HomeMy WebLinkAboutCustomer Survey Responses-Rate Increase CCUA Representative Follow Up Q9 Your feedback is important to us. Please provide further detail to assist us in better serving you and responding to your needs. Answered: 172 Skipped: 118 RESPONSES DATE 1 So the issue pertains to the matter of billing, I was charged a late fee when for the month of 9/11/2023 5:56 PM august I was not sent a bill at any point for your water services -you people have some nerve and I wish I could use any other water provider than have to overpay you for your companies incompetence. Thank you for allowing me to pay$196 for a late bill I was never sent -also you need a better system in general for bill pay you as your system is a scam considering I have to get a service charge when paying via debit/credit card. 2 According to CCUA the only method or to set up auto payment debit is online. Unfortunely my 9/11/2023 5:22 PM submittal are not being processed and do not recieve any confirmation one way or the other. I need to talk to the dept that handles these issues. 3 You can't raise our bills by 8.1%when wages don't increase, the only thing that you will 9/10/2023 2:18 PM achieve by doing that is sending people into bankruptcy, because they cannot afford to pay their bills 4 As a residential customer not connected to the waste water treatment plant, why would I be 9/9/2023 9:01 PM charged for Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Consumption (if I am)? please address this in the meeting on the 12th as I am traveling on military duty and will not be able to attend the meeting myself. If the intent is to get everyone on sewer so that waste water can be reclaimed rather than going into a septic tank I would be interested in hearing how it could be implemented throughout keystone heights. 5 Everything has gone up in price enough. I don't need this. Why would anyone be in favor of 9/9/2023 7:02 PM this? 6 Concern about the proposed price increase to 8.1% Ridiculous!!! 9/9/2023 3:21 PM 7 I love the ladies, Ms Marla and Ms Abi. They are amazing customer service people. They 9/9/2023 12:17 PM really care about me! You are very lucky to have such great employees!!! 8 Stop raising fees, no one can afford all these fees and are forced to look at alternatives. Stop 9/9/2023 9:55 AM now! 9 WHERE IS THE SURVEY??YOUR LINK DID NOT WORK. 9/8/2023 2:12 PM 10 Price increases are going to hurt consumers. We are struggling as it is to pay for our services 9/8/2023 8:01 AM at current rates. 11 I think it would be terrible of CCUA to increase their fees while people are already struggling 9/8/2023 6:51 AM with inflation everywhere else. 12 For those of us that are on a fixed income and not getting a cost of living raise 8% rate 9/7/2023 8:41 PM increase is extremely high and unfair rate increase. 13 CONCERNED ABOUT INCREASE AS I AM ON A FIXED INCOME AND CANT ATTEND THE 9/7/2023 2:07 PM MEETING. 14 For the love of GOD do not raise our rates 9/7/2023 12:54 PM 15 I do not agree with an 8.1% raise. 9/7/2023 10:04 AM 16 8.1 increase??? 9/7/2023 9:37 AM 17 Please stop raising prices of services provided. If increased prices are kept to 1-2 percent 9/7/2023 8:03 AM annual we could work it into our budgets more easily. Thank you 18 The water management service is the highest priced water in the State...All these monthly 9/7/2023 7:32 AM charges for water you cannot drink. 1/8 CCUA Representative Follow Up 19 I saw a thing on Facebook that had this SurveyMonkey link on it in connection to a proposed 9/6/2023 11:12 PM 8.1% rate increase. I wished to voice my opposition to this rate increase. I can barely afford my water bill at the current rates. 20 I would like to urge the board not to raise the cost of utilities fees for clay county residents at 9/6/2023 10:45 PM this time, as is under consideration. Utility&electric costs have already been rising over the past year, and are particularly increased during the summer months. 21 I'd like you to figure out a way to deduct water used which never enters the sewage treatment 9/6/2023 10:02 PM from our sewage cost bill. We water our lawns,fill our pools and you charge us for treating as sewage. That's called stealing from your customers. Theft. It is and always has been wrong and now you want a 8.1% increase. I say NO 22 Please do not increase our water rates. We are struggling already to keep up with inflation 9/6/2023 7:03 PM during retirement. Thank you. 23 In regard to raising the rates. You are doing it because everyone is. This is going to hurt 9/6/2023 4:36 PM people. Why don't you be a leader instead of a follower. Put out press that you are not going to raise rates because you legitimately care. 24 On you're upcoming meeting, the people of Clay County are strapped on higher rates. I want to 9/6/2023 3:44 PM say I strongly disagree with you're decision to a rate hike at this time. 25 I know fuel costs and wages are going up but I feel that increase asked for is a little to steep 9/6/2023 3:01 PM for one increase. 