HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.b.02.a SA 16 Jones Edmunds Knight Boxx Old Jennings EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 16 to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services Agreement 2018/2019 RFQ No. 3 for Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc., to provide Professional Engineering Services for the Knight Boxx/Old Jennings Forcemain and Lift Station#56 projects. Project Number: 2202-105 Finance Project Number: 23019SL Date: January 2, 2024 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff request approval of SA No. 16 with Jones Edmunds&Associates,Inc. (CONSULTANT) to provide professional services to design, permit, and construction administration for the Knight Boxx/Old Jennings Forcemain (FM) and Lift Station (LS) #56 projects. Under a previous supplemental agreement (No. 11) approved by the Board on March 21, 2023, the CONSULTANT conducted an evaluation to determine the most cost-effective approach to diverting flow from LS #63 and the needed upgrades to LS#56." The purpose of the installation of the Knight Boxx/Old Jennings FM is to redirect sewer flow from LS #63 to LS #184. This flow transfer will relieve both the gravity system and LS #63 from capacity issues. Once the flow is transferred to LS #184, it will need to be upgraded. The CONSULTANT will design, permit, and provide construction administration services for the FM installation and upgrades to LS #184. Based on the previous evaluation the CONSULTANT will design, permit, and provide construction administration services for improvements to LS #56. BUDGET: Staff budgeted $159,115 for these services within the Fiscal Year 24 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The consultant's fee for these services is $133,503 and is within the approved FY 24 budget for this project. CCNA: CCNA,F.S. s.287.055,does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The estimated construction cost for the project does not exceed $4 million. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiated the scope and fee, based on established contract rates, for the professional services at a compensation which CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends approval of the attached Supplemental Agreement No. 16 with Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc.in the amount of$133,503.00 for engineering services for the Knight Boxx/Old Jennings FM and Lift Station#56 projects. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 16 Scope and Fee Proposal Supplemental Agreement No. 16 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No.3 to provide Professional Engineering Services for the Knight Boxx/Old Jennings Forcemain and Lift Station #56 Design CCUA Project No. 2205-105 Engineer: Brian Icerman, P.E., ENV SP Owner: Clay County Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. Utility Authority 730 N.E. Waldo Road Gainesville, FL 32641 Date: January 2, 2024 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Project No. 1 Task 1 PM and Meetings $3,888.00 Task 2 Surveying $18,752.00 Task 3 Geotechnical Services $9,824.00 Task 4 Preliminary Force Main Route $3,782.00 Task 5 Construction Documents $24,250.00 Task 6 Permitting Assistance $3,488.00 Task 7 Bidding Services $3,290.00 Task 8 Construction Phase Services $16,137.00 Task 9 Project Representative $4,523.00 Project No. 2 Task 1 PM and Meetings $1,945.00 Task 2 Surveying $10,158.00 Task 3 Geotechnical Services NA Task 4 Preliminary Force Main Route NA Task 5 Construction Documents $15,361.00 Task 6 Permitting Assistance $2,419.00 Task 7 Bidding Services $3,290.00 Task 8 Construction Phase Services $9,768.00 Task 9 Project Representative $2,628.00 Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $133,503.00 The Contract time shall commence on January 2, 2024. This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Stanley F. Ferreira, Jr., P.E. President& CEO Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, MBA, P.E., Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority Jon esEdm un ds, December 11, 2023 Integrity • Knowledge • Service Heather Cavanagh, PE Utility Engineer Clay County Utility Authority 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, Florida 32068 RE: Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Design Jones Edmunds Opportunity No.: 95696-317-23 Dear Ms. Cavanagh: Jones Edmunds appreciates the opportunity to work with the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) on the Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Design Project. The attached Scope of Services is based on the recommendations from the Evaluation Phase of this project. In summary, the Scope of Services is divided into two projects: • Project 1 - Pump Station #184 Modifications and 10-Inch Force Main • Project 2 - Pump Station #56 Modifications The lump-sum not-to-exceed fee for the professional services proposed under the Scope is $98,905, and the owner allowance for subcontractors is $34,598 in accordance with the terms of the "Agreement" between CCUA and Jones Edmunds for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services, RFQ 18/19 No. 3. The detailed Scope of Services, schedule, and project fee estimate by task are attached to this letter. We project that the project will be completed within 180 days from Authorization. We appreciate this opportunity to continue to serve CCUA. If you have any questions or comments, please call us at (904) 708-9254. Sincerely, gal\AA-s' T.J. Lillo, PE Jamie Sortevik Bell, PE Engineer Department Manager tlillo@jonesedmunds.com jsbell@jonesedmunds.com Attachments: Scope of Services, Project Fee Estimate by Task Y:\03742-Clay County Utility Authority\Opportunities\2023\95696-317-23 Knightboxx Phase 2-Design\Knight Boxx Phase 2 Cover Letter.docx 800.237.1053 I JONESEDMUNDS.COM KNIGHT BOXX - OLD JENNINGS FORCE MAIN AND PUMP STATION #56 EVALUATION - DESIGN PHASE SCOPE OF SERVICES PROJECT BACKGROUND The Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) issued a task assignment for hydraulic evaluations of Pump Station (PS) #184 (Pinewood Place) and PS #56 (Coppergate), which is summarized below. With those services complete, CCUA requested that Jones Edmunds develop a scope and fee to design the PS upgrades under one new task assignment. This scope will reference Project 1 as PS #184 and Project 2 as PS #56. The design scope herein includes surveying, geotechnical, design engineering, permitting, and bidding services. PROJECT 1: PS #184 AND OLD JENNINGS FORCE MAIN Seven PSs discharge into one manhole on elm! r, pIOld Jennings Road at Lester Murray Lane. L'L�AT Current discharge This gravity system conveys the flow location through approximately 1,700 linear feet of 11111111 .` MIR ° r— pipe before discharging into PS #63 } `LDJENNINGs h�, (Greenwood). The figure to the right �. I� 0 shows the existing CCUA infrastructure in Psalsa' ,.I Q a c 0 O I this area. Due to the potential for 1 overloading the gravity collection system a and PS #63, this project will redirect flow 110/� q• L I Q •vc _ to relieve this part of the system. �:• —.. '-�4'•I I n L 0 i ,,, E5 The results of the preliminary study 111 . ..., c ..,, ... Fb' RGRLLN LN _ determined that the recommended "" I 0 y solution is to install approximately I . LI _ l 8,1 I� ®Y 300 linear feet (LF) of 10-inch force main =( C �t� D PS #1 4 (Pinewood Place). Thedesign `311 L r �;� to 8 ( a ood des g Z , , includes replacing the following: III �.. - •I C • Two submersible pumps. • Undersized electrical components. Jra ,• • Riser piping. am.��' ti' irl I. • Discharge valves. l • Discharge force main up to Knight ,_ I MI O��" .Psre3 :.: : : �e l • f .. Boxx Road. LA o "APPF17Armar ... �' 0 - 95696-317-23 1 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services PROJECT 2: PS #56 lk ', -- P4 �' f. ‘ \ Several PSs discharge into the collection �' k system of PS #56. The figure to the right �,� r- �, shows the existing CCUA infrastructure in ��� f'. this area. , �•� `y Flow to PS #56 is currently coming from the + `F'''�; e} 1 �l� it following sources: ` - � � ... , ovki • The gravity collection system. s ibv • PS #57. ' - "�4,-. • A private PS at 1701 Blanding Boulevard. ?"" Na�"�;�, +S'' 1 rVkerrig nl • _All "►7Iu — • A PS at Macie Creek Apartments. / , ' *. ,`■ PS #100, along with small PSs for r individual properties. sc�' , , ii. . , , - ,ssse _ The preliminary study determined that the 11> . �4 PS needs upgrades to handle existing flows. -, . , Q` The design includes replacing the following: - -> ' , , 1.