HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY 19/20 Capital Budget and Five Year Plan Clay County Utility Authority
2019/2020 Capital Projects Expenditures Budget
And Five Year Capital Projects Plan
Adjusted for Prior Year Jobs Not Completed as of 3/31/2019
FISCAL YEAR Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 TOTALS
Balance October 1,2018,to include Transfers 64,979,157 64,979,157
Funds Spent on Jobs Prior to FY 2018/2019 (39,630,994) (39,630,994)
Renewal,Replacement&Betterment 2,106,362 2,146,425 2,210,818 2,277,142 2,345,457 2,415,820 13,502,024
Departmental Capital Transfer 2,011,118 250,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6,261,118
Environmental Reuse Capital Fund Transfer 928,325 999,650 1,013,802 1,028,314 1,042,826 1,057,338 6,070,255
Capacity Fees Transfer 1,291,150 1,141,746 1,799,280 2,099,160 2,399,040 2,698,920 11,429,296
Grant Revenue - 4,200,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 8,200,000
Alternative Water Supply Transfer 574,824 613,422 641,242 670,156 700,197 721,203 3,921,045
Debt Stabilization 10,268,944 - - - - - 10,268,944
Surplus Transfer(Operating Contingency Utility&Capital Reserve,includes add'l R&R) 3,730,713 3,592,332 3,700,102 3,811,105 3,925,438 4,043,201 22,802,891
Restricted Interest Earnings 9,748 15,888 15,888 15,888 15,888 15,888 89,188
Borrowing/Utilization of Surplus Funds if needed 2,534,596 58,948,183 22,394,368 5,791,734 38,171,154 8,965,130 136,805,165
Balances After Transfers 48,803,943 71,907,646 33,775,500 17,693,500 50,600,000 21,917,500 244,698,089
11 TEAM valve installations - 286,000 286,000
602 Lake Asbury Road to Aldersgate Drive - 625,000 625,000
Aldersgate St.6"WM Replacement 220,000 220,000
01819RR Bottomridge Drive Utility Adjustments 380,000 380,000
Branscomb Road to Arthur Moore Drive - 375,000 375,000
839 CCUA Main Office Paving and Stripping Rehab 103,500 103,500
Circleridge Drive:replace galvanized water services - 225,000 225,000
Coopergate and Blanding Pressure Reducing Valve 40,000 40,000
100 Departmental Capital 2,397,982 250,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6,647,982
790 Fire Hydrant Replacement and Rehab 643,536 643,536
00318RR Fleming Island Outfall Dock Repair 1,313,044 1,313,044
Fleming Island Reg.WWTP-#3 BTU Installation,Design 750,000 6,750,000 7,500,000
Fleming Island Reg.WWTP-2nd BCR Plant,Two Tanks 500,000 5,500,000 6,000,000
Fleming Island Reg.WWTP-Repair/Restoration of#1 BTU - 2,500,000 2,500,000
Fleming Oaks WTP:Replace roof on the pump,bleach,and generator buildings - 30,000 30,000
02818RR Greenwood Sanitary Sewer Renewal and Replacement Phase I 541,583 541,583
1037 Greenwood Unit 1 Replace 10"water main with thin wall pipe 989,367 989,367
1008 Keystone Club Estates-Plant Upgrades 13,000 1,000,000 900,000 1,913,000
Keystone Heights-Brooklyn Bay Road Water Main Rehabilitation - 9,000 9,000
Keystone Heights-Lakeside Street/Hilltop Street Water Main Rehabilitation - 115,500 115,500
Kingsley Cove WTP Tube Storage Tank 175,000 125,000 300,000
878 Kingsley Lake WTP-Miscellaneous 24,001 24,001
Kingsley Lake WTP-New Well 70,000 80,000 150,000
967 Knight Boxx/Old Jennings Force Main Extension 204,885 204,885
Life Station 41 Rehabilitation(41,72,and 98) 198,500 198,500
Lift Station 124 Tuscany Glen Generator - 43,542 43,542
Lift Station 142 Magnolia West Generator - 43,542 43,542
Lift Station 151 Oakleaf Autumn Glen Generator - 43,542 43,542
