HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB Proposed Final Budget All C Clay County Utility Authorityg Roa
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G �• Telephone(904)272-5999 resources,and create
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AU T our ratepayers.
September 15, 2023
Wendell Davis, Chairman
Board of Supervisors
Clay County Utility Authority
Re: 2023/2024 Budget
The Budget Advertisements were published in the Clay Today on August 10, and again on
August 17, 2023, to notify the public of our proposed fiscal year 2023/2024 budget and Public
Rate Hearing on September 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM. In addition to the paper notification,
customers received a notice on their July, August and September bill, the notice was posted on
our website clayutility.org, and emails were sent to customers with an active email account on
co September 5, 2023.
Enclosed are the proposed budgets for fiscal year 2023/2024 for final adoption.
2023/2024 Operating Budget
2023/2024 Self Insurance Budget
2023/2024 Five Year Capital Budget
2023/2024 Departmental Capital Budget(Sub budget of Capital Budget)
2023/2024 Rates
Thank you,
Jeffrey S Wesselman, CPA, Chief Financial Officer
X:\Finanoe\Controllers Folder\Budgets\Budget 2023-2024\2023-24 Proposed Budget memo Final.doox
Water Revenue 21,289,458
Sewer Revenue 34,062,233
Reclaimed Revenue 6,585,636
Connection Fees,AWS&DEP Grants 8,405,168
Miscellaneous Revenue 1,948,323
Capital Fund-Const.Dept.Labor,OH,&Equipment 526,841
Interest-Restricted 2,397
Interest-Non Restricted 853,229
Total Revenues $73,673,284
Budget Carryforward ($128,081)
Debt Service-Interest $2,914,754
Debt Service-Principal 7,004,373
Debt Service-Stabilization
Restricted Interest Income 2,397
Renewal&Replacement Fund 2,844,521
Environmental Reuse Capital Fund 1,396,297
Connection Fee Fund,AWS&DEP Grants 8,405,168
Departmental Capital Fund 1,275,500
Capital Reserve 2,844,521
Total Debt and Capital Expenditures $26,559,450
Operation Expenses:
Wages $15,290,634
Capitalized Wages ($588,050)
Health Insurance 2,974,776
Retirement 1,559,819
Licenses, Education, &Uniforms 338,639
Payroll Taxes 1,097,023
tO Workers Compensation ins. 199,205
General Liability&Property Insurance 1,617,963
Transportation Expense 732,940
Rental Space 62,767
Communication Expense 465,190
Electric&Fuel-W/P 1,057,800
Electric&Fuel-L/S 540,000
Electric&Fuel-STP 1,781,000
Electric&Fuel-Office 46,066
Chemicals Water 245,000
Chemicals Sewer 998,000
Supplies-Water 1,452,175
Supplies-Sewage 1,328,600
Supplies Office 666,733
Software 1,516,845
Engineering Expense 265,000
Legal Expense _ 661,000
Audit Expense 34,500
Subcontractors-Water 975,200
Subcontractors-Water Testing 143,000
Subcontractors-Sewage 1,799,500
Subcontractors-Sewage Testing 207,000
Subcontractors AWS -
Subcontractors General 2,001,451
Sludge Removal&Treatment 2,805,750
Bad Debt Expense 500
Miscellaneous 460,981
Contingency 1,010,613
Board Of Directors Compensation 52,194
Due in Lieu of Taxes 2,787,180
Total Operation Expenses $46,586,992
Construction Department Expenses:
Wages $156,166
Health Insurance 39,012
Retirement 19,956
Payroll Taxes 14,205
Workers'Compensation Insurance 4,727
Property/Liability Insurance 90,387
Equipment Fuel, Repairs&Maintenance 20,000
Field Supplies&Small Tools 12,700
Office Supplies _ 250
Material&Subcontractors 2,100
Miscellaneous Expenses&Employee Training 28,384
Contingency Reserve 34,570
Depreciation 104,385
Total Construction Department Costs $526,841
Total Expenditures $73,673,284
Clay County Utility Authority
2023/2024 Proposed Self Insurance Fund Budget
Sewer Backup $ 500,000
Unemployment 25,000
Fund Balance, Estimated as of October 1, 2023 $ 525,000
Expenditures will be Board Approved per Occurrence
