HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.c Strategic Plan 2023 by CDM Smith Final EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Review of the Strategic Plan 2023 by CDM Smith, Inc. Date: December 28, 2023 BACKGROUND: Beginning in 2021,the Board of Supervisors approved the staff's recommendation to engage CDM Smith to assist with the Strategic Planning process. CCUA and the CDM Smith team completed the first phase of the strategic planning effort in February 2022. The Strategic Plan provided to the Board of Supervisors is the culmination of the Phase II efforts. Staff requests scheduling a discussion of the Strategic Plan at the next Board of Supervisors meeting to provide the Board members sufficient time to review and consider the document. CCUA staff considers the Strategic Plan important for the long-term view of the utility's customer service, infrastructure investments, rates, financing, staffing, technology, and regulatory compliance. We fashioned the Strategic Plan with actionable areas, defined objectives, and performance measures to be implemented over time as the utility grows. We also consider the Board of Supervisors' adoption of the Strategic Plan essential for effective communication with many external stakeholders over time. REQUEST: Staff respectfully requests the Board of Supervisors review the Strategic Plan 2023 for a detailed discussion at the January 16, 2024, meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Strategic Plan 2023 //JDJ(Author) //AB(Review) //JDJ(Final) Strategic Plan 2023 by CDM Smith,Inc. 4 111 elk illit...-- irr ...- __ hi _ _ # L - ....______ _ _ . _ _ . .., . .. .. .. __ ='= __ _ ___ _____ _ _ ___ . ,... . _ ,____ ____ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _. , , _ , _.......... STRATEGIC is j L A N Vim._,.. .. , , 4 f, "L� .fir f -r "' ` ; �• -� '� ClayCountyUtilityAuthority kve._ -� �a Serving the Community through Accountability, Sustainability, and Commitment n, n STRATEGIC PLAN .��0 Introduction 0i. 0 �O•��0 Table of Contents `j; �Q-� AS•;;�� lill, T�"'•. 11 0g� Message from the Executive Director 01 Introduction The Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) faces significant challenges in meeting the potable water supply, wastewater 401111101 Mir- 03 CCUA's Vision, Mission, and Core Values treatment needs, and reclaimed water service demands opoNtow- al i necessary to meet the growing population in Clay County, Florida.The CCUA team remains committed to reliably delivering O6 Keys to Success safe drinking water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services to the residents in the community we serve. Our team also focuses 06 Strategic Priorities (Overview) on delivering those safe and reliable services while sustaining the This strategic plan (SP) aims to establish natural environment that is key to the community in which we all a working plan over a 20-year planning live and work.In working to achieve the delivery of safe and reliable period where we can identify challenges, Strategic Priority: Develop � i ‘O ' address those challenges, and report drinking water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services, CCUA 10 Vision of Utility Growth `; progress over time. must overcome several challenges that are discussed in this SP. \ i Build the capital infrastructure in .•� advance of customer demand. CCUA has a long tradition of forward thinking and investing in Strategic Priority; Modernize ' people, infrastructure, and technology in advance of regulatory 1 2 Q • Continue investment in developing drivers to provide long-term value to our customers. We intend and Improve Enterprise Systems ,' water treatment and processing �� technology to allow for diversification for this SP to build upon CCUA's previous investments and of the water supply sources. traditions to meet the needs of the growing Clay County 14 Strategic Priority: Refine and Document _ .communit Continue investment in the renewal, v a Capital Improvement Program Process ° �l rl rehabilitation, and replacement of i existing infrastructure. CCUA began investments in key infrastructure,such as advanced ,` • wastewater treatment(AWT),to produce public access reclaimed O O O COO � Finance the infrastructure we are 1 ( Strategic Priority: Implement Workforce either building or replacing. water in the late 1990s. Today, those investments resulted in � Development , n ,' CCUA's ability to beneficially reclaim and use roughly 65% __ ��" Maintain financial performance while of all wastewater processed through our water reclamation -. keeping competitive rates,fees, and 7n Strategic Priority; Improve and 1 charges. facilities (WRF). We will continue to expand the reclaimed L,rs Develop and maintain a professional, water systems to provide our customers the benefit of Standardize Work Processes _ — highly trained workforce. this valuable resource. The expansion of the reclaimed water ' j: . systems will provide compliance with the State of Florida's _—_ _ Integrate and implement technology Strategic Priority; Develop a ! z-e�`~ for improved customer service, Senate Bill 64 requirements to eliminate non beneficial surface t-- `I - �'' operationalefficiency, and waterdischargesCommunications Plan �I ', _ - 3_----t_� — ,. --__ -_3 organizational decision-making. --- - — _ _ - - Similar to the investments in AWT infrastructure, CCUA invested -- - _ — ---- - --� Develop uniform standard operating � y procedures (SOPs) and key in the processing of Class AA biosolids in 2006. CCUA now - Strategic Priority: Develop a Long-Term - y— • ^ Lb `_ _ _��-�m performance indicators (KPIs)for produces fertilizer-grade Class AA biosolids at five (5) of our - Financial Plan 's,- , — — _.- _- -- performance,transparency,��, _-,_ __�. operational seven (7) WRFs. While other areas in the State of Florida wrestle - --_�='�_ "�" - and accountability. ��"�''"'�" - with the challenges of Class B biosolids, CCUA's investments r. Maintain regulatory compliance are yieldingsustainable benefits in the biosolids produced __-ems Schedule - '� - =�--.-�f = with the uncertainty in the current ----- J=T== r while protecting the environment of the area in which we live. - � = _ -— +�_�„ regulatory environment. —� =�" ^ Key Performance Indicators -` ''- Beginning in 2020, Executive Director Jeremy D. Johnston initiated an effort to reorganize the utility along CCUA's Vision, Mission, and Core Values the core competencies of operations, engineering, finance, and human resources/risk management. The reorganization also led to the development of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to lead those core competencies.The SLT comprises the executive director(ED),chief operations officer(COO),chief financial officer In 2020, the ED proposed to the Board of Supervisors updated vision and mission statements. Both updated (CFO), chief engineer (CE), and chief human resources officer (CHRO). The reorganization of CCUA consists of statements remain true to CCUA's core mission, which is focused on public health, safety, and providing value to department leaders with their respective department being aligned within their appropriate core competency. our customers.The updated mission statement also reflects increased importance on economic and environmental The results of the reorganization effort remain in the current organization structure. sustainability. The commitment to developing a highly trained professional workforce makes the elements of CCUA's mission possible. From the organizational structure and current capabilities, WE INTEND FOR THE STRATEGIC PLAN Mission Statement TO LAY OUT A PATH FORWARD Our mission is to