HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDB- RFQ 22-23-A22 Surveying and Mapping Professional Services Final EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Summary of RFQ NO. 2022/2023-A22
Recommended Selection of the Surveying and Mapping Professional Services RFQ NO.
Date: September 28, 2023
CCUA Staff requests approval from the Board of Supervisors to approve the ranking of the firms
that submitted proposals to provide continuing professional Surveying and Mapping Professional
Services. The contracts will allow the consultant to provide CCUA with specialty services related
to surveying, mapping, drawings, details, and other related services. The previous surveying and
mapping continuing contracts expired on September 30, 2023. CCUA staff requires services as
ms outlined in the request for proposal from time to time as our utility continues to grow.
:' Staff advertised the project on CCUA's Bonfire Procurement Platform Florida Times Union on
.2 July 21, 2023, for consultants interested in providing a variety of professional surveying and
3 mapping services on an as needed basis.
On August 24, 2023, staff received eight (8) responses to the RFQ, which were subsequently
evaluated and scored by the project evaluation committee. Listed below is the ranked shortlist of
the overall proposals.
Ranked List
DRMP, Inc. 92.25
England-Thims &Miller, Inc 92
EDA Consultants, Inc. 85
Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation 75.5
Alliant Engineering, Inc. 74.25
Bradshaw-Niles &Associates, Inc. 73.25
SAM, LLC 69.5
Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the three (3) top ranked firms
and authorize the negotiation and execution of contract with DRMP,Inc.,England-Thims&Miller
Inc., and EDA Consultants, Inc. In addition, staff respectfully requests approval of the attached
Bid Opening Minutes.
Times Union Advertisement
Pre-Submission Meeting Attendance
Submittal Closing Attendance
Project Scoring
FLORIDA PO Box 631244 Cincinnati, OH 45263-1244
THAT Clay County Utility Authority
(AUTHORITY), Clay County,
Angelia Wilson Florida, will be accepting sealed
Accounts Payable fortements RFQ4 22/23--ucolions A221SurveyingOand
MClay County Utility Auth which will bng Professionaleve until�e00
3176 Old Jennings RD P.M (EDT), 3.
The omplete August
Solicitation 2package
Middleburg FL 32068-3907 can be ting:
hops:/clayutility,b nfirehub coby lmlpo
dal!?tob=oponOpportuni t ies.
Submissions must be posted to the
Cloy County Utility Authority
B Portal located
STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY OF BROWN at https:/nfire Procurement
/cl yu iltlybonfirohub,om.
(hard-copies will not be accepted).
Clay County Utility Authority
"CCUA"is seeking letters of Interest
and statements of qualifications
(SO(3) from consultants Interested
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared,who in providing professional services
for continuing services associated
on oath says that he or she is the Legal Coordinator of The with Surveying and Mapping
services. The Authority requires
Florida Times-Union published in Duval and Clay Counties, that all the work performed under
the supervision of a Florida
Licensed Professional Surveyor for
Florida;that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Hs prolects associated with this
RFQ The Consultant shall provide
Govt Bids& Proposals,was published on the publicly surveying, mapping, drawings,
details, and related services. The
accessible website of Duval and ClayCounties, Florida, n services will be utilized by the
or Authority tar various protects or
a newspaper by print in the issues of on: improvement protects within the,
Authority's service district on an as
needed basis.Services shall be for a
variety of planning,studies,reports,
08/10/2023 design,and construction prolects.
A Pre-Submission Meeting will be
held virtually on Thursday,August
3 2023,at 9:00 A.M.
(EDT)at the following location:
Affiant further says that the website or newspaper complies https://meet.goto.com/268975845
You can also dial In using your
with all legal requirements for publication in chapter 50, phone.Access Code:268-975-B45
United States:+1(571)317-3122
Florida Statutes. All questions or concerns regarding
this Solicitation must be submitted
Subscribed and sworn to before me, by the legal clerk, who on the CCUA Bonfire Procurement
h t tp s://c l a y u t i t 11 y.bon f i r e hu b.co m
is personally know to me, on 08/10/2023 prior to 12:00 P.M. (EDT) on
Thursday. August 10, 2023. Late
questions may be answered at the
discretion of CCUA.All responses to
questions will be uploaded to the
Portal and Issued In an Addendum
Legal Cler 1n /A`�^ •
on Thursday,August 17,2023.
g ��1)1urV " ' CCUA reservesaa the right toe-change
the time and dale of the Pre-Submis•
Meeting.the Bid Due Date and
Time, to waive formalities In any
Notary,State of WI,Countyof Brown solicitation, to reject any or all
Y submlttols with or without cause,
Q C' �(^ and/or toi accent the submittal or
u J tv any portion thereof that. In CCUA's
sole and absolute judgment, will be
My commision expires in the best Interest CCUA.
Publication Cost: $130.98
Order No: 9148854 #of Copies:
Customer No: 759750 1
Please do not use this form for payment remittance.
Notary Public
State of Wisconsin
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Surveying and Mapping Professional Services
CCUA RFQ No. 22/23-A22
Date: August 3, 2023
Name Company Email/Phone Number
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority awilson@clayutility.org
Joe Paterniti Clay County Utility Authority jpaterniti@clayutility.org
Molly Bethke Alliance Engineering
Kelly Stout DRMP
Don Johnson SAM LLC
to Pablo Ferrari DMRP
Marc Javier JBrown Professional
Jim Lonnecker Southeastern Survey
Medina Hadziavdic ETM
Jason Leadingham Scalice Land Surveying
Thomas Ferguson
Surveying and Mapping Professional Services
CCUA RFQ No. 22/23-A22
Date: August 24, 2023
Name Company Email/Phone Number
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority awilson@clayutility.org
RFQ# 2022/2023-A22 - Surveying and Mapping Professional Services
Scoring Summary
Active Submissions
Drug Free Non-Disclosure
Professional Staff Project Approach Experience and Past Acknowledgement Non-Collusion Public Entities Public Records
Total Experience and Work Plan Performance of Addenda Conflict of Interest
Workplace Affidavit Agreement for
Confidential Crime Statement Compliance
Compliance Form Materials
Supplier /100 pts /35 pts /30 pts /35 pts Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail
DRMP,Inc. 92.25 34.25 26 32 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
England-Thims& 92 32.5 27.5 32 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
eda consultants,inc. 85 31 26.5 27.5 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Surveying and 75.5 33 14.5 28 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Mapping Corporation
Alliant Engineering, 74.25 33.25 11 30 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Bradshaw-Niles& 73.25 32.75 9.5 31 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
CPH,LLC. 73 33.5 11.5 28 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
SAM,LLC 69.5 33 11 25.5 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Generated on Sep 22,2023 11:23 AM EDT-Angelis Wilson
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