HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.b EDB Potable Reuse Project with Carollo Executive Summary AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement (SA) No. 7 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No 3 with Carollo Engineers, Inc. (Carollo) to Provide Pilot Operation and Testing Support Services for the Potable Reuse Demonstration Project. Project Number: 3019-001 Financial Job Number: 20022WL Date:March 1, 2024 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff requests approval of SA No. 7 for Carollo to provide Pilot Operation and Testing Support Services for the Potable Reuse Demonstration Project. CCUA engaged Carollo for different assignments including design, construction administration, and public messaging support services for these facilities in SA No 3. Staff recommended and The Board of Supervisors awarded the construction contract to Wharton Smith Contractors on August 19, 2022. Wharton Smith is nearly complete with construction. CCUA will enter into an operational phase to operate and test for twelve (12) months. We will secure water quality results to demonstrate performance compliance with current permitting standards. Carollo will also support CCUA by providing operator training on the new equipment. We provide a detailed breakdown of work tasks in Exhibit B of the Basis of Fee Estimate. Key components of the work are summarized below: • Pilot plant operations and continuous technical support to meet objectives. • Coordination of sampling for commercial laboratory analyses to demonstrate whether the facility can comply with current FDEP permitting philosophy for carbon based potable reuse systems. CCUA will contract separately with commercial laboratories to provide these required laboratory analyses. • Onsite Water Quality Testing and Total Organic Carbon characterization(TOC-C). Carollo will operate a small onsite laboratory for typical water quality tests and will contract directly for specialized TOC-C testing. The only known supplier for this specialized testing is Water-Arc. • Operator Training: Carollo will train approximately 7 CCUA staff to ensure CCUA is proficient in operating this type of system and provide standard operations protocols(SOPs) to be used by CCUA staff • Quarterly and final reporting, including two special update meetings to collaborate with FDEP permitting staff on the project's progress. As part of the commissioning process, staff will begin pumping reclaimed water to the biofilter by mid- March to acclimate the biofilter. We expect the operational testing phase to commence on or before June 1,2024.We will determine this date based upon the biofilter acclimation. We expect the scope of work to take approximately 16 months following acclimation: 12 months of detailed demonstration testing with quarterly reports occurring at approximately months 5, 8, and 11, and four months to complete reporting. The compensation schedule for this work is shown below in Table 1. The compensation schedule includes Lump Sum terms for Project Management and Pilot System Operation and Testing, and Not to Exceed terms for Water Quality Lab Analysis and Contingency. Table 1 Compensation Terms and Task Budgets—Pilot Operation and Testing Support Task Compensation Budget Terms Task 1 —Project Management Lump Sum $39,420 Task 2—Pilot System Operation and Testing Lump Sum $399,365 Task 3 —Water Quality Lab Analysis Not to Exceed $33,190 Contingency Not to Exceed $23,458 TOTAL $495,433 BUDGET: Staff budgeted$6.769M for this project. Total project expenditures are anticipated to be $6.562M at the completion of this demonstration phase,which is within the planned budget for this project effort. CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing contract. The estimated cost for this work does not exceed $500,000. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement for the professional services at a compensation which the agency determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 7 with Carollo to provide Pilot Operation and Testing Support Services for the Potable Reuse Demonstration Project. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 7 Basis of Fee Estimate Supplemental Agreement No. 7 to Professional Engineering Services Agreement 18/19 No. 3 with Carollo Engineers,Inc to provide Pilot Operation and Testing Support Services for the Potable Reuse Demonstration Project. CCUA Project No. 3019-001 Engineer: Jason Assouline Owner: Clay County Carollo Engineering, Inc Utility Authority 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1400 Orlando, FL, 32801 Date: March 5, 2024 Item: Description of Services: Provide professional engineering services as requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Task 1 Project Management $39,420 Task 2 Pilot System Operation and Testing $399,365 -_Task 3 Water Quality Lab Analysis $33,190 Contingency $23,458 Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $495,433 The Contract time shall commence on February 20, 2024. This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: Jason Assouline Carollo Engineering, Inc Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY ALTERNATIVE WATER SUPPLY— POTABLE REUSE PILOT OPERATION AND TESTING SUPPORT RFQ 18/19 No.3 I Supplemental Agreement No.: 7 BASIS OF FEE ESTIMATE February 26, 2024 1 Exhibit A CCUA Potable Reuse Project Pilot Operation and Testing Support Basis of Fee Estimate Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) is investigating potable reuse as an alternative water supply solution.As part of this potable reuse project, a pilot facility consisting of carbon-based advanced treatment(CBAT) processes is under construction at the Mid-Clay Regional Water Reclamation Facility(MCRWRF) site. The purpose of this document is to outline the scope of work and provide corresponding professional service fee estimates based on the level of effort required by Carollo Engineers, Inc. (CONSULTANT)to operate the pilot and provide technical support and assistance over the course of pilot system operation and testing. I. SCOPE SUMMARY TASK 1 — Project Management Task 1.1 — Project Coordination CONSULTANT will provide overall coordination of the team during construction and will provide monthly invoices to CCUA reporting budget status. Task 1.2 — Progress Meetings Over the course of pilot operation (14 months), CONSULTANT will participate in bi-weekly progress meetings with CCUA to provide updates as available.These bi-weekly progress meetings will coincide with CONSULTANT's weekly site visits as described in Task 2.1. TASK 2 — Pilot System Operation and Testing Task 2.1— Pilot Operation and Operations Assistance • Over the course of pilot operation and testing, CONSULTANT will operate the pilot and provide CCUA's staff and/or operators with continuous technical support and assistance so that all pilot testing objectives that are prescribed in the Plan of Study are met. • CONSULTANT will perform site visits to the pilot based on the following schedule: o Quarter 1: Carollo staff will operate the pilot full-time. o Quarter 2: Carollo staff will operate the pilot 75%of the time, with CCUA operators performing visits on days Carollo staff is not on site. It is anticipated that Carollo staff will be on-site 3-4 days per week during this period. o Quarter 3: Carollo staff will operate the pilot 50%of the time (2-3 days per week),with CCUA operators covering the remaining time. 2 o Quarter 4: Carollo staff will operate the pilot 25%of the time (1 day per week), with CCUA operators covering the remaining time. • CONSULTANT will attend to pilot system failures or shutdowns and assist the CCUA staff with pilot system troubleshooting to allow continuous pilot operation. • CONSULTANT will develop daily data log sheets to use during daily pilot checks completed by operators (both Carollo and CCUA)to monitor performance. • CONSULTANT will develop a data tracking and manipulation tool using Microsoft Azure resources and report daily trends on a Power BI dashboard. Task 2.2 —Water Quality Sampling for the Demonstration of Regulatory Compliance • CONSULTANT will perform water quality sampling at the pilot facility based on the sampling matrix(including list of contaminants, sampling locations, and sampling frequency) determined in the Plan of Study to assess CBAT performance and demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements. • CONSULTANT will coordinate with the external analytical laboratory service to secure sampling supplies and return collected samples to the external laboratories for analysis each month. • CONSULTANT will consolidate data received from the external analytical laboratory service(s) in a spreadsheet that summarizes the water quality sampling results. Task 2.3 —Special Sampling In this task, CONSULTANT will conduct additional grab sampling during pilot operation to: • Optimize treatment process performance. • Perform ozone demand tests in the field at varying ozone