-- • Two submersible pumps. '1MS% r , • Variable frequency drives. • Riser piping. • Discharge valves. PROJECT SCOPE OF SERVICES Each Task detailed below will be performed for Projects 1 and 2. TASK 1 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND MEETINGS PROJECT MANAGEMENT Jones Edmunds will set up project financial files and prepare a Project Management Plan (PMP) that will be used throughout the projects. The PMP will summarize CCUA's goals and critical success factors, the project schedule, the project budget, a communication plan, accounting/invoicing procedures, and a project contacts list. We will monitor project progress (percent-complete and schedule) and manage the projects in conformance with the PMP to the extent possible throughout the contract. Work will include routine coordination with the CCUA Project Manager (PM) including the following: communication - phone calls, emails, texts, and virtual and in-person team meetings; monthly invoicing; and project schedule/updates. KICKOFF MEETING, SITE MEETING AND INITIAL DATA REQUEST Following the Notice to Proceed (NTP), Jones Edmunds will set up a virtual project kick-off meeting (Teams) with CCUA staff. At the meeting, we will discuss the Project Plan, which includes the contact list, lines of communication, project schedule with major milestones, and CCUA goals and critical success factors for the projects. We will prepare an initial data 95696-317-23 2 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services needs request and submit it to the CCUA PM before the meeting to allow staff to determine data availability for discussion at the meeting. PROJECT REVIEW MEETINGS Jones Edmunds suggests monthly project review meetings begin after the kickoff meeting and continue throughout the project. The meetings will be virtual (Teams) meetings. Jones Edmunds will conduct a parallel internal project team meeting monthly. Intermittent meetings may be required to coordinate the evaluation of the PSs. We will schedule these as needed. TASK 2 - SURVEYING Jones Edmunds will authorize a professional land surveyor (PLS) subconsultant to perform a topographic/location survey within the limits of the proposed force main route and PS sites in support of the design. The topographic survey will meet the Standards of Practice as prescribed by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors in Chapter 5J-17 of the Florida Administrative Code (FAC) and Section 472.027 of the Florida Statutes (FS). The survey will include the following: ■ Task I - Topographic Survey: 1. Prepare the survey calculations file and field package information. 2. Research public records for deeds, plats, right-of-way maps, and other survey information. 3. Locate, check, and establish horizontal and vertical control. 4. Locate the existing right-of-way and boundary monumentation for property determinations. 5. Locate aboveground visible improvements including but not limited to buildings, visible utilities, pavement, curbs, fences, and signage. 6. Obtain spot elevations on a 100-foot grid throughout site. 7. Locate storm drainage structures including pipe sizes, types, invert elevations, and connectivity (if accessible and attainable). 8. Locate gravity sanitary sewer manholes including pipe sizes, types, invert elevations, and connectivity (if accessible and attainable). 9. Process, check, and review field information. 10. Prepare a topographic survey in accordance with Chapter 5J-17, FAC. 11. Perform final review and a signed and sealed survey by a PLS. 12.Survey Notes: • Horizontal control will be based on the State Plane Coordinate System, Florida East Zone (North American Datum of 1983 [NAD83]). • Vertical control will be based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). 95696-317-23 3 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services ■ Task II - Subsurface Utility Location Survey 1. Perform an ASCE 38-02 Quality Level B field investigation (utility designation) to provide utility designation services for the mapping effort of the subsurface utilities for each site and adjacent right-of-way. The subsurface utility mapping effort will be performed in accordance with the Standards of Practice, as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers, Chapter 5J-17, FAC, pursuant to Section 472.027, FS, and the Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act, Chapter 556, FS. This effort will designate the approximate horizontal locations of existing utilities for the projects by means of surface geophysical techniques to place paint markings and flags on the ground surface indicating utility paths. 