ B&C 94 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 WM \ \ \ I STA. 291+95 . I I / 6 (1) 12" PLUG I / Q (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT / 12" PVCV. 505D LF OF SAMPLE PT. #1 STA. 294+60 12" DR18 WM PROP. R/W LINE LOCATE WIRE BOX o EXIST. PROPERTY LINE M N .. .. _ .. .. .. x —. —. Y .,,-. —.�. .. h 1€ / \ ^ (I) 1/2" TEMP. SAMPLE TAP I - Jo (1) 12" SLEEVE !. _ _--- cc CONNECT TO EXISTING WM — — -- — —'�� — � N SAMPLE PT. #2 — o a0 291 / 29 293 _>-- - -BF($±- - - __ =BE(B) 295- - -BE(B) BE(B) 296 BE B Q o I I I 1- I �- --Y--4 1 w -- V/ \- 4 CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY W Ln 27_ in , (2) 12" 45° BENDS �., ' / _�- .. _ — — — — — -- —___ J z RM UNDER WM •• " a x �— —�8T x— —x—-- (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) \ , � STA 292+95 o FOLLOWING CLEARANCE AND U (7) 12" GV W/ B&C EXIST. PROPERTY LINE Q o STA. 29]+95 . (B}\ W(B ,41 W(B)- W(B) W(B) ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAINB� W(B) W(B)- (1) ~ 16" PLUG ,�J (I) FLUSHING HYDRANT .I J- _ ��, err. ) (B) S(B), rlA■s :I55 E(B) BE(B)— Q o ry (2) 10" 45° BENDS Ec -+ (1) AIR RELEASE VALVE Ea' n 's" 505 LF OF 72" STA 296+85 STA. 292+78 �- (2) 12" 45° BENDS PVC DRIB RM (I) LOCATE WIRE BOX o I all RM UNDER SD EXIST. 8" it : : REMOVED z g FM UNDER WM I I (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) PROP. ELECTRIC Fir ai' G CLEARANCE AND c (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) EASEMENT ACCEPTA CE OF NEW MAIN w FM UNDER EXIST. FM 505 LF OF 10" STA 296+90 w RM UNDER SD I I^ (7.0' MIN. CLEAR) PVC DRIB FM (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX = (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) I i- 1 I Ln z STA. 292+90 Ill o FM UNDER SD I I (1) 10"x8" TEE Lu 'G (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) 1 i (1) 10" GV W/ B&C o (2) 10" 45° BENDS in (1) a" GV w/ (2) 8" 22.5° BENDS PARCEL 61 (BY 0 ERS) = (1) 8" SLEEVE S CONNECT TO EXISTING 0 cD O a 111111111.11.111 C i 1 1:'- 010111.1.11MEMIN ti L', 1.11.1111.1 /)C REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&Mks r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI? 218 EXTENSION SHEET • Jack(904ile.FL32258e R°atl N0. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 aFAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry Zr?"- VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-258a LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 2 0 6 14l, 14l, 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 110 110 6 . Q LL 105 105 0 . , N h 100 100 W PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WN Jz 95 95 0 N j I W 90 90 IN ci z 851 12" PVC DR18 WM 85 z n u IUti� >. , 80 36" PIPE 80 Q . I- 0 c.' w 75 75 . us a U o 70 70 u cc . W N J U W 65 65 z. I- W Li.. 60 60 In 0 . in 0: a ti LU 55 55 0 Z cc 15 0 U a C m z N F. n n N O ^ M V LO 61 I N M En lfl N 61 50 M M M M M M �; �; �; �; 50 Q M 0 a Fru f� [h M O' tT tT L O C M 1- M M 0 rn Q on tT P tT tT tT 7:.N 290+00 291+00 292+00 293+00 294+00 295+00 296+00 1- ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 England-Thimb&Augustine Roles. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET E111] 1 TEL:(9 Old e.FL 32258 Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAS:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 21 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Ll 100 100 0 0 M N 'OP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM h \ W cc 95 111 95 cc tr 0 N O \ ///// 1 L. Q W i 2o 90 — - - - - - - - — — — — 90 W v ilikkil ,\, I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - z �i �II-I 10" PVC DR18 FM°: o L 85PVC DR18 RM 85 j N W U I- Will U W J L. V W 80 80 o I- - I• v=i L. L. o In to a ti 75 75 0 - '' 0 Z CC U a C a i U o LL ti i¢- U U ^ N 70 70 WW ^ N 290+00 291+00 292+00 293+00 294+00 295+00 296+00 0 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E14775 ngland-t Augustine th Road S H A D O W L A W N C D D �� ���Q �-{��°�°q�L���� SHEET d' Old e.642-8990FL 32258 Road NO. N TEL:(994) 6 REUSE MAIN PROFILE FAX:(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-999o316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 222 STA 300+85 (1) 12"x12" TEE (5) 12" 45° BENDS (1) 12" GV W/ B&C (7) 12" PLUG STA 300+88 151 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM (2) 12" 45° BENDS STA 300+85 (1) 70"x6" TEE STA 301+49 (5) 6" 45° BENDS (1) 12" TEE (1) 6" GV W/ B&C (2) 12" GV W/ B&C (1) 6" PLUG (1) 12" PLUG 0 10 50 158 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB FM 42LFOF 72" PVC DRIBWM �� Feet RM UNDER SD STA 301+69 93 LF OF 24" STEEL CASING (1) 12" TEE (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) (1) 12" GV W/ B&C (4) 12" 45° BENDS 128 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB WM STA. 300+62 (1) 12" GV W/ B&C 702 LF OF 12" WM UNDER SD PVC DR18 WM STA 300+20 — 96 LF OF 24" STEEL CASING /— 1, PROP. R/W LINE (1) 12"x6" TEE (].0' MIN. CLEAR) (1) 6" GV W/ 8&C / le,� Ili (1) 12" 11.25STA 30BEND (]) FH3WAYu. STA 297+65 12 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB WM / v (1) 12" GV W/ B&C o o EXIST. PROPERTY LINE _, N O x ux 1 � 0 + — + w I� r EXIST. 12" WM TO BE REMOVED d- cc FM UNDER SD FOLLOWING CLEARANCE AND O cc NI82 LF OF 18" STEEL CASING ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAIN r`1 w (12.41.611N. CLEAR) zQ � A^ 1JL csJ ))s B) i301- -BE(B) frog). 302 BE(B) Bi�*� BE(B) 3Q w Q z ----------------- q CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY ( z J -BT(B) BT(8) BT(B)- �, BT(4) BT(B) _ BT(B) II I BT(B) —— - -BT(B) BT(B) — �— B1(3) _a a BILB)-— - - J Q III —. x — Lu L.) __ _ U cD in - - - -W(B) - - -W(B) W(B) W(B) (e) W(B)- L - - -W(B) ,i) W(B) W(B) W(B) W(B)- 5(B) Jam\ /L �4 rsr(tt) Ir(�I BE(B� gE(s) -6 t6 iNi — — — — � � — — =8E(6�= _ — — — — x . o 700 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM �� �� `� )11 �' RM OVER FM I !' EXIST. PROPERTY LINE 700 LF OF 10" PVC DRIB FM (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) `� 1 C) v cc o \ PROP. ELECTRIC i EASEMENT p g PROP. ELECTRIC EXIST. 8" FM TO BE REMOVED STA 300+77 EASEMENT FOLLOWING CLEARANCE AND (1) 10"x10" TEE t WM UNDER RM, FM & ELEC. ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAIN (2) 1) GV W/ B&C l (].0' MIN. CLEAR) STA 304+00 w 9 LF OF 10" PVC DRIB FM (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX w (1) 10" SLEEVE CONNECT TO PROP. STA. 301+54 10" FM (BY OTHERS) (4) 12" 45° BENDS STA 304+00Ln z (7) 12" SLEEVE (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX LLI o CONNECT TO PROP. w STA 300+85 12" WM (BY OTHERS) Ln Z (1) 12"x12" TEE SAMPLE POINT #1 in (2) 12" GV W/ B&C = PARC 61 (: OTHERS) (6) 12" 45° BENDS 15LFOF 12" PVC DR78RM o CONNECT TOLEEVE PROP. o ' w 12" RM (BY OTHERS) PARCEL 61 (BY OTHERS) W a tY a i E o Q ti i¢- U z 0 W W O N? `S W K 44 ro N 1-- , / REVISIONS SHEET o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION Eder'-*^'�"'��•'� S H A D O W L A W N CD D CR 218EXTENSION Jacksonivilse.FL 32258e R°atl NO. N ^ ETM TEL:(904)642-8990 o � FAX:(904)64fi-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RE6ULT6 Registry-2564 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 ������� ���� 223 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 U Q ti 110 110 0 0 it N 105 105 Li, W ccJ 100 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM 100cc Lu cc z L o 95 95 - w In a o z 90 90 ,z0 w z If _ 12" PVC DRIB WM to g 85 85 Q o- o W, 80 80 Li5 ryLis- Q U 75 75 cc w U w N J U W 70 70 L. vi 1- L. 65 65 o 4- In 2 0: a ti 60 60 0 0 tr Z 15 O L- U w z 55 N En63 o r o N En En Co Co En En o a N � N 55 cc e o iD iD ,D iD so 1. 1 1. � ^ ro ro m ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro Q Q on on on on on on on on rn on on on of on on on on on on on on on on on of on on o, Z _ 50 0" 0" 01 •0" •01 01 50 o N 297+00 298+00 299+00 300+00 301+00 302+00 303+00 o ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-S hung& �r•I^c- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET 14775 Old TEL (904il e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL: 642-8990 aETM FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry 4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0000316 m i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 224 6 115 115 110 110 105 105 v Q Li. 0 RI 100 0 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM 100 w J CC V CC z 95 10" PVC DRIB FM 95 0 ILI W Ln 0 z Q Li. i Q .I C-. O CO ,.I12" PVCDRI8RM Lit U 85 85 0 ccW 0 W N u V Ill¢I 3 0 80 80 Ln L. in 0 a ec i- O z p O iu 75 75 W a i cc oCC ti U hz I I I O CO N 297+00 298+00 299+00 300+00 301+00 302+00 303+00 u_ REVISIONS ^o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E4775 Old^d�St.Aug"Road S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' I FAX:(904)6e,FL 32258e Roatl NO. N TEL:(9 041 542-9 99U REUSE MAIN PROFILE Q � FAX:(904)64fi-9455 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ,o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 Lc-°conic i JASONT.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 225 MATCH LINE STA, 230+00.00 178 LF OF 16" m I I 12 PVC 11 PVC DRISWM ` . I I DRI8RM il o STA. 228+60 I III, =� =0 STE LF OF 30" I , I (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED STEEL CASING Feet `2 I Y' , . . I I I STA 309+26 . I 6; I STA 307+10 (1) 16''x)126 REDUCER x,l 00 I I (1) 12"x6" TEE (2) 12" GV W/ B&C I raw III \' (1) 6" GV W/ B&C (1) 16" GV W/ B&C ' I I,„ ' c I (1) FH 3-WAY (2) 12" 45° BENDS 12 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB WM (1) 12" SLEEVE 35 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB WM Ip.CI � xl ‘i CONNECT TO EXISTING I '• 1 v 1 op STA 305+40 518 LF OF 12" ,;k �l - (I) LOCATE WIRE BOX PVC DRI8 WM 2 �' f Q STA 308+90 STA 304+25 PROP. R/W LINE (2) 12" 22.5° BENDS ; l � (]) ]2" 1].25° BEND ,�rh„'' oo p �/ os--I r- "' ' /eI%r WM OVER I I'� p 0 EXIST. PROPERTY LINE i- , ���Ii EXIST. UTILITIES ���• p I`-'; /ICI (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) .9 O + �=——— ___ � /fir/ I H CC CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY �j�� , cc M BEU BE(8) ^-�. BE(8 BE 8 _ _ — vim=rii------rallii / Ito, `I4, EXIST. POWER POLE •4I z L_ )��� TO BE RELOCATED I�� M w Q )/� BE �iB7 - ✓ _ _ - — c �'y /h �GVO •' 0 (BY OTHERS) v/4 Q I� :=_ N89°45' 8"E �' ' ���A c\j i '%' I-- o 3,190.28 — F, c II I I '� UJ (E) 10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED W` jfl RM OVER (2) FM III LLl ,c T(B)— BTTB) BTU) BTU) BTU) BT(B) a- �; � (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) i��� z o J _fig)_ _ (E) 8" FM_ TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED ��� 1I• � Q _ — —,— �� —. x ,——x— =R ND — 7\--,-- ���. 22. BEND III = z M UNDER FM & BE ' 5( 1 U __ �_ (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) - _ c�`•,�I� I��� UI_ ��I� RM OVER BT & GAS ��/� I_ in Q W(B) �4 m �p•���� Ill Q W(B)- Q W(B) W(B) W(B) W(B) W(B) ,. = �. B) I' � �, (].0' MIN. CLEAR) Il i '€ 5(8) —S(B— — ' — — — — —J—— — - ��� S(B) ��'A �, �,'�G. III ����� Q— — �\ ®c. � ;(4) 20" ° BEN �8E(B) BE(B — — _ -- �` - �- - - - - - - ) Ej I#A1! MO,UZRCEMAR + ry EXIST. PROPERTY LINE STA 30ALVE \ � I �I I I w (1) ]2" GV W/ 8&C (1) AIR RELEASE VALVE ,I FM UNDER RM & GA. STA 3/ B&C / (].0' MIN. CLEAR) o (1) 10" GV W/ 8&C STA 309+20 x g PROP. ELECTRIC (2) 70" 45° BENDS+00 � ,I:A4 ''(----1 - o (1) 10"x10" TEE I cc EASEMENT 591 LF OF 12" PVC DRI8 RM 10" FM OVER 8" FM 0) 70" GVW/ 8&C ��1 w(0.5' MIN. CLEAR) IgI 536 LF OF 10" PVC DRIB FM STA 309+59 yr w EXIST. 8" FM TO BE REMOVED (]) 20"x12" TEE w FOLLOWING CLEARANCE AND (1) 20" GV W/ 8&C ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAIN (1) 12" GV W/ B&C STA 309+36 I = S� 11.17l� �i (2) 20" 45° BENDS (]) 10"x10' TEE , \ I / (]) 12" in z (]) 10" GV W/ 8&C 22.5° BEND o (1) 72"X10" REDUCER 1I „11 (1) 16" 45° BEND w (1) 10" SLEEVE (1) 16" 22.5° BEND = 142 LF OF 12" PVC DR FM ,,.1 w ' I I in Q EXIST. 12" WM TO B: REMOVED 23 LF OF 10" PVC DRI8 FM I I % M O�E• GAS 11 (1) LOCATE in a FOLLOWING CLEA"ANCE AND CONNECT TO EXIST. 10" FM I I (1.0' MIN. CLEAR,' W I WIRE BOX = : 259 LF OF 20" / ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAIN STA 309+36 I ', PVC DRI8 RMI ( 16" PVC 0 s PARCE 61 (BY I .ERS) (1) 8"x8" TEE 10" FM OVER 8" FM I DRIB WM o r (1) 8" 45° BEND (0.5' MIN. CLEAR) i 1 ill n EXIST. R/W LINE I I / CC o (]) 8" 90° BEER MATCH LINE STA. 226+00.00 W (1) 12"X8" REDUCER STA 226+30 s eo (7) 8" GV W/ B&C (1) AIR RELEASE VALVE z '2LFOF8"(])PVC 12"x8" TEE DRI FM (4) 10" 45° BENDS B z $ C. 10" FMOVER (E) 10" FM NECT TO EXIST. 8" FM L SLEVE ; ',1, 60 LF OF 10"1PVC DRIBEFM w 0 l- CONNECT TO EXIST. 10" FM = N^ 1- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England- MOMr,I�c. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(904il e.FL 32Aus258e Road N�. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry O" VISION• ERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-poemsi EXP JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY JO .11 A JLd.I 1. ' 2 2 6 6 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 Q LL. 110 110 0 0 1 N h 105 105 PROP GROUND LINE ABOVE WM Lu IC 100 100 CC W 0 IC 95 EXIST. 3" BE 95 w Q w ul 90 90 QW v 12" PVC DR18 WM EXIST. 12" WM i 16" PVC DR18 WM g 85 EXIST. 8" FM 85 -I EXIST. 2" UNKNOWN UTILITY � iD EXIST. 10" FM o w' 80 EXIST. 6" GAS 80 N CI U 75 750 w L, w N -.I V w 70 70 z 0 0 v, w N 65 65 U. in 0 0. a ti E 60 60 0 0 Z et 0 w U z 55 o N . 6 o N inEn En L 6 o N N M En i- 63 En 55 IC o � � N. � ro ro ro ro 56 to ro ro t6 to ro 0 0 0+ o+ rn of 0+ 0+ 0+ 0+ rn rn Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, of of 0i , , 0, 0, , , , , , , 01 0l 0 00 0 O l , 0) 0) , l l N r. r. M M a• c u iC I. I. cc 0' c tL �ui Q 50 a- a- a- a- a- a- 0' 50 0 N 304+00 305+00 306+00 307+00 308+00 309+00 310+00 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ England-d S hung& �r•I^c. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET 14775 d' Jacksonivil e.FL 32258e Road NO. N0" TEL a FAX;(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. '8 0 i VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-9699a16 MAIN T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER a".�AIN PROFILE j�` 227 6 120 120 115 115 110 110 U Q 105 105 LL TT O 0 N PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FMrn h EXIST. 2" UNKNOWN UTILITY Le 100 100 Lu CC �+_ r —________ ——-----( z o EXIST. 3" BE _1 w Q 10" PVC DRIB FM w Ln 95 95 I 90 — — 90 �' 0 w �� w en 12" PVC DRISRM EXIST. 12" WM 20" PVC DR18 RM o c w v m 1 85 EXIST. 10" FM 85 cc V Q EXIST. 8" FM Lu v) 0 Lu " EXIST. 6" GAS w o Ln 2 o In cc a 80 80 in E 0 Ln p 0 U a C a i o Q cc 75 75 aZ - - I o ryry 304+00 305+00 306+00 307+00 308+00 309+00 310+00 U. REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ E^d�Old-*"I^U"R��•I^�- S H A D O W L A W N C D D �� ���Q ���°�q NSION SHEET ETrn TEL:(904il 42-8 32258e Roatl �j �q /�/�� I��/y I�q 1�I� �j N�. N Jacksonville, ack(90416,FL 32 �/�/ ��/i,/ d'"JL�lid V ���1L 11�t�lLe .(r o FAX:(904)64fi-9495 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULT! Registry-259a �c-ggsoais i IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 2 2 8 (1) 12" 22.5° BEND 0 10 50 12" PVC DRIBRM Feet STA 312+15 PROP. R/W LINE (1) 16" TEE STA 376+00 (2) ]6" GV W/ 8&C (1) LOCATE WIRE STATION 345 LF OF 16" STA. 312+40 PVC DRIB WM (1) 16" X 6" TEE N. (1) 6" GVW/B&C ,,,, 01 (5) 72" 45° BENDS (1) WAY 12 LF LF OFOF6" WM PHASE 1 PHASE 2 Q I. - -411re _ _ „ 11 - - _ _ _.. ■ c:, ,,, -I� ,... 250LFOF 16" rn uirv. PVC DR18 WM O O w - RM UNDER WM O O �,� + w O (1,0' MIN. CLEAR) cc J rr owrn Zo ..1�� w W lififi.. 710111 A I I (3) 16" 45° BENDS 4P5V6C LDF RO1F8 1R6M 0 W J t0 z CD LL v, CD U •I I--- �__ M 250 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM J 131 LF OF 24" J a STEEL CASING WM UNDER RM . A. I' (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX 011 _ ffi I IL STA33+00 - - - - _- - - - - g 00111111.11\lple (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX w _ Li 250LFOF 12" PVCDRIBFM w o / _ _ 456 LF OF ]2" PVC DRIB FM LA STA 315+50 w z STA 312+35 (]) 12" GV W/ B&C x o 331 LF OF 16" (1) AIR RELEASE VALVEw PROP. ELECTRIC (1) 12" PLUG z EASEMENT = 0 DRIB, - 101 STA 311+90 z (1) 20"x72" TEE _, (1) 12" GVW/ B&C 0 o z (1) 16" 22.5° BEND " `^ (2) 16" 45° BENDS w cc E z U E o // (1) 12" 22.5° BEND w o . w a Z /i i °;N SHEET REVISIONS -T h •• SHADOWLAWN CDD CR 218 EXTENSII NF0 o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION ��� FAX:(94775 l4)6 -932258e Roatl TELL(9041642-8990 FEL:(90416424990485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT ry GISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 ������� �����V ��J a v JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 m 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 Q ti 110 110 0 0 it N h 105 105 0 W PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM LU 100 100 cc W o z O 95 - 95 Q w Q I - - 03 o z 90 - I 90 0 L. z o g 85 16" PVC DRIB WM 85 24" PIPE Q.i i� °: w 80 80 L. L 0 Q U 75 75 cc w U w N -4 U W 70 70 L. 0 I- L. 65 65 o i, 0 0: a ti 60 60 0 0 Z CC 15 O ._. L. U UJ L.z 55 0, N o M 63 N o 63 63 N o N 63 63 0 55 cc o O+ 63 63 63 63 63 , ^ ^ '� i9 i9 iD LD LD ,^ �^ �^ L6 L6 lD �D L6 63 _cc; 63 ^ ^ -4 03 03 on on on on on C1 on on on on on onon on on on on on on on on on on on on on M Cc U g y C' lC a C cc d' cc L- _ 50 0 0' 0 0 0 50 ^ N 311+00 312+00 313+00 314+00 315+00 316+00 317+00 F- REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 England-Thimb& les. