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August 1, 2023
The Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) met in Regular Session in the Board
meeting room at the Administrative Office of the Clay County Utility Authority, 3176 Old Jennings Road,
Middleburg, Florida, on the above-stated date.
Item No. 1 —Call to Order
Chairman Davis called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M.
Item No. 2—Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Hodges offered the Invocation and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item No. 3—Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with Chairman Davis, Mr. Gardella, Mr. Hodges, Mr. McNees, and Mr. Starnieri in
co Also present at the meeting were Executive Director Jeremy Johnston, Chief Operations Officer Darryl Muse,
c Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman, Assistant Chief Financial Officer Karen Osbourne, Chief Engineer
co Paul Steinbrecher, Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti, Service Availability Manager Melisa Blaney, Public
o & Governmental Affairs Liaison Dennis Ragosta, Construction and Inspection Services Manager Warrick
3 Sams, Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson, Compliance Manager Heather Webber, SCADA Manager John
ruMcCleary, Contract and Procurement Specialist Darrin Parker, Administrative Assistant Operations Alicia
Baker, Administrative Assistant Engineering Anneica Asberry, and Grady H. Williams, Jr., legal counsel to the
Item No. 4—Election of Vice-Chairman
Chairman Davis opened the floor for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Mr. McNees nominated Mr. Hodges to
serve as Vice-Chairman. No other nominations were proposed. Mr. Starneri moved to close the nominations.
The Board WITHOUT OBJECTION appointed Mr. Hodges to service as Vice-Chairman for the remainder of
the 2022/2023 Fiscal Year.
Item No. 5 —Approval of Minutes
a. Board of Supervisors Joint Audit/Finance &Personnel Meeting, July 18, 2023
b. Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, July 18, 2023
After discussion, Mr. McNees moved, seconded by Vice-Chairman Hodges, and carried 5-0, to approve
the minutes of the Joint Audit/Finance & Personnel Meeting and Regular Meeting held on July 18, 2023.
Item No. 6—Approval of Consent Agenda
After discussion, Vice-Chairman Hodges moved, seconded by Mr. Gardella, and carried 5-0, to approve
the Consent Agenda as follows;
August 1, 2023
1) Approval of Payment of Warrants
Corrected pages from Board of Supervisors meeting, July 18, 2023 - Warrants totaling
Warrants totaling $4,465,641.18
a. Schedule of payments to Sole Sources
b. Schedule of Emergency Repairs/Purchases -None
c. Schedule of items initiated under Emergency Contract—None
d. Schedule of payments from the Emergency Account
e. Schedule of claims paid under the Sewage Backup Response Policy-None
f. Detailed Descriptive Warrant Report
2 Request for Asset Disposal Authorization—None
3) Sole Source Designation
a. Request to grant sole source status to FUSUS, LLC for the purchase of the Real-Time
Intelligence Ecosystem
b. Approval of Capital Budget Activities
1) Requests for Award of Procurement Contracts and/or Ratification of
Procurement/Construction Contracts or Contract Renewals—None
2) Approval of Supplemental Agreements and Change Orders
a. Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to Continuing Services Contract RFQu
2020/2021-A17 with Brooks Building Solutions, Inc. for the Administration Building
HVAC Installation &Repair
b. Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc. to the
Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report Agreement for preparation of the
2022/2023 Biennial Engineering Evaluation and Report
c. Proposed Amendment No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 8 with CDM Smith,
Inc. to the Civil and EnvironOmental Engineering Professional Services, Agreement
2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 to provide additional design and permitting services associated
with the implementation of a site stormwater management system at the Spencer's
Water Treatment Plant
d. Proposed Amendment No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 6 for Professional
Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No 3 with Carollo Engineers, Inc. to Provide
Construction Administration, Startup Services, and Public Engagement Support for
the Potable Reuse Pilot Project
c. Approval of Financing Requests—None
d. Approval of Contract Usage -None
e. Approval of Developer Agreements, Warranty Deeds &Easements
1) Developer Agreement CU22/23-12 — Branan Field Townhomes West — 46 Townhomes
(D.R. Horton, Inc. — Jacksonville) — 46 ERC's water, 46 ERC's wastewater, 22 ERC's
reclaimed, 46 ERC's AWS, 46 ERC's SJRWMD, 46 ERC's debt service - $229,291.16
(deferred amount $186,092.08)
2) Developer Agreement KU22/23-54 — Wastewater Service to 970 Floyd Street (Peter and
Haley Paratore)— 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service -
3) Developer Agreement KU22/23-55 —Wastewater Service to 585 Creighton Road(Robert
& Heather Kuchler) — 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt
service - $6,000.65 (financed amount $5,698.65)
4) Developer Agreement KU22/23-56 —Water & Wastewater Service to 1056 & 1068 Clay
Street (A&M Home Builders, LLC) — 2 ERC's water, 2 ERC's wastewater, 2 ERC's
AWS, 2 ERC's SJRWMD, 2 ERC's environmental impact, 2 ERC's debt service -
5) Develo er Agreement KU22/23-57 — Water & Wastewater Service to 1047 Fleming
Street A&M Home Builders, LLC) — 1 ERC water, 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC AWS, 1
ERC S RWMD, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service - $15,967.58
Item No. 7—Customer Account Adjustments—None
August 1, 2023 2
Item No. 8—Executive Director's Business
a. Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2023/2024
Mr. Wesselman presented the proposed 2023/2024 Fiscal Year Tentative Budget for advertisement
purposes. After discussion, Mr. Gardella moved, seconded by Mr. McNees, and carried 5-0, to grant
tentative approval of the proposed 2023/2024 Fiscal Year budget for advertisement purposes, as
presented by Mr. Wesselman.