2. Perform an ASCE 38-02 Quality Level A field investigation (utility test holes) of up to five locations on the PS #184 10-inch force main route. The surveyor will provide Survey & CADD Field Test Hole Data sheets with the obtainable data: locations, digital photographs, utility descriptions, and depth, size, type, direction, and material for each test hole. 3. Survey and map found utility facilities on the topographic survey. Deliverables: Topographic survey - two signed-and-sealed PDF files and AutoCAD files. TASK 3 - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Jones Edmunds will authorize a professional Geotechnical Engineer subconsultant for this task. The geotechnical investigation is expected to include the following: ■ Clear utilities at the site through Sunshine One Call. ■ Provide maintenance of traffic (MOT). The MOT is expected to consist of signage. No flagmen are expected. ■ Mobilize to the site with truck-mounted or all-terrain drilling equipment. ■ Advance four soil penetration test (SPT) borings 15 feet below land surface along the force main route. ■ Perform visual classification of the soil samples obtained from the soil borings to confirm field classifications. ■ Perform soil laboratory classification tests on representative samples, as considered appropriate. These tests may include the percent soil fines passing the No. 200 sieve determinations, natural moisture content determinations, and corrosion series tests. The subsurface investigation will occur once we have the approved preliminary design in place, and borings will be conducted at the selected locations along the proposed route. These services will be provided under the direction of a Geotechnical Engineer registered in Florida. The results of the exploration will be presented in a geotechnical engineering report. This report will specifically address the following: ■ Existing site conditions. ■ Exploration, testing, and sampling methods. ■ Subsurface soil conditions encountered and soil classifications, including any unsuitable materials encountered. ■ Depth to groundwater at the time of the exploration and the estimated seasonal high. 95696-317-23 4 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services ■ A review of subsurface features and site conditions that could affect construction and site preparation. ■ Recommendations for site preparation and construction of bedding and compacted backfills for the FM. ■ Recommendations for earthwork construction monitoring and testing. ■ A discussion of the suitability of the soils that may be excavated from the site for use as backfill. Deliverables: One paper copy and one PDF copy of the final geotechnical report. TASK 4 - PRELIMINARY FORCE MAIN ROUTE Task 4 will consist of one submittal that will include geographic information system (GIS) figures of the proposed 10-inch force main route. This submittal will focus on where horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is required versus open-cut pipe installation. The intent of this submittal is to obtain CCUA approval on the most efficient route for crossing Old Jennings Road and Knight Boxx Road. Once the route is analyzed and the proposed route is submitted to CCUA, Jones Edmunds will host a review meeting with CCUA to discuss the proposed route. Items discussed and agreed to during the meeting will be incorporated into the 60% Design. Deliverables: One PDF copy of the preliminary force main route GIS figure and the design review meeting minutes will be provided to CCUA. TASK 5 - CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Task 5 will consist of three submittals — 60% Design, 90% Design, and Bid Documents. The 60% Design submittal will include only design drawings. The 90% Design and Bid Documents submittals will include Design Drawings, Technical Specifications, and an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (EOPCC). 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Jones Edmunds will provide the following design and engineering services after the collection of the topographic survey and during development of detailed Technical Specifications. This task will evaluate the proposed force main route based on a site visit and walk-through of the route and an evaluation of the available GIS data and PS upgrades plan sheets. This task will include the following for PS #184: ■ Perform a site visit to evaluate the proposed route. ■ Review available GIS data, including existing force main layers, County parcel data, recent high-resolution aerial imagery, and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) elevation data. ■ Develop 60% design-level drawings of the proposed route indicating the recommended pipeline route and the pump station upgrades. ■ Identify potential conflicts and roadway crossings requiring trenchless installation by HDD. 