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET Old e.FL 32258 tine Road NO. N ^ FAX;(904)642-89906 :N'' FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0600316 �¶�/j m JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 3 0 115 115 110 110 105 105 — v Q ti 0 ir; N 100 I 100 - PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM (-D to z CC o 95 12" PVC DRIB FM 95 L. Q W v) 0 z L. 90 -- i; _ _ iiiiiiiiiiI 90 t2, 20" PVC DRIBRM 0 W, w 61 J o v 85 85 0 cc W u W ...I W ¢I L. 80 80 W of 2 O K Z in i E' O p Q CC 75 75 W '' i cc o Q ti U o ..z 0 ^ ^N 311+00 312+00 313+00 314+00 315+00 316+00 317+00 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r,Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' 14775 Jacksonville,e.FL 32258e Road NO. N T&(904)646-9996 REUSE MAIN PROFILE OFIULIE a � FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0860316 IASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCEMAIN PROFILE 2 31 STA, 318+30 \ (1) 16" X 6" TEE \ (1) 16" GV W/ B&C t (1) 6" GV W/B&C (1) FH 3-WAY 12LFOF6" WM (4) 16" 45° BENDS 60 LF OF 30" STEEL CASING WM UNDER SD (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) 710 LF OF 16" PVC DR18 WMJ SIA 321+50 (I) LOCATE WIRE BOX ••�::f��°v� �.'�� WM OVER SD ‘4, 'r "�{�'"�1' '! (0.5' MIN, CLEAR) ��, , , ,' / , `- — — PROP. R/W LINE 1111 ®- _�� — —= — — — ---- v ---------______ __ ___ ilk 1' Q 4.1.11vCS, - 1 - O CS _— (NI 61) AMPANIgnimmummima-------ammiajll14oammimr 1.;T CO UJ fn cc to W -- — o Q J cn J CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY U --I LA W w // // Z // z cu Q o Q (]) AIRRELEASFVALVE- _ _ ��� o — — — z CD Q Ellialuij NI — — C cc w Lu _ —' -- PROP. R/W LINE PROP. ELECTRIC ~ 1 EASEMENT Z.'- - o a STA 321+00 u al w (4) 20" 45° BENDS (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX 689 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB FM w 0 w STA 321+00 STA 325+00 60 LF OF 36" STEEL CASING (1ARMUMIN.C ,SAR) (I) LOCATE WIRE BOX 690 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM (1) 20" GV W/ B&C Q STA 325+00 i- (1) 12" GV W/ B&CLu Ln (4) 12" 45° BENDS in E 60 LF OF 24" STEEL CASING FM UNDER SD v w (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) ao a m u O ti L O C O W h Q C N K N% Q N U REVISIONS w o DATE O DESCRIPTION DATE w DESCRIPTION England.Thi�6Rlilar,lnc, _ NN Old SHADOWLA �T �^ ETM 14775JaCks twist.Augustine Road W 1\ C D D JaCksOnville,FL32258 CR n EXTENSION l�p,ryIOd� SHEET TEL:(904)642-8990 17 1(a LA1Ci /(�9 d\\V/LJ\' FAX:(804)646-9485 DATE COUNTY NO, "'i7S10N•IXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0000376 PROJECT NO. JASON T.HALL Licence No,62467 DEC 2022 UTILITY PIl PLAN 3 2 CLAY 14-OTI-127Sd�Y 2 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 U Q 110 110 L. N- 0 0 105 105 " u, G 100 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM 100 Lu J cc ccw 0 z 95 95 0 to Q W 90 ° AI) 0A 90 z Q v V V v L. o 85 85 g ]6" PVC DR18 WM ' (6) 48" PIPES Q 80 80 �' v o ' 30" STEEL CASING (WM) 24" PIPE N 0! a 75 75 0 cc W U W 70 70 W I- — 65 65 Ln W LLi s LI 60 60 0 0 C' ' 55 55 0 LiJ 1a - __ _ cc z N �', U, u, mil- V R Cl') Cl') F') N N O O O O, O, N N W n n n Es)N N N N N N 1 N N N n N N N N N N LO LO LO Lc; LO LO 10 LO LO LO Q O1 (3) 0) 0) 0) 0) (3) O, Ot (3) (3) 0.)1 , , 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (3) (3) (3) 0) 0) 0) 0) (3) (3) (3) 50 t cc a it 50 , 0.. u- u" Lc - - tl Z 0- O 0 O n 0 M Qcc 1 0- 0' 0' 0 0' ryry 318+00 319+00 320+00 321+00 322+00 323+00 324+00 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 England-Thimb& Ins. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI? 218 EXTENSION SHEET Old e.FL 32258 Augustine Road NO. N ^ TEL(904)646-9485 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0600316 �¶�/j m JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WA TER MAIN PROFILE 2 3 3 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Q L. Ci 0 0 M N 100 100 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & F 10 w CC z CC w 0 95 Illi 95 0 11111.11 12" PVC DR18 FM Ln1N1Na90 II IIIIII - - - — — 90 g _ \ _ — _ _ _ — _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ cl II Q v 20" PVC DR18 RM � 5 IIw N U 85 85 0 cc W 5 — — Li — - LiN -4 U W w I- 0 o 36"(6)STE4(T L" PIPES CASING (RM) Ln Ln 80 24" STEEL ,ASING (FM) 80 w N L. in 0 s a u. O 0 z p 0 75 75 CC a i o CY 0 U 84 tl . z 0 ryry 318+00 319+00 320+00 321+00 322+00 323+00 324+00 REVISIONS ^ DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E4gla d-TNimgutinelec. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET 14775 Old TEL:(904ile.FL 32258e Road NO. N TES:(904)642-89906 REUSE MAIN PROFILE OFIULIE a FAX:(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0060316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 234 �, \ \ 50 0 10 Feet / /' / / / / E ®Lf OF 16" PVC DR18 WM / / STA. 325+29 --�— {4) 6�� 45° BEN S - // / IN 0,(31) FH3WAYWM _ _ - - - - / /0LfOfg, - - / 0 011------ ` // / — - - n. _ � ^ STp 328+50 / / o WIRE BOX _1 U IV (1) LOCATE - - - so N CD PROP. R/W LINE r o so 11111, '?"' cc cc OAK WAY ¢ �, - PARK :11 -----TorCONST. CATHEDRAL " IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII w kD Q J '1.:r).(i_' :1 ::::---...5„.„_- ----_.,-- o 114- C Q ___7" _ ::. _ _ i..._ J Ar_ � _ w 0 lJ 2 �1 % _ _ R/W LINE w U / _ l - ' PROP. F- / / � STA 329+00 x OX PROP• ELECTRIC / ;: TA 4 68 (1) LOCATE WIRE B EASEMENT . �- 326+5 ) pI STA• 8gF�(� pkg� RM STA 329+00 680 LF2�45'UL PVC DR18 FM (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX w w x _ D4 12" x p, T =6� g su L = 2083.00' 321+90.28 0 pc STA. = 331+04.15 K 0 e W K J 4 U w w O w S z F o SHEET n NO z vx TENS ION' PLAN aDowLAwN ADD ' s 12 CI 218 ji- la UTILITY vW T'v z wand-iMrro�t1 ;'a` COUNTY PROJECT N 6 Jaaso k'S11e FL 92256 DATE 14-011-1 ¢ Jackso^v g42-8996 � rep:Registry - C LAY O F .004)646,8486 DEC 2�22 R 25H4 LC.6666816 DESCRIPTION ae5:( a z REVISIONS � M,�Eg�INC!• � Licence No.62c61 VI DATE n T.HALL � `" DESCRIPTION IASON o DATE 0 N / N^ O^� O d 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 U 115 115 Q L. 10 0 110 110 0M — N h 105 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM - ,\ 105 L. J_ 100 _ \� 100 cco O L. J Q 95 95 LiLi 0 N Q 90 ° \ 90 16" PVC DR16 WM Ln 85 85 1- 0 L. L.58 80 80 o U o cc 75 75 W ✓ W I Q h 70 70 I- W LU s Is 65 65 0: a ti 0 0 60 60 0 '- , U a _ ^ 0P N. O M Cc? 6, N ul W ^. R I. O N '1- C -a N 01 — d- i- O 61 CO 6, N En N m O O O N Ni NI M M M V' d' d' E o LO LO Co Co Co CO CO CO CO Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co CoCo Co Q 55 Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co ti — ti — ti ti — — ti — — — ti o ti ti 55 U o N � Er N au M, 0 In o a C1 CT Z a N of 0' 0 Q 0, Co Co a Co ryry 325+00 326+00 327+00 328+00 329+00 330+00 331+00 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 7::::dSt Aug.me c. S H A D O W L A W N C D D C� 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' TEL (904il e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)646-6990 aTM FAX;(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. 4 ry o VISION•QPCRIOiCC•Rl6ULT6 Registry-2564 LC-0600316 MAIN T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER a".>_AIN PROFILE j�` 2 3 6 120 120 115 115 110 110 V Q v 105 P4 OP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM 105 N u, Li..J cc _ \ I I LD— cc cc 100 100 z 12" PVC OR18 FM o w Q w ul 95 — — - - - - - - - — 95 z w - - - - 20" PVCDRJ8RM w 90 — — 90 tL w cc w w ¢I 85 85 u) w w s Li 0 a ti O � 0 80 ._ u V a <, 80 C a i O o Q ti V MI ' NQ 325+00 326+00 327+00 328+00 329+00 330+00 331+00 Lu REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION Eglend-rhi7322tniar.l^c- S H A D O W L A W N C D D �� �� 1�-,�'71 ENS ION SHEET d' Jacksonivdil e.FL 32258e Roatl N 0. N TEL:(904)646-9996 TIME USIA MAIN 11-R OFIULIE a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. m o C1610N•OIPCRIlNCE•RE6ULT6 Registry-256a LC-0060316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 2 3 7 STA. 332+20 (1) 16" X 6" TEE (1) 16" GV W/ B&C 0 10 50 (1) 6" GV W/B&C (4) 6" 45° BENDS (1) FH 3-WAY Feet 30 LFOF6" WM \ \ \ \ \ \ A I 698 LF OF 16" PVC DR18 WM \� -\\\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ - � \ - - '" STA. 337+76�: (4) ]6" 45° BENDS PROP. R/W LINE STA 335+00 \ \ \ • WM UNDER SD v i — — —(1) LOCATE WIRE BOX — \ \ \ (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) LL NI II o o -O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o\ \ \ A -I O \- � O ui \ \ _' MM // // // // z cc Ln 01 CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY \ \ \-= w r`1 w o o I-- 65°5'47"E �� �.: ~ w 695.20 '/���\�j— \ \ W W w ul o \\ z --ISTA. 337+'3 \\ z _ (1) R REL ASE VALVN \\ = z U / \ \ U 0 - - - - - / \� STA. 337+76 _ - (2) 20" 22.5° BNDS \ \ (4) 20" 45° BENDS CS — — �� i // �� - - \ - - -_-- -(1.0' MIN CLEAR) ��Allair w U `z / "4. _ tY o STA 333+00 / ///// : \ `� (...)- (1) 20" GV W/ 8&C / // \ \ STA. 337+76 - PROP. ELECTRIC / w / (4) 12" 45° BENDS EASEMENT / \ FM UNDER SD Lu z STA 333+00 \// // � �• - (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) � PROP--R% LINE — . - - - o // / (2) 12" 22.5° BENDS w 3 / Lu \ v= 708 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM STA 337+00 Iin a (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX x 708 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB FM o p 0 '' U a 9 C a i o Q ti i¢- U U. U. z O o Q — W N 1-- Z. REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E^d�-*nim,.17�n1^�. S H A D O W L A W N CD D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET ETM TEL:(904 il e.FL 32258e Road N�. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 4 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 3 8 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 125 125 U Q U- 120 120 0 0 it N 115 115 in Le W J PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM cc 110 110 ccW 0 z O 105 105 Q W z 100 100 o W I z If to g 95 16" PVC OR18 WM 95 �i Q h C- :: 42" PIPE o Wc., 90 90 W ry L. Q U 85 85 cc W U W N J 14 W 80 80 L. yi ✓ I• 75 75 Wo 4- O 0: a 70 70 0 ZCC 0 0 U a co 60O 0 N �t Coui W O N kt Coui W O N kt CoLO W O N -P CocO W O N06 - Co W O 65 L. � � 65 o 0 ui 0 ui o 0 0 0 LO 0 LO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 06 0 0 06 0 0 0 0 o o -4 4- 0 O 0 o 0 c o Cc a U C oc '4 a LC U` LT -- ,1 vai ,-. ,-- s s rA a N 60 �I60 0 ryry 332+00 333+00 334+00 335+00 336+00 337+00 338+00 L. REVISIONS ^o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ E^dandSt Aug"Mar•I^c- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET 14775 d' FAX;(90id 4il 4 FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)646-6990 aETM FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry 4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-mom �¶�/j j�`rq i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 3 9 6 125 125 120 120 _ 115 115 6 Q ti 0 N 1 10 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM to 1 10 m G i Lu cc cc W 0 z 105 105 W 12" PVC DRIB FM n Q 7 — z 100 — _ — — — - — - — — i / 100 _ - - — _ - - - - - 20" PVCDRI8RM 42" PIPE b N - -- _ tl 95 95 0 W cc W _I W ¢I I- 90 s 90 I 85 85 W a i o Q cc U o NQ _ ryry 332+00 333+00 334+00 335+00 336+00 337+00 338+00 0 REVISIONS ^ DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ E^d�14775 Old St.Aug"R�o•1^�- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 21�Q EX�°�q NSION SHEET TEL:(904il e.FL 32258e Road N O. N TEL:(9 04)642-8 990 J[])J[i lj T�lf� i¶ilj� Tj l�� JjJ)j[11�]j9Tj lj Jf� 111 FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. REUSE/(e MAIN PROFILE ry 4 'VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 Lc-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 240 STA. 339+24 (2) 16" 45° BENDS (1) 16" GV W/ B&C STA 340+52 (1) 20"x12" TEE (1) 12" GVW/ B&C (7) 12" 45° BENDS STA. 339+53 (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT (I) 16"x12" TEE (1) 12" PLUG (I) 12" GV W/ B&C 196 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM (I) 12" PLUG (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT STA 340+58 0 10 50 22 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 WM (I) 72"X6" TEE (4) 6" 45° BENDS (1) 6" GV W/ B&C Feet STA. 339+61 (1) 6" PLUG (1) 16" X 6" TEE 197 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB FM (1) 6" GV W/B&C (1) FH 3-WAY PROP. R/W LINE 14LFOF6" WM WM OVER RM & FM (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) STA 343+00 (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX 684 LF OF 16" Li FM & RM UNDER SD PVC DR18 WM ®� � •I'I-1.,,,,„„„,„„,„„ ,,,, I iii (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) (2) 16" 22.5° BENDS U- I �� I _ _ c, M ,, ,,ii ...._... ,,, �� \ N ll leO �I WM UNDER SD \ — + fr) (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) z z M STA. 340+53 � cY1 0 Q 123 OF 340+5 30" —\ STEEL CASING STA. 340+59 o 116 LF OF 16" 340 STEEL CASING CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY W Li E. J 341 342 343 Q Z STA. 340+53 _ 123LFOF30" U z STEEL CASING '� FM & RMUNDER SD -J v WM UNDER SD (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) �L/� " " _ _� _ _ _ I- �,jig — — o W /' _ - - III, �� FM-U,tl'BER-R-M- - - - - �1)AIR f�ELEASTASE t�AL17E N U ��91 (1.0' N�7NT L�ARt— - - _ v w 11111",„...I.., z �I1�11 — — — — — 0 CC �1Ir;r ���I�I�j I,'� i _ LU_— — I STA 340+64 - = w (6) 12" 45° BENDS N (I) 12" GV W/ B&C /W LINE - _ Ln z WM UNDER RM & FM o (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) _ _ _ PROP. ELECTRIC _ _ _ w o _ STA 340+ _ _ EASEMENT _ _ _ _ U) Q - - . _ (1) 6" GV W/ B&C :ENDS STA 344+20 N (1) 6" PLUG (1) 20" GV W/ B&C (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX 0 16 LF OF 6" PVC DRIB FM 728 LF OF 20" PVC DRIB RM STA 344+20 o cc v w STA. 339+58 STA 340+360 (1) 16"x12" TEE (1) 12" GV W/ B&C s o (1) 12" GV W/ B&C (1) 20"x12" TEE - (I) 12" 45° / (1) 20" GV W/ B&C 728LFOF 12" PVCDR18FM Q z (1) 12" PLUG (I) 12" GV W/ B&C (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT (1) 12" PLUG U- m? 196 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB WM (2) 12" 45° BENDS o (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT 22 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM t" ,V K. 1- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 Old St. Aug Augustine Road. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(90i4il 4 FL-8 32258e Road NO. N ^ FAX:(904)646-9485 o FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION••OIPCRIlNCE••RESULTS Registry-256a LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 24 6 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 U Q 125 125 o' 0 0 M N 120 120 u, o- W 115 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM 115 z tr I I o z 110 110 W _ Q W 105 105 0Q o 1 z 100 O O o 16" PVC DR18 WM 100 g i -4 95 95 i W W N us q U 90 90 z W W N ' 85 85 W 11 1- 0 in 80 80 it W s in LI in 75 75 5 o Z o O '' w U a 7 0 CV �t 1p W O CV �t CO CU O CV �t Co 0.N O N d- Co W Ol O O O Ol 01 7 0 C m i O O O �V �V �V �V �V rn rn H rn rn ,''1 d' R R R R R rnrn Q it v c a Cs U o �i n LC 'RI 65 o 65 Z o v o 0 ryN 339+00 340+00 341+00 342+00 343+00 344+00 345+00 1- Lu REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET ' ETM 14775 JEL:(90i4il e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAS:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0900316 �¶�/j j�` IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PRO IL"' 2 4 2 130 130 125 125 120 120 6 Q LL 0 ir; N h O 115 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM 115 W cc cc cc , — J o Z 0 O to J 110 ,/ 110 o 12" PVC DRIB FM z o v cza 105 _ - _ 105 Q t w - - 20" PVC DRIB RM w co _ _ - - U o 100 100 W N -i W L. ¢I I- L. 4.i L 95 95 0 a ti E O p O U a C a i ! 