HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRH Book Final FY23-24 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY PUBLIC RATE HEARING SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ` 1 Wendell Davis, Chairman Seat 4 i Daniel Hodges, Vice Chairman Seat 1 r ,1411 "Hob, • Open Seat 2 • - Anna Lebesch, t t Seat 3 . 74+4.;��. - • -, � • Chris McNees, , a • r Seat 5 ' "oat James Starnieri, - Seat 6 - - David Gardella, Seat Grady H.Williams,Jr., Legal Counsel Working together to protect public health, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR conserve our natural resources, Jeremy Johnston and create long-term value for our ratepayers. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Jeffrey Wesselman Serving the Community through Accountability, Sustainability and Commitment 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, FL, 32068 (Phone(904)272-5999 IFax(904)213-2465 I www.clayutility.org CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY Clay County,Florida PUBLIC RATE HEARING PROPOSED 2023/2024 BUDGET SEPTENIBV IBER 12, 2023 Table of Contents I. Introduction A. Executive Director's Message 1-4 II. General Information A. Budgets 1. Notice of Public Hearing—Budget Summary 1 2. Proposed Operating Budget 2-4 3. Five Year Capital Budget 5-8 B. Rates 1. Rates, Service Charges &Miscellanous Fees 9-12 2. Illustrative Monthly Utility Bill Comparisons at Various Usage Levels 13 3. Regional Rate Comparison 14 4. Historical Annual Rates Changes &Historical Inflation Indices 15 5. Historical Rate Summary 16 C. Operations 1. Service Area Map 17 2. Functional Table of Organization 18-21 Clay County Utility Authority Public Hearing I. Introduction A. Executive Director's Message September 12, 2023 Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) Executive Director's Message September 12, 2023 CCUA provides safe, economic, reliable, and sustainable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services to the unincorporated areas of Clay County. Our core mission supports and sustains our quality of life and ensures the economic vitality of our community for the years to come. We remain in a significant growth and expansion period. We continue to monitor the progress of the First Coast Expressway (FCE) and Clay County's bonded roadway program and maintain a pulse on the economic growth the County anticipates. Our forecast for the upcoming year projects a slight increase in new accounts from last year. With that growth, we continue to experience inflationary pressures with the cost of labor, material, and equipment continuing to increase. In addition, we saw a significant increase in other costs such as insurance. Supply chain and lead times for electrical equipment, and certain equipment such as MXU's, used to remotely read the water meters, remains challenging and uncertain. Our team received notifications for continued price increases for the next fiscal year. The price increases create an impact on CCUA's operating costs and thereby our customers' rates. We highlighted a few of the price increases reflected in the upcoming fiscal year's budget. General Liability and Property Insurance: 67.33% Health Insurance: 9% Transportation Expenses: 26.28% Communications Expenses: 42.18% Electric and Fuel for our Water Treatment Plants: 22.73% Electric and Fuel for our Wastewater Treatment Plants: 17% Electric and Fuel for our Wastewater Pump Stations: 21.49% Software Costs: 46.96% Subcontractors for the Water Treatment Plant Maintenance: 21.51% Subcontractors for Water Testing: 32.41% Subcontractors for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance: 78.79% Subcontractors for Trash Service: 27.54% The construction and acceptance of new facilities and infrastructure related to development means CCUA has more to operate and maintain in serving our growing community. Our effort to recruit and retain qualified staff remains a focal point. We experienced positive results with the implementation of the Employee Professional Development and Training Program (PDTP) this fiscal year. We committed to continue to develop this program in the upcoming fiscal year. Additionally, the CCUA team continues providing opportunities within Clay County through the CCUA High School Internship Program. Last year, we hired four (4) high school interns who became full-time employees upon their graduation. Even with the investments in increased staff levels to meet operational requirements, development, training, and wages within the proposed budget only increased by 9.3%. Page 1 of 4 We resumed with the Capital Reserve Strategy that was initially established in 2011 to minimize an unnecessary impact on our customers. The Capital Reserve Strategy incorporates the Bond Resolution (93/94-27) requirement to maintain a minimum of 5% of the previous year's revenue toward the Capital Reserve. In addition to the minimum requirement,CCUA includes an additional 5% anticipating changes in regulations with required upgrades or replacement of infrastructure. The Proposed FY2023/2024 Budget includes $2,844,521 for the Capital Reserve. This past year, we were surprised by the rapid increase in construction costs of the Capital Improvement Program projects. Our Peters Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) was expected to cost roughly $44 million. We ultimately negotiated a construction contract for the Peters Creek WRF project to roughly $70 million. Looking at the Peters Creek WRF and the Governors Park facilities, the contracted design and construction costs for these two (2) projects are over $88 million. Currently, CCUA has 64 projects in either design or construction. The table below summarizes current projects and contract values. Number of Total Contract Projects Type of Project Value** % On Schedule*** 37 Engineering Design& SDC* 15,850,000 81% 17 Construction 124,832,000 76% Total Contract Value $140,682,000 * SDC-Services During Construction **All projects are currently tracking on the approved budget *** Construction Schedule delays primarily due to supply chain issues,especially electrical gear We continuously monitor the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. Historically, for budgetary purposes, we used the CPI from March of the previous year to March of the current year. The CPI from March 2022 to March 2023 was 5.0% (USDL-23-0674). Last year, our team worked extremely hard to minimize financial impacts on most of our customers. The CPI from March 2021 to March 2022 was 8.5% (USDL-22-0619). CCUA's revenue increase last year was 3.9%. Roughly 69% of our customers saw a 2% increase in their bill with the higher water users seeing the larger increase last year. We proposed increasing base and flow charges to a uniform 8.1% for the upcoming fiscal year. We consider this rate increase necessary to meet the increased costs we are experiencing as highlighted above. We must maintain the investments in our staff development and training to maintain sophisticated functioning systems that support and sustain public health and safety. We must also maintain our funding for the rehabilitation and replacement of our existing infrastructure. When evaluating the last two (2) years, CCUA's revenue requirements increased an average of 6%. Over the same two (2) year period, the CPI has increased an average of 6.75%. With this difference, CCUA continues to provide our customers with significant value while facing challenging