HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.d EDB RFQ 23-24-A06 Roofing Services Revised Final EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Recommended Selection of the Roofing Services
Date: March 29, 2024
Staff requests the Board of Supervisors to approve the continuing contracts for RFQ#2023/2024-
A06 Roofing Services. The implementation of a continuing contract for roofing services will
ensure the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of CCUA's infrastructure. All of CCUA's roofing
systems are a critical component in maintaining the integrity of our operations and protecting
CCUA's assets. After careful consideration and evaluation of various options, establishing a
continuing contract with reputable service providers is the most prudent course of action. This
approach will not only streamline the procurement process but also guarantee timely and
professional maintenance and repair services when necessary. Scope and fee for each project shall
be mutually negotiated with the Contractor and CCUA and executed through Board of Supervisors
approved Supplemental Agreements.
Staff advertised the project on CCUA's Bonfire Procurement Platform and the Florida Times-
Union on December 10, 2023, and December 22, 2023, for firms interested in providing a variety
of Roofing Services on an as-needed basis.
On February 1, 2024, staff received four (4) responses to the RFQ, which were evaluated and
scored by the project evaluation committee. Listed below is the ranked shortlist of the overall
Ranked List
Advanced Roofing, Inc. 86.67
Mike Boucher Roofing 84
Professional Roof Systems 81
Blackstone Roofing 70
The Facilities Department budgeted $130,000 for Roofing Services projects in FY 2023/2024.
Staff respectfully recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the ranked list and authorize the
negotiation and execution of a contract with Advanced Roofing, Inc., Mike Boucher Roofing,
Professional Roof Systems, and Blackstone Roofing. In addition, staff respectfully requests
approval of the attached Bid Opening Minutes.
Florida Times-Union Advertisement
Pre-Submission Meeting Attendance List
Submission Closing Attendance List
Project Scoring Summary
FLORIDA PO Box 631244 Cincinnati, OH 45263-1244
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority
(CCUA), Clay County, Florida, will
Accounts Payable be accepting sealed Statements of
Clay County UtilityAuth Qualifications (SOQs) for RFQ#
3176 Old Jennings RD 23/24-A06 Roofing Services which
gwill be received until 2:00 P.M.
Middleburg FL 32068-3907 (EST), February 1,2024.
The complete Solicitation package
can be obtained by visiting:
STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY OF BROWN rtal/?tab-openOpportunities.
Submissions must be posted to the
CCUA Bonfire Procurement Portal
located at
Before the undersigned authoritypersonallyappeared,who Hord-copies willlty. be https://clayutilIty.bonfirehub.com.
g pp Hard-copies not be accepted.
on oath says that he or she is the Legal Coordinator of The CCUA is seeking letters of interest
and statements of qualifications
Florida Times-Union, published in Duval and Clay Counties, (SOQ) from consultants interested
in providing Roofing Services.
Florida;that the attached copy of advertisement, being a A Pre-Submission Meeting will be
Govt Bids& Proposals, was published on the publicly held on Thursday January 4, 2024,
at 11:00 A.M. (EST) at the following
accessible website of Duval and Clay Counties, Florida, or in location:
a newspaper by print in the issues of, on: CCUA Boardroom
3176 Old Jennings Road
Middleburg, Florida 32068
All questions or concerns regarding
this Solicitation must be submitted
Affiant further says that the website or newspaper complies on the CCUA Bonfire Procurement
with all legal requirements for publication in chapter 50, https://clayutilitv.bonfirehub.com
prior to 5:00 P.M. (EST) on Thurs-
Florida Statutes. day, January 11, 2024. Late ques-
tionsSubscribed and sworn to before me, bythe legal clerk, who may be. All responsesered a the discre-
Subscribed g Lion of CCUA. All to ques-
tionsis personally kn wn to me, on 12/22/2023 will be uploaded to the Portal
and issued in an Addendum on
Thursday, January 18,2024.
CCUA reserves the right to change
the time and date of the Pre-Submis-
sion Meeting, the Bid Due Date and
Legs erk Time, to waive formalities in any
\ 1 ,\ solicitation, to reject any or all
J��/ submittals with or without cause,
and/or to accept the submittal or
Notary,State of WI,County of Brown zfo any portion thereof that, in CCUA's
sole and absolute iudgment, will be
in the best interest CCUA.
My commision expires 12/22/2023
Publication Cost: $97.35
Order No: 9652059 #of Copies:
Customer No: 759750 1
PO#: 24-42136
Please do not use this form for payment remittance.
Notary Public
State of Wisconsin
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Roofing Services
CCUA RFQ No. 23/24-A06
Date: January 4, 2024
Name Company Email/Phone Number
Angelia WilsongfP Clay County Utility Authority awilson(a�clavutility.orq
Darryl Muse Clay County Utility Authority dmuse(a,clayutility.orq
QLL'p dyeef-ke( 0,1ellAt
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Roofing Services
CCUA RFQ No. 23/24-A06
Date: February 1, 2024
Company Email/Phone Number
Angelia Wilson Clay County Utility Authority awilson@clayutility.org
RFQ#2023/2024-A06 - Roofing Services
Scoring Summary
Active Submissions
Drug Free Non-Disclosure
Professional Staff Availability/Respons Experience and Past Acknowledgement Non-Collusion Agreement for Public Entities Public Records State of Florida
Total Experience e Time Performance of Addenda Conflict of Interest Workplace Affidavit Confidential Crime Statement Compliance Business
Compliance Form Materials
Supplier /100 pts /30 pts /30 pts /40 pts Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail
Mike Boucher Roofing 86.67 26.67 25 35 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Advanced Roofing, 84 25 24 35 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Professional Roof 81 26.33 21.67 33 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Blackstone Roofing 70 23.33 21.67 25 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Generated on Feb 28,2024 3:33 PM EST-Angelis Wilson
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