5% is a better start for this increase. 26 Why is the service cost going up and there is no real research for the price since everyone is 9/6/2023 2:06 PM not getting more money on our checks 27 Water bill extremely high CCU system was down only got tablets to put in toilets 9/6/2023 1:55 PM 28 I'm against an increase of 8.1%. I think a gradual increase will be easier to adapt to everyone 9/6/2023 12:33 PM budget. I realize your costs have gone up, as have ours. But that is a huge jump. 29 This is pertaining to the 8.1% increase for water, sewer and reclaimed water consumption. As 9/6/2023 12:18 PM it stands right now, people are struggling to make ends meet with the price hikes of everything else and some are facing foreclosure because they are unable to pay the mortgage along with food. The people aren't getting paid more money at our jobs with all the price increases and some of us have been laid off due to the economy and mortgage rates. I personally do not feel this increase is fair especially with today's crisis of even affording to live a normal life as it is today. I would ask that you consider that not everyone can afford a 8.1% increase let alone any increase at this point. Maybe when prices of other things go down but right now, you will force many people into further debt and even losing their homes. 30 I do not agree with the proposed 8.1% base fee increase for water, sewer, and reclaimed water. 9/6/2023 12:02 PM In this economy wages have not kept up with inflation, yet the prices of basic goods and services has continued to rise. Our family budget is seriously affected. I suggest no rate increase. 31 This is in reference to the rate hike. That's ridiculous and my water bill will cost more than 9/6/2023 11:30 AM anything else! 32 Bill/invoice more complicated than it should be 9/6/2023 11:23 AM 33 The rates continue to go up and no relief insight. 15 years ago I was paying$40 a quarter, now 9/6/2023 11:18 AM I'm paying over$50+ per month and with the proposed rate increase it will add another$5+ to my monthly bill. I am on a fixed income, and I can tell you my income does not keep up with the utlilties increases. 34 I would like if our water bill remained around the$60 monthly. 9/6/2023 10:55 AM 35 What's the point of a meeting just to tell everyone they're getting bent over? 9/6/2023 10:46 AM 36 Please do not raise the fees. We are paying enough for this service for commercial businesses 9/6/2023 9:57 AM 37 This was supposed to be a link to a survey about a proposed rate increase 9/6/2023 9:43 AM 38 I am upset that the water and sewage company is looking to increase rates another 8.1%when 9/6/2023 9:23 AM the rates are already too high. This is a monopoly and I do not have a choice of who I get my services from. Water and Sewage should be regulated by the public utility commission but as 2 /8 CCUA Representative Follow Up far as I can tell they are not. The rates are already higher than the service provided by JEA in Duval county. I have a friend that moved from one house in Duval to a house in Clay going from JEA to Clay County Utility Authority. He tells me that the water/sewage bill in the new house is more than the electric/water/sewage combined from JEA for the same usage (1 person living in single family home). Not only should the rate not be approved, I think the fees should be reduced. The value charged per gallon of water and sewage is acceptable but the monthly fees that are charged even if you do not any water is outrageous. 39 Bill is reasonable now, I highly disagree to an increase , I'm on a fixed income and can not 9/6/2023 9:20 AM afford higher bills. But as I know my comments will have no bearing on you increase. Yea all are going to increase my bill no matter what, because yea all want a pay raise at the cost of all your customers no matter what. We really have no choice. When you are the only one in n the game. 40 I am still receiving paper bills in my mailbox which I do not need and the message on those 9/6/2023 8:44 AM paper bills can be misleading sometimes. I pay all my electric and water bills online so I request you stop sending me paper bills when I have enrolled myself in paperless billing system. 41 I think CCUA handles matters professionally and caring. It would not bother me if we had a 9/6/2023 8:43 AM rate increase. 