circumstances. Page 2 of 4 We also want to point out that our customers will no longer see the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Cost Recovery Charge of $1.09 on your monthly bill. This charge represented the cost to existing customers for the SJRWMD Black Creek Resource Development Project and was tied to the settlement agreement approved on July 20, 2021. We will complete this cost recovery effort by September 30, 2023, and the charge will be removed beginning in October 2023. We exist to serve our customers with safe and reliable potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services. We understand an 8.1% rate increase seems daunting. To better understand the impact on a customer's monthly bill, we provided below a table showing what changes the difference in rates will make to a water and wastewater customer. Customer Bill by Water Demand (Water and Wastewater Only) 5,000 Gal. per 10,000 Gal. per 15,000 Gal. per 20,000 Gal. per Fiscal Year Month Month Month Month 2023-2024 $70.62 $113.28 $142.95 $179.28 2022-2023 $66.47 $105.93 $133.37 $166.97 Difference ($): $4.15 $7.35 $9.58 $12.31 Difference (%): 6.24% 6.94% 7.18% 7.37% We are hopeful this brief overview helps gain insight into the value the CCUA team is committed to providing to our customers and our community. We continue to navigate challenging supply chain issues and increasing costs while investing in our team of highly trained professionals to operate and maintain our growing system. The CCUA team remains committed to providing long- term sustainable value to our customers. Page 3 of 4 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CAPITAL RESERVE STRATEGY 2023/24 BUDGET This Analysis attempts to project our capital needs over the next 15 years and how it will be funded;cash,debt or combination. Potential Capital Needs and Proposed Funding Strategy: Current five year capital budget-Borrowing required Ref. over the next five year period less Alternative Water Supply accounted for below 133,080,092 Average additional debt per year($133,080,092/5Yrs.) 26,616,018 Evaluation period(Years) 15 Estimated additional capital budget debt required to fund normal growth and Renewal&Replacement over 15 years 399,240,276 Extraordinary Capital Requirements: Alternative water supply development 103,000,000 Estimated potential cost of complying with Numeric Nutrient Criteria,Human Health Based 50,000,000 Criteria,Minimum Flow Levels and other surface water discharge regulations currently proposed or expected based on elimination of our surface water discharges (Original estimate was$165,000,000 but we believe because of the advantage created by our reclaimed water system, elimination of our surface water discharges will be more economical) Total 15 year capital requirement 552,240,276 Estimated Value of the Proposed Reserve Strategy over the next 15 Years (A) 179,838,206 Estimated amount to be financed at the end of 15 years 372,402,070 Estimate of Debt That can be Supported by Proposed 2022/23 Budgeted Level of Earnings (the annual debt service on this additional debt would require an 19%rate increase (B) 103,220,973 Potential capital shortage 269,181,097 Estimated Value of the Proposed Reserve Strategy over the next 15 Years: Funding available: Estimated Existing cash available for construction as of 9-30-23 62,539,272 Source of funds for depreciation coverage and annual reserve additions: Renewal&Replacement 2,844,521 Environmental transfer 1,396,297 Departmental Capital 1,275,500 Debt stabilization reserve 214,560 Capacity Fees,assumes 1440 closing/year 6,984,000 Alternative Water Supply(AWS),$1.15 existing customer and assumes 1440 closing/year 1,321,654 Capital reserve 2,844,521 Contingency(Assumed this would be earned and would not have to be spent) 1,165,192 18,046,245 Less Depreciation coverage requirement 13,615,661 Net annual depreciation coverage 4,430,584 Years to fund 15 Net accumulated over 15 years without interest 66,458,766 66,458,766 Net accumulated over 15 years without interest 128,998,038 Value at the end of 15 years with interest earnings at 3%in cash reserve,net of funding annual depreciation coverage deficit (A) 179,838,206 Estimate of Debt That can be Supported by Proposed 2022/23 Budgeted Level of Earnings: Estimated Net Income: Contingency(Assumed this would be earned and would not have to be spent) 1,165,192 Estimated Net Income 1,165,192 Add non-operating expenses net of non-operating income: Interest Expense 2,914,754 Depreciation Expense 13,615,661 Interest Income 2,397 Total Operating Income 17,698,004 Coverage Portion of Operating Income Currently Obligated: Required Annual Debt Service 7,004,373 105.00% 7,354,592 Renewal and Replacement provision 2,844,521 100.00% 2,844,521 Sub-Total 10,199,113 Remaining Portion of Operating Income Available for Debt Service 7,498,891 Additional Debt that can be issued for 30 years at 6%,based on operating income available for debt service (B) 103,220,973 Additional Debt that can be issued for 30 years at 5%,based on operating income available for debt service 115,276,340 Additional Debt that can be issued for 30 years at 4%,based on operating income available for debt service 129,671,079 Conclusions and comments: 1.Above,we have estimated that the additional capital requirement including normal growth and Renewal&Replacement for the next 15 years could be$552,240,276.This assumes that we will eliminate all surface water discharges.Under the scenario we have presented we could fund about 33%of the potential capital need at the end of 15 years.This would leave a need for debt financing of about$372,402,070. Based on our proposed strategy,we could support additional debt of approximately$103,220,973. However,if the NNC compliance is no additional cost to CCUA then under this strategy we would be able to fund about 19%of the remaining capital cost required for this period leaving about 81%to be funded by additional debt,which still exceeds our debt capacity by$399,019,303. 2.Our proposed strategy assumes we will not have to use any of our budgeted contingency provision for operating expenses.In extremely wet years we may have to use some reserves to stabilize revenues but we believe this will average out over time.This will need to be monitored to be sure the earnings level does not decline. It also assumes$6,984,000 in capacity fees and AWS(with the proposed capacity fee deferral the assumption is 1,440 closings/year)is received annually and that 100%of the budgeted projects are complete. 