HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a minutes MINUTES CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY October 17, 2023 The Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) met in Regular Session in the Board meeting room at the Administrative Office of the Clay County Utility Authority, 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, Florida, on the above-stated date. Item No. 1 —Call to Order Chairman Starneri called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. Item No. 2—Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance Mrs. Taylor offered the Invocation and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Item No. 3—Roll Call Roll Call was taken with Chairman Starneri, Vice-Chairman Lebesch, Mr. Petty, and Mrs. Taylor in attendance. Also present at the meeting were Executive Director Jeremy Johnston, Chief Operations Officer Darryl Muse, Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman, Chief Engineer Paul Steinbrecher, Distribution & Collection Department Superintendent David Rawlins, Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti, Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson, Facility Manager Jim Moore, Service Availability Manager Melisa Blaney, Construction & Inspection Services Manager Warrick Sams, SCADA Manager John McCleary, Senior Programmer Matt Pence, Contract & Procurement Specialist Darrin Parker, and Grady H. Williams, Jr., legal counsel to the CCUA. Item No. 4—Employee Recognition a. Justin Raymer-20 years b. Jacob Crosby—5 years c. Floyd Greer—5 years d. Billy Loudermilk—5 years e. Curtis Copeland—5 years Executive Director Jeremy Johnston introduced and presented a certificate to Field Supervisor Justin Raymer is recognition of his twenty years of service. He also provided a certificate to Water/Wastewater Mechanic Jacob Crosby and Floyd Greer, Master Electrician Billy Loudermilk and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Curtis Copeland who have been employed by CCUA for five years. Mr. Johnston also informed the Board CCUA was awarded Best Tasting Water at the FSAWWA competition earlier today. Item No. 5—2023/2024 Committee Appointments Chairman Starneri made the following Committee appointments for the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year Audit/Finance Committee Personnel Committee David Gardella, Chairman Anna Lebesch, Chairman Chris McNees Amber Taylor Andrew Petty Governor's Appointee (when position is filled) October 17, 2023 1 Item No. 6—Approval of Minutes a. Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, October 3, 2023 After discussion, Vice-Chairman Lebesch moved, seconded by Mr. Petty, and carried 4-0, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on October 3, 2023. Item No. 7—Approval of Consent Agenda After discussion, Vice-Chairman Lebesch moved, seconded by Mrs. Taylor, and carried 4-0, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows; a. Approval of Financial and Operational Activities a. Approval of Financial and Operational Activities 1) Approval of Payment of Warrants Warrants totaling $4,390,609.54 a. Schedule of payments to Sole Sources b. Schedule of Emergency Repairs/Purchases -None c. Schedule of items initiated under Emergency Contract-None d. Schedule of payments from the Emergency Account e. Schedule of claims paid under the Sewage Backup Response Policy -None f. Detailed Descriptive Warrant Report g. Statement from Grady H. Williams, Jr. LL.M. 2) Request for Asset Disposal Authorization—None 3 Sole Source Designation—None b. Approval of Capital Budget Activities 1) Requests for Award of Procurement Contracts and/or Ratification of Procurement/Construction Contracts a. Proposed Contract Renewals for the Chemical Supplier Contract ITB# 19/20-A 15 2) Approval of Supplemental Agreements and Change Orders -None c. Approval of Financing Requests—None d. Approval of Contract Usage—None e. Approval of Developer Agreements, Warranty Deeds &Easements 1) Developer Agreement CU23/24-1 — Water Service to 249 College Drive (Teameffort, Inc.) - 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC debt service - $6,782.08 2) Developer Agreement GC23/24-1 — The Rookery Subdivision Phase 1 -231 Lots (ADJ Rookery, LLC) — 231 ERC's water, 231 ERC's wastewater, 231 ERC's reclaimed, 231 ERC's AWS, 231 ERC's SJRWMD, 231 ERC's debt service - $1,048,347.57 (deferred $1,003,805.88) 3) Developer Agreement KU22/23-64 — Blanding Express Wash — 365 Parkridge Avenue (Realty Income Properties 21, LLC) — 36 ERC's water, 36 ERc's wastewater, 36 ERC's AWS, 36 ERC's SJRWMD, 36 ERC's environmental impact, 36 ERC's debt service - $168,710.38 4) Developer Agreement KU23/24-1 — Water Service to 2637 Sunnyside Drive (Alexander & Courtney Arciniega) - 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC debt service - $3,977.41 5) Developer Agreement SS22/23-10 — Cheswick South Amenity Center — 3116 Golden Eye Drive (Cheswick (FL) Owner I, LLC) — 3 ERC's water, 2.5 ERC's wastewater, 2 October 17, 2023 2 ERC's reclaimed, 3 ERC's AWS, 3 ERC's SJRWMD, 2.5 ERC's debt service - $17,063.75 6) Grant of Easement — 227 Knight Boxx Road — Grantor — Halston Carnes and Shelby Carnes 7) Grant of Easement—714 Nightingale Street—Grantor—Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. 