HomeMy WebLinkAbout1BOS Email - Makros Janice Loudermilk
From: chrmak22@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2023 10:33 AM
To: bosweb@bos.clayutility.org
Subject: BOS Contact Form
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Name: Christopher Makros
Email: chrmak22@gmail.com
Phone 19045097651
Service 2817 Mesquite Ave
Department: Supervisors, Board
This not a good time for any rate increase especially for us 65 and older living on our social security
benefits.Annual cola does not even come close to maintaining the same lifestyle we had last year and
Questions or every year. Next years cola (2024) is expected at 3%or less with medicare part B expected to increase
much so taking away what little increase we are getting. So please run that business like you or I run
Comments: my household,tight! And say no to a 8.1% increase, which is a slap in the face to the elderly on fixed
incomes! We the people say No! Please reconsider this pay increase for you all, in Christ Jesus,
Christopher Makros
We invite you to take a survey on this interaction: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VYJ37RZ
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