3.The debt that can be issued at the various interest rates clearly illustrates the importance of receiving a strong credit rating with the credit rating agencies. Unrestricted cash reserves are a key element in the rating agencies review and are very significant in attracting the lowest possible interest rate when additional capital financing is needed. Page 4 of 4 Clay County Utility Authority Public Hearing II. General Information A. Budgets September 12, 2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Clay County Utility Authority has tentatively adopted a budget for Fiscal Year 2023/2024. A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clay County Utility Authority Board Room, 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, Florida. BUDGET SUMMARY CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 2023/2024 Operating Capital Self Insurance Total Fund Fund Fund Fund Budget Revenues: Projected Cash at October 1, 2023 $ 2,000,000 $ 59,512,753 $ 525,000 $ 62,037,753 Water&Sewer Revenue 70,342,495 70,342,495 Miscellaneous Revenue/Borrowing 3,332,104 50,000,000 53,332,104 Fund Transfers 16,768,404 16,768,404 Total Revenues $ 75,674,599 $ 126,281,157 $ 525,000 $ 202,480,756 Expenditures: Debt Service $ 9,919,127 $ - $ - $ 9,919,127 Fund Transfers 16,768,404 16,768,404 Operation Expenses 44,199,888 44,199,888 Due in Lieu of Taxes 2,787,180 2,787,180 Capital Projects 106,140,220 106,140,220 Projected Cash at September 30, 2024 2,000,000 20,140,937 525,000 22,665,937 Total Expenditures $ 75,674,599 $ 126,281,157 $ 525,000 $ 202,480,756 Additional information on the proposed budget is available at www.clayutility.org/rates or you can come to the office of the Clay County Utility Authority at 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, Florida, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except legal holidays. Following the public hearing, which may be adjourned from time to time, The Board of Supervisors may adopt or modify the proposed budget. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person needing a special accommodation to participate in this matter, should contact the Clay County Utility Authority by mail at 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, Florida 32068 or by telephone at (904)272-5999 x 2464, no later than 7 days prior to the hearing or proceeding for which this notice has been given. Those requiring auditory assistance can access the foregoing telephone number by contacting the Florida Relay service at 1-800-955-8770 (Voice) or 1-800-955-8771 (TDD). If any person intends to appeal any decision related to this action, such person will need to provide a court reporter at such person's own expense, for a transcript of the proceedings. All interested persons are invited to attend. CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY Jeremy Johnston, Executive Director A1 -Page 1of1 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 2023/2024 PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET Revenues: Water Revenue 21,289,458 Sewer Revenue 34,062,233 Reclaimed Revenue 6,585,636 Connection Fees,AWS&DEP Grants 8,405,168 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,948,323 Capital Fund-Const.Dept.Labor,OH,&Equipment 526,841 Interest-Restricted 2,397 Interest-Non Restricted 853,229 Total Revenues $73,673,284 Expenditures: Budget Carryforward ($128,081) Debt Service-Interest $2,914,754 Debt Service-Principal 7,004,373 Debt Service-Stabilization Restricted Interest Income 2,397 Renewal&Replacement Fund 2,844,521 Environmental Reuse Capital Fund 1,396,297 Connection Fee Fund,AWS&DEP Grants 8,405,168 Departmental Capital Fund 1,275,500 Capital Reserve 2,844,521 Total Debt and Capital Expenditures $26,559,450 Operation Expenses: Wages $15,290,634 Capitalized Wages ($588,050) Health Insurance 2,974,776 Retirement 1,559,819 Licenses, Education, &Uniforms 338,639 Payroll Taxes 1,097,023 Workers Compensation ins. 199,205 General Liability&Property Insurance 1,715,193 Transportation Expense 732,940 Rental Space 62,767 Communication Expense 465,190 Electric&Fuel-W/P 1,057,800 Electric&Fuel-L/S 540,000 Electric&Fuel-STP 1,781,000 Electric&Fuel-Office 46,066 Chemicals Water 245,000 Chemicals Sewer 998,000 Supplies-Water 1,452,175 Supplies-Sewage 1,328,600 Supplies Office 666,733 Software 1,516,845 Engineering Expense 265,000 Legal Expense _ 661,000 Audit Expense 34,500 Subcontractors-Water 975,200 Subcontractors-Water Testing 143,000 Subcontractors-Sewage 1,799,500 Subcontractors-Sewage Testing 207,000 Subcontractors AWS - Subcontractors General 2,001,451 Sludge Removal&Treatment 2,805,750 Bad Debt Expense 500 Miscellaneous 460,981 Contingency 913,383 Board Of Directors Compensation 52,194 Due in Lieu of Taxes 2,787,180 Total Operation Expenses $46,586,992 A2-Page 1 of 3 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 2023/2024 PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET Construction Department Expenses: Wages $156,166 Health Insurance 39,012 Retirement 19,956 Payroll Taxes 14,205 Workers'Compensation Insurance 4,727 Property/Liability Insurance 90,387 Equipment Fuel, Repairs&Maintenance 20,000 Field Supplies&Small Tools 12,700 Office Supplies _ 250 Material&Subcontractors 2,100 Miscellaneous Expenses&Employee Training 28,384 Contingency Reserve 34,570 Depreciation 104,385 Total Construction Department Costs $526,841 Total Expenditures $73,673,284 (OVER)UNDER BUDGET $0 A2-Page 2 of 3 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 2023/2024 PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET - RECAP 1% 1% 11% REVENUES: $73,673,284 ❑Sewer Revenue ❑Water Revenue ❑Reclaimed Revenue ❑Connection Fees ❑Miscellaneous Revenue 0 Capital Fund ❑Interest 29% 1% 1% EXPENDITURES: $73,673,284 2ai 0 Capital Funding a% ❑Wages and Related ❑Debt Service & Stabilization ❑Supplies ❑Subcontractors ❑Electric & Fuel ❑Due in Lieu of Taxes VIA ❑Health Insurance ❑Sludge Removal &Treatment 0 Other ❑Professional Services ❑Software 24% ❑Property& Liability Insurance 0 Transportation Expense ❑Communication Expense A2-Page 3 of 3 Clay County Utility Authority 2023/2024 Capital Projects Expenditures Budget And Five Year Capital Projects Plan Adjusted for Prior Year Jobs Not Completed as of 4/30/2023 ADJUSTED FISCAL YEAR Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028 TOTALS REVENUES: Balance October 1,2022,to include Transfers 81,337,624 81,337,624 Funds Spent on Jobs Prior to FY 2021/2022 (52,492,288) (52,492,288) Renewal,Replacement&Betterment 2,615,873 2,844,521 2,986,747 3,136,084 3,449,693 3,794,662 18,827,580 Departmental Capital Transfer 1,524,510 1,275,500 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 7,800,010 Environmental Reuse Capital Fund Transfer 1,236,218 1,396,297 1,410,260 1,424,363 1,438,606 1,452,992 8,358,736 Capacity Fees Transfer 5,353,377 11,142,248 11,699,360 12,869,296 14,799,691 17,759,629 73,623,602 Grant Revenue 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000 Alternative Water Supply Transfer 721,747 762,920 785,808 809,382 833,663 858,673 4,772,193 Debt Service Charge 240,480 240,480 240,480 300,600 300,600 300,600 1,623,240 Surplus Transfer(Operating Contingency Utility&Capital Reserve,includes add'l R&R) 3,775,457 7,128,251 7,342,099 7,562,361 7,940,480 8,337,504 42,086,151 Restricted Interest Earnings 2,285 2,285 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 24,570 Borrowing/Utilization of Surplus Funds if needed 16,504,567 79,847,718 40,972,546 36,643,349 (6,474,064) (14,906,385) 152,587,732 Balances After Transfers 62,319,850 106,140,220 68,192,300 65,500,436 25,043,669 20,352,676 347,549,150 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: RENEWAL,REPLACEMENT&BETTERMENT Departmental Capital 1,524,510.44 1,275,500.00 1,250,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,250,000.00 7,800,010.44 Upgrade Lift station 9-Meadowbrook 93,844.52 6,155.48 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 Knight Boxx/Old Jennings Force Main Extension&Lift Station 56 100,000.00 1,465,022.00 1,565,022.00 Server Lifecycle Replacement 0.00 1,925,000.00 1,925,000.00 ERP Software Replacement 2,255,116.67 1,622,922.00 759,577.00 785,784.00 813,065.00 841,522.28 7,077,986.95 SCADA System 218,250.00 250,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,500,000.00 7,168,250.00 Meadowbrook WTP Upgrades-(GST#3 repair,Transfer switch,GST#2 roof repair,Aerator repair,rn 1,498,802.00 2,517,692.00 4,016,494.00 Meadowbrook Well Rehab 216,895.00 216,895.00 Miller St.WWTP Upgrades Influent Structure,Septage station&Electrical upgrades 0.00 375,000.00 5,000,000.00 3,300,000.00 8,675,000.00 Ridgecrest WTP-Replace Softstart&Crossline Starters with VFD's 300,831.01 300,831.01 Ridaught WTP-Phase I GST Upgrades 0.