HomeMy WebLinkAbout15.h Liberty Mutual - Lois Smith Summons Filing # 188259836 E-Filed 12/18/2023 03:22:50 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 2023CA001593 9 .4I LIBERTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY a/s/o LOIS SMITH, . /Croi Plaintiff, v. �1� 70- CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY and INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, LLC, Defendants. SUMMONS THE STATE OF FLORIDA: To Each Sheriff of the State: YOU ARE COMMANDED to serve this summons and a copy of the complaint or petition in this action upon the defendant: CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, FL 32068-3907 Each defendant is required to serve written defenses to the complaint or petition upon plaintiff's attorney,whose name and address is: LAW OFFICES OF J. CHRISTOPHER NORRIS Attorney for Defendant PO Box 7217 London, KY 40742 Telephone: (407) 648-0123 FBN: 0108551 Primary E-mail: JacksonvilleLegalmail a,libertymutual.com Secondary E-mail: Jeffrey.Sneed@libertymutual.com within 20 days after service of this summons on that defendant, exclusive of the date of service, and to file the original of the defenses with the clerk of this court either before service on the attorneys or immediately thereafter. If a defendant fails to do so, a default will be entered against that defendant for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. DATED on this day of . 2023. TARA S. GREEN al 4N �o, di ' °moo As Clerk of Court 0 II r� a "� � �,�/ By: 1, /"� �12/18/2023 `' As Deputy Clerk C441'CoUS14 NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at the Office of the Trial Court Administrator, Lake County Courthouse, P.O Box 7800/550 W. Main Street, Tavares, Florida 32778, Telephone (352) 742-4221, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Si usted es una persona minusvalida que necesita algun acomodamiento para poder participar en este procedimiento, usted tiene derecho, sin tener gastos propios, a que se le provea cierta ayuda. Tenga la amabilidad de ponerse en contacto con ADA Coordinator at the Office of the Trial Court Administrator, Lake County Courthouse, P.O Box 7800/550 W. Main Street, Tavares, Florida 32778, Telephone (352) 742-4221„ por to menos 7 dias antes de la cita fijada para su comparecencia en los tribunales, o inmediatamente despues de recibir esta notificacion si el tiempo antes de la comparecencia que se ha programado es menos de 7 dias; si usted tiene discapacitacion del oido o de la voz, llame al 711. Si ou se you moun ki enfim ki bezwen akomodasyon you w ka patisipe nan pwosedi sa, ou kalifye san ou pa gen okenn lajan pou w peye, gen pwovizyon pou jwen kek ed. Tanpri kontakte ADA Coordinator at the Office of the Trial Court Administrator, Lake County Courthouse, P.O Box 7800/550 W. Main Street, Tavares, Florida 32778, Telephone (352) 742- 4221, nan 7 jou anvan dat ou gen randevou pou paret nan tribinal la, oubyen imedyatman apre ou fin resevwa konvokasyon an si le ou gen pou w paret nan tribinal la mwens ke 7 jou; si ou gen pwoblem pou w tande oubyen pale, rele 711. If you fail to appear, you may be in contempt of court. You are subpoenaed by the following attorney, and unless excused from this subpoena by this attorney or the court, you shall respond to this subpoena as directed. Filing # 188259836 E-Filed 12/18/2023 03:22:50 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: LIBERTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY a/s/o LOIS SMITH, Plaintiff, v. CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY and INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES,LLC, Defendants. COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES NOW COMES the Plaintiff, Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company a/s/o Lois Smith, by and through its attorneys, Law Offices of J. Christopher Norris, files this Complaint for Damages, and in support thereof, states as follows: I. PARTIES,JURISDICTION,AND VENUE 1. Subrogor, Lois Smith, is a Florida resident that resides at 299 Aquarius Concourse, Orange Park, FL 32073-2401 (hereinafter"subject property"). 2. Plaintiff and Real Party in Interest, Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is a Liberty Mutual Insurance Group company, which is a Massachusetts insurance corporation doing business in the State of Florida. 3. Defendant, Clay County Utility Authority, is a Florida entity operating in the State of Florida, with an address of 3176 Old Jennings Road, Middleburg, FL 32068-3907. Plaintiff has complied with all condition's precedent including statutory pre-suit notice which was received by Clay County Utility Authority and the Florida Department of Insurance on/or about May 1, 2023. 