42 However, we consumers need to look into how come that increase quantum leaped to 8.1% 9/6/2023 8:37 AM 43 I disagree with the 8.1% price hike. The economy is bad enough and Florida's HAVE to run our 9/6/2023 8:17 AM utilities more than others due to the weather extremes we have. We don't need this spike, this is now like JEA. 44 Service great, never a problem, personnel kind professional and knowledgeable plus.... They 9/6/2023 8:13 AM answer the phone!!!1 1 1 Ty 45 I did not send in a request or concern so I don't know why I am asking to fill this out!! 9/6/2023 7:56 AM HOWEVER, raising our water prices will not make me happy! 46 Disagree with the 8.1% increase in our bill. 9/6/2023 7:54 AM 47 I understand our country is in a time of high inflation and your costs have probably increased 9/6/2023 7:46 AM too. I just ask that you increase your rates as little as possible because your service is so critical for everyone. 48 Rate increases, really? Feel a room, your fees are already out of control 9/6/2023 7:41 AM 49 The questions did not reflect my thoughts CCUA is very good and I have had zero problems 9/6/2023 7:07 AM in 20 years 50 Too much of an increase 9/6/2023 6:51 AM 51 Please do not increase our rates. Inflation is so high. Our taxes have just increased AGAIN on 9/6/2023 6:17 AM our property. My husband and I are doing the same jobs for the same money. I think it's fair to say if we can you can too. Keep doing the good job you are doing. Keep Clay great! 52 I have had an increase in my utilities and when I bought that up to my rep they acted as if the 9/6/2023 6:12 AM increase was from typical water consumption use but my water consumption has been pretty steady for years 53 Your representative was extremely knowledgeable. Helpful and very courteous. The technician 9/6/2023 5:01 AM that Came out also very courteous and did a clean job 54 I believe the rate increase is all about greed! 9/6/2023 4:29 AM 55 Ridiculous cost of water, twice my neighbors no leaks found etc. No explanation. Feel meter is 9/6/2023 4:14 AM broken. 56 Was just notified of public meeting for possible rate increase. 9/6/2023 2:58 AM 57 N A 9/6/2023 1:17 AM 58 Please do not raise rates. It is difficult to pay for high expenses already. 9/6/2023 12:15 AM 59 Thank you for all your help 9/5/2023 11:54 PM 3 /8 CCUA Representative Follow Up 60 Why are we raising rates? It's hard enough to pay bills but everything is going up. I honestly dk 9/5/2023 11:25 PM how anyone is paying there bills cause iam stuggling. 61 You are killing us with the energy bills 9/5/2023 10:50 PM 62 Stop raising our rates to facilitate pay raises and make land developers pay for the 9/5/2023 10:40 PM infrastructure of water and sewer plants. 63 Please stop increasing the rates things are hard enough for people in the community 9/5/2023 10:40 PM 64 8% increase in pricing is not acceptable. 9/5/2023 10:33 PM 65 I would like to have someone contact me concerning the quality of water and the increase in 9/5/2023 10:23 PM the bills 66 Please do not increase!!! NO ONE can afford it!!! THE COUNTY SURE CAN afford to keep it 9/5/2023 10:19 PM the same though!!! Seriously stop doing this to people other than for the simple reason of being able to do this to people! 67 We don't want a price increase Us seniors are struggling enough. 9/5/2023 10:15 PM 68 I do not agree with the proposed 8.1% increase. Things are already expensive enough there is 9/5/2023 10:03 PM no need to harm hard working families in Clay County by another utility cost increase 69 No rate increases 9/5/2023 9:52 PM 70 We are letting Niagra water buy up to a million gallons a day of our water supply and you want 9/5/2023 9:41 PM to raise our rates?Why are we letting them deplete our water supply?And why would we increase cost of reclaimed water? 71 8.1% rate hike is way too steep!! 9/5/2023 9:39 PM 72 I called about not receiving the monthly bill. Was told when the bill was sent out. I can't control 9/5/2023 9:17 PM the postal service not getting it to me! Wanted no penalty for late payment, so paid with card. Was charged a fee97'7'» 73 Got email about rate increase. It said take survey. This survey had nothing to do with rate 9/5/2023 9:00 PM increase. 74 Filling out in response to the email I received notifying me of a proposed 8.1% increase in the 9/5/2023 9:00 PM base fee. I'd like to see adequate reasoning and evidence for the increase. As a resident, any increase in my utilities is a concern, especially because I don't have a choice in who my provider is. 75 Having moved from the Midwest to Florida I immediately noticed higher water bills. Florida 9/5/2023 8:56 PM water bills are nearly 60 percent higher than previous locations I've lived. 