HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA SA No. 14 to 1819 RFQ No. 3 with JE for Mid Clay 2nd entrance EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement (SA) No. 14 to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 for Jones Edmunds& Associates,Inc. (JE), to provide Engineering Analysis,Design,Permitting, and Services During Construction for Construction (SDC) of a Second Entrance to the Mid-Clay Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). CCUA Project No.: 2205-082 Date: September 19,2023 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff requests approval of SA No. 14 with JE to provide Engineering Analysis, Design, Permitting, and SDC for Construction of a Second Entrance to the Mid-Clay WWTF. Currently,there is a single access road to the Mid-Clay WWTF for staff and contractor ingress and 0 egress as well as critical materials deliveries. The access road is a joint use facility owned by the a adjacent neighborhood, Glenhaven. Use of the road has become increasingly difficult and 0 unreliable in recent months. JE is currently designing improvements to the road to offset the risk o of failure posed by the stormwater system running beneath. Additionally, the County is E constructing improvements to Sandridge Rd. which include medians intended to reduce the Il number of four-way intersections. One of the medians is being placed where it will restrict ce CCUA's access to the Mid-Clay entrance road. Though a work-around has been proposed by the County,it would result in large trucks using a trail road within Ronnie Van Zant Park to access the entrance.Using a public park for regular,prolonged access is problematic and could put CCUA at risk of liability in a myriad of ways. CCUA has an existing 30' right-of-way and utility easement extending from Henley Rd. to the Mid-Clay WWTF that Staff would like to investigate as a new primary means of access to the plant site. This new access route would alleviate the issues discussed above andreduce the number of trips taken through two school zones. Staff has requested the attached scope and fee proposal from JE to evaluate design and construction of a new driveway and prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report on the suitability of the route for access.If the report concludes,and Staff agrees, that the route is beneficial and desirable, JE will proceed with designing, permitting, bidding, and providing SDC for the new driveway as outlined in the proposal. If the route is deemed sub-standard or inappropriate for use in this manner, Tasks 2-5 will not be performed nor invoiced. //DD(Author) //DP, JP,AW(Review) //PS (Final) BUDGET: This work was not anticipated last spring during CIP development. The engineer of record will prepare an estimate as part of this work. Staff has estimated that$1,200,000 will be needed for the project based on other recent work.There are sufficient funds in CIP contingency that will be used for this work. CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055,does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The anticipated cost of the construction project does not exceed$4,000,000.00. Staff negotiated the Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055.Staff and the consultant negotiated the scope and fee for the professional services at a compensation which CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests approval of SA No. 14 for$199,377.71 with JE to provide Engineering Analysis,Design,Permitting,Bidding,and SDC for Construction ofa Second Entrance to the Mid- Clay WWTF. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 14 JE Scope and Fee Proposal //DD(Author) //DP, JP,AW(Review) //PS (Final) Supplemental Agreement No. 14 to Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No.3 with Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc.,for Professional Services to provide Engineering Analysis, Design,Permitting, and Services During Construction for Construction of a Second Entrance to the Mid-Clay Wastewater Treatment Facility CCUA Project No. 2205-082 Engineer: Brian Icerman,PE,ENV SP Owner: Clay County Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc. Utility Authority 730 NE Waldo Rd. Gainesville,FL 32641 