95696-317-23 5 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services This task will include the following for PS #56: ■ Perform a site visit to evaluate the existing electrical components. ■ Review available GIS data, including existing force main layers, County parcel data, recent high-resolution aerial imagery, and LiDAR elevation data. ■ Develop 60% design-level drawings of the PS upgrades. Jones Edmunds will provide a 60% design drawing submittal to CCUA for review and comment. We assume that CCUA will need 2 weeks to review the submittal. Then Jones Edmunds will host a review meeting with CCUA to discuss the proposed route. Items discussed and agreed to during the meeting will be incorporated into the 90% Design. Deliverables: One PDF copy of the 60% design drawings and the design review meeting minutes will be provided to CCUA. 90% AND BID DOCUMENTS SUBMITTALS The Drawings will use Jones Edmunds' presentation standards. CCUA-provided standard details will be used to the extent practical. A preliminary list of Drawings is outlined below as a basis of design for our fee estimate. The force main plan sheets will be prepared at the following scale: ■ Horizontal: 1 inch = 20 feet (full-size sheets, 22-x-34-inch); and 1 inch = 40 feet (half-size sheets, 11-x-17-inch). Drawing No. Title G-1 Cover Sheet G-2 Drawing Index and Key Map G-3 General Notes G-4 Legends and Pipe Schedule C sheets Force Main Plan and Details C sheets Force Main Plan and Profile (HDDs) M-sheets Mechanical Plan, Section, and Details E-sheets Electrical Plan and Details SWPPP sheets Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, Notes, and Details Technical Specifications will be prepared using Jones Edmunds standard Construction Standards Institute (CSI) Division-50 format. CCUA will provide bidding and construction Contract Documents (front ends/Division 0) for the projects. We will review and provide comments on CCUA's standard bidding and construction Contract Documents. 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Jones Edmunds will provide a 90% Design submittal to CCUA for review and comment. The 90% Design submittal will present the proposed complete design pending CCUA's comments and will include Drawings, Technical Specifications, an EOPCC, and draft permit application packages. 95696-317-23 6 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services The EOPCC accuracy range will be Level 2 according to the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) International's Cost Estimate Classification System (Recommended Practice No. 18R-97). The classifications depend on the level of project definition, with Level 1 being the highest level of definition and Level 5 being the lowest level of definition. We assume that CCUA will need 2 weeks to review the submittal package. Then Jones Edmunds will host a review meeting with CCUA to discuss and obtain CCUA's comments. Changes agreed to at the meeting will be incorporated into the Bid Documents submittal package. Deliverables: Jones Edmunds will provide PDF copies of the 90% Drawings, Technical Specifications, and EOPCC to CCUA. Jones Edmunds will also provide hardcopies of the permit application package(s) for signature by CCUA, after which Jones Edmunds will coordinate submittal to the appropriate permitting agencies. Jones Edmunds will distribute electronic copies of the design review meeting minutes to meeting attendees by email. The meeting minutes will include key decisions made and action items discussed during the meeting. BID DOCUMENTS SUBMITTAL After the 90% design review meeting, Jones Edmunds will incorporate CCUA's review comments into the Final Design Submittal and issue the Bid Document Submittal Package. The Bid Document submittal will be completed after obtaining all approved permits described in Task 6. The Final Design Submittal will include the Drawings, Front-End Documents, Technical Specifications, a final EOPCC, and approved permit application package(s). Deliverables: Jones Edmunds will provide two paper copies and one electronic copy (PDF and/or AutoCAD format) of the Final Design submittal to CCUA. TASK 6 - PERMITTING ASSISTANCE Jones Edmunds will provide the following permitting services: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (FDEP) PERMITTING Jones Edmunds will prepare two FDEP Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System Permit application packages including Form 62-604.300(3)(a), calculations, exhibits, maps, and drawings for the lift station improvements and the 10-inch force main tie-in. The application packages will be provided to CCUA for review, approval, and signatures before submittal to FDEP. We will respond to one FDEP Request for Additional Information (RAI) per permit. CLAY COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS RIGHT-OF-WAY UTILITY PERMIT Jones Edmunds will apply to the Clay County Public Works Department for a Right-of-Way Utility permit and respond to up to one RAI. CCUA will pay any review/application fee. Comments from Clay County will be incorporated by Jones Edmunds into the Final Submittal. 