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 Ridaught WRF Upgrades(Install Micro-screen,Grit Removal Equipment,and Influent,Rehabilitiation 810,166.99 1,185,000.00 1,995,166.99 12"Main Connecting Postmaters WTP to Geneva Lakes WTP along CR214 0.00 1,066,400.00 860,000.00 1,926,400.00 12"WM Extension Hwy.100 to Brooklyn Bay Rd.(Keystone) 0.00 856,800.00 856,800.00 6"WM Extension Woodland Dr.to Payne Rd.via SR21 0.00 369,600.00 369,600.00 Keystone Heights-Lakeside Street/Hilltop Street Water Main Rehabilitation 215,600.00 215,600.00 Keystone Wastewater Treatment Plant-Phase II Construction 0.00 500,000.00 6,200,000.00 4,400,000.00 11,100,000.00 Pace Island&Fleming Oaks WTP Electrical Upgrades 65,623.00 250,000.00 3,500,000.00 1,120,000.00 4,935,623.00 Old Jennings WTP Electrical Upgrade 0.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 1,500,000.00 Spencer's WRF Electrical Upgrade 0.00 208,129.30 1,269,853.00 811,440.00 2,289,422.30 Tanglewood Electrical Upgrade 0.00 35,325.00 221,114.00 132,136.00 388,575.00 Orange Park South Electrical Upgrade 0.00 87,276.00 600,000.00 500,000.00 600,000.00 1,787,276.00 Fleming island WRF electrical upgrades Nault upgrades 169,912.54 1,786,190.00 1,175,520.00 3,131,622.54 Postmaster WTP Electrical Upgrades 118,077.05 118,077.05 Miller WRF Electrical Upgrades 9,622.03 81,000.00 90,622.03 Ridaught WRF Electrical Upgrades 0.00 233,291.00 1,408,910.00 924,000.00 2,566,201.00 Oakleaf WTP Electrical Upgrades 0.00 34,291.00 342,910.00 377,201.00 w Ravines Off-Site Mains-Middleburg W&S Extensions 1,238,000.00 1,238,000.00 Rehab PS 4 693,690.00 400,000.00 1,093,690.00 w Rehab PS 62,Manifold 67 243,560.00 900,000.00 1,143,560.00 tro Upgrade Lift Stations 11,41,69,51 149,880.15 500,000.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,149,880.15 Upgrade Lift Station 98 0.00 542,000.00 542,000.00 "'' Upgrade Lift Stations 43,24,59 0.00 542,000.00 542,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,084,000.00 Upgrade Lift Station 111 0.00 542,000.00 542,000.00 1,084,000.00 Lift Station#2&#3-Upgrade 3,425,501.27 900,000.00 4,325,501.27 Upgrade Lift Stations 20&56 500,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 Flow-Meters Retrofits 108,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 1,308,000.00 Clay County Utility Authority 2023/2024 Capital Projects Expenditures Budget And Five Year Capital Projects Plan Adjusted for Prior Year Jobs Not Completed as of 4/30/2023 ADJUSTED FISCAL YEAR Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028 TOTALS Gravity Sewer Lining 608,498.13 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 5,608,498.13 Lift Station Generators 0.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 1,750,000.00 Plant Generators 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 2,500,000.00 Lift Station Bypass Pump 200,000.00 200,000.00 Keystone Heights High School WM relocation 143,000.00 143,000.00 Manhole Rehab 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 900,000.00 FH and Gate Valve replacement 105,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 1,155,000.00 Lake Asbury WM Improvements(602 Lake Asbury Road&Aldersgate St.) 1,530,000.00 1,530,000.00 Potable and Reclaimed Water Meter and backflow device replacement 509,100.50 1,600,000.00 1,650,000.00 1,700,000.00 1,750,000.00 1,750,000.00 8,959,100.50 SYSTEM EXPANSION Governor's Park WTP Design and Build 3,334,170.20 4,250,000.00 7,584,170.20 Meadow Lake WTP-New Ground Storage Tank and Electrical Service upgrade 569,629.10 569,629.10 Saratoga Spring WTP,WRF&offsite Mains 1,339,879.88 1,339,879.88 Fleming Island Reg.WWTP-2nd BCR Plant,Two Tanks 2,973,748.29 1,680,000.00 4,653,748.29 CCUA Administrative Building Phase I 2,822,806.35 100,000.00 2,922,806.35 North Campus Driveway 668,678.02 668,678.02 North Middleburg Water&Sewer Extension and Interconnection(Water Interconnect,Forcemain exte 2,049.51 2,750,000.00 2,752,049.51 Infill Projects 1,361,678.98 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 1,861,678.98 Well Rehab 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 750,000.00 Lead&Copper GSP replacement 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 300,000.00 Water Quality Lab 2,228,000.00 2,228,000.00 Chemical tanks 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 Facility Roof Repairs 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 Commercial Meter Change outs 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 375,000.00 12-inch Wm Keystone RV to Geneva lakes WTP 2,300,000.00 2,300,000.00 Henley Road 12"WM Loop-Sandridge to Small Lake 0.00 94,758.06 94,758.06 Peters Creek WTP Well 3&2nd GST 10,509.00 0.00 4,633,000.00 4,643,509.00 Peters Creek WRF-Phase II 19,916,212.08 41,600,000.00 639,431.63 62,155,643.71 Pier Station E/W WM Extension and Interconnect(State Road 16 and FCOB) 0.00 50,000.00 1,300,000.00 1,350,000.00 Pier Station Force Main Extensions(State Road 16 and FCOB) 0.00 0.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 Pier Station Master Pump Station(State Road 16 and FCOB) 0.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 Pier Station WTP Expansion 0.00 2,700,000.00 2,700,000.00 Ravines to Henly Road Water Main Extension 1,851,811.53 2,400,000.00 250,000.00 4,501,811.53 Ravines WTP 2nd GST 0.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 Spencer's WWTP:Phase 6 Expansion 0.00 750,000.00 5,500,000.00 6,250,000.00 Spencers WTP-Ground Storage&High Service Pump 139,041.47 3,000,000.00 1,700,000.00 4,839,041.47 Swimming Penn Creek WM Interconnect 1,894,215.15 1,810,000.00 3,704,215.15 LAMPA E/W Interconnect#1 Water(Cathedral Oaks West-Green) 2,422.64 2,112,000.00 2,114,422.64 LAMPA E/W Interconnect#1 Wwtr-Reuse (Cathedral Oaks West-Green) 4,974.88 4,337,000.00 4,341,974.88 LAMPA E/W Interconnect#2 Water (Cathedral Oaks East-Blue) 216,000.00 216,000.00 432,000.00 LAMPA E/W Interconnect#2 Wwtr-Reuse (Cathedral Oaks East-Blue) 2,535,000.00 2,535,000.00 5,070,000.00 LAMPA N/S Interconnect#1 Water(SS WTP to Cathedral Oaks West-Red) 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 w LAMPA N/S Interconnect#1 Wwtr-Reuse (SS WTP to Cathedral Oaks West-Red) 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 LAMPA N/S Interconnect#2 Water(Feed Mill Rd.-Black) 900,000.00 900,000.00 1,800,000.00 w LAMPA N/S Interconnect#2 Wwtr-Reuse (Feed Mill Rd.