Date: September 19,2023 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Task 1 Preliminary Engineering&Report $84,199.22 Task 2 Engineering Design Services $72,860.45 Task 3 Permitting Services $20,377.86 Task 4 Bidding Services $5,171.40 Task 5 Construction Contract Administration $16,768.78 0 Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $199,377.71 The Contract time shall commence on September 25,2023, and Task 1 is to be completed by January 3, 2024. This document,along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Consultant: Stanley F. Ferriera,Jr.,PE President&CEO Jones Edmunds and Associates,Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston,P.E.,MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority Jon esEdm un ds, Integrity • Knowledge • Service August 18, 2023 Darrell Damrow, PE Sr Service Availability Engineer Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, Florida 32068 RE: Project Scope and Fee MidClay WWTF Driveway - Preliminary Engineering Report, Design, Permitting, and Construction Contract Administration Services Jones Edmunds Opportunity No. 95696-245-23 Dear Mr. Damrow: We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) staff on the MidClay Wastewater Treatment Facility Driveway project. The project includes a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER), design, permitting, bidding, and construction contract administration. The attached Scope of Services is based on the Project to Scoping information provided by CCUA. The lump-sum fees for the professional services performed under this Scope are $199,377.71 (one hundred ninety-nine thousand three hundred seventy-seven dollars and seventy-one cents) in accordance with the terms of the Agreement between CCUA and Jones Edmunds for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3. Attached is a breakdown of Jones Edmunds' fee estimate and schedule. We appreciate this opportunity to serve the CCUA community. If you have any questions or comments, please call us at (904) 708-9254. Sincerely, °' / Brian J. Icerman, PE Bruce Myhre, PhD, PE Managing Director/Senior Vice President Senior Project Manager Enclosures/Attachments: Scope of Services and Project Fee Estimate by Task 800.237.1053 JONESEDMUNDS.COM MIDCLAY WWTF DRIVEWAY SCOPE OF SERVICES PROJECT BACKGROUND The Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) operates and maintains the MidClay Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) north of Sandridge Road, east of Henley Road. Access to the WWTF is through a driveway that is a joint use facility with the adjacent neighborhood. Clay County is constructing improvements along Sandridge Road that will make access to the WWTF difficult. Due to these factors, CCUA requested that Jones Edmunds prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to evaluate design and construction of a new driveway off Henley Road, due west of the WWTF and north of the Ashbury Plantation subdivision. An existing concrete driveway runs from Henley Road to a private residence (1,750 linear feet). Jones Edmunds understands that CCUA has a 30-foot access easement over the driveway. From the end of the concrete driveway to the gate/entrance of the WWTF is 2,100 feet along a cleared grassed area. However, 500 feet are adjacent to a wooded wetland area that the new driveway may impact. At the PER's completion, CCUA will decide whether to design and construct the new driveway. That scope includes design, permitting, bidding, and construction contract administration. Expected elements for the project (PER and design) include the following: • Evaluation of existing land rights, property ownership, and easements. to • Topographic survey. • Boundary survey. • Wetland delineation and mitigation evaluation. • Geotechnical borings. • Subsurface utility engineering (SUE). • Evaluation of existing concrete driveway. • 24-foot-wide paved driveway with no curbing or sidewalk. • Driveway tie-in at Henley Road. • Tie-in to the existing WWTF driveway at the fence entering the facility. • Pavement design suitable for heavy-duty vehicles. • Stormwater and drainage design. • Fence and gate improvements. • Utility (water, sewer, and reclaimed water) relocations as necessary to accommodate the driveway design. • Erosion and sediment control. • Fence and gate for access control. 