95696-317-23 7 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services Deliverables: Jones Edmunds will provide one hard copy and one PDF copy of each draft permit application to CCUA for review. The final permit applications will require CCUA signatures. Jones Edmunds will collect the signed permit applications from CCUA and submit to the regulatory agencies. Electronic and hardcopies of all fully executed permits will be provided to CCUA. TASK 7 - BIDDING SERVICES Jones Edmunds will assist CCUA during an expected 45-day bidding and award process for the projects as follows: ■ Provide electronic Bid Documents in PDF format to CCUA. CCUA will advertise the projects. ■ Assist CCUA with one addendum to the Contract Documents. Verbal and written questions from prospective bidders will be directed to CCUA. CCUA and Jones Edmunds will decide if issuing an addendum is required. Jones Edmunds will prepare responses to the bidders' questions to CCUA and prepare the addendum; CCUA will distribute copies of the addendum to the prospective bidders. ■ Direct one pre-bid meeting with prospective bidders and develop/issue any subsequent minutes or addenda associated with the pre-bid meeting. ■ Review the bidders' cost proposals, prepare a proposal tabulation, conduct a history check of the apparent low bidder, and develop a bid evaluation letter. TASK 8 - CONSTRUCTION-PHASE SERVICES CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION Jones Edmunds will provide construction administration, which includes oversight and support to coordinate construction activities, assist with potential schedule/construction conflicts and process, and track and manage the project documentation required by the construction contract. Jones Edmunds' construction administration and coordination items necessary to document the project performance include the following: ■ Prepare for and lead a pre-construction conference with the Contractor and CCUA after award of the Contract. We will prepare an agenda, provide a sign-in sheet, and produce and distribute meeting minutes to the Contactor and CCUA. We expect this meeting will review the Contractor's work schedule, submittal schedule, shop drawings, material submittals, progress payments, and work hours and will discuss general Contract requirements and procedures including lines of communication. ■ Prepare for and lead monthly construction progress meetings including preparing agendas and generating and distributing meeting minutes. ■ Review submittals, shop drawings, material samples, results of tests and inspections, and other data that the Contractor is required to submit. Jones Edmunds estimates approximately 12 submittals for these projects. This Scope of Work includes an initial review and one resubmittal review for each submittal. Submittals will be returned to the Contractor within 14 calendar days if all deviations are not listed as requested on the project forms. 95696-317-23 8 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services ■ Receive and review Operations and Maintenance (O&M) instruction manuals, schedules, guarantees, bonds, and certificates of insurance, which are to be assembled by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. ■ Receive draft Pay Applications from the Contractor, review with the CCUA PM, submit requested changes to the Contractor, and make recommendations for payment to the Contractor. Verify that all deliverables required of the Contractor for the monthly Pay Application are submitted. ■ Review and respond to Contractor Requests for Information (RFIs). Track and review RFIs with the CCUA PM. RFI responses will be coordinated with CCUA before distribution to the Contractor. ■ Prepare and submit Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to the Contractor. Review, analyze, and make recommendations to CCUA on the Contractor's proposals. Prepare Interim Field Change