Lift Station 163 Spencer's Lake Generator - 43,542 43,542
1005 Lift Station 165 Angora Bay Generator Installation 90,000 90,000
Lift Station 172 Azalea Ridge IA Generator - 69,719 69,719
Lift Station 2,4,6,14,9,62,40,22,41,72,98,43,45,52 - 364,000 364,000
Lift Station 25 Generator Replacement 45,000 45,000
Lift Station 28 Generator Replacement 70,000 70,000
Lift Station Generators(163&165) 40,000 40,000
Lift Station Rehab 11,24,31,48,51,59,69,75,78,88,89 - 1,357,400 1,357,400
Lift Station Rehabilitation(2,4,6,43,45 and 52) 317,000 317,000
Lift Station Rehabilitation(67&69) 133,500 133,500
Lift Station SCADA System - 750,000 750,000
02018RR Lucy Branch Maintenance Building Repairs and Renovations 109,260 109,260
Lucy Branch WTP-Replace 10,000 Gal.Hydro Tank - 190,000 190,000
Clay County Utility Authority
2019/2020 Capital Projects Expenditures Budget
And Five Year Capital Projects Plan
Adjusted for Prior Year Jobs Not Completed as of 3/31/2019
FISCAL YEAR Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 TOTALS
Lucy Branch WTP-Replace electrical system and install softstarts and VFD's - 600,000 600,000
845 Manhole Repairs 297,395 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 797,395
Maverick Trails Apts.-Sewer Repair 25,000 25,000
Meadow Lake WTP-Repair and Restore the#1 and#2 Glass fused GST's. 300,000 300,000
Meadowbrook WTP-Add 16 x 12 Well#5 - 400,000 400,000
Meadowbrook WTP-Aquastore Ground Storage Tank 750,000 750,000
Meadowbrook WTP:Remove aerator and replace/reinforce roof - 900,000 900,000
Meadowbrook WTP:Repair GST No.2 - 900,000 900,000
Middleburg HS WTP:Replace electrical controls for HS pumps and wells - 45,000 45,000
Middleburg HS WTP:Replace wellhead and raise above grade - 55,000 55,000
Miller St.WWTP-2.2 M Ground Storage Tank - 2,750,000 2,750,000
Miller St.WWTP-Complete Paving of Loop Road 30,000 120,000 150,000
Miller St.WWTP-Refurbish Influent Structure(Exterior) 140,000 140,000
Miller St.WWTP-Replace Grit Structure Roof 20,000 10,000 30,000
Miller St.WWTP-Upgrade Portolet Discharge Facilities 150,000 150,000
Neptune Road connection of existing parallel water mains - 45,000 45,000
Oakleaf WTP:Replace electrical controls for HS pumps and wells - 45,000 45,000
Old Jennings Road WTP-Replace 5,000 Gal.Hydro Tank - 130,000 130,000
Old Jennings Road WTP:Replace electrical controls for HS pumps and wells - 45,000 45,000
1045 Pace Island WTP-2,000 gal.Convault 35,000 35,000
Pace Island WTP:Replace Hydrotank 75,000 35,000 110,000
00518RR Pier Station WTP-Add Second 5,000 gal.Hydro Tank 423,347 423,347
Pier Station WTP-Drill Second Well - 100,000 950,000 1,050,000
Ravines Off-Site Mains-Middleburg W&S Extensions(Middleburg Service Area) 1,238,000 1,238,000
Ravines WTP-Add a No.3 Well 40,000 500,000 540,000
Ravines WTP-Replace 10,000 Gal.Hydro Tank - 190,000 190,000
Ridaught WTP:Remove old collapsing valve box and re-establish above grade - 75,000 75,000
Ridaught WTP:Replace Aerator - 70,000 70,000
Ridaught WWTP-Install Micro-screen and Grit Removal Equipment 500,000 200,000 700,000
Ridaught WWTP-Refurbish Influent Structure-Intermediate Chamber Only 225,000 225,000
Ridaught WWTP:Rehabilitiation of Clarifier No.2 - 1,000,000 1,000,000
Ridgecrest WTP-Replace Softstart&Crossline Starters with VFD's 850,000 850,000
01319RR Spencer WWTP-Upgrades(BCR Screw and Disc Thickeners,Tanks to 15K from 10K) 1,223,133 1,223,133