-Black) 900,000.00 900,000.00 1,800,000.00 tfQ (o CR 315 Peters Creek Spur(Orange) 3,650,000.00 3,650,000.00 7,300,000.00 N 16-inch WM Atlantis to Kindlewood 500,000.00 1,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 0 "b Upsizing pipes to accommodate Rookery GCS 0.00 466,000.00 466,000.00 Tanglewood Neighborhood Water Main Relocations 85,000.00 85,000.00 CR 218 widening from Pine Tree Lane to Cosmos 250,605.20 250,605.20 Sandridge Road widening and ForceMain Extension 538,441.70 538,441.70 CR 220 widening Baxley to Henley Rd 250,000.00 510,000.00 760,000.00 Clay County Utility Authority 2023/2024 Capital Projects Expenditures Budget And Five Year Capital Projects Plan Adjusted for Prior Year Jobs Not Completed as of 4/30/2023 ADJUSTED FISCAL YEAR Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028 TOTALS CR 220 widening from Henley to Knightbox 50,000.00 20,000.00 70,000.00 CR 315 widening-Utility Relocation(design FY 23 construct FY 24) 922,000.00 922,000.00 -Reclaimed Transmission Main-Spencers to Oakleaf 584,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,584,000.00 -Reclaimed Transmission Main-Oakleaf to Challenger 1,120,000.00 1,120,000.00 -Reclaimed Transmission Main-Old Jennings Rd Bypass 1,680,000.00 1,680,000.00 -New Pumps-Old Jennings WRF pump station 1,120,000.00 1,120,000.00 -Reclaimed Water SCADA 530,000.00 150,000.00 680,000.00 Mid-Clay Rib Recovery pH adjustment evaluation 30,000.00 270,000.00 300,000.00 Evaluate replacement of 16"AC Pipe by Orange Park mall 30,000.00 30,000.00 -Geneva Lake Estates(Watermain-B)7,605 LF 12-inch WM 155,160.00 1,293,000.00 1,448,160.00 -Looping Fire Hydrants(Area D)170 LF 12-inch WM 91,840.00 91,840.00 -Looping Fire Hydrants(Area G)35LF of 6-inch WM 13,440.00 13,440.00 -Booster Pump Station 51,600.00 430,000.00 481,600.00 Treatment plant R&R Studies 500,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 1,300,000.00 Phase III Admin building 377,650.00 4,262,050.00 4,639,700.00 Fleming BTU#1 Rehab design and construction 500,000.00 500,000.00 Cost Participation w/Development Projects 1,659,369.32 1,659,369.32 Lift Station 88 Relocation 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 CR220 Quadrant Intersection 578,000.00 578,000.00 ALTERNATIVE WATER SUPPLY AMI Demand Management 750,000.00 750,000.00 1,500,000.00 Onsite Stormwater Harvesting 150,000.00 2,750,000.00 2,900,000.00 Public Access Reuse Storage 1,822,500.00 3,288,600.00 3,996,540.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 13,107,640.00 Purified Water Pilot Study 1,417,053.39 2,000,000.00 3,417,053.39 Subtotals 56,654,408.67 96,491,108.86 61,992,999.93 59,545,851.00 22,766,972.00 18,502,432.28 315,953,772.74 Contingency 5,665,440.87 9,649,110.89 6,199,299.99 5,954,585.10 2,276,697.20 1,850,243.23 31,595,377.28 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 62,319,849.54 106,140,219.75 68,192,299.92 65,500,436.10 25,043,669.20 20,352,675.51 347,549,150.02 Capital Expenditures Breakdown: Renewal,Replacement&Betterment 20,836,922 29,803,592 40,198,618 31,875,846 14,243,629 10,344,676 147,303,284 System Expansion 40,065,874 72,514,127 23,805,082 26,128,050 8,800,040 8,008,000 179,321,173 Alternative Water Supply 1,417,053 3,822,500 4,188,600 7,496,540 2,000,000 2,000,000 20,924,693 62,319,850 106,140,220 68,192,300 65,500,436 25,043,669 20,352,676 347,549,150 w '-d w tro co w 0 4, CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY FIVE YEAR CAPITAL PROJECTS PLAN RECAP Revenues 1% v Debt Borrowing 1% 0% Balance October 1,2022,to include 2% 2% Transfers •Operating Contingency&Surplus Transfer Grant Revenue Capacity Fees Transfer 44% • Renewal,Replacement&Betterment - Environmental Reuse Capital Fund Transfer - Departmental Capital Transfer - Alternative Water Supply Transfer 2% Debt Stabilization 8% - Restricted Interest Earnings Expenditures 6% - Renewal, Replacement& 42% Betterment - System Expansion Alternative Water Supply A3-Page 4 of 4 Clay County Utility Authority Public Hearing B. Rates September 12, 2023 co uA, • CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY "WI PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL RATES li AUT\-0 - FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 SYSTEM BASE - E ' • Meter Size Water Wastewater Reuse 5/8" x 3/4" $12.28 $27.86 $18.58 3/4" $18.42 $27.86 $27.91 1" $30.79 $27.86 $46.45 WATER SURCHARGES: Alternative Water Supply Surcharge- Per Monthly Water Bill $1.18 CONSUMPTION CHARGES (based on 30 days): Water System Consumption Rates: First 6,000 gallons $1.70 Next 6,000 gallons $5.04 Next 6,000 gallons $6.53 All usage over 18,000 gallons $8.37 Note: Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons with allowance per meter equivalent ERC Wastewater System Consumption Rates: All Meter Sizes (10,000 gallon cap) $4.16 Unmetered Flat Rate $59.84 Multi-family Unmetered per Unit $47.11 Note: Where reclaimed water is available the cap for residential wastewater usage will not apply Reclaimed Water Consumption Rates: First 15,000 gallons $0.92 Next 5,000 gallons $1.79 All usage over 20,000 gallons $2.71 Note: Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons with allowance per meter equivalent ERC All bills are processed monthly, base facility charges are billed in advance and the usage charges are billed in arrears. Serving the Community through Accountability, Sustainability and Commitment B1 -Page 1of4 ocovv, CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY ear PROPOSED COMMERCIAL RATES i ROW FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 SYSTEM BASE CHARGES: Meter Size Water Wastewater Reuse 5/8" x 3/4" $12.28 $27.86 $18.58 3/4" $18.42 $38.24 $27.91 1" $30.79 $69.65 $46.45 1 & 1/2" $61.50 $139.28 $92.92 2" $98.43 $222.91 $148.64 3" $196.83 $445.82 $297.28 4" $307.57 $696.37 $464.50 6" $615.12 $1,392.75 $928.99 8" $984.20 $2,228.96 $1,486.40 10" $1,414.79 $3,202.90 $2,136.70 12" $2,642.94 $5,988.47 $3,993.74 WATER SURCHARGES: Alternative Water Supply Surcharge-Per Monthly Water Bill $1.18 CONSUMPTION CHARGES (based on 30 days): Water System Consumption Rates: All consumption per 1,000 gallons (Excluding Potable Irrigation Meters) $2.54 Potable Irrigation Metered Services First 10,000 gallons $1.70 Next 15,000 gallons $5.04 Next 25,000 gallons $6.53 All usage over 50,000 gallons $8.37 Note: Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons with allowance per meter equivalent ERC Wastewater System Consumption Rates: Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons of metered water, no cap $5.07 Reclaimed Water Consumption Rates: First 15,000 gallons $0.92 Next 5,000 gallons $1.79 All usage over 20,000 gallons $2.71 Note: Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons with allowance per meter equivalent ERC All bills are processed monthly, base facility charges are billed in advance and the usage charges are billed in arrears. Serving the Community through Accountability, Sustainability and Commitment B 1 -Page 2 of 4 COU, -_- y CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY PROPOSED SERVICE CHARGES & MISCELLANEOUS FEES iTY o�`�� FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 CUSTOMER DEPOSIT: (per ERC) Security Deposit Amount: Water Wastewater Reuse Initial Deposit $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 Initial Deposit for Customers Without SSN $50.00 $100.00 $50.00 Annual Interest Rate of 0.94%will be paid on deposit held at least 6 months Note:A security deposit is required for all new accounts including transfers and existing accounts that become delinquent and require a field visit.An additional deposit will be required for accounts that are disconnected twice in one 12 month period. ' ` ' A RGES & MISCELLANEOUS FEES: After Hours Prepayment for New Service $250.00 Same Day Service Charge and After Hours Premise Visit Surcharge(Normal Hours 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F) $30.00 Initial Connection, Premise Visit Charge, Normal Reconnection, Reconnection due to Repair,and 2nd Trip $30.00 Special Meter Rereads, Hydrant Reading Charge and Backflow Test Final Notice $30.00 Nonpayment Charge Before 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday $30.00 Nonpayment Charge