develop an environmentally and economically sustainable utility that is focused on protecting the about how CCUA will continue public health, safety, and general welfare by providing clean and safe potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services through conservation of natural resources, diversification of the water supply portfolio, and to provide and sustain long-term value to our customers. development of a highly trained professional staff prepared for tomorrow's challenges. We began the development of this SP from the transition plan and reorganization effort completed in 2021. Provided here are the core values the CCUA team developed and the keys to success and strategic priorities developed from Core Values those core values. We present an overview and framework for developing strategic priorities in financial CCUA's SLT held several discussions in 2020 and 2021 with the department leaders within the organization, management, capital improvements, enterprise resource platforms (ERPs), workforce development, The focus of these discussions was our identity as a team and our core values as an organization.The discussions operational performance, regulatory compliance,and customer engagement. with the SLT and the department leadership team (DLT) resulted in the expression of five core values that serve as The CCUA team initiated activities related to several strategic priorities. One such activity is the transition of the basis for our efforts to realize the utility's vision and fulfill our public mission. CCUA ERPs from the current resource intensive and custom-built FileMaker system to modern, highly integrated As an organization and team of professionals,the five core values are the foundation for our efforts to accomplish platforms such as Workday, SpryPoint, and Invoice Cloud. While these activities are ongoing, we will discuss their our mission to the community we serve. Our vision for CCUA's future is firmly grounded in these principles and objectives, progress, and future considerations related to the SP. reflected in the plans, decisions, and actions that will make us successful as an organization. This SP provides discussion of other initiatives the CCUA team has not started related to strategic priorities. An example of this type of initiative centers on the development of guiding financial management policies for the Board of Supervisors and CCUA management. Key objectives of SP initiatives anticipated timing, and guiding frameworks are presented. Because SP must be flexible, specific plan elements may be adjusted Q ,O in scope and timing to achieve the overarching priorities for the organization. • �`� I 1 1 The CCUA team will implement,track progress, and adapt to changes that occur within the community according Service ommunity Accountability Sustainability Commitment to this SP.The SP will be the communication tool for CCUA management to provide guidance to customers, Board of Supervisors, regulatory agencies, staff, and other stakeholders. To keep the SP relevant, progress ' Provide long-term sustainable value to our customers by conserving and protecting natural resources of the initiatives will be reported every year and major updates to the SP will occur every five years, while providing clean,safe,and economical water,wastewater,and reclaimed water services. 2 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 3 Keys to Success ', ' ',1 Service ''�t'l, As dedicated professionals in the water, wastewater, and reclaimed water As the population of Clay County continues to grow, CCUA will grow with it. The following keys to success have industry, we serve the community where we live and work. Our passion for been identified as the factors needed for CCUA to be successful in the rapidly changing environment of northeast service centers on the success of our mission to serve our customers, and Florida. From both the short-term volatility of the economic landscape as well as the long-term transition from a success depends on our service to each other as the CCUA team, small-to medium-sized utility, these keys will unlock CCUA's ability to provide clean, safe, and economical water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services to Clay County. i1 Community dWe highly value the community in which we live and work. We also value Realign Organization Develop and Implement Enterprise the community of professionals that make up the CCUA team. Our success Processes and Internal Controls depends on everyone working together as a team for the greater good of our organization and the community we serve. Commit to CCUA Growth Vision __ Secure Water Supply i- 1----- \ Accountability 1 Develop Uniform Standards of Practice Comply with Regulatory Guidelines �; Our duty as a public utility dedicated to the safe and reliable delivery of water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services requires us to be accountable in �� Develop and Invest in Staff Commit to New Technology everything we do. We take the initiative to act responsibly, act promptly, and do the right thing. We also affirm our commitment to being transparent in our decisions and actions supporting our core values.We will actively communicate Realign Resources4111 Achieve Long-term Financial Resiliency our successes and failures. Accountability marries commitment to results. •)i AO Sustainability We value the natural resources available within Clay County. We acknowledge �— r I,lib ' and accept our leadership role as stewards of the environmental resources • _ " ! +; _ '"' ��''. ©%\ involving water and wastewater treatment. As a leader in water supply A - '•, planning, delivery, collection, and treatment of recyclable water resources, P' s - _ •--' - _:it- ,. ` we will continue our tradition of a forward-lookingorganization to promote 11 y -Y ,r { >_ ` ' Aiollr „ the long-term health of the community and its environment. We will continue _ ; ' �q � '� y 1 ! . 1"fi,E. ., ,ice ��� • '"_04 ; our efforts to secure our long-term water supply, protect Florida's aquifer, and w �' J - - �, �' `k-,:: '4.?'"L� developas a thoughtful and efficient utility. ��K '�- \ '.�, .N +q T.& /.i, ` Commitment lot _rr__ ,� Y�; � The commitment to CCUA's vision and mission serves as a core value for the : .t ;', team and the community we serve. We stand absolutely committed to public �" ' -- ,_ health and safety. Commitment to each other as members of the CCUA team tk • "� r" supports our efforts to fulfill that public mission safely each and every day. Our � �¢�� : ;�•. � k.461 .+` - - '' team is also committed to performing our duties for the betterment and long- - r 't ' _ ( • , ' . r '-y-r \ term sustainability of the organization and community we serve. '` i� OW Expansion of the Fleming Island Wastewater Treatment Facility BTU No, 3, 4 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 5 1/4' .. �• Y . � � � ' fir•• `,1. • •;� • Strategic Priorities (Overview) � '' , , ,„ ! %y t-� -f t � s This SP represents the first comprehensive look toward the utility's future and the actions necessary to transform r �' ;, -� CCUA over the next 5 years. With the construction of the First Coast Expressway, the Florida Department of -- - ., � 5:, •�) Transportation (FDOT) and Clay County will complete the transportation infrastructure necessary to drive :,-..1% N ."40 r Y 1 ,,1 Develop Vision I I" I ^ - unprecedented growth. The population and economy of the region continues to grow, creating the potential for a . © �1`r •, 4 • '�-.. I of UtilityGrowth ,`-� •. future water supply challenges. The aquifer that currently supplies potable water for the County is approaching �`�,,e" _ , -_ _ lc, �� sustainable limits that will constrain the potential for future additional aquifer withdrawal. The expected growth and the associated reclaimed water demands over the next 20 years will surpass the availability of the water • supply from current sources and require additional changes in how CCUA supplies customer demand. . ,f •. / �1 Modernize and Improve To successfully expand the utility's capabilities to support continued population growth and water demand, CCUA S' • 4. ••z.