1 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT 1.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT As the prime consultant, Jones Edmunds will manage the project and our subconsultants throughout the project from data collection through final construction. Work will include routine coordination with the CCUA Project Manager (PM) including the following: 95696-245-23 1 August 2023 MidClay Driveway PER, Design, Permitting, and CCA Proposal MIDCLAY WWTF DRIVEWAY SCOPE OF SERVICES communication - phone calls, emails, texts, and virtual and in-person team meetings; monthly invoicing; and project schedule/updates. 1.2 MEETINGS Following the Notice to Proceed (NTP), Jones Edmunds will set up a project kick-off meeting with the CCUA staff. At the meeting, we will discuss project contacts, communication, data needs, design elements, project schedule with major milestones, and CCUA goals and critical success factors for the project. Monthly project review meetings will begin after the kickoff meeting and continue during the PER, design, permitting, and construction phases. The meetings will be virtual (Teams or Zoom). Jones Edmunds will conduct a parallel internal project team meeting monthly. 1.3 DATA COLLECTION Jones Edmunds will collect the following data for the project area: ■ Topographic Survey - Jones Edmunds will contract with a Florida-licensed survey firm to obtain topographic, drainage, and utility data for the project area. ■ Boundary Survey - Jones Edmunds will contract with a Florida-licensed survey firm to obtain boundary data. ■ Wetland Delineation and Environmental Data - Jones Edmunds staff will perform a site to visit to flag wetland lines. The surveyor will obtain coordinates for the wetland flags. ■ Geotechnical Data - Jones Edmunds will contract with a Florida-licensed geotechnical firm to obtain geotechnical borings. ■ SUE - Jones Edmunds will contract with a Florida-licensed utility engineering firm to perform utility locates within the project limits and to perform soft/hard digs to verify vertical and horizontal locations of utilities that will impact the project design. ■ Property Data - Jones Edmunds will obtain property data from CCUA and the Clay County Property Appraiser database. ■ Permits from the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). ■ Clay County permitting and access requirements. ■ Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplains. ■ Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) soils data. ■ National Wetland Inventory (NWI) data. 1.4 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT Using the above data, Jones Edmunds will prepare a PER that includes: ■ Summary of the data collected. ■ Conceptual driveway plans (30% plans). ■ Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (EOPCC) (using CCUA and FDOT historical construction costs). ■ Permitting requirements, including results of a pre-application meeting with SJRWMD. 95696-245-23 2 August 2023 Midday Driveway PER, Design, Permitting, and CCA Proposal MIDCLAY WWTF DRIVEWAY SCOPE OF SERVICES Jones Edmunds will prepare a preliminary PER for review by CCUA. We will then prepare the Final PER based on comments from CCUA. 2 DESIGN 2.1 75% DESIGN Jones Edmunds will develop 75% Design Plans based on the approved 30% conceptual plan from the PER Phase. Design criteria for the project will follow CCUA, Clay County, and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction, and Maintenance for Streets and Highways (commonly referred to as the Florida Greenbook) requirements. We assumed a stormwater pond will be required to meet SJRWMD water quality and water quantity requirements. We expect the Plans to include the following sheets: • Title Sheet • Legend, Index, and Abbreviations • General Notes • Key Map • Existing Conditions to • Typical Section • Plan and Profile Sheets • Driveway Cross-Sections • Pond Grading and Drainage Plans • Utility Relocation Plans • Construction Details • Wetland Impact Plans • Pond Cross-Sections • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans • Signage and Pavement Marking Plans Jones Edmunds will submit the 75% Design Plans to CCUA for review and approval and then will meet with CCUA to review the Plans and receive comments regarding the design. We will provide the following deliverables: 22x34 • 75% Plans: Two hard copies, 11 A 17 inch, and an electronic copy (PDF). • Technical Specifications, electronic copy (PDF) • Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost, electronic copy (PDF) We assume the CCUA-reviewed-and-approved 75% Plans will be used for permitting. 