Agreements (IFCAs), as required, and assist during negotiations of the Contractor's cost proposals. Assist CCUA with reviewing, preparing, and executing Contract Change Orders (COs). ■ Evaluate the Contractor's compliance with the obtained permits' requirements. Notify CCUA of compliance-related concerns and coordinate potential actions with the Contractor and CCUA. ■ Provide a Construction Coordinator who will maintain project files throughout the duration of the projects, including but not limited to correspondence, meeting minutes, Contract Documents, COs, field orders, RFIs, work change directives, addenda, pay applications, shop drawings and submittals, O&M manuals, warranties, and regulatory correspondence. ■ Provide a Construction Representative to visit the site, inspect the work, and note work progress and any deficiencies. Up to five full-day site visits are expected for a total of 40 hours over the 4-month active construction period. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT When the Contractor notifies CCUA that the projects have reached Substantial Completion, Jones Edmunds will begin Contract Closeout, which includes the following services: ■ Conduct a Substantial Completion site walk-through with CCUA and the Contractor. This site walk-through will include the Engineers of Record (EORs) and the Construction Coordinator. Provide a punch list (an initial list of items to be corrected or completed) for distribution to the Contractor. ■ Assist CCUA to issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion with a final punch list attached for CCUA and the Contractor to sign. ■ Review the Contractor's mark-ups of the Construction Drawings for conformance and accuracy. ■ Prepare Record Drawings using the CAD and .pdf deliverable of the Contractor's as-built drawings. ■ Prepare and submit final documentation to FDEP to close the permits including but not limited to the FDEP Notice of Construction Completion and Availability of Record Drawing Certification. ■ Assist CCUA in providing post-construction permit certifications. 95696-317-23 9 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services ■ Conduct a Final Completion site walk-through with CCUA, the Contractor, and equipment representatives (as required) and document any remaining deficiencies. ■ Assist CCUA with preparing, reviewing, and executing final documentation required by the Contract Documents for Final Acceptance and project closeout. Deliverables: Jones Edmunds will provide CCUA with an electronic copy of the project files at project close-out for incorporation into the overall project catalog, including: ■ As-builts, record drawings, maps, manuals, and any other material provided by CCUA as a response to an RFI by the Engineer. ■ Assumptions, data requests, references, files of correspondence, meeting agenda, sign- in sheets and minutes, document comment-response log, technical memoranda/reports, Contract Documents, COs, field orders, RFIs, work change directives, addenda, additional drawings issued subsequent to the execution of the Contract, progress reports, shop drawing and progress submittals, regulatory correspondence, and other project-related documents such as O&M manuals and warranty information, as available. ASSUMPTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS ■ CCUA will provide comments to draft submittals within 14 calendar days. ■ All review meetings will be via virtual methods, i.e., Teams. ■ All permit application fees will be paid by CCUA. ■ Permitting agency RAI responses will require clarification or minor design edits. Significant redesign of the project is not expected. Significant redesign required by an RAI that is not due to an error or omission is excluded from this Scope of Services. ■ The projects will not require modifications to existing roads or driveways. ■ Besides basic plantings and grassing, detailed landscape and/or irrigation plans are excluded from this Scope of Services. ■ Wetland mitigation design and permitting are excluded from this Scope of Services. ■ Archaeological surveying and permitting are excluded from this Scope of Services. ■ Hazardous materials (asbestos, metals, lead-based paint, polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs], etc.) investigation, testing, analysis, and abatement design are excluded from this Scope of Services. ■ Design and permitting of temporary pumping by-pass systems are excluded from this Scope of Services. The Contractor will be required to design and implement