`, •'W-j ," Enterprise Systems • as an organization will need to focus on establishing processes and updating enterprise systems that will facilitate {' a _ planning activities, standardize work processes, and develop internal staff capabilities. 4)_]1 Refine and Document a) uu . ). a CI P Process i Ii Fa) cc 5 co 3 co y i _ �` ;z000 CO-0 Implement Workforce C G S a) C >, ii a 4 '_ 4i , , o y `° E ©n. Development a } >a cc G ° n c�a a• yi '3 ° J - _ �, �, o to i co . _ - - � Improve and Standardize - - - + 1- . :' .-4.-• '} Strategic Priorities o • L o o _ __ r _ _ }� . _ _� , o o o a --- 3 Work Processes �' ; �,� . Develop comprehensive vision of utility growth to • • • • • • • =3 _ -_- _ - _ s_ '_ - , meet County growth projections ��=_ - = _- -`___ _-� - _ _ _ - - •- _ _ Modernize and improve enterprise systems and • • • • • • ■ � ~ -- �L ! - -__ ----_ procedures --- = _ - Develop =_ =-_ _ - - - = _ v, ram_ =- --  . _ Refine and document a capital improvement - �� - .— l I �- =_ _ —_ _ �- — _ — �. Communications Plan _ _ __ -- - _ _ planning process to improve Capital Improvement ■ • • • ■ _ _ -_-_ - =- Program (CIP) delivery — - - T - '�' - ' " Implement workforce development(talent = — _ _ ��__ __ _ _ _ development, staff retention, and succession ■ • • • - ��� - _�- = _ planning) __- _ _ _ "1 Develop Long-Term {; _ _ Improve, document, and standardize work • • ■ ■ - - '+� _ '•'���i Financial Plan �— - processes - - _ _ -e - - ____- !�_ -t.-- --- �— c Develop a comprehensive communications plan • • • - -- - -- .�� _ �! - I - - _ - - - _ _ -. Develop a long-term financial plan to support the - _T — - --- _ - significant required infrastructure investment and ■ • • • ■ _ `� - - - equitably allocate the costs between customers - - =- ' --�- :- -- - -�- -�. 6 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN - 4 0�•� Develop a Comprehensive Vision of Utility Growth 5.5.)1z 1 Improve, Document, and Standardize Work Processes ; to Meet County Growth Projections � CCUA must review and update existing work processes with a focus on As the population of Clay County continues to grow rapidly over the next two efficiency and effectiveness.The process review and update effort must reduce decades, CCUA must develop a plan to expand services to meet expected and eliminate labor-intensive, paper-based processes. CCUA can leverage demand. This includes identifying and securing a reliable water supply through the existing Cartograph work order management and geographic information integrated water resource planning, expanding treatment and service processes systems (GIS) software databases where possible to track work within the geographically, and establishing a sustainable rate of growth to maintain organization. CCUA's engineering, operations, and finance teams must develop fiscal sustainability for CCUA. From an organizational perspective CCUA will more complete work processes surrounding the capital planning activities grow internal capabilities, including development of mid-level resources and at CCUA in conjunction with the implementation of asset management best operational evaluations to increase organizational efficiencies. practices. 5 i\ Modernize and Improve Enterprise Systems and Procedures =,0`l Develop a Comprehensive Communications Plan CCUA's current ERP system is complicated, highly customized, and resource CCUA needs to improve communications within the organization as well as to intensive. CCUA will complete and expand ongoing computer/database outside stakeholders. The SLT will develop a comprehensive communications technology assessments with an eye to developing specific, discrete, and step wise projects to revamp CCUA enterprise systems while supporting strategy to regularly update staff on important communications, update County daily functions. These include completion of the recommendations from residents about changes to service and rates, and extend community outreach the Information Management System Master Plan and the CCUA Business programs.The communications plan will focus on clearly and concisely conveying Intelligence and Information Systems Plan Report by EMA Inc, CCUA's performance through a set of key performance indicators (KPIs). �= 1 Refine and Document a Capital Improvement Planning Develop a Long-Term Financial Plan to Support the / Process to Improve CIP Delivery $ ! Significant Required Infrastructure Investment and Equitably Allocate the Costs Between Customers CCUA must establish processes and infrastructure to identify, plan, design, construct, and implement new projects effectively and efficiently. A defined and CCUA's SLT and financial group intend to develop a financial plan for a clear process to identify, select, and prioritize capital projects will ensure that 20-year horizon. The financial plan will forecast growth in population along CCUA builds the most important projects to meet service needs. At the same with related revenues and expenditures. Long-term financial planning will allow time,expanding CCUA's capabilities to include alternative delivery methods such CCUA to expand services, meet operational needs, and implement necessary as design build and construction manager at risk will enable more opportunities improvements through appropriate funding strategies. An important component for expedited delivery of key projects. of this will be assessing the existing rate structure and making adjustments to ensure that all customer classes and groups are paying equitable rates for the services provided. i0 O O\ Implement Work Force Development (Talent Development, CO'O I Staff Retention, and Succession Planning) CCUA's staff make up the heart of the organization. Workforce development will provide training and skills development to support staff continuing to stay abreast of industry trends while increasing job satisfaction. Training in soft skills like facilitation, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership will strengthen the development of future leaders. Clearly defined career paths,competitive salaries, and targeted benefits will encourage long-term retention of talented and high- performing professional staff. 