76 I would like to know why the rates are increasing, incoming income has stopped but you guys 9/5/2023 8:53 PM keep charging higher like no end. Country is going broke but it is race who can charge more like you all going to take money with you when you die. Do some good and keep it at old rate please. Appreciate you so much. 77 You are already charging way too much money already. Your rate increase it bill shit literally. 9/5/2023 8:47 PM Bill. Shit. You should be ashamed of yourself. 78 Are water lines being extended?Why an increase of 8.1%? How much actual dollars will 8.1% 9/5/2023 8:41 PM generate? How much is for pay increases? How much are board members paid?What is the wheelage amounts?Thank You! 79 I do not agree with an 8.1% base rate increase for utility service. 9/5/2023 8:39 PM 80 I dont see a need to increase the water cost. 9/5/2023 8:29 PM 81 Concerning my bills 9/5/2023 8:23 PM 82 The system needs to go back to net metering- I have solar and was supposed to pay minimum 9/5/2023 8:17 PM to utility but bill is still over$100 along with 39solar panels-that's bs 83 Will seniors &widows on fixed income&living alone get any special consideration 9/5/2023 8:11 PM 84 I am opposed to the 8.1% increase. 9/5/2023 8:11 PM 4/8 CCUA Representative Follow Up 85 8.1 increase for what exactly? It's already high...l've never paid so much for water in my life! 9/5/2023 7:55 PM 86 Not in favor of increased rates. 9/5/2023 7:43 PM 87 Disagree with an 8.1% rate increase. 9/5/2023 7:41 PM 88 A 8.1% increase seems like a lot!!! 9/5/2023 7:35 PM 89 Please keep your rates low. I'm retired and have limited funds for utilities. Many of my 9/5/2023 7:34 PM neighbors are in the same situation. I hope your rates are lower than JEA's in the"big" city. 90 I think 8+% is a bit much of a rate hike. 9/5/2023 7:21 PM 91 STOP RAISING THE PRICE ON EVERYTHING, not everyone is getting raises when you keep 9/5/2023 7:15 PM increasing the prices and fees 92 Do not increase fees by 8.1%. 9/5/2023 7:07 PM 93 I reject the 8.1 percent proposed increased rate. That increase is to high, especially with the 9/5/2023 7:05 PM cost of food, gas prices and electric has sky rocketed. I'm retired and now on a fixed income. 94 I would like you to reconsider raising our rates so high of a percentage. I would think you could 9/5/2023 7:04 PM use a lower percentage, due to the higher cost of living overall since the last presidential election. 95 I really just want a straightforward answer. How much more are utilities going to be? Not to 9/5/2023 7:04 PM complain. CCUA has been extremely great to both get ahold of as well as fair pricing. But if prices are going to go up, will there be a water conservation specialist that can come to my house and show me where I could be saving water at? 96 An 8.1% base rate increase is too much. Residents are being hurt by inflation already, this 9/5/2023 6:58 PM would just exacerbate the issue. 97 You charged me$4,000.00 to run a water line less than 50 yards. But won't charge developers 9/5/2023 6:56 PM a per unit charge nor do you have over half the county on your service making the ones who do pay for your conservative actions but allow a water bottling company tap into our aquafer. Your actions make no sense and your employees are arrogant and disrespectful. 98 Do not increase our utility rates. 9/5/2023 6:52 PM 99 8.1% increase is so outrageous. In the economy we have today personal incomes are not 9/5/2023 6:47 PM getting increases your making water unaffordable 100 The proposed rate increase is high and will create and undue burden on customers who are 9/5/2023 6:44 PM already paying more for basic necessities. The increase being on the base price doesn't even allow customers to moderate their usage to compensate. Please reconsider. 101 The rates are already too high and you want to raise them again?That's all you do is raise our 9/5/2023 6:43 PM rates 102 You give me this survey saying you're going to increase my bill again. Hell you just did this 9/5/2023 6:42 PM shit not too long ago. You're going to force people to go without water. People are hurting with all the increases now. 103 8.1% across the board increase is a lot. 9/5/2023 6:40 PM 104 I am concerned about rate hikes. My husband is 100% disabled and I'm his sole caregiver. We 9/5/2023 6:35 PM are on a fixed income. 105 The prices are already high enough we do not need another increase. The middle class is 9/5/2023 6:26 PM getting killed and we can't afford all of these price increases 106 You have way to high rates for people on a fixed income. Lower the rates for Seniors. 