95696-245-23 3 August 2023 MidClay Driveway PER, Design, Permitting, and CCA Proposal MIDCLAY WWTF DRIVEWAY SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.2 100% DESIGN Jones Edmunds will prepare Final Construction Plans and Technical Specifications by incorporating relevant, in-scope CCUA comments from the 75% Design. The Final Construction Plans and Specifications will be used for bidding and construction. We expect the Plans to include the sheets from the 75% Design and to incorporate any County and permit agency comments. We will provide following deliverables: 22x34 ■ 100% Plans (signed-and-sealed): Two hard copies, 11 ,.. 7-inch, and an electronic copy (PDF). ■ 100% Technical Specifications (signed-and-sealed): Two hard copies, 8.5-x-11-inch, and an electronic copy (PDF). ■ EOPCC: Two hard copies, 8.5-x-11-inch, and an electronic copy (PDF). 2.3 UTILITY COORDINATION During the design-development process, Jones Edmunds will coordinate with utility providers within the corridor. As needed, we will communicate and meet with the utility providers to confirm that they relocate their facilities in a timely manner, although we cannot control the timeliness of utility relocations by others. As part of this Scope of to Services, we will call out minor utility adjustments (e.g., Type A or B crossings). Major utility adjustments (e.g., upsizing or relocating existing utilities) are excluded from this Scope of Services. 3 PERMITTING We expect that permits from SJRWMD, FDEP, and Clay County will be required. Based on a preliminary review of the site, minor (<0.50 acre) wetland impacts will occur. We will use the CCUA-approved 75% Design Plans to prepare the permit applications. We will submit the permit documents to CCUA for review and signature before submitting to the regulatory agencies. Permit fees are included in the Fee Estimate. For SJRWMD, we expect that a new Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) for the WWTF driveway will be required. We will coordinate and attend a pre-application meeting with SJRWMD to confirm permitting requirements. We will prepare and submit a Section 404 permit application to FDEP. Based on recent projects permitted through FDEP, we expect wetland mitigation will be required. We will prepare and submit a Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (UMAM) analysis to determine the required wetland mitigation credits. We will coordinate with a private wetland mitigation bank to provide the required wetland mitigation credits. Cost for the wetland mitigation credits is not included. For Clay County, we will prepare and apply for the driveway connection to Henley Road. We will prepare one Request for Additional Information (RAI) response for each agency. 95696-245-23 4 August 2023 Midday Driveway PER, Design, Permitting, and CCA Proposal MIDCLAY WWTF DRIVEWAY SCOPE OF SERVICES We will provide the following deliverables: • SJRWMD Individual ERP application. • FDEP Section 404 Permit Application. • Clay County Development Review Committee Application. 4 BIDDING Jones Edmunds will perform the following Bid-Phase services: • Coordinate Front-End documents with the County. • Attend a Pre-Bid Meeting. • Prepare responses to bidder questions. • Review bids and provide a letter of recommendation. 