HomeMy WebLinkAboutFYI CO No 2 to Meadow Lake WTP contract with R2T :, '"+ t;. Clay County Utility Authority
�' II'urk,ng to ether to pro feel
3176 Old Jennings Road public health,conserreour
/ Middleburg,Florida 32068-3907 nmm•al resources,and
, Telephone(904)213-5999 creme long-iron rnhie,/ur
"it) ‘t'0" ourrasepavers.
Facsimile (904)213-2498
Change Order No.: 2 Date: 9/27/2023
Project: Meadow Lake Water Treatment Plant Expansion
CCUA Bid No.: 20/21-A3
CCUA Project No.: 1111-028
Vendor: R2T, Inc. Owner: Clay County Utility Authority
580 W.Crossville Road 3176 Old.lenings Road
Roswell,GA 30075 Middleburg,Fl 32068
(770)569-7038 (904)272-5999
Engineer of Record: CDM Smith, Inc.
4651 Salisbury Rd, Suite 420
Jacksonville, FL 32256
NTP 12/30/2021
SUB.COMP. 300 10/26/2022 11/30/2023
G) FINAL COMP. 360 12/25/2022 1/29/2024
tContract Increase
Contract Decrease
Net Increases by Change Orders(prior to this change order) $0.00
Net Decreases by Change Orders(prior to this change order) ($582,819.54)
Total Net Change by Change Orders(prior to this change order) ($582,819.54)
This document shall become an amendment to the contract and all provisions of the contract will apply hereto,
F- 09/27/2023
Accepted by: ne"":b'��" Date:
Engineer of Record
Accepted by: George Ajy"."� 9 27 2023
Accepted by: fa�`r Date:Z�z 3—O9
c bane •
Project: Meadow Lake Water Treatment Plant Expansion
CCUA Bid No.: 20/21-A3 CCUA Project No.: 1111-028
Summary of Change Orders
Date Description Original Contract Price:
Contract Net Increase Net Decrease Revised Contract
1/10/2023 Change Order No. 1: Owner Direct ($582,819.54) $2,137,180.46
Purchase Orders
9/27/2023 Change Order No. 2: Add 400 days
due to electrical gear delay
Summary of Totals: $2,720,000.00 $0.00 ($582,819.54) $2,137,180.46
75 State Street,Suite 701
Boston,Massachusetts 02109
tel:617 452-6000
September 27,2023
Warrick L.Sams,MBA,CPPO
Construction and Inspection Services Manager
Clay County Utility Authority
3176 Old Jennings Road
Middleburg,Florida 32068-3907
Subject: Meadow Lake WTP Improvements
Change Order No. 2—Engineer's Recommendation
Dear Warrick:
River 2 Tap (R2T) was issued a Notice to Proceed on December 30,2021.The original contract
duration specified for substantial completion was 300 days or by October 26, 2022.Due to supply
chain issues experienced industry-wide,many equipment suppliers have created project delays
particularly for electrical equipment.
The supplier submitted multiple letters to the contractor explaining difficulties in supplying the
electrical equipment on the agreed date.The letter cited supply chain (electronics,metals,resins,
etc.),logistics,and continued supplier labor disruptions.
CDM Smith has experienced these supply chain issues on recent projects that require electrical gear
similar to this project.It is our recommendation that this change order request be approved by the
Board of Supervisors.Please refer any questions regarding this project to me via email at
overtonjj@cdmsmith.com or phone (772)485-7300.
James J Overton,PE,PMP
Senior Project Manager
CDM Smith Inc.
cc: File
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September 26, 2023
Mr.Warrick L. Sams,MBA, CPPO
Construction and Inspection Services Manager
3176 Old Jennings Rd •
Middleburg, FL 32068
Re: Time extension letter/Revised project schedule, Project#1111-028
Meadow Lake WTP Improvements
Dear Mr.Sams,
This letter outlines R2T's request for time extension to reflect delays encountered with delivery of the
required electrical equipment. The following is a summary and background associated with additional
time request.
Change order No. 1 was processed at the beginning of the project to allow CCUA to recognize cost
savings associated with sales tax by direct purchase of the electrical switch gear.As shown below,the
timeline line associated with the electrical equipment was recognized to be part of the project critical
path and the PO was processed early in the project. However, at various milestones and stage,we
encountered significant delays in fabrication and delivery of the Eaton equipment. The final delivery
tO dates were more than a year behind the original anticipated date.
• Date of Notice to Proceed: 12/30/2021.
• Quote from supplier forwarded to CCUA: 1/6/2022.
• Change Order 1 for deduct to R2T Scope: 1/10/2022.