90 90 Q ti U o Q z O , 339+00 340+00 341+00 342+00 343+00 344+00 345+00 1- REVISIONS o DATE r DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 OdSt.Aug.In Road S H A D O W L A W N C DD CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' ETim TEL:(904ile.FL 32258e Road NO. N TEL:(904)646-9996 REUSE MAIN PROFILE OFIULIE a � FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0060316 IASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 243 �F • ".• `o‹. -®� N O �, :' pto STA. 346+20 EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC \\�' RaOF 0 10 50 (1) 16" X 6" TEE �y F (1) 16" GV W/ B&C TRANSMISSION LINE WITHIN PROJECT , 'O (1) 6" GV W/B&C LIMITS. USE EXTREME CAUTION TO o ,, OF (4) 6" 45° BENDS PROTECT PEOPLE, MACHINERY, AND UTILITY �, Feet �N (1) FH 3-WAY � STA 352+40 30 LF OF 6" WM ' ,O� / (]) ]6"x12" TEE \ (1) 16" GVW/ B&C \ �,. (4) 12" 45° BENDS � \ F,\• (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT F\ \ , 181 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 WM \ \ 677 LF OF 16" PVC DRIB WM ` N \ \ STA 249+00 (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX N \ \ O. \ Q , , p \�1) 20" X 12" TEE •pp \ N t` N. _� PROP. R/W LINE / �' „„ ,. ...................i rn 41 O 4 O w J Cr) z Ch OF ••\ — ul M = _ \ m w llI1"l"I"IMIr4IPj'm'" • • IJW M UNDER SDI o Q MIN. CLEAR) QA F • Q o \ l~!1 w WM UNDER RM & FM �� • (I.0' MIN. CLEAR) 3 2 ' I i� w Li CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY I I _ J • _ Ih 7,,.O.••000 ,: z Q 1• \ = o S w/� "� v z CJ STA. 352+40 oin 7 _ (1) 12" GVW/ B&C 0 "" N =' --------- // (1) 12" X 6" TEE ' --------- // I I (7) 12" PLUGINiiii_ , --------- (I) 6" 90° BEND -- I I (1) 6' GV W/B&Ck. ---- (1) FH 3-WAY CS \ "— 18LFOF6" WM o \��----------------- ------- STA 3/ B&C -- -� '� (2) 20" 22.5° BENDS (2) 20" 45° BENDS _.W_ .11 'ft"""""""""""."""""---:""""""""""""""""""""""."...."""""'''""'''''''''''...........••••........................ .......--- ... ....., ., 7:: 0 = = MailinFkOW:HeHe ® 111 w _ _ _ STA 348+20 _ _ _ — ���— — — 10 16 I - (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX MI I / - ~ ----....._ _ - - STA 348+20 I I z �11 L-0SA E WIDE-:i _ - TA 351+32 u PROP. R/W LINE q (7) 12" VW/ 8&C / , tw I I (2) 12" 5° BENDS — _ _ 2 Z PROP. ELECTRIC I I . _ EASEMENT / I I �� _ (2) 12" 22.5° BENDS i- I - 0 0 mLl v STA 351+40 STA 357+46 0 a o 737 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM (1) 12"X8" TEE (1) 20"x12" TEE V (1) 8" 45° BEND (1) 20" GV W/ B&C s 608 LF OF 12" PVC DR78FM (1) 8" GVW/ B&C (1) 12" GVW/ B&C (1) 8" PLUG (1) 12" PLUG Q 26 LF OF 12" PVC ORMWM v Zo 34 LF1OF08""APVCTE WDRI8IRE 80M X (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT o � Q L'AFr. h ai "T REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Teimb&MOM r,Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' ETM N Jacksonivilse,FL22 358e Road ^'O. TEL:(904)642-8990 NO. FAX:(904)646.9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. n`i 4 VISION'EXPERIENCE a RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 244 n i l[JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 U Q 125 125 O 0 M N 120 120 u, G Lo PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM 115 115 j 110 I I 110 W Q w 1 o 0 105 105 Q 0 w z w 2 \\1\ t • 100 16" PVC DRIB WM 100 g J 95 95 o u,, L N us Q L..,90 90 z w ` tt -w N �I • 85 85 W 11 1- 0 • 80 80 W TsLn LI O • 75 75 - - o 0 o w U a 70 W W I� n co l0 En h M M N N O O Ol Ol N W I� n Co Co En Er) 70 C m z rn rn rn rn rn rn rn '''1 rn rn rn rn rn rn r� rn r� rn LV �V LV LV LV N LV LV rV N o Q o lC V O N lC N N 65 LC c 65 c c c c c c o ryry 346+00 347+00 348+00 349+00 350+00 351+00 352+00 REVISIONS o- DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET ETM 14775 JEL:(90i4il e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0900316 �¶�/j j�` IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER a"1 AIN PRO IL"' 245 130 130 125 125 120 120 Li Q L. 0 ir; N h 0 _ 115 115 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM o cc 7 z lu 0 z o W 110 I 110 W 12" PVC DRI8FM o z Q o i ir _ ___ _ _ 1 to ,, 105 — — — — — 105 20" PVC DRIB RM 0 W, w u 6 L. o o U z cc 100 100 ILN —1 V IL LL ¢I in in 1-0W 95 95in 0 a ti O 0 p CC O � zo 90 Q_a o Ua i 90 <,^ TFAE^XLd::(�(99 00441)66442fi--89 94960 5 35 2+00348+00 349+00 350+00 SHEET TN 346+00 347+00 CR 218 EXTENSION NO. REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION EacksoniviT7152ti5r Rro^ REUSE MAIN PROFILE &SHADOWLAWN CD3D51+00 DATE COUNTY Z 4 6N FORCE MAIN PROFILErvoo DEC 2022 CLAY PROJECT NO. 14-011-12C1I65100 7 OHCARLNCE•RESULTS Registry-2L56aenLeC N- 60 136 U ® 111111 0 10 50 // — Feet STA. 357+80 (1) 16" X6" TEE "1 EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC (1) 16" GV W/ B&C U TRANSMISSION LINE WITHIN PROJECT (4) 6" 45° BENDS LIMITS. USE EXTREME CAUTION TO (1) 6" GV W/B&C PROTECT PEOPLE, MACHINERY, AND UTILI Y (1) FH 3-WAY STA 355+00 OF 6" WM v (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX Q SD LL. 677 LF OF 16" PVC DR18 WM WM OVER CLEAR) (0.5' MIN. CLEAR) � 0 PROP. R/W LINE _ � N illiiiit 1UJ O _a, WM OVER SD LCD M e. 1. CLEAR) -- M w of _-- o CD milliiiiiiiiiiiiwillIMMIMfts • • Imo ' Itiftir (� lf1 cc W � \ 354 �� �u W ? - � \\ 355 Ln Z • OF \ = Lu o � k oF� L..) z— <••.- Militill‘‘ s . � CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY _''-" rsilq \ ----�T4�55i01L_---- (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX x o� CS RMOVER Q _ � -_ :� - - � o .0 oF C �- STA 358+00Lu �, < STA 353�UU - - - -(1-)-2{=Gi/-W1-B&C-__ - - (B.5 LEARN \ `�_', —_ (1) LOC�E-W7R-E BOX - - - - - - - c. ill 46111. 's. • • ill W .p \ PROP. R/W LI fM OVER SD • Ln \�\� F`' STA 358+00 (0.5' MIN. CLEAR) - OF 20" PVC DR18 RM w o o\ • \ EASEMENTCTRIC (1) 12" GV W/ B&C Lu a T��� „1 2 \ \ �` 724 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 FM "' '' \'• . . •o • • . .1. \`• \ U cc 0 9 . to ao • \ s O to Q ¢ � \ � \ U. O o; \ 'o 0� • \ 2 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•lea S H A D O W L A W N CD D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' ETM TEL;(9nlvile.FL32258e R°ad NO. N ^ FAX:(904)646-9490 o FAX:(904)64fi-9466 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2664 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 247 6 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 U Q 125 125 o' 0 0 ir; N 120 120 u, W J 115 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM 115 z cc 0 z 110 /� 110 W J Q u-LW I o 105 a — 105 Q • 100 16" PVC DR18 WM 100 g A J cLD �' O 95 24" PIPE 95 W cti W 36" PIPE a U 90 90 0 W W N• 85 J 85 W 11 1- 0 in • 80 80 W s in iI in 0 75 75 tL o Z o 11 o a 70 �t V M M N N O O Ol Ol W N I� n Co 1p En ul V V M M N �'1 �I' Co 70 m o ,V ,V ,V ,V c� ,V ,V ^ �^ ,V c c N c cc C U a a c c � c � 65 c I a aCC 0 65 Z c c c Cr' c o ryN 353+00 354+00 355+00 356+00 357+00 358+00 359+00 T REVISIONS o- DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION d_ En gland- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET Jacksonivilse.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ :(904)64-6990 ary � FAX, : DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. 4 'VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 Lc-mom i IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 4 8 6 130 130 125 125 120 120 6 . Q ti 0 ir; N h 115 115 W J cC PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM cc w 0 z O to 110 I 110 W ul 0 z Q 12" PVC DRI8 FM w z cD t — _ >. 105 - — - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 105 Q - 1- i //— — - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - — o W W A i o v 20" PVC DRIB RM z 100 100 & W . W N -I VI W ¢ 3 0 95 \— 36" PIPE 95 w Ln . to o z ti a i C 0 i El, a 9 C 10 90 90 C U o LL 0 NQ ^N 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 1- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-*nim,.MOM nInc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET ETM TEL:(904il e.FL 32258e Road N�. N ^ TEL:(904)64&8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION••OIPCRIlNCE••RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-moms /¶//j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 ��USE MAIN PROFILE 249 i i \ \ I TA. 36 +40 1) 6" X 6" TEE (1) 16" GV W/ :&C (') 6 GV WR&C 0 10 50 (4 6" 45° 8E DS (1 FH3- AY 341 L OF 6" M ''' Feet Y STA 361+00 709 LF OF 16" PVC DRIB WM (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX STA 366+80 WM OVER SD (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX � (0.5' MIN. CLEAR) PROP. R/W LINE i���t�� •►��� ... Ili _ - — — — ---------\--' ----__ , , ,,, _ ___—_\\ Li _ _ _SrA. 34 -A "I-'a l k , � _ _� _ _ iC O (4) 16" 45° BENDS ---------------------------- 2 NG ____ O + ---------- -----(T.0' MIN. EAR __��0 " O w O — J .nn 1p �' Cp r ^� w 0 V X STA 364+00 ,h W w CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY A /I:�_ •• +W /// 2% Z J ��_'( --------(4)-2fl" 45°-BE-NDS----- --------- Q ---- ------------ �� _ --——————� 25 LF OF 6" STFFI CA t 733 LF O -2cr,r -E-BR-18-RM—— _ " STA 361+00 ---------- + •M UNDER SD --� CS ---------------------�1J LOCATE WIRE BOX i; " (1 D' MIN, C6E�1R) - - - - - _ ��\ v Lu Q _ o - - - - - - - = = 1'2B"-22 5 ENDS ��\ Q cD v - - - - - - - Ic - - - - -------------____ ' ----1 ....."44111\------- : ,--s. _ Ni ` STA. 363+03 STA 364+00 Lu (4) 12" 45° BENDS ��, (1) 12" GV W/ 8&C o 25 LF OF 24" STEEL CASING PROP. ELECTRIC o FM UNDER SD EASEMENT0 (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) 1- PRO'. I LI w J w w z x 733 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 FM Z F- w 4 w in z a ti 0 C z O a C ElQ i— U ¢ z Fr- M^ O O NS o DATE DESCRIPTION E^d�i -e*ein„ rn�e R°r.al^tl' LIJ , DATE DESCRIPTIONN 4 SHADOWLAWN CDD aN ETM Jacksonville,FL 32258TELCl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET NO. AX 9 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N •O • EU Registry-2584 LC-00036 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN V 2 5 0 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 U Q 125 125 O ir; N 120 120 u, /— PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM w 0 115 115 cc . cc W 0 N 110 1 — 110 j r 1 0 105 , 105 Q L. 100 16' PVC DR18 WM vi 100 vi g J 3i / .i v 95 (3) 36" PIPES 24" PIPE J -- 95 Q W, W us a 30" STEEL CASING (WM) 90 90 0 W cc W N _I 85 85 W 0 80 80 W s x i_ in 75 75 0 p z 0 0 U a' 41p 70 I: W Ol O N M ul l0 i. i. i. i. Co Co Co Ul ul kt V V ul Co r. Ol O N 70 C '' z N N N N �V N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N rn rn rn o G c a' a` Cc n r\ U Q 65 ^ a c I. a a 65 tl c c c 0 c c c 0 N 360+00 361+00 362+00 363+00 364+00 365+00 366+00 REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION — England-Thimb&RRr•I^c- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION4775 Old SHEET d' ET• TEL:(904ile.FL32258e Road NO. N ^ FAX:(904)646-6990 a � FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry 4 'VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2664 Lc-0000316 i IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 A TER MAIN PROFILE 2 5 1 6 130 130 125 125 120 120 6 Q LL 0 ir; N h 115 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM 115 LU J CC CC W 0 Z 110 — 110 Q 12" PVC DRIB FM uJ o z Q n n n p / zo — - — - — — - — - — - — - — - — o 105 — ± 11111111 iiiiiiiiiii - — — — — 105 Q o N o I C ' +" PVC DRIBRM 100 Z m (3) 36" PIPES 1 00 c w N —i ✓ W 30" STEEL CASING (FM) _ a h 0 36" STEEL CASING (RM) ti w s' 95 95 1 0 in o i p z 0 2 O U a 90 C 90 U o u u_ z 0 N 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 Old St. Aug Augustine Road S H A D O W L A W N C D D �� ���Q 1�-, 'TENSION SHEET d' Jacksonivilse,FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ FAX:(904)646-9990 a TEL:(904)642-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0600316 /¶/j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 RE+ USE �MIN PROFILE 2 5 2 + STA20701�STEE It. (1) 0" 45° BENDS STA 369+86 GV W/ B&C (1) 16"x12" TEE (1) 12n PLUG RM 50 (1) j2„ GVW/ B&C (178LFOF I2" PVC DRIB p 10 91 {1) 12" PLUG (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT STA. 36 TEE (1) FLUSHING PVC�DR18 WM ���� (I) 66„GH W/B&C 25 LF OF 12' FH 3 WAY STA 370+71 (1) (1) 12"XS TEE B&C 737 LF OF 16 STA 373+00 14 LF OF 6" WM (1) 8' GV W/ 5 PVC DR18 WM (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX (7) 8„ 45° BEND (1) 8" PLUGOF 8„ PVC DRIB FM (2) 16" 22.5° STA 369+81 184 LF WIRE BOX BENDS (1} 1G'v 1W2/B&C (1) LOCATE (1) 16„ GV WIENDS 12 45° B RM & FM UNDER SD (4) 12'(1) 12, PLUG MIN. CLEAR) _ _ HYDRANT — (1.0' (1) FLiZHpNj/C DRI8 WM v -11111 U- 0 202 LF OF BENDS ��� o m N (2) 16 45° C O �?Al-0111111.114 11 O WM OVER SD PROP, RIW LINE ^ �;;�� O w MIN. CLEAR) O 11011, (0.5' ER WM THEDRAL OAKPARKWAY o tO Y 1`�1 RM & RMMINfCLEAR) STA 370+720� CA LF CL CONST• �1 STEEL COASING • 372 373 - o WM UNDER S AR) W 369+79 (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) 371 W o �� STA OF 24„ A 130 E�CASING �\ 370 e ' ` STE �i o (3)sT A10'�45� REDUCER �� �� .....':"."----------------...'"----------................; w _ 0 z ca STA• 2"X1 ----------- _ 3��24„ (l) 1 0 ----- 374+00----- I- STEEL CASING ���---------------- TETA .�, q p WM UNDO EAR) (1) LOCA R SD O 1 {1.0' MIN. _ } �'� & FM UNDER SD _Apr_ ~ t- & FM RM ' MIN. CLEAR) C -- - _ 0 M �� WM ZINC EIN CLEAR) (1.0 ��� ■ -4 1t ■ �riwr ... ,..) ... STA 367�EOWIRE B0� ►�i�� j� 411v RIW LINE �" Z (]) LOCATE li �', a PROP. STA 374+00 LU 0 .adigiiiiii.1 cc �- �� ��U�josimill (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX w - u � ils F4 M OVER S�1 w / .iii4 — — ta / �' (1)AAIR9RE�EASE VALVE ROP. ELECTRIC LF OF 10" PVC DRIB FM F RM OVER CL _ P x (p•5, MIN, CLEAR) _ - _=__ EASEMENT 30 0 w // - 7,1 vow I l �`'`' - - "—'� ER RM o virFM U��N. CLEAR) w o STA 367+20WIRE BOX - `� ` (i) LOCATE _ ' �' RIS RM g Q ' " 682 LF OF 20" PVC D 70+75 _/_ / (�Al2, 45° BENDS 4 STA 670+69 CURVE DATA3 1+18•71 (g)T�21&8a BEND o PVC DRIB FM (1) 24V W/ g&C PI STA. _ 4 24 3. �i) 8, GV G B& u 370 LF OF 12 {(2) 1��� ��°WI B&C D - 89340002 18 8F�F 8„SIRE BOX FM o ✓ (i) (1) 12" PLUG T .27 SHEET tu j6 (i) LOCATE �T NO• CC L a 41 LF)OF 12HpVC DRI8ARM R 362 5 70 CR ��� NSIO Y PC STA• _ 379+1 .97 �i�li l� d PT STA _ A 77 OW L AW ODD UTILITY ��� 0 S rl PROJECT NO. w E „�a.r gRoaa�. COUNTY 0 r/Mi 1, DATE j4-Oli 12 @ Z JmcksoMdle.FL 32258 lign T u...; ii74v8898 C LAY — 884)646.8485 N FAX:I 8886816 DEC 2022 DESCRIPTION RESULTS R08I�ry 2584 L�- , REVISIONS pcpEn °E' Vence No,624b7 DATE jANOH T.HALL '"'K. iiiia IPTION J DATE, O fQ 7 w/ 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 6 . Q LL 125 125 'el- 0 . 1 N h 120 120 0 W PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM zJ i/—115 115 0 N _ O L. 110 110 WJ In 0 z Q L 105 001 105 z P ci g 16' PVC DRIB WM • 100 100 Lu w oW r 95 36" PIPE - 95 q U 90 90 cc 0 W N J U W 85 85 z g — I- v= W W 80 80 tl - In O 0: a ti W 75 75 0 Z CC 2 O U a kt Ul cc) I O1 O N M M M kt V V V ul ul ul ul Co Co Co Co I n n n Wcc E 0 70 - - - - - 70 Q 84 N a U M C — tf lf1 tr. M Q 0 IN pry. (N (N IL e C W N 367+00 368+00 369+00 370+00 371�+00 372+00 373+00 I- ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION S H A D O W L A W N C D D SHEET _ Eacksonivis, U" 8e Roa^ J � � �� SION NO. N ^ (904)646-9485 'iv'' � FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. 4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-6666316 �¶�/j j�`i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 5 4 6 135 135 130 130 125 125 Q ..L.120 120 0 0 In N h 0 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM —\1/4 ,.c. 115 CC 115 cc W 0 z 0 ILI Ln f 10" PVC DR18 FM W z Q 110 110 0 W v z v o W 105 105 Lit6 C n 0 4 v 55, 20" PVC DR18 RM 0 12" PVC DRIB FM I- LU N LU V W 100 100 g 36" PIPE Q LU w_ 0 L. 2 In o a ti 95 95 0 Z 0 O U C a i oCC ti U Iy u_ MQ 90 I _ 90 ^N 367+00 368+00 369+00 370+00 371+00 372+00 373+00 u_ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ E^d�-*"1^U"R��•I^�- S H A D O W L A W N C D D �J� ���q EXTENSION SHEET d' Jacksonivilse,FL 32258e Roatl �j �q /�/�� �/y �j �j NO. N TEL:(904)646-6990 �/�/ ��/i,/ d'"JL��d V ���1L ��lLe .(r a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 Lc-666o316 PI i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 2 5 5 p 10 50 STA, 376+00 Feet iiiii (1) 16" X 6" TEE 718 LF OF 76" SAT 379+00 \ (i) 6„ GV yy/B&C (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX (4) 6„ 45° BENDS �/ (1) FH 3-WAY 30 LF OF 6" WM R1y( L �j PROP. INE 1 7',1 I N. STA. BEN —O is o o �� , 45° BENDS O r WM UNE O . ► ---------------------(T.0`*IN-.-CLEAR) c C. µ — — '� M o z CU O ,�� (.') 