5 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION (CCA) CCA services are based on a 150-day construction schedule to final completion. Jones Edmunds will provide the following CCA services: • Attend a Pre-Construction Meeting. • Review project submittals and shop drawings. Jones Edmunds estimates eight submittals to for this project. This Scope of Services includes an initial review and one re-submittal review for each submittal. • Review and respond to up to six Requests for Information (RFIs) submitted by the Contractor. • Conduct two site visits during active construction to observe that the construction is progressing in general conformance with the Construction Contract Documents and Permit Conditions. • Conduct one Substantial Completion site review and provide a punch list to CCUA and the Contractor. • Conduct one Final Completion site review to confirm that the Contractor has completed the punch-list items. Any additional visits to verify that the outstanding punch-list items are completed may be provided by Jones Edmunds if authorized by CCUA or may be performed by CCUA at their discretion. • Review Contractor As-Builts/Record Drawings prepared by a Florida-licensed surveyor and provide comments. • Submit permit closeout documents to SJRWMD, FDEP, and Clay County. ASSUMPTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS 1. Attending Construction progress meetings is excluded from this Scope of Services. 2. Attending public meetings is excluded from this Scope of Services. 3. CCUA staff familiar with the project will be available for questions throughout the project. 4. CCUA staff will obtain any necessary easements and will coordinate with adjacent property owners. 95696-245-23 5 August 2023 Midday Driveway PER, Design, Permitting, and CCA Proposal MIDCLAY WWTF DRIVEWAY SCOPE OF SERVICES 5. Archaeological surveying and permitting are excluded from this Scope of Services. 6. Coordinating historical preservation is excluded from this Scope of Services. 7. Hazardous materials (asbestos, metals, and polychlorinated biphenyls) investigation, testing, analysis, and abatement design are excluded from this Scope of Services. 8. The project site is assumed to be free of soil and groundwater contamination. 9. All Plans and Specifications will be prepared using English units. 10. Landscaping and Irrigation plans are excluded from this Scope of Services. 11.Structural plans for drainage structures are not required. 12.A northbound right-turn lane on Henley Road is not expected and is excluded. 13.Trip generation, traffic modeling, and trip distribution are excluded. 14. Permitting applications fees and Wetland Mitigation fees are excluded. EXPECTED SCHEDULE (IN WEEKS) The final project schedule will be based on a mutual agreement between CCUA and Jones Edmunds at the kickoff meeting. Preliminarily, the project tasks are estimated in the list below based on the kickoff meeting date. We will coordinate with CCUA for each submittal's due date upon receipt of the prior submittal's review comments. Milestone Start Date End Date to Kickoff Meeting with CCUA 9/12/2023 9/12/2023 PER and Data Collection 9/12/2023 12/21/2023 Design 1/8/2024 6/8/2024 Permitting (Estimated) 4/8/2024 6/8/2024 Bidding 6/9/2024 9/9/2024 Construction Contract 9/9/2024 2/9/2025 Administration COMPENSATION Jones Edmunds proposes to provide the services detailed above on a lump-sum basis for Tasks 1 through 5. We will complete these services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement between CCUA and Jones Edmunds for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No. 3, for a lump-sum amount of $199,377.71. The table below summarizes the labor effort and subconsultant cost by task. Invoices will be on a percent-complete basis. Jones Edmunds will submit invoices to CCUA monthly in coordination with the CCUA Project Manager. Jones Edmunds Task Labor Effort and Subconsultants Total ODCs Task 1 - PER/Data Collection $44,199.22 $40,000.00 $84,199.22 Task 2 - Design $72,860.45 $0.00 $72,860.45 Task 3 - Permitting $20,377.86 $0.00 $20,377.86 95696-245-23 6 August 2023 Midday Driveway PER, Design, Permitting, and CCA Proposal MIDCLAY WWTF DRIVEWAY SCOPE OF SERVICES Jones Edmunds Task Labor Effort and Subconsultants Total ODCs Task 4 - Bidding $5,171.40 $0.00 $5,171.40 Task 5 - Construction $16,768.78 $0.00 $16,768.78 Contract Administration Total Fee $159,377.71 $40,000.00 $199,377.71 to 95696-245-23 7 August 2023 Midday Driveway PER, Design, Permitting, and CCA Proposal Project Name: Midday WWTF Driveway PER,Design,Permitting,and Contract Construction Administration Prepared On: 08/18/23 JonesEdmunds� Client: Clay County Utility AuthorityB. Opportunity Number: Prepared By: /18/2 2 re 