Total Expenditures $ -
Fund Balance September 30, 2024 $ 525,000
Tab 8- 1/1
Clay County Utility Authority
2023/2024 Capital Projects Expenditures Budget
And Five Year Capital Projects Plan
Adjusted for Prior Year Jobs Not Completed as of 4/30/2023 ADJUSTED
FISCAL YEAR Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028 TOTALS
Balance October 1,2022,to include Transfers 81,337,624 81,337,624
Funds Spent on Jobs Prior to FY 2021/2022 (52,492,288) (52,492,288)
Renewal,Replacement&Betterment 2,615,873 2,844,521 2,986,747 3,136,084 3,449,693 3,794,662 18,827,580
Departmental Capital Transfer 1,524,510 1,275,500 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 7,800,010
Environmental Reuse Capital Fund Transfer 1,236,218 1,396,297 1,410 260 1,424,363 1,438,606 1,452,992 8,358,736
Capacity Fees Transfer 5,353,377 11,142,248 11,699,360 12,869,296 14,799,691 17,759,629 73,623,602
Grant Revenue 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000
Alternative Water Supply Transfer 721,747 762,920 785,808 809,382 833,663 858,673 4,772,193
Debt Service Charge 240,480 240,480 240,480 300,600 300,600 300,600 1,623,240
Surplus Transfer(Operating Contingency Utility&Capital Reserve,includes add'l R&R) 3,775,457 7,128,251 7,342,099 7,562,361 7,940 480 8,337,504 42,086,151
Restricted Interest Earnings 2,285 2,285 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 24,570
Borrowing/Utilization of Surplus Funds if needed 16,504,567 79,847,718 40,972,546 36,643,349 (6,474,064) (14,906,385) 152,587,732
Balances After Transfers 62,319,850 106,140 220 68,192,300 65,500 436 25,043,669 20,352,676 347,549,150
Departmental Capital 1,524,510.44 1,275,500.00 1,250 000.00 1,250 000.00 1,250 000.00 1,250,000.00 7,800,010.44
Upgrade Lift station 9-Meadowbrook 93,844.52 6,155.48 1,000 000.00 1,100,000.00
Knight Boxx Old Jennings Force Main Extension&Lift Station 56 100,000.00 1,465,022.00 1,565,022.00
Server Lifecycle Replacement 0.00 1,925,000.00 1,925,000.00
ERP Software Replacement 2,255,116.67 1,622,922.00 759,577.00 785,784.00 813,065.00 841,522.28 7,077,986.95
SCADA System 218,250.00 250 000.00 2,000 000.00 2,000 000.00 1,200,000.00 1,500,000.00 7,168,250.00
Meadowbrook WTP Upgrades-(GST#3 repair,Transfer switch,GST#2 roof repair,Aerator repair,re 1,498,802.00 2,517,692.00 4,016,494.00
Meadowbrook Well Rehab 216,895.00 216,895.00
Miller St.WWTP Upgrades Influent Structure,Septage station&Electrical upgrades 0.00 375,000.00 S,000 000.00 3,300 000.00 8,675,000.00
Ridgecrest WTP-Replace Softstart&Crossline Starters with VFD's 300 831.01 300,831.01
Ridaught WTP-Phase I GST Upgrades 0.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
Ridaught WRF Upgrades(Install Micro-screen,Grit Removal Equipment,and Influent,Rehabiitiation 810,166.99 1,185,000.00 1,995,166.99
12"Main Connecting Postmaters WTP to Geneva Lakes WTP along CR214 0.00 1,066,400.00 860,000.00 1,926,400.00
12"WM Extension Hwy.100 to Brooklyn Bay Rd.(Keystone) 0.00 856,800.00 856,800.00
6"WM Extension Woodland Dr.to Payne Rd.via SR21 0.00 369,600.00 369,600.00
Keystone Heights-Lakeside Street Hilltop Street Water Main Rehabilitation 215,600.00 215,600.00
Keystone Wastewater Treatment Plant-Phase II Construction 0.00 500,000.00 6,200,000.00 4,400,000.00 11,100,000.00
Pace Island&Fleming Oaks WTP Electrical Upgrades 65,623.00 250 000.00 3,500 000.00 1,120,000.00 4,935,623.00
Old Jennings WTP Electrical Upgrade 0.00 500 000.00 500,000.00 500 000.00 1,500,000.00
Spencer's WRF Electrical Upgrade 0.00 208,129.30 1,269,853.00 811,440.00 2,289,422.30
TanglewoodElectricalUpgrade 0.00 35,325.00 221,114.00 132,136.00 388,575.00
Orange Park South Electrical Upgrade 0.00 87,276.00 600 000.00 500 000.00 600 000.00 1,787,276.00