After 4:00 PM and before 9:00 PM, Monday-Friday $90.00 Nonpayment Charge on Weekends and Holidays $120.00 Nonpayment Charge Flat Rate Sewer Account $80.00 Late Notice Charge $3.30 Returned Check Charge $30.00 Hydrant Meter:Application Set Up, Relocation Charge,and Fee to Replace Cut Meter Lock $30.00 Meter Inspection Fee for New Meter Installations $30.00 Meter Testing Charge(5/8"x3/4" &3/4") (1" &Above Meters:Actual Cost) $70.00 Meter Reset Fee $130.00 Meter Tampering Charge $60.00 Replacement of Broken Curb Stop $80.00 Lien Charge(Charge does not include any recording costs,additional collection fees or attorney fees) $130.00 Violation Reconnection $30.00 Monthly Hydrant Base Charge (plus water at metered rates) $100.00 Hydrant Meter Deposit per Hydrant Policy $550.00 to$1,210.00 Hydrant Meter One-Time Fill at CCUA Main Office(plus water at metered rates) $60.00 Waste Disposal Deposit per Septage Haulers Disposal Deposit Policy Building Water Monthly Charge All Systems(Un-metered used during construction) $70.00 Wholesale Reclaimed Water Usage Charge Per 1,000 Gallons $0.52 Waste Disposal From Portable Toilets,Septic Tanks,and Landfill Lechate at Sewage Treatment Plant Per 1,000 Gallons $110.00 Processing fees to CCUA for Potable Water(Public Water Supply) Distribution and Transmission System Permits $280.00 Processing fees to CCUA for Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System Permits $280.00 Processing fees to CCUA for Permit Modifications $60.00 Energy Surcharge(to be assessed based on a formula)when actual energy sensitive operating expenses exceed budgeted energy sensitive expenses Account collection fees and/or costs incurred by CCUA in the course of collecting delinquent balances,which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 40%of the debt,and all costs and expenses,including reasonable attorneys'fees,which CCUA incurs in such collection efforts,will be paid,in addition to the original balance due, by the customer responsible for the delinquent balance. Serving the Community through Accountability, Sustainability and Commitment B 1 -Page 3 of 4 COUNT CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY DWI PROPOSED SERVICE CHARGES & MISCELLANEOUS FEES %�TYauSNo"-`�� FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGES: Water Capacity Charge Per ERC $450.00 Alternative Water Supply Charge Per ERC $388.01 SJRWMD Black Creek Water Resource Development Project Connection Charge Per ERC $105.19 Wastewater Capacity Charge Per ERC excluding Keystone included in FDEP Grant SG481030 and LP0512 $4,100.00 Reclaimed Water Capacity Charge Per ERC For Developments with Reclaimed Water Piping Systems $300.00 Surcharge for Development of Reclaimed Program (Applicable To All Developments That Do Not Install Reclaimed Piping Systems) $410.00 Debt Service Charge Per ERC $191.00 Fire Protection - Initial Charge (Per Gallons Per Minute "GPM" Flow) $15.81 Inspection, Plan Review,As-built Drafting, and Recording Fees Actual Cost Potable Water Meter, with Backflow Device (5/8"x3/4" Meter with other sizes at cost) Includes Meter Box $483.47 Reclaimed Water Meter(5/8"x3/4" Meter with other sizes at cost) Developments with Reclaimed Water Piping Systems & Includes Meter Box $417.33 As defined in Rate Resolution: Supplemental Developer Agreement Administrative Charge $100.00 Financed Developer Agreement Administrative Charge $100.00 Flex Space Meter Audit (2nd and subsequent trips) -$50.00, plus $75.00, per hour in excess of.75 hours per trip Master Meter Violation Charge, where applicable $500.00 Carrying Charge for Middleburg Service Area Policy and Infill Policy 2.20% Finance Charge 3.69% Middleburg Service Area Development Policy—Distribution and Collection Infrastructure Charge Per Acre Water $5,692.00 Wastewater $10,911.00 Serving the Community through Accountability, Sustainability and Commitment B 1 -Page 4 of 4 Clay County Utility Authority Illustrative Monthly Utility Bill Comparisons at Various Usage Levels -Residential Water and Sewer Customer Served by a 5/8 x 3/4 Meter- July 31, 2023 Thousands of Gallons per Month Utility Average 5 10 15 20 CCUA* $126.53 $70.62 $113.28 $142.95 $179.28 Town of Orange Park $121.17 $70.21 $106.92 $139.88 $167.68 Green Cove Springs $135.30 $69.49 $112.49 $156.74 $202.49 JEA $150.40 $79.23 $121.47 $175.61 $225.30 St. Johns County $147.20 $77.02 $126.97 $165.82 $218.97 GRU $156.64 $68.27 $122.81 $184.50 $250.97 ECUA $161.10 $80.56 $141.74 $202.93 $219.17 *Calculations include proposed rates effective 10/01/2023 _ _ Median $147.20 $70.62 $121.47 $165.82 $218.97 Mean $142.62 $73.63 $120.81 $166.92 $209.12 180 160 140 G 120 I I I I ' ll ' ' 100 C 80 = $150.40 $147.20 $156.64 $161.10 ao 2 - $126.53112117. I$135.301 , , , cv 60 40 I I I I 20 Pr 0 CCUA* Town of Green Cove JEA St.Johns GRU ECUA Orange Park Springs County B2-Page 1of1 Clay County Utility Authority Regional Rate Comparison July 31, 2023 (Monthly Rate Comparisons of Proposed CCUA Rates) Town of Green Cove JEA St. Johns GRU ECUA Item CCUA Orange Park Springs County A. Water - Base Facility Charge 12.28 16.96 13.43 12.60 14.54 9.45 13.67 - Usage Charge 1.7-8.37 2.12-7.23 0.7-2.49 1.30-5.97 3.690-10.63 2.47-6.04 2.80 B. Wastewater - Base Facility Charge 27.86 21.32 34.78 14.10 17.08 9.50 15.56 - Usage Charge 4.16 4.16 0.66-6.97 5.31-6.39 5.39 6.65 8.48 - Usage Cap 10,000 12,000 No Cap 20,000 10,000 No Cap 15,000 C. Reclaimed - Base Facility Charge 18.58 N/A N/A 12.60 8.93 9.50 N/A - Usage Charge .92-2.71 N/A N/A 2.97 - 5.97 2.04-3.70 1.24 N/A D. Capacity Charges* - Water 450.00 650.00 1,000.00 707.50 2,362.67 1,272.00 845.00 - Wastewater 4,100.00 1,300.00 2,000.00 2,920.00 3,805.03 3,736.00 1,602.00 -Total 4,550.00 * 1,950.00 3,000.00 3,627.50 6,167.70 5,008.00 2,447.00 E. Equivalent Residential Connections (ERCs)as of: 07/31/2023 - Water 61,694 2,550 3,536 357,000 51,536 65,800 81,000 - Wastewater 55,998 2,334 3,407 279,000 42,392 60,100 62,000 - Reclaimed 18,574 0 0 15,000 2,498 1,000 0 -Total ERCs 136,266 4,884 6,943 651,000 96,426 126,900 143,000 F. Employees: 196 113 17 770 188 850 466 Wd P G. ERCs per Employee: 695 43 408 845 514 149 307 CD *Does not include CCUA environmental impact fee of$410 per ERC for any new development that does not install dual piping systems for use of reclaimed water. CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY Historical Annual Rate Changes and Historical Inflation Indices CCUA Annual Rate Changes: Fiscal Year Annual Total Compound 2010/2011 Monthly Billing 10.81% 76.13% 109.25% 2011/2012 0.00% 76.13% 109.25% 2012/2013 Compressed Billing 0.00% 76.13% 109.25% 2013/2014 0.00% 76.13% 109.25% 2014/2015 5.40% 81.53% 120.55% 2015/2016 AWS$1.00 Surcharge 0.00% 81.53% 120.55% 2016/2017 0.00% 81.53% 120.55% 2017/2018 w&WW Base"'RW Usage 0.93% 82.46% 122.60% 2018/2019 W&WWAII RW Usage 3.00% 85.46% 129.28% 2019/2020 w,ww&RW Base&Usage 4.00% 89.46% 138.45% 2020/2021 w,ww&RW Base&Usage 2.00% 91.46% 143.22% 2021/2022 w,ww&RW Base&Usage 4.10% 95.56% 153.19% 2022/2023 w,ww&RW Base&Usage 3.90% 99.46% 163.06% 2023/2024 w,ww&RW Base&Usage 8.10% 107.56% 184.37% Historical Inflation Indices- Florida Public Consumer Service Commission Year Price Index Indexing Rate Average Compound 2010 2.31% 0.56% 1.44% 55.60% 2011 2.68% 1.18% 1.93% 58.60% 2012 2.65% 2.41% 2.53% 62.61% 2013 1.47% 1.63% 1.55% 65.13% 2014 1.51% 1.41% 1.46% 67.54% 2015 -0.07% 1.57% 0.75% 68.80% 2016 0.85% 1.29% 1.07% 70.61% 2017 2.40% 1.51% 1.96% 