a temporary by-pass, if required. ■ The project site is assumed to be free of soil and groundwater contamination. ■ Revisions to the Construction Drawings and Technical Specifications due to a change in existing conditions at the site during design are excluded from this Scope of Services. ■ Gopher tortoise permitting is excluded from this Scope of Services. ■ All correspondence for Construction Administration will be directed to CCUA's PM. ■ CCUA will issue the Notice of Award, execute the construction Contract, and issue the NTP. ■ The Contractor will be responsible for printing additional sets of the Contract Documents. ■ The scope and fee are based on a 6-month performance period (4 months to Substantial Completion; 6 months to Final Completion) for the completion of the projects. 95696-317-23 10 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services ■ As-Built Drawings in Contract Closeout are prepared by the Contractor in CAD and .pdf format and reviewed by Jones Edmunds. Jones Edmunds will provide Record Drawings for the projects. SCHEDULE We expect the projects will take between 150 to 180 days from Authorization, contingent on subcontractor availability and the mobilization schedule. The final timeline will be discussed and agreed to at the kickoff meeting. The approval of the force main route will allow the subcontractors to begin work. The final project schedule will be based on a mutual agreement between CCUA and Jones Edmunds at the kickoff meeting. COMPENSATION Jones Edmunds proposes to provide the design services detailed above on a lump-sum not- to-exceed basis. The subcontractor costs will be handled through an owner allowance not to be used until approved. We will complete these services in accordance with the terms of the "Agreement" between CCUA and Jones Edmunds for Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services, RFQ 18/19 No. 3, for a lump-sum not-to-exceed amount of $98,905 with an owner allowance of $34,598 for subcontractor work (a detailed Fee Estimate is attached). Jones Edmunds will submit invoices to CCUA monthly in coordination with the CCUA PM. 95696-317-23 11 November 2023 Knight Boxx - Old Jennings Force Main and Pump Station #56 Evaluation - Design Phase Scope of Services Project Name: Knight Boxx FM and PS#56 Design Prepared On: 12/05/23 Client: Clay County Utility Authority Prepared By: T.Lillo JonesEdmunds_' Opportunity Number: 95696-317-23 Reviewed On: 12/7/2023 Project Number: TBD Reviewed By: J.Bell Staffing Plan Project Senior Project Senior Engineer CADD Sr.Construction Sr.Admin Officer Manager Engineer Engineer Intern Designer Coordinator Assistant Contract Billing Rate $290.43 I $211.57 I $237.19 I $141.08 I $113.35 I $101.38 I $164.25 I $96.00 Project Direct Labor Expenses Subconsulta No. Task Name Hours Total Hours Costs Costs nt Costs Total Fee 1 Knight Boxx-Old Jennings Force Main Evaluation 0 $0.00 $ - $ - $ - Task 1-PM and Meetings 2 12 8 22 $ 3,888 $ 3,888 Task 2-Surveying 2 2 8 12 $ 1,709 $ 17,043 $ 18,752 Task 3-Geotechnical Services 2 2 2 6 $ 1,124 $ 8,700 $ 9,824 Task 4-Preliminary Force Main Route 2 4 2 12 2 2 24 $ 3,782 $ 3,782 Task 5-Construction Documents 6 28 12 68 24 16 8 162 $ 24,050 $ 200 $ 24,250 Task 6-Permitting Assistance 6 2 12 4 24 $ 3,488 $ 3,488 Task 7-Bidding Services 4 2 8 4 4 22 $ 3,290 $ 3,290 Task 8-Construction Phase Services 6 12 12 24 8 24 16 102 $ 16,137 $ 16,137 Task 8-Project Representative(3 Full-day Site over 4-Months Construction) 2 24 26 $ 4,523 $ 4,523 Subtotal Project 1 10 70 34 0 126 36 70 38 400 $ 61,990 $ 200 $ 25,743 $ 87,933 2 Pump Station P56 Collection System Modifications Evaluation 0 $0.00 $ - $ - $ - Task 1-PM and Meetings 1 6 4 11 $ 1,944 $ 1,944 Task 2-Surveying 2 2 4 8 $ 1,303 $ 8,855 $ 10,158 Task 3-Geotechnical Services 0 $ - $ - Task 4-Preliminary Force Main Route 0 $ - $ - Task 5-Construction Documents 2 20 8 40 20 8 6 104 $ 15,161 $ 200 $ 15,361 Task 6-Permitting Assistance 4 2 8 2 16 $ 2,419 $ 2,419 Task 7-Bidding Services 4 2 8 4 4 22 $ 3,290 $ 3,290 Task 8-Construction Phase Services 2 6 8 16 8 16 8 64 $ 9,768 $ 9,768 Task 8-Project Representative(2 Full-day Site over 4-Months Construction) 16 16 $ 2,628 $ 2,628 Subtotal Project 2 5 42 22 0 72 36 44 20 241 36,514 200 I 8,855 45,569 Project Total 15 112 56 0 198 72 114 58 641 $ 98,505 $ 400 $ 34,598 $ 133,503 \\gnvdcl5a\PAN02\WORKSPACE\03742-Clay County Utility Authority\Opportunities\2023\95696-317-23 Knightboxx Phase 2-Design\Knight Boxx Phase 2 Fee Estimate_Updated