• PO sent to Eaton from CCUA: 1/20/2022.
• PO executed with Eaton: 1/24/2022.
• Submittals Approved/Release:4/8/2022.
• Original expected delivery from release: 8/1/2022.
• Final delivery date end of August 2023.
To determine the actual number of days required, R2T reviewed and updated the project schedule. As
shown on the attached schedule, the current substantial completion date is the end of November 2023
which results in an estimated 400-day additional days. Therefore, R2T is requesting a total of additional
400-days,time extension for Meadow Lake WTP Expansion, Project#1111-028. Based on the 400 days,
Substantial will be November 30, 2023 and final completion will be January 29,2024. Please review and
let me know if you have any questions or comments. if you would like to schedule a meeting to review
the schedule in more detail,we would be glad to accommodate.Thank you,
George Ajy, P.E, UM
uB E=oea••wa M
George Aj wQ•e.:h�: o�-RZT
a..r�"�x .Kv o,,.mcWmhi
•+.0y 202302 27 1310 871N CO
Cc: Bim Pope/R2T
George Tomeh/R2T
500 Village Square Crossing
Suite 202
Palm Beach Gardens.FL 33410
a reservoir of ex . ertise.
SECTION 006600
Change Order Request Form
Project:_Meadow Lake WTP Improvements Project No.: 1111-028
Change Order No.: 2
Change in Contract Times (Days) (Days)
Original Contract time: Substantial Completion: 300 Ready for Final Payment: 360
Increased from previous C.O.: Substantial Completion: Ready for Final Payment:
Decreased from previous C.O.: Substantial Completion: Ready for Final Payment:
Contract time prior to this C.O.: Substantial Completion: 300 Ready for Final Payment: 360
Increase in time on this C.O.: Substantial Completion: 400 Ready for Final Payment: 400
Decrease in time on this C.O.: Substantial Completion: Ready for Final Payment:
Contract time with all approved C.O.s: Substantial Completion: 700 Ready for Final Payment: 760
Change in Contract Price
Original Contract Price: $2, 720, 000
Increased from previously approved C.O.:
Decreased from previously approved C.O.: —$582, 819 . 54
Increase in Contract price this C.O.:
Decrease in Contract price this C.O.:
Contract price with all approved C.O.s: $2, 13 7, 18 0 . 4 6
The undersigned Contractor certifies to the best of my knowledge and belief: (1) all items and amounts shown above are correct; (2)
all Work performed and Reimbursable Expenses fully comply with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; (3) all
previous progress payments received from Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) , on account of Work done under the Contract
referred to above have been applied to discharge in full all obligations of Contractor incurred in connection with Work covered by
prior Applications for Payment; (4) title to all materials and deliverables incorporated in said Work or otherwise listed in or covered
by this Application for Payment will pass to the CCUA at the time of payment clear of all liens, claims, security interests and
encumbrances; (5) payment is due and has not been previously requested for these amounts; (6) no markup has been applied to
reimbursable expenses.
R2T, Inc. George Ajy, P.E. V. President
Contractor Name and Title
CCUA Project No 1111-028
CDM Smith Project No.259164-254937 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST FORM
Meadow Lake WTP Expansion Project January 2022
SECTION 006600
Change Order Request Form
Cost Break Down Form: (instructions: use a se'arate form for each individual work item)
Description Unit Quantity Unit Cost Extended Cost
Labor $
Equipment --- — -- ----- _—.— - -$-- - --
Maintenance of Traffic $
BondingGeneral Conditions $ _
--------- - --------------------------
Overhead and Profit $
- - Total firm fixed cost not to exceed amount:
Note: attached supporting documentation
RFI No. initiating the change:
Description: No cost time extension is required to accommodate significant delays
associated with delivery of electrical equipment.