20" 22.5° BENDS w W `^ o P'y' Z n -( STA. 380+28 a O ,}� I: Q CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY y (4) Zp 45° BEND n '� 2' RM UNDER SD x A m �/ STA 377+00 (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) �e — — v) :Z — 1% _ 1 _ _ — - _ — tr v w RiW LINE w STA 377+00 _ _ - STA 380+00 w N r (1) 10" GV W/ B&C ` _ _ `_ _ _ - - ' '� (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX = � _ _ u x f ! ELECTRIC N - PROP. ( ~ C _ EASEMENT __—_— STA 380+13 w EC U -- w 1 10" 22.5° BENDS (1) AIR RELEASE VALVE - __ (2) Ln STA. 380+28 = DR18 FM (4) 10" 45° BENDS w � - 685LFOF70" PVC FMUNpER50 0 (1 0' MIN• CLEAR) n cc 0 687 LF OF 20" PVC pRiB RM 0. J Q u V 0 w 0 ' F cc SHEET ]( p Tj° �j°]�� j( NO. CR 2118 11dX71°IILNSIOd� E= SHADOWLAwN CDD 256 a 7� 7/��y 7� o6nsi Anro g ;,e`' PROJECT NO. 1f Tvm1L��'I 11 t �� ly 11 FL32258 COUNTY ��JJ IILL 11 a �'°��°""'•' DAT E o REVISIONS TeL,(eg6tel “2 14-071-12 DESCRIPTION Fg71;(904)646A485 CLAY M N DATE LT6 Re9istrY-2584 LC-0081131 246 DEC 2022 ^ DESCRIPTION ViSiON•IMPERRHICE•REEL Licence No.62467 ^ o DATE JASON T.HALL c N � N ^ O ^ N O O`t �l^ 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 6 . Q L. 125 125 0 . , N h 120 120 W PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM cc 115 w 115 N 0 O to J 110 110 W In N 105 \ / 105 0 N ci N 16" PVC DRIB WM g 24" PIPE 100 100 cp 0 W W 95 95 . us q U 90 90 cc . W N ...I V W L. 85 85 - 1- L. L. 80 80 T L_ In O 0: a ti 75 75 0 Z CC 15 O vi U a Co CO CO Ol Ol Ol Ol I O I I ^.. ^.. N N N N in M M M kt 'kt kt kt U'1 C i¢- cc O' C Q N"- U LC O` O` M d o tL ¢ n N Piz r 0 ^N 374+00 375+00 376+00 377+00 378+00 379+00 380+00 1- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ E4775^d�-aht R�r•IT. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(90i4il 4 FL 32258e Roatl NO. N0" FAX:(904)646-9490 ','N'' � FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. O VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-66s0a1s �¶�/j m i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 5 7 135 135 130 130 125 125 6 Q ti 120 120 0 0 ir; N h 17 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM —\ L. 115 115 I 10" PVC DR18 FM —\\ z 110 110 0 v z cD W, 105 20" PVC DR18 RM _ 105 W N 2 v c, m 24" PIPE v II,N LU V W 100 100 I- 2 0 I- LU W s x 2 0 0 a E 95 95 0 0 Z CC O ._ u U a , C a i o Q ti U N 90 I I 90 L. N 374+00 375+00 376+00 377+00 378+00 379+00 380+00 L. REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION _ England-Thimb&RIlar•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET 14775 Jacksonville,e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ' TEL:(904)642-8990 REUSE MAIN PROFILE OFIULIE Q � FAX:(904)64fi-9455 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 Lc-0000316 i IASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 2 5 8 STA 382+90 (2) 16" 45° BENDS (1) 16" GVW/ B&C (I) 16" PLUG (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT 37 LF OF 16" PVC DRIB WM STA 384+20 (1) 20" GV W/ B&C (1) 20" PLUG STA 382+85 (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT (1) 16Al2" +85 207 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM (1) 12" GV W/ B&C (4) 12" 45° BENDS STA 384+30 (1) 12" PLUG (1) 10"X6" TEE (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT (1) 6" GV W/ B&C 0 10 50 174 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 WM (3) 6" 45° BENDS (1) 6" PLUG (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX Feet STA. 382+60 199 LF OF 6" PVC DR18 FM (1) 16" X 6" TEE (1) 6" GV W/B&C I — — PROP. R/W LINE (1) FH 3-WAY 12LFOF6" WM / v al U U- ® STA. 382+90 - 130LFOF24" \ —I"�, , M p - - - - - - - STEEL CASING , \� h O 189LFOF 16" PVC DR18 WM O STA. 384+23 STA. 384+30 Le + ---- 120 LF OF 16" - W 124 LF OF 36" STEEL CASING STEEL CASING '' z CO Lu 0 3 38-2 383 384 385 386 z k- 8,5°25'34"E I I i o i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Lu 749.47 -J UJ Ln o —) WM UNDER FM & RM (I) 20" GV W/ B&C C CONST. CATHEDRAL OAK PARKWAY Q _ (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) o U z Q /// STA 384+21 in in (2) 20" 45° BENDS \ '1 \ Q m 318 LF OF 20" PVC DRIB RM �\ 71 - - - - - - _ �® _ 4Z W 1. U — — — — W = z g - - tY u v W PROP. R/W LINE RM UNDER FM STA 384+60 Ill (1.0 MIN. CLEAR) (1) 10"x8" REDUCER z PROP. ELECTRIC (1) 8" GV W/ B&C EASEMENT STA 384+07 (1) 8" PLUG (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX o (7) 20"x72" TEE 19 LF OF 8" PVC DR18 FM Lu 0 348 LF OF 10" PVC DR18 FM (2) 12" 45° BENDS N (1) 12" GV W/ B&C j o (1) FLUSHING HYDRANTG STA 384+30 in in ai 25 LF OF 12" PVC DRIBLRM (2) 10" 45° BENDS ti (1) AIR RELEASE VALVE tL 9 o CI STA 384+16 0 ao (1) 10"x8" TEELu (1) 8" GV W/ B&Co o (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX Q P- (1) 8" PLUG z 19LFOF8" PVC DRIBFM o ,L u. ro z O Q Lu N 1-- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E14775 ngland- Augustine t1HR S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL-(90i4il 4 FL-8 32258 Road N O. N - TEL:(904)642-8990 o � ETril FAX:(904)64fi-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RE6ULT6 Registry-2564 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 5 9 6 155 155 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 130 130 6 Q ti 125 125 0 ir; N h 120 120 W PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM z 115 115 0 Z 0 O L. J 110 110 W o 105 16 PVC DRIB WM 105 z 0 M g 100 100 °: O Lui W 95 95 L, a v 90 90 cc o W LII W L. 85 85 z W W 80 80 0 i, O 5- a 75 75 0 Z O U a Evi u1 u1 1p 1p CO 1p K l0 1p R fr1 W u1 M O W u1 frni O W u1 C 70 ti ti ti tivi : : M : 2 70 Q U o o rn z Ou ^N 381+00 382+00 383+00 384+00 385+00 386+00 REVISIONS SHEET o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 14775 Old EnaledSt.Aug a Augustine RoadS H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218EXTENSION d' TEL:(904il e,FL 32258e Roatl — NO. N ^ TEL:(904)646-6990 aETMFAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry Cu- 'VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2664 Lc-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 6 0 6 135 135 130 130 125 125 U Q ti 120 120 0 M N h PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM & FM w J R 115 115 W N z O J 10" PVC DRIB FM 8" PVC DR18 FM ulLu 0 z 110 0 110 0 W v z . — 1 to U_ _ _ I- v 20" PVC DR18 RM W 105 105 W N U I- W U LL N -4 U W L. 100 00 I- 1 N - N I- W W s In N L In 0 0: a 95 95 0 - 0 N o o U a , C o Q ti U M 90 1 90 0' N 381+00 382+00 383+00 384+00 385+00 386+00 F- ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION114775 4gledSt Augustine t1HR S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' E_I_FU1U1 TEL:(90i4il 4 FL-8 32258 Road NO. N TES:(904)646-9996 REUSE MAIN PROFILE OFIULIE a FAX:(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o C1610N•EXPERIENCE•RUMS Registry-2564 LC-0060316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 FORCE MAIN PROFILE 2 411111111 \p) 0 10 50 1 n �— P°°RCEL 61 (BY OTHERS) Feet 12" WM (BY OTHERS) 12" RM (BY OTHERS) ST0 CONSTRUCT RM BEFOR (1) 20" GV w/B&C WORK B (1) 20" GV OTHERS. COORDINAT (1) 2"x1 TEE (45° DOWN) SCHEDULE WIT (5)11 45° BENDS (1) 12" GV 12" GV /B&C ADJACENT CONTRACTORw8&C (1) 72" SLEEVE (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED WM UNDER FM 11 C5 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM ONNECT TO PROP 12" RM (BY OTHERS) STA 215+00 (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) DI STA 211+00 (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED (1) 20" GV W/ B&C U STA 208+60 RM UNDER FMTURN LANE (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX (1) 20" PLUG (].0' MIN. CLEAR) IMPROVEMENT 637 LF OF 20" PVC DRIB RM u. F\_______ _____ 1 (BY OTHERS) EXIST. R/W LINE o ( 1S_ _ _ _ _ _ QYL S_ _ _ ———_ S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #��5 � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � S_ _ _ _ _ S- ' T 7�J5 x S x 7875�_�xA^ -f87 —OE_ _ ,n If-3 (9)19 8718 .°. 8)18 - - (0 18 - - (-9R - - Fella - (8)19 - - (8)18 - - (8)19 - - -(9)18 - C -(9)1 - - 0 (9)9- - - - " : • : 9 (9)9 (9)9 (9)9 (8)9 (9)9 1J - (;99 - O w WM UNDER RM — ---------------- -------------- cc R ------------ —'----- ti cc t� ---(0)9 ((]�7 -4 v i G 1 1 L 1 213 G 1 --- Q o o WM UNDER GAS u UM ,c i LI t - _ W w z C EXIST. CR 218 l o J Q = z l U z (B) BT(:,- -®�I BT(B) BT(B) BT(B) BT(B) BT(B) BT(B) BT(R) RT(R) ��1� I-- to Q a O 100 LF OF 16" HDPE WM EXIST. R/W LINE j DIRECTIONAL DRILL UNDER STA 213+20 CR 218 PER SECTION 555, (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX FDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS w Z o o o c STA 208+80 636 LF OF 16" PVC DRIB WM w (1) 16" X 12" TEE (1) 12" GV W/ B&C w (4) 12" 45° BENDS w (1) 12" SLEEVE ~ CONNECT TO PROP 12" WM (BY OTHERS) Ln z 50 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 WM k. o w 4 w Ln z STA 208+60 in a (1) 16" GV W/ B&C i- (1) 16" PLUG (1) FLUSHING HYDRANT o 0 o O a C a o ti U g d M z O N z Lu �O F- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r,Inc. S H A D O W L A W N CD D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' ETM Jacksonlvil e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 o FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o Ci VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 m i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 6 2 6 120 120 115 115 110 110 U 105 105 Q LL. N- O 0 M N h EXIST. GROUND L NE ABOVE WM 100 100 W J CC f cc W 0 0 0 ..,....—_______ W J ` Q A IL \________j---- ----__� 95 0 z i :: lIll --( 90 ✓ W —Ia 16 PVC DR18 WM ti U w N O O z cc1— 85 85 LU Co' ILI N I— U Ln I— W W W o N 80 0 80 - W 0 zCC 0 O U a 9 a o C i Q 75 75 U '!,) ^N Q 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thim�l llHar•fea S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(904il 5 Old e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ ETM 1477(904)642-8890 'iv'' FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. o VISION•EXPERIENCE•REEULTE Registry-2684 LC-09 om �¶�/j IASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 263 1 120 120 115 115 110 110 U Q 105 105 L. 0 0 M N h W 100 EXIST. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM 100 Lu z w 0 W — W 95 95 z Q p w ,. v _ Q m 90 - 90 �' p W W II 0 U 20" P�/CDRIBRM Z g 2 85 85 W N U u) W W W o 3 ! o to a UO 80 ~ W E O p 2 O a , C a i o Q 75 75 J L', ^N 208+00 209+00 210+00 211+00 212+00 213+00 214+00 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England- .l^�- 14775 Old e Augustine Road S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION Jacksonville, SHEET T NO. N ^ TEL: (904)64-6990E •TFAX:(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. rva o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0600316 /¶//j �j IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE d",�AIN PRO ILE 264 I Z 111111 0 10 50 Feet (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED PARCEL 61 (BY OTHERS) (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED 700 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM U Q EXIST. R/W LINE v _ _ o 77 O0cs =' 0E - - -_ 4 = `_ - -�__'_-�-- _ -,OE.` _ -. =--�E_ x .-b `- X_ - (2E "- - - p 1f9)19 - - - - (b)1N _ _ (E)id_ _ - _ _ (9)114-- - - - (8)19- - - - 8 - 1 - - (9118 �9719 - - (9)19- - - (9)19 (9)19 x n p O - __ moo_- 6909=— - - ----( 0 78)9 `-(9).9 _ _ (912 - (609 - - (9).. ] - --'4)- — _ _--(1-)`J- O w - - - - - - - - - - - - - ix) - — - STA 217+00 - - — _ N ,x N (1) 20" GVW/ 8&CNI - /// -- N L cc � I I I I I I I I L. J w 0 J - - - SEXIST. CR218- - - _ _ _ � - - - - - J Q _ _ o U ' - - - _ _ - _ - - - - - U w \ z Q �- - - - - - � - - - _ _ I-- in Z CS y O S STA 216+50 EXIST. R/W LINE STA 2E BOX j (1) 12" GV W/ B&C (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX u, 700 LF OF 16" PVC DRIB WM U o N O cc U w J w w I— tn Z h u w W o Ln N z to a ti O 0 C z O U a C 9 i E o ti U i u_ z 0 n' Q w 2 N ^ 1- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOMr•lea S H A D O W L A W N CD D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET ETM J4:75vile.FL32258e Roatl N�. N ^ FAX:(904)646-990 o FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 4 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN l.1� 2 6 5 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Q U v 0 0 m 100 100 N w EXIST. GROUND(LINE ABOVE WM —\ z \ CC 0 Z 95 95 0 W in Q N Lu N 90 — — 90_U J •X W CD O 8\\ lll a 16" PVC DR18 WM t` W 85 85 u N O p g cc -O J W Co' zLtI N )- U to W 80 80 W I 4i O.1 Ln L. O in a ti in u. 0 p CC vW 75 75 W a o 9 tY Q s. U o LL 0Q ^N 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CI 218 EXTENSION SHEET ETM Jacksonivil e.FL 3225ene Roatl NO. N ^ FAX(904)646-6990 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0600316 �¶�/j j�` IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER a".�AIN PRO IL"' 2 6 6 115 115 110 110 105 105 6 Q ti 0 0 M N 100 100 - LD EXIST. GF�OUND LINE ABOVE RM II 2 z tr w p z W O z Q p W v z t 90 \ 90 g t I h W CD p W tA w 20" PVC DR18 RIy1 us W 85 I 85 z o p g u W J W � NI )- V Ln W 80 80 it • W O x LI in O a E' W O p 75 75 W a i oti Q U s. u 0, Q I I O ^N 215+00 216+00 217+00 218+00 219+00 220+00 221+00 222+00 T REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' Jacksonivilse,FL 32258e Road NO. D. N ^ ETM TEL:(904)646-9990 'iv' FAX:(904)642-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. O VISION a EXPERIENCE a RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-°mom6 MAIN �j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE PRO ILE 2 67 0 10 50 F-et PARCEL 61 (8 OTHERS) (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED STA 2I B&C 465 LF OF 20" PVC DR18 RM EXIST. R/W LINE 49 s— gam_ 8 5' g )� �)� ;(8JS 8)5 ——— (a)5 ((aJS ———((a)S 55-- ( )�—— o �a)7e _CsTia - - TaTia - - _ %o)i - - _ (0)19-- - - (9)la - O w N FXTST Z F-Z18 N cc I o W i rom rnir x Ali. x O STA 222+50 w (1) 16"GV W/ B&C EXIST. R/W LINE \\ w U g CC O 770 LF OF 16" PVC DR18 WM \\ w x PROP. R/W LINE • PROP. EASEMENT LINE • w 0 B O U a 0 cc a � o Q ti U e z O h Q W N F- REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E gla d-TAimb MIlar.1^c- S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? 218 218 EXTENSION SHEET Na NO.e.FL32258e Road TEL: (904)64-6990^ ETM FAX:(904)646-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PL�N 2 6 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Q ti 100 100 0 1 N PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE WM —\ h tO J 95 95 — W o O W J Q W 90 90 2 L Q O m N C .' V J J Q X W 85 16" PVC DR18 WM 85 T W ` v w 0 g O tY W W �I 80 80 N I- V V1 in W W W o In In 0 75 75 = o LL p in o U a 9 C S o -4 •ti I-- U z ry z 70 70 0 o � I w N 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimg.UHRoadInc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D C� 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(90i4il d 4 F8 32258e Road NO. N 7 14775 04)642-8890 o ETM FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o VISION•WERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 WATER ER MAIN PROFILE 2 6 9 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Q Ll 100 100 0 M N h LD PROP. GROUNDI LINE ABOVE RM W J 95 PROP. 10" FM 95 o W W J Q Q 0 I 2 Q 90 - ---- — - --- 90 W —— — T z to N NZi �I EXIST. 10" FM N Cp O ? 8.5 20" PVC DR18 RM 85 j U- w U N o Z o cr N I- z U N W J c W 80 80 N N In W W W o In N I 0 0: a 75 75 0 0 z tY O U a C N i— o Q I F-- U s. NQ 70 I 70 u_ ^N 222+00 223+00 224+00 225+00 226+00 227+00 228+00 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION Ea^c �TF„2Pna 58ir.lec. Augustine Road S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET o NO. N ^ TEL:(904)646-485 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-256a LC-0600316 /¶//� �j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE d"���� PROFI,�E 2 0 10 50 �iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii Feet EXIST. POWER POLE (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED TO BE RELOCATED (BY OTHERS) (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED U EXIST. R/W LINE Q (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED w -(8)M (8)M ———ilia- — -- — fM--_ _ (8)M - - -(G)M-— -----(9 — — — -(1)1: 8-)11,4 —IIITIIT7I/ o T87z87 rn Q ,YS n/ ` ,-(� _ } _ _'_ x _ _` �w---_•___ x—..__--_:t i r _7 - _ .� n r._+—«_ \=•-_vF—•--'--•—��r—+—� w - x -:T-x�_r O u1 0 ^ O . -7 )18 (8)18 (w18 (8)18 = 8 (8)18 (8118 (8)i8— (8)l w + - - - - �--(fl)D- --- (8)rD-- --- (8)D-- — 81D- - - �(s)J-_ � �- --- _ _(97�1 Lu -= T - - - - J- (1119 I' eIID/ rrl cc N q30 - - -231— —232 23.E—— — 2 .5// Q o w w ill— Ln 0 --I � EXIST. CR218 - - � �1 Q Q - - I— . . . III . a / ' \ STA 236+00 w EXIST. R/W LINEiir STA. 234+19 (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX Z. g (I) 12" 22.5° BEND RM UNDER BANDS Z 0 (1.0' MIN. CLEAR) o w STA 232+00 w (1) 12" GVW/ B&C w= PROP. R/W LINE u W 4 w OI 734 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 RMLn z in a E I I ..L.i= I I 0 CI CC g. U a C N o ti I I ¢ U 0 ¢ z 0 N ¢ - re I I = N I2 REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E^d�-*ein„.Il�nl^�. S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? ���Q EXTENSION NSION SHEET d' Jacksonivil e.F8 3225e Roatl NO. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RE6ULT6 Registry-2584 LC-0000316 0 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY LIIT PLAN 271 115 115 110 110 105 105 U Q u_ 100 100 0 0 M N ut PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM W J cc 95 95 cc 0 Z 0 O L. J Li O 2 Q 90 90 0 v " PIPE cD N N �I — I— W85 ( 18 _ 85 L. w W UZ 0 tr g 12" PVC DR18 RM v LU W ,. 80 L. 80 z N U In L. W L. In IL In 0 0: a 1- 75 75 0 0 N CC O U a , LL a i o Q I- U o LU u M 70 70 N 229+00 230+00 231+00 232+00 233+00 234+00 235+00 236+00 0 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E^d�-*nin„.17�n1^�- S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' Jackson4775 ivilse,FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ ETM i TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-moms /¶//j �j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE MAIN PRO ILE 272 4-11111.1 0 10 50 Feet (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED v EXIST. R/W LINE (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED Q � w -(9)M — -(0)M- __.-- — —--—(9�AA --— (9)M----T )M (8�M—-- -( NL� — (81M -- -(9)M T 7875 '7975- _——7fhS — — — —(T£i7S " _ [calc� ._._�. —6-g S- =— -- 405———— —-- ( S #= IBIS - - - ((975-- - - (� T (7 O -or x _ . ,� ��, —.�—g�x� - ��7� , Or = — _ _ .� OE --O �x -flE .� —.— OE O - - (9)19- - - - (ti)id - - (b)id - - (e)19- - - - (8179 = __ (9)19 _ _ (91_LB_ _ _ (AIIN- - - - (g)18_ _ _ _ (9)l9- (9)19 (9 O W 9 - - - (0)3 - -_-_ _ (9)3 - - — -(03- -_ _ - =T— _ (9)9 _ 'I- (11 �� �ii ii 42 � I— o uluj _ _ _ er "- EXIST. CR218 J Q - - - - - - -_-_ —_ �_ _ _ - - - _ � _ _ � ?>Or = z -- -- --- -- - - — ---- — — --- /--------- 700 • EXISTWLINE LF OF 12" PVC DR18 RM \( w 1 w �o,�o ,10 / w � / w 0 O O / �0 w a •,/ W , / , , , / irPLu �O'0 A.'07 ix, / ,moo/o A,o F- REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION IE�gledSt.8neRoad S H A D O W L A W N CD D C� 218EXTENSION NSION SHEET ETM TEL:(904il e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ FAX-(904)646-6990 FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 27 3 I I 7 117 110 110 105 105 100 100 6 Q LL Ci 0 M N h O 95 PROP. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM 95 W J LU N Z W 90 / 90 W t �— z —_ _ w z t to o 85 85 N _ CD O W W w UZ O O g 80 12" PVC DR18 RM 80bcc w cc w m' zw N I- V u) in W W W 75 75 in it In 0 0: a ti 0 r O S p z O U a a r" 0i 70 70 Q ti U s. o � I I I I W ^N 236+00 237+00 238+00 239+00 240+00 241+00 242+00 F- REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION E775 Old St Augustinen - S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:ETM (90i4il 4 F8 32258 Road N�. N ^ TEL:(904)642-8990 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o 4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE MAIN AI1N PROFILE 274 0 10 50 iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii >')) ,>o,>o ,�o,>o,»o Feet • •KY • • (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED / l (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED ,/ / /-,/:4 / t • - • —— — ——-- - --_— - ---- -- - -/'17 L..;EXIST. R/W LINE (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED •Q/ LL./- - - - -1 4 - j -(9)(1-7 i)d (am �(S1M- - - I (9M (amI )M I ( M (am -(9M I (am -(9)M o s—--— — - - -( 5s — - - - s— (e)s (a)s N o � y/ � ( s,. lSs (e)s (e)s 1e5s o .1)O= . 0 :- ;�- - -" - - --OE'- 1—_,_, -- OF •- - C - - - - 30 i _ � - 31 - O (8)O (9)19 (9)19 °O+ 19 • � ' tle- - - - - _ : -(ttl9- - - - - -- - - - -(9)1 _ (818 (8)19�8)O (f)1� _ (R)9 (6 $ 9- --- ----�---------e—)�-----------�----- ----------------(8-198-----aa—s--(-8)9—(8—)1-8 ---------- (8)9 (9)9 wW CC ^) Y�s; — Je9_ (a)s r� � N -ao�o—T _ — ono � ) � A od • 4— L� - - - -ZS- - - �4� 24� 248 ------------ N 49 2' z (f. ,' , , /. I I I 1_ I I I I I I I LT) o tLi W ' W Q ill - - - ———— —-- ———— ———— — zLn ,_, o � — — a c EXIST. CR 218 a Q U -07 0>> - - - - - - - - - - - - _ w C� Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CC i I �O,�O�O EXIST. R/W LINE �, STA 244+00 STA 248+00 ,, (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX (1) 12" GV W/ B&C v w , • o Z g 0 cc 700 LF OF 12" PVC DRI8 RM w LU to �O�O�O Ln z I- w o to N O 6'N • V) In a Q 0 C O 0 p cc z r O U a .z a i Q ti 0 g U. ... U. Q z 0 '' Q LU N 1— REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-*nin„.Mau nInc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' • Jacksonivil e.FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ U M4)646-6090 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry o VISION•OIPCRIlNCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 LC-moms i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 5 6 105 105 100 100 95 95 U Q v 0 0 m N 90 90 u, G W J c / EXIT. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM -- w --�_--_ o N — 85 —— W 85 -�— A o --_—_ N — Luc' v Ci LQ 80 ---- 80 --- J g __—— J �I I- W N _ o W W tl 75 75 0 g 72" PVC DR78 RM c v -4 0 w no N Lu L to U, W, 70 70 W s Li LI 0 L a O p z o O 65 65 W a i tY o -4 i- s. U o N 243+00 244+00 245+00 246+00 247+00 248+00 249+00 I- REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTIONEngland-TNimgNine Roaec. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET E_I_FU1U1 Jacksonivil e.FL 3225ene Roatl NO. N ^ FAX(904)646-6990 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0600316 /¶/� �j JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 RE USE' MA PROFILE' 27 6 0 10 50 Feet (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED v Q EXIST. R/W LINE (9)M (9)M _ - - lI (9)M t- - - -(9) ' m �s 8)S (9)M (9 _ _ N ���55 (�875 v - ((975 O8 5 (9)S (8 (9)M (9)M (g)5 RI, p (a/s (8J5 8 S (9)8 91S9)M g)s (9/Sy ,—x—' O p — ------ —_ , _ (8)S (aJ ((as fQ (9_�(97 _ _ _�(915- - — --- )S (9 p (9)19 (8119 (8)la T — ———————— — (8)18 _ O w (8)19 " ———— __ -(8)9 (9)9 (9-)l9 (ff)9----------- -((9k15-_ '- (8T8 (8)18 _-- + + (8)9 (8)9 W (8)9 -09-_—— EXIST. CR 218 (8)9 ———----- __ __ _ __ — z 50 _ d 251 252 - - - - -- - - -I�- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Q c, 253 254 0 I 255 Q W W w _ z Ln Ul = STA. 253+80 I I = L V (I 16X12 REDUCER STA. 254+80 - - - - _ _ _ _ (1) 16X12 REDUCER _ - Q in' - - —_,IL _ - - - ---_,---_, 13 • 40 STA 252+00 (E) GUY WIRE POLE AND o EcL , (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX STA 255+50 ANCHORS TO BE REMOVED AND RESET BY CLAY ELECTRIC U o (1) 12" GVW/ B&C Z EXIST. R/W LINE 227 LF OF 12" PVC DR18 RM c 380 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM U 7 100 LF OF 16" HDPE RM t` DIRECTIONAL DRILL UNDER = CREEK PER SECTION 555, ~ FDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSLn z h w 4 w o Ln zin CI ti L. 0 C 0 U a C a i - ti i¢- U U. U. z 0 `t ¢ w a N 1- REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-4OkJ*eim,.rn�r.l^c. S H A D O W L A W N CD D CR 218 EXTENSION NSION NO. ETM SHEET TEL:(904il e.FL 32258e Road a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. 77 ry o VISION••OIPCRIlNCE••RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-momsi JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011a2 UTIL.J T PLAN 2 100 100 95 95 90 90 U Q ti 0 0 85 85 0,,; N h 17 10 L. J cc cc cc 80 80 LUj O L. — -- EXIST. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM Q w—— to 0 _ Q ------ W 75 —— 75 t to b \ — - J g I no N C0 U —_' -- o c `_A /'' J LL, 70 70 U 0 cr 12" PVC DRIBRM v w Li o i c w no Lu N in 65 65 W W w O. U) N Li VI 0 a ti S DIRECTIONAL DRILL PER o 60 FDOT SPECIFICATION 355 60 CC 0 0 U a o LL a i o Q ti i¢- U s. L.n Q I I O ^N 250+00 251+00 252+00 253+00 254+00 255+00 256+00 x REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-TNimgu Mc . S H A D O W L A W N C D D �� ���Q ���°�q°��'���J SHEET 14775 Old TEL:(904ile.-8 FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ FAS:(904)646-9485 a FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. 90 4 ry o VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2684 LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE MAIN PROFILE 27 8 0 10 50 1— Feet (E) 12" WM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED v Q (E)8" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED v (8)M- • o 0 ( �8J (E)10" FM TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED N M h 0 —�'�..i_� ' ' ( �8)M_ EXIST. R/W LINE ,Cccz _ _ ,���S5' c (9)M w ___ _(- - ——-X_ X—'—.� r 7S-_ = .-(86 (9)M -(8)M -(8)M -(9)M j ^I_— •--- - _'_= - —6 —__' ,� - - --�[ds-•-_ - - -(8)S- -(8)5. g 5 OS (8)S 30_- O Q —— . . — -(8)9- �—__ — _ _'_—,_ ___ (8)5- - - - - - - - - -(9)5-30 - - -_--- ((-8)5 3-0 -(8-)S-30 w ——____ (8)g- _ Celle (8)18 (9)19 O o Lu v Z58— ------------------ (8)9 (8)O (9)O ------ w Ln o �v — 259 - - - ----_ _ _ ______-- - - Ipp 2i Q Q �Q o 260 261 O z , -411111116 LU (7) _ _ _ _ - �_�,� ' - _ _ EXIST. CR 218 = Q - - � _ _ V CS a. _ _ - Q w 662LFOF 12" PVCDR18RM %'7 - - - w v w o `z cc ccSTA 259+40 EXIST. R/W LINE w (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX 'i w (E) GUY WIRE POLE AND t" ANCHORS TO BE REMOVED xI- AND RESET BY CLAY Ln ELECTRIC z h u w 4 w o Ln zin a ti 6 O CC i 0 CC 0 U a O U a o Q ti U o L 0 U. Mro ,1�Q _ ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimg&Mar•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET N ^ ETM 1477ivilse.FL 32258t. e Road Jacksonville,TEL:(904)642-8990 NO. a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ry VISION•WERRNCE•RESULTS Registry-25134 LC-0000316 4 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 7 9 IV ILL? 100 100 95 95 90 90 U ti Ci 0 0 M h 85 85 _ V cc EXIST. GROUND LINE ABOVE RMcc / z O / W 80 --- — ------ — --- --- --J 80 Ui N / o w N U o 00 75 75 W 12"I PVC DRIB RM La Z O O g 70CC 70 Z W W U to I.— in L. W W it 65 65 a U- O S p z Li O U a C � . 60 60 ti I¢— U o It N 257+00 258+00 259+00 260+00 261+00 262+00 263+00 REVISIONS ^ o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION EngledSt Aug sine RoadInc. S H A D O W L A W N C DD CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET JacksonETM 14775 ivilse,FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ TEL:(904)646-6990 FAX:(904)64fi-9465 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N o 4C1610N•OIPCRIlNCE•RE6ULT6 Registry-2584 LC-0000316 JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 RE USE MAIN PROFILE 2 8 0 '' I elbS \Q> /r \ /� �Q,)jai /�' / / -q� ,' // 0 10 50 // - zi z r_DI Feet 2 191W . //7 91y0 •<2 '/i / l - %V -j/V / — -_—". - . ' '' , ' '::- - 7"l v l9�y9' 119. 711 • -- 263 .Tvi �1IOW 9y9. • �919� j✓ \j / o o o O 2 538LFOF 12" PVCDR78RM L �' Cal Lu �C.."‘ 0 iR / (1) 12" 90° BEND 1002 1003 1004 1005 1 6 I �`� `-z.. lik Bc;1� - I i i i I o y - - - -BE,' )- _ _f 1 N 1°5'17"E ' , I I 10: w Ill . e Ln v -RIM _STA. 1000+94 - Q �� (1) 12" 45° BEND -I c!xn I o (1) 12" GV w/B&C STA. 1001+46 EXIST. R/W LINE ' ' , z (1) 12" 11.25° BEND U1 , , Q REMOVE AND REPLACE 3.5 SY ' ' AO c-S 0- OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK .' II. o am-, w S aw M ° .a.7.0i Q; o o 0 g u m Ill LLI oNza 236 LF OF 12" PVC DRIBRM o = wwVtn o ti L. z Lgle 0 v, NC ,T., C m z E o Q tiit, . U o ty 7z r - ,t O Fr. • _ __ ��` — - - L! - E UTILITY PLAN (277) ; REVISIONS o WEEEM DESCRIPTION MMEM DESCRIPTION England-L imb14 rReR edc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET TEL:(90i4il 904)St. F8 32258e Road I V O. `,,' 7 ETM 14775 a 2-8990 FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. ''4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-0000316 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 281 100 100 95 95 90 90 6 Q ti / EROUNDXIST. LINE ABOV r RM o o N N h 85 —\ _ t ——— /---- 85 \ / CC \ / W \ / z \ / W 80 \�_..../ \ 80 W Ln Q z o t 1 75 12" PVC DR18 RM' 75 a LD w Z 80 U a 70 70 cp W W Co ILI N I— U to W W s 65 65 Ln 0 in ,z a ti O CC z 0 CC a , C 0 60 60 Q Q O a a a o- Li. aZ a a a o 1 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC ^N 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 REVISIONS o d DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England- MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET d' Jacksonivilse,FL 32258ne Roatl NO. N ^ ETM TEL(004)642-8880 a FAX:(904)646-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. o VISION a OIPERIENCE a RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-09 om MAIN �j IASON T.HALL Licence No.61467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE PRO ILE 282 s Nor ...... ._411. ligot..-,.-- ., ,... . _ • /111 r . lirliP • • • ROY L POINTE DRIV11111611P. ; • • . _..__.___ • = 0 10 50 . . . . Fee ' illk mati 1 ,lip • • ;� �. O ", z o Ni . #, I N �- • J I h LD -m —sap •�, �� CC 403 10fl9_F§ Fg§ I Q 1O F��§ g 4 yq ' S(8)- -� 1013- - - /= = ; ail,:. - .i-• cc l 1 1 1 �e�S L �%3 8� Ptil(8)� NP _ z- 1 IVt19°33'31"E _ _ p—pP -, w1dP14, �5 NPW i) o o� r�^ram2 eire. W (2) ]1.25° BENDS • w0430 LF OF 12" PVC DRIB RM (1) 12" SLEEVE / r Q W REMOVE PLUG AND CONNECT TO J m o t J (1) LOCATE WIRE BOX EXIST. 12" RM n w z CD v =r ` W V - - Q N Q d Q V i U W O g O C U 1 - -.1 Ill W - . .� I- . z h u . 2 - W o Ln Z I. In a ti 4 � O 4 z O A U E o Q - -171 U • 1, IL .I O m i . • 1 N I- REVISIONS o WEEEM DESCRIPTION /® DESCRIPTION England.Thinu&RH.r.lna. S H A D O W L A W N C D D Cl? 218 EXTENSION SHEET Jackso04)6..FL 32258e Road NO. N ^ ETM TEL:(904)642.8990 a FAX:(904)646.9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. N O" o 4 VISION•EXPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2564 Lc-eee93t6 i JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 UTILITY PLAN 2 8 3 105 105 100 100 95 95 6 Q ti 90 90 0 o M N h EXIST. GROUND LINE ABOVE RM w J 85 85 0 cc 0 W J Q w Ln 0 2 80 UD Q W m Z a m --Io a 1- n CD 75 2" PVCDR18RM 75 0 w a Z w Fe v a o cc a i- Ill _I o w �, 70 70 N i- U to o w I w o Ln P to 0 65 65 0 0 CC 0 2 U a i C a E o Q ti z �Z 60 a a a a 60 0 N 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 ^ REVISIONS o DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION England-Thimb&MOM r•Inc. S H A D O W L A W N C D D CR 218 EXTENSION SHEET Jacksonivil e.FL 32258e Road N O. N ^ 1477(00415t.Aug 0 'iv'' ETM FAX:(904)64fi-9485 DATE COUNTY PROJECT NO. o VISION•OIPERIENCE•RESULTS Registry-2584 LC-°sums JASON T.HALL Licence No.62467 DEC 2022 CLAY 14-011-12 REUSE MAIN PROFILE 284 CR-218 Extension Anticipated CCUA Draw Schedule-CCUA Work Only 7/28/2023 2023 I 2024 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Total Vallencourt Construction Company $ 83,265.84 $ 451,031.36 $ 566,073.01 $ 566,073.01 $ 490,472.41 $ 489,447.26 $ 631,796.82 $ 631,796.82 $ 611,713.43 $ 611,713.43 $ 421,751.29 $ 295,018.24 $ 24,663.82 $ 24,663.82 $5,899,480.57 CDD Direct Order Purchase of Material $1,593,135.98 $1,368,523.02 $2,961,659.00 CEI $ 8,519.40 $ 25,558.20 $ 25,558.20 $ 25,558.20 $ 25,558.20 $ 25,558.20 $ 34,077.60 $ 34,077.60 $ 34,077.60 $ 25,558.20 $ 17,038.80 $ 17,038.80 $ 17,038.80 $ 25,558.20 $340,776.00$340,776.00 Monthly Total I$ 91,785.24 I$ 476,589.56 I$2,184,767.19 I$1,960,154.23 I$ 516,030.61 1$ 515,005.46 I$ 665,874.42 I$ 665,874.42 I$ 645,791.03 I$ 637,271.63 I$ 438,790.09 I$ 312,057.04 I$ 41,702.62 I$ 50,222.02 I $9,201,915.57 Anticipated CCUA Draw' I$568,374.79 I$2,184,767.19 I$1,960,154.23 I$ 516,030.61 1$ 515,005.46 I$ 665,874.42 I$ 665,874.42 I$ 645,791.03 I$ 637,271.63 I$ 438,790.09 I$ 312,057.041$ 41,702.62 I$ 50,222.02 I 1 1 $9,201,915.57 •First draw includes first two months per the draft agreement Exhibit B Benefited Lands Dewberry Map to LEGEND Visney` vim Interim Cost liC,\G 111 Recovery Area First Coast Expressway �G72 �. •.�� Future Land Use • fr 1 LA AC111 LA GW . I II _c . _ _ LAMPC LA RC 7 �� 1 LA RF �. _ LA VC �' • - la - - . , . 0 .t fil7 -, lb i y —_ mot; F ♦ osi) i to Q-� It 1§S j ■- . III C -...„ CNN 't / „ir,........ . V m r. / ,. . . ___, ,, . . AI ) . . la ile.........„.e • . , . : _. 