73.94% 2018 2.40% 1.76% 2.08% 77.56% 2019 1.90% 2.36% 2.13% 81.34% 2020 1.50% 1.79% 1.65% 84.32% 2021 2.60% 1.17% 1.89% 87.80% 2022 8.50% 4.53% 6.52% 100.03% 2023 5.00% 7.07% 6.04% 112.11% Cumulative 81.22% 71.38% 76.30% NOTES: -CPI represents U.S. city average, not seasonally adjusted with the base period equal to: 1982-84= 100. -CPI represents the period March through March of the respective year - FPSC indexing rate per docket no.XX0005-WS(XX is the respective year) B4-Page 1of1 Clay County Utility Authority Historical Rate Summary (Water and Wastewater Residential Customer with a 5/8 x 3/4 meter,using 6,000 gallons per month) September 2023 Consumption Charge Change(%) %Change ($/Kgal) Base Facility Charge Consumption Charge Base Facility Charge Illustrative Bill* Since Initial %Change, Item Effective Water I Wastewater Water I Wastewater Water I Wastewater Water I Wastewater Water** I Wastewater I Total Rate Annual Consolidated Rates Initial rates as of acquisition;92/93-21 12/22/92 0.61 1.15 11.53 25.93 n/a _ n/a n/a n/a 7.50 15.54 23.05 --- --- Resolution 92/93-50R 10/01/93 0.63 1.21 11.85 27.23 3.3% _ 5.2% 2.8% 5.0% 7.73 16.34 24.07 4.4% 4.4% Resolution 94/95-14 02/27/95 0.66 1.28 12.47 28.58 4.8% _ 5.8% 5.2% 5.0% 8.12 17.21 25.32 9.9% 5.2% Resolution 94/95-23 10/01/95 0.68 1.33 12.96 29.61 3.0% _ 3.9% 3.9% 3.6% 8.40 17.85 26.25 13.9% 3.7% Resolution 96/97-1 10/07/96 0.71 1.40 13.62 31.06 4.4% _ 5.3% 5.1% 4.9% 8.80 18.75 27.55 19.6% 5.0% Resolution 97/98-1 10/01/97 0.74 1.47 14.29 32.51 4.2% _ 5.0% 4.9% 4.7% 9.20 19.66 28.86 25.2% 4.7% Resolution 98/99-1 10/01/98 0.78 1.56 15.18 34.44 5.4% _ 6.1% 6.2% 5.9% 9.74 20.84 30.58 32.7% 6.0% Resolution 99/00-1 10/04/99 0.81 1.64 15.85 35.85 3.8% _ 5.1% 4.4% 4.1% 10.14 21.79 31.93 38.6% 4.4% Resolution 00/01-1 10/01/00 0.82 1.65 15.96 36.10 1.2% _ 0.6% 0.7% 0.7% 10.24 21.93 32.17 39.6% 0.8% Resolution 01/02-1 10/01/01 0.85 1.72 16.60 37.42 3.7% _ 4.2% 4.0% 3.7% 10.63 22.79 33.43 45.0% 3.9% Resolution 02/03-1 10/01/02 0.88 1.79 17.23 38.76 3.5% _ 4.1% 3.8% 3.6% 11.02 23.66 34.68 50.5% 3.8% Resolution 03/04-1 10/01/03 0.91 1.85 17.73 39.79 3.4% _ 3.4% 2.9% 2.7% 11.37 24.36 35.73 55.0% 3.0% Resolution 04/05-1 10/01/04 0.94 1.91 18.32 40.83 3.3% _ 3.2% 3.3% 2.6% 11.75 25.07 36.82 59.7% 3.0% Resolution 05/06-1 10/01/05 1.00 2.05 19.62 43.37 6.4% _ 7.3% 7.1% 6.2% 12.54 26.76 39.30 70.5% 6.7% Resolution 06/07-1 10/01/06 1.13 2.32 22.23 48.72 13.0% _ 13.2% 13.3% 12.3% 14.19 30.16 44.35 92.4% 12.9% Resolution 07/08-1 10/01/07 1.17 2.43 23.27 50.51 3.5% _ 4.7% 4.7% 3.7% 14.78 31.42 46.19 100.4% 4.2% Resolution 08/09-1 10/01/08 1.28 2.76 25.37 54.47 9.4% 13.6% 9.0% 7.8% 16.14 34.72 50.85 120.7% 10.1% Resolution 09/10-1(Consolidated) 10/01/09 1.34 2.89 26.58 57.07 4.7% 4.7% 4.8% 4.8% 16.90 36.36 53.26 131.1% 4.7% BEGIN MONTHLY BILLING AND WATER CONSERVATION RATE STRUCTURE: Resolution 10/11-1 10/01/10 1.30 3.20 9.30 21.08 -3.0% _ 10.7% 5.0% 10.8% 17.10 40.28 57.38 149.0% 7.7% Resolution 12/13-1 10/01/11 1.30 3.20 9.30 21.08 0.0% _ 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 17.10 40.28 57.38 149.0% 0.0% Resolution 11/12-1 10/01/12 1.30 3.20 9.30 21.08 0.0% _ 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 17.10 40.28 57.38 149.0% 0.0% Resolution 13/14-1 10/01/13 1.30 3.20 9.30 21.08 0.0% _ 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 17.10 40.28 57.38 149.0% 0.0% Resolution 14/15-1 10/01/14 1.37 3.37 9.80 22.22 5.4% _ 5.3% 5.4% 5.4% 18.02 42.44 60.46 162.3% 5.4% Resolution 15/16-1 10/01/15 1.37 3.37 9.80 22.22 0.0% _ 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 19.02 42.44 61.46 166.7% 1.7% Resolution 16/17-1 10/01/16 1.37 3.37 9.80 22.22 0.0% _ 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 19.02 42.44 61.46 166.7% 0.0% Resolution 17/18-1 10/01/17 1.37 3.37 9.97 22.60 0.0% _ 0.0% 1.7% 1.7% 19.19 42.82 62.01 169.1% 0.9% Resolution 18/19-1 10/01/18 1.41 3.46 10.24 23.21 2.7% _ 2.7% 2.7% 2.7% 19.71 43.97 63.68 176.3% 2.7% Resolution 19/20-1 10/01/19 1.47 3.60 10.65 24.14 4.0% _ 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 20.53 45.74 66.27 187.5% 4.1% Resolution 20/21-1 10/01/20 1.50 3.67 10.86 24.62 2.0% _ 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 20.95 46.64 67.59 193.3% 2.0% Resolution 21/22-1 10/01/21 1.54 3.77 11.14 25.26 2.6% _ 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 22.59 47.88 70.47 205.8% 4.3% Resolution 22/23-1 10/01/22 1.57 3.85 11.36 25.77 1.8% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 23.02 48.87 71.89 211.9% 2.0% Proposed 23/24 --- 1.70 4.16 12.28 27.86 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 23.66 52.82 76.48 231.8% 6.4% *Historical Charges Expressed as Monthly Values for Comparison tG **Altemative Water Supply Surcharge implemented Fiscal Year 2015/2016. v, ***SJRWMD Black Creek Water Resource Development Project Surcharge eliminated Fiscal Year 2023/2024 b w ao CD 0 Clay County Utility Authority Public Hearing C. Operations September 12, 2023 ARGYLEFO8Tl.•�— Dav`al N WlY WELLS Q,J 1„. CD 29 / — OW i p _ x w (/4p E aype -- " < (': 46,r O() � CO 0 • el KINGSLEY AVE' s O 0 •O i p p( ' p 8 a co O 0 „mOO ��p 0 p ! er. W r ,i Oo i--- -...._____ '1. If�� p� O eOLD JENNINGS RD p�• O go 1 • 2)G O sa �0� Ir O O /\O° ) \ O pSO 0 , IRUSSEL RD 0 08 O COUNTY-ROAD 21 • Co ryA / p •A°NDRIDGEi � O. / , °00 s O 13 t Johns yROA z couNr�. Oryy V - J 4+0,,- -11111 9O OP v 7(_ STATE:ROAD-16 Q • r fs+ fi =___________2.i 0 4 P i ID OAS` 2 O OG'L • DETAIL "A" °la ) N� i_ Ill ciki� � QO P j. 1 0 Legend • t4 Customers ` ], 9 Water Treatment Plant rV.1 Wastewater Treatment Plant •'Ny • i cr �� 9 Reclaimed Water Treatment Plant v t4. , I ... •k Ls. Nco NTY ROAD / • 0 Pump Station ) .. ,i r ♦ ► ®ST ,r Existing/Proposed Service Areas � 9 • • F9� oII* Non-CCUA Service Areas To J re111, coutx"RO40.274—' ' if ;\ =I Firstcoast Expressway SEE DETAIL"A" \lip Water • \_/ � Clay County 0.5 1 Miles I I 1 • Othera - Counties I Jacksonville p Project: 00Hry CO I Clay County Utility Authority Existing and Proposed Service Areas 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg,Florida 32068-3907 6>>��� o�� Phone(904)272-5999 Prepared by: Rita Matti-Coles nu7N Date:08/01/2023 Orlando Scale: 1"=20,000' Cl -Page 1 of 1 Total Funded and Approved Full-time(190)/Part-time(1),FY22/23 191 Net Full-time Proposed Additions,FY23/24 6 • • • Net Student Intern Positions,FY23/24 *5 ::( c°(Hri, FunctionaI Table of Organization Total Funded Positions,FY23/24 202 GI *Transition(2)interns to Full-time employees end of May 2024 AUTN���� Board of Supervisors Executive Director Jeremy Johnston Chief Engineer Chief Operations Officer Public&Governmental Chief Financial Officer Chief Human Resources Paul Steinbrecher Walter"Darryl"Muse Affairs Liaison(1) JeffreyWesse(mon — Officer Kimberly Richardson I. Distribution&Collection ngineering(4) (65) Finance(3) Risk&Safety(1) *Proposed Maintenance Technician(2) I IIIWater Treatment(16) Customer Service& GIS(6) roposed Operator,Trainee Billing(17) Human Resources(2) (1) stewater Treatment(35) Service Availability(8) Wastewater,Intern(1) Procurement(2) cilities&Fleet(6) Information Technology(5) Construction&Inspection JProposed Electrician(1)& Part-time IT Help Desk(1) (5) Facilities Maintenance *Proposed Cybersecurity Technician(1) Specialist(1) 1__!Ei gineering Administrative nvironmental Compliance Inventory(1) Assistant(1) (4) SCADA(2) AAdministrative Assistant,ir , Operations(1) Legend: Senior Leadership Team Position