8 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN >>TOC 9 ---. (--, i , , . © ,; l \ , 1 Develop Vision of Utility Growth � / Strategic Initiatives 1. Produce Consistent, Safe, and 2. Refine Forecast Population Growth 3. Plan Capacity Increases through 4. Define Environmental Reliable Water for Ratepayers and Demand Projections Plant and Conveyance Projects Compliance Department Roles and Responsibilities As the demand for potable and irrigation water CCUA will document processes for forecasting Related to Clay County's population growth and grows, CCUA will diversify the sources supplying population growth and related demand for potable related demand for services, CCUA will need to CCUA initiated development of the Environmental water treatment plants and reclaimed water water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services. formalize the semi-annual plant capacity reporting Compliance Department in 2021. CCUA intends to systems. Regardless of source, CCUA will produce These documented processes and SOPs will initiated in 2023• In addition, CCUA needs to define and formalize the Environmental Compliance and deliver water services that meet customer include data sources,frequency of reevaluation,as develop a standardized report for conveyance Department's mission within the organization. expectations and maintain regulatory compliance• well as the roles and responsibilities in developing capacities. The standardized reporting of plant This effort will include formally defining roles CCUA will develop and enforce process checks to and approving the forecasts. CCUA intends to use treatment capacities and system conveyance and responsibilities between the Environmental ensure completed treatment processes meet both the standardized forecasting for regular updates capacities need to relate directly to population Compliance Department and the other operational specification and regulatory requirements. to the CIP planning, regulatory coordination, and growth and demand for service forecasts. The departments. We will define specific objectives to stakeholder communications. forecasts will drive planning, design, construction, include regulatory compliance, safe operations, as and implementation for CIP projects. Consistent well as protection of public health and safety. and accurate forecast reporting on plant treatment and system conveyance capacities will also support CCUA financial forecasting. ` 1•, Aiitib r t ' ,,,"' 1'.4., ...'Y,:::::111.':111:‘r t • if . . L - - ' _ .. _ L ::.1: dif ---.. - , ,4 .‘. . ; . IV I 4 c,i. atil ,. . ' 24. A -14 3. •- r.fr e. ._t .r It,I .. t Vic:, _ £ CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 11 cjr )-1>1 ic/r)-1>) I Modernize and Improve1 ° -->/ Enterprise Systemsp � , , Strategic Initiatives ...__ _ Rik- 1. Replace Enterprise Resource 2. Enhance Cybersecurity 4. Design and Implement a Planning Software Measures Supervisory Control and Data ;14 1/31 Acquisition Network /Pill ,'! CCUA's existing data management system is Cybersecurity is an important concern for utilities 0 / 0{ proprietary, resource-intensive, and highly trusted with serving the public. CCUA's goals to CCUA's implementation of OT through a customized. The existing system does not function modernize both enterprise information technology supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) A as an Enterprise Resource Platform (ERP). (IT) and operations technology (OT) will system is key to long-term operational efficiency In 2023 CCUA's team initiated the implementation implement and maintain appropriate and relevant and effectiveness. OT with SCADA systems will ' �+ of true ERP systems through the engagement of c cybersecurity measures to protect both. The allow CCUA to operate the utility's 22 water I Y 9Y Y Collaborative Solutions (a consultant), Workday, cybersecurity solutions implemented will maintain treatment plants, 7 water reclamation facilities, _ �i, ' SpryPoint,and Invoice Cloud.The new ERP systems a Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA). The ZTA will use and over 200 pump stations with staffing levels will include financial reporting, procurement, controls requiring user authentication across all consistent with industry standards. This initiative ,L' inventory management and customer information major systems. will include design sD. li I VA ystem architecture,selection - systems, billing, customer work orders, time and of communication and data storage methods, Lr attendance, and Human Capital Management establishment of standards for equipment and functions. The ERP systems selected by the CCUA 3. Continue Development of the data handling, determination of staff roles and p 6. Continue Business Case team will integrate with the utility'sgeographic responsibilities for operation and maintenance g Y Enterprise Asset Management Development for an In-House information system (GIS) and asset management Pro ram of the system, and installation across CCUA's systems (AMS). CCUA will maintain a need for g many facilities. CCUA's use of OT and SCADA Laboratory custom database systems, such as FileMaker, to CCUA considers an effective enterprise asset systems will improve operational efficiency, P CCUA will evaluate a business case to establish management program (EAM) essential to reduce response time when issues are detected, and equip an internal laboratoryto analyze routine address specific CCUA operational needs. q p Y document high-level assets in all three operational and lower the overall risk of service disruption to operations samples locally. The business case departments, track work orders, schedule CCUA's ratepayers, will focus primarily on high-volume, low-cost ,— predictive maintenance, and provide information samples, such as bacteriological samples, fecal for renewal and replacement and capital planning. coliform, and total suspended solids, which need 5. Ensure Data Qualityand Integrity li.A---1,- 1 Objectives of the EAM program include increasing g y fast turnaround times. This initiative will include \ visibility of asset life cycles, improving operations evaluating the physical setup of the laboratory "� CCUA's use of modern IT and OT systems require • maintenance and repair activities, and improving as well as development of the necessary safety _� • 1 integrity of the data to maintain effective and 'lit A— A the CIP rehabilitation and replacement efforts. To efficient operations. This planning element will and quality protocols and certifications to run the of A accomplish these objectives, CCUA will need to laboratory. CCUA could realize improvements in establish standardization for data inputs, analysis • _ - \ build team capabilities and improve EAM processes timeliness of support for operations to maintain procedures, and reporting to ensure consistency within operations. Key steps within this initiative across CCUA's IT and OT programs, regulatory compliance as well as cost savings from — - .-. .... iiisigairalinclude development of a standardized EAM user external sampling support services. i , ` o„rfoo""" manual and procedures. CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 13 Strategic Priority 3 11 iff\ Refine and Document a Capital 0 '‘‘ 'Lz)31:1 ,/ Improvement Planning Process w , , Strategic Initiatives 1. Manage and Execute Capital V 3. Evaluate Level of Service for 4. Develop Proactive Planning for Improvement Program Projects ` In-House Construction Rehabilitation and Renewal The objective of this initiative is developing a = ,` In-house engineering and construction for small- Rehabilitation and Renewal (R&R) planning will standardized process to manage scope, cost, ' s,',' .4r to-medium pipe projects can divert resources establish a business process to include EAM schedule, workflows, and quality of Capital l.. r -� �; from higher-priority capital projects. Through this information to identify and develop infrastructure Improvement Program (CIP) projects consistently. : planning element, CCUA will develop a process R&R projects and long-term R&R plans. This ir Staff will manage the project process from planning • ,::.-~r r `�. - y° ` for identifying projects for in-house versus third- planning process will incorporate life cycle repair and conceptualization, through design and ., .,..,.� `- ;* ?* "�0, party execution, establish threshold levels for staff costs, asset age, and risk and consequence of implementation, all the way to project closeout. 