HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a EDB CO No 1 SA No 4 CDM Smith Rate Study Final EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Change Order No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 to provide Professional Engineering Services with CDM Smith,Inc. (CDM Smith) for the Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water Rate Study Date: December 1, 2023 BACKGROUND: Staff requests authorization to amend the scope of services with CDM Smith related to the Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water Rate Study. The amendment of the scope of services focuses on two (2) issues. The first issue addresses the added debt carrying costs CCUA will incur with both the $75 million approved in June 2023 and the $30 million we will advertise in December 2023. The second issue centers on a peer review for technical and legal sufficiency should the Rate Study and any subsequent Board of Supervisors actions relating to the Rate Study be challenged. This change order addresses both issues. CDM Smith progressed through the development of the Rate Study consistent with the agreed upon schedules. CCUA bid the Peters Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) and supporting infrastructure during this time. CCUA received a single bid for the Peters Creek WRF and supporting infrastructure that was more than two (2) times the expected cost. The impact of the costs for the Peters Creek WRF and supporting infrastructure resulted in a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors acquiring the $75 million in additional financing more than a year before we anticipated. CDM Smith and the CCUA team did not anticipate the amount and timing of the financing in the original scope of services for the Rate Study approved in December 2021. The CCUA team advanced the Lake Asbury Master Planning Area (LAMPA) Trunk Main Capital Cost Recovery Policy during 2023. The LAMPA policy commits CCUA to roughly$30 million in new capital infrastructure. The LAMPA policy also provides the funding mechanism for these projects with a cost recovery charge per Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC) within the benefiting area. While the capital projects for LAMPA were within the Capital Improvement Program, the cost recovery charges on the revenue side and the likely $30 million in financing for these projects did not exist during the development of the rate study. We want to capture these elements with the proposed change order. Finally, staff seek to confirm the technical and legal sufficiency of the completed Rate Study. One of the recommendations within the Rate Study the Board of Supervisors will consider centers on applying a tiered rate structure to all customer classes. This recommendation will most likely draw the attention of some, commercial class customers. For this reason, staff requested a peer review of the Rate Study be completed to address issues that could arise if challenged by an interested party. //JDJ(Author) //JW,GW,and AB(Review) //JDJ(Final) Executive Summary Change Oder No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No.4 CDM Smith Page 1 BUDGET: Staff identified sufficient funding within the operations budget for this expense. CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The estimated cost of this study does not exceed$500,000. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiated the scope and fee, based on established contract rates, for the professional services at a compensation which CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests the Board of Supervisors approve Change Order No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 4 with CDM Smith, Inc., in the amount of$63,000 to complete the Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Rate Study. ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 4 with CDM, Smith, Inc. Scope and Fee Proposal dated November 15, 2023 //JDJ(Author) //JW,GW,and AB(Review) //JDJ(Final) Executive Summary Change Oder No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No.4 CDM Smith Page 2 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTINUING SERVICES RFQ 18/19 NO.3 November 15, 2023 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 4 CHANGE ORDER No. 1 This Authorization, when executed, shall be incorporated in, and become part of the Agreement for Professional Services between Clay County Utility Authority (AUTHORITY), and CDM Smith Inc. (CONSULTANT), dated May 28, 2019, hereafter referred to as the Contract. BACKGROUND The AUTHORITY contracted with CONSULTANT to perform an evaluation of the AUTHORITY's current rate structure and provide the AUTHORITY with a financial plan and rate structure that will meet its requirements over the Master Planning period. Near the end of the Rate Study,the AUTHORITY obtained $105 million in additional debt related to the Peter's Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) and the Lake Asbury Master Plan Area, which was not included in the financial analysis to set near-term rates.The AUTHORITY has requested that CONSULTANT incorporate the new debt obligations and revise rate recommendations accordingly. Rate revisions impact residents and commercial customers and are subject to public scrutiny.To aid the AUTHORITY in documenting the technical basis for the proposed recommendations, the CONSULTANT will engage the services of an independent third party to provide a technical review of the rate recommendations. Independent technical reviews of work products are of paramount importance in ensuring the quality, accuracy, and reliability of projects. By having independent experts assess work products, potential errors, inconsistencies, or overlooked details can be identified and rectified prior to public release of the rate recommendations. SCOPE OF SERVICES The following tasks describe the scope of services to perform the incorporation of the additional debt obligations and revision of the rate recommendations. PHASE 1: ALTERNATIVE RATE STRUCTURE EVALUATION AND DETERMINATION No change to Phase I tasks. PHASE 2: REVENUE REQUIREMENTS AND RATE DETERMINATION The following actions will be undertaken as part of this amended scope of work. TASK 10: REVENUE REQUIREMENTS DATA COLLECTION No changes to this task. TASK 11: DEVELOP REVENUE REQUIREMENTS FORECASTING MODEL No changes to this task. TASK 12: INCORPORATE 20 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN No changes to this task. TASK 13: CONNECTION AND LINE EXTENSION