Fleming island WRF electrical upgrades Nault upgrades 169,912.54 1,786,190.00 1,175,520.00 3,131,622.54
Postmaster WTP Electrical Upgrades 118,077.05 118,077.05
Miller WRF Electrical Upgrades 9,622.03 81,000.00 90,622.03
Ridaught WRF Electrical Upgrades 0.00 233,291.00 1,408,910.00 924,000.00 2,566,201.00
Oakleaf WTP Electrical Upgrades 0.00 34,291.00 342,910.00 377,201.00
Ravines Off-Site Mains-Middleburg W&S Extensions 1,238,000.00 1,238,000.00
Rehab PS 4 693,690.00 400,000.00 1,093,690.00
Rehab PS 62,Manifold 67 243,560.00 900,000.00 1,143,560.00
Upgrade Lift Stations 11,41,69,51 149,880.15 500,000.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,149,880.15
Upgrade Lift Station 98 0.00 542,000.00 542,000.00
Upgrade Lift Stations 43,24,59 0.00 542,000.00 542,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,084,000.00
Upgrade Lift Station 111 0.00 542,000.00 542,000.00 1,084,000.00
Lift Station#2-Upgrade 3,425,501.27 900,000.00 4,325,501.27
Upgrade Lift Stations 20&56 500,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,500,000.00
Flow-Meters Retrofits 108,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 1,308,000.00
Clay County Utility Authority
2023/2024 Capital Projects Expenditures Budget
And Five Year Capital Projects Plan
Adjusted for Prior Year Jobs Not Completed as of 4/30/2023 ADJUSTED
FISCAL YEAR Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028 TOTALS
Gravity Sewer Lining 608,498.13 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 5,608,498.13
Lift Station Generators 0.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 1,750,000.00
Plant Generators 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 2,500,000.00
Lift Station Bypass Pump 200,000.00 200,000.00
Keystone Heights High School WM relocation 143,000.00 143,000.00
Manhole Rehab 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 900,000.00
FH and Gate Valve replacement 105,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 1,155,000.00
Lake Asbury WM Improvements(602 Lake Asbury Road&Aldersgate St.) 1,530,000.00 1,530,000.00
Potable and Reclaimed Water Meter and backflow device replacement 509,100.50 1,600,000.00 1,650,000.00 1,700,000.00 1,750,000.00 1,750,000.00 8,959,100.50
Governor's Park WTP Design and Build 3,334,170.20 4,250,000.00 7,584,170.20
Meadow Lake WTP-New Ground Storage Tank and Electrical Service upgrade 569,629.10 569,629.10
Saratoga Spring WTP,WRF&offsite Mains 1,339,879.88 1,339,879.88
Fleming Island Reg.WWTP-2nd BCR Plant,Two Tanks 2,973,748.29 1,680,000.00 4,653,748.29
CCUA Administrative Building Phase I 2,822,806.35 100,000.00 2,922,806.35
North Campus Driveway 668,678.02 668,678.02
North Middleburg Water&Sewer Extension and Interconnection(Water Interconnect,Forcemain exte 2,049.51 2,750,000.00 2,752,049.51
Infill Projects 1,361,678.98 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 1,861,678.98
Well Rehab 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 750,000.00
Lead&Copper GSP replacement 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 300,000.00
Water Quality Lab 2,228,000.00 2,228,000.00
Chemical tanks 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00
Facility Roof Repairs 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00
Commercial Meter Change outs 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 375,000.00
12-inch Wm Keystone RV to Geneva lakes WIT 2,300,000.00 2,300,000.00
Henley Road 12"WM Loop-Sandridge to Small Lake 0.00 94,758.06 94,758.06
Peters Creek WTP Well 3&2nd GST 10,509.00 0.00 4,633,000.00 4,643,509.00
Peters Creek WRF-Phase II 19,916,212.08 41,600,000.00 639,431.63 62,155,643.71
Pier Station E/W WM Extension and Interconnect(State Road 16 and FCOB) 0.00 50,000.00 1,300,000.00 1,350,000.00