4,-' K., �, ,: - sue' resources, standardize and simplify replacement failure to support decisions for repair versus Expected outcomes of this initiative include `''"� �' `4, ', projects, and determine whether in-kind replace- replacement through CIP projects. This planning yp-Y 1 / standardized reporting of scope, schedule and `. °� ' ments or upgrades are required. element will improve CCUA's ability to manage ..ep;; budget to convey progress, change management, i.• 1-;e long-term CIP levels, secure financing, and meet and related variances. ;4 ' liNik, °` service levels. 4 . 1011k.cor 'Sist 1 ! 1‘ OR n` .1119 - \ 1.011 k mich, Ai .Ill �; - \bp -_-4. 4 r _ 44111% 2. R fin Pr I n ifi i n I -� - ub r( s I e e o�ect de t cat o _r „It look ,_ Definition, and Prioritization *; . . _ ,� inieR i • "ski,i' �.T •��' ">, ) ` This planning element will refine the process to � ILI u.;;.� r • identify, define, and prioritize capital projects, 41111;��,� �M i - ��� ; Procedures will be developed to identify, propose, "' r "; .Itt I EMMEN■��� r:$44\ and rank projects. The documentation generated I ....,�A ,., „ 1� 1 ,i, i, • iso----- ___ , , i \ \ by the process will become a part of the project �11 ;,—� �� file to ensure the project scope, goals, and _ �. I `� j` objectives remain consistent and are met upon �I - tirl . ) .-r • �..� i IS; AO completion of the project. This process will , l 1 improve the definition of the proposed projects, �� #� ; I _r .i�-_� •••� thereby improving accuracy of planned versus ,.a f � �I - , , 110i-`- A !L actual timelines and costs. _ ,� I , � � N V�llik 14 — CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC r Strategic Priority 4 0 0 01 : co....0 ,0oo 1 o-o � Implement Workforce '‘, " ,/ Development\_____/' • (Th41111 / , Strategic Initiatives 1. Improve Orientation and 2. Develop Succession Planning 3. Encourage a Professional 4. Create a Formal Professional Onboarding Processes Policies and Procedures Performance-Based Culture Development Program This planning element will create a defined This planning element will establish a framework To ensure effective feedback for all employees, Professional development opportunities will process designed to welcome and acclimate new that identifies and prepares a leadership pipeline CCUA will assess the performance management be tailored to three key areas (new employees, employees into the CCUA culture, including a to ensure gaps created by retirements and staff process. After conducting an evaluation of the current staff, and operation supervisors/ 90-day onboarding program. A formally defined turnover are filled with qualified candidates. The current program and processes to determine department managers/executive leaders) and will on-boarding process is necessary to promote succession planning process will benchmark opportunities for improvement and employee ensure the appropriate resources are available to a positive professional culture, necessary job skills and competencies, identify skill gaps, and growth, a streamlined approach will be developed. achieve success. A leadership and professional training, expectations of performance, and inter- implement professional development plans to The approach will facilitate frequent and meaningful development program at CCUA will increase dependencies between different departments bridge those gaps. This element will also include performance conversations between employees managers' knowledge of best management within the organization. a leadership tracking program for staff who are and managers. The goal of this initiative is to practices and will improve team culture within currently not enrolled in a leadership development create and implement a performance management departments and across CCUA. program but aspire to achieve a leadership position process that encourages a performance-based in the future. culture by rewarding high performers through a digitally managed performance review and management process. 111111111 PIIIIIFIPP II ..II1.1II1.11II61Ul._&4L r '' 0 1110 9P2111*It 1 r- -= , . . NI r .. ----....... 1 _ ,I. HR r �Analytics I� • . •*,: »2. 10 , 41) ► '�. Talent Sourcing Performance& Onboardin &Ac uisircin t Lifetime Value g Wellness SPECIAL;::I SPECIAL!•. SPEC. ' SPECIALIST _ SPECIALIST SPECIALIST 9 &Engagement Health&Safety * * * i * * * * i 1,5 * * *♦ .s iCi,e... _ a t:10 Z••I 10 �j �im�mn// m�/////n/n�///� Pt 1106 • r Vim- 1 - WorkPllanlorcening Talent Retention — F �010//!/ ///i;> ® PO///////!////!//I/!/ IV SO 25 16 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 17 Strategic Priority 4 0 0 01 / co...01 I ( oo 1 o-o � Implement Workforce '‘, " / Development (continued ) , (fl , , 5. Improve Employee Engagement 6. Improve Employee Recruitment 7. Establish an Incentive Program for and Culture and Retention Efficiency and Quality Improvements • tr• CCUA leadership desires to reinforce the CCUA CCUA will develop a strategy to attract a diverse CCUA will develop a program that incentivizes new ~l' culture and values and improve engagement and pool of top talent and provide a positive and and efficient ways of conducting operations and -. r :"-;_ productivity.Asenseofcommunityand involvement consistent applicant experience to meet dynamic delivering services to its customers. Implementation • among employees is built through engagement business needs. The goal of this planning of this type of program will encourage field and office ii � '° Ir Lk activities such as establishing committees to guide element is to assess opportunities to reach staff to develop new, better, and more efficient ways 6 CCUA policy, hosting annual and quarterly events, more prospective applicants through formal of conducting operations and delivering services A recognizing service anniversaries,organizing social apprenticeship programs, as well as identify to its customers, thereby improving employee _ — — events, and featuring peer-to-peer recognition. benefits or nonmonetary practices attractive to engagement,retention,and organizational efficiency, • ' +• ;• ! /F 1 Additionally, employee trust in leadership will be potential candidates and develop incentives that — � ► developed and reinforced by gathering feedback are competitive with other utilities in northeast and transparent implementation. Florida for attracting and retaining staff. 8. Develop Performance Metrics, j -,--1Analytics, and Insights r r le .sz' , ,- ,. , CCUA Leadership intends to establish standardized1411- �'►if II ![11:1111I ' ' metrics with regular monthly or quarterly reporting l ........... ......, ''i for operational performance, staff training and - __ r �,�� development, as well as employee retention. � CM iUt G Q�Q�� Establishing and reporting metrics from a x !_ '� L ` comprehensive set of human capital analytics will CCUA with responsive support, ensuring that il A'�`` \ lirew- influence and inform strategic decision-making problems are resolved efficiently and effectively. and workforce planning. Human capital analytics P �0N� 0a includeoperational metrics,engagement,workforce � G � ...* V S demographics, performance management, and 10. Build Team Capabilities - VGIN ;-p S talent management. Engineering " This planning element focuses on developing 111 IrIN 1Kola �S1c�1�� 9. Build Team Capabilities - engineering staffs capabilities through internal �\ \" Information Technology and external training to manage multiple projects V1‘C* ; GV1431 � while leveraging external support as needed to f This project element includes using external supplement full-time staff. Two major goals of consultants to assist with implementation of new this element include (1) standardizing project ,4 l ` ERP systems and hiring IT specialists to maintain management practices and training and (2) 401 and support the new ERP systems after the optimizing use of external resources to avoid transition. Staffing the IT department will provide overhiring during high-workload periods. 