FEES No changes to this task. TASK 14: MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES AND COSTS OF SERVICE No changes to this task. TASK 15: RATE REVENUE REQUIREMENTS CONSULTANT will re-evaluate the baseline forecast to include the new debt obligations.This will include updating requirements based on fiscal year 2023-2024 (FY23) actual financial information and update revenues to reflect FY23 water and wastewater rates. CONSULTANT will work with the AUTHORITY to create a more realistic and smoother pattern over the forecast period. CONSULTANT will perform a sensitivity analysis to assess the implications of shifts in key parameters such as higher/lower inflation or higher/lower interest costs. CONSULTANT will provide the AUTHORITY with the final revenue forecasting model so that the AUTHORITY can update its projections and revenue requirements as future year budgets are developed and capital improvement projects are constructed and update/modify economic assumptions to reflect then-current conditions. CONSULTANT will provide the AUTHORITY with a short users' manual to aid in the use of the forecasting model. TASK 16: FIVE-YEAR RATE DEVELOPMENT Following the revised rate revenue forecast, CONSULTANT will apply the rate structure agreed to in Phase 1 to the revenue requirement for the first five years to provide the AUTHORITY with the recommended rates for the initial five-year period. CONSULTANT will perform a sensitivity analysis to assess the implications of higher/lower population growth on near-term rates. TASK 17: DEVELOP TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM WITH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sections 4 through 6 of the Rate Study Report will be revised to reflect the additional debt obligation and impacts to rate recommendations. TASK 18: PROJECT AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT Activities performed under this task consist of those general functions required to maintain the project on schedule, within budget, and that the quality of the work products defined within this scope of services is consistent with CONSULTANT's standards and AUTHORITY's requirements. Specific activities include project quality review of deliverables, periodic progress meetings, and general administration of the Contract. TASK 19: INDEPENDENT PEER REVIEW CONSULTANT will contract with a qualified third-party to perform an independent technical review of the Rate Study Report.The third-party review will consist of an assessment of the rate study methodology, financial model, and rate recommendations. Findings from the independent technical review will be documented in a technical memorandum to the AUTHORITY. ASSUMPTIONS 1. CCUA will provide the following information to incorporate the new debt service obligations: a. Debt service schedule for the new debt service to be incorporated in the financial model b. List of projects that are covered by the new bond(s) 2. Population growth sensitivity will be documented in the Revenue Forecast sections of the report. One population growth rate will be selected to establish Rate Recommendations. 3. CONSULTANT will set recommended rates for the first 5-year projection only due to the number of changes in later years which could impact the accuracy of projected rates. Factors leading to changes in later year projections include cost volatility, shifts in project priorities, changes in development rates, and changes in sales rates. The cumulative impact of these changes means the underlying cost of service evaluation will require periodic updating. (Task 16) TIME OF COMPLETION/SCHEDULE It is anticipated that the work will take 2 months to complete, starting within two weeks of receipt of a formal notice to proceed (NTP).The estimated schedule is shown in Figure 1. CONSULTANT will prepare an updated detailed schedule within the first thirty(30) calendar days after Notice to Proceed. Task Deliverable Completion Schedule Task 15-17 Revised Draft Report Within 30 days of Start Task 19 Peer Review Within 30 days of revised draft report Task 17 Final Report Within 15 days of comments received on Draft Report COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT CONSULTANT will complete the work described in in this work order on a lump sum basis not to exceed $63,000, as shown in Exhibit A.The amended total lump sum amount of this Supplemental Agreement No. 4 is$213,000. Invoices will be submitted monthly based on the percentage of work complete during the billing period. Lump sum compensation shall be for all labor, sub-consultants, and other direct costs associated with the performance of the work. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Shayne Wood,P.E. CDM Smith,Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy Johnston,PE,MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority CCUA Supplemental Agreement No.4 to RFQ 18/19 NO.3 Rate Study Evaluation 2021 Aml Contract Document Taks Description Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Eingineer Engineer Engineer Administra Control Administra Total Hours by Other Direct Grade 10 Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 5/6 Grade 3/4 Grade 2 Grade 1 for Specialist tive Task Total Labor by Task OP Costs Total Cost by Task $ 255.00 $ 245.00 $ 215.00 $ 184.00 $ 153.00 $ 138.00 $ 123.00 $ 92.00 $ 123.00 $ 101.00 $ 86.00 Task 1 Data Collection and Evaluation 0 $ - $0 Task 2 Data Review Meeting and Project Objectives Discussion 0 $ - $0 Task 3 Setting Rate Alternatives 0 $ - $0 Task 4 Develop Rate Structure Evaluation Tool 0 $ - $0 Task 5 Cost of Service Evaluation 0 $ - $0 Task 6 Assess Other Rate Considerations 0 $ - $0 Task 7 Develop Rate Structure Alternatives 0 $ - $0 Task 8 Rate Structure Workshop 0 $ - $0 Task9 Phase l Summary Technical Memorandum 0 $ - $0 Task 10 Revenue Requirements Data Collection 0 $ - $0 Task 11 Develop Revenue Requirements Forecasting Model 0 $ - $0 Task 12 Incorporate 20-year CIP 0 $ - $0 Task 13 Connection and Line Extension Fees 0 $ - $0 Task 14 Misc Charges and Cost of Service 0 $ - $0 Task 15 Rate Revenue Requirements 10 10 30 4 54 $ 9,634.00 $9,634 Task 16 Five-year Rate Development 10 10 10 4 34 $ 6,574.00 $6,574 Task 17 Develop Technical Memorandum with Executive Summary 20 20 24 20 84 $ 15,532.00 $15,532 Task 18 Project and Quality Management 4 6 4 4 4 22 $ 3,550.00 $644 $4,194 Task 19 Independent Peer Review 10 10 10 4 4 38 $ 7,066.00 $20,000 $27,066 Total 54 - 46 - 74 - 20 - 4 4 16 232 $39,714 $0 $644