b. ERP Project Update and Bill Redesign Presentation
Assistant Chief Financial Officer Karen Osbourne presented an update on CCUA's ERP project and
reviewed the new monthly statement layout which was prepared using the new system. After discussion,
Vice-Chairman Hodges moved, seconded by Mr. McNees, and carried 5-0, to approve the proposed new
layout as presented. Mr. Johnston thanked the entire team for their efforts on this ongoing project.
c. Recommended Selection of the Geotechnical Engineering and Testing Professional Services RFQ NO.
2022/2023-A21Proposed Professional Service Agreement with PACE Analytical Services, LLC for
Laboratory and Analytical Services
Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson presented a recommendation for selection of the Geotechnical
Engineering and Testing Professional Services associated with RFQ NO. 2022/2023-A21 and requested
approval of the ranking of the firms that submitted proposals to provide continuing Geotechnical
Engineering and Testing Professional services. The contracts will allow the consultants to provide
CCUA with specialty services related to field soil sampling, testing, foundation design drawings, details,
reports, studies, investigations, engineering documents, specifications, and other related services. The
term of the existing geotechnical engineering and testing continuing contracts is due to expire on
September 30, 2023. Staff requires services as outlined in the request for proposal from time to time as
our utility continues to grow. The project was advertised on CCUA's Bonfire Procurement Platform and
in the Florida Times Union on June 1, 2023. On June 29, 2023, staff received six (6) responses to the
RFQ, which were subsequently evaluated and scored by the project evaluation committee. Listed are the
ranked shortlist of the overall proposals; Universal Engineering Sciences, LLC 93, GSE Engineering
and Consulting, Inc 91.5, CSI Geo, Inc. 91, Meskel & Associates Engineering, PLLC 90, Terracon
Consultants, Inc. 90, and ECS Florida, LLC. 88. Staff requested approval the ranked list and
authorization to negotiate and execute a contract with the listed firms. After discussion, Vice-Chairman
Hodges moved, seconded by Mr. McNees, and carried 5-0, to approve the ranked list and authorized
staff to negotiate and execute contracts with the listed firms, as presented.
d. Proposed Professional Service Agreement with PACE Analytical Services, LLC for Laboratory and
Analytical Services
Mrs. Wilson presented a proposed Professional Service Agreement with PACE Analytical Services,
LLC for Laboratory and Analytical Services. Staff seeks to diversify water quality laboratory testing
services due to the types of samples taken, laboratory availability, quality controls, and responsiveness.
Staff would like to have more than one (1) laboratory available to analyze samples or in the case that
service or reporting quality decreases. To adhere to regulatory requirements, CCUA will need to enter
into a Professional Service Agreement for these services. After discussion, Mr. McNees moved,
seconded by Mr. Gardella, and carried 5-0, to approve the Professional Service Agreement with PACE
Analytical Services, LLC. to provide Laboratory and Analytical Services, as needed.
August 1, 2023 3
e. Request for consideration and approval for the Clay County Utility Authority to purchase an easement
from Brannan Mill Plantation Homeowner's Association for access in conjunction with the construction
of a CCUA north campus driveway
Service Availability Manager Melisa Blaney and Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti presented a
request for consideration and approval for the CCUA to purchase an easement from the Brannan Mill
Plantation Homeowner's Association for access in conjunction with the construction of a CCUA north
campus driveway After discussion, Mr. McNees moved, seconded by Vice-Chairman Hodges, and
carried 5-0, to approve purchase of the easement in the amount of $ $37,534.43, plus ordinary, and
reasonable closing costs, expenses, and prorations, as presented by Ms. Blaney.
f. Other
Mr. Johnston informed the Board due to Mr. Roark's resignation; a new check signer would need to be
selected. Typically, the Board selects the member with the longest potential length of service available.
Currently Ms. Lebesch would potentially have two remaining terms. The Board WITHOUT
OBJECTION selected Ms. Lebesch to have her signature appear on CCUA checks.
Mr. Johnston also shared the Executive Director's Annual Report will be presented to the Board at the
first meeting in September and the Personnel Committee will meeting prior to the second meeting in
September to review same,prior to the members submitting their annual evaluations to Mr. Williams.
Item No. 9—Legal Business
a. Other-None
Item No. 10—Old Business/New Business -None
Item No. 11 —Public Comment-None
Item No. 12— Supervisor Comments
Mr. Gardella shared he was excited to see the new program and is looking forward to its implementation.
Vice-Chairman Hodges said he appreciated the update on the project's progress and thanked everyone involved
for their efforts.
Mr. Starnieri thanked Ms. Osbourne for her efforts and appreciated her acknowledging the other members of the
team who are involved.
Mr. McNees thanked Ms. Osbourne for leading the project. He also mentioned we might want to consider
calling the monthly statement an invoice versus a bill. He also informed everyone he will be absent from the
meeting on August 15t'.
Chairman Davis echoed all the member's comments.
Item No. 13 —Adjournment
Chairman Davis adjourned the meeting at 2:55 P.M.
Wendell Davis, Chairman
Janice Loudermilk, Recording Secretary
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