95696-245-23 Reviewed On: 8/18/203 F.Hoyt Reviewed By:Plan Project Officer Senior Project Senior ProjectStaffing Project Engineer Construction Sr.Admin Manager Engineer Engineer Scientist Intern Admin. Assistant Contract Billing Rate $290.43 I $211.57 I $237.19 I $173.03 $134.24 I $113.35 $139.04 I $96.00 Labor Subconsultant Task No. Task Name Hours Hours Direct Labor Costs Expenses Costs Costs Total Fee 1 Preliminary Engineering Report Project Management 2 6 6 14 $ 2,426.28 $ - $ - $ 2,426.28 Kickoff Meeting 2 2 4 $ 1,004.00 $ 200.00 $ - $ 1,204.00 Monthly Project Review Meetings(Assume 4) 2 4 6 $ 1,427.14 $ - $ - $ 1,427.14 Wetland/T&E Species 2 12 14 $ 2,034.02 $ 100.00 $ - $ 2,134.02 Topographic Survey 2 4 6 $ 876.54 $ - $ 21,000.00 $ 21,876.54 SUE 2 4 6 $ 876.54 $ - $ 11,000.00 $ 11,876.54 Geotech 2 4 6 $ 876.54 $ - $ 8,000.00 $ 8,876.54 Property Data/Permit Review 2 8 10 $ 1,381.18 $ - $ - $ 1,381.18 Soils/FEMA data 2 8 10 $ 1,381.18 $ - $ - $ 1,381.18 Conceptual Plan 8 24 80 112 $ 16,453.12 $ - $ - $ 16,453.12 Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost 2 4 8 14 $ 2,278.70 $ - $ - $ 2,278.70 Preliminary Engineering Report 2 8 24 40 4 78 $ 12,883.98 $ - $ - $ 12,883.98 ' Subtotal 8 38 56 0 12 156 0 10 280 $ 43,899.22 $ 300.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 84,199.22 2 Design Title Sheet 1 2 3 $ 438.27 $ - $ - $ 438.27 Legend,Index,and Abbreviations 1 2 3 $ 438.27 $ - $ - $ 438.27 General Notes 2 4 6 $ 876.54 $ - $ - $ 876.54 Key Map 2 4 6 $ 876.54 $ - $ - $ 876.54 Surveyors Notes&Legend 1 2 3 $ 438.27 $ - $ - $ 438.27 Existing Conditions 2 4 6 $ 876.54 $ - $ - $ 876.54 Typical Sections 2 4 8 14 $ 2,278.70 $ - $ - $ 2,278.70 Plan and Profile Sheets 4 24 80 108 $ 15,606.84 $ - $ - $ 15,606.84 Stormwater Grading and Drainage Plan 8 16 40 64 $ 10,021.60 $ - $ - $ 10,021.60 Cross-Sections 8 16 40 64 $ 10,021.60 $ - $ - $ 10,021.60 Utility Adjustment Plan 2 8 8 18 $ 3,227.46 $ - $ - $ 3,227.46 Construction Details 2 4 8 14 $ 2,278.70 $ - $ - $ 2,278.70 Signage and Pavement Marking Plan 4 6 10 $ 1,628.86 $ - $ - $ 1,628.86 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 4 4 8 $ 1,402.16 $ - $ - $ 1,402.16 Storm water Pollution Prevention Plans 2 2 4 $ 701.08 $ - $ - $ 701.08 Wetland Impact Plan 2 4 4 10 $ 1,413.50 $ - $ - $ 1,413.50 Drainage Calculations(ICPR) 4 36 8 48 $ 7,982.16 $ - $ - $ 7,982.16 Storm Sewer Calculations 2 4 8 14 $ 2,278.70 $ - $ - $ 2,278.70 Site Visit(assume 2) 8 8 $ 1,692.56 $ - $ - $ 1,692.56 Technical Specifications 2 4 8 4 18 $ 2,662.70 $ - $ - $ 2,662.70 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost 4 12 16 $ 2,206.48 $ - $ - $ 2,206.48 'QC 4 . 4 4 4 16 $ 3,512.92 $ - $ 3,512.92 Subtotal 61 94 36 4 254 4 4 461 $ 72,860.45 $ - $ - $ 72,860.45 3 Permitting SJRWMD 4 6 8 30 2 50 $ 6,550.88 $ 1,190.00 $ - $ 7,740.88 DEP 4 16 8 28 $ 3,900.92 $ - $ - $ 3,900.92 Clay County 12 16 16 2 46 $ 7,312.92 $ - $ - $ 7,312.92 QC 6 6 $ 1,423.14 $ - $ - $ 1,423.14 Subtotal 0 20 6 22 24 54 0 4 130 $ 19,187.86 $ 1,190.00 $ - $ 20,377.86 4 Bidding Coordinate Front-End Documents w/CCUA 2 2 4 $ 649.84 $ - $ - $ 649.84 Pre-bid Meeting 4 4 $ 846.28 $ 100.00 $ - $ 946.28 Respond to Bidder Questions 4 4 8 $ 1,299.68 $ - $ - $ 1,299.68 Bid Review/Letter of Recommendation 2 4 2 2 1 11 $ 2,275.60 $ - $ - $ 2,275.60 Subtotal 2 14 2 0 0 6 2 1 27 $ 5,071.40 $ 100.00 $ - $ 5,171.40 5 Construction Contract Administration Pre-Construction Meeting 4 4 8 $ 1,795.04 $ - $ - $ 1,795.04 Submittal Review&Response 4 8 12 24 $ 4,104.00 $ - $ - $ 4,104.00 RFI Review&Response 2 4 12 18 $ 2,732.10 $ - $ - $ 2,732.10 Site Visits(assume 2) 6 6 $ 1,423.14 $ 300.00 $ - $ 1,723.14 Substantial Completion 6 6 $ 1,423.14 $ 100.00 $ - $ 1,523.14 Final Completion 4 4 $ 948.76 $ 100.00 $ - $ 1,048.76 Review As-Builts/Record Drawings 2 4 4 10 $ 1,825.30 $ - $ - $ 1,825.30 SJRWMD Permit Closeout 2 4 4 2 12 $ 2,017.30 $ $ $ 2,017.30 Subtotal 0 14 40 0 0 32 0 2 88 $ 16,268.78 $ 500.00 $ - $ 16,768.78 Project Total Fee(Tasks 1-5) 14 147 198 58 40 502 6 21 986 $ 157,287.71 $ 2,090.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 199,377.71 Y:\03742-Clay County Utility Authority\Opportunities\2023\95696-245-23 MidClayDriveway PER and Design\MidClay WWTF DrivewayFeeEstimate