8) Grant of Easement— 1768 Landward Lane—Grantor—Scott& Linda Ferree 9) Grant of Easement—2158 Pine Tree Lane—Grantor—Terry& Sue Blodgett 10) Grant of Easement — 6400 County Road 214 — Grantor — John Bishop Jr. and Carol Bishop 11) Grant of Easement—Tractor Supply—Grantor—Hanlex Orange Park LLC Item No. 8—Customer Account Adjustments—None Item No. 9—Business discussed at Committee Meetings -None Item No. 10—Executive Director's Business a. Proposed award of the contract for ITB#2022/2023-A16 LS2 and LS3 Improvements Project Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson and Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti presented a request for a proposed award of the contract for ITB# 2022/2023-A16 LS2 and LS3 Improvements Project. LS2 and LS3 are critical components in CCUA's wastewater collection system. Both lift stations are past the end of their useful life and require a complete upgrade. Due to the nature of the lift station site conditions and the condition of the existing facilities, staff determined the most cost-effective approach is to construct new lift stations on the existing sites. Staff contracted with Four Waters Engineering, Inc to prepare construction plans for the upgrades in accordance with CCUA's current lift station standards. On August 10, 2023, and August 12, 2023, Staff publicly advertised the above-referenced project on the CCUA Bonfire Procurement Portal and in the Florida Times-Union, respectively. At the October 5, 2023, Bid Opening, CCUA received three (3)bids from the following Contractors: Ferreira Construction Company, Inc. - $4,850,550, Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Contractors, Inc. - $4,511,301, and TB Landmark Construction, Inc, - $5,123,924. Engineer of Record, Angela Bryan, PE, LEED AP of Four Waters Engineering, Inc., and staff evaluated the submittal for conformance with the solicitation requirements and deemed the Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Contractors, Inc. submittal both responsive and responsible. The low bid for this project was above the engineer's opinion of probable construction cost (OPCC) that was used to develop the approved FY 24 Budget for this project. Staff updated the project budget and CIP based on the latest bid information. After discussion, Vice-Chairman Lebesch moved, seconded by Mrs. Taylor, and carried 4-0, to approve the Bid Opening Documents and execution of a contract with Petticoat Schmitt Civil Contractors, Inc., for the construction services for a total of $4,511,301 and approved deductive change orders and owner-direct purchase orders for the express purpose of saving sales taxes on major materials and equipment, as authorized by the Executive Director, or his designee, and as recommended by the Chief Engineer, as presented by Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Paterniti. b. Proposed Professional Service Agreement and Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with CBRE, Inc. Mrs. Wilson and Service Availability Manager Melisa Blaney presented a proposed Professional Service Agreement and Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with CBRE, Inc. CCUA staff has engaged CBRE, a real estate appraiser, to provide professional real estate valuations and review fee simple, easement, leased fee, and leased hold interests of existing and proposed developments including land, mixed-use- development. CBRE, Inc. has worked extensively with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), City of Jacksonville, Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA), and Clay County on large-scale right-of-way infrastructure projects which include the valuation of fee simple and easement estates for October 17, 2023 3 proposed and existing corridors, roadway expansions, and public utility line. CBRE provides appraised property for litigation, specifically eminent domain proceedings, and various valuation litigation purposes, and additionally offers experience as an expert witness in counties throughout Florida. CCUA is seeking an appraisal evaluation to establish the market value of two (2) subject sites for easements and future land use associated with the Peters Creek Water Reclamation Facility Expansion and Pipelines project. Staff determined the fee for professional services is fair, competitive, and reasonable. CBRE will be paid a standard fee of$250 per hour, not to exceed $14,000.00 to provide support, as needed. After discussion, Mr. Petty moved, seconded by Mrs. Taylor, and carried 4-0, to approve execution of the agreement, as presented. c. Proposed Change Order No. 2 to New Administrative Building Expansion and Site Improvement Contract with KBT Contracting Corp. Mr. Johnston presented a proposed Change Order No. 2 to New Administrative Building Expansion and Site Improvement Contract with KBT Contracting Corp. KBT currently provides construction services for the New Administration Building Expansion and Site Improvements Project. KBT encountered difficulty obtaining permits from Clay County. Due to the six-month delay