Spencers WTP-Ground Storage&High Service Pump - 70,000 600,000 670,000
Spencer's WTP:Refurbish well No.2 - 40,000 40,000
Spencer's WTP:Replace electrical controls for HS pumps and wells - 45,000 45,000
Spencer's WWTP to Lower St.Johns River Flow Diversion 285,000 285,000
Tanglewood WTP-Repair Glass Fused GST's No.1 and 2 165,000 165,000
Tanglewood WTP-2,000 Gal.Convault Tank - 35,000 35,000
Tanglewood WTP-Replace Emergency Generator - 150,000 150,000
Tanglewood WTP:Replace electrical controls for HS pumps and wells - 45,000 45,000
01018RR TO#30 Wwtr Main rehab-Doshire-Calvedos 6,971 6,971
755 Upgrade Lift station 9-Meadowbrook 103,907 103,907
US 17 Loop Water Main on the East Side Raggedy Point to Allegro 150,000 150,000
Waste Water Plant SCADA Controls - 1,000,000 1,000,000
Water Main Replacement,Geannette Court 2" 50,000 50,000
Water Main Replacement,Jonathan Court 2" 50,000 50,000
00819WL Water Main Replacement,Virginia Court 2" 50,000 50,000
Water Main Replacement,Warren Court 2" 50,000 50,000
Water Main Replacements,Mitchell Court 2" 50,000 50,000
Water System SCADA - 750,000 750,000
Wesley Road 6"WM Replacement 426,500 426,500
01219RR 2018-120 Circle Ridge Drive Utility Relocations 139,923 139,923
1046 Brannen Mill Extension-Challenger Center 2,199,964 2,199,964
CCUA Administrative Complex Expansion(Master Planned Phase I) - 1,250,000 1,250,000 2,500,000
CCUA Administrative Complex Expansion(Master Planned Phase II) - 2,500,000 2,500,000
Clay County Utility Authority
2019/2020 Capital Projects Expenditures Budget
And Five Year Capital Projects Plan
Adjusted for Prior Year Jobs Not Completed as of 3/31/2019
FISCAL YEAR Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 TOTALS
01419RR CCUA Campus Master Plan Update 100,000 100,000
Cost Share-Extension from Mayfield Annex to Blanding(Developer Agreement) 37,800 37,800
CR218 Utility Main Extensions 150,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 2,650,000
234 Electronic Water Meters_Growth 820,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 1,945,000
991 FCOB Ph 3-Preliminary Design&Pilot Project Final Design 1,224,125 1,224,125
03218WL FCOB Utility Crossings 500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 3,500,000
1025 Fleming Island Reg.WWTP-#4 Clarifier 216,530 216,530
1014 Governor's Park WTP Design and Build - 5,200,000 5,200,000
1013 Governor's Park WWTF Design and Build - 5,000,000 5,000,000
Green Cove Regional Reclaimed WTP - 500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000
01119WL Henley Road 12"WM Loop-Sandridge to Small Lake 96,050 96,050
Infill Projects 961,680 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,461,680
1039 Keystone-Bradford County 27,292 27,292
Keystone-Master Plan WM-Mossy Oaks to Geneva Lake Est. - 900,000 900,000
Keystone Airport Sewer Main Extensions 500,000 500,000
Keystone Airport Waste Water Plant Construction 2,000,000 2,000,000
Keystone Airport Water Main Extensions 500,000 500,000
Keystone Airport WTP 1,000,000 1,000,000
Keystone Wastewater Treatment Plant-Phase II Construction - 650,000 6,500,000 7,150,000
LS#62(Jefferson Square)Force Main Extension 490,000 490,000
00983WP Meadow Lake WTP-New Ground Storage Tank and Electrical Service upgrade 1,626,573 1,626,573
Mid Clay WWTP-Phase II Plant Expansion 750,000 7,000,000 1,250,000 9,000,000
Mid-Clay Reclaimed WP-Install 3rd High Service Pump 70,000 70,000