18 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 19 Strategic Priority 5 Mb ' I0 Improve and Standardizep 1 I 0 ‘‘ Work Processes , Strategic Initiatives Pi _ H 'y:' ���IMIIIIM. 1i t i is 1. Standardize Operations and 2. Implement and Enforce a Quality 3. Define and Implement Standards _' .F If 1 1 , � . 1 f Maintenance Activities Assurance Program Review Processes '` ' �' �;r ROAD CLOSED BUSINtSSES ' CCUA intends to develop and implement standard Compliance with approved and adopted SOPs This planning element will establish a uniform CCUA -�e ej practices and procedures to improve operational and organizationalpoliciesprovide consistency, standards review and updateprocess outliningthe ' TO OPEN p p g y p { TH R U TRAFFIC I 4 efficiency and effectiveness. Standard reporting efficiency, and expected levels of service for steps required for CCUA staff to obtain approval of from tools like SCADA, KPls, SOPs, and EAM employees and ratepayers. This planning initiative any modifications to CCUA's standards, including 1 _ - that will provide performance information allows will establish an enterprise-wide quality assurance standard drawings and specifications, approved Mili di operations management staff to closely monitor program to evaluate compliance with established materials, and SOPs. Management will encourage .- day-to-day operations and provide consistent quality controls. This will include a set of checks staff to update standards regularly within the _ responses to maintain product quality and on internal operations to ensure in-house work is adopted policies and processes—allowing for regulatory compliance. A key component of this complete, consistent with plans, specifications, investment in the most cost-effective materials, planning initiative is establishing, cataloging, and SOPs, and safety policies for both operations and increased operation efficiencies, and minimized 5. Integrate Construction Services maintaining SOPs for managing work activities administration staff.The quality assurance program potential risk for bid protests.The process also will and Inspection Practices with Total and operational decision-making. will include audits to enforce accountability establish a standards review committee comprising Project Delivery on maintaining quality control processes. The operations and engineering staff to review and program will focus on external interactions, approve updates proposed by staff. Reviewing and standardizing construction services interdepartmental touchpoints, and KPI reporting, and inspection (CS&I) practices will improve (1) the efficiency and quality of capital project 4. Improve Coordination with Florida delivery by minimizing the magnitude of change Ulpr Department of Transportation and orders on the highest cost processes and (2) the County Roadway Projects quality of workmanship with consistent oversight and standards. This planning element includes iThis planning element involves enhancing efficiency documenting roles and responsibilities as projects S 3 -e and communication for utility relocations on state transition from engineering to construction, from ��'''� and county roadways. An adopted collaborative CS&I to GIS, and finally to finance, to standardize 1110 process for Clay County to communicate new information transfer at project close-out. This 0 It projects at the conceptual design phase will planning element will exercise and refine KPIs improve the required review time for impacts to to increase efficiencies/throughput, identify the Of— CCUA infrastructure. These enhancements will staffing needs to successfully manage vertical increase the ability to mitigate impacts and respond construction activities, and identify construction to information requests timely, allowing more time administration augmentation needs to work through I® • to manage additional projects. the projected CIP. 20 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 21 Strategic Priority 5 I0 m rove and Standardizep 1 I'‘‘ Work Processes (continued ) , , . 6. Equip Field Staff with Resources to _ ..1 Ilk wi-P11.--77111r- - -4*/ 10. Improve Process for Assigning 12. Maintain and Improve Regulatory Optimize Performance \\ fi p Service Availability for New Compliance I Development CCUA leadership will evaluate the needs of .�.,� CCUA will develop a set of policies and SOPS operational staff to minimize the number ofiti This planning element will develop an automated to maintain compliance and minimize potential electronic devices assigned to staff and optimize the workflow for service availability, including a violations of current and upcoming state and use of software platforms for operational efficiency 1a� consultants, and CCUA. This workflow automation portal to act as the interface between developers, federal environmental regulations. This initiative and effectiveness. This planning element may _ - includes the development of a training program require CCUA to conduct studies to understand will allow users to electronically send and receive to inform staff on compliance-related issues and what devices will work best for field staff.The goal of 8. Improve Process for Advertising requests for service, submit plans and documents, procedures and ensure that staff understand their this planning element is to move from paper-based Solicitations provide status updates and timeline projections,and obligations to meet these requirements. CCUA submit as-builts,record documents,and lab reports. to digital processes while improving work efficiency. will also establish work processes and procedures CCUA anticipates implementing roughly Through the process of refining, documenting, and for incident reporting and escalation to Risk $300 million in CIP projects over the next 5 years. reporting of service availability permitting and Management. Efficient and accurate solicitation of these projects agreements,CCUA will gain an improved line of sight 7. Develop and Implement an will allow CCUA to better attract a larger audience to the remaining capacity for development planning. Inventory Management System of likely contractors, suppliers, and vendors. This This process will better track submittal reviews, tannin element will establish and enforce use implement a data retention policy, and reduce 13. Centralize Management of CCUA must establish an appropriate inventory planning p p Y management system with sufficient inventory of standard tools to provide CCUA's Procurement compliance risk while improving the development Environmental Compliance Data levels to support operations' effort to maintain Department with all the required information of the community customer experience. and Documents safe and reliable water, wastewater, and reclaimed and approvals to advertise, receive, review, and CCUA will centralize existing data for each of the water services.This planning element will establish recommend award of solicitations for operational 30 facilities in a single data management platform. policies and procedures that will govern the and capital projects. 