Management Position Supervisory Position Lead/Foreman Position Staff Position Student Interns (open x4) Revised 8/23/2023 *Proposed Position C2-Page 1 of 4 Engineering Department Total Funded and Approved Full-time(190)/Part-time(1),FY22/23 191 Net Full-time Proposed Additions,FY23/24 6 y CO Net Student Intern Positions,FY23/24 *5 (. " �rk Total Funded Positions,FY23/24 202 pupGam/ i C *Transition(2)interns to Full-time employees end of May 2024 Board of Supervisors Executive Director Jeremy Johnston Chief Human Resources Engineering Chief Engineer Chief Operations Officer Public&Governmental Chief Financial Officer — Officer — Administrative Assistant Paul Steinbrecher Walter"Darryl"Muse Affairs Liaison JeffreyWesselman Kimberly Richardson Distribution&Collection(65) GIS&Asset Syste ice Availability Construction&Inspection Manager Manager Assistant Chief Engineer Services Manager Proposed Maintenance Finance(3) Risk&Safety Technician(2) Senior Service Availability Construction&Inspection Water Treatment(16) Customer Service& Billing _ PSM/GIS Specialist Senior Design Engineer Human Resources(2) Engineer Services Coordinator Proposed Operator,Trainee(1) (17) Senior GIS Analyst Engineer in Training Utility Engineer — Wastewater Treatment(35) Procurement(2) Wastewater,Intern(1) Lead Construction Inspector Information Technology(5) Survey/GIS Technician I Facilities&Fleet(6)En Engineer in TrainingPart-time IT Help Desk(1) 9 Proposed Electrician(1)& *Proposed Cybersecurity Fac.Maintenance Technician(1) Service Availability Analyst Specialist(1) _ Survey Technician I Construction Inspector Environmental Compliance(4) Backflow&Gr Administrator ap Inventory CADD Technician II Service Availability l SCADA(2) Specialist,II Service Availability Administrative Assistant, Specialist,I Operations As-Built Coordinator Leaend- Senior Leadership Team Position Management Position Supervisory Position Lead/Foreman Position Staff Position Student Interns ---- .4) Revised 8/23/2023 *Proposed Position C2-Page 2 of 4 Operations Total Funded and Approved Full-time(190)/Part-time(1),FY22/23 191 Net Full-time Proposed Additions,FY23/24 6 ��\' CO UN,:..\ Net Student Intern Positions,FY23/24 *5 ( Total Funded Positions,FY23/24 202 �I� ♦/ *Transition(2)interns to Full-time employees end of May2024 /TYAUT I Board of Supervisors Executive Director Jeremy Johnston I Public&Governmental Affairs Liaison Chief Engineer Administrative Assistant Chief Operations Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Human Resources Paul Steinbrecher Operations Walter"Darryl"Muse Jeffrey Wesselman Officer Kimberly Richardson General Superintende General Superintendent General Superintendent Environmental Compliance Engineering(4) D&C Administrator D&C,Asst.COO Facilities&Fleet Manager Water TreatmentI Wastewater Treatment Manager SCADA Manager Finance(3) IF Risk&Safety(1) L Chief Sewer Line Chief Field Services I Chief Water/Wastewater Administrative Assistant, Customer Service& GIS(6) Inspection Coordinator I Maintenance Coordinator — Master Electrician Water&Wastewater Pre-Treatment Coordinator Electronic Technician Billing(17) h Human Resources(2) Service AvailabilityAsst.Chief Water/ Facilities Maintenance Chief Water Treatment Pre-Treatment Inspector (8) Lead Sewer Inspection Field SupervisorsProcurement(2) Technician (2) Wastewater Maintenance Electrician Plant Operator Coordinator Construction&Inspection I Information Technology(5 (5) Mechanic,Sewer TV Water/Wastewater *Electrician Water Treatment Plant Environmental Scientist Part-time IT Help Desk(1) Field Service Technicians *Proposed C Inspection Maintenance Foreman Operator P (5) (12) (2) (4) Spe Engineering Administrative Assistant Fleet Maintenance W/WW Maintenance Specialist Inventory(1) Mechanic *Operator Trainee, (9) Water Fleet Maintenance r Technicia Lead Locator/ROW I I I I Maintenance Supv Keystone Heights/ — Spencer's Mid-Clay Fleming Island Ridaught Landing Miller Street Peter's Creek Crossing Chief Water Treatment Facilities Plant Operator Chief Wastewater Chief Wastewater Chief Wastewater Chief Wastewater Chief Wastewater Chief Wastewater ill_ocate Coordinator p Technician Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Locator — *Facilities Maintenance Water Treatment Plant (2) Technician Operator Lead Wastewater Lead Wastewater Lead Wastewater Lead Wastewater Lead Wastewater Lead Wastewater (2) Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant OW Maintenanc Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Legend: Technician *Open *Open *Open *Open *Open *Open Operator Trainee, Water Senior Leadership *Maintenance Technician(2) (2) Team Position Wastewater Wastewater Wastewater Wastewater Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Management Position J (2) (4) (4) (3) (4) (4) Chief Water Treatment Chief Field Operations Coordinator Plant Operator Supervisory Position I I I I Operator Trainee, Operator Trainee, Operator Trainee, Wastewater,Intern Water Treatment Plant Wastewater Wastewater Wastewater Lead/Foreman New Installations New Installations Repairs Repairs (2) (2) (2) ( ) Lead Retrofit Technician Operator Foreman Foreman Foreman Foreman (3) Position _ *Open-Lead Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators,shall be filled from internal candidates.No additional positions proposed Staff Position Retrofit Technician Lead Utility Lead Utility Lead Utility Lead Utility Mechanic, Mechanic, Mechanic, Mechanic, (2) Operator Trainee, Installations Installations Repairs Repairs Water Student Interns (open x4) Utility Mechanic Utility Mechanic Utility Mechanic Utility Mechanic (3) (3) (3) (2) Revised 8/23/2023 *Proposed Position C2-Page 3 of 4 Total Funded and Approved Full-time(190)/Part-time(1),FY22/23 191 Net Full-time Proposed Additions,FY23/24 6 Finance & Human Resources Net Student Intern Positions,FY23/24 *5 (0141.119 �y COUH Total Funded Positions,FY23/24 202 Gi *Transition(2)interns to Full-time employees end of May 2024 ■ /TY A UTN� Board of Supervisors Executive Director Jeremy Johnston Public&Governmental Affairs Liaison Chief Engineer -- Chief Operations Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief HumanO e Resources Paul Steinbrecher Walter"Darryl"Muse Jeffrey Wesselman Kimberly Richardson 1_ Distribution&Collection(65) Assistant Chief Financial En ineerin (4) *Pro osed Maintenance IT Mana er Customer Service& Procurement Manager Inventory Manager Risk&Safety Manager 9 9 P 9 Officer Billing Manager Technician(2) Water Treatment(16) Contract&Procurement GIS(6) — System Administrator Billing Analyst Financial Assistant S ecialist Human Resource Generalist *Proposed Operator,Trainee(1) P Lead Network Billing Clerk Financial Assistant, Wastewater Treatment(35) Training&Development 1 Service Availability(8) Wastewater,Intern(1) Administrator (7) Accounts Payable Coordinator Facilities&Fleet(6) Help Desk Technician Construction&Inspection *Proposed Electrician(1)& Customer Service (5) Fac.Maintenance Technician(1) _ Supervisor Engineering Administrative Environmental Compliance Customer Service Assistant (4) Programmer,Senior Representative (6) SCADA(2) Receptionist/Assistant — *Cybersecurity Specialist Secretary Administrative Assistant, Operations Part-time IT Help Desk Leuend- Senior Leadership Team Position Management Position Supervisory Position Lead/Foreman Position Staff Position Student Interns (open x4) Revised 8/23/2023 *Proposed Position C2-Page 4 of 4