North Middleburg Force Main Extension - 500,000 500,000
North Middleburg Master Pump Station - 750,000 750,000
North Middleburg Water Main Extension and Interconnection 2,000,000 735,000 2,735,000
Oak Leaf RWP-Install 3rd High Service Pump 70,000 70,000
Old Jennings Rd-Estimated Cost Share on oversizing to Commercial stub(Developer Agreeme 40,000 40,000
01118RR Peters Creek WTP-Land Costs 60,574 60,574
Peter's Creek WTP 2nd GST - 650,000 650,000
Peter's Creek WTP 3rd Well - 500,000 500,000
01218WP Peter's Creek WTP Expansion&Upgrades 3,189,635 3,189,635
Peters Creek WWTP-Land Acquisition 93,050 700,000 793,050
Peters Creek WWTP-Phase II 2,000,000 2,000,000
Peters Creek WWTP-Phase III Expansion w/BCR - 2,000,000 20,000,000 22,000,000
Pier Station E/W WM Extension and Interconnect(State Road 16 and FCOB) - 750,000 1,500,000 2,250,000
Pier Station Force Main Extensions(State Road 16 and FCOB) - 750,000 1,500,000 2,250,000
Pier Station Master Pump Station(State Road 16 and FCOB) - 75,000 500,000 575,000
Pier Station WTP Expansion - 2,500,000 2,500,000
Pine Ridge Plantation West(Developer Agreement CU18/19-10) 73,730 73,730
Ravines to Henly Road Water Main Extension - 1,000,000 400,000 1,400,000
Ravines to Lake Asbury Northern Interconnect - 500,000 500,000 1,000,000
Ravines WTP 2nd GST - 100,000 650,000 750,000
Ridaught RWP-750K Ground Storage Tank 937,500 937,500
Saratoga Springs Offsite Main Extensions - 2,785,000 2,785,000
03118RP Saratoga Springs RWP-Phase I 297,383 4,000,000 4,297,383
03018WP Saratoga Springs WTP-Phase I 487,824 4,500,000 4,987,824
Shadowlawn RWP-Phase 1 - 500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000
Shadowlawn WTP-Phase I - 500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000
Spencer's Force Main Extensions - 500,000 500,000
Spencer's Master Pump Station and Force Main - 750,000 750,000
Spencer's Reclaimed Water Main Extensions - 500,000 500,000 1,000,000
Spencer's RWP - 3,000,000 3,000,000
Spencer's Water Main Extensions - 500,000 500,000 1,000,000
01518SP Spencer's WWTF Clarifier#4 2,001,521 2,001,521
Spencer's WWTP:Phase 6 Expansion - 750,000 5,500,000 6,250,000
01318RP Tynes Reclaimed Water Plant(RWP)Design&Construction 2,856,101 1,845,000 4,701,101
Clay County Utility Authority
2019/2020 Capital Projects Expenditures Budget
And Five Year Capital Projects Plan
Adjusted for Prior Year Jobs Not Completed as of 3/31/2019
FISCAL YEAR Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 TOTALS
Village Park&Bradley Creek(Developer Agreement MU18/19-1) 208,500 258,078 466,578
00119WP Aquiver Storage&Recovery(ASR)-Hydrogeologic Well Construction and Testing 1,999,777 1,999,777
AWS Development 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 22,000,000
Subtotals 48,803,943 60,933,865 30,705,000 16,085,000 46,000,000 19,925,000 222,452,808
Contingency 10,708,983 3,070,500 1,608,500 4,600,000 1,992,500 21,980,483
TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 48,803,943 71,642,848 33,775,500 17,693,500 50,600,000 21,917,500 244,433,291
Capital Expenditures Breakdown:
Renewal,Replacement&Betterment 17,078,411 38,944,770 7,750,500 2,968,500 7,300,000 3,092,500 77,134,681
System Expansion 27,725,755 30,698,078 24,025,000 13,725,000 35,300,000 11,825,000 143,298,833
Alternative Water Supply 3,999,777 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 23,999,777
48,803,943 71,642,848 33,775,500 17,693,500 50,600,000 21,917,500 244,433,291