11. Leverage Technology to Improve CCUA will use a database tool to track environmental Customer Service and Public Relations acquisition, storage, and distribution of inventory laboratory results from both internal and external by the inventory manager and their staff. CCUA will implement a customer-facing portal that sources and alert Compliance when there is an 9. Improve Internal Customer will allow customers to send and receive documents environmental compliance violation. This initiative Management Work Processes and provide status updates on applications for includes standardizing the exportation of data in - 1%1** service and leak credits. This portal will help move useful formats for all areas of the organization, 'i - / CCUA continues to progress with the all hard-copy forms to electronic submission, creating a dashboard function to analyze results �f i implementation and integration of a modern _ i t include a payment portal, and provide users with and operational data, and using a scheduling tool customer management system (CMS).The modern o 0 , .1 I" a real-time dashboard to track applications. The to plan for upcoming sampling events. • i ' , CMS, SpryPoint, will eliminate inefficient paper- 0 portal will improve customer service, enable ;0 , based processes and allow tracking of various customers to access their own water use data, 0 / workflows across multiple staff and departments, manage their accounts, and automate the monthly - \ ------ 0 ` and monthly billing processes. This planning billing processes. 03 element will also realign existing workforce resources. CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 23 11111 /d �1II I=1 I III / _ — 1 ( = v: Developa Communications Plan O i , Strategic Initiatives -. ..... cos TpMERSURVEY - - 1. Refresh the Clay County Utility 3. Increase Social Media Presence -.... lite 7. Revise Customer Service Survey Authority's Brand Image . .. This planning element will expand CCUA's ability to .` --.w CCUA seeks to develop a more effective customer .--°- With CCUA's investment in updating and reach customers and the general public bydeveloping ,;..--..., r ` �- - service survey based on the existing survey. The 1 modernizing the systems we use,our organizational a more active social media and communication .. survey will be sent out semiannually and will include branding should reflect these transformational presence. Implementation of coordinated and "'`•, specific questions related to customer experience changes. CCUA's brand will represent the mission standardized messaging campaigns through social - — - to allow for a clearer indication of overall service and vision of the utility and communicate its media platforms will allow a streamlined distribution performance. Updates to the customer survey will 5. Maintain Proactive Regulatory commitment to innovation, safety, public health, of information that furthers CCUA's goals. enable CCUA to statistically analyze customers' Agency Communication and environmental sustainability. This branding responses and tie them back to CCUA's level of will be provided across all internal and external CCUA will maintain open lines of communication service and future decision-making. communication and digital platforms. 4. Improve Customer Issue Reporting with regulatory agencies - such as the Florida CCUA will implement a system that allows Department of Environmental Protection, St. Johns River Water Management District, and 8. Expand the Use of Business customers to report leaks, water main breaks, 2. Redesign the Clay County Utility Clay County Board of Commissioners - to identify Intelligence to Improve Performance and other issues from the website or a mobile Authority Website and participate in regulatory initiatives that could device. The program will review submitted issues impact customers, operations, or the general This planning element will expand the business CCUA will redesign the existing customer facing and assign CCUA resources to address the business. As more regulations regarding water intelligence suite of visualizations to track the website. The website will be designed for mobile concern. This new system will improve customer conservation, water supply, and new contaminants performance of all aspects of the business. It will compatibility,online payments,permit applications, engagement while reducing environmental impact progress through the rulemaking process, CCUA be a single location that combines information and service availability, and it will be a user- and increasing compliance through faster staff remains committed to protecting public health from various systems (e.g., Workday, SpryPoint, friendly site with similar branding across platforms. response time. and safety, as well as environmental and economic and Filemaker) and presents it under a unified Customer information will be updated through the sustainability. dashboard. This tool will be user-friendly and ERP platform, and website messaging, themes, will allow staff to visually identify anomalies and and Americans with Disabilities Act compliance __ inefficiencies, track performance over time, and will be maintained by appropriate staff.The website Welcome Slew, '._-_.__._.._____ 6. Formalize a Community generate self-service reporting. redesign will allow customers to view and manage �... Involvement Plan all aspects of their account, — _ _. ----- .um-Tr CCUA's involvement in external organizations including a review of real-time ,.._, and events throughout the community provides = r transactions,consumption analysis, - _-� _ the opportunity to have a deep understanding at of service requests,and ®® .,... _T _ _ rr.M q _ `■ of community impact, collaborate on partner response outcomes. = _ - == �� m _ opportunities, and establish relationships that • __ __ benefit both CCUA and the community. This i WO*�, "- planning element will define CCUA's community 6 partnerships and level of involvement in _ _ ' L - community activities. a .....ziligt, 24 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 25 Strategic Priority Il Develop a Long -Term 1 $, $ vv_-_ , — Financial Plan , , , Strategic Initiatives 1. Develop Financial Management 2. Establish Financial Management 3. Create a Process to Identify, Policies Policies for Capital Improvement Pursue, and Comply with Public Grant Program Reporting to the Board of and Funding Assistance CCUA will establish a minimum set of financial Supervisors policies to govern financial decision-making in CCUA's leadership sees the pursuit of an organized and efficient manner. Each policy CCUA will develop formal policies and appropriations, grants, and other public funding will include justification, consequences, and procedures governing the development of the opportunities as a key component to CCUA's expectations. The minimum set of policies should CIP budget, tracking funds spent against the financial plan to leverage multiple funding streams include accounting policies (definition of a capital budget, identifying and approving variance, and to implement the CIP. This planning element will asset),management policies(day-of cash on hand, predicting future budgets. Staff will update project establish an annual application process for state debt ratio, debt coverage ratio, current ratio, return spending estimates monthly and brief the Board and federal grants and low-interest loans (State on assets), rate stabilization, and R&R budget of Supervisors quarterly. This process will help Revolving Fund) that streamlines responsibilities guidance and bond resolution requirements. predict spending for capital projects accurately, and informational submittals. Processes will identify cash on hand and the amount necessary include compliance with any funding assistance to borrow, and ensure projects are aligned with requirements. workforce resources. 1.1111111111 * ali It 0 0 r (11' 0 '. / „b._ - ,. , 4, . .„,....... ,:.,_. _ / • _ , ..... AIM 1‘,ta IL AIl - . . .,-.0.:-..,_ • � t Jlci ...