7 Illa In;® ° r - IICM N. • ,, \-,6Ny �N. \ 0 600 1,200 NOTE: EXHIBIT B W E �� Feet Future Land Useper ClayCount Florida Nov-2022 CATHEDRAL OAK WEST AND CR 218 `: Dewberry �- y° WATER, SEWER, AND REUSE ,, 1 •inch = 1,200 feet Medium Future Land Use Densities Shown s TRUNK MAIN CORRIDOR BENEFITTING AREA Exhibit C Developer Agreement to Return to: Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg,Florida 32068-3907 Parcel Number(s): PROJECT NAME 00-00-00-000000-000-00 Clay County (Mid-Clay System) Name of Project DEVELOPER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT GRANTS TO THE "UTILITY" (AS HEREINAFTER DEFINED)AN ENFORCEABLE LIEN ATTACHING TO THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT"A" HEREIN (THE "PROPERTY") FOR CERTAIN DEFERRED CAPACITY AND CONNECTION CHARGES TO BE PAID UPON APPLICATION FOR SERVICE. THIS DEVELOPER AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), made and entered into this day of ,20XX,by and between(DEVELOPER NAME),hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY,an independent special district established under Chapter 94-491, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1994, hereinafter referred to as "Utility". WHEREAS, Developer owns or controls lands located in Clay County, Florida, and described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (hereinafter "Property"); WHEREAS, Developer desires that the Utility provide central potable water, pumping, treatment, and distribution service; central wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal service; and central reclaimed water service for the Property; WHEREAS, the Utility is willing to provide, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement central potable water,wastewater,and reclaimed water service to the Property and thereafter operate applicable facilities so that the occupants of the improvements on the Property will receive adequate potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water service from the Utility; and WHEREAS,it is the intent of the parties that both Developer and Utility shall perform the obligation,as set forth in the Cathedral Oaks West and C.R. 218 Water, Sewer, and Reuse Trunk Main Cost Recovery Agreement, dated , attached hereto as Exhibit"D". WHEREAS, the parties wish to enter into this Agreement setting forth their mutual understandings and undertakings regarding the furnishing of potable water and wastewater service by the Utility to the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises, the mutual undertakings and agreements herein contained and assumed, Developer and Utility hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. The foregoing statements are true and correct. 2. The following definitions and references are given for the purpose of interpreting the terms as used in this Agreement and apply unless the context indicates a different meaning: (a) "Consumer Installation" - All facilities ordinarily on the consumer's side of the point of delivery. (b) "Contribution-in-Aid-of-Construction (CIAC)" - The sum of money and/or the value of Property represented by the cost of the wastewater collection system and potable water distribution system constructed or to be constructed which the Developer or owner transfers, or agrees to transfer, to Utility, if so, designated by the Utility, at no cost to Utility to provide utility service to the Property. 2 (c) "Equivalent Residential Connection(ERC)" -A factor expressed in gallons per day(GPD) that is used to convert a given average daily flow(ADF)to the equivalent number of residential connections. For this purpose,the average daily flow of one potable water ERC is(450)GPD,one wastewater ERC is(311)GPD and one reclaimed water ERC is (275) GPD. (d) "Point of Delivery" - The point where the pipes or meter of Utility are connected with the pipes of the consumer. The point of delivery for potable and reclaimed water services shall be at the consumer's side of the meter and for wastewater service at the lot or property line. Utility shall, according to the terms and conditions hereof,own all pipes and appurtenances to the point of delivery unless otherwise agreed. The pipes and appurtenances inside the point of delivery shall belong to others. (e) "Service"-The readiness and ability on the part of the Utility to furnish and maintain potable water, reclaimed water, and wastewater service to the point of delivery for each lot or tract pursuant to rules and regulations of applicable regulatory agencies. 3. Assurance of Title - Developer represents and warrants that the Developer is the owner of the Property and has the legal right to grant the exclusive rights of service contained in this Agreement. Upon request, Developer agrees to deliver to Utility evidence of such ownership including any outstanding mortgages,taxes,liens, and covenants. 4. Connection Charges-In addition to the contribution of any wastewater collection systems,potable water distribution systems,and reclaimed water systems where applicable, and further to induce Utility to provide potable water,reclaimed water,and wastewater service,Developer hereby agrees to pay to Utility the following fees and charges, as defined in the Rate Resolution (including Service Availability Policy), upon execution of this Agreement in order to reserve capacity in the System: (a) Water Capacity Charge: ($360.00 x ERCs) $ * Alternative Water Supply Surcharge: ($376.71 x ERCs) $ * SJWMD Black Creek Water Resource Charge: ($108.77 x ERCs) $ * Wastewater Capacity Charge: ($3,200.00 x_ ERCs) $ * Reclaimed Water Capacity Charge: ($300.00 x ERCs) $ * Total Capacity Charges to be Deferred $ (b) Debt Service Charge: ($149.00 x ERCs) $ (c) Main Extension Charge—Water $ ** Main Extension Charge—Wastewater $ ** Main Extension Charge—Reclaimed Water $ ** (d) Meter Installation Charge $ N/A *** Effluent Reclaimed Meter Installation $ N/A *** (e) Plan Review Fee $ (f) Inspection Fee $ (g) Recording Fee $ Subtotal $ Less Total Capacity Charges to be Deferred $ Total due at execution of Developer Agreement $ * - Includes (#)ERCs,based on(#) single-family lots,which are deferred and to be paid at the time of application for service via meter install, in accordance with the then-current Rate Resolution most recently adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority. ** - See Paragraph 40 for the explanation of charges. *** - The potable and reclaimed water meters will be paid by each builder or customer upon application for building water for each lot. This Agreement does not include a provision for any other separate landscape irrigation services, amenity centers, or park areas for the Property. Note: Items (e) and (f) are estimates and are subject to adjustment based on the actual cost incurred. 3 Method of Payment/Security Interest - Utility agrees to defer payment and collection of certain capacity charges as set forth above on an individual per lot basis,until such time as water service is applied for as to such lot within the Property. In consideration,for such delay,Developer does hereby grant,convey,hypothecate,and pledge to Utility a security interest in the lands described in Exhibit"A"herein. Such security interest shall constitute an enforceable lien on the individual lots as depicted on the plat of said lands recorded(or to be recorded)in the public records of Clay County, Florida. The lien hereby created will be released by Utility on a lot-by-lot basis upon payment to Utility of the capacity charges assigned to the lot(s)to be released. The party requesting the release shall be responsible for recording the release in the public records. The priority of the lien granted herein is governed by Chapter 94-491,Laws of Florida,Special Acts of 1994 (the "Act"), which is recorded in OR BK 1524, PG 1798-1836, public records of Clay County, Florida. Specific reference is made to Section 11 and Section 19. (6)and(9)of the Act,respectively,which provide in pertinent part that the priority of such lien"... shall be superior and paramount to the interest on such parcel or property of any owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other person except the lien of county taxes and shall be on a parity with the lien of any such county taxes." Utility shall not be obligated to provide the services herein for any particular lot or parcel until such time as the capacity charges and related costs have been paid in full for that lot or parcel. Payment of the charges in paragraph 4 does not and will not result in Utility waiving any of its rates or rules and regulations and their enforcement shall not be affected in any manner whatsoever by Developer making payment of same. Except as specifically stated,Utility shall not be obligated to refund to Developer any portion of the value of the above charges for any reason whatsoever nor shall Utility pay any interest upon the above charges paid. Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement,neither Developer nor any person or other entity holding any of the Property by,through,or under Developer,or otherwise, shall have any present or future right,title,claim or interest in and to the charges paid or to any of the potable water, reclaimed water, or wastewater facilities and properties of Utility, and all prohibitions applicable to Developer with respect to no refund of such charges, no interest payment on said charges and otherwise, are applicable to all persons or entities. Paid capacity or connection charges may not be applied to offset any service bill or other claims of Utility. 5. On-Site Installations-On-site facilities are those located within the Property for which Developer is requesting service. Developer shall convey to Utility if so designated by Utility, all on-site water and wastewater lines,laterals,mains,lift stations,pump stations,and appurtenant facilities(collectively referred to as"Components" or"On-Site System")on the Property with all contractual guarantees relating thereto. Conveyance shall take place within a reasonable time after installation of the On-Site System but prior to Utility's obligation to provide service. Until such time as the On-Site System is conveyed,the same shall be operated and maintained by Developer. In its sole discretion,Utility may decline to accept the On-Site System,may lease the On-Site System from Developer,or agree to such other arrangement as it deems appropriate. Utility shall have the right and obligation, at the Developer's expense, to construct and/or approve the construction of the on-site installations which shall be owned and maintained by Utility,if so designated by Utility. The Utility shall also have the right to review all plans and specifications, and connections to its system, and the Developer shall pay a fee equal to the Utility's actual cost to review such plans and specifications. The Utility shall have the right to inspect all phases of construction undertaken by outside contractors for facilities which are to be owned by the Utility if so designated by the Utility. The Developer will reimburse the Utility for its costs for such inspection, including all overhead associated with same. Where on-site temporary pump stations or backflow prevention devices are required,they shall be paid for one hundred percent(100%)by the Developer without any provision for refund. Utility reserves the right to require backflow prevention devices on all potable water service connections. 4 The On-Site System shall be constructed in compliance with all regulatory requirements and the specifications and requirements of the Utility. No construction shall commence until Utility has reviewed and approved the Developer's contractor and the plans and specifications for the construction of the potable water, reclaimed water,and wastewater systems for the project. The proposed electrical transformer layout of the electric utility providing service must be provided to the Utility prior to the commencement of construction. Developer shall guarantee Utility against defects in material and workmanship for the portion of the On-Site System to be owned by the Utility or County if so designated by Utility. Developer shall secure from their contractor a written and fully assignable warranty that the system installed will be and remain free from all defects, latent or otherwise, with respect to workmanship, materials, and installation in accordance with Utility-approved plans and specifications, for a period of two (2) years from the date of the system acceptance by the Utility, and immediately assign the same and the right to enforce the same to the Utility on or before such date. The Developer shall also provide to the Utility, at Developer's sole expense, such maintenance bond and other forms of security acceptable to the Utility in such amounts approved by the Utility, which by its or their express terms protect and indemnify the Utility against any loss,damage,costs,claims,debts or demands by reason of defects,latent or otherwise,in the system to be and remain in effect for two(2)years from the date of the system acceptance by Utility. In addition to any other promises, guarantees or warranties to be provided by Developer to the Utility hereunder, Developer agrees to protect and indemnify Utility against any loss, damage, costs, claims, debts, or demands by reason of defects, latent or otherwise,in the system which could not have been reasonably discovered upon normal engineering inspection, to be and remain in effect for a period of two (2)years from the date of the system's acceptance by Utility. Developer agrees to transfer to Utility if so, designated by Utility, title to all water distribution and wastewater collection systems installed by Developer or Developer's contractor,which the Utility has agreed shall be owned and maintained by it pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement and shall: (a) Deliver a Bill of Sale and No Lien Affidavit in a form acceptable to the Utility for such potable water distribution, reclaimed water distribution, and wastewater collection systems. (b) Provide copies of invoices and Release of Liens from the contractor for installation of the utility systems as well as for any repairs to the Systems which may have been caused by other subcontractors during construction. (c) Assign any and all warranties and/or maintenance bonds as set forth herein. (d) Provide all operations,maintenance, and parts manuals, as-built plans complying with the Utility's specifications, and other documents required for the operation of the utility system. (e) Convey to Utility,if so,designated by Utility,easements and/or rights-of-way covering all areas in which potable water,reclaimed water,and wastewater systems are installed,with adequate legal access to same,by recordable document satisfactory to Utility. (f) Convey to Utility, if so, designated by Utility, by a recordable document in a form satisfactory to Utility, fee simple title to lift station and pump station sites, along with recordable ingress/egress easement documents. (g) Provide a copy of the Project Engineer's final certification of completion to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection certifying installation of all potable water and wastewater facilities in accordance with approved plans. 5 6. Off-Site Installations-Developer shall further construct all transmission mains,pump stations,and appurtenant facilities necessary to connect the On-Site System to the nearest appropriate point in Utility's transmission system, as determined by Utility. Utility may require Developer to oversize off-site transmission mains and appurtenant facilities in a manner consistent with Utility's Master Plan. The costs associated with the construction of over-sized facilities which provide the Utility with excess capacity for the benefit of other properties may be subject to refundable advance treatment pursuant to Utility's Service Availability Policy. The same construction standards,warranty requirements,maintenance bond requirements,transfer of title by Bill of Sale,and indemnification requirements, as provided under paragraph 5 of this Agreement, shall also apply to the Off-Site installations. 