to TOC ratios to identify ozone doses at which maximum assimilable organic carbon is formed without bromate formation, and monitor water quality changes. • Perform total organic carbon (TOC) characterization tests at Water ARC®to measure the recalcitrant portion of TOC, not expected to be removed via treatment,to set treatment goals for the biofilter and granular activated carbon (GAC) processes. Sampling locations are expected to include the feed water, biofilter filtrate, and GAC filtrate,for two feed waters (chlorinated and unchlorinated MCRWRF effluent) and may change during testing. • Obtain media samples for the biofilters to assess acclimation using field adenosine triphosphate measurement kits. • Calibrate water quality monitoring sensors using water quality data that are collected at the same sampling locations. Task 2.4—Operator Training • CONSULTANT will develop brief written pilot standard operating protocols (SOPs)to be used by the CCUA's staff during pilot operation. • CONSULTANT will provide CCUA staff and/or operators with up to two training sessions on advanced treatment process operation (e.g., ozone generation and contact system operation, biofilter and GAC contactor backwashing, UV system operation, etc.). 3 Task 2.5— Routine Reporting • CONSULTANT will develop three (3) quarterly progress meeting slides, summarizing pilot testing progress and key findings for each quarter in simple graphs and tables using Microsoft PowerPoint.These findings will be reported in brief memos highlighting the key findings of each quarter. • CONSULTANT will submit all three (3) Microsoft PowerPoint files and accompanying brief memos to CCUA for review and record keeping. Task 2.6— FDEP Reporting • CONSULTANT will prepare for and participate in up to two (2) update meetings with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).The first meeting will occur at the project midpoint, and the second upon completion of operations. • Meetings with FDEP will be conducted virtually on a platform like Microsoft Teams. • CONSULTANT will prepare Microsoft PowerPoint slides and provide meeting minutes. Task 2.7— Final Reporting • CONSULTANT will develop a pilot test report, documenting pilot testing conducted, testing results, conclusions, and recommendations. • CONSULTANT will submit a draft report to CCUA for review and comment within four(4) weeks of receiving all water quality sampling data from external laboratories. • CONSULTANT will schedule and attend a workshop with CCUA to review the pilot test report. • CONSULTANT will finalize the pilot test report within two (2)weeks upon the receipt of review comments from CCUA. Task 2.8— FDEP Revised Rule Related Pathogen and Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring and Assessment Pathogen Sampling and Quantitative Microbial Risk Analysis(QMRA) The FDEP is currently revising potable reuse rules. These rules are anticipated to be finalized in 2025, after the operation of this pilot is complete. Based on FDEP input,Task 3 addresses additional sampling identified in a gap analysis performed by FDEP staff in January 2024. • According to the state of Florida's DRAFT Drinking Water Standards, Monitoring, and Reporting Rules Chapter 62-550.817, public water systems using potable reuse are required to install and properly operate filtration and disinfection water treatment processes to reliably achieve 10-, 10-, and 12-log removal or inactivation of Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium oocysts, and viruses, respectively, in combination of the wastewater treatment facility and the drinking water facility. Alternatively, suppliers of water using potable reuse may conduct site-specific pathogen sampling of raw wastewater, reclaimed water, or treated wastewater for a minimum of 24 samples over a period of at least 12 months or more to characterize the occurrence of Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium oocysts, and viruses prior to the proposed treatment. FDEP performed a gap analysis in January 2024, and concluded that sampling raw wastewater will not be required for this project. 