• Justification for the request: Please see attached documentation from electrical equipment
State the firm fixed cost not to exceed amount in words:
George A' � 7 EyeOlye.ryef'Jetcam OU=R3T CN=fiorge Ary 9 27 2023
Contractor Signature: ""'°°�'"°"'�"'-`"
Y ��z"ba�.°�° Date:
George Ajy, PE, UM V. President
Printed Name: Title:
CCUA Protect No 1 11 1-028
CDM Smith Project No,259164-254937 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST FORM
Meadow Lake WTP Expansion project January 2022
Report Run Date: 07/25/2023
Status: H=Hold, I=Invoiced, X=Canceled, 0=Open(release for mtg.), S=Shipped, Ba Backorder/Built to Order
Manufacturing and Shipping Mf0 cation
Slikt 70 Addle
Arai % P Cty Dot,cnpinn Ooagnnllwt R9baaod Jot Mfg Data Ectq 0806 Changan Data(sSctltrd Win 6uy>�1od Carrier Pro A 85AKo 8 Aacracs Cap Stave Lp
005 FVC II 11 FREEDOM MCC MCC-MAIN 104/08/22 I12/t6/22 02/07/23 06/30/23 06/29/23 SOUTHEASTERN FREIGHT 1290649986 62365249'3236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL 32043
6PB FVC II 1 PULLBO% MCC-MAIN 04/08/22 106/30/23 06/23/23 FED EX GROUND 652897996098 62310736 3236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL 32043
066 Fvc10 1 FREEDOM MCC MCC-1 04rON22 17ltt722 ON2t 2J 5n712023 13236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL 32043
6PB FVC II 1 PULLBOX MCC-1 04/08/22 06/30/23 06/28/23 07/31/23 07/19/23 FED EX GROUND 66d0538206]d 62469760 I]236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL ]20d]
007 011 I 1 DH361FCK 30A 3P N4X NON-FUSED 05/05/22 10127/22 10/28/22 12/09/22 11/09/22 F/FEDEX GROUND 153547970306363-1 60792755 1f3300 FAVE ROAD ATTN:JOSHUA RUSSELL JACKSONVILLE FL 177�8
009 W34 1 DH362UW0316 60A N4X 3P NON•FUSEO 08/05/22 0&O6/22 07/08/22 07/12J22 07/1T/T2 FEDE%E%PRESS PARCEL 59tb32d4227d 599]497513300 FAYE ROAD ATTN:JOSHUA RUSSELL JACKSONVILLE FL 52226
010 W34 1 6 0H3E1UW1f318 30A NIX 3P NON-FUSED 05/05/22 0&2427 omen 07126,22 07116122. FEDEX EXPRESS PARCEL 600833782230:8008E3762311:600883782152 60037673 3300 FAYE ROAD ATTN:JOSHUA RUSSELL JACKSONVILLE FL 32226
011 W34 I 4 DH361UGK 30A N1 3P NON-FUSED 05/05/22 05/09/22 05/09/22 FEDEX EXPRESS PARCEL 581649508330:581649509212 59474096 3300 FATE ROAD AT/N.JOSHUA RUSSELL JACKSONVI.LE FL 32226
008 ETS 1 DH]64UWKN]16 200A N4X 3P NON-FUSE e5/05/22 08/01/22 09/29/22 11/11/22 10/OU22 F/FEDE%GROUND 153547970293656-1 80549532 3300 FAYE ROAD ATTN:JOSHUA RUSSELL JACKSONVILLE FL 32226
100 EED I I1 HARMONIC STUDY /01/20/22 01/31/23 10/26122 60697642 13236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT GREEN COVE mews FL 32043
101 EED I 11 'PRELIMINARY COORD STUDY 101/20/22 01/31/23 10/26/22 60697642 I3236 SASS CT 3235 BASS CT GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL 32043
102 EED H 1 `FINAL COORDINATION STUDY 01/31/23 04/24/23 10/31/23 3236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL 32043
103 EED H 1 1IEOUIPMENT START UP 101/31/23 06/01/23 07/31/24 3236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL 32043
104 EED H`1 EQUIPMENT TRAINING 01/31/23 06/01/23 07/31/24 13236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT 'GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL 32043