Pier Station Force Main Extensions(State Road 16 and FCOB) 0.00 0.00 700,000.00 700,000.00
Pier Station Master Pump Station(State Road 16 and FCOB) 0.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
Pier Station WTP Expansion 0.00 2,700,000.00 2,700,000.00
Ravines to Henly Road Water Main Extension 1,851,811.53 2,400,000.00 250,000.00 4,501,811.53
Ravines WTP 2nd GST 0.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00
Spencer's WWTP:Phase 6 Expansion 0.00 750,000.00 5,500,000.00 6,250,000.00
Spencers WTP-Ground Storage&High Service Pump 139,041.47 3,000,000.00 1,700,000.00 4,839,041.47
Swimming Penn Creek WM Interconnect 1,894,215.15 1,810,000.00 3,704,215.15
LAMPA E/W Interconnect#1 Water(Cathedral Oaks West-Green) 2,422.64 2,112,000.00 2,114,422.64
LAMPA E/W Interconnect#1 Wwtr-Reuse (Cathedral Oaks West-Green) 4,974.88 4,337,000.00 4,341,974.88
LAMPA E/W Interconnect#2 Water (Cathedral Oaks East-Blue) 216,000.00 216,000.00 432,000.00
LAMPA E/W Interconnect#2 Wwtr-Reuse (Cathedral Oaks East-Blue) 2,535,000.00 2,535,000.00 5,070,000.00
LAMPA N/S Interconnect#1 Water(SS WTP to Cathedral Oaks West-Red) 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00
LAMPA N/S Interconnect#1 Wwtr-Reuse (SS WTP to Cathedral Oaks West-Red) 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00
LAMPA N/S Interconnect#2 Water(Feed Mill Rd.-Black) 900,000.00 900,000.00 1,800,000.00
LAMPA N/S Interconnect#2 Wwtr-Reuse (Feed Mill Rd.-Black) 900,000.00 900,000.00 1,800,000.00
CR 315 Peters Creek Spur(Orange) 3,650,000.00 3,650,000.00 7,300,000.00
16-inch WM Atlantis to Kindlewood 500,000.00 1,500,000.00 2,000,000.00
Upsizing pipes to accommodate Rookery GCS 0.00 466,000.00 466,000.00
Tanglewood Neighborhood Water Main Relocations 85,000.00 85,000.00
CR 218 widening from Pine Tree Lane to Cosmos 250,605.20 250,605.20
Sandridge Road widening and ForceMain Extension 538,441.70 538,441.70
CR 220 widening Baxley to Henley Rd 250,000.00 510,000.00 760,000.00
Clay County Utility Authority
2023/2024 Capital Projects Expenditures Budget
And Five Year Capital Projects Plan
Adjusted for Prior Year Jobs Not Completed as of 4/30/2023 ADJUSTED
FISCAL YEAR Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028 TOTALS
CR 220 widening from Henley to Knightbox 50,000.00 20,000.00 70,000.00
CR 315 widening-Utility Relocation(design FY 23 construct FY 24) 922,000.00 922,000.00
Reclaimed Transmission Main-Spencers to Oakleaf 584,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,584,000.00
Reclaimed Transmission Main-Oakleaf to Challenger 1,120,000.00 1,120,000.00
-Reclaimed Transmission Main-Old Jennings Rd Bypass 1,680,000.00 1,680,000.00
New Pumps-Old Jennings WRF pump station 1,120,000.00 1,120,000.00
-Reclaimed Water SCADA 530,000.00 150,000.00 680,000.00
Mid-Clay Rib Recovery pH adjustment evaluation 30,000.00 270,000.00 300,000.00
Evaluate replacement of 16"AC Pipe by Orange Park mall 30,000.00 30,000.00
Geneva Lake Estates(Watermain-B)7,605 LF 12-inch WM 155,160.00 1,293,000.00 1,448,160.00
Looping Fire Hydrants(Area D)170 LF 12-inch WM 91,840.00 91,840.00
Looping Fire Hydrants(Area G)35LF of 6-inch WM 13,440.00 13,440.00
Booster Pump Station 51,600.00 430,000.00 481,600.00
Treatment plant R&R Studies 500,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 1,300,000.00
Phase III Admin building 377,650.00 4,262,050.00 4,639,700.00
Fleming BTU#1 Rehab design and construction SOQ000.00 500,000.00
Cost Participation w/Development Projects 1,659,369.32 1,659,369.32
Lift Station 88 Relocation 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00
CR220 Quadrant Intersection 578,000.00 578,000.00
AMI Demand Management 750,000.00 750,000.00 1,500,000.00
Onsite Stormwater Harvesting 150,000.00 2,750,000.00 2,900,000.00