4. Defendant, Insituform Technologies, LLC, is a Missouri entity operating in the State of Florida, with a Headquarters address of 580 Goddard Ave Chesterfield, MO 63005-1120, that may be duly served with citation by serving its Registered Agent at: Attn: CSC-Lawyers Incorporating Service Company, 221 Bolivar St.,Jefferson City, MO 65101. 5. Venue of this suit is proper in Clay County, Florida, pursuant to Florida Civil Procedures as it's where the acts or omissions occurred. 6. The Court has jurisdiction over the controversy because the damages sued for, in excess of$67,000.00, are in excess of the minimum jurisdictional limits of this Court. II. FACTS 7. At all times relevant,Lois Smith owned residential real property,located at 299 Aquarius Concourse, Orange Park, FL 32073-2401. 8. At all times relevant,Plaintiff,Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company, a Liberty Mutual Insurance Group company ("LMFIC"),was and is a Massachusetts corporation with its principal place of business in Boston,MA. 9. At all times relevant,LMFIC was in the business of providing, among other things, homeowner's insurance services to customers in Florida and throughout the United States,including Lois Smith, pursuant to a policy of insurance (policy no. H3225145503211), that was effective on the date of May 2, 2021. Plaintiff LMFIC brings this action as subrogee of Lois Smith,pursuant to the terms of that policy of insurance. 10. The Defendant, Clay County Utility Authority, is a Florida public utility company that renovated existing sewer lines and as part of this work made new connections to the homeowners' existing drain lines. This work included connecting to Plaintiff's insured's subject property drain line, on or before May 2, 2021. Defendant Clay County Utility Authority performed these connections directly or through its contractor, Insituform Technologies, LLC,its employees or subcontractors. • 11. As part of utility system renovations, the Defendants assumed the responsibility for connecting/reconnecting homeowner lines to the sewer system, and they exercised exclusive control over the means, methods and materials of the connection. When Clay County Utility Authority voluntarily assumed this task, they created a zone of risk for the customers based upon whether the connections were properly made, and assumed a non-delegable duty to customers such as Lois Smith to exercise reasonable care in completing the connection and doing so in conformance with generally accepted standards in the industry. 12. The Defendant, Insituform Technologies, LLC, is a Missouri company hired by Clay County Utility Authority to assist with the replacement of drain lines from the county connections to the homeowners' existing lines, more specifically to Plaintiff's insured's subject property lines, on or before May 2, 2021. In performing this service on behalf of the Clay County Utility Authority, Defendant, Insituform Technologies, LLC assumed a non-delegable duty to customers such as Lois Smith to exercise reasonable care in completing the connection and doing so in conformance with generally accepted standards in the industry. 13. On or about on May 2, 2021, the subject property sustained damages when there was a back-up through the sewer/drain. The Defendants were negligent in the connections of the sewer drains to Lois Smith's residence and failed to perform the connection in conformance with generally accepted standards in the industry. The pipes were not aligned correctly, and the Defendants' negligence was the proximate cause of a sewer backup to the subject property and resulting property damage and loss of use. 14. Pursuant to its homeowner's policy of insurance with Lois Smith,LMFIC has paid, to or on behalf of,Lois Smith, the amount of$67,582.54, to date,which includes a $500.00 deductible incurred by Plaintiff's insured,Lois Smith, and Plaintiff is subrogated to the extent of those payments. 15. Defendants have refused to accept responsibility and pay Plaintiff's damages following the loss. Count I NEGLIGENCE AGAINST CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 16. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporate by reference the allegations contained in Paragraphs 1 through 15 as though fully set forth herein. 17. The incident involved the Defendant, Clay County Utility Authority,whose negligent and careless workmanship,hiring of contractors, supervision, and inspection of work, caused water and sewage to infiltrate the Plaintiff's insured,Lois Smith's home, causing damages to her real and personal property. 18. The Defendant, Clay County Utility Authority,is liable for Plaintiff's damages, as their negligent workmanship, management, supervision and inspection, caused property damages to Plaintiff's insured,Lois Smith. 