4 • Based on pilot testing results (e.g., LRVs achievable by ozone-biologically active filtration, ultrafiltration, and UV disinfection processes), alternative log-reduction or inactivation requirements for Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium oocysts, and viruses might be proposed. In response, CONSULTANT will revise the existing sampling plan in the previously completed Plan of Study to accommodate a total of 24 samples (resulting in 12 additional sampling events on the reclaimed water and advanced treated water) to characterize the occurrence of Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium oocysts, and viruses along with a quantitative microbial risk analysis (QMRA) report to be utilized for the application of site-specific log-reduction or inactivation requirements. • CONSULTANT will prepare the following components: o A log-normal probability plot of the measured pathogen concentration data for each pathogen in reclaimed water, including non-detect results. o A description of the QMRA methodology, including pathogen concentration distributions, application of Monte Carlo methods, concentration-infectivity functions, and simulation of prospective whole number pathogen log-reductions. o A QMRA identifying the required pathogen log-reductions for the site-specific pathogen distributions to reduce the combined health risk of acute gastroenteritis for consumers drinking the water to less than 1 in 10,000 annually. o A brief report summarizing approach and findings of the QMRA. It is assumed that the additional samples will be collected on days when CONSULTANT is already on-site for routine operations. Additional Source Water Monitoring for Unregulated Chemical Contaminants • According to FDEP's DRAFT Permitting, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Public Water Systems Rules Chapter 62-555.317, a source water evaluation shall be submitted in support of permit applications for any potable reuse projects.A source water evaluation should consist of the following two components: o A twelve (12)-month evaluation of constituents in the wastewater that may be difficult to remove or are precursors to disinfection byproduct formation. o Constituents believed present that are listed in 40 CFR Part 122,Appendix D (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Testing Requirements), in addition to the primary and secondary drinking water standards. • CONSULTANT will develop a sampling plan that will include a list of sampling parameters that are required by the source water evaluation but are beyond what have been monitored in the reclaimed water from MCRWRF under the completed source water characterization program. • CONSULTANT will submit the updated sampling plan for CCUA's review. A one-hour review meeting will be arranged if necessary to discuss the additional sampling requirements for unregulated contaminants. • CONSULTANT will integrate this sampling plan for additional unregulated contaminants into the monthly water quality sampling during pilot operation as described in Tasks 2.2 and 2.3. 5 TASK 3 —Water Quality Testing Water quality samples collected for TOC characterization and disinfection byproduct simulated distribution tests will be analyzed by Water ARC®, an applied research laboratories. CONSULTANT will purchase bench-scale and hand-held instruments required for daily water quality monitoring, and order consumables like reagents, calibrating, and cleaning solutions, as needed.These costs will be included in monthly invoices submitted to CCUA by CONSULTANT. CONTINGENCY Due to the uncertain nature of rulemaking and potential impacts to the scope of services in Task 1-2, a project contingency has been included to address additional services identified during the project. CONSULTANT will identify the need to use contingency funds and discuss with CCUA. CCUA authorization will be required before using contingency funds. II. PROJECT SCHEDULE The pilot operation period is extended to occur over eighteen (18) months from Notice to Proceed (NTP), broken down as follows. Activity Description of Milestone Months from NTP to No. Completion of Milestone 1. Biofilter Acclimation 2 2. Quarterly Data Report#1 5 3. Quarterly Data Report#2 8 4. Quarterly Data Report#3 11 5. 12-Month Pilot Operation 14 6. Draft Report Submittal 17(1) 7. Final Report Submittal 18 (1)Accounts for expected turnaround times for water quality date from external laboratories. III. PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS • Pilot operation will occur over 12 months for regulatory testing chlorinated and/or unchlorinated tertiary effluent. • CCUA staff will perform daily checks of the pilot facility to complete daily data logs, verify equipment status, check operational setpoints, leaks or faults, and overall walk-through of the facility. • CCUA staff will periodically conduct walk throughs of the facility(increasing in frequency over the course of piloting period) and will inform the CONSULTANT of unexpected errors recorded during daily checks immediately to either receive remote assistance on resolving the issue or inform the CONSULTANT of the need to visit the site outside of routine visits. • CCUA will provide access to pilot site and source water pump site as needed. 