Public Access Reuse Storage 1,822,500.00 3,288,600.00 3,996,540.00 2,OOQ000.00 2,000,000.00 13,107,640.00
Purified Water Pilot Study 1,417,053.39 2,000,000.00 3,417,053.39
Subtotals 56,654,408.67 96,491,108.86 61,992,999.93 59,545,851.00 22,766,972.00 18,502,432.28 315,953,772.74
Contingency 5,665,440.87 9,649,110.89 6,199,299.99 5,954,585.10 2,276,697.20 1,850,243.23 31,595,377.28
TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 62,319,849.54 106,140,219.75 68,192,299.92 65,500,436.10 25,043,669.20 20,352,675.51 347,549,150.02
Capital Expenditures Breakdown:
Renewal,Replacement&Betterment 20,836,922 29,803,592 40,198,618 31,875,846 14,243,629 10,344,676 147,303,284
System Expansion 40,065,874 72,514,127 23,805,082 26,128,050 8,800,040 8,008,000 179,321,173
Alternative Water Supply 1,417,053 3,822,500 4,188,600 7,496,540 2,000,000 2,000,000 20,924,693
62,319,850 106,140,220 68,192,300 65,500,436 25,043,669 20,352,676 347,549,150
Clay County Utility Authority
Proposed Departmental Capital Budget
FY 2023-2024
Description Total Budget
Water Treatment
Chevy 2500 4x4 quad cab work body $ 55,000.00
Chevy 2500 4x4 quad cab work body $ 55,000.00
Chevy 2500 4x4 quad cab work body $ 55,000.00
(3x)WTP Roofs $ 30,000.00
$ 195,000.00
Wastewater Treatment
1 Hauler 800x gas yard cart $ 9,500.00
$ 9,500.00
Vac-con $ 115,000.00
(2)Ground Penetrating Radars $ 50,000.00
GMC Sierra 2500 4X4 Work Body $ 55,000.00
GMC Sierra 2500 4X4 Work Body $ 55,000.00
GMC Sierra 2500 4X4 Work Body $ 55,000.00
150 KW Trailer Mounted Generator $ 180,000.00
60 KW Trailer Mounted Generator $ 110,000.00
$ 620,000.00
GIS None
Customer Service Public Relations None
to Construction None
Service Availability None
Cisco Nexus 93180YC-FX(need 2,$14000 ea) $ 28,000.00
Cisco Catalyst w/fiber module(3 at$1100 ea) $ 33,000.00
Color Copier For Admin Expansion $ 12,000.00
Black and White Copier For Admin Expansion $ 9,000.00
Board Room AV $ 115,000.00
$ 197,000.00
Facility Management
ECO DUAL GAS A/C Service Station $ 11,000.00
Scissor Lift $ 13,000.00
Small Floor Scrubber $ 5,000.00
Admin Vehicle $ 35,000.00
West Wing Office Furniture $ 150,000.00
Security System Expansion $ 20,000.00
CCTV System Expansion $ 20,000.00
$ 254,000.00
Inventory None
Construction and Inspection Services None
Engineering None
Master Departmental Capital Contingency $ -
Total Department Budgets $ 1,275,500.00
Proposed Cooperative Purchasing Contract Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Florida Department of Management Services
Facilities Maintenance,Repair,and Operations(MRO)and Industrial Services 3 1 1 6000-20-NASPO Multiple Award Schedule
Purchasing Card Services 84121500-15-01 Multiple Award Schedule
Computer Equipment,Peripherals,and Services 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS Multiple Award Schedule
Software Value Added Reseller(SVAR) 43230000--23-NASPO-ACS Multiple Award Schedule
Licensing Solutions Providers(LSP)of Microsoft Software and Services 43230000-15-02 Multiple Award Schedule
Cloud Solutions 43230000-NASPO-16-ACS Multiple Award Schedule
Technology Products,Services,Solutions,and Related Products and Services 43210000-US-16-ACS Multiple Award Schedule
Information Technology Research and Advisory Services 81141902-VITA-18-ACS Multiple Award Schedule
Data Communications Products and Services 43220000-NASPO-19-ACS Multiple Award Schedule
Copiers and Managed Print Services 44000000-NASPO-19-ACS Multiple Award Schedule
Construction and Industrial Equipment 22100000-21-STC Multiple Award Schedule
Agriculture and Lawn Equipment 25101900-21-STC Multiple Award Schedule
Bulk Fuel,Gasoline,and Diesel 15100000-19-1 Multiple Award Schedule
Motor Vehicles 25100000-23-STC Multiple Award Schedule
Mobile Communication Service Mobile Communication Services 2(MCS-2) Multiple Award Schedule