19. The incident and subsequent damages as described herein were the direct and proximate result of the negligence and carelessness of Defendant, Clay County Utility Authority, in the following but not exclusively enumerated sub-paragraphs: a. Negligently and carelessly failing to confirm that the personel and subcontractors had the proper training to perform the tasks at hand; b. Negligent and careless supervision of contractors; c. Negligently and carelessly performing construction work, and failing to connect replacement pipes properly. d. Negligent and careless inspection of contractors'/employees'work; e. Failing to warn of the dangerous conditions caused by Defendants; 20. The resulting damages as aforesaid would not have occurred but for the negligence and carelessness of Defendant, Clay County Utility Authority. 21. As a direct and proximate result of one or more of the aforesaid careless and negligent acts and/or omissions on the part of the Defendant, Clay County Utility, Plaintiff's insured, Lois Smith, sustained real and personal property damages. 22. As a direct and proximate result of the real and personal property damages loss sustained by Lois Smith,Plaintiff, LMFIC, paid certain benefits to or on behalf of Lois Smith,in the amount of$67,582.54 to date,pursuant to its homeowner's policy of insurance. 23. As a direct and proximate result of LMFIC's payment of benefits to or on behalf of Lois Smith,LMFIC is entitled to payment by Defendants. Wherefor the Plaintiff demands judgement against Clay County Utility Authority for damages and costs. Count II NEGLIGENCE AGAINST INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, LLC 24. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporate by reference the allegations contained in Paragraphs 1 through 15 as though fully set forth herein. 25. The incident involved the Defendant, Insituform Technologies,LLC,whose negligent and careless workmanship caused water to infiltrate the Plaintiff's insured,Lois Smith's home, causing damages to her real and personal property. 26. The Defendant,Insituform Technologies,LLC,is liable for Plaintiff's damages, as their negligent workmanship caused property damages to Plaintiff's insured,Lois Smith. 27. The incident and subsequent damages as described herein were the proximate result of the negligence and carelessness of Defendant, Insituform Technologies,LLC,in the following but not exclusively enumerated sub-paragraphs: a. Negligently failing to ensure that its employees and subcontractors had the proper training to perform the tasks at hand; b. Negligent and careless supervision of employees and subcontractors; c. Negligently and carelessly performing construction work, and failing to connect replacement pipes properly so as to cause a blockage; d. Negligent and careless inspection of employees' and subcontractors work; e. Failing to warn of the dangerous conditions caused by Defendants. 28. The resulting damages as aforesaid would not have occurred but for the negligence and carelessness of Defendant, Insituform Technologies, LLC. • 29. As a direct and proximate result of one or more of the aforesaid careless and negligent acts and/or omissions on the part of the Defendant, Insituform Technologies,LLC, Plaintiff's insured,Lois Smith, sustained real and personal property damages. 30. As a direct and proximate result of the real and personal property damages loss sustained by Lois Smith,Plaintiff, LMFIC, paid certain benefits to or on behalf of Lois Smith,in the amount of$67,582.54 to date,pursuant to its homeowner's policy of insurance. 31. As a direct and proximate result of LMFIC's payment of benefits to or on behalf of Lois Smith, LMFIC is entitled to payment by Defendants. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company a/s/o Lois Smith,prays for judgment for damages in its favor against Defendant, Insituform Technologies,LLC, together with pre-judgment interest, costs, expenses and any other further and/or additional relief which the Court deems, just, fair, appropriate and/or reasonable under the circumstances. PLAINTIFF DEMANDS TRIAL BY JURY AGAINST DEFENDANTS. LAW OFFICES OF J. CHRISTOPHER NORRIS By : JEFFREY SNEED, FL Bar No: 593450 Attorney for Plaintiff 1301 RiverPlace Blvd., Suite 1640 Jacksonville, FL 32207 Telephone: (904) 346-5422 Facsimile: (866) 270-1372 Primary E-mail:JacksonvilleLegalMailQ,,LibertyMutual.com Secondary E-mail:Jeffrey.sneed@libertymutual.com IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA LIBERTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Plaintiff(s), CASE NO.: 2023CA001593 vs. DIVISION: B CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY and INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, LLC, Defendant(s). AMENDED ORDER SETTING CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR NON-COMPLEX CASES The civil action comes before the Court upon