105 EED H 1 MP-CONTROL ITEMS 01/31/23 06/01/23 11/30/24 3236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT 'GREEN.COVE SPRINGS FL 32043
105A EED I 1 AAP PARTIAL BILLING 09/06/22 09/30/22 09/06/22 60345491 3236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT `GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL 32043
105E EED I 1 AAP PARTIAL BILLING 04/18/23 04/30/23 54/18/23 61850487 3236 BASS CT 3236 BASS CT GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL 32043
106 EED H 1 SPARE PARTS 01/31/23 06/01/23 10/31/24 3300 FATE ROAD ATTN:JOSHUA RUSSELL JACKSONVILLE FL 32226
020 W34 I 11 10250TGR 05/05/22 05/09/22 05/09/22 FEDEX EXPRESS PARCEL 581649508330 59474096 3300 FAYE ROAD ATTN:JOSHUA RUSSELL`JACKSONVILLE 'FL 132226
021 W3411 11 11025073 05/05/22 05/16/22 05/11/22 05/10/22 FEDEX EXPRESS PARCEL 581649533489 59485933 3300 FAYE ROAD ATTN:JOSHUA RUSSELL'JACKSONVILLE 1FL 117276
E:T•N Standard Status Report
GO Num: LJV0028775 Proj Engineer:
Gust: WORLD ELECTRIC SUPPLY(JAX) Proj Coordinator: Theresa Blankenship (828-651-0683)
P.O.Num: SO46871225
Report Run Date: 10/17/2022
Status: H=Hold, I=Invoiced, X=Canceled, 0= Open(release for mfg.), S=Shipped, B=Backorder/Built to Order
Manufacturing and Shipping Information
Item E 1 Oty Description Designation Released for Mfg Date Schd Date Changed Date ReSched Date Shipped Carrier Pro# Invoice#
x N
001 IW34 IX 1 10250T1C E-STOP 01/20/22 I I
002 1054 X 1 110250TN33-316 E-STOP 01/20/22
003 1W34 X 1 110250TA63 E-STOP 01/20/22
004 IW34 X 1 10250T31R EXTENDED EM STOP PB 01/20/22 ,
005 IFVC 0 1 FREEDOM MCC MCC-MAIN 04/08/22 12/16/22 10/07/22 03/2.1:23 1
006 IFVC 0 1 FREEDOM MCC MCC-1 04/08/22 12/16/22 10/07/22 03f24/23
007 (011 B 1 DH361FCK 30A 3P N4X NON-FUSED 05/05/22 10/27/22
009 IW34 1 1 DH362UWK316 60A N4X 3P NON-FUSED 05/05/22 06/06/22 07/08/22 07/12/22 07/12/22 IFEDEX EXPRESS PARCEL 1591632492274 59934935
010 IW34 1 6 DH361UWK316 30A N4X 3P NON-FUSED 05/05122 06/24/22 07/21/22 07125/22 07/26/22 FEDEX EXPRESS PARCEL 1600883762230;600883762311;600883762182 60037073
011 IW34 I 4 DH361UGK 30A N1 3P NON-FUSED 05/05122 05/09/22 05/09/22 FEDEX EXPRESS PARCEL 1581649508330;581649509212 59474096
008 IETS 1 1 DH364UWKN316 200A N4X 3P NON-FUSE 05/05/22 08/01/22 09/29/22 11/11/22 10/04/22 FIFEDEX GROUND 1153547970293656 60549622
100 TEED 0 1 HARMONIC STUDY 01/20/22 01/31/23
101 TEED 0 1 PRELIMINARY COORD STUDY 01/20122 01/31/23 I 1
105 EED H 1 AAP-CONTROL ITEMS 01/31123
105A TEED 1 1 AAP PARTIAL BILLING 09/06/22 09/30/22 09/06/22 60345491
106 TEED H 1 SPARE PARTS 01/31/23
012 IW34 X 1 10250TA4 E-STOP BOOT 04/01/22
020 W34 I 1 10250TGR 05/05/22 05/09/22 05/09/22 IFEDEX EXPRESS PARCEL 581649508330 59474096
021 1W34 I 1 10250T3 05/05/22 05/16/22 05/11/22 05/10/22 IFEDEX EXPRESS PARCEL 1581649533489 159485933
CCUA Meadow Lake WTP Improvements
Project Close Out Schedule-9 26 2023
ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish I'23 Sep'23 Oct'23 Nov'23 Dec'23 !4
0 Mode 132027 3 101744 1 B 15.2229 5 12.1926 3 10172431_
1 Project Electrical and tank testing schedule 87 days Tue 8/29/23 Wed 12/27/23 ♦ /
2 PHASE 1 36 days Tue 8/29/23 Tue 10/17/23
3 INSTALL NEW GEAR MCC-1 27 days Tue 8/29/23 Wed 10/4/23 MINIMUM
4 { CONDUITS&WIRING 12 days Tue 9/26/23 Wed 10/11/23