Dun and Bradstreet 43230000-23-NASPO-ACS Multiple Award Schedule
Mail Processing Equipment 44102100-17-1 Multiple Award Schedule
Office Furniture 56120000-19-ACS Multiple Award Schedule
' Software Value Added Reseller 43230000-23-NASPO-ACS SHI
Information Technology Staff Augmentation 8010150-21-STC-ITSA Multiple Award Schedule
U.S.General Services Administration
GSA Schedule 70 252-GSA-Schedule 70 Multiple Award Schedule
General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment,Software,and
Services GS-35F-363GA Mainspring,Inc
General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment,Software,and
Services GS-35F-0503X Better Direct,LLC.
Information Technology Services 47QTCA2ODOOFH Abba Technologies,Inc.
General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment,Software,and
Services GS-35F-0495V Morgan Birge&Associates
Tech Data Government Solutions,
Information Technology GS-35-F-0349S LLC
General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment,Software,and
Services GS-35F-0553P Four Points Technology,LLC.
Information Technology Professional Services GS-35-F0226W M.C.Dean,Inc.
Information Technology 47QTCA19DOOGX Veteran Innovation,LLC.
Trimble Navigation GS-07F-5588P Multiple Award Schedule
General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment,Software,and
Services 47QTCA18D004K CDW Government LLC.
Electronic Commerce and Subscription Services GS-35F-0253W Onsolve,LLC
Electronic Commerce and Subscription Services GS-35F-0639P Onsolve,LLC
IT Professional Services 47QTCA21D00BD Multiple Award Schedule
Guidepoint Security GS-35F-508CA Guidepoint
New Horizons Computer Learning Centers,Inc 47QTCA19D006M New Horizon
Scientific Management and Solutions Equipment GS-07F-0078U GSSI
Information Technology Professional Services 47QTCA19DOOG5 Morgan Birge&Associates
General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment,Software,and
Services GS-35F-0511T EC America
Florida Sheriffs Associatio,
Heavy Trucks FSA20-VEH18.0 Multiple Award Schedule
Tires FSA 22-TRS24.0 Multiple Award Schedule
Pursuit,Administrative,and Other Vehicles FSA20-VEL28.0 Multiple Award Schedule
Heavy Equipment FSA20-EQU18.0 Multiple Award Schedule
Cars,Truck,Vans,SUVs,&Other Vehicles 120716-NAF Multiple Award Schedule
Public Utility&Airport Equipment 122017-AMI/VAC Multiple Award Schedule
Technology Catalog Solutions 081419-CDW,081419-SHI,081419-Connection Multiple Award Schedule
Diesel&Natural Gas Generators 120617-CAT CAT
Vehicle Lift 013020-MRL Multiple Award Schedule
New and Used Construction and Paving Equipment,Parts,and Service 032119-CAT CAT
Security Systems 030421-SCS Stanley
Cars,Truck,Vans,SUVs,Cab Chassis&Other Vehicles 091521-NAF Multiple Award Schedule
Class 4-8 Chassis with Related Equipment 060920-NAF Multiple Award Schedule
. Forklifts 091520-MCF Multiple Award Schedule
Amazon Business MA3457 Amazon
Warehousing,Material Handling,and Production Support R211402 Global Industrial
Maintenance,Repair,and Operations(MRO) 16154 The Home Depot
Heavy Equipment,Diesel truck,Bus Parts and Related good and services 05 47 Multiple Award Schedule
Paint 170009 The Home Depot
Rental of Uniforms.Floor Mats,Mops,Towels,and Related Services 222886 Cintas
National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance
Cloud Administrative Solutions 01-103 Multiple Award Schedule
ERP Software and Implementation Services 01-140 Multiple Award Schedule
The Clay County Utility Authority("CCUA")will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday,September 12,2023,at 7:00 PM,in the Clay County Utility Authority's Board Room,located at 3176 Old Jennings Road,Middleburg,Florida,for the
purpose of receiving public comment concerning the adoption of the 2023/2024 budgets.