7. Agreement to Serve-Upon the completion of construction of the On-Site and Off-Site Facilities by Developer, or an appropriate phase thereof, and compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and Utility's Service Availability Policy, Utility will allow connection or oversee the connection of the wastewater collection facility,potable water distribution facility, and/or reclaimed water facility installed by Developer to the central facilities of Utility in accordance with all rules, regulations, and orders of the applicable governmental authorities. Utility agrees that once it provides potable water, reclaimed water, and/or wastewater service to the customers within the Property that it will continuously provide such service, at its cost and expense, but in accordance with the other provisions of this Agreement,the then current Rate Resolution in effect for Utility, and the requirements of the governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the operations of Utility. Utility shall not be liable for any temporary interruptions in service as a result of equipment failure, emergencies, or Acts of God. The covenants and agreements of Developer contained in paragraphs 5, 6, and 7 hereof shall survive the Utility's acceptance of any On-site and Off-site Facilities and the Utility's commencement of service to the Property. Should any such covenant or agreement of Developer in fact be outstanding following either or both of such dates, then,notwithstanding any contrary provision contained herein,Utility may,upon thirty(30)days advance written notice and demand for cure mailed to Developer,temporarily interrupt service to the Property until such outstanding covenant or agreement of Developer is satisfied in full. Utility shall not be liable for any temporary interruptions in service as a result of any action authorized or permitted by this paragraph. 8. Application for Service-Developer, or any owner of any parcel of the Property,or any occupant of any residence, building, or unit located thereon shall not have the right to and shall not connect any consumer installation to the facilities of Utility until the formal written application has been made to Utility by the prospective user of service,or either of them,in accordance with the then effective rules and regulations of Utility and approval for such connection has been granted. 9. Easements-Developer hereby grants and gives to Utility,its successors,and assigns,but subject to the terms of this Agreement, the exclusive right or privilege to construct, own, maintain, and operate the potable water,wastewater,and reclaimed water facilities to serve the Property in,under,upon,over and across the present and future streets, roads, alleys, utility easements, reserved utility strips and utility sites. Mortgagees, if any, holding prior liens on the Property shall be required to release such liens, subordinate their position, or join in the grant or dedication of the easements or rights-of-way, or give to Utility assurance by way of a "non-disturbance agreement", that in the event of foreclosure, the mortgagee would continue to recognize the easement rights of Utility. All potable water,reclaimed water,and wastewater collection facilities save and except installations owned by Developer, or their successors or assigns, shall be covered by easements or rights-of-way if not located within platted or dedicated roads or rights-of-way for utility purposes and there shall be adequate legal access to same. The use of easements granted by the Developer to Utility shall not preclude the use by other utilities of these easements,such as for cable television,telephone,electric,or gas utilities. However,the use of such non-exclusive easements by third parties shall not interfere with the Utility's utilization of same. Utility hereby agrees that all easement grants will be utilized in accordance with the established and generally accepted practices of the potable water, reclaimed water, and wastewater industry with respect to the installation of all its facilities in any of the easement areas. 6 10. Utility's Exclusive Right to Utility Facilities -Developer agrees with Utility that all potable water, reclaimed water,and wastewater facilities accepted by Utility in connection with providing potable water,reclaimed water, and wastewater services to the Property shall at all times remain in the sole, complete and exclusive ownership of Utility, and any person or entity owning any part of the Property or any residence, building or unit constructed or located thereon,shall not have any right,title,claim or interest in and to such facilities or any part of them,for any purpose,including the furnishing of potable water,reclaimed water,and wastewater services to other persons or entities located within or beyond the limits of the Property. 11. Exclusive Right to Provide Service-Developer shall not engage in the business of providing potable water services or sanitary wastewater services to the Property during the period of time Utility provides water and wastewater services to the Property. Utility shall have the sole and exclusive right and privilege to provide water and wastewater services to the Property and to the occupants of such residence, building, or unit constructed thereon. 12. Rates-Utility agrees that the rates to be charged to the Developer and individual consumers of water and wastewater services shall be those set forth in the then-current Rate Resolution most recently adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority as may be amended from time to time. However, notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement, Utility, its successors, and assigns may establish, amend, or revise,from time to time in the future,and enforce in a reasonable manner,the rates or rate schedule so established. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement,Utility may establish,amend,or revise,from time to time, in the future,and enforce rules and regulations covering water and wastewater services to the Property.However,all such rules and regulations so established by Utility shall at all times be reasonable and subject to such regulations as may be provided by law or contract. 13. Quality of Wastewater-All commercial facilities which discharge non-domestic type wastes into the Utility's collection system are required to meet the requirements of Resolution 21/22-05(Pretreatment Resolution) with regard to waste quality. In addition, facilities with photographic development operations may be required to install and maintain a silver recovery unit in order to meet the requirements of this resolution. Discharge of floor finish stripper products and waste to the collection system requires an Industrial Pretreatment Permit issued by the Utility. The Developer's tenant or the Property/project owner or Lessor must inform Utility of its intent to discharge any floor finish stripper product and waste. Upon notification, a permit application will be sent to Developer's tenant or the Property/project owner or Lessor to be completed and submitted to the Utility for processing. A permit fee is not required by the Utility for an Industrial Pretreatment Permit. Failure to follow these procedures may result in termination of water and wastewater service. 14. Binding Effect of Agreement-This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Developer,Utility,and their respective assigns and successors by merger,consolidation,conveyance,or otherwise. Any assignment or transfer by Developer shall be subject to Utility approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld provided the assignee or transferee shall acknowledge in writing that it assumes the duties and responsibilities of the Developer as set forth in this Agreement. 15. Notice-Until further written notice by either party to the other,all notices provided for herein shall be in writing and transmitted by messenger,by mail, or by electronic mail, and if to Developer, shall be mailed or delivered to Developer at: Developer Name Developer Address 7 and if to the Utility at: Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, Florida 32068-3907 or such other address as specified in writing by either party to the other. 16. Laws of Florida-This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida and it shall be and become effective immediately upon execution by both parties hereto, subject to any approvals which must be obtained from a governmental authority, if applicable. 17. Costs and Attorney's Fees - In the event the Utility or the Developer are required to enforce this Agreement by court proceedings,by instituting suit or otherwise,then the venue shall lie in Clay County,Florida, and the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party all cost incurred, including reasonable attorney's fees. 18. Force Majeure-In the event that the performance of this Agreement by either party is prevented or interrupted in consequence of any cause beyond the control of either party, including,but not limited to an Act of God or of the public enemy,war,national emergency,allocation or of other governmental restrictions upon the use or availability of labor or materials, civil disorder, strike, embargo, natural disaster or catastrophe, unforeseeable failure or breakdown of transmission, treatment or other facilities, governmental rule, act, order, restriction, regulation, statute, ordinance, or order, decree,judgment, restraining order or injunction of any court, said party shall not be liable for such non-performance. 19. Indemnification-Developer agrees to indemnify and hold the Utility harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) to which it may become subject by reason of or arising out of Developer's performance of this Agreement. This indemnification provision shall survive the actual connection to Utility's potable water,wastewater, and reclaimed water systems. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 20. The rights, privileges, obligations, and covenants of the Developer and Utility shall survive the completion of the work of the Developer with respect to completing the facilities and services to any development phase and to the Property as a whole. 21. This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements or representations, either verbal or written, heretofore in effect between Developer and Utility, made with respect to the matters herein contained, and when duly executed,constitutes the agreement between Developer and Utility. No additions,alterations,or variations of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid,nor can provisions of this Agreement be waived by either party,unless such additions, alterations, variations, or waivers are expressed in writing and duly signed. 22. Whenever the singular number is used in this Agreement and when required by the context,the same shall include the plural, and the masculine, feminine, and neuter genders shall each include the others. 23. Whenever approvals of any nature are required by either party to this Agreement, it is agreed that same shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 24. The submission of this Agreement for examination by the Developer does not constitute an offer but becomes effective only upon execution thereof by Utility. 8 25. Failure to insist upon strict compliance with any of the terms, covenants, or conditions herein shall not be deemed a waiver of such terms,covenants,or conditions,nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any right or power hereunder at any time or times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of such right or power at any other time or times. 26. It is because of inducements offered by Developer to Utility that Utility has agreed to provide potable water,reclaimed water, and wastewater services to Developer's project. Capacity reserved hereunder cannot and shall not be assigned by Developer to Third Parties without the written consent of Utility, except in the case of a bonafide sale of Developer's Property. 27. Utility shall, as aforesaid, at all reasonable times and hours, have the right of inspection of Developer's internal lines and facilities. This provision shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the Developer. 28. The parties hereto recognize that prior to the time Utility may actually commence upon a program to carry out the terms and conditions of this Agreement,Utility may be required to obtain approval from various state and local governmental authorities having jurisdiction and regulatory power over the construction,maintenance,and operation of Utility. The Utility agrees that it will diligently and earnestly make the necessary proper applications to all governmental authorities and will pursue the same to the end that it will use its best efforts to obtain such approval. Developer agrees to provide necessary assistance to Utility in obtaining the approvals provided for herein. Upon execution of this Agreement, Utility may require the payment of a reasonable fee to defray Utility's legal, engineering, accounting, and administrative and contingent expense. 29. It shall be the Developer's responsibility to provide acceptable as-built drawings of the potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water systems installed by the Developer or Utility, in accordance with the Utility's standard specifications,details,and notes,which are to be accepted by Utility for ownership and maintenance,as set forth in paragraph 5 (d) herein; and the Utility's charges associated with the review and quality assurance of the CAD as-built survey drawings will be paid directly by Developer's licensed underground utility contractor and shall be provided in accordance with Utility's"As-built Specifications Standards Manual",which can be obtained from the Utility's website (www.clayutility.org). It shall be the Developer's responsibility to properly instruct his contractor to contact the Utility for an estimate of such charges and clarification of the required as-built drawing procedures. 30. It shall be the Developer's responsibility or the Developer's customers'responsibility,utilizing the project's potable water,reclaimed water,and wastewater service within Developer's project,to apply to Utility for service after the installation of the potable water,reclaimed water,and wastewater utilities have been completed and accepted by Utility. Upon completion of the application for potable water,reclaimed water,and wastewater service and payment of the appropriate charges set forth in the Utility's then-current applicable Rate Resolution,including any security deposits required, service will be initiated to customers within Developer's Property 31. Developer shall not place any conservation easements over any of the easement lands that contain Utility's existing or proposed water, wastewater, and reclaimed water facilities for the project covered by this Agreement. 32. Developer shall grant an easement to Utility covering the potable water,wastewater,and reclaimed facilities that Utility agrees to own and maintain and shall be responsible for providing the legal description for such easement to Utility,as shown on the plans prepared by(Project Engineer Name),Project Number(#),as described in Exhibit "C", prior to commencement of this project. This shall include (1) all easements necessary to accommodate water,wastewater,and reclaimed water stubs to adjacent properties;(2)an easement ten(10)feet in width lying parallel and adjacent to all right of way lines within the Developer's Property;(3)any easements within storm drainage retention pond areas or along lot lines that may be necessary to accommodate any stormwater harvesting systems that Utility may choose to install within Developer's Property. 9 33. The landscaping(new or existing)for this project shall not include the planting of any trees within seven- and one-half feet (7 ft. 6 in.) of any of the water, wastewater, and/or reclaimed water mains. In the alternative,it is understood and agreed by the Developer and Utility that the Developer shall provide a root barrier, satisfactory to Utility,around the roots of all landscaping,trees,shrubs,etc.,that are planted within the road rights- of-way that will potentially impact any of the utilities covered by this Agreement. It shall be the Developer's responsibility to contractually require builders within the Property to establish a workable procedure to assure the Utility that the planting of"street trees"within the project provides at least seven and one-half feet(7 ft. 6 in.) of separation from the center of the trees to Utility's mains and services. Otherwise, root barriers are to be installed where the seven and one-half feet(7 ft. 6 in.)criteria are not met. A service charge, subject to the Utility's Board of Supervisors approval,maybe assessed in order for the Utility to inspect and approve the proposed tree locations. 34. The road cross-section,utility placement,and sidewalk placement used within the subdivision streets and rights-of-way shall be consistent with those layouts established by the Utility in cooperation with other utilities and the Clay County Engineering Department. Any variance from these standard layouts shall be communicated by Developer to all utilities requiring facilities in the right-of-way and the Clay County Engineering Department and shall be approved by all such utilities and agencies prior to the commencement of construction. 