5 N I� INSTALL MISSING HIGH HATS 2 days Tue 9/26/23 Wed 9/27/23
6 Q SHUNT TRIP SWITCH 6 days Tue 9/26/23 Tue 10/3/23
7 CHEMIAL LINE TO GATE 2 days Thu 9/28/23 Fri 9/29/23
8 ENERGISE MCC-1 2 days Wed 10/4/23Thu 10/5/23
9 HOOK LEVEL PREASURE CONTROLS TO PLC 2 days Fri 10/6/23 Mon 10/9/23
10 E CHLORINATE WATER LINES 5 days Fri 10/6/23 Thu 10/12/23
11 �' R2T PUNCH LIST ITEMS 4 days Fri 10/6/23 Wed 10/11/23 a
12 EATON TEST PLC AND MCC-1 6 days Tue 10/10/2_Tue 10/17/23 l�l
13 PHASE 2 11 days Wed 10/18/:Wed 11/1/23 r 1
14 �' HOOK UP TEMP GENARATOR TO ATS 2 days Wed 10/18/2Thu 10/19/23
15 ail HOOK PERMANATE GEN SET TO NEW ATS 2 days Fri 10/20/23 Mon 10/23/23
16 TEST NEW ATS 3 days Tue 10/24/2:Thu 10/26/23
17 HOOK HSP#4 TEST 1 day Fri 10/27/23 Fri 10/27/23 1
18 me, HOOK HSP#1 TEST 1 day Mon 10/30/2 Mon 10/30/23
19 HOOK HSP#2 TEST 1 day Tue 10/31/2?Tue 10/31/23
20 DEMO VFD'S OFF WALL 1 day Wed 11/1/23 Wed 11/1/23
21 I I. 2 HR SHUT DOWN DEMO BUS 3/4 1 day Wed 11/1/23 Wed 11/1/23
22 Et; PHASE#3 8 days Thu 11/2/23 Mon 11/13/23 f='1
23 INSTALL NEW CONCRETE CHANNELS 1 day Thu 11/2/23 Thu 11/2/23
24 INSTALL NEW MCC PART#2 BUS AND ENERGISE 3 days Fri 11/3/23 Tue 11/7/23
25 HOOK HSP#5/WELL N 1 1 day Wed 11/8/23 Wed 11/8/23
26 TRANSFER LIGHTING CIRCUITS 3 days Thu 11/9/23 Mon 11/13/23
27 me, PHASE#4 9 days Tue 11/14/2:Fri 11/24/23 I*"I
28 HOOK HSP#3 TO ATS AND TEMP GEN 1 day Tue 11/14/2_Tue 11/14/23
29 J REMOVE SEC#3 OLD MCC 1 day Wed 11/15/:Wed 11/15/23 1
30 CONCRETE RAILS 1 day Wed 11/15/2 Wed 11/15/23
31 INSTALL SEC #3 1 day Thu 11/16/2iThu 11/16/23
32 WELL#2 TO MCC 1 day Fri 11/17/23 Fri 11/17/23 1�
33 i s WELL PUMP II 3 TO NEW MCC 2 days Fri 11/17/23 Mon 11/20/23
34 I 1 START UP CHEM PUMPS/2 TIE INS in the yard 4 days Tue 11/21/2_Fri 11/24/23 E
35 HOOK LIGHTING AND CICUTS TO NEW PANEL 3 days Fri 11/17/23 Tue 11/21/23
36 TEST A/C SYSTEM/FANS/HEATER 1 day Wed 11/22/2 Wed 11/22/23
37 f TEST FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 1 day Wed 11/22/2 Wed 11/22/23
38 DEMO PUMP#3 HOOK TO MCC#3 2 days Wed 11/22/2Thu 11/23/23 1
39 � �; EATON MCC TRAINING 1 day Fri 11/24/23 Fri 11/24/23
40 CHEMICAL PUMP TRAINING 1 day Wed 11/22/2 Wed 11/22/23
41 RUN NEW SYSTEM 5 DAYS 5 days Wed 11/22/2Tue 11/28/23 f!
42 FILL NEW TANK 28 days Mon 10/2/2:Wed 11/8/23
43 0 Initial filling-stage 1 4 days Mon 10/2/23Thu 10/5/23 ■
44Stage 2 4 days Fri 10/6/23 Wed 10/11/23
13 Stage 3 4 days Thu 10/12/2?Tue 10/17/23
46 Stage 4 5 days Wed 10/18/2Tue 10/24/23
47 Disinfect tank 5 days Wed 10/25/2Tue 10/31/23 al
48 i Disinfect Piping 5 days Wed 10/25/2Tue 10/31/23 fi-
49 SOD AT TANK&BUILDING 4 days Wed 11/1/23 Mon 11/6/23
50 SEED AND MULCH 2 days Tue 11/7/23 Wed 11/8/23 1
51 SUBSTANTIAL 1 day Wed 11/29/2Wed 11/29/23 7
52 FINAL WALK THRU PUNCH LIST 20 days Thu 11/30/21 Wed 12/27/23
S3 r: FINAL 20 days Thu 11/30/2:Wed 12/27/23 I Ott
Task 1MMEIN11.0.1 Inactive Summary External Tasks
Split ... Manual Task External Milestone
Milestone ♦ Duration only 10110=111111110= Deadline 4
Project:close out schedule 9 26 -
Date'Wed 9/27/23 Summary .1 ' I Manual Summary Rollup Progress
Project Summary Manual Summary I 1 Manual Progress
Inactive Task Start only
Inactive Milestone Finish-only 1
Page 1