Note:All service rates are stated as monthly rates.Proposed 8.1%increase to all Base and Consumption charges.All changes noted below.
SYSTEM BASE CHARGES: Water Wastewater Reuse
Meter Size
5/8"x 3/4" $12.28 $27.86 * $18.58
3/4" $18.42 $38.24 $27.91
1" $30.79 $69.65 $46.45
1&1/2" $61.50 $139.28 $92.92
2" $98.43 $222.91 $148.64
3" $196.83 $445.82 $297.28
4" $307.57 $696.37 $464.50
6" $615.12 $1,392.75 $928.99
8" $984.20 $2,228.96 $1,486.40
10" $1,414.79 $3,202.90 $2,136.70
12" $2,642.94 $5,988.47 $3,993.74
"Residential Wastewater will be charged the same rate regardless of meter size
Alternative Water Supply Surcharge-Per Monthly Water Bill $1.18
CONSUMPTION CHARGES(based on 30 days):
Water System Consumption Rates:
Residential Service:
First 6,000 gallons $1.70
Next 6,000 gallons $5.04
Next 6,000 gallons $6.53
All usage over 18,000 gallons $8.37
Note:Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons with allowance per meter equivalent ERC
General Service:
All consumption per 1,000 gallons(Excluding Potable Irrigation Meters) $2.54
General Service:
Potable Irrigation Metered Services
First 10,000 gallons $1.70
Next 15,000 gallons $5.04
Next 25,000 gallons $6.53
All usage over 50,000 gallons $8.37
Note:Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons with allowance per meter equivalent ERC
Wastewater System Consumption Rates:
Residential Service:
All Meter Sizes(10,000 gallon cap) $4.16
Unmetered Flat Rate $59.84
Multifamily Unmetered per Unit $47.11
Note:Where reclaimed water is available the cap for residential wastewater usage will not apply
General Service:
Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons of metered water,no cap $5.07
Reclaimed Water Consumption Rates:
Residential and General Service:
First 15,000 gallons $0.92
Next 5,000 gallons $1.79
All usage over 20,000 gallons $2.71
Note:Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons with allowance per meter equivalent ERC
Security Deposit Amount: Water Wastewater Reuse
Initial Deposit $25.00 $50.00 $25.00
Initial Deposit for Customers Without SSN $50.00 $100.00 $50.00
Annual Interest Rate of 0.94%will be paid on deposit held at least 6 months
Note:A security deposit is required for all new accounts including transfers and existing accounts that become delinquent and require a field visit.An additional deposit will be required for
accounts that are disconnected twice in one 12 month period.