35. It shall be the Developer's responsibility to valve each water stub in such a fashion that connection and extension of service to subsequent phases does not disrupt service to prior phases and such additional valving shall be approved by the Utility prior to installation. Each such phase shall be bacteriologically cleared and final certified by the design engineer as complete, including as-built drawings, final close-out documents, and final acceptance by the Utility, prior to water and wastewater service is initialized. 36. Developer shall connect to the Utility's proposed(description of project connection points), at the locations shown on the final approved plans prepared by(Project Engineer Name),Project Number(#),described in Exhibit"C"which are acceptable to the Utility. 37. Connection to Utility's(existing or proposed)(Description of Project Connection Points and Utility Installation),including services from the main to the meter locations, shall be installed by the Developer's State of Florida Licensed Underground Utility Contractor and shall meet all of the requirements of Utility prior to Utility's acceptance for ownership and maintenance. Utility shall own and maintain all facilities upstream of the downstream side of the reclaimed water meters and potable water meters and all facilities downstream of the downstream side of the reclaimed water meters and potable water meters shall be owned and maintained by Developer. All of the water installations shall be in accordance with the plans prepared by (Project Engineer Name), Project Number (#) as described in Exhibit "C", or as modified in a manner acceptable to Utility. Utility shall have access to all of the water meters during normal business hours, for meter reading purposes. 38. Connection to the (Existing or Proposed) (Description of Project Connection Points and Utility Installation) shall be installed by the Developer's State of Florida Licensed Underground Utility Contractor and shall meet all of the requirements of the Utility prior to Utility's acceptance for ownership and maintenance. All wastewater mains 8-inches and larger in size, terminating by a manhole, and all wastewater mains 8-inches and larger in size that are stubbed for future extensions, as shown on the plans prepared (Project Engineer Name), Project Number (#), as described in Exhibit "C", shall be owned and maintained by Utility. This includes all wastewater laterals from the 8-inch wastewater mains to Developer's Property line/right-of-way line for each lot. All wastewater installations upstream of the Developer's point of connection shall be owned and maintained by Developer, and all installations downstream of this point of connection shall be owned and maintained by the Utility. The wastewater pumping station and all ancillary items related to the wastewater pump station shall also be owned and maintained by the Utility. All such facilities shall be installed by the Developer's State of Florida Licensed Underground Utility Contractor and shall meet all of the requirements of the Utility prior to Utility's acceptance for ownership and maintenance. 10 39. Developer and the Utility agree that the Utility intends to recover the cost for the installation of the water,wastewater,and reclaimed water transmission mains being installed with the roadway consisting of Cathedral Oaks West and County Road 218 from Shadowlawn Elementary School to the First Coast Expressway interchange, approximately 1.8 miles, and future phases identified along the existing CR 218,proposed CR 218 extension and Cathedral Oaks Parkway,and corridors to the north of the interchange with the First Coast Expressway to serve the Lake Asbury Master Planning Area(LAMPA) development as defined in Clay County's Future Use Policy. Furthermore,the Utility intends to recover such infrastructure costs,through the LAMPA Trunk Main Cost Recovery Policy,currently being considered by the Utility's Board of Supervisors.Both parties agree that once the LAMPA Cost Recovery policy is placed into effect,the policy supersedes in its entirety the cost recovery terms set forth in this agreement; however, if for any reason the LAMPA Trunk Main Cost Recovery Policy is not adopted, the Developer shall be held to the cost recovery terms set forth in this agreement. In order to recover the actual Infrastructure Costs incurred for the directly benefiting developable areas,as estimated below,the Utility will be paid a per ERC charge based on the actual costs incurred divided by the number of ERCs that each main can provide. The estimated cost is conceptual; however,the methodology is as proposed. The cost per ERC charge is due and payable upon the execution of this agreement. Due to Utility: Water Reclaimed Wastewater Estimated Infrastructure Cost $7,858,000 $10,003,000 $11,270,000 Allocated Portion per ERC $839 $1,068 $890 • The cost per ERC shall be adjusted annually to recover the Utility's carrying cost on the Utility's investment in the subject infrastructure and to adjust from estimated cost to actual costs. 40. This agreement covers only the capacity fees and charges for(Project Name) and does not include any of the future developments that are planned for this Property. A separate agreement will be prepared for the additional requirements of each future development on the Property when such development is initiated. 41. Developer shall,by perpetual covenants and restrictions,require each developed lot or parcel within the Property to install an on-site irrigation system in full compliance with Utility's Reclaimed Water Policy(i.e., "Reuse Policy"), a true copy of which, in its current form, is attached hereto as Exhibit"B", and shall require that those systems be operated and maintained in accordance with the rules and regulations of Utility, as well as all governmental agencies having jurisdiction over such reclaimed water systems, and all lots or parcels lying within the Property are hereby so restricted. 42. All irrigation contractors employed by Developer to install reclaimed water irrigation systems within the Property shall be registered with the Utility. The criteria for registration are included in Utility's Cross-Connection Control Policy. Once registered,such irrigation contractor shall comply completely with Utility's Cross-Connection Control Policy and Reuse Policy. Cross-connection control inspections will not be conducted for irrigation contractors that are not registered with the Utility. 11 43. Developer agrees that all elements of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection rules and regulations regarding the use of reclaimed water within the project will be adhered to at all times and that the(Name of Homeowners'Association or CDD)will continue to be responsible after Developer is no longer in charge. This specifically pertains to the Public Notice(posting of signs)provisions of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection rules and regulations, as well as all specific requirements pertaining to the use of reclaimed water in public areas and on roadways. 44. No wells shall be permitted within or upon the Property for any purpose. 45. The construction of this project will not commence until receipt by the Utility of all permits and easements, if necessary,this Agreement is executed, and the charges stated herein are paid. 46. This Agreement will need to be executed by Developer, the charges paid(shown on page 2 of the Agreement),prior to October 1,20 ,and the construction of the utilities shall be commenced prior to October 1, 20 , or this Agreement will be subject to any Service Availability charge increases currently approved, which may be applicable or which may be approved by Utility's Board of Supervisors for the next fiscal year beginning October 1, 20 ; and this Agreement is subject to any material cost increases which Utility may experience after October 1, 20 [Signatures begin on next page] 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Developer and Utility have executed or have caused this Agreement,with the named Exhibits attached,to be duly executed in several counterparts,each of which counterpart shall be considered an original executed copy of this Agreement. WITNESSES: DEVELOPER: (Developer Name and classification) Witness: By: (Seal) Print Name: (Registered Agent) Witness: Print Name: STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of ❑x physical presence or 0 online notarization, this day of , 20 , by (Registered Agent), as (Title) of(Developer), a (classification), who is personally known to me or who has produced , as identification. Print Name: Notary Public, State of at Large My Commission Expires: 13 WITNESSES: UTILITY: CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY Witness: By: Print Name: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., M.B.A. Executive Director (Corporate Seal) Witness: Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF CLAY The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of x❑ physical presence or ❑ online notarization this day of , 20 , by JEREMY D. JOHNSTON, as EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY, who is personally known to me. Print Name: Notary Public State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: 14 (Project Name) Parcel Number(s) EXHIBIT "A" Reserved for the Property's Legal Description to 15 EXHIBIT "B" REUSE POLICY PAGE 1 OF 2 Effective Date - Thirty (30) days after Board's approval of the policy, for all developments that have not met the filing requirements of the County's Zoning Department,which requires each new development to be reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC), or for those developments not requiring DRC approval,which have been quoted charges to connect to the Clay County Utility Authority's(CCUA)water and/or wastewater systems within twelve months prior to the effective date of the reuse policy. A filing for a DRC meeting,which is incomplete as of the effective date of this policy, shall not be considered as filed timely for the prior policy to apply. If the Developer has not commenced substantial construction on his project,which was filed with DRC prior to the effective date of this policy, within fifteen months after the effective date of the policy, then said development shall come under the provisions of this policy. Applicability - This policy will be applicable to all developments that file for a Development Review Committee review after the effective date of this policy. This shall include: A. Developments occurring under Development of Regional Impact(DRI) agreements which may not be technically required to install residential reuse,but who choose to do so in settlement of minor and/or major modifications to the structure and composition of developments within the DRI.These shall be regulated and charged under this proposed policy and effective date criteria the same as all other developments. B. Exceptions to the applicability of this policy and/or effective date are as follows: 1. Developments occurring under DRI agreements or Florida Quality Development (FQD) agreements, which are not required by said agreement to install residential reuse and who do not volunteer to provide residential reuse piping systems. 2. Developments which, as of the date of enactment of this policy, own and maintain their own reuse pumping plant and purchase bulk service from the CCUA. 3. Developments which have prepaid connection fees prior to January 1, 1998, at a prior approved rate and still have an inventory of prepaid connections, shall be exempt until such prepaid connections are used up. 4. Developments and/or communities that own, operate and maintain their own reuse infrastructure as of January 1, 1998. Developments Required to Install Wastewater Effluent Reuse Piping Systems and Take Reuse Water When it is Available-All developments occurring after the effective date of this policy will be reviewed by the CCUA staff for feasibility of the installation of a reuse piping system for irrigation purposes.These shall include commercial,public facilities, industrial, as well as residential developments. Summary of Criteria to be Utilized by Staff to Evaluate and Determine if Reuse Piping Systems will be Required - (1) Financial feasibility of extending a trunk main to an area at that time,or some planned future date, to provide reuse water to the proposed reuse system. This item shall consider the size of the development, distance to nearest master planned reuse trunk main or planned reuse plant, remaining developable property in the area,complexity of existing development of area which trunk mains must pass through,natural geographical barriers (or obstacles), environmental damage, etc. 16 EXHIBIT "B" REUSE POLICY PAGE 2 OF 2 (2) Remaining developable land in the area(new area with very little existing development and much growth potential will be considered more feasible than an already built-out area). (3) Availability of adequate reuse water within a reasonable time to service the reuse system. (4) CCUA's budgetary restraints. (5) Length of time before a reuse plant or pump station is expected to be built in the area. Surcharge for Developments not required to Install Reuse Piping Systems -Due to the built-out condition of certain geographical areas and the other evaluation of feasibility considerations noted above,it will not be practical to require all areas to install reuse piping systems. All developments that are not required to install the reuse system shall pay a surcharge per ERC as its share of the burden of the reuse system installations at a rate set forth in the "proposed charges for service availability". Requirement for Installation of an Automatic Sprinkler System-All developments where reuse piping systems are required shall install or require the installation of an automatic sprinkler irrigation system acceptable to CCUA for the development of each separate parcel(lot)within the development. Such on-site systems shall utilize color- coded pipe for reuse water, functional rain sensors, and automatic controllers and timers. Approval of Sprinkler Irrigation Contractors - It is deemed by CCUA to be important that sprinkler irrigation contractors, who connect to the reuse system,be thoroughly educated with regard to reuse systems in an effort to eliminate any potential cross connection with the potable water system. In this regard, all irrigation contractors installing irrigation systems in conjunction with this reuse program must prequalify with CCUA by providing their credentials and passing a qualification interview with CCUA's staff for the purpose of demonstrating knowledge of the key issues regarding use of reuse water. A current certificate of insurance, acceptable to CCUA, naming the CCUA as an additional insured shall be on file at all times with the CCUA. Requirement for Payment of Reuse Base Facility Charge-All customer classes that have reuse piping systems available shall be required to pay the Base Facility Charge for reuse water whether they use the reuse water or not. Requirement for Reuse Meter - All customer classes that have reuse piping systems available shall pay for the installation of a reuse meter at the same time the domestic meter is requested. Wells - All developments where reuse piping systems are installed shall prohibit the installation of wells for irrigation purposes. Responsibility for Design and Installation of Reuse Piping Systems-Where reuse piping systems are required, the design engineer for the project shall design,at Developer's expense,the reuse piping system for the development and any reasonable trunk mains necessary to connect to the nearest source of reuse water,and Developer shall install said system at its expense. The CCUA's existing policy regarding cost sharing for oversized mains, refundable agreements, plan review and approval, and adherence to CCUA's specifications and details, shall apply to these reuse piping systems, the same as the potable water distribution systems and wastewater collection systems. 17 EXHIBIT "C" DESCRIPTION OF APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS (Less and except plans to be replaced due to minor changes required) Project: Job Number: Engineer: Engineer Description Latest Engineer Drawing Approved Plan Date Number to 18 EXHIBIT "D" Reserved for the Cathedral Oaks West and C.R. 218 Water, Sewer, and Reuse Trunk Main Cost Recovery Agreement to