__ ..... . . iiIMINE \_____\,_ ...._ is (., ' __ _ Al I j : . . .,11,1-76v, CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 27 Schedule CCUA will implement the SP Initiatives over a multi-year schedule. For clarity, CCUA divided the work into three timelines: near-term (1-2 years), mid-term (3-5 years), long-term (6-10 years). The schedule below depicts each of the strategic initiatives. While some initiatives may start within years 1 to 2, the expected duration may push completion into a later time frame. UI coi co N i L L 03 L L 03 CO CI a) co CI w Elements N o Elements N o cn m cn m s Produce Consistent, Safe, and Reliable Water for Ratepayers • • • Standardize Operations and Maintenance Activities ■ (1 I 0 c 2 Refine Forecast Population Growth and Demand Projections ■ Implement and Enforce a Quality Assurance Program ■ '��' el .y Plan Capacity Increases through Plant Conveyance Projects ■ Define and Implement Standards Review Processes ■ D Define Environmental Compliance Department Roles and Responsibilities ■ y Integrate Construction Services and Inspection Practices with Total Project Delivery • C cn a) Replace Enterprise Resource Planning Software ■ `�°, c Improve Coordination with FDOT and County Roadway Projects ■ N! C a- -0 'a Implement Cybersecurity Measures •■ E O. Improve Process for Assigning Service Availability for New Development ■ �0 i N /��\ O L �� N = E Ensure Data Quality and Integrity O c Automate Customer Service and Public Relations ■ O -> EW y ` C y � > Cl)> Relaunch Enterprise Asset Management Program ■ > Equip Field Staff with Resources to Optimize Performance ■ o 2 a Develop an In-House Laboratory ■ Q.a Develop and Implement an Inventory Management System ■ E E c Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA), Automation, and Control Systems • — N Improve Process for Advertising Solicitations ■ a Manage and Execute Capital Improvement Program Projects ■ Improve Customer Management Work Processes ■ /__ o y Refine Project Definition and Selection ■ Maintain and Improve Regulatory Compliance ■ 01 w„ .. .... ou Evaluate Level of Service for In-House Construction ■ Centralize Management of Environmental Compliance Data and Documents ■ }° Ili ° Eo �� cc c'. a Develop Proactive Planning for Rehabilitation and Renewal ■ Refresh the CCUA's Brand Image ■ 0 CI Add Alternative Delivery ■ a Redesign the CCUA Website ■ Improve Orientation and Onboarding Processes ■ y Increase Social Media Presence ■ Coc Improve Employee Recruitment and Retention ■ 7_i 1 o Formalize a Community Involvement Plan ■ W Encourage a Professional Performance-Based Culture ■ ��.'' a) 'E Maintain Proactive Regulatory Agency Communication ■ p 0 u- -, Create a Formal Professional Development Program ■ Improve Customer Issue Reporting ■ i d O O O\ 0 E Improve Employee Engagement and Culture ■ 0 Revise Customer Service Survey ■ CO-0�1 a ,©�/ *' o �� m Develop Performance Metrics,Analytics, and Insights ■ Expand the Use of Business Intelligence to Improve Performance ■ E d cu 0 Develop Succession Planning Policies and Procedures ■ = Develop Financial Management Policies ■ Z. c0EE • Establish an Incentive Program for Efficiency and Quality Improvements •■ - o� Establish Financial Management Policies for Reporting to the Board of Supervisors • Build Team Capabilities Engineering ■ ��' G J c Create a Process to Identify, Pursue, and Comply with Public Grant ■ Build Team Capabilities - Information Technology ■ it and Funding Assistance 28 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 29 Key Performance Indicators ACCOUNTABILITY = To execute this SP, CCUA will self-monitor progress and report back to interested parties using KPIs and the Plan- Monitoring Performance + Interpreting Performance + Initiating Action Do-Check-Act cycle. W. Edward Deming, a leading management thinker in the field of quality,famously developed the Plan-Do-Check- Act cycle to demonstrate a process for achieving continuous improvement in an organization. This SP fulfills the CCUA will always remain accountable to its Board of Supervisors, stakeholders, employees, and customers. A set Plan and its implementation will be the Do; however,for CCUA, a transparent and implementable Check portion of high-level KPIs will be established to monitor CCUA's performance toward accomplishing its strategic initiatives. of the process will be required to assess the success of CCUA in achieving its strategic priorities. These periodic Reporting on these KPIs through recurring updates and the CCUA Annual Report will provide transparency on checks will allow CCUA to Act, refining as necessary to achieve long-term strategic priorities, progress. Periodic evaluation of the KPIs provide valuable insight to determine whether CCUA should refine KPIs are the key quantifiable indicators of progress toward an intended result. KPIs provide a focus for strategic specific initiatives or adjust implementation timelines to reach desired outcomes. and operational improvement, create an analytical basis for decision making, and help focus attention on what matters most. Managing with the use of KPIs includes setting target levels of performance, or in the case of utilities service levels (such as desired flow and pressure goals) tracking progress against those targets. Np INSPECTIONS BASIN SUMMARY a a�., E.1 Managing with KPIs often means workingto improveperformance usingleadingindicators,which are precursors of a •.� ■■■i na1NY,r. , °� � . =.,1 'r 9 9 p COST/MAINTENANCE YR m • future success,that will later drive desired impacts indicated with lagging measures. For example, monitoring and _ I _- 3x•3C.e9 '�' - r +._,�: COST 5OMMARI 1i ,z .�'a i,� reporting the number of water main breaks can provide a measure for overall system reliability.Tracking employee 0., _„o �, e , t- :f.N;sip `- training and certifications can provide insight on the success of a new professional development program. 3! N • 4:;= `). iI.Iii . .I :Jaa,l ;a�,0' ,• r�� Ma.* • in Ho ,1a b NW lw .44 hp Ix C. Nor 0« - c LVYIN1331i+eY(4n°PYW1 .16. Maur 4 An�' q 4 rar q Awn q amic, q .as L,x. Na.0 Eau pm,•. ov.., aaan 4 q cp,cpnpn To m craw Naa ... max NAL sm • • lYm tll1 4 petasaae taY,:0412 p.E°zde »Yan21 ea CM ab+WNMO, M3BBT laOSJsn WWI War li]:SIEVE,ISCN AVE 11 W6PECElON 3T4a 4! 3104.11 SB 06 300a 1! M8e C['Bi fSMANMOLc NW MlnnpkLn _ W »»n x°3?4u,w.trwam 10.71 Eze,° fe.a° se:.9, _ wxstennrarlm ]B30Oe IO14MY WM0 was 04*0 MAIN SI I - a 111110 INNS ON IL+1] Soap CCAL fS aNM011 ww nrnnapin HMV DMA. WPM MN. 2I11WOCO0ws' 1 - a »M.• 1::311 Se0B S.•Il IA St spin 5Y11N40,t411 . 0,,, IW_7genusln 00123e IOW.0.4140i. rdla NAalfYpa - • Se leas SBStt II fo »141= If De Brat f1Y4NM0l. llr•Y-lppnn.lalni ]else] 1019Mw Yfw0Yda I0I991ANOREM6 RD 1 ▪ »TABS 3!3.N3 se Be ILL le Mee sees S'oWNMO. NW-ntanrivk Rn lel)a! z»aww wW Mir nag Ma,n sr • see.» See 1e M.ee sl:le M.Bo c[_t sb oNH011 w•v3.lenn0k In, Oter . `` KPITEAR O.E MANHOLES INSPECTED al A FORCFMAIN EASEMENTS INSPECTED AVERAGE DAIS TO COMPLETE � 022 (2) 6Nu,yewar PLAN .! (mil .1 2021 ift MO DCA zoo- r.:�i:.�r,.:oaanx Ohl I NI, • 252 .a..,..,.:,.n.,, 141S l.l6k 72.2 Ins ai ■1 GRAVITY SEWERS ClE0.NED all GRAVITY SEWER IN6PECIEO SANITARI SEW ER OVERFLOWA ISSN)APIs ' acY..vaxronn q 4nw onrnpeen q ACT ` CHECK v Jr OOl NEE NFSACwS10i LAD LPIE :0 Ne or4.1lw � �, 11 o�npp.�a,nm.a,M /0 / 17.1 0.0 oNl MAN . F,R.a..mum&01,WWI 000x.42 GRF19F 6 GrHleew,tm, ne 02.3 GRAVITY SEWER INSPECTED all FORCE MAIN ARYL REPLACED FYN N w,SI/ c6TA1IO ,_Wf B I+wx SeaMi n- unta x,ROM ,cnc41 TREItNCtt 0.11Ni 1 1R,6nrn,p,ua,aN" .r' 1Y31*EAraa4 : 40,0-,...am,. 0 . .. 1 ( Al • FP1O0.4•10-.r4 5 API(Jar•1ae4.4,w 24.6 140 85 HOME — Examples of dashboards from Columbia, South Carolina, 30 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY I STRATEGIC PLAN »TOC 31 App_r_te 4 000 1161111111 ;11"*-4410 Developed by CD1111 Smith cdmsmith.corn