After Hours Prepayment for New Service $250.00
Same Day Service Charge and After Hours Premise Visit Surcharge(Normal Hours 8 AM to 5 PM,M-F) $30.00
Initial Connection,Premise Visit Charge,Normal Reconnection,Reconnection due to Repair,and 2nd Trip $30.00
Special Meter Rereads,Hydrant Reading Charge and Backflow Test Final Notice $30.00
Nonpayment Charge Before 4:00 PM,Monday-Friday $30.00
Nonpayment Charge After 4:00 PM and before 9:00 PM,Monday-Friday $90.00
Nonpayment Charge on Weekends and Holidays $120.00
Nonpayment Charge Flat Rate Sewer Account $80.00
Late Notice Charge $3.30
Returned Check Charge $30.00
Hydrant Meter:Application Set Up,Relocation Charge,and Fee to Replace Cut Meter Lock $30.00
Meter Inspection Fee for New Meter Installations $30.00
Meter Testing Charge(5/8"x3/4"&3/4") (1"&Above Meters:Actual Cost) $70.00
Meter Reset Fee $130.00
Meter Tampering Charge $60.00
Replacement of Broken Curb Stop $80.00
Lien Charge(Charge does not include any recording costs,additional collection fees or attorney fees) $130.00
Violation Reconnection $30.00
Monthly Hydrant Base Charge(plus water at metered rates) $100 0:0
Hydrant Meter Deposit per Hydrant Policy $550.00 to$1,21000
Hydrant Meter One-Time Fill at CCUA Main Office(plus water at metered rates) $60.00
Waste Disposal Deposit per Septage Haulers Disposal Deposit Policy
Building Water Monthly Charge All Systems(Un-metered used during construction) $70.00
Wholesale Reclaimed Water Usage Charge Per 1,000 Gallons $0.52
Waste Disposal From Portable Toilets,Septic Tanks,and Landfill Lechate at Sewage Treatment Plant Per 1,000 Gallons $110.00
Processing fees to CCUA for Potable Water(Public wafer supply)Distribution and Transmission System Permits $280.00
Processing fees to CCUA for Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System Permits $280.00
Processing fees to CCUA for Permit Modifications $60.00
Energy Surcharge(to be assessed based on a formula)when actual energy sensitive operating expenses exceed budgeted energy sensitive expenses
Account collection fees and/or costs incurred by CCUA in the course of collecting delinquent balances,which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 40%of the debt,and all costs and expenses,including reasonable
attorneys'fees,which CCUA incurs in such collection efforts,will be paid,in addition to the original balance due,by the customer responsible for the delinquent balance.
Water Capacity Charge Per ERC $450.00
Alternative Water Supply Charge Per ERC $388.01
SJRWMD Black Creek Water Resource Development Project Connection Charge Per ERC $105.19
Wastewater Capacity Charge Per ERC excluding Keystone included in FDEP Grant SG481030 and LP0512 $4,100.00
Reclaimed Water Capacity Charge Per ERC For Developments with Reclaimed Water Piping Systems $300.00
Surcharge for Development of Reclaimed Program(Applicable To All Developments That Do Not Install Reclaimed Piping Systems) $410.00
Debt Service Charge Per ERC $191.00
Fire Protection-Initial Charge(Per Gallons Per Minute"GPM"Flow) $15.81
Inspection,Plan Review,As-built Drafting,and Recording Fees Actual Cost
Potable Water Meter,with Backflow Device(5/8"x3/4"Meter with other sizes at cost)Includes Meter Box $483.47
Reclaimed Water Meter(5/8"x3/4"Meter with other sizes at cost)Developments with Reclaimed Water Piping Systems&Includes Meter Box $417.33
As defined in Rate Resolution:
Supplemental Developer Agreement Administrative Charge $100.00
Financed Developer Agreement Administrative Charge $100.00
Flex Space Meter Audit(2nd and subsequent trips)-$50.00,plus$75.00,per hour in excess of.75 hours per trip
Master Meter Violation Charge,where applicable $500.00
Carrying Charge for Middleburg Service Area Policy and Infill Policy 2.20%
Finance Charge 3.69%
Middleburg Service Area Development Policy-Distribution and Collection Infrastructure Charge Per Acre
Water $5,692.00
Wastewater $10,911.00
Additional information on the proposed rates,charges,and fees is available for inspection in the office of the Clay County Utility Authority at 3176 Old Jennings Road,Middleburg,Florida,Monday through Friday;8:00 AM to 5:00 PM,
except legal holidays.Followmg the Public Hearing,which maybe adjourned from time to time,the Board of Supervisors may adopt or modify the proposed rates,charges,and fees.
In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act,any person needing special accommodation to participate in this matter,should contact the Clay County Utility Authority by mail at 3176 Old Jennings Road,Middleburg,Florida
32068-3907,or by telephone at(904)272-5999,extension 2464,no later than 7 days prior to the hearing or proceeding for which this notice has been given.Those requiring auditory assistance can access the foregoing telephone number
by contacting the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8770(Voice),or 1-800-955-8771(TDD).
If any person intends to appeal any decision related to this action,such person will need to provide a court reporter at such person's own expense,for a transcript of the proceedings.All interested persons are invited to attend.
Jeremy Johnston,Executive Director