in obtaining the site permit from Clay County, KBT submitted a delay claim on April 11, 2023. During the eight-month review period of the submitted construction drawings, the Clay County Building Department issued comments resulting in changes to the project scope entitling KBT to a change order. CCUA issued KBT the notice to proceed on January 27, 2023, based upon mutual agreement of the project architect, KBT, and staff. KBT completed the soil surcharging operation and stopped construction on March 28, 2023, because the project had not received the Clay County Government permits for civil site and building construction. On April 11, 2023, KBT issued a delay claim notice to CCUA. The delay claim notice referenced delay days and daily costs due to permit issuance delays. Several challenges created the permit delays. The first challenge appeared when the Clay County Building Department switched to a new permitting system, which changed their departments' response time beyond 30 days. During the permitting phase, the Clay County Building Department issued several design revision requests related to landscape additions, a fire lane addition, and building design comments. Bhide and Hall Architects, P.A. (BHA), Jones Edmunds and Associates (JEA), staff, and KBT worked to provide the Clay County Building Department with required revisions, but response delays from the Clay County Government permitting system continued. Clay County Government approved the civil site plans on April 26, 2023; however, the building permit was not issued by the Clay County Building Department until August 11, 2023. BHA and JEA completed design efforts without charging CCUA for the additional design services. The design changes do represent an increase in contract time and first-time costs that KBT would be entitled to receive. CCUA and our legal team of Bachara Construction Law have continued to mediate with KBT and their legal team of AG Adams Law under AAA guidelines, and in conclusion of that mediation have negotiated a change order. The change order staff presents adds 116 calendar days and increases the contract cost not to exceed the lump sum amount of$75,546.29. We removed the design of the irrigation system for the landscaping from KBT's contract in this change order. Per the drawings and specifications prepared by BHA, CCUA will be required to procure a separate contractor to complete the installation irrigation system. CCUA will seek formal approval the Clay County Building Department to self-perform the installation of the irrigation system. CCUA's General Superintendent of Distribution and Collection maintains a Florida Underground Utility Contractor License. Currently, staff within the Distribution and Collection Department operate, maintain, and repair the existing irrigation system. Staff is highly confident we can self-perform the installation of the irrigation system within the schedule established by KBT. After discussion, Vice-Chairman Lebesch moved, seconded by Mrs. Taylor, and carried 4-0, to approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of$75,546.29, as presented. October 17, 2023 4 d. Invitation to the Board of Supervisors for a tour of CCUA facilities Mr. Johnston informed the Board staff would like to offer a tour of CCUA's facilities for them and other interested stakeholders. After reviewing the dates proposed by staff, the members WITHOUT OBJECTION, selected Friday, January 5, 2024, for the date of the tour. The Workshop Session tour will be advertised as required and an invitation will be extended to CCUA's partners and local stakeholders as well. e. Discussion regarding upgraded delivery method of the Board of Supervisors meeting agenda Mr. Johnston queried the members of the Board on their preference for the delivery of the agenda package. It was the consensus of the members in attendance to have staff provide the next package in both DropBox and via Weblink and a decision will be made at the November 7, 2023, meeting regarding the delivery of future agenda packages. f. Other Mr. Johnston shared with the Board staff is currently working with CDM, Smith on the draft Rate Study. There will be a forthcoming Change Order to their contract so they can address and incorporate the recent loan in the study. Mr. Johnston also informed the members he will be in Tallahassee and will not attend the next Board meeting and at their station there is an invitation to CCUA's 1st Annual Hall-o-ween celebration on October 27, 2023. Item No. 11 —Legal Business a. Other—None Item No. 12—Old Business/New Business -None Item No. 13 —Public Comment-None Item No. 14— Supervisor Comments Mrs. Taylor thanked staff for their efforts and congratulated staff on their years of service. Vice-Chairman Lebesch echoed Mrs. Taylor's comments and shared it is an honor to serve on this Board. Mr. Petty also congratulated staff on their years of service milestones. Chairman Stamen congratulated staff on their milestones and for winning the Best Tasting Water competition. Item No. 15 —Adjournment Chairman Starneri adjourned the meeting at 2:34 P.M. James Starneri, Chairman Janice Loudermilk, Recording Secretary October 17, 2023 5