9/5/2023 6:11 PM 107 This is in response to the email I just received and the meeting you are having for the 9/5/2023 6:05 PM proposed rate increase. This is going to harm folks on a fixed income and I am totally against the increase at this time. 108 Responded because email asked me to. No problem with my service. In fact happy they 9/5/2023 6:03 PM notified me of possible leak in my outside hoses 109 An 8.1% increase is absolutely obserd 9/5/2023 6:02 PM 5 /8 CCUA Representative Follow Up 110 I will not be able to attend the meeting to discuss the increase in rates but I find it a disservice 9/5/2023 6:02 PM to increase by 8.1%. The average family struggles to survive and utilities are increasing. Shame on you CCUA. 111 Worry about to increase our bill 9/5/2023 5:59 PM 112 No 9/5/2023 5:49 PM 113 I received an email that Clay County Utility is looking to increase fees by 8.1%which is a 9/5/2023 5:49 PM HUGE increase and is detremint to me as a small business owner. 114 No 9/5/2023 5:45 PM 115 Increase of 8%??That's quite steep 9/5/2023 5:44 PM 116 The increase is very high I do not agree with this raise 9/5/2023 5:43 PM 117 Raising our cost 8.1% is outrageous!!!!! I am against a rate hike more that 2%. 9/5/2023 5:40 PM 118 I feel the proposed 8.1%fee increase being discussed is much too high for your customers. 9/5/2023 5:36 PM People are already struggling trying to make ends meet, and this would really hurt many people! Most people are not receiving an 8-10% increase in pay. Why would the utility companies think it's okay? 119 On line bill pay would be awesome. And to do so without a fee 9/5/2023 5:34 PM 120 Please don't raise my rates! 9/5/2023 5:29 PM 121 How can you propose an 8.1% increase. Inflation is killing small business and the CCUA is 9/5/2023 5:28 PM just another govt entity trying to destroy Clay Businesses. 122 Stop raising rates 9/5/2023 5:28 PM 123 Vote against rate hike 9/5/2023 5:22 PM 124 Hello. I don't believe water rates should be increased especially by the percentages you are 9/5/2023 5:20 PM proposing for the following reasons : The increase proposed is a higher percentage rate than most have for rate of income living. Also, the website for clay utilities is lacking many useful details that can help Members /Customers relay water usage in a 24 hour window. We should be able to login to see our water usage live as customers and be able to question bills, or see leaks sooner. 125 Hope ya'll are not raising the price. 9/5/2023 5:20 PM 126 Stop increasing our bills every chance you can get 9/5/2023 5:16 PM 127 Why are you raising rates by 8.1%?This is not right! We are on a set income. This is robbery! 9/5/2023 5:13 PM 128 I do not agree with the proposed rate increase. 9/5/2023 5:13 PM 129 You need to get a grip on your rates. How about looking for ways to make things more efficient 9/5/2023 5:12 PM instead of just passing the literal "buck"to your customers? 130 Please do not raise our rates to high. ... SloJonomics is taking most of our free money 9/5/2023 5:10 PM 131 NO to rate increases. Bidenlnflation is killin me at grocery store, gas station, and all other 9/5/2023 5:08 PM areas. Why is CCUA even thinking about raising rates? Now is the time to cut costs, and there are many ways. Don't raise rates on Clay County. Support your community and don't try to make money off your neighbor just because you can. Go to church and learn some morals. 132 An 8.1% is just too much of a leap. A proposal to increase annually over a period of time 9/5/2023 5:07 PM would be better suggestion 133 Why are you increasing rates/prices? 9/5/2023 5:06 PM 134 8.1% rate increase is beyond REDICULOUS"""""" Folks are barely surviving now! Now you want 9/5/2023 5:04 PM to bury us even deeper to keep the lights and water on! This angers the hell out of me and I'm sure every other resident in Clay County!!!! 135 Rates are too high 9/5/2023 4:58 PM 136 I do not support the 8.1% increase of utilities. 9/5/2023 4:56 PM 6/8 CCUA Representative Follow Up 137 Better prices and not increases 9/5/2023 4:54 PM 138 I am a part-time resident only five months out of the year. Our water usage is very low 9/5/2023 4:53 PM compared to other residence. 139 How can the price for water increase. But the quality of the water has gone down. You guys tell 9/5/2023 4:48 PM me who has 8% increase in pay? 140 8.1% is an extreme amount to increase water usage prices. I disagree 9/5/2023 4:48 PM 141 I do not support the Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Consumption and Base fee increase 9/5/2023 4:48 PM of 8.1%. 