Plaintiff filing a complaint. The Court now establishes a Case Management Plan as set forth below. If a case is declared complex, the parties shall follow the procedures in Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.201,rather than this Case Management Plan. DEADLINE OR EVENT DATE Deadline for Service of Process 120 days Within 60 days of filing the motion/objection or, if such motion/objection was previously filed, within 60 days of date of entry of this Order approving this Case Management Plan, counsel Motions to Dismiss,Motion for More Definite must schedule with the Court's Judicial Assistant Statement,Motions to Strike and any a hearing on the motion/objection. Failure to do objections to the pleadings so will result in the motion/objection being deemed abandoned and denied. Non-movement shall timely submit a proposed order if the motion/objection is deemed abandoned and denied. Plaintiff must and any party may file a notice that the action is at issue and ready to be set for trial pursuant to Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.440(b) and any party filing a notice for trial Notice for Trial shall also submit to the Court a completed Trial Set Memorandum within ten (10) days from the date the case is at issue as defined by Rule 1.440(a). Each civil division's Trial Set Memorandum and any other procedures for setting trials are posted on the Fourth Judicial Circuit's website:jud4.org. It is ORDERED: 1. COMPLIANCE WITH THIS CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN: The parties shall strictly comply with the terms of this Case Management Plan, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. Failure to comply with all requirements of this order may result in the imposition of sanctions, including dismissal of the case. 2. ADDITIONAL FOURTH CIRCUIT AND DIVISION SPECIFIC GUIDELINES: All counsel and unrepresented parties shall familiarize themselves and comply with the requirements of the Fourth Judicial Circuit's Amended Administrative Order 2023-05, In Re: Civil Case Management and Resolution in Circuit Court of Non-Complex Cases (Attachment 1), and any division-specific guidelines may apply. 3. MODIFICATION OF THIS ORDER: The parties may not, individually or by agreement, alter or extend the deadlines in this Order, or waive any of the provisions of this Order. The provisions of this Order may be modified only upon motion/stipulation and Court order, according to applicable law. 4. NOTICE FOR TRIAL: Plaintiff shall and any party may file a notice that the action is at issue and ready to be set for trial pursuant to Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.440(b) and submit to the Court a completed Trial Set Memorandum no later than ten (10) days after the date the case is at issue as defined by Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.440(a) to schedule the case for trial pursuant to the division's procedures. 5. DISCOVERY: All counsel and unrepresented parties shall familiarize themselves with the current edition of the Florida Handbook on Civil Discovery Practice and seek to resolve discovery issues without Court intervention whenever possible. 6. SERVICE OF THIS ORDER: When serving the Complaint on a party, Plaintiff must also serve a copy of this Order Setting Case Management Plan for Non-Complex Cases on that party. Plaintiff shall file a Certificate of Service of this Order within ten(10)days of service. DONE at Green Cove Springs, Clay County, Florida on December 18, 2023. STEVEN B. WHITTINGTON, CIRCUIT JUDGE If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation to participate in this proceeding,you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, at least seven (7) days before your scheduled court appearance or immediately upon receiving this notice if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than seven (7) days. If you are hearing or voice impaired,call 711. ADA Coordinator: Debra Marchant, Human Resources Manager, Duval County Courthouse, 501 W.Adams Street,Jacksonville,FL 32202. (904) 255-1695. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 2023-CA-1593 LIBERTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY a/s/o LOIS SMITH, Plaintiff, v. CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY and INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES,LLC, Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF INTERROGATORIES The Plaintiff, LIBERTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, files this Notice of Service of Interrogatories to Defendant Clay County Utility Authority, in the above-styled cause, pursuant to Rule 1.340, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure,with the Summons and Complaint in this matter. Law Office of J. Christopher Norris PO Box 7217 London, KY 40742 Telephone: 904-346-5422 Attorney for Plaintiff JEFFREY SNEED, FBN#593450 Primary E-mail (eservice only): JacksovnilleLegalMail@LibertyMutual.coin Secondary E-mail: Jeffrey.Sneed@libertymutual.corn IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 2023-CA-1593 LIBERTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY a/s/o LOIS SMITH, Plaintiff, v. CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY and INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, LLC, Defendants. INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED TO DEFENDANT CLAY COUNTY UTILTITY AUTHORITY Plaintiff, LIBERTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY a/s/o LOIS SMITH, (Hereinafter either "Plaintiff", or "Liberty Mutual") by and through its undersigned counsel propounds the following Interrogatories to Defendant Clay County Utility Authority to be answered in writing,under oath, within 45 days of the date of service, in accordance with the applicable Florida Rules of Civil Procedure: 1. What is the name and address of the person answering these interrogatories, and,if applicable, the person's official position or relationship to the party to whom the interrogatories are directed? ANSWER: 2. Please identify with the names,mailing addresses,physical addresses,telephone numbers,and email addresses of any and all individuals and/or entities who are known or believed to have knowledge and/or information about the facts and allegations of this matter;and describe and explain the subject matter about which the individuals and/or entities have knowledge and/or information, and if applicable, the individual's and/or entities'position or relationship to you. ANSWER: 3. Please identify with specificity the date or dates that Defendant first became aware of the connection issue with the property that is the subject of this litigation, and describe all actions taken by the Defendant as a result. ANSWER: 4. Identify the person/entity and describe the scope of work and/or provision of materials if you contend any person or entity other than the Clay County Utility Authority was responsible for the re-connection of the residence that is the subject of this action to the Defendants sewer system on or about May 2, 2021, and the basis for your contention (for example—oral or written contract). ANSWER: 5. Have You performed any investigation as it relates to the work referenced in the Complaint and the alleged defect or deficiencies described?If so, please state as follows: a. The date of the investigation(s); b. Who performed such investigation(s); c. Who was present for the investigation(s), and; d. Whether any report was generated regarding the results of the investigation(s). ANSWER: 6. Identify all contractors involved, and describe the scope of work and/or provision of materials by each, for any work provided in 2021 at 299 Aquarius Concourse, Orange Park, FL 32073-2401, by or on behalf of the Clay County Utility Authority. ANSWER: 7. Do you maintain or have you maintained any insurance policies through which you are or may be entitled to coverage for losses or expenses that have been or may be incurred related to the claims asserted in the Complaint? ANSWER: • 8. Do you or anyone acting on your behalf know of any photographs, films, videotapes,recordings, or electronically stored information ("Recordings") depicting any place, object, event, or individual that is the subject of the Complaint, and if so, can you please identify with specificity the names, mailing addresses, physical addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of individuals and/or entities with such Recordings and a description of the Recordings? ANSWER: 9. Identify all communications between you and construction professionals (including architects, engineers, the general contractor and/or any subcontractor) that concern the sewer drain connection at 299 Aquarius Concourse, Orange Park, FL 32073-2401, or any sewer blockage or backup at that location. ANSWER: 10. Describe in detail how the incident described in the Complaint happened, including all actions taken by you to prevent the incident. ANSWER: 11.Describe in detail each act or omission on the part of anyone or any entity that you contend constituted negligence that was a contributing legal cause of the incident described in Plaintiff's Complaint. ANSWER: 12. Have you heard or do you know about any statement or remark made by or on behalf of any party to this lawsuit, other than yourself, concerning any issue in this lawsuit? If so, state the name and address of each person who made the statement or statements, the name and address of each person who heard it, and the date, time, place and substance of each statement. ANSWER: 13. Do you intend to call any expert witnesses at the trial of this case? If so, state as to each such witness the name and business address of the witness, the witness's qualifications as an expert, the subject matter upon which the witness is expected to testify, the substance of the facts and opinions to which the witness is expected to testify, and a summary of the grounds for each opinion. ANSWER: 14. Have you made an agreement with anyone that would limit that party's liability to anyone for any of the damages sued upon in this case? If so, state the terms of the agreement and the parties to it. ANSWER: 15. If you contend that there were deviations from the plans and specifications that caused or contributed to cause the damages, about which Plaintiffs seek recovery, generally describe those deviations from the plans and specifications and state to whom each deviation is attributed. ANSWER: 16. If you allege that Plaintiff failed to perform any pre-suit conditions precedent to this action, describe this in detail and state all facts you contend support that allegation, and any notices that you provided to Plaintiff or its agents relating to your contention that the condition precedent was not complied with. ANSWER: Lois Smith v. Clay County VERIFICATION OF ANSWERS TO INTERROGATORIES STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF On this day before me, the undersigned authority duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to administer oaths,personally appeared ,who is personally known to me or who has produced sufficient identification in the form of and who did take an oath and says that he has read the foregoing Interrogatory answers and that the matters and things contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge, information, and belief, and subscribes his/her name hereto in certification thereof. For Defendant Clay County Utility Authority SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this day of , 2024. Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires NOTARY SEAL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 2023-CA-1593 LIBERTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY a/s/o LOIS SMITH, Plaintiff, v. CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY and INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, LLC, Defendants. PLAINTIFF'S REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION Plaintiff, LIBERTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY a/s/o LOIS SMITH, (Hereinafter either "Plaintiff', or "Liberty Mutual") by and through its undersigned counsel, pursuant to the applicable Rules of CivilProcedure, hereby requests that the Defendant CLAY COUNT Y UTILITY AUTHORITY produce for inspection and/or copying within thirty days of service of this Request, the following: Definitions: "Connection" as used herein shall refer to the connection between the residence and the Defendants sewage waste lines. "incident" as used herein shall refer to the work performed by the Defendant connecting the subject property to Defendant's lines, or the sewage backup that occurred in May of 2021 after the connection was placed in service. "subject property" shall refer to 299 Aquarius Concourse, Orange Park, FL 1 All communications, notices, correspondence, emails, voicemails between the Defendant Clay County Utility Authority, and Lois Smith, her attorneys agents or representatives, relating in any way to the incident described in Plaintiff's Complaint. 2. All communications, notices, correspondence, emails, voicemails between the Defendant Clay County Utility Authority, and Plaintiff, its attorneys', agents or representatives, that relate in any way to the incident described in Plaintiff's Complaint. 3. All Contracts, accepted bids, agreements, work orders or other similar documents relating to any scope of work or materials provided in 2021 by or on behalf of the Clay County Utility Authority on or adjacent to the property that is the subject of this action. 4. All contracts or agreements with any entities to perform work related to connecting or reconnecting sewage drain lines at the subject property in 2021. 5 All photographs, videos, or other documents depicting the connections that are the subject of this litigation, or the damages to the subject property. 6. All communications between the Defendants relating to any work performed at the subject property in April or May of 2021. 7. Copies of any complaints from any residences or properties relating to sewage backup arising from work performed as part of the contract between the Defendants for system improvements being performed in 2021. Law Office of J. Christopher Norris PO Box 7217 London, KY 40742 Telephone: 904-346-5422 Attorney for Liberty Mutual ia c-- JEFFREY SNEED, FBN#593450 Primary E-mail (eservice only): JacksonvilleLegalMail@LibertyMutual.com Secondary E-mail: Jeffrey.Sneed@libertymutual.com