6 • CCUA will pay the cost of analysis of water quality samples performed by laboratories will be invoiced at cost. CONSULTANT will assist with providing information on vendors, required analytical methods, item description, as needed. • CONSULTANT will purchase consumables such as chemicals, reagents, calibration standards, tubing, and replacement parts required during pilot operations. • CONSULTANT has no control over changes in the cost of consumables, or lead time for lab reporting, but has budgeted them at current(2024) rates. • Repairs or replacement parts under warranty will be addressed through the contractor (Wharton-Smith), and CONSULTANT will support related activities, as needed. III. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES Compensation for the scope of services described herein is summarized in Table 1.The total compensation for this service agreement based on billing rates provided in continuing services agreement between CONSULTANT and CCUA under Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Services RFQ 18/19 No.3 will be as follows: • Task 1 and Task 2 services will be billed on a lump sum basis for a fixed fee of$438,785. • Task 3 services will be billed on a fee-not-to-exceed basis with a maximum task budget cap of$33,190. • Contingency, if used, will be billed on a fee-not-to-exceed basis with a maximum budget cap of$23,458. Contingency use will require CCUA authorization. Services and expenses will be billed monthly.This fee estimate was developed from the detailed breakdown of labor and other direct costs presented in Table 1 below and Exhibit B. Table 1 Compensation Terms and Task Budgets—Pilot Operation and Testing Support Task Compensation Terms Budget Task 1—Project Management Lump Sum $39,420 Task 2—Pilot System Operation and Testing Lump Sum $399,365 Task 3—Water Quality Testing Not to Exceed $33,190 Contingency Not to Exceed $23,458 TOTAL $495,433 7 Exhibit B PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DETAILED FEE 8 Clay County Utility Authority Potable Reuse Pilot-Operation and Testing Support COrc r j%jV LABOR AND BUDGET ESTIMATE 02/26/2024 Labor Hours and Cost Subconsultants Other Direct Project Costs = N a u a a To To a Travel c a a a a a u d Carollo Contract Total Other Compensation o •o o o o o o Hours Labor Labs Subconsultant Related ODCs Total ODCs Terms Total `oa a 0 u 2 in 6 y o -2 ODCs Task • a w ? 5 dw O a' 5 ? 0 O O O y O O -isNo. Task Description u) a J CL a a a ¢a 3Ct $259.87 $231.52 $182.69 $146.47 $122.85 $108.67 $75.60 Total Total ikw 1 1.0 Project Management 1.1 Project Coordination 8 36 4 48 $8,958 $0 $0 $500 $696 $1,196 Lump Sum $10,154 1.2 Progress Meetings 26 39 52 26 143 $24.692 $Q 2 500 2 074 2,14 Lump Sum $29.266 Task 1.0 Totals= 34 0 75 52 26 0 4 191 $33,650 $0 $0 $3,000 $2,770 $5,770 Lump Sum $39,420 2.0 Pilot System Operation and Testing 2 1 Technical Support and Assistance with Pilot 24 8 336 856 1,224 $194,851 $0 $0 $13,051 $23,748 $36,799 Lump Sum $231,650 Operations and Testing 2.2 Monthly Water Quality Sampling 20 96 96 212 $29,509 $0 $0 $218 $3,074 $3,292 Lump Sum $32,800 2.3 Special Sampling 88 88 176 $23,700 $0 $0 $218 $2,552 $2,770 Lump Sum $26,470 2.4 Operator Training 8 8 120 136 $21,117 $0 $0 $1,299 $1,972 $3,271 Lump Sum $24,388 2.5 Quarterly Reporting 18 4 24 48 24 24 12 154 $23,483 $0 $0 $435 $2,233 $2,668 Lump Sum $26,151 2.6 FDEP Reporting 2 4 10 16 $2,715 $0 $0 $0 $232 $232 Lump Sum $2,947 2.7 Final Reporting 32 8 40 60 60 12 212 $34,939 $0 $0 $1,635 $3,074 $4,709 Lump Sum $39,648 FDEP Revised Rule Related Pathogen and 2.8 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring and 16 16 48 4 84 $14,093 $0 $0 $0 $1,218 $1,218 Lump Sum $15,311 Assessment Task 2.0 Totals= 84 36 448 1,326 268 40 12 2,214 $344,406 $0 $0 $16,856 $38,103 $54,959 __ Lump Sum $399,365 3.0 Water Quality Testing $0 $33,190 $33,190 $0 $0 $0 Not to Exceed $33,190 Contingency(Pilot Operations Related) 74 16 90 $22,153 $0 $0 $0 $1,305 $1,305 Not to Exceed $23,458 Project Totals= 192 1 36 539 1,378 294 40 16 2,495 $400,210 r$33,190 $33,190 $19,856 $42,178 $62,034 $495,433 9