142 A proposed 8.1% rate hike on top of already high utility costs is unreasonable and not a fair 9/5/2023 4:47 PM increase. Find a way to reduce costs by finding efficiencies in your operations. Our last bill was $104. Our consumption is not increasing-this is not electric. You're charging more, which is not acceptable. 143 Rate increase is way too high 9/5/2023 4:47 PM 144 Bill is already high enough. 9/5/2023 4:46 PM 145 I was directed to a survey in response to an email regarding the proposed Water, Sewer, and 9/5/2023 4:45 PM Reclaimed Water Consumption and Base fee increase. The survey questions are irrelevant. Try again. 146 Rate increase at this time is unreasonable. Some people are not able to pay their bills. No 9/5/2023 4:42 PM increase 147 The cost of water is too high. We have already had a price increase and now you want to 9/5/2023 4:37 PM increase again. That is ridiculous. 148 I do not want to see a bill increase. Cost have risen to high on all cost of living bills. 9/5/2023 4:35 PM 149 This survey is not applicable to comments regarding a rate increase request. I do not believe a 9/5/2023 4:34 PM rate increase of 8% is warranted in a time inflation is touted as being 5 percent or less. 150 There should be no increase of 8.1%for residential personnel. 9/5/2023 4:34 PM 151 Please do not raise the rates. The economy is at an all time high and families are struggling. 9/5/2023 4:31 PM 152 I do not approve of a rate hike of 8.1%11111 9/5/2023 4:30 PM 153 Writing to state our opposition to the rate increase 9/5/2023 4:29 PM 154 You sent me an Email in a rate increase hearing. In the Email it asked me to take a survey. 9/5/2023 4:26 PM This survey does not seem applicable to the issue. 155 No increases please 9/5/2023 4:24 PM 156 Please limit increases as we are getting hammered with these increases 9/5/2023 4:21 PM 157 With everything around you going up in cost? It's very difficult for people on limited income to 9/5/2023 4:13 PM make ends meet. I don't think this is a right time to be raising any rates. 158 Stop raising our rates! 9/5/2023 4:09 PM 159 Why increase if the quality just keeps getting worse? 9/5/2023 4:08 PM 160 Do not raise the taxes. 9/5/2023 4:07 PM 161 Wow 8.1% increase we can barely afford paying bills now. Everything keeps going up by our 9/5/2023 4:01 PM social security stays same. There is nothing left after paying bills. Crazy 162 NO MORE PRICE INCREASES. Everyone is dealing with enough price hikes because of 9/5/2023 4:00 PM inflation and now CCUA wants to bend us over too? It's not like residents are going to benefit from this,just CCUA will. Again the middle class is getting screwed the worst. 163 N/a 9/5/2023 3:59 PM 164 How can you discuss an 8%fee when we went an entire year plus with no recycle pickup yet 9/5/2023 3:58 PM no adjustment down on our rate then? It seems appalling such a rate hike can so easily happen considering there is no other option available to the majority of people. 7/8 CCUA Representative Follow Up 165 How can people survive if the raises are so astronomical 9/5/2023 3:56 PM 166 Not sure what feedback is expected. The link was in an informational email. Clay County Utility 9/5/2023 3:52 PM Authority will hold a public rate hearing on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 7:00 PM, in CCUA's Board Room, located at 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, Florida. The Board will discuss the proposed Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Consumption and Base fee increase of 8.1%. We invite you to take a survey on this interaction: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VYJ37RZ 167 Not really. Last time I paid my bill. I was told there would be no rate increase. You all do this 9/5/2023 3:51 PM every year. Guess we are footing the bill for office expansion. Why a rate increasebian public cannot every year. We the plebeian public cannot afford i creases every year and especially now. When questioned, drive they staff became utterly defensive. Times are bad. Think about tour customers, not just yourselves. 168 Opposed to a rate increase. I'm also a local Realtor and new homebuyers have it hard as it is 9/5/2023 3:49 PM with higher mortgage rates and lack of downpayment funds for a home. 169 I do not support the 8.1% rate hike. The county has seen an unprecedented influx of residence 9/5/2023 3:48 PM meaning more customers and taxes collected overall. There is no need for increased rates as a result. 170 Comment on proposed rate increase of 8.1% seems like an extreme amount. I think an 9/5/2023 3:46 PM increase closer to the inflation rate is better inline for a reasonable increase. 171 Very nice&easy account set up! 9/5/2023 10:36 